September 14, 2020

Trump is up for Joe Rogan's offer to host 4-hour debate. Is Biden?


mccullough said...

Biden can’t make it through an interview with Charlamagne Tha God

Yancey Ward said...

Biden can't stay awake for 4 hours.

Donald said...

A four-hour show hosted by Joe Rogan. That's a lot for Rogan to prep for: will he make Trump and Biden eat spiders, or lie down in a coffin full of snakes?

Sad that this is the circus that American politics has become.

Leland said...

I don't.

But I neither listen to Joe Rogan nor politicians talk, so I don't think I'm the audience. If there must be debates though; then I prefer this model over giving CNN, MSNBC, or ABC, NBC, CBS, or NPR free publicity and content by allowing those partisan propaganda organizations the right to moderate a debate.

Lexington Green said...

Biden could not survive. But it would be cool.

If Biden refuses, Trump should go on Rogan one on one.

TML said...

Oh yeah, 100% yes. And not because I think Trump will "win." It's because it will be equally treacherous for both of them.

MadisonMan said...

That would be interesting, and perhaps revealing. I suspect Biden won't agree.

rhhardin said...

Of course Trump is up for it. Four hours of comedy gold, is Trump's view.

Biden should decline even if his brain were working. At best he'd be Trump's straight-man.

Drago said...

How long until the democraticals and LLR-lefties claim Joe Rogan is colluding with Putin?

I'd give it another 37 minutes.

minnesota farm guy said...

No way in hell is Biden going to do this. If what people are saying about the side effects of the dementia medicine he is purported to be taking he'll have to have someone change his diaper. Of course, on top of that his dementia is far enough advanced that there is no way he can concentrate for 4 hours. I continue to be shocked that 1. his wife continues to go along with this farce and 2. there are rational people in this country who actually believe he is capable of performing the tasks of President. Might as well run up a white flag, stack arms and walk out of the fort.

Bay Area Guy said...

The odds of Biden accepting this debate are on par with odds of my getting fellated by Salma Hayek this evening.

I'm Full of Soup said...

How great would this be? Just to stick it too ll the swamp members and the formal presidential election commissions and the "non-partisan" League of Women Voters and last but not least the mainstream media.

If it happened, Trump will have torn down many of the rotted, useless standards of so-called "presidential" convention and behavior.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Biden going 4 hours for anything is dubious.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I'd be interested to see the parameters and protocols. The podcast would absolutely require video in my opinion. It's the only way to make sure Trump is being fed answers by his campaign staff. End of sentence.

Nonapod said...

4 hours is way too long though. On hour 3 Joe would be like "Hey, did either of you guys see that video of a tiger chasing a dude on a moterbike? Jamie, bring that shit up"

pchuck1966 said...

Guess who doesn't- "Dr." Jill Biden's husband.

michaele said...

Now that would be something to see...the ratings would be through the roof. And I feel Joe Rogan would be an equal opportunity needler of each candidates weaknesses.

FullMoon said...

Pay View,split money, goes to police and military widows and orphans and BLM.. Not over twenty bucks, though.

Gahrie said...

It'll never happen.

Gahrie said...

Trump should go on Rogan even if Biden doesn't.

Robt C said...

I'm all for it. The format would be clutter-free with no distractions. (And no teleprompters) But four hours is too long, even for political junkies.

walter said...

Rogan wants to see Joe do push-ups.

Joe Smith said...

Would be ratings gold...

But Trump would need a couple of bathroom breaks for the 8 or ten Diet Cokes he'd be drinking, while Joe would sit there high and dry in his absorbent pads...

Not fair!!

john said...

Excellent. Joe has been known to go for 5 hours if the drugs and alcohol are sufficient.

JMW Turner said...

Biden's a scaredy cat. Or his handlers who dwell behind the curtain, which would make them the scaredy power behind the scaredy cat...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Rogan might be just the Deus ex Machina the anti-capitalist Left needs to get rid of Biden before the election.

libertariansafetyguy said...

