Over in Boulder, Colorado, a woman on a moped saw a 12 year old child on a bicycle with a Trump sign. She drove up to the kid and proceeded to hit him several times with her closed fist.
According to the police the "suspect was described as a white female in her 20s or 30s wearing a tan jacket, blue shirt and blue jeans. The moped she was riding was gray or blue in color."
If you are a Democrat you are a hater. I you vote for Democrats, you are enabling hatred. Period.
To be fair to Biden a bit, Edison didn't invent the light bulb, he and his team produced the first really practical one, and then further refined it.
I am guessing that Biden has been fed a line about a guy named Latimer who worked for one of Edison rivals- Latimer filed some patents for improved carbon filaments, if memory serves, but, of course, carbon filaments were replaced pretty quickly by tungsten ones.
Still, though, if that video is not doctored, it is pretty silly that Biden fell for it.
So many of the problems in America can be ascribed to White guilt by the urban gentry. They are credentialed and not educated.
Portland's choice for mayor this November is a feckless crap-weasel and an Antifa loon. I know who has the biggest 'nads. If I could illegally vote in Portland, I'd vote for the loon. I'm a big fan of Mencken's "In a democracy, the people get what they want, good and hard." I'll bet all the huge big-time players are shitting their britches.
An End To Wokeness at Disney? ... Walt Disney, the company has pretty consistently focused on profitability, and the SJW is clearly getting in the way of that overarching goal
Woke and drowsy. Perhaps not for the right reason, but a positive development. Baby steps.
That said, social justice (i.e. relativistic or Pro-Choice) anywhere is injustice everywhere.
If you end up talking about the newest made up lie about Trump from the Atlantic tomorrow, visit @MZHemingway twitter. She already has four people who went on the record, who were there (Although one of them might not have been there, it's not clear to me from the tweet) who said it's a total lie.
I turned 50 years old this year. I've been paying close attention to American presidential elections since I was 10. That was when I became a political junkie. I was an "Independent" in my own mind and was rooting for John Anderson. From what I recall, despite Carter's weaknesses, the election of Reagan was not a sure thing. It was an exciting race to the finish. On election day, however, Carter conceded before voting was over in the western states. (IIRC.)
Since then, I can recall two campaigns that felt doomed from the beginning. (It wasn't Dukakis - he ran a lousy campaign, but still seemed like a viable candidate. Same with Romney.) The two that stood out to me were Dole/Kemp, and McCain/Palin. I voted for them, but knew there was no chance. In both cases, the Presidential nominees were old and decrepit, and seemed to be just going through the motions. Their actual campaigns were a string of embarrassing events, without any coherent strategy.
That's the vibe I'm now getting from the Biden campaign. I realize he could still win, primarily because of voter fraud. Events could still defeat Trump. But Biden himself is a disaster. I watched his speech today at the Kenosha church. He struggled to breathe, and had numerous cringe-inducing moments. His eccentricities are getting worse. It was very sad to observe. I also watched his taped dialogue with Harris, the recent one where he asked her questions. It was completely unappealing, and sometimes bizarre. They had zero chemistry with each other.
Anyway, for what it's worth, I think Biden's defeat is inevitable, barring Democrat shenanigans or unforeseen events. Both Biden and Harris are terrible candidates. Even if they were more competent, the Dems have joined themselves to the protests and riots to such a degree that there's no way to reverse the damage. Meanwhile Trump is doing rallies again, full of energy and stamina. All the momentum and enthusiasm are on Trump's side. I'm wondering if Biden can even stay in the race for another two months. It's probably too late to have Harris take over, since ballots are already being printed.
Nutshell version: it's nice to see the Dems have their own version of Dole and McCain, for a change.
LLR-lefty and Whitmer Fanboy Chuck: "Tomorrow’s news. And of course Trump will deny it, and we will see how the reporting is expanded and confirmed by numerous reporters, each with multiple sources."
More hoaxed up "anonymous" lies pushed by liars like Chuck.
And, of course, it is this desperation on the part of the marxist left/LLR-left that is obvious to all.
