September 5, 2020

"President Aleksandar Vučić of Serbia and Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti of Kosovo took an enormous step toward a long-term resolution of their historic conflict on Friday morning."

"At the White House, under the auspices of President Trump, President Vučić and Prime Minister Hoti signed a brokered commitment to achieve economic normalization between the peoples and governments of Serbia and Kosovo....  The parties have agreed to construct a roadway and railway link between their respective capitals, Belgrade and Pristina. They have committed to a joint feasibility study on options for linking the rail infrastructure to a deep-sea port in the Adriatic.... All these agreements will enable a more free and efficient flow of people and goods across the border between Serbia and Kosovo.... It soon will be easier than ever for Serbs and Kosovars to live, work, trade and study in each other’s’ neighborhoods, companies and universities.... Friday’s agreement reflects President Trump’s long-held vision for Kosovo and Serbia to focus on economic development, job creation and industrial development as prerequisites to the permanent resolution of political disputes. His belief from the start has been that trust is built first in the process of creating opportunities and futures for young people, rather than in the settlement of scores, symbolism or the righting of historical wrongs...."

Writes Richard Grenell, a senior fellow of Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Politics and Strategy and the Trump administration’s special envoy for Serbia and Kosovo, in "Serbia-Kosovo agreement results from Trump's different brand of diplomacy" (The Hill).

And here's Grenell taking on the reporters:

He gets annoyed because the reporter wants to shunt Kosovo to the side and talk about homosexuality... because Grenell is a homosexual!


Vance said...

So Trump assists in creating peace right next door to where Hillary's biggest accomplishment was dodging sniper fire?

Guess we picked the right man for the job in that area then. By the way, why didn't our vaunted media, who call themselves the best in the world, even sniff out something historic like this was going on? This seems to have come as a bolt out of the blue.

I did see a headline that Trump is working on a nuclear non proliferation treaty with Russia. Wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth to the left if he pulls that off?

Birkel said...

Trump foreign policy is decreasing conflict.
Fopdoodles and Lefties hardest hit.

JAORE said...

"I don't think any of us came here for a lecture about our questioning."

I suspect you should have faced questioning many more times in your life. You might be a better person....


Then stay the f' home.

JAORE said...

This and the UAE should be Peace Prize level events,but, you know....

Temujin said...

Richard Grenell is my favorite Washington multi-position player. He's brilliant. He's poised, smart, and non-plussed. He's been in very intense, key positions, and has seemingly stood out in each of them.

Oh yeah, he's also a prominent Gay Republican.

I see great things for this guy and I see an onslaught of trashing him coming from the professional Left.

And regarding Jeff Mason's comment that "I don't think any of us came here for a lecture of our questioning.", I would reply that it's well beyond time that everyone should be lecturing the media about what they know, what they don't know, and their line of questioning. Every time they ask something.

Maybe in time they'll do some actual homework and come to gather news, not make it.

minnesota farm guy said...

I love this guy. He brings a gun to every knife fight!

Kevin said...

Grenell is a homosexual!

Fake news.

Not because it’s false, but because it’s masquerading as news to obscure the actual news.

Big Mike said...

"I don't think any of us came here for a lecture about our questioning."

Jeff Mason, perhaps you didn’t but you’re overdue for that lecture. When even a dork like Ben Rhodes has been laughing at you, you are in serious need of an intervention.

mockturtle said...

Grenell's style of snark is much needed in dealing with these jerks. The Press no longer deserves any respect.

Quaestor said...

Modern journalists resent being talked down to, which is unfortunate. The first step toward the resolution of a problem -- in this case, the stupifying ignorance of many news personalities -- is recognition of its existence.

MartyH said...

Gentlemen, you can't ask questions in here. This is the press room!

Owen said...

Grenell impresses. He must have been sorely tempted to just keep grinding their faces in the fact of their poor preparation, their lack of focus, their insolence, their general unprofessionalism. But he moved on and made good points about the work being done by his team. The concrete examples of what “normalization” means to trade flows and recognition of professional credentials were exactly what was needed to bring the story to life.

Michael said...

That may not be what you came for, but it may be what you need.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Modern democrat journalism.