Both campaigns would have to break they’re contract with the Commission on Presidential Debates, which prohibits the candidates from doing any appearances together unless at an official CPD event.

john said...

Wow. Bay area guy has a date with Salma Hayek tonite. Some guys have all the luck.

Lyle Smith said...

Donald... you need to watch or listen Joe Rogan's podcast. If you think this is a step down for politics in American, you're fooling yourself.

john said...

Will Joe be allowed to say "fuckin" and "bullshit"?

Readering said...

I need to get through all the Trump Woodward tapes first.

JAFC said...

"The odds of Biden accepting this debate are on par with odds of my getting fellated by Salma Hayek this evening."

So you're saying there's a chance.

stevew said...

I don't watch presidential debates, but I would watch this one.

Unknown said...

Trump should sell it as reaching a younger audience, one that doesn't watch tv.

James Graham said...

Two hours tops.

Four is ridiculous.

Wince said...

The important thing here is who listens to Rogan's podcast.

I assume many young independents, libertarians and less committed Bernie people.

Both Trump and Biden need those votes. Trump got some of them last time.

Will probably cost Biden to refuse, especially of the network debates are a sham and Rogan points that out.

dbp said...

This would be a great format!

Another one that I think would be illustrative, would be for the two gentlemen to walk an 18 hole round of golf and just talk with each other.

It could be the usual; pleasantries, small talk and opinions on the world--normal golf-talk.
What better opportunity could there for getting to know these two?

JMW Turner said...

Hmmm, fellatio by Salma Hayek, or enduring two hours of Trump running rings around a confused and lying, dog faced, pony soldier... decisions, decisions!

rcocean said...

Biden will agree. If:

1) Its held at Biden's home
2) Trump wears a mask
3) Biden can use a teleprompter
4) There is no math.

John henry said...

Joe Smith,

I used to teach collective bargaining. One of the secrets I learned was that in labor negotiations the first to ask for a bathroom break gives up a lot of power. I read stories about negotiators who could sit at the table for 10-12 hours at a stretch. Drinking cup after cup of coffee.

The secret is a condom like thing quoth a tube running to a bag strapped to one's ankle.

PDJT has spent his life negotiating. I suspect he knows all about this.

John Henry

rcocean said...

Seriously, Biden can't go 30 minutes without a script. If he had to talk for 4 hours without a teleprompter, he'd either pass out, walk out, or start crying.

John henry said...

I'd pay $20 to see pdjt on rogan with or without Biden.

I can't imagine Biden debating on Rogan or anywhere else, though.

John Henry

mezzrow said...

If Trump went on Rogan and they talked for four hours about why Joe Biden won't come on and talk with them (among other things) what would America be talking about the next day?

If Biden actually shows up, so much the better. What does Biden do after Trump says he'll go on Rogan whether Biden shows or not?

"I love Austin. Wonderful people, tremendous barbecue." They can talk over things while they sit there and eat some good brisket.

Todd said...

There is NO WAY on God's green earth that Biden is going within 100 miles of that studio. He will grow wings and fly around DC under his own power before he does a 4 hour debate with Trump while Rogan moderates.

Dave Begley said...


Readering said...

Trump negotiating this could be practice for negotiating third term.

bagoh20 said...

Rogan would do a far better job than the "journalist" charades we usually do, because it's so absolutely terrible, biased and really silly as is. They way we do now has no depth, no real exploration. It's all just setups and sound bites. Rogan is a little left for me, but still more fair than anyone they usually get asking the questions.

Why are the debates never moderated by a journalist with a known right wing bias? They are always done by left of center people, who can't resist tipping the scale. Remember Cindy Crowley? There is plenty of evidence that nobody from CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, or NPR can be unbiased, especially with Trump. While FOX is usually biased toward the President, there are people there who can play it down the middle, people who never participated in any ridiculous witch hunt bullshit against either candidate. Nobody at those other networks can meet that simple obvious standard.