The good news? Trump, the guy who delivered massive improvements in health care options for veterans, will receive an even greater majority of active duty and retired military votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.
Looks like Chuck and his marxist pals will need to work overtime to get those military ballots disqualified just like they did in the 2000 election.
Yancey Ward: “ it is pretty silly that Biden fell for it.”
Biden didn’t fall for anything. There is no reason at all to think Biden believes what he said. It is a blatant pander, and Fstain's point about black man vs white guy is perceptive.
'I am a culture leech': African American history professor at George Washington University admits she's been pretending to be black her entire career in online confession
You know what the difference between one anonymous source and 100 anonymous sources is? Jack shit, that's what. Beautiful sunrise photos by the way, really nice.
Suspect in Fatal Portland Shooting Is Killed by Officers During Arrest Law enforcement agents killed Michael Forest Reinoehl while trying to arrest him, four officials said. He was being investigated in the fatal shooting of a supporter of a far-right group.
From the wording of his comment you can tell R/V doesn’t care if the Atlantic story is true. It does not need to be true. It only has to express hatred. If he believed it he would want UNDECIDED voters to read it.
"I hope Althouse and her boogers read about their wonderful Trump in the recent Atlantic article by Jeffery Goldberg."
We've already been informed that Trump is a Russian asset, a misogynist, mentally ill, a Nazi, Hitler no less, king of the white supremacists, a man who lies 68 times per hour, a crook, a fraud, fat, a cheater at golf, a man who has multiple strokes, but is so dishonest that he pretends he's OK anyway, the creator of Covid-19, a draft dodger, a birther, a rapist, Rosie O'Donnel's secret lesbian lover, and an unrepentant supporter of the Snuggie for best product since the pocket fisherman.
But you think this is the lion killer story of all time. Good luck with that. How many times have you done this thankless task over the last 4 years? It must be exhausting for you and Chuck, and with no reward for all that hard work.
I have it on good authority that he did actually shoot a man on Fifth Avenue the day of his inauguration, but I'm gonna vote for him anyway. The victim was a multiracial black, transsexual, quadriplegic innocently taking rescued street puppies to the vet, so...
Updated Sept. 4, 2020, 12:29 a.m. ET NYT Suspect in Fatal Portland Shooting Is Killed by Officers During Arrest By Mike Baker, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner
An antifa activist being investigated in the fatal shooting of a right-wing counterprotester who was part of a pro-Trump caravan in Portland, Ore., was killed on Thursday night when authorities moved to arrest him, according to four law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation.
The officials said the suspect, Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was shot by officers from a federal fugitive task force during the encounter in Lacey, Wash., southwest of Seattle.
"...The AP is now reporting that the task force included both US Marshals and FBI Agents. Justice Department officials told the AP that Reinoehl was killed when he pulled a gun on the agents when they attempted to arrest him."
The Atlantic, the Birkel of magazines, is refuted even by John Bolton’s book, which discusses the cancellation of the visit due to bad weather for helicopters.
It's almost like all were positioned & ready to seize on the allegations in The Atlantic..as if..coordinated.. (Maybe the claims are all true. But the track record to date is poor.) What if the steady stream of claims and attacks
NYC mayor De Blasio is now demanding 4K restaurant police in the NYPD before he allows the restaurants there to reopen. We are talking about 10% of their workforce. They have already apparently lost their elite plain clothes unit, and 5he school cops have been moved out to make it look like they are cutting staff. The whole thing is seriously brain dead. The city is hemorrhaging population, and tourism, one of the city’s major industries, has cratered. One of the reasons to go there to visit is the selection of restaurants. Another is shopp8ng, and a lot of that was burned out, thanks to Hs decision to hamstring the police in responding to the riots. Meanwhile he is taking the city as quickly as he can to the pre-Giuliani days, in terms of violence. Instead of putting people in jail for broken windows, they are now letting them out, without the necessity of bail for sexual assaults and maybe even murder. Sure, the city might recover. Some day. But Detroit didn’t, and likely never will. Why should NYC recover? Maybe the stock exchanges will physically move back, with the NJ governor contemplating taxing high frequency trading. It is funny that that is one area where distance does matter, where the speed of light (and electronic signals) limits how far the business can be distributed.
