@donwinslow has three whistleblowers who say Trump went to Walter Reed with a series of mini-strokes. The evidence is right on front of our eyes #TrumpStroke #25thAmendmentNow #TrumpIsNotWell https://t.co/a9yjGGMsRA
— Duty To Warn 🔉 (@duty2warn) September 1, 2020
ADDED: I'll just throw this in here:
What? pic.twitter.com/g8Xv43v8u8
— Thomas Catenacci (@ThomasCatenacci) August 31, 2020
Fascinating they start pushing this just after Biden's limp foray from the basement yesterday.
Seventy-minute speech at convention says otherwise.
I'm not convinced- check out his gait from earlier in his life. He's payed golf since the visit to Walter Reed, too...
I'll wait for more info but this feels like a part in a coverup...
I didn't see anything noticeable. Maybe this is just a ploy to deflect Joe's diminished condition.
I feel at least as qualified as Outspoken to issue medical diagnoses, and I say it looks not like a stroke, but a bad knee or a pulled muscle.
Biden, in the other hand ....
Trying too hard.
He's dragging his right leg?! Oh ffs.
Young journalists showing their able-bodied privilege and ageism. The same with the other hot "proof" where his dentures slip.
What haven't the Dems and Fake News come up with?
Winslow writes fiction. Trump displays no evidence of any type of stroke.
Biden? The poor man.
I’m watching last night’s interview with Laura Ingraham.
Uh, no.
Or Trump's leg was asleep.
Or he slept funny and had some back/hip pain.
It's amazing what changes in your 70s.
Meanwhile, Democratics desperately try to avoid the obvious point that Joe Biden lost some of his already meager mental function.
Trump looks like he might be shaking his leg awake. Were they sitting before?
I do that too sometimes.
You're Occam.
The word "whistle blower" is a joke now.
The desperation is palpable.
The collective left will have NOTHING to say about Biden. Insane.
The Lincoln Project is so desperate, they'll just transparently make shit up at this point.
I've known people who have had "mini-strokes" and suffered no long term effects. I know one woman who lost sight in one eye, probably due to a mini-stroke but that isn't confirmed. Mini-strokes can be dangerous but they aren't always debilitating. What's Joe's excuse? He has always been a profoundly stupid man and whatever medical condition he now has is making things even worse. The only thing dumber than Joe Biden is anyone who thinks he's fit to be president.
Looks like Trump has a slightly pulled leg muscle.
Looks like Biden has a bigly pulled brain muscle.
Won't this just make Trump haters who like Pence more than Kamala more likely to vote Republican?
The Nanny Nanny Poo Poo wing of the Democratic Party strikes again! "I am rubber, you are glue, bounce off me, stick on you!"
So if Biden is mentally impaired, then OF COURSE Trump is mentally impaired! It's like a law of physics, init? Equal and opposite reaction and all that...
Trump is walking how I walk when I'm stiff or my leg is asleep. That's not leg dragging...he clearly raises his right leg and follows a normal cadence, albeit with a slight twist to his leg.
And I say that as a healthy 38 year old who did just crossfit for 2 months.
This is the type of stuff where I wonder if the TDS crowd who posts it is actually really quality sarcasm.
As I recall when people gently raised the issue of Hillary’s freakishly intense coughing fits in 2016 we were told it was conspiracy BS. When she keeled over and mysterious metal parts rolled from her pants we were told the 70 degree day was too hot for her. Now she can’t even stand up or comb her hair and it’s still crickets. I have a modest suggestion for Joe: first we have him walk down a wet inclined ramp like at West Point so we can see if he walks as well as Trump, then he takes three random questions from media and has to answer without notes.
Then we can consider Trump physical imperfections.
Maybe, maybe not. But what this points up (as you suggest) is the double standards employed--evidence of Biden's health issues are papered over, ignored. Suggestions of Trump's health problems are to be explored and speculation about worst case scenarios is to be freely encouraged.
I can make up a better rumor than that -
Trump had a psychotic break and killed a guy so he has been replaced by a robot but now they can't tell which is which.
Six weeks ago?
If only he'd been seen in public, given some speeches, or taken questions from the press at some point in the last six weeks, perhaps we'd be able to judge for ourselves whether he's still all there.
winslow, has been consuming much of his characters own supply,
I despise Twitter. I hate seeing news reports about what’s on Twitter. It’s like going to a sewer to report in what people in town are eating. There is no news value to tweets because it is made up of news manipulators talking to and past each other.