Todd said...

Donald said...

Sad that this is the circus that American politics has become.

9/14/20, 1:25 PM

Have you ever watched Rogan's pod casts? He is more professional and asked better questions that 98% of the "professional" journalists out there. He [at least give the impression] that he wants to learn/understand. He does not condense to his guests and he does not [as far as I have seen] spring the "got ya" on them. If more TV followed Rogen, the public would be better informed.

Readering said...

Trump negotiating this could be practice for negotiating third term.

Birkel said...

Trump banned Chinese made slave labor products.

Biden/Obama never did that.
Biden would never upset Hubter's paymasters like that.

The Strippers and the Coke must flow freely!!

Debate that, Joe!

Birkel said...

Congrats on the BJ, BAG!

Clyde said...

Biden, four hours unscripted? As if! But I'd love to see it.

Narayanan said...

I do : Is Trump taking a husband?

Jim Gust said...

I am surprised that Joe hasn't backed out of the Presidential debates yet. I thought he would have done that by now, given all the MSM articles demanding no debates. Maybe he's waiting for some news development to hang it on.

But when Joe backs out, Trump should definitely take up Rogan's offer.

Nichevo said...

Bay Area Guy said...
The odds of Biden accepting this debate are on par with odds of my getting fellated by Salma Hayek this evening.

Rooting for you buddy!

donald said...

The Biden campaign wants nothing to do with a guy who is sympathetic to his cause.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

mccullough said...

Biden can’t make it through an interview with Charlamagne Tha God

Joe uses a teleprompter when he takes softballs from the press. There's no way he'd last 10 seconds, much less 4 hours.

JaimeRoberto said...

I think this is what Scott Adams calls picking up free money. Trump knows Biden won't accept, so he risks nothing by agreeing to it.

doctrev said...

Trump should debate on Joe Rogan... against Kanye West. Biden doesn't dare go up against anyone on Rogan, not even Rogan himself. The results would not only destroy the Rat Party, but also the treacherous Committee on Presidential Debates.

alan markus said...

@ Joe Smith: while Joe would sit there high and dry in his absorbent pads...

Now We Know Why Hillary Clinton Was Late Returning to the Debate Stage - Late After Refusing to Share Bathroom

Jaq said...

There is way more than four hours worth of material having to do with the job of POTUS. If you don’t have four hours in you on this. subject, you aren’t up to the job.

Drago said...

Today, Dementia Joe floated in and out of consciousness to claim that if we reelect Obama-Biden, things will get better.

At some point you just wonder how far the democraticals are willing to go with this charade.

Drago said...

Settle For Biden....!!!...I think....maybe....well...whatever...

Sara D said...

Sorry, off topic. I just saw this at Mail Online, the female deputy, bleeding from her face, calling for help and assisting her injured partner. Incredible photos

James L. Salmon said...

Joe Rogan really does a great job as an interviewer.
Personally I think this would be a fantastic and revealing four hour conversation ... between Rogan and Trump. Hidden Biden would be a peripheral player at best.

Big Mike said...

I do? He WILL!

ga6 said...

Live from Madison Square Garden it's the Gillette Cavalcade of Sports. Tonight the Great Orange man vs an empty chair,or empty suit if Joe shows up.

Jupiter said...

Four hours seems like a long time. What did Lincoln and Douglas do, two hours? But definitely get rid of the smarmy, lying asshole "moderators" from the leg-humping Press. When did we get talked into that bullshit, anyway? Since when do two politically aware and at least passably intelligent adults need a bunch of semi-photogenic morons to ask them gotcha "questions" in order to debate their policy positions? If there have to be questions, let them ask each other questions.

J. Farmer said...

Sorry, but the 2020s will be a decade of horrors no matter which party rules

Michael Lind pretty much hits the nail on the head.

Joe Smith said...

@Lexington Green

Yes...Trump could make a big deal out of this and just show up on his own. A lot of Rogan's demographic is who Trump wants to persuade.