Also known as: Crap.

Tcdq1293 said...

Sometimes I wish I was gay.

Michael K said...

Grenell could be the first gay president. That would be an issue to blow out a lot of leftist brains.

Sebastian said...

"I don't think any of us came here for a lecture about our questioning."

But if you act like ignorant, immature, partisans a**holes, you need one. More than they are getting.

Tom said...

How... is sexist the right word? Yes, I believe it is.

I thought the press was treated exactly with the amount of respect they’ve earned.

Richard Dolan said...

Grennell is a hoot. Not a guy to mess with and like DJT not a guy who's shy about letting you know what he thinks. This is definitely not a typical WH interaction with the press, but the reporters assigned to the WH have long since made it clear that they are not interested in any such 'typical' relationship -- it's antagonistic gotcha all the way. Biden promises a return to the norm, with the press sucking up to the Dem. They've been doing that with Biden ever since it was clear he would be the Dem nominee. Everyone paying attention knows it, and Grennell was just pointing out the obvious when he told these reporters that no one is listening to them any more. The Dems have others giving them the same talking points and so don't need to, and the non-Dems aren't interested in the talking points and so don't bother. These reporters may not like the lecture but they'd do themselves and their institutions a world of good if they were able to see what everyone else sees.

Jupiter said...

So "homosexual" is something one "is"?

Phil 314 said...

Not just a homosexual but a homosexual WORKING FOR TRUMP. We must either shame him or get him to admit the hypocrisy, the horror.

I do think Grendel is on to something “Maybe you’re too young to remember”. This would have been an accomplishment that Bill Clinton would have shouted from the mountain tops for the rest of his administration. Now its a “ho hum...aren’t you gay though?”

Jupiter said...

I guess he should be grateful they don't want to ask him about being white. There's still a considerable stigma attached to whiteness. Is he "out"?

Leland said...

Identity politics more important than peace.

alan markus said...

Recently new neighbors moved into our subdivision - he is from Serbia, she is from America. The first thing he did is plant a Trump yard sign. I notice his FB site is a lot of posts about his "old country" (looks like he visits occasionally) and he posts a lot of Serbian political and pro-Trump content. Don't know if and when he will be able to vote, but he has been in the country a long time, very sociable and interacts with a pretty large circle of American friends, as well as Serbian friends.

I look forward to welcoming him to the neighborhood.

Weren't we being told 4 years ago that we would be engaged in World War III if Trump was elected?

exhelodrvr1 said...

Trump was in favor of gay marriage well before either Obama or the Clintons. Of course, that is generally ignored.

Some Seppo said...

Our garbage media is garbage. It's long past time to call them out on their smell.

Jersey Fled said...

I would vote for Grenell for President in 2020 in a hot minute.

Barr will be top old.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ben Rhodes comments re 27 year old reporters who "know nothing" is apt. These guys in front of Grenell couldn't find their own backside with both hands and the help of a seeing eye dog--much less find Kosovo on a map.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ben Rhodes comments re 27 year old reporters who "know nothing" is apt. These guys in front of Grenell couldn't find their own backside with both hands and the help of a seeing eye dog--much less find Kosovo on a map.

YoungHegelian said...

He gets annoyed because the reporter wants to shunt Kosovo to the side and talk about homosexuality... because Grenell is a homosexual!

I love how the press think they have a sacred right, unlike the rest of us, not to be told to go fuck themselves when they publicly behave like imbeciles.

So, Grenell is gay, and that means he's gotta talk about it?! Do all the married women politicians get asked about bridal registries, because, ya know, they've been there? What clowns!

Howard (not that Howard) said...

Richard Grenell was all out of bubblegum.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Nice. Admirable. "Listen, asshole, I came to talk about Serbia and Kosovo, and we are going to stick to that."

Also, "No, you will not put words in my mouth that would justify you writing 'A teeny-tiny step that might make closer relations possible'."

Martin said...

Grennell might have pointed out that he is agreeing with Obama advisor Ben Rhodes, who famously said in a 2016 NYT interview that the current crop of reporters covering foreign policy "literally know nothing."

Chick said...