Trump is - hands down - the mentally toughest person in the world. A good 30% of America hates him. Of that number, some want to kill him. The Fake News constantly makes up shit about him. The Dems in the House impeached him. He takes on China and the Norks. Calls Kim, "Little Rocket Man." And he just keeps on working. And working.
It's possible that Trump did have a mini-stroke. It's possible that Joe Biden does the Charleston while reciting War and Peace from memory, while locked up in his basement. It's also possible that Trump caused the riots and personally tossed molotov cocktails into buildings in DC, Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, and other cities to gain public support and try to pin it on peaceful protestors.
That said, Trump did have an issue walking down that ramp a few months ago. Still- even if he did have a mini-stroke, people do, and continue to function in their lives, with medication and proper medical care. That can be something you can overcome for awhile. However, dementia and old age are what they are. For now, there is no cure for how Joe Biden thinks, reads, speaks, moves.
It's amazing what changes in your 70s.
I can't find it now, but I saw a video on youtube a few days ago where a comedian discusses the "mystery pains" you get when you reach your 40s.
I watched both. Joe is dead. Trump is alive. The Lincoln Project are a bunch of assholes. That about wraps that up.
If Trump shows behavior showing a stroke is affecting his performance in performing the duties of his office, that is of some concern. So far, I haven't seen anything to suggest that, unlike Biden's repeated 'oddities' through the campaign season.
I would find it a fitting capstone to this strange year if we all are essentially voting for the VP.
He could have had a stroke. Strokes don't necessarily alter your intellectual capabilities. Biden had an anuerysm years ago, right?
That isn't what Biden's problem is *now*, unless it's decreased blood flow from that which is now affecting him.
But Trump's stroke, if he had one, doesn't seem to affect the way he talks and he is very capable of answering questions and being in front of large groups of people and speaking off the teleprompter.
As M Jordan pointed out; you know what Really SCREAMS " I HAD A STROKE!" ???
giving a 70 minute live speach in front of people
you know what Really Screams "I AM 100% Mentally Sound! " ???
Not being able to prerecord an edited 5 minute speech, with no one watching; without flubbing your lines SO MANY TIMES, that that that to go with a version where you say that your opponent is responsible for 'so many 100 years!'
News legend Rachel Maddow went HARD on this last night. He was positively giddy. The Polls people! It’s Ovah.
Desperation never smelled this bad before....
From my layman's perspective, I see no sign of Trump having had a stroke. He's fairly agile for a guy his age and weight.
Sad truth is that even if Trump had a mild stroke he would still be in much better shape than Biden. So this line of attack is not a good strategy for the Dems.
Never been a Biden fan, but I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy. Whose running his campaign? Someone of the caliber of a Rove, Carville or Atwater would have figured out how to run a semblance of decent campaign.
I got the sense of a slow, meandering stroll before the cameras while waiting to be shown where to go.
Notice the guy in the dark suit with the two lapel pins finally hops-to-it to lead the way after having just swept his hand.
Where's the audio?
Biden's mental state is per-recorded and read from a teleprompter.
with Trump it's always top seeekrit recordings of out of context gottcha.
per = pre
I recall there was a president who was elected 4 times and could not walk on his own. What was his name?, what was his political party? At age 77 I can't remember everything even though I was born while this person was in office.
the Commies are just doing what they always do: deflect and project.
Leftist mobs are responsible for the violence in the cities? No, no, TRUMP is! Those stores being burned to the ground are his fault!
Biden can't answer questions or string a coherent sentence together because he's old and has rapidly progressing dementia? No, no, it's TRUMP who has health problems! Look at him walk down a ramp!
It's so transparently tiresome.
"I'm not convinced- check out his gait from earlier in his life."
At first glance, sure, maybe that's some kind of evidence. But then I realized I have seen Trump walk like this before many years ago -- he has a sort of loose gait like Vince McMahon.
What this all proves is that the Presidential Debates are VITALLY IMPORTANT! We the People need to see both candidates perform under pressure so we can judge whether one or the other is incapable of carrying out the duties of the Presidency! We should insist on no fewer than FOUR debates, each one no shorter than 4 hours. Each candidate should be questioned by reporters who have established a record of being hostile to that candidate. Given the age of both candidates they should be given a 5 minute pee break every hour (but this doesn’t count as part of the 4 hours). We can observe each candidate as he walks to and from the podium and decide who walks like a stroke victim.