Jupiter said...

You have to love how Trump jumped on that offer. He hasn't said "I do!" with that much enthusiasm since the day he married Melania.

It will be amusing to watch Biden's turd-sucking surrogate Ducklo try to weasel his way out of this one.

Jaq said...

One of Biden’s first promises is a tax cut for rich Californians and New Yorkers. It would be fun to ask him about that.

Narayanan said...

Joe should accept with Proviso that while answering they should be on bike machine or treadmills at 5 degrees and 20 paces for social distancing with all the huffing and puffing.

Readering said...

And after Biden was hammered in the polls for standing firm on debate commission procedure for moderators and number of debates--not.

Drago said...

Its important to Farmer that everyone surrenders all hope now so that voting for someone like Bernie won't be such a stretch.

tim maguire said...

Would it be good? Rogan is a fantastic interviewer, but that doesn’t mean he’d be a good debate moderator. It’s hard for me to picture how he'd do it based on what I’ve seen of his show/podcast.

Drago said...

Readering: "Trump negotiating this could be practice for negotiating third term."

Trump should simply move immediately to 4th term discussions since it will make the lefties scream to their gods of intersectionality even more.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Blogger Readering said...
Trump negotiating this could be practice for negotiating third term."

Dude! We were willing to wait until November to accept your surrender....

Drago said...

libertariansafetyguy: "Both campaigns would have to break they’re contract with the Commission on Presidential Debates, which prohibits the candidates from doing any appearances together unless at an official CPD event."

It's an interview.

Interviews are allowed.

Yeah, it would be a real shame to break any "rules" we have with the democratical-aligned establishment................that would be destroying "norms" or something.

But hey, Kristin Welker.

That sounds about right.

Leland said...

After the Joe Rogan debate, can we have one moderated by Jocko Willink?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Both campaigns would have to break they’re contract with the Commission on Presidential Debates, which prohibits the candidates from doing any appearances together unless at an official CPD event."

So sue me. If I've ever heard of a contract that could be ignored with impunity, this would be it.

Rick.T. said...

"The odds of Biden accepting this debate are on par with odds of my getting fellated by Salma Hayek this evening."
If it's non-zero, I'm impressed!

narciso said...

a trillion dollar stimulus, every year, which was a sinecure to the labor unions, there were defense cuts, but other that.

Temujin said...

I like the format. This is how they should be done going forward. The preening establishment press and network talking heads can no longer do these well. Too much baggage. Too much bias. Get some competent hosts doing a one-on-one, no audience, no applause, no playing to the crowd. Just...answers. Questions, answers, done.

Joe Rogan would do a great job with it.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Biden will have only two debate tactics, snark and vitriol. Neither involves serious answers to serious questions because he no longer has the capability to provide them. His bluster and his insults will give his supporters room to claim victories, but everyone else will know differently.

Jaq said...

Maybe Biden’s two hours would be enough time for him to explain if he is for or against fracking, or whether Trump’s travel bans were too late or xenophobic overreactions. There is a lot of material to explore here. Biden could explain why it was that his son was on Air Force Two on that China trip, and how, when the boy stuck in his thumb, and pulled out a two billion dollar plum, that was not a violation of the emoluments clause.

This could get us into the kind of detail that we really need to make this choice.

For the Democrats, well, this has to be seen as a great opportunity to show Trump for the fraud he is, right? Biden will carve him up! Bring it on! What’s not to love! It’s not like Democrats have been making it all up that Trump is a moron. How could a moron last for four hours without revealing himself to be hopelessly out of his depth?

rehajm said...

It would be a great format that people would appreciate. MA elections used to have a similar format where the candidates would sit together with a moderator and just talk rather than make podium attacks. They quit it since the last time it made the Democrat look bad...

I suspect Rogan would ask compelling questions that fostered conversation rather than the thinly disguised gotcha set ups from the usual presidential debates.