I will wait for confirmation from class act great reporters before I buy the enormous step characterization.

n.n said...

I’m stronger after cancer. my dog runs my life. imperfect follower of Christ.

Grenell does not define himself by a transgender trend.

Browndog said...

All I have to say about Grennell is he is one of only a handful of Trump hires that believes in the MAGA agenda, and used his position of power to actual forward that agenda in any meaningful way.

I couldn't care less about his gayness.

Chuck said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Francisco D said...

Well stated, Amb. Grenell.

I used to be astounded at the arrogant ignorance of the modern reporter, but it is commonplace now.

It must be increasingly obvious to Americans that these people are simply the propaganda arm of the DNC.

DKWalser said...

Grenell could be the first gay president.

I would support that. I'm sure he and I would disagree on a number of things. I generally approve of his governing philosophy -- limited and open government. I have no doubt his positions would be well reasoned. Being based on reason, he would be open to cogent counter-arguments. That's the most I can hope for.

I'm Not Sure said...

Q. Do you have to be an asshole to be a reporter?

A. No, but it helps.

Known Unknown said...

GRENELL 2024. Seriously.

Dave64 said...

He is right. Today's "journalists" don't know or care about geopolitics, they are more interested in pushing the narratives of the Left. Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Racism etcetera. It's all Identity Politics or Orange Man Bad that keep the pens quivering.

MountainMan said...

I would be pleased to see Kristi Noem and Richard Grenell on the ticket for 2024.

hstad said...

The problem with these so-called journalists, like Mason, they believe that they are the 'Anointed' who know better versus the rest of society. These last two generations have pretty much hammered the last nail into the 'journalism' profession. They have destroyed their brand by taking sides. The shame is it will bleed over to other blogs, like Ann's, and also have a deleterious affect on her stories.

Joe Smith said...

Grenell is a national treasure. His Twitter feed is great.

He's a very smart man (practical smart...not Buttigieg egghead smart) who could go very far in politics if he chose to.

I would vote for him. He fights.

wild chicken said...

Was it Newt who started this confrontational style with reporters in 2012? It's almost like breaking the Fourth Wall in movies.

I like it.

wild chicken said...

Was it Newt who started this confrontational style with reporters in 2012? It's almost like breakinf the Fourth
Wall in movies.
I love it.

steven bailey said...

They did not answer the question. The reporters intended guestions all had to do
with orange man bad, how dare he change the agenda.

J Melcher said...

Wag the Dog '98

A scandal threatens the re-election of a sitting president days before the election; he distracts the press and trumps up a phony war.

A sitting president ends a war days before the election; the press distracts voters and trumps up a phony scandal.

Vance said...

Chuck, what does international homosexuality have to do with Serbia and the recent treaty?

Nothing. So why not stick to the matter at hand. Might as well as Grenell to comment on Biden's mental state. Just as relevant, if not more--what would Biden screw up with Serbia? Proper question to ask.

Though I do understand that your prior pretend "I don't like LBGT rights" as a conservative was almost certainly a lie.

Sally said...

Catch Grenelle‘s response when the guy says, we didn’t come here to hear a lecture. Grenell gets talked over, so it’s a little hard to hear his response. He says: “And I didn’t come here to NOT talk about Kosovo and Serbia.” Ouch.

n.n said...

Do all the married women politicians get asked about bridal registries

Not just bridal registries. Even for couples, where there is a natural imperative to justify normalization, context matters, and people will generally observe a separation of bedroom and State.

William said...

I admire the dexterity and wit with which he puts down reporters. I give him second place to McEnany, however. She does it in high heels and backwards.... I think the ability to treat the press with utter contempt and derison should be a prerequisite for any Republican working in press relations. They should have a loud horse laugh on a loop which should played every time a reporter asks a stupid question. Maybe a Carrie type device where the reporter is drenched in pig offal for exceptionally biased questions, but that might be going too far.....I don't know that much about Balkan history, but it's my understanding that they sometimes make peace for a generation or two and then return to the exhilarating fun of killing each other. Maybe this time it's different.

Ambrose said...

It's easy to play" imagine if" - but imagine if a Fox reporter tried to steer a gay Democrat foreign policy official off topic to discuss something gay because the official was gay. Would the outrage ever subside?