The only reason this is somewhat plausible is that Sharyl Attkisson tweeted questions that imply she knows something about a candidate having a health problem. I’ve noticed his gait being off but have thought he had joint pain. This clip does look more neurological, at least potentially.
But as others have noted, even if Trump’s had a stroke if it’s not affecting mental acuity then who cares? Under normal conditions I’d say it should be disclosed but since there’s absolutely no parity in the way Biden’s mental health status is disclosed it would be foolish to expect Trump’s campaign to be forthcoming.
Who knows, maybe we’ll end up with Melania taking over as Wilson’s wife did. Reality is that both candidates are old enough that death or incapacitation during the term is a non- negligible possibility.
What is the date by which the Democrats would have to replace Biden at the top of the ticket? If he is elected how soon can he or they declare him incompetent, resign, and elevate Harris?
I could make a fine Dem strategist. Every bad thing my opponents say about Biden, I would just switch around to accusing Trump of the same or similar problem. And then get my media buddies to shout about it.
I could give that advice all day long, and I would do it for half of what those Lincoln Project grifters charge.
Was Biden's thing pre-recorded yesterday? There was a glitch.....
Here's a picture from overhead.
6 people in the room. Careful circles around each person, so a lot of time setting it up. What? Those six people couldn't just be told where to sit? I can't tell who is his staff and who are reporters, although it isn't very many people.
So they traveled to PA for that. Did all that setting up. Flags, stage, circles on the floor. For what? Is that not incredibly odd????
Oh sorry, not a stage. Flags and a little marked area on the floor in front of that cage. Why????
Maybe, just maybe, Trump walks funny because he has a yard of dick, and a bag full of balls.
News legend Rachel Maddow went HARD on this last night.
If she were really on her game she'd know it's because Trump is hiding his tax returns in his shoe so no one can get to them.
Gunner said...
Won't this just make Trump haters who like Pence more than Kamala more likely to vote Republican?
Can you name one?
Oh fuck, Don Winslow. He's one of the most bilious of the TDS crowd.
I tried two of his books, on recommendations. Cliche-o-matic plus pretentious present tense narration. I finished neither.
Biden: "[beep cue] Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 year. Look here, the lives, it's just it's a you mean a think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past hundred years."
It's hard to argue with that.
Wouldn't The Lincoln Project rather have Pence in charge than Trump?
Or are they just Democratic Conspiracy Theorists at this point? Masks off?
Biden has dementia!
Trump has a limp!
Moral equivalence!
Cruel neutrality!
Did the man behind Trump also have a stroke? Because he moved his right foot the same way as the President.
"Mike (MJB Wolf) said... I despise Twitter. I hate seeing news reports about what’s on Twitter. It’s like going to a sewer to report in what people in town are eating. There is no news value to tweets because it is made up of news manipulators talking to and past each other."
I agree. To me Twitter is a cesspool. I have an account only for when I absolutely need to see something there. Otherwise, I never use it.
About a year ago someone on Facebook created a map using some internet traffic statistics to show the most-used social media app in each state - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Twitter was the most used in only one place - the District of Columbia.
I also don't think Trump had a stroke. I am almost 70, and occasionally one of my ankles goes stiff after standing in one place or one position too long. I have no idea why, I guess it is just a symptom of getting older. I end up walking for a short time almost like Chester on Gunsmoke. My wife laughs.
OK, ladies are not going to understand this, but men have a thing between their legs that can sometimes get caught (underwear, crotch of pants)and need adjustment.
You know those fancy British tailors, when you're getting fit for $3,000 suit and the tailor asks, 'Which way do you dress, sir?' That's actually a thing.
Normally us men do a quick little grab-and-move while we're walking...no groping mind you...just a 're-adjustment.' Usually when nobody's looking.
The other option, when everyone is staring at you and the cameras are rolling is a little bit of a swinging of the leg to get the damned thing to fall into its proper place.
Birches: "Wouldn't The Lincoln Project rather have Pence in charge than Trump?"
The newly admitted marxist (formerly FakeCon) Lincoln Project grifters long ago announced they wanted democraticals to win at every level of state and federal government and that they would continue to fight for all democratical policies, including the complete socialist takeover of of all our industries.
At least once a week for the past 4 years these grifters have made announcements that they are "leaving the republican party".