Rogan wouldn't let the Biden people give him the questions to ask either, which guarantees Slow Joe won't show...

Gahrie said...

Both campaigns would have to break they’re contract with the Commission on Presidential Debates, which prohibits the candidates from doing any appearances together unless at an official CPD event.


JaimeRoberto said...

Would they all smoke a joint during the debate?

Bilwick said...

"Come on, man! Potato salad! Double-barrelled shotgun! Vootie! Have I made myself clear?"

Ken B said...

Reading this I realize I trust Joe Rogan.

Ken B said...

Bay Area Guy said...
The odds of Biden accepting this debate are on par with odds of my getting fellated by Salma Hayek this evening

Man's reach should exceed his grasp
Else what's a heaven for

Craig said...

How frightening is it that we are about to elect a President who would NEVER CONSIDER doing a debate like this? What the hell happened to democracy?

Wince said...

Steel cage match, inside the squared circle!

Aggie said...

Joe B's probably not up for it. "It's radio," he'll say to his aides, "How will I be able to see the teleprompter??"

Trump would tear him up and by the end, Joe Rogan will be voting Trump (I suspect he already may be).

I'd be willing to settle for a two-hour format.

Drago said...

I am beginning to think the democraticals and their LLR-lefty lap poodles are belatedly recognizing the dem platform of murdering cops, post-birth abortion, re-segregation, burning down cities, communist economic policies, open borders, pro-child pornography, pro sex with underage children, shooting children in the head and destroying America may not be the vote getting strategy they dreamed it could be.

Lars Porsena said...

Biden would agree. He has no self-awareness in regard to his declining mental status. It's the people around him that will make sure it doesn't happen.

D.D. Driver said...

"Why are the debates never moderated by a journalist with a known right wing bias?"

LOL. You mean like Megyn Kelly?

Rory said...

Just saw a Joe Biden "national mandate to wear a mask" commercial in Western Pennsylvania right now.

tommyesq said...

Joe Rogan, king-maker.

MikeR said...

Obviously Biden will ignore this. But then Trump should go on and bring an empty chair.

tim maguire said...

Craig said...
How frightening is it that we are about to elect a President who would NEVER CONSIDER doing a debate like this?

No we're not. But Democrats did nominate someone they knew isn't up to the job and wasn't even the best person running for it. The more I think about it, the more I think this scheme was hatched in the wake of Tulsi Gabbard's destruction of Kamala Harris in the debate and is all about getting her into the White House despite n her resounding rejection by the primary voters.

c365 said...

It's a crime that in the age of infinite media and bandwidth we are limiting our debates to soundbites. Lincoln Douglas all-day debates. Bring them on.

stlcdr said...

Blogger Jim Gust said...
I am surprised that Joe hasn't backed out of the Presidential debates yet. ...

9/14/20, 2:51 PM

I suspect they are waiting for some ‘thing’ to happen which can give the plausible excuse to not do the debates. I’m suspecting the media will make somethin* up. And they will call joe a hero for not participating.

gadfly said...

Bigger question is how many people could stand to watch four hours of Trump lies, so lets go for a legit poll using interested voters. I cannot stand to watch Trump for a minute, Biden makes me grit the teeth I have left and I am sure that even the 33% voters who support Trump without question don't need to watch a marathon debate.

According to Vox,"Rogan, despite his claims to be left-wing [including his intent to vote for Bernie], also has a very long history of offensive commentary ... . He’s had friendly interviews with right-wing extremists like Milo Yiannopoulos, Candace Owens, and Alex Jones — and even voiced some support for 9/11 conspiracy theories."

Rogan is hoping for big bucks that likely won't happen because we are all tiring of politics. Every reader should tell us how many four-hour podcasts that they have watched.

Banjo said...

C'mon man, this is all malarky.

J. Farmer said...


Its important to Farmer that everyone surrenders all hope now so that voting for someone like Bernie won't be such a stretch.

If only the disintegration of the nation agitated Drago more than me saying that I liked Sanders.