Francisco D said...

wild chicken said...
Was it Newt who started this confrontational style with reporters in 2012?

Spiro Agnew in 1972. Remember "nattering nabobs of negativism"?

Michael said...

So I am here to discuss a policy and you want to discuss my sex life? What is wrong with you?

Clyde said...

Journalism was once an honorable profession, but it has devolved into a sordid home for partisan hacks.

Christopher said...

Had this (as well as the Arab/Israeli detente) occurred during the previous administration the media would be leading the call for a 2nd Nobel Peace Prize and everybody fucking knows it. CNN and NBC would be talking about him as the 2nd coming (well, more so than they already did).

I sometimes think that most of the hatred that Trump receives from professional bureaucrats is because he's managed to highlight just how incompetent they've been over the past 30 years.

Michael said...

In other news not reported, Pompeo is facilitating talks between Russia and Japan to resolve the eight-decade dispute over the Kuril Islands. For those who know a bit about postwar politics in the Pacific, an agreement would be a huge step towards ending tensions between the two countries.

Nichevo said...

Knowing how the recent Israeli-centric rapprochement, with UAE, with the Balkans, etc., have been politicized and deprecated and made PDT-centric here in the US, I recently reached out to an old boss, a former Israeli Navy SEAL, who is back in Israel running a hedge fund, for his take.

Which is: it's real, and it's spectacular.

That for anybody seeking to minimize the President's achievements.

bagoh20 said...

Next reporters can ask Biden about international hair sniffing, and Harris about sleeping with powerful men as a career strategy for women. When you have an expert before you don't waste the opportunity to get their inside perspective.

5M - Eckstine said...

This is the Trump doctrine everywhere. Versus the Harris doctrine of the riots will continue.

President Trump’s long-held vision for Kosovo and Serbia to focus on economic development, job creation and industrial development as prerequisites to the permanent resolution of political disputes. His belief from the start has been that trust is built first in the process of creating opportunities and futures for young people, rather than in the settlement of scores, symbolism or the righting of historical wrongs...."

Caligula said...

Trump has done more to normalize Israel than any president since Truman.

And that's got to make some people angry. For a variety of reasons.

As for "I don't know if you can find it on a map," these may be tiny countries, but they've surely produced plenty of history.

Rusty said...

"Grenell is a homosexual!"
Not really germain to the press confrence.
Chuck you were banned. Try acting like an adult and stay banned.

I'm Not Sure said...

"I sometimes think that most of the hatred that Trump receives from professional bureaucrats is because he's managed to highlight just how incompetent they've been over the past 30 years."

I don't think it's incompetence as much as it is disingenuousness (is that even a word?). Professional bureaucrats don't really want to solve problems, they want to use the existence of those problems to benefit themselves.

Birkel said...

Trump's continued international successes cannot be minimized.
Therefore, Trump's continued international successes must be ignored.

Fopdoodles can maintain 8 years of hysteria?
We will know soon enough.

Narayanan said...

Trump : Born: Jun 14, 1946 (age 74) - after WW2 ended.

given his views on WW1 I hope some 'right-winger" or "left-winger" asks him how he would have conducted WW2

called learning from history, hind sight and not repeating mistakes amirite

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Donald Trump's sphere of conflict is trade/finance; he uses both the carrot and stick to achieve conflict resolution. For Iran, it's trade embargoes and financial prohibitions with an occasional missile attack on targets of opportunity. For Obama, it was just the opposite: frequent missile attacks with pallets of cash thrown in to achieve nothing.

Trump's doing the same with Russia: obstructing the new gas pipeline across the Baltic Sea and using "Drill, baby, drill!" to force oil/gas prices into the basement.

His pitch to the Norks was also financial; they weren't buying so the effort died. He didn't try to get an agreement at any cost like so many previous Presidents did. No agreement is better than a bad agreement.

The Vault Dweller said...

Reporters seem to treat things like a student searching for a good quote from a book for a term paper. They are looking for a good summary quote or something pithy or snarky they lodge into their article. I think these reporters have spent too much time in school and too much time in the mindset of looking for words. They would be greatly benefited from some time in the field actually trying to find out facts. Not words to quote in a paper.

Michael K said...

And because listening to Grenell talk about a minor structural development with Kosovo and Serbia is less interesting and less likely to lead to news apart from what was already announced.

Chuck with his laser beam-like focus on what is important and why the press conference was called. I'm disappointed that Althouse lets you post these non sequiturs but it's her blog. The White House press is unlikely to identify the location on a map, as I suppose is true of you, as well.

Michael K said...

rancisco D said...
wild chicken said...
Was it Newt who started this confrontational style with reporters in 2012?

Spiro Agnew in 1972. Remember "nattering nabobs of negativism"?

Which really was Pat Buchanan having fun. His White House book is great but this is another reason why he was never a serious candidate in spite of Farmer's devotion.

Michael K said...

ountainMan said...
I would be pleased to see Kristi Noem and Richard Grenell on the ticket for 2024.

In either order.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

: "I don't think any of us came here for a lecture about our questioning."

He should have responded...

It isn't a lecture. I'm setting boundaries for this session. Boundaries and Rules. Something your parents obviously didn't do when you were young enough to learn

eric said...

I love seeing this and it makes me sad.

Journalism is needed to hold the government accountable.

Journalism has destroyed itself by laying in bed with politicians and becoming cronies of corrupt politicians. They've destroyed themselves by choosing sides.

It makes me sad because what will happen next?

Simple. Eventually we will have a serious problem in this nation with our leadership. One that isn't made up. Whether it's a dictator or a fascist or something else, doesn't matter. What does matter is there will be no one we trust to give us the truth about what is happening and therefore, it'll happen almost unopposed.

mockturtle said...

I'm Not Sure says: Professional bureaucrats don't really want to solve problems, they want to use the existence of those problems to benefit themselves.

Bingo! Solving problems is the last thing they want to do. Which explains the fear and loathing of Trump among the bureaucratic elite. 'The Orange Man is solving problems! We're ruined!'

todd galle said...

The minute the old Soviets return the Kurile's to Japan is when I get my binoculars to see St. Michael. Might be a settlement, but the Russki's are there to stay. Might be in our interest in the long run, with the ChiComs doing what they're doing. I don't think the Russians like the Chinese any more that we do.

Drago said...

It is important to remember that leftists like LLR-lefty Chuck and ARM spent years telling us that Trump would never deliver a single renegotiated trade deal nor diplomatic deal and that is why to this very day LLR-lefty Chuck has never conceded that Trump has delivered in both realms in spades.

Readering said...

I'm disappointed that AA lets through so many comments on specific commenters. Makes me shudder at the stuff she blocks.

Readering said...

Grenell is a cable news talking head infiltrated government for the titillation of Fox News regulars.

Joe Smith said...


Tell us where Grenell is wrong. Remember, he knows where all the bodies are buried.

And then tell us why you are you so homophobic...

Michael K said...

Readering said...
I'm disappointed that AA lets through so many comments on specific commenters. Makes me shudder at the stuff she blocks.

Yes, we have watched your deterioration the past few weeks as Biden slowly sinks in the sunset.

rcocean said...

Yeah, who cares about the peaceful solution to a 21 y/o conflict. Lets ask a question about Gays! Grenfell was magnificent. I would've been less gentle, if I had been him. Every time you see the White House Press Corps in action, I think "ass-clowns on parade"

rcocean said...

Trump has given us Peace and Prosperity (or was until CV-19) came along. The Democrats have to grasp at straws to attack him. Unfortunately, there are still yellow-dog democrats and idiots who believe everything the Msm tells them. Accordingly, he'll probably lose. Too bad.

But if people don't want to think and vote for what's best for the country, there's nothing to be done. We got a 4 year civil war and 600,000 dead because the voters were stupid in 1860. So, its not like the American people have a good track record. Bob wright was talking about maybe we needed a crisis to fix the system, so that's the upside up with Biden. He'll be so bad, the Liberal bourgeoise will have to wake up & start acting responsibly.

Readering said...

Fun house mirror where I come to be called homophobic.

wildswan said...

Temujin said:
And regarding Jeff Mason's comment that "I don't think any of us came here for a lecture of our questioning.", I would reply that it's well beyond time that everyone should be lecturing the media about what they know, what they don't know, and their line of questioning. Every time they ask something."


Michael K said...

Readering said...
Fun house mirror where I come to be called homophobic.

Yes, if it fits.....

wildswan said...

So much for the idea that Trump is consumed by attacks on him or by the Portland Follies or by anything the feebly twitching Dems can do. He just forges ahead, working on what he can get done. UAE-Israel, Serbia-Kosovo, getting the economy going. Biden thinks he's achieved if he gets out of his basement and reads (poorly) a teleprompter. The Dems think they've achieved if they've said Orange Man Bad ten times a day for the last three and a half years.

Readering said...

"Yes, if it fits."

Should I take comfort that this is a statement against homophobia, or just more reflex cussedness?

Joe Smith said...

"Fun house mirror where I come to be called homophobic."

Don't you get it? People like me are tired of playing stupid games.

I don't care if you're homophobic or not. But I can accuse you of anything and let you refute it. That's what your leftie friends do all damn day.

Time to fight fire with fire...

Drago said...

Readering:"Grenell is a cable news talking head infiltrated government for the titillation of Fox News regulars."

Readering, who famously had no idea there was such a thing as the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement between Hitler and Stalin to carve up Poland, now demonstrates he/she/xe has no idea that Grenell was US ambassador to Germany as well as interim Dir of National Intelligence.

Even better, readering goes off on some wild conspiracy theory about Grenell "infiltrating" the US serving in it.

If you are wondering what that means, don't bother. Readering doesn't even know what it means but he/she/xe is certainly not going to let this guy who happens to be gay and conservative and a strong America First advocate get away without an insult or two.

Next up for readering: suggesting impeachment proceedings over this supposed "infiltration".

Drago said...

Readering: "I'm disappointed that AA lets through so many comments on specific commenters"

Things readering is not disappointed about: banned (by Althouse/Meade) commenters continuing to comment.


Nichevo said...

Michael K said...
Readering said...
Fun house mirror where I come to be called homophobic.

Yes, if it fits.....

9/5/20, 9:33 PM

He may be trying to tell you thomething, thweetie. NTTAWWT 🙄

Gordon Scott said...

"pleased to see Kristi Noem and Richard Grenell on the ticket for 2024."

Yeah, me too. Noem has said she has zero interest in moving to Washington no matter what the job is. She likes her ranch and her horses.

Milwaukie guy said...

Late to the party as usual. I should start with "Last!"

I'd like to see a Ukraine-Russia deal. The Ukraine relinquishes sovereignty over Crimea for ???.

Russia conquered Crimea in the 1700s from the Ottomans. They successfully defended it from an assault by the British and French in the 1850s, see Charge of the Light Brigade. Crimea only became a part of the Ukraine when in 1958 Premier Krushchev, a Ukrainian BTW, transferred administrative control from Russian SSR to Ukrainian SSR. It was never anticipated that Crimea would end up in a different national state.

Since the Russians took it fair and square from the Ottomans and most of the people are Russian, it's kind of like the Falklands.

Some names and dates may be altered to protect my ass from hitting the Wikipedia.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"I don't think any of us came here for a lecture about our questioning."

Then do your homework, and come here ready to ask intelligent questions

(Yes, I know a bunch of you all said that, too)

Greg The Class Traitor said...

MartyH said...
Gentlemen, you can't ask questions in here. This is the press room!

Sure, you can ask whatever question you want

And we can mock you when / if you ask stupid ones

Stop being a whiny prima donna, and stop thinking you're above judgement, questioning, or challenge

You're not

Bill said...

Garbage people asking garbage questions...

Nichevo said...

Milwaukie guy said...
Late to the party as usual. I should start with "Last!"

I'd like to see a Ukraine-Russia deal. The Ukraine relinquishes sovereignty over Crimea for ???.

That's funny...I've been wondering what form a deal to return Crimea and Donbas to Ukraine. Hands off Belarus maybe. Ultimately for peace Russia has to be pried loose from its tendrils into the rