IN THE COMMENTS: D.D. Driver said:
Hey it's Snyder v. Phelps! Ginsburg sided with Westboro Baptists' first amendment right to protest funerals.Here's my blog post from the day the Court decided Snyder v. Phelps. Chief Justice Roberts wrote:
Sad trivia — do you remember who the sole dissenter was?
Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and—as it did here— inflict great pain. On the facts before us, we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker. As a Nation we have chosen a different course—to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate. That choice requires that we shield Westboro from tort liability for its picketing in this case.I said, "Clearly, this is the right outcome." And I quoted Justice Alito, the lone dissenter: "Respondents’ outrageous conduct caused petitioner great injury, and the Court now compounds that injury by depriving petitioner of a judgment that acknowledges the wrong he suffered. In order to have a society in which public issues can be openly and vigorously debated, it is not necessary to allow the brutalization of innocent victims like petitioner."
Of course, no one cares about the brutalization of the not-so-innocent Trump, and Trump knows that and is taking it like a champion.
It's what she would have wanted..
This is nothing. I expect riots during the confirmation hearings. Rioters will do anything to stop the vote. ACB and her whole family are probably under protection right now.
Thank you Dems for showing America Who you really are.
Hopefully, President turns this disgraceful moment into an advertisement about the degeneracy of the left.
That almost makes one suspect the crowd isn’t there to pay respects in the first place. Oh, well. Calling for a vote is better than what they are doing in other Blue cities.
And Joe Biden is coming to pay his respects when, exactly?
No, I think that’s the ironic thing. RBG was very sincere about comity. She was better than this crowd, much better.
Trump wasn't sent to DC to make friends with the residents of DC. Their booing just tells me he's doing a good job.
Supreme Court vacancies are becoming what new state admissions were in the mid-19th century. The divisions in America are becoming irreconcilable. The two sides don’t see each other as just wrong or mistaken but evil and destructive. The Democrats have demographics on their side, but the demographic transition as whites lose their position is likely to contain a lot of upheaval. That white working class is like an empire in decline hopelessly fumbling around while in denial of the fact.
One of the worst legacies of the '60s is the idea that it's somehow noble to assemble a mob for the purpose of screaming at other people over differences of political opinion.
A non-violent march across a bridge in Selma to make sure the descendants of slaves can vote and send their kids to school? Perfectly appropriate.
A bunch of spoiled brats screaming and shouting because they didn't get the president they wanted? Thoroughly juvenile and contemptible.
[shrug] Democrats are rude, crude, intolerant, and disgusting. This is new? Not in any place where I’ve ever lived.
Stay classy libs.
Stay classy, lefties. Just like the Wellstone funeral.
I almost forgot violence-prone. Democrats are prone to rage and violence when things don’t go their way. Goes with being rude & crude.
I was going for the longer version.
Stay Classy, Dems...
Her arrogance was evident when she didn’t step down during Obama’s term. She too was convinced they would roll .over the deplorables. Hubris.
"Trump killed Ginsburg!"
Why wasn't the left smart enough to get a 'died by Covid' on the death certificate?
It is an obvious play and they missed it.
Hey it's Snyder v. Phelps! Ginsburg sided with Westboro Baptists' first amendment right to protest funerals.
Sad trivia-do you remember who the sole dissenter was?
Gee, I was all set to vote for Trump but this gaggle of chanting jackasses totally persuaded me to vote for Biden instead. I mean, clearly they're making such compelling arguments here.
Or, as their friends who have been paying off Joe Biden via Hunter would put it: “некультурный.”
Yes, Trump is the one without class.
He comes to pay his respects, and they hate him for it. If he didn't come to pay his respects, they'd hate him for that too.
I'm glad he was there. It's rare that he does the "above-it-all" thing. It's refreshing. And the protesters just revealed themselves to be petty shitheads.
The Dems can't help themselves. They live for politics. Even at funerals.
I would pissed if Conservatives started acting idiotic at say, GW Bush's funeral or Scalia's funeral.
No class.
Disgraceful, hateful violent lefties. Not going to help you get what you cry and burn it all down. We don't care anymore. Ram it through Mr. President. THEY WOULD.
Lets see how many Democrat politicians and MSM opinion leaders attack the crowd for their crass, vulgar behavior toward the POTUS paying his respects to dead SCOTUS judge. My guess is zero will condemn it, and it will just confirm the Democrat party/MSM are classless scum.