I think Max Boot may currently be in the lead for "leaving the republican party" announcements at around 104 since the fall of 2016.
Blogger ga6 said...
I recall there was a president who was elected 4 times and could not walk on his own.
Yeah, but some large percentage of the population had no idea he was confined to a wheelchair until long after he had died. The press did a masterful job of covering it up. The Whitehouse did a masterful job of making sure the press covered it up, retaliating against journalists and media who let it slip.
FDR was also in in 1944, in far worse physical shape than Biden is now. Possibly in worse mental shape.
The country elected a dead man in 1944. FDR died less than 3 months after his inauguration.
The press did a great job of covering up his diminished physical condition then, too. Just like they do with Biden. But with far more legitimate reason (arguably) in 1944.
John Henry
...he has a sort of loose gait like Vince McMahon
Yup. It's a fat man gait. Weight shift and loose pant lags look like this- even in a spry young fat guy...
With respect to deaths from the past 100 years, Joe is incorrect. My personal calculation on the 2020 equivalent deaths from the 1957-58 Asian flu pandemic, using a current US population of about 330M, would come to about 220,000 deaths. And I have gone back into newspapers.com and tried to read every article in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution from that time with respect to that pandemic and it was nothing like today. No panic, no shutdowns, just articles about everyone - doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, the public - coping with the impact. We were tougher then and didn't expect the government to have a fix for everything. We just got on with life. I don't recall seeing the name "Eisenhower" in any article unless i just overlooked it.
OK, ladies are not going to understand this, but men have a thing between their legs that can sometimes get caught (underwear, crotch of pants)and need adjustment.
Awkward Adjustment Moments are a well documented phenomenon
I think Biden’s idea was that the great influenza was about 102 years ago, so he could get away with saying COVID19 had taken more Lives than any epidemic in the past hundred years. But he really didn’t make the point crisply.
Joe Rogan had on a guest months ago that was convinced Trump had a "mini-stroke" during a speech and they pulled it up on youtube to look at it and Joe's reaction is "Oh come on. He just hesitated while talking. Is that it? Are we looking at the right clip?"
And his friend/guest embarrassedly assured him "Well, it may not look like one to the average person but I know a guy who's friend with a doctor who knows a brain surgeon this is a tell that Trump has cognitive issues" Joe just laughed at him and had a little more fun with it and then moved on.
Stuff like this just tells me the democrats really don't believe Biden is 10 points ahead or their candidate isn't in serious mental decline. This is just out and out projection.
Here's a picture from overhead.
"Not available to you." Hmmm.
Btw, Joe's senior moment giving his "big speech" in Pittsburgh yesterday about blue city violence also was a flop. It only increased awareness of his cognitive decline as he was trying to make a point about covid deaths, it was also tone deaf to the violence happening in blue cities.
No, Joe, it isn't white right wing militia members who are the problem here no matter how much you and your troglodyte followers try to smear Kyle Rittenhouse.
The democrats have launched into a storm in a ship crafted out of paper mache and library paste. There will be no debates and if anything we need to be wary of a "switcheroo" as it becomes apparent Joe is entering dementia.
If the President of the United States had a stroke, even a small one, I doubt it could be kept a secret in this climate. Would've been leaked and made into a huge scandal long ago.
In fairness to Biden, he seems to struggle a lot with those dentures. Couldn't the man have gotten implants instead? Hunter could easily have paid for them.
so he could get away with saying COVID19 had taken more Lives than any epidemic in the past hundred years
That was my impression about what he was trying to say too. That fact that he couldn't actually get that point across is another tell that he has cognitive issues.
I think every person in that first video looks like they are lazily dragging their feet.
Absolute bullshit! I do the same thing with my left leg as the result of having had two laminectomys to fix a ruptured lumbar disk. I also can't stand totally straight because my left leg is now significantly shorter than my right.
Much has been made about how Trump walks and stands. It looks to me like he's got a bad case of scoliosis and probably has back trouble in general.
I love Don Winslow's books, but he's deteriorated mentally and emotionally like Larry Tribe in the Trump Era.
Cerebral event? Joe Biden is in a cerebral Nuclear Winter! And his backup partner garnered how many delegates?
I find Trump in a mask much more alarming than his I'm-too-damn-old limp.
Assuming some truth to this who do we choose, Trump with a body that may be failing or Biden with a brain that has already failed?
Tough choice, NOT!
Or how about Pence vs. Kamala?
Trump as a person is often an embarrassment to his supporters. Biden/Kamala supporters are evidently beyond embarrassment or shame. Ignoring their personal defects, they are the worst candidates in terms of policies and accomplishments in my long lifetime.
Democrats will believe this just a fervently as Republicans believed Hillary had Parkinson's Disease in 2016.
Just red meat for the partisans.
Woodrow Wilson had a coupla strokes and his administration was just fine. Besides, a stroke addled Trump is still better than any commie libtard. I'm fine with Ivsanka and Subway Jered running things.
Blogger AllenS said...
Maybe, just maybe, Trump walks funny because he has a yard of dick, and a bag full of balls.
You would know from your foxhole time with 'Spurs
"We'll call him a racist and if that doesn't work, we'll accuse him of Russian collusion and it that doesn't work, we will invoke the 25th amendment, and if that doesn't work we'll call him a racist, and if that doesn't work, we'll rinse and repeat..."
So Trump can't walk and Biden can't think.
Trump walks, or ambles, like a fat old man. Ask me how I know.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, clearly exhibits stage 3 dementia symptoms.
Howard said...
Woodrow Wilson had a coupla strokes and his administration was just fine
Yeah those raids on all the reds worked fine. Edith did a good job in spite of "little formal education." Harding and Coolidge came along in 1921 to clean up the mess.
If, as Ms. Atkinson has suggested, one of the candidates has had repeated incidents of medical care, then this story about a stroke could just be a preemptive attack to inoculate Biden against news that he is the one who has needed the medical care.
I watched the Trump "stroke" video. Was there supposed to be something... something? It seems pretty unremarkable.
“According to The New York Times, potentially 90 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have such insignificant amounts of the virus present in their bodies that such individuals do not need to isolate"
So, it looks like the guy walking behind Trump had a stroke too. Same gait. I keep imagining lowlifes in sweatpants and a stained top sitting on the couch watching this crap and saying..............yeah, look at him.
OK, so let's assume that progs are right that Trump is nearly as incapacitated as Biden.
Then we're talking about Pence vs. Harris, no?
If so, few of the usual prog and NeverTrumper Orange-Man-Bad criticisms of Trump attach to the actual near-future GOP-president, correct?
So, isn't Trump's "stroke" good reason for more people to support the GOP?
I think Biden’s idea was that the great influenza was about 102 years ago, so he could get away with saying COVID19 had taken more Lives than any epidemic in the past hundred years. But he really didn’t make the point crisply.
That's a generous view. I'm pretty sure that globally, COVID has not surpassed the flu of 1957.
>>Trump had a psychotic break and killed a guy so he has been replaced by a robot but now they can't tell which is which.
Does the robot have a GoFundMe page? I'd like to donate.
"Trump is - hands down - the mentally toughest person in the world."
The optimism that underlies his salesman hyperbole is energetic and relentless. To do it in the face of a dishonest media, and an opposition going by any means necessary, is admirable.
Those same snakes in the media would compassionately ask any democrat president how he/she was holding up every single day of a pandemic.
I agree. To me Twitter is a cesspool. I have an account only for when I absolutely need to see something there. Otherwise, I never use it.
After Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech, Yahoo shut down their comment section. Many other news outlets have followed suit. So I did something I have avoided for years. I opened a Twitter account.
Sometimes I need to vent in real time. (though I do understand the moderation, Althouse)
Jo Biden says...
he has No Memory of Ever calling for defunding police
he has No Memory of Ever calling for eliminating fraccing
See? there are Advantages to being a Brain Damaged, senile dementia patient !
For the record, #pokemonmastersex is a much better hashtag.
Trump’s a fast moving guy. When he has to walk slow, lot of fast moving people, he doesn’t go slow well. He’s also old and I’m sure he isn’t as fluid in his movements as he was in his 20s.
That’s not evidence of a stroke.
"Did the man behind Trump also have a stroke? Because he moved his right foot the same way as the President."
That's because the President said..."Walk this way."
Howard said...
Blogger AllenS said...
Maybe, just maybe, Trump walks funny because he has a yard of dick, and a bag full of balls.
You would know from your foxhole time with 'Spurs
The closet gay thing is old.
You are just a pathetic loser Howard.
Trump is smarter than you, more athletic than you, more successful than you, and just better than you in every way that matters.
The average Trump supporter is smarter than you too.
Have fun supporting the invalid and being a douchebag. Make sure you hide in the basement like Joe when the shit goes down.
Real Marines are disgusted by people like you.
The President is likely gimpy from too many meetings and not enough exercise. Add in a few extra pounds and there you go. And besides, wouldn't difficulties with speech be noticed first before motor skills?
Prior to hip replacement surgery, I walked like that too. My husband called it the 'hitch in my giddyup'. It's mostly been worked out since, but if I sit at my desk for too long I stiffen up and the hip gets balky. I'm in my early 50s - it ain't gonna get any better.
how was Melania gait over the same period? correlation or causation?!
Michael K - Conservative Treehouse also has the photos.
As a golfer in his early 70's like Trump, he wouldn't be able to hit a golf ball as well as he does if he had a stroke and his right leg were affected. I'm not sure what's going on with his gait, but it kinda looks like drop foot.
If you have a gimpy knee, prone to locking up, you will tend to swing the leg out just a bit in actually the way Trump does in the video. I do the same thing when walking up hills- the left knee tries to lock on me just enough I actively avoid it now- I also do when I am starting to sit down for the same reason- the knee tries to lock as I bend it sometimes.
It is time for Ann to poll us on whether there will be a Presidential Debate and if not, what the stated reason will be. Watching the Biden video, I'd say no debate.
Any doctor will tell you that that is a decidedly abnormal gait. And gait is one of the main things we look at in neurological evaluation. The abnormal gait in that video is so marked that it almost looks like video fakery. If it is real, it is hard to imagine this not making the headlines when it supposedly occurred.
It would be nice to see some contemporary videos to see if it shows in them. I've never seen this in any other video of him.
That said, the explanations and excuses above don't hold much water, and are whistling past the graveyard. I've long worried about his health, with stroke and heart attack at the top of the list. He's got all the risk factors for them, except for smoking.
MayBee said...
Michael K - Conservative Treehouse also has the photos.
Thanks, I found them. What is most impressive to me is that this shows a "whataboutism" that suggests panic in the dnc.
Or Trump's leg was asleep.
My first thought. That's the way I walk after sitting for too long. A small stroke isn't impossible, but if he had one it didn't affect the part of his brain he's using for communication, unlike, you know, the other guy. This particular attack is going to energize the true believers and leave everyone else thoroughly unimpressed.
The tipoff that it's probably not true is the "three whistleblowers" part. From what I can tell an anonymous source has about a 10% chance of existing and a 90% chance of being fabricated from the ether to lend authenticity to a rumor.
Blogger Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
I despise Twitter. I hate seeing news reports about what’s on Twitter. It’s like going to a sewer to report in what people in town are eating.
Best comment I have seen online in some time. Nicely done!
What happened to HIPAA laws? If as this person claims President Trump went to Walter Reed for medical care, how is it legal to spread this photo?
Howard: "You would know from your foxhole time with 'Spurs"
Isn't it interesting that Howard suddenly stopped praising the profound "courage" and "bravery" of his Howard's Heroes right about the same time the democraticals began their attempt to rebrand their "righteous" and "justified" riots as the work of Donald Trup and right wing militias?
Howard doesn't have the courage to call out the dems obvious narrative-shift lies after he spent months round the clock praising his antifa "heroes" because, and there is no way around this, Howard is basically a coward.
Howard is led by the nose by his democratical betters and he is incapable of stating the obvious about this narrative shift or anything else for that matter and he is happy to get that pat on the head from them for following their ludicrous talking points.
He's Strzoking out. -wsw
Ice Nine said...
Any doctor will tell you that that is a decidedly abnormal gait.
I'm a doctor and I say bullshit.
I gave your mom a series of strokes last night. Just sayin'.
Michael K said...
>>Ice Nine said...
Any doctor will tell you that that is a decidedly abnormal gait.
I'm a doctor and I say bullshit.<<
Ok, we can go with "most doctors"...
Just now, in a live interview with the terrific Brett Baier of Fox News; when confronted by Baier with the assertion from the new Michael Schmidt book on Trump, Vice President Pence was hammered with a series of questions on the subject and did not deny that he was put on notice of the possibility that he may be needed to assume Presidential duties inasmuch as the President might have been placed under general anesthesia for emergency medical treatment.
Pence tried to do what he has almost no talent for, which is dodging hard questions and even doing the Trump Thing — which is flat-out lying — in order to prop up the Trump narrative.
Does anyone still believe the phony story told by Trump that he went to Walter Reed Medical Center on an obviously rushed basis (without the usual Secret Service preparation and security) for some routine tests as part of his annual physical, simply because he had some free time on a Saturday morning?
VP asked several ways on Fox News if he was alerted to be on standby the day last year when POTUS made an unscheduled hospital visit, in case POTUS was put under general. The absence of the word "no" anywhere in his lengthy, halting responses can safely be read as "yes." I guess he is afraid of getting out ahead of the party line even when it involves himself.
The usual amateurish mishandling of that incident continues to have repercussions, now blown up by POTUS himself and Drudge.
Ice Nine said...
Michael K said...
>>Ice Nine said...
Any doctor will tell you that that is a decidedly abnormal gait.
I'm a doctor and I say bullshit.<<
Ok, we can go with "most doctors"...
Some doctors? Democrat doctors? Blind doctors?
Keep trying.
Lucien said...
If, as Ms. Atkinson has suggested, one of the candidates has had repeated incidents of medical care, then this story about a stroke could just be a preemptive attack to inoculate Biden against news that he is the one who has needed the medical care.
Donald Trump dead, God forbid, would be a better President than Joe Biden on the best day of his life.
Howard said...
Blogger AllenS said...
Maybe, just maybe, Trump walks funny because he has a yard of dick, and a bag full of balls.
You would know from your foxhole time with 'Spurs
Or yours, Howie, PDT has spent as much time in combat as you have.
If anyone had any doubt about Matt Drudge selling his website to some mysterious plutocrat or left-wing organization, its coverage of "the mini-stroke" today should lay that to rest.
I have trouble watching even Fox these days. The media bias is everywhere.
When was the last time any network aggressively pinned down a Democrat on a matter of substance? When did Pelosi or Schiff get hammered with questions about obvious (and consequential) lies they've told to the public?
Obama on keeping your doctor?
Anyone? You can't remember it because it never happens. This president takes shit every single day from the vultures of the press.
If I were him I would continue the White House briefings but ban all press.
It was pretty obvious to me that something was up with Drudge a long time ago.
I haven't been to the site for over a year.
The man has the right to sell and make money, but he has no class if he sells and allows the buyer to retain his name.
When (and it will be when) the new owner is revealed to be a lefty lunatic, Drudge will be very rich, but his name will be worth shit. He'll have to reconcile that.
Drudge's name rising in value in some quarters . . . .
readering and Chuck got the DNC memo. Scandal #534 is now the official line for the week.
Michael K said...
Ice Nine said...
Michael K said...
>>>Ice Nine said...
Any doctor will tell you that that is a decidedly abnormal gait.
I'm a doctor and I say bullshit.<<
Ok, we can go with "most doctors"...
Some doctors? Democrat doctors? Blind doctors?
Keep trying.<<<
Or, how 'bout a lifelong, straight ticket , 20/20 vision Republican doctor who saw strokes, TIAs and gait aberrations probably every other day for 35 years? Oh yeah, and his Republican neurologist buddy with whom he discussed this video this morning?
Jesus, man, he's got gross out-toeing at mid-swing - glaring circumducting of the right leg. Which, I'm sorry, is a decidedly abnormal gait. Could be orthopedic or could be neurological. I didn't claim either one. It is however a common clinical finding in stroke. Regardless of which it was it was right there and obvious. No "trying" to it; it's quite effortless.
It would be unusual to see that conspicuous of a gait abnormality in TIA so one would think if it were due to stroke that we would still be seeing it. I'm going to look at some more recent vids but I don't recall seeing him doing that more recently. Which leads me to seriously consider the possibility that this was Pshopped, or whatever the video equivalent is.
"readering and Chuck got the DNC memo."
Funny. I gave $5 each to Hillary and The Donald to get on their mailing lists in 2016. For 2020, I never get contacted by the Biden campaign, but I get several dozen texts and emails every day from the Trump Campaign. You see, I am one of his most loyal followers (according to what I read.) My favorites are the recent ones promising to match my contribution 700 percent. Where the match is coming from they never say. Trump and his family, like me, have given $0 to the 2020 campaign.
People tend to forget, President Trump has bone spurs in his right foot bad. It was the reason he got his deferment to serve in Nam. And it is possible that it was acting up causing pain.
Looks like hip trouble,common with avid golfers. He probably needs a replacement.
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