De Blasio is an idiot. But his idiocy is only allowed to destroy the city he was elected to run, because the citizens of the city elected a socialist to office. They are getting what they wanted - hard. We are seeing this across the country, where socialist or socialist leaning Dem governors and esp mayors are elected, and they almost immediately destroy their cities the first time they have a chance. Socialism will, of course, result in sub optimal decision making. It can’t help it. It is inevitable. Socialism substitutes decision making by personal preference, even whim, for doing it based on market signaling. Dedicated socialists trust well credentialed experts to make these decisions, which inevitably means decision making by bureaucrats, whose decision making is inevitably warped by the goals of the bureaucracies.
Why though do so many well meaning people vote to destroy their cities and states by electing socialists, or even left leaning Democrats. Two thoughts there. One is that the Soviets, in the 1960s started a process here to destroy us from the inside, since they couldn’t fight us successfully economically or militarily. With their fall, the ChiComs picked up the standard, and continued the process. Instead of teaching American History and Civics, left wing propaganda is taught instead. And that, in particular, means that the evils of socialism are not taught, but whitewashed instead.
The other aspect though is that we can somewhat afford dabbling in socialism because of the physical wealth of our society. Even as late as when us Baby Boomers were born, people were still starving in this country. Now everything is reversed - obesity is the low income problem. The cost of the necessities has crashed, and it takes fewer and fewer people to provide them. With that, there are the resources available to squander them on quixotic left wing pursuits like the Green New Deal, renewable energy, and even the riots currently destroying a number of our cities. Most of the white rioters can be classified as “drones”, essentially superfluous to society, with little better to do than riot, burn, and physically assault people, and esp cops. If they ever worried about their next meal, they wouldn’t be rioting. But they grew up knowing that food, clothing, shelter were never a worry. Just the meaning of their empty lives.
Let me explain. Scheduled "scandals" will be rolled out regularly between now & Nov. 3. The media, politicos, propagandists pretend it's organic & pretend to be aghast. Most of America understands what's going on. After all, it's not exactly a new approach in politics.
rehajm said... Let me explain. Scheduled "scandals" will be rolled out regularly between now & Nov. 3. The media, politicos, propagandists pretend it's organic & pretend to be aghast. Most of America understands what's going on. After all, it's not exactly a new approach in politics.
I was just remembering that's exactly what happened in 2016. They would be coordinated with some point Hillary made in the debate.
Remember when Trump called Miss Universe fat? That was big.
I see that Amazon has made a movie where Madame Curie’s playing around with radium and taking notes, and giving herself cancer, BTW, has been elevated to her envisioning E=MC^2. I guess Einstein might want someone else to take the heat for conceptualizing nuclear weapons, so maybe he would be OK with it. It’s like the discovery of DNA, there was some chick taking photos using equipment she didn’t invent, but she never did the math that revealed what she was looking at. Still we are lectured that DNA was discovered by a woman.
The soft bigotry of low expectations.
"Rassmussen PA poll shows a tie with D +7. That seems right”
I just drove through PA, and Trump enthusiasm seems pretty damned high.
It won't be long before it is reported as fact that everything was invented by a 'black man'. Then it will have to be corrected that he wasn't actually a 'man', but 'LGBTQWERTY' identifying as a native american aborigine...etc. etc. etcetera...
eric said... If you end up talking about the newest made up lie about Trump from the Atlantic tomorrow, visit @MZHemingway twitter. She already has four people who went on the record, who were there (Although one of them might not have been there, it's not clear to me from the tweet) who said it's a total lie.
I'd like, but I still don't know how to do that.
9/3/20, 9:46 PM
This one?
KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: ‘The Atlantic’ Barfs Up 2020’s Worst Trump Hit Piece Yet. “The whole article is pathetic. Goldberg pretends to be legitimately curious about Trump’s patriotism but the whole thing reads like something a drunk BuzzFeed intern wrote after his daddy told him he was disappointed again.”
I have been watching The Naked Archeologist, an Orthodox Jew who does Biblical archeology in a scientific way, though in questions of doubt, he defers to the Bible, and last night the episode was kind of mind blowing. He was looking into Chap 6 of Genesis where the King James Bible says that during the early days of mankind, people used to have children with “giants” and he points out that this came from the Greek translation of Genesis, and the Greeks firmly believed that the world was once ruled by the Titans. But in Hebrew, the word was “fallen ones” or people without the divine spark.
It turns out that 60,000 years ago in Israel, of all places, there are archeological sites that show Neanderthals and Modern Humans living in the same caves at the same time, and there is even a skeletonthat is indeterminate whether it is human or Neanderthal found there, along with human and Neanderthal ones.
It’s amazing to think that the Bible contains human memory passed down through the generations for 60,000 years.
Remember when I wrote about how Burlington had dumped millions of gallons of raw sewage into the lake during a storm and the lake had turned green in a lot of places and smelled off? This is a lake a hundred plus miles long. Well I had to swim in it after a piece of free floating nylon rope got caught in my props and I had to swim to untangle it, and here I am with a bacterial infection in my skin that is potentially quite dangerous if it gets out of control.
Democrats and socialists have been in control in Burlington forever, including Bernie Sanders’ stint as mayor, and yet they haven’t fixed a long standing problem. But they did give their residents gigabit ethernet at taxpayers expense. Well, not really, Burlington Telecom stuck the creditors with a bill they found impossible to pay. Kind of similar to what Bernie’s wife did to that college.
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"A black man invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Tom Edison" — Joe Biden Video
I like the "man" vs "guy" distinction.
(also posted in dead threads...)
Marked Safe
Over in Boulder, Colorado, a woman on a moped saw a 12 year old child on a bicycle with a Trump sign. She drove up to the kid and proceeded to hit him several times with her closed fist.
According to the police the "suspect was described as a white female in her 20s or 30s wearing a tan jacket, blue shirt and blue jeans. The moped she was riding was gray or blue in color."
If you are a Democrat you are a hater. I you vote for Democrats, you are enabling hatred. Period.
An end to wokeness at Disney?
Wow, love all those photographs!
The modern democrat party - witnessed in these two fat democrat progressive leftwing thieving bitches.
Tweak the hues, add some stone and a few nymphs, and you're Maxfield Parrish.
Your pictures are clearly a "set up".
It's over. The CDC Eviction Ban is the final nail in the coffin of that spavined hoss called America's rule of law.
Just like that. Sad.
I was THAT close to voting for Trump, too
i don't really understand?
You can be assigned the wrong gender at birth (they called you male; just 'cause you had a dick)
How come people don't realize, that you can be assigned the wrong race at birth?
(They called her a white jew; just because her parents were!!)
IF you vote for Democrats, you are enabling hatred.
Sorry for the typo.
To be fair to Biden a bit, Edison didn't invent the light bulb, he and his team produced the first really practical one, and then further refined it.
I am guessing that Biden has been fed a line about a guy named Latimer who worked for one of Edison rivals- Latimer filed some patents for improved carbon filaments, if memory serves, but, of course, carbon filaments were replaced pretty quickly by tungsten ones.
Still, though, if that video is not doctored, it is pretty silly that Biden fell for it.
I hope Althouse and her boogers read about their wonderful Trump in the recent Atlantic article by Jeffery Goldberg.
Like a link swarm
like "Scooby", Hillary's mobile ICU,
...Joe's "Malarky-Mobile" should be a finished basement on wheels
Big turnout for Biden in Kenosha today.
... or they'll destroy America!!!
The Washington Post
· 12h
Perspective: The election will likely spark violence — and a constitutional crisis.
In every scenario except a Biden landslide, our simulation ended catastrophically. https://wapo.st/32Qx2Jy
So many of the problems in America can be ascribed to White guilt by the urban gentry. They are credentialed and not educated.
Portland's choice for mayor this November is a feckless crap-weasel and an Antifa loon. I know who has the biggest 'nads. If I could illegally vote in Portland, I'd vote for the loon. I'm a big fan of Mencken's "In a democracy, the people get what they want, good and hard." I'll bet all the huge big-time players are shitting their britches.
An End To Wokeness at Disney?
Walt Disney, the company has pretty consistently focused on profitability, and the SJW is clearly getting in the way of that overarching goal
Woke and drowsy. Perhaps not for the right reason, but a positive development. Baby steps.
That said, social justice (i.e. relativistic or Pro-Choice) anywhere is injustice everywhere.
Narrdog Narrdog, have you heard?
Guildy's gonna buy you a damn mocking bird!
If you end up talking about the newest made up lie about Trump from the Atlantic tomorrow, visit @MZHemingway twitter. She already has four people who went on the record, who were there (Although one of them might not have been there, it's not clear to me from the tweet) who said it's a total lie.
I'd like, but I still don't know how to do that.
I turned 50 years old this year. I've been paying close attention to American presidential elections since I was 10. That was when I became a political junkie. I was an "Independent" in my own mind and was rooting for John Anderson. From what I recall, despite Carter's weaknesses, the election of Reagan was not a sure thing. It was an exciting race to the finish. On election day, however, Carter conceded before voting was over in the western states. (IIRC.)
Since then, I can recall two campaigns that felt doomed from the beginning. (It wasn't Dukakis - he ran a lousy campaign, but still seemed like a viable candidate. Same with Romney.) The two that stood out to me were Dole/Kemp, and McCain/Palin. I voted for them, but knew there was no chance. In both cases, the Presidential nominees were old and decrepit, and seemed to be just going through the motions. Their actual campaigns were a string of embarrassing events, without any coherent strategy.
That's the vibe I'm now getting from the Biden campaign. I realize he could still win, primarily because of voter fraud. Events could still defeat Trump. But Biden himself is a disaster. I watched his speech today at the Kenosha church. He struggled to breathe, and had numerous cringe-inducing moments. His eccentricities are getting worse. It was very sad to observe. I also watched his taped dialogue with Harris, the recent one where he asked her questions. It was completely unappealing, and sometimes bizarre. They had zero chemistry with each other.
Anyway, for what it's worth, I think Biden's defeat is inevitable, barring Democrat shenanigans or unforeseen events. Both Biden and Harris are terrible candidates. Even if they were more competent, the Dems have joined themselves to the protests and riots to such a degree that there's no way to reverse the damage. Meanwhile Trump is doing rallies again, full of energy and stamina. All the momentum and enthusiasm are on Trump's side. I'm wondering if Biden can even stay in the race for another two months. It's probably too late to have Harris take over, since ballots are already being printed.
Nutshell version: it's nice to see the Dems have their own version of Dole and McCain, for a change.
LLR-lefty and Whitmer Fanboy Chuck: "Tomorrow’s news. And of course Trump will deny it, and we will see how the reporting is expanded and confirmed by numerous reporters, each with multiple sources."
More hoaxed up "anonymous" lies pushed by liars like Chuck.
And, of course, it is this desperation on the part of the marxist left/LLR-left that is obvious to all.
The good news? Trump, the guy who delivered massive improvements in health care options for veterans, will receive an even greater majority of active duty and retired military votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.
Looks like Chuck and his marxist pals will need to work overtime to get those military ballots disqualified just like they did in the 2000 election.
I suspect that our unlovable phony LLR Chuck is honest about one thing: His first name is Chuck.
However, his last name is Schumer.
Now it makes complete sense to me.
Yancey Ward: “ it is pretty silly that Biden fell for it.”
Biden didn’t fall for anything. There is no reason at all to think Biden believes what he said. It is a blatant pander, and Fstain's point about black man vs white guy is perceptive.
'I am a culture leech': African American history professor at George Washington University admits she's been pretending to be black her entire career in online confession
America is so racist, P'sOC are clamoring to get in
...and white people are claiming they're black!
You know what the difference between one anonymous source and 100 anonymous sources is? Jack shit, that's what. Beautiful sunrise photos by the way, really nice.
who wore it better?
Porsche Bennet ?
Whip it! Whip it good, Porsche!!
Fopdoodle and roesch/voltaire both got the talking points.
Anonymous sources.
There for every private conversation.
Or Jayson Blair again.
Or Stephen Glass.
Occam calls bull shit.
Also, Joe Biden is a demented fool.
Trump wins bigly.
About the lies in the atlantic:
She calls BS.
General Kellogg calls bull shit on fopdoodle lies.
He ain't anonymous.
That the Atlantic ran the October surprise article a month early tells me Biden needs immediate shoring up.
Hey! I'm I nuts?.......yeah, yeah...rhetorical question.
For the first time in my life, you cannot find ammunition in the USA!
I mean....I have ammo....but it gonna last long. Maybe I'm going all Stars-n-Bars!!
Number 3...beautiful...great composition : )
Non judge rheinhoeld down
R/V said I hope Althouse and her boogers read about their wonderful Trump in the recent Atlantic article by Jeffery Goldberg.
I think you meant Althouse and her goobers; boogers is what you're snacking on now.
stillborn in that "queer birth" of anarchy
Suspect in Fatal Portland Shooting Is Killed by Officers During Arrest
Law enforcement agents killed Michael Forest Reinoehl while trying to arrest him, four officials said. He was being investigated in the fatal shooting of a supporter of a far-right group.
N. N.
I give long odds that Disney will be woker next week than it is today, and woker still the week after that.
From the wording of his comment you can tell R/V doesn’t care if the Atlantic story is true. It does not need to be true. It only has to express hatred. If he believed it he would want UNDECIDED voters to read it.
Michael Reinoehl shot and killed by police trying to arrest him.
"I hope Althouse and her boogers read about their wonderful Trump in the recent Atlantic article by Jeffery Goldberg."
We've already been informed that Trump is a Russian asset, a misogynist, mentally ill, a Nazi, Hitler no less, king of the white supremacists, a man who lies 68 times per hour, a crook, a fraud, fat, a cheater at golf, a man who has multiple strokes, but is so dishonest that he pretends he's OK anyway, the creator of Covid-19, a draft dodger, a birther, a rapist, Rosie O'Donnel's secret lesbian lover, and an unrepentant supporter of the Snuggie for best product since the pocket fisherman.
But you think this is the lion killer story of all time. Good luck with that. How many times have you done this thankless task over the last 4 years? It must be exhausting for you and Chuck, and with no reward for all that hard work.
I have it on good authority that he did actually shoot a man on Fifth Avenue the day of his inauguration, but I'm gonna vote for him anyway. The victim was a multiracial black, transsexual, quadriplegic innocently taking rescued street puppies to the vet, so...
Tomorrow’s news. And of course Trump will deny it,
Of course he will. It's ludicrous on the very face of it.
You're as gullible as Inga.
Western views
The civic embers
Get em' while they're hot
Michael Forest Reinoehl has been canceled.
Updated Sept. 4, 2020, 12:29 a.m. ET
NYT Suspect in Fatal Portland Shooting Is Killed by Officers During Arrest
By Mike Baker, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner
An antifa activist being investigated in the fatal shooting of a right-wing counterprotester who was part of a pro-Trump caravan in Portland, Ore., was killed on Thursday night when authorities moved to arrest him, according to four law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation.
The officials said the suspect, Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was shot by officers from a federal fugitive task force during the encounter in Lacey, Wash., southwest of Seattle.
Naturally, no mention in this story that:
"...The AP is now reporting that the task force included both US Marshals and FBI Agents. Justice Department officials told the AP that Reinoehl was killed when he pulled a gun on the agents when they attempted to arrest him."
It would be interesting to see if this was the same gun long-time loser Reinoehl used to kill Aaron Danielson in Portland on Saturday night.
What comes around goes around.
The lightbulb was invented by Phil Ament.
The Atlantic, the Birkel of magazines, is refuted even by John Bolton’s book, which discusses the cancellation of the visit due to bad weather for helicopters.
When accessing Iheartradio app programs, getting hammered with Biden ads. None have Joe Hiden speaking. One seems almost entirely about Harris.
Biden camp is in a tough position this morning. Condemn the killing or risk what you've worked for and likely a chunk of the base?