Will Mittens, Lindsey Graham, David Brooks and the Never-Trumpers, who are always bleating about "Civility" condemn this? I doubt it. No guts.
In a few weeks they'll be screaming for burning down the Supreme Court building itself.
Lying in State
If more people came the the realization that one person, un-elected at that, should not have that much power over 330 million people....that would be great.
I'm glad the protesters dressed for the occasion.
"It's what she would have wanted.."
What would RBG be doing now if she were alive today?
Desperately clawing at the inside of her coffin.
Too soon?
The Dems are defined by hatred, temper tantrums, violence and implementing radical change without thinking through the long-term effects. Let's put them in charge of all three branches of government! What could go wrong?
J. Farmer wrote:
"Supreme Court vacancies are becoming what new state admissions were in the mid-19th century."
An interesting way to look at it.
Democrats, don't expect decent behavior from Democrats and you won't be surprised or disappointed, it is what is.
President and Mrs. Obama paid their respects to Justice Scalia at the Supreme Court indoors, and there was silence throughout ( Why was the placement of the Ginsburg casket outdoors?
This may be an election where the merits of the candidates are secondary to the loathing and disgust felt against the others' supporters.
JohnAnnArbor said..."Stay classy, lefties. Just like the Wellstone funeral."
Yes, at the Senator Paul Wellstone (D-Minn) funeral in 2002 speakers harangued Republican attendees. The 2002 mid-term elections, to pundits' surprise, did not turn out well for Democrats.
How lame. "Lock him up" would have at least been clever.
"The Dems can't help themselves. They live for politics. Even at funerals"
It's now the country's biggest single religion - by far. Get ready for a permanent inquisition. They have the media to point out heretics. This enables their foot soldiers to go after dissenters.
I know it’s not the perfect word, but in describing the New Democrats “ignoble” keeps coming to mind.
My doctor/Democrat neighbor told me last night that Amy Barrett was a “Handmaid’s Tale” person. I said that was a smear and debunked. I could tell she didn’t believe me. Wow! The Handmaid Judge. Seriously!
I’m trying to “love my neighbor”, but what kind of people promulgate such calumny? Ignoble people.
I'm sure "The Cause" is loading U-Haul trucks with riot supplies for DC, and elsewhere, as I type this.
I predict that the SJC Dems will walk out on ACB rather than try to Bork her. The media is tasked with the latter.
They think that is the classy approach and it is focus group tested.
Kings and commoners meet and a peaceful protest breaks out. So what. We still elect our king every fourth year. RBG thought she was Queen for life without ever being elected anything. And that’s the way the Dems expect it to go down.
"As a Nation we have chosen a different course—to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate. That choice requires that we shield Westboro from tort liability for its picketing in this case."
Of course, one always has the option of simply excluding the hurtful speakers from private property. At least we did have that option, until the Civil Rights Act codified the seizure by the federal government of all private property used in commerce.
Trump is losing his grandmaster troll status...he could have worn a flag mask and a MAGA hat : )
Imagine that.
Libs Wellstone another funeral.
Why even attend?
Everybody who would talk smack about you for that wasn't voting for you anyway.
Fuck 'em.
I have despaired of the possibility of ever living through an election that isn't the most important election of my lifetime and one which will effect the course of civilization for the next thousand years. I still hold out hope that the next Supreme Court appointment--or, anyway, the one after this one--will not be the most important Supreme Court appointment in my lifetime. If Trump gets a 6-3 majority, won't the next appointment be of secondary importance. Can you imagine a tranquil state where people don't get all frothy mouthed about Supreme Court appointments. Oh heaven, to be alive at that hour!....There is no better way to honor the memory of Ruth Bader Ginsburg than to heap abuse on Trump and whomever he chooses to replace Ginsburg. The more virulent and spittle flecked the better.
"Vote him out"
Of course you'd expect that from a crowd coming to see the Buzz's corpse.
Why show respect for this lefty who had no respect for her Article VI oath or the Constitution.
These clueless and classless twits aren't going to change, no matter what the rest of the country does. And so since they won't--and can't--change I'll do the right thing and ignore their wishes. Once someone is beyond reason it's folly to try to deal with them.
Imagine making suck a ruckus inside a church during a funeral, or in a Funeral Home. Those protestors are loathesome.
she should have recused before all cases that involved any trump issue, I know rhetorical
Trump should fill that seat on Monday. Screw the hateful, violent asshole Democrats. They are scum.
"Imagine making suck a ruckus inside a church during a funeral, or in a Funeral Home. Those protestors are loathesome."
@J. Farmer,
Wow, that's really a brilliant analogy (new SCOTUS justices and new state admissions). Once you see it, you can't unsee it. Well done.
And meanwhile there are a lot of John Brown's out there insisting on violence as a necessary means to cleanse the nation.
On the subject of Trump paying his respects, he probably knew that it would expose the Left's typical absence of class or virtue. He may even have considered it politically expedient. As others have said, Wellstone 2.0.
The worst people in our society reside on the left. It's not even close.
The worst people in our society reside on the left. It's not even close.
I'm sure Justice Ginsberg would have been so proud if those people(not). Agree or disagree, she was a lady (which you're probably not even allowed to say anymore).
Taking it like a champ, hah! Can't wait for the reenactments at his upcoming rallies to folks who couldn't be trusted by the WH with news of RBG'S death. "Sir...."
Ginsberg probably would have supported that bogus $16 trillion study:
"If we take seriously the promises of employment, education, and sustenance made in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [but not US law - Ed.], the discrepancies in racial well-being in the United States noted by the United Nations report demand affirmative government attention. It seems implausible that such marked differences would occur with no discrimination lurking in the background."
Trump ends Obama's wars, Iraq War 2.0, Persian palettes, Arab Springs, terrorist migration, coups in Kiev, or the Greater Middle East war. Boo, hiss, vote him out!
The idea that speakers have at all times the right to choose the time and manner of their voicings is a pernicious idea that has diluted the idea of freedom of speech to the point where the original point, the right to express dissenting ideas has been lost. Now it is construed as the right to be unconstrainted in all manner of antisocial activity.
Imagine making suck a ruckus inside a church during a funeral, or in a Funeral Home.
Same type of people that protest in restaurants. Really, I don't know why people try to put them on the right or the left. People of different ideologies have managed for decades to reduce politics in their personal lives, such that they don't need to be the type of asshole that would protest at a funeral or a restaurant.
Can the left do anything more to motivate Trump voters ?
This was an effort. Well done.
“I am a 40-something attorney and mother who lives in a quiet neighborhood with a yard and a garage full of scooters and soccer balls. I am not the type of person who would normally consider becoming a Satanist, but these are not normal times.”
O i forgot the ROFL
Francisco D said...
I predict that the SJC Dems will walk out on ACB rather than try to Bork her. The media is tasked with the latter.
They think that is the classy approach and it is focus group tested.
I agree. And they will abstain from voting. The Kavanaugh thing was devastating to them.
The same people who're outraged that Trump has poor manners.
William said...
I have despaired of the possibility of ever living through an election that isn't the most important election of my lifetime and one which will effect the course of civilization for the next thousand years.
I frankly didn't care about the 2000 result. I was not a Bush fan. I was not surprised, though. Gore was such a stiff.
The Democrats have demographics on their side, but the demographic transition as whites lose their position is likely to contain a lot of upheaval. That white working class is like an empire in decline hopelessly fumbling around while in denial of the fact.
The Democrats seem to be doing what they can to lose the Hispanic vote. This POC stuff is not going to help. I am amazed that they have chosen to go all in on 13% of the population.
Toward the end of the clip, aren't there some people chanting, "Four more years!" in response to the protestors? I was thinking that's what I would have shouted had I been there.
Ken B:
"No, I think that’s the ironic thing. RBG was very sincere about comity. She was better than this crowd, much better."
If her "most fervent wish" was communicated accurately by her granddaughter, then she effectively endorsed this crowd.
I would agree that's a significant "if". If she didn't say anything like that, hell, even if she said the exact opposite (and she pretty much did, in 2016), they wouldn't even being to hesitate to lie and claim she said that anyway. Our hostess and maybe 4 others aside, it's been literally decades since I saw any sign of a Democrat possessing a conscience or a willingness to let any moral qualms stand in their way to acquiring power. Hell, the only moral imperative I can detect at all is acquiring power = good, losing power = evil, and the acquiring of such power justifies any and all means, up to and including setting the country on fire. That's it.
The majority of those waiting in line to see RGB are going to be Democrats. Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in Democrats. So, of course they would heckle DJT since they think Joe "gropey" Biden is the second coming of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, combined.
I hope they didn't interrupt the part where Susette Kelo placed a rose and a miniature pink house on the coffin.
Wearing the mask like that Batman movie villian Bane... what a badassmotherfucker
The Left is asshoe.
A bunch of spoiled brats screaming and shouting because they didn't get the president they wanted?
They don't see it that way. They see themselves as being on a righteous crusade to defeat a Neo-Hitler. They are Bonhoffer. They are White Rose.
Speaking of White Rose--does this sound familiar:
White Rose survivor Jürgen Wittenstein described what it was like for ordinary Germans to live in Nazi Germany:
"The government—or rather, the party—controlled everything: the news media, arms, police, the armed forces, the judiciary system, communications, travel, all levels of education from kindergarten to universities, all cultural and religious institutions. Political indoctrination started at a very early age, and continued by means of the Hitler Youth with the ultimate goal of complete mind control. Children were exhorted in school to denounce even their own parents for derogatory remarks about Hitler or Nazi ideology."
Unless family members of RBG are upset about the booing, and I doubt they are (I expect they are touched that POTUS and FLOTUS attended; I'd be touched if they attended my parent's wake), some comments here are off base (and overwrought).
rehajm said...
It's what she would have wanted..
I'm not a drink spitter, but this made me laugh.
I would suggest that it probably is not what she would have wanted, but the shitheads who engage in this (and their Leftist friends) believe she did, their ignorance being to their everlasting shame.
Can't wait for the reenactments at his upcoming rallies to folks who couldn't be trusted by the WH with news of RBG'S death. "Sir...."
Readering is losing it. It's been coming on for a while. Relax, soon it will be all over.
" The Democrats have demographics on their side, but the demographic transition as whites lose their position is likely to contain a lot of upheaval. That white working class is like an empire in decline hopelessly fumbling around while in denial of the fact."
A person's opinions and beliefs are tied to their demographic groupings? I'm not buying that,
Why it's almost as if half the country consists of nothing but a bunch of four-year-old shitheads having a perpetual temper tantrum.
I'm sure Justice Ginsberg would have been so proud if those people(not)
I agree. I think she had an epiphany, peered from the Twilight Fringe, and saw the light of Dawn, the birth of a new... day.
@Michael K:
The Democrats seem to be doing what they can to lose the Hispanic vote. This POC stuff is not going to help. I am amazed that they have chosen to go all in on 13% of the population.
I'm very skeptical of that trend. The Latino vote has gone for the Democrat in every presidential election since 1980. In the 2018 mid-term, Latinos preferred Democrats to Republicans 70% to 30%. Latinos are also younger than average compared to all Americans.
Wherever the lefties/LLR-lefties go, a Wellstone funeral service breaks out.
Big Mike said...
Or, as their friends who have been paying off Joe Biden via Hunter would put it: “некультурный.”
некультурный >>>>> an early version of deplorable?
who used it more and against whom in Soviet culture wars?
Ginsburg was probably correct that it should not be illegal to protest at a funeral. I doubt she thought it was laudable though.
Odd number for SC is what makes it SUPREME.
If it were even and ties more likely then 2 vote difference is proper way to be SUPREMER decisions.
When they say Trump is the one who "breaks norms" there is nothing to do but laugh at them.
“And there is Trump, standing like a stone wall.”
Good analogy. I intend to steal it, that's how good it is.
The problem with too many Democrats is their self-righteousness and willed blindness to the manifold sins of their own party, even of its favored members, (Mr. Obama comes immediately to mind). Sure, Trump is a shit, a liar, and a hypocrite, but this is the norm for politicians at the national level. Neither party has a monopoly on virtue or vice, integrity or corruption. Shouting insults at the President during public occasions insults the others involved in the occasion and shames those acting on such masturbatory and boorish impulses.
Unless family members of RBG are upset about the booing...
So acting like complete and total assholes is A-OK as long as Ginsburg's family is fine with it?
What in the fuck is wrong with you people?
What kind of person pitches a tantrum at a wake? We all know what type of person that is.
The left needs to step back and realize life is so much bigger than any election.
If Dr Michael K reads some of my comments and diagnoses that I'm losing it, what must he conclude after observing POTUS over past months?
@Ken B:
Thank you. Steal away.
@Robert Cook:
I think it's the tribal nature of modern partisan politics. It's amusing that partisan rancor has increased dramatically over the same time period that elite consensus came to dominate both political parties.
I'm very skeptical of that trend.
I think we will see. I don't see him getting 50% but Democrats seem to me to be going for a much smaller demographic. The whole illegal thing was about getting Hispanics to vote.
Sure, Trump is a shit, a liar, and a hypocrite, but this is the norm for politicians at the national level.
Yeah, Trump sure "acts" like just another politician.
I will simplify so that even a law professor Emerita gets it. Alito was right; she and Roberts and the other seven Associate Justices were wrong. Phelps should have been forced to pay Snyder both compensatory and punitive damages — and RICO.
Joe Smith said...
Trump is losing his grandmaster troll status...he could have worn a flag mask and a MAGA hat : )
Yeah, that would have worked----turning a respectful visit to a funerary occasion into a campaign event.
"Why it's almost as if half the country consists of nothing but a bunch of four-year-old shitheads having a perpetual temper tantrum."
It has been very revealing over the past four years to see just how mentally unstable such a large percentage of our population is.
I'm not a shrink, but maybe there are people studying this...
It seems to me to be some sort of a mass psychosis with each tantrum some sort of virtue-signaling, or a way to show 'membership' in an amorphous group.
Robert Cook, the problem with too many Republicans is that the scales have not yet fallen from their eyes. One reason the Democrats fear losing is that, far from being blind, as you put it, too many Democrats may not vote for Biden. I'm on record being one. But Trump is so far from the norm for politicians at a national level, as his inability to behave over the election's procedures demonstrates every day.
Bob said...
Toward the end of the clip, aren't there some people chanting, "Four more years!" in response to the protestors? I was thinking that's what I would have shouted had I been there.
9/24/20, 1:22 PM
Does sound like it, and quite enthusiastically.
Stay classy democrats. Now Trump must feel like how Lincoln felt during the civil war surrounded by belligerent southerners and copperheads.
Sadly, Baders contempt for Obama prevented her from resigning in 2015. Not sure of last words but last four years full of daily regret and guilt. Her family will never recover from the shame of her arrogance and pettiness.
If RBG said that on her death bed that makes her one of the worst Justices on the Supreme Court.
Or she has a really corrupt family.
It's a lack of morals on the left that makes them so insecure they have to riot. Then gloss over the violence. Not fit to vote in a free country.
The right has its own dopey wing. Those brittle social dinosaurs that change has left their misguided cherishment far in the past. Jess Session was one. You could see he didn't have a common touch with people. He was rigid and brittle and holding onto ideas few thought wise.
This is why Trumps main policy of "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" is the healthiest for the country. A job in the middle class smooths all the hurts over. Both Sessions and any one of these rioters needs a middle class job where they have to pay bills.
Two-Eyed Jack at 12:43. Well said. Bravo.
A time and a place.
My conservative family has been racially integrated for 4 decades. But probably 100 percent of them shun real racists. The kids made the difference. If there really was one. A few Biden voters in there.
The Biden voters are ones wanting to stay out of wars, offended by the "pussy" hoax, convinced Trump is a cult leader. Those are the primary motives for not voting Trump. Forget about actual jobs and actual world peace.
I'd urge Farmer to travel somewhere other than just urban areas.
Just get outside of the urban core anywhere and it's plain as day that his arguments about decline, inevitably and the end of the white race are a bit "colored" by what he hears in news all day long.
Yes, I know, numbers...etc.
But that's only part of the story.
These urban islands can't survive and flourish with a hostile hinterland surrounding them on all sides.
Partisan rancor is only found and prevalent on the nightly news, blog comment threads, and the Beltway.
@Todd Roberson:
I'd urge Farmer to travel somewhere other than just urban areas.
Just get outside of the urban core anywhere and it's plain as day that his arguments about decline, inevitably and the end of the white race are a bit "colored" by what he hears in news all day long.
None of what I say is a result of hearing "news all day long." And I have never said anything about the "end of the white race." What I have said is that whites will become a minority of the population within the next 15-20 years. Non-whites outnumber whites in public school, and non-white births have outpaced white births for years.
I am not sure what "urban islands" you are referring to, but about 80% of Americans live in urban areas.
There is no precedent in American history for the demographic changes ahead of us.
“Of course, no one cares about the brutalization of the not-so-innocent Trump.”
What is his crime
I like so don't care about RBG.
I am glad Trump went to pay his respects, but remember when RBG, who benefited so much from what America has to offer, said she might head off to New Zealand if Trump won the election.
Compare this with Breyer, who said if he had an opinion, he wouldn't share it with a reporter.
Advantage Trump. Advantage Breyer. Shame on RBG.
@Todd Roberson:
There are plenty of examples in world history of a thin minority of the dominant social class prevailing over your 80% of population.
In a constitutional democracy?
But there's a vast population of those who aren't. They're hard working people who in rural areas grow the food, unclog the plumbing, tuck point the masonry, etc.
You don't have to convince me of their value or worth. It's their heritage I wish to preserve.
Without them, you're 80% can't survive. It won't take long for the assholes in the cities to figure this out.
Again, "without them" makes no sense. Nobody is saying they are going to cease to exist. Their share of the population is declining with each passing year and with it their political power. We're already a divided, polarized society, and we are getting more diverse. That has important implications for trust and social cooperation.
The people in the cities have been getting fat and rich while the working class have been getting decimated for the last 20 years. A less white, more Latino population means worse inequality and a reduction in the mean national IQ, which has implications for innovation.
The issue is much more complicated than who is doing the plumbing or mason work.
"But Trump is so far from the norm for politicians at a national level... "
Readering writes this as if it were a bad thing...
"Supreme Court vacancies are becoming what new state admissions were in the mid-19th century."
It's a battleground for abortion and slavery, respectively.
What I have said is that whites will become a minority of the population within the next 15-20 years.
The Likely Persistence of a White Majority: How Census Bureau statistics have misled thinking about the American future.
“Has the notion of demography as destiny ever enjoyed so much credence? The disappearance of a white majority in the United States by the middle of this century is now widely accepted as if it were an established fact. Projections by the Census Bureau have encouraged those expectations, and people on both the right and left have seized on them in support of their views. On the right, the anxieties about the end of white majority status have fueled a conservative backlash against the growing diversity of the country. On the left, many progressives anticipate an inexorable change in the ethno-racial power hierarchy. Numerous sites on the web offer advice and counsel on how whites can handle their imminent minority status.
“But what if these different reactions are based on a false premise — actually two false premises?”
The Latino Flight to Whiteness: Based upon trends in racial self-classification, one has to be skeptical about the emergence of “majority-minority” America.
“Will the United States have a majority of people of color by the year 2050, as both researchers and the popular press commonly assert? Richard Alba urges skepticism because, he argues, U.S. Census policy overestimates the presence of nonwhites in the American population. As Alba observes, in mixed-race marriages where one parent is white and the other nonwhite, the Census uses a default rule of counting all the children as nonwhite, even though that is not necessarily how the children see themselves.
“The impact of Hispanic patterns of intermarriage supports Alba's words of caution about claims of a new American racial majority of color. By 2011, according to a study by Wendy Wang of the Pew Research Center, 26 percent of Hispanic newlyweds married non-Hispanics. Eighty percent of third-generation Hispanics are the offspring of mixed marriages. The consequences for Hispanic identification are striking. From one generation to the next, the descendants identify less as Hispanic and more as non-Hispanic white in a pattern that economists Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo call "ethnic attrition." They point out that since the offspring of mixed marriages also tend to have a higher socioeconomic status than Hispanics who are not products of intermarriage, their exit from the Hispanic category depresses the socioeconomic profile of Hispanics. As a group, the descendants of Hispanic immigrants appear to be doing worse than they are.”
for the record ----- In my lifetime, Alito is the only human being to serve on the Supreme Court - or, for that matter, the only human being with a law degree from an Ivy league school ---- who is anything close to being a legal genius.
And maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but the rest of the crowd on the Supreme Court, circa 1950-2020, certainly isn't (well except maybe for Clarence Thomas, who is one of a kind ...)
The preceding 2 paragraphs may be categorized as "Just my take" ---- I know everyone thinks they have all these issues sorted out, after all, almost everyone thinks they are "fighters" for justice, almost everyone secretly hopes that they really are "tigers and lions" who fiercely care about the people they love, almost everyone admits that they may have their faults, but almost everyone wants to think that, really, to be honest, they really really care about justice and truth.
I could be wrong, but I think most people over-estimate their virtues. Which is sad, because the first step, for most people, to being all you can be is to stop over-estimating yourself,
(although - and I say this as a deeply learned, hard-working, good-hearted psychologist with a professional interest in human and angelic souls --- (see what I did there?) .... (keep reading, please, or stop reading, if you are feeling arrogant) ----- for some of you, the first step is to unlearn your submissiveness and think for yourselves, you are more of a genius than you think. Stop under-estimating yourself!!!!!)
Read Proverbs 8, my friends, and when you read it, remember that you too are a unique child of God, that you know things nobody else knows, that you are capable of the kind of wisdom that can literally heal souls and bodies, and remember that no matter what we do, God is ready in a second to hear us say "wow I messed up, I am sorry" and God is ready, having heard that good-hearted statement, to set us up in a better way .... and God is equally ready in a second to hear us say "Hey I got that right, didn't I" and to set us up to progress further (****Buddhism alert**** trust me, there is wisdom in many different traditions) in the way of the righteous, where we are kind to others and a blessing to others, in a way that all of us would have liked every day of our lives to have followed if we had been born into a better world than this.
God loves you, believe me. WHOEVER YOU ARE!!!!!! And trust me, I am not bragging about being the sort of person who God loves, or the sort of person who goes around thinking GOD LOVES ME But God does not love these sinners around me ...... Some day - not here on this site, I guarantee you that --- but maybe some day - I or someone like me will tell you about the thousands and tens of thousands of times people have looked at me with pity. God bless them all, they had no idea how much I can remember. And how wrong they were to pity me, WHO KNOWS HOW MUCH GOD LOVED THEM. Well, it is what it is. I never brag but if I were tempted to brag I would brag about how often I have prayed for the TENS OF THOUSANDS of people who have looked at me with pity. God bless them all, those who understood, and those who did not understand.
@J Farmer:
That was indeed an excellent analogy.
The Democrats have demographics on their side ...
There is far more to demographics than ethnicity.
The US population is aging. What typically happens to people's political attitudes as they become older?
This was so disturbing to see first thing today. What a bunch of a freaks to disrespect such a historical moment. Shame be upon them.
"But there's a vast population of those who aren't. They're hard working people who in rural areas grow the food, unclog the plumbing, tuck point the masonry, etc."
The historical models here, even yours, are in Spengler ("Decline of the West").
All civilizations are urban. The rural areas are conservative, and repositories of the original virtues of the civilization. But they cannot prevent, ultimately, the collapse of a civilization that has entered its stage of decadence. In the chaos and nihilism of a collapse even these rural areas can be obliterated. These are long and exhausting processes.
A decent enough summary.
Take what you want out of this. Some is odd, from a modern American frame of reference.
"See the Mongols"
These were foreign conquerors, or obliterators, of existing civilizations, in the springtime of the Mongols. The Mongols are what usually happens to civilizations in their decadence.
If we assume Spenglerian model, we may be in worse trouble than he imagined.
You see, foreign conquest was a route to renewal. It more or less had to happen in order to push over and smash the ruins of the old, for something new to germinate and enter its "springtime". For those useful conquerors to do their thing, they had to exist. To exist they had to be a civilization outside the scope of that decadent remnant they were destined to smash.
But one result of the 500-year process of European conquest of the Earth is that there is no part of the Earth outside the grip, beyond the zone, of modern civilization. What is rotting in New York is also getting a bit gamey wherever you care to look.
Who, or what, then, will give the coup de grace to the chaotic, nihilistic almost-corpse of our civilization when it needs it?
All civilizations are urban. The rural areas are conservative, and repositories of the original virtues of the civilization. But they cannot prevent, ultimately, the collapse of a civilization that has entered its stage of decadence.
Interminable, catastrophic social progress: wicked solutions, dodo dynasties, conflation of sexes and other social liberal attitudes, redistributive change, democratic/minority regimes, diversity (e.g. class-based management), lowered standards to force a consensus.
Trump IA a champion.
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