Jess said...

The answer is "no". Biden would lose a debate with a garden vegetable.

bagoh20 said...

"After the Joe Rogan debate, can we have one moderated by Jocko Willink?"

I think that would be a fair coupling of debates. Rogan is an ass kicker with a left bent, and I'm assuming Willink is one with a right leaning. They can both do security as a side benefit and break up any physical altercation between the candidates. They both come at it from a much more real perspective and a more interesting background than the talking heads we are used to. I mean, except for Brian William who has the unusual experience of being both beheaded by ISIS and dying of Covid while flying secret combat missions in Syria. Nobody can top that guy.

Captain BillieBob said...

After Hidin Biden declines the offer Trump should put an empty chair on stage at his next rally with a reserved for Joe sign on it.

walter said...

Rogan was won over by Berno. Just sayin'.

Narr said...

Too good for DJT, ergo won't happen.

Old Molotov was called "Iron-ass" because of his legendary capacity to sit for long hours without a break.

If your interview lasts more than four hours, call your doctor immediately!

Francisco D said...

Rogan is a hipster Larry King without the schmaltz. He converses with people, more than interviews them.

Trump may be willing to go one on one with Rogan. It would be interesting as are most of his conversations.

Drago said...

Farmer: "If only the disintegration of the nation agitated Drago more than me saying that I liked Sanders."

You are already on the record saying its all over and we ought to just vote for Bernie or someone like him to get it all over with. In your own words: "fail faster".

You have also spent 4 years minimizing the astonishing and unprecedented republic wrecking corrupt actions by the democrats and deep staters.

There are guys like you everywhere.

But hey, maybe you'll get your way and Biden will win. So, chin up.

5M - Eckstine said...

Maybe we need a podcast tour by the Candidates.

Rogan, Willink, Adams? Those three cover a lot of territory that has been critical of both sides of the aisle.

Drago said...

Farmer: "If only the disintegration of the nation agitated Drago more than me saying that I liked Sanders."

I trust political analysis from a Sanders guy....said no thinking person ever.

5M - Eckstine said...

The 3 hour podcast became my preferred escapism in the pandemic. Turned the TV off completely. Unfollowed all my NFL follows.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Trump is up for Joe Rogan's offer to host 4-hour debate. Is Biden?"


Scott Patton said...

Joe Rogan said (paraphrase) choosing Biden as a candidate is like walking into dark woods carrying a flashlight with a dying battery. I'm sure he talked a lot of shit on Trump too. Some well publicized clips might put the kibosh on any (very low probability) plans that would come about.

Paco Wové said...

Federal Judge Rules Pennsylvania's Lockdown Order Unconstitutional ...and the President who appointed that judge, children? One Donald J. Trump.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...


Its important to Farmer that everyone surrenders all hope now so that voting for someone like Bernie won't be such a stretch.

If only the disintegration of the nation agitated Drago more than me saying that I liked Sanders.

You say we should be worried about the disintegration of the nation.

You also say you like Sanders.

That is just fucking stupid.

alanc709 said...

D.D. Driver said...
"Why are the debates never moderated by a journalist with a known right wing bias?"

LOL. You mean like Megyn Kelly?

You obviously never watched Megyn Kelly. She was far from conservative. What she was, was combative. To both left and right. Left lies more often, so she had more reasons to go after them.

Birkel said...

J Farmer manages to be Smug about predictions.
At this point Smug is nearly worthless as a commenter.

Known Unknown said...

"Rogan is hoping for big bucks that likely won't happen"

Rogan doesn't need the money.

Joe Smith said...

"Trump should simply move immediately to 4th term discussions since it will make the lefties scream to their gods of intersectionality even more."

Trump, being an intergalactic grandmaster troll, upon winning in '20 should put a huge banner on his Twitter page saying 'Making America Even Greater: Trump 2024.'

But libs don't have any sense of humor...

Bob Loblaw said...

Even if he wasn't senile, Joe Biden's handlers would never allow him to participate in a debate in which the moderator is unwilling to rescue him if he starts to stumble.

FullMoon said...

That will never happen, so I am hoping for a Trumpster to hacks into Biden's earpiece-answer- feed during debate and broadcasts it over the air.
Or, more simply, Trump ignore gotcha questions and ask Biden directly his opinion on complicated world and domestic affairs, insisting upon detailed responses.

Paul said...

Having a shock collar and a diaper, Joe is ready to roll.

Hell do pushups at the debate and challenge Trump to do 'em!

Yea, that will make him a shoe in for Prez.

Drago said...

Farmer and LLR-lefty ***** can keep up the demoralization/disinformation ploy all they want.

It will never make me vote for a dem and I don't think they will get anyone else here who is Trump voter to give up either.

DanTheMan said...

>>That will never happen, so I am hoping for a Trumpster to hacks into Biden's earpiece-answer- feed during debate and broadcasts it over the air.

You mean like this?
Car 3 - Proceed to the 279!

dustbunny said...

It’s funny that people assume Rogan is right wing or a Trump supporter. On the podcasts I’ve heard he talks about Trump as a comedian at best and at worst, a bad joke. I do think a conversation between the two would be great entertainment as they’re both instinctive and surprising.

Rory said...

"Megyn Kelly?"

I don't think she's done one for a general election.

J. Farmer said...


You are already on the record saying its all over and we ought to just vote for Bernie or someone like him to get it all over with. In your own words: "fail faster".

I've never used such the phrase "fail faster" in my life, and that is never the point I was making. I've corrected you on this matter over and over but you still cling to it like a security blanket.

But hey, maybe you'll get your way and Biden will win. So, chin up.

That's, of course, nothing I've ever wanted. Biden/Harris are establishment figures to their bones. The DNC and GOP are both controlled by the establishment. There isn't a partisan solution to the problem.

I trust political analysis from a Sanders guy....said no thinking person ever.

If anything, I'm a Buchanan guy. Instead the Republicans have chosen George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney.


You also say you like Sanders.

That is just fucking stupid.

Donald Trump on Hillary's VP pick: "I think Bernie as vice president would have been tougher. He was the only one I didn’t want her to pick. You know, I got 20 percent of [the] Bernie vote, people don’t realize that, because of trade, because he’s a big trade guy. He basically says we’re getting screwed on trade, and he’s right. I’m worse than he is, but we can do something about it. I don’t know if he could have. But had she picked Bernie Sanders, it would have been tougher."


J Farmer manages to be Smug about predictions.
At this point Smug is nearly worthless as a commenter.

Predictions?! What the hell do you think's been going on for the last 40 years? The globalizing project. Outsourcing, mass immigration, supranational organizations.

Gk1 said...

You know this has to be a dagger in the heart of progressives who see themselves as the perpetual youth party being mocked by Joe Rogan and his sizable following.

Their candidate has been in Washington since Gerald Ford was in office and he's just too afraid to debate Trump in that format. Biden's an eight track player in a world of iphones and itunes. Trump immediately accepting is like a squirt of lemon juice in their eyes.

I feel terrible for them during this difficult time.

Josephbleau said...

“The heroic sacrifices of these essential workers will not be forgotten by American voters “. Pure bullshit. No one cares about the workers who sustain them, voters care about getting more for themselves. Voters are manipulated using this goal by their betters.

Gospace said...

Paco Wové said...
Federal Judge Rules Pennsylvania's Lockdown Order Unconstitutional ...and the President who appointed that judge, children? One Donald J. Trump.

And so he appointed a judge who can read and understands the Constitution says what it says, and we should should follow what it says. Almost the very definition of rule by law and not by men. Are you complaining?

MD Greene said...

How long until the democraticals and LLR-lefties claim Joe Rogan is colluding with Putin?

How long before traditional media outlets report that the Iranian government is trying to elect Biden?

Rusty said...

"If only the disintegration of the nation agitated Drago more than me saying that I liked Sanders."
I don't know where you live but you might consider moving. I hope you don't have a gas oven.

Jamie said...

Trump negotiating this could be practice for negotiating third term.

So you're saying Trump is not going to seize power via the barrel of a gun?

I am a supporter of the 22nd Amendment. But it is an amendment, and we did repeal one of those when Americans decided it was a bad idea. If Trump were able to convince someone to introduce a repeal of the 22nd and convince enough states to support that repeal and then convince enough people to vote for him that he would win in the electoral college again, at least, why, I'd say he would have earned that third term. Pretty sure he's not interested, though.

iowan2 said...

despite his claims to be left-wing [including his intent to vote for Bernie], also has a very long history of offensive commentary.

OMG!!! Offensive I tell you! When well the carnage stop!

(its impossible to mock such pathetic thumb sucking)

DavidD said...

I would love to see Rush moderate a debate and pull out clips of the candidates saying the exact opposite in earlier statements or making different statements to different audiences.

J. Farmer said...


I don't know where you live but you might consider moving. I hope you don't have a gas oven.

Emigration is the long-term plan. I'm not in any kind of state of despair or lamentation. I am resigned. I'd prefer it wasn't the case, but the writing is on the wall. The cultural core of the country is being dismantled even as whites continue to maintain a dominant position in the culture. As their share of the population dwindles, especially the white working-class, so too will whatever cultural influence they have left.

mikee said...

I recall when Jack Palance did pushups at the Oscars, emphasizing that old guys are always questionable choices for important roles. Healthy, strong old guys are demonstrably great choices.

Joe Biden has dementia. Trump is fat.
Trump can lose weight. Joe can lose more mental capacity.

Drago said...

Farmer: "If anything, I'm a Buchanan guy. Instead the Republicans have chosen George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney."

I would love to chat with you about the already clear previous failures of the establishment republican party but I'm focused on the battle that is occurring right now involving the one guy who took the establishment republican party on and is attempting to take another incremental step to stop what you lament but I can see that you are too busy trashing that guy who is the only hope for our side and making excuses for and minimizing democratical actions to destroy the republic.

So "thanks" for being Johnny on the spot.

J. Farmer said...


the one guy who took the establishment republican party on and is attempting to take another incremental step to stop what you lament but I can see that you are too busy trashing that guy who is the only hope for our side

I was more than happy, and admittedly even a bit excited, to vote for Trump and give him a shot at blowing up the establishment. By early 2019, it became clear to me that Trump was too incompetent to do that. The fact that you identity Trump as "the only hope for our side" makes my point. One person can't do it.

And just to be clear, by saying you're "focused on the battle that is occurring right now," you mean you plan to vote in the election in November, right?

Drago said...

Farmer, you and LLR-lefty ***** are simply not going to succeed in getting me to give up.

Sell it somewhere else.

Drago said...

Farmer: "And just to be clear, by saying you're "focused on the battle that is occurring right now," you mean you plan to vote in the election in November, right?"

Well of course I'm voting. Its the other things I'm participating in that I hope will have more impact.

Rusty said...

"Emigration is the long-term plan."
Don't let us hold you up.

J. Farmer said...


Farmer, you and LLR-lefty ***** are simply not going to succeed in getting me to give up.

Sell it somewhere else.

Luckily, I have zero interest in getting you to do anything. Do whatever you want. I don't care. I only come here to say what I think and why I think it. I don't really see any reason to personalize it, but people can't seem to help themselves.

Well of course I'm voting. Its the other things I'm participating in that I hope will have more impact.

I hope they succeed as well.

J. Farmer said...


Don't let us hold you up.

Rest assured. "Rusty" the Althouse blog commenter is a non-factor in any decision I make in life.

Perhaps one day, my friend, you will comprehend why addressing me personally doesn't actually answer any of the claims I make.

Drago said...

Farmer: "I hope they succeed as well."


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