Best bet- Joe goes back to the cave...
It was a covid death.
Chuck “and we will see how the reporting is expanded and confirmed by numerous reporters, each with multiple sources.”
“Will the multiple sources be anonymous like the ones in the Atlantic story?
It's almost like all were positioned & ready to seize on the allegations in The Atlantic..as if..coordinated..
(Maybe the claims are all true. But the track record to date is poor.)
What if the steady stream of claims and attacks
I am in rapture! They turned that cowardly, murdering Antifa ape creature into swiss cheese! What a wonderful start to the day!
NYC mayor De Blasio is now demanding 4K restaurant police in the NYPD before he allows the restaurants there to reopen. We are talking about 10% of their workforce. They have already apparently lost their elite plain clothes unit, and 5he school cops have been moved out to make it look like they are cutting staff. The whole thing is seriously brain dead. The city is hemorrhaging population, and tourism, one of the city’s major industries, has cratered. One of the reasons to go there to visit is the selection of restaurants. Another is shopp8ng, and a lot of that was burned out, thanks to Hs decision to hamstring the police in responding to the riots. Meanwhile he is taking the city as quickly as he can to the pre-Giuliani days, in terms of violence. Instead of putting people in jail for broken windows, they are now letting them out, without the necessity of bail for sexual assaults and maybe even murder. Sure, the city might recover. Some day. But Detroit didn’t, and likely never will. Why should NYC recover? Maybe the stock exchanges will physically move back, with the NJ governor contemplating taxing high frequency trading. It is funny that that is one area where distance does matter, where the speed of light (and electronic signals) limits how far the business can be distributed.
De Blasio is an idiot. But his idiocy is only allowed to destroy the city he was elected to run, because the citizens of the city elected a socialist to office. They are getting what they wanted - hard. We are seeing this across the country, where socialist or socialist leaning Dem governors and esp mayors are elected, and they almost immediately destroy their cities the first time they have a chance. Socialism will, of course, result in sub optimal decision making. It can’t help it. It is inevitable. Socialism substitutes decision making by personal preference, even whim, for doing it based on market signaling. Dedicated socialists trust well credentialed experts to make these decisions, which inevitably means decision making by bureaucrats, whose decision making is inevitably warped by the goals of the bureaucracies.
Why though do so many well meaning people vote to destroy their cities and states by electing socialists, or even left leaning Democrats. Two thoughts there. One is that the Soviets, in the 1960s started a process here to destroy us from the inside, since they couldn’t fight us successfully economically or militarily. With their fall, the ChiComs picked up the standard, and continued the process. Instead of teaching American History and Civics, left wing propaganda is taught instead. And that, in particular, means that the evils of socialism are not taught, but whitewashed instead.
The other aspect though is that we can somewhat afford dabbling in socialism because of the physical wealth of our society. Even as late as when us Baby Boomers were born, people were still starving in this country. Now everything is reversed - obesity is the low income problem. The cost of the necessities has crashed, and it takes fewer and fewer people to provide them. With that, there are the resources available to squander them on quixotic left wing pursuits like the Green New Deal, renewable energy, and even the riots currently destroying a number of our cities. Most of the white rioters can be classified as “drones”, essentially superfluous to society, with little better to do than riot, burn, and physically assault people, and esp cops. If they ever worried about their next meal, they wouldn’t be rioting. But they grew up knowing that food, clothing, shelter were never a worry. Just the meaning of their empty lives.
Let me explain.
Scheduled "scandals" will be rolled out regularly between now & Nov. 3.
The media, politicos, propagandists pretend it's organic & pretend to be aghast.
Most of America understands what's going on.
After all, it's not exactly a new approach in politics.
-Sharyl Attkisson
Rassmussen PA poll shows a tie with D +7. That seems right
The nationals we didn't get after the convention? Well a few released but the assumptions are hidden from the public in percentages...
rehajm said...
Let me explain.
Scheduled "scandals" will be rolled out regularly between now & Nov. 3.
The media, politicos, propagandists pretend it's organic & pretend to be aghast.
Most of America understands what's going on.
After all, it's not exactly a new approach in politics.
I was just remembering that's exactly what happened in 2016.
They would be coordinated with some point Hillary made in the debate.
Remember when Trump called Miss Universe fat? That was big.
I will believe Trump said anything about McCain.
But the rest of it doesn't sound like him. And Trump just had a big night for wounded vets at the RNC.
From the great Narc link.
I see that Amazon has made a movie where Madame Curie’s playing around with radium and taking notes, and giving herself cancer, BTW, has been elevated to her envisioning E=MC^2. I guess Einstein might want someone else to take the heat for conceptualizing nuclear weapons, so maybe he would be OK with it. It’s like the discovery of DNA, there was some chick taking photos using equipment she didn’t invent, but she never did the math that revealed what she was looking at. Still we are lectured that DNA was discovered by a woman.
The soft bigotry of low expectations.
"Rassmussen PA poll shows a tie with D +7. That seems right”
I just drove through PA, and Trump enthusiasm seems pretty damned high.
"They turned that cowardly, murdering Antifa ape creature into swiss cheese! What a wonderful start to the day!”
I would have been much happier to find out who was paying his bills.
r.e. a 'black man inventing the light bulb':
It won't be long before it is reported as fact that everything was invented by a 'black man'. Then it will have to be corrected that he wasn't actually a 'man', but 'LGBTQWERTY' identifying as a native american aborigine...etc. etc. etcetera...
eric said...
If you end up talking about the newest made up lie about Trump from the Atlantic tomorrow, visit @MZHemingway twitter. She already has four people who went on the record, who were there (Although one of them might not have been there, it's not clear to me from the tweet) who said it's a total lie.
I'd like, but I still don't know how to do that.
9/3/20, 9:46 PM
This one?
KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: ‘The Atlantic’ Barfs Up 2020’s Worst Trump Hit Piece Yet. “The whole article is pathetic. Goldberg pretends to be legitimately curious about Trump’s patriotism but the whole thing reads like something a drunk BuzzFeed intern wrote after his daddy told him he was disappointed again.”
Blogger Blair said...
I am in rapture! They turned that cowardly, murdering Antifa ape creature into swiss cheese! What a wonderful start to the day!
9/4/20, 5:47 AM
Ah yes, roesch/voltaire, Howard & Co. hardest hit.
Those ferals keep losing. I guess Howard wasn't their DI.
That's what I told my girlfriend the night I lost my virginity.
" DNA was discovered by a woman."
That's what I told my girlfriend the night I lost my virginity.
I have been watching The Naked Archeologist, an Orthodox Jew who does Biblical archeology in a scientific way, though in questions of doubt, he defers to the Bible, and last night the episode was kind of mind blowing. He was looking into Chap 6 of Genesis where the King James Bible says that during the early days of mankind, people used to have children with “giants” and he points out that this came from the Greek translation of Genesis, and the Greeks firmly believed that the world was once ruled by the Titans. But in Hebrew, the word was “fallen ones” or people without the divine spark.
It turns out that 60,000 years ago in Israel, of all places, there are archeological sites that show Neanderthals and Modern Humans living in the same caves at the same time, and there is even a skeletonthat is indeterminate whether it is human or Neanderthal found there, along with human and Neanderthal ones.
It’s amazing to think that the Bible contains human memory passed down through the generations for 60,000 years.
Remember when I wrote about how Burlington had dumped millions of gallons of raw sewage into the lake during a storm and the lake had turned green in a lot of places and smelled off? This is a lake a hundred plus miles long. Well I had to swim in it after a piece of free floating nylon rope got caught in my props and I had to swim to untangle it, and here I am with a bacterial infection in my skin that is potentially quite dangerous if it gets out of control.
Democrats and socialists have been in control in Burlington forever, including Bernie Sanders’ stint as mayor, and yet they haven’t fixed a long standing problem. But they did give their residents gigabit ethernet at taxpayers expense. Well, not really, Burlington Telecom stuck the creditors with a bill they found impossible to pay. Kind of similar to what Bernie’s wife did to that college.
There are gorgeous. Love the change of scenery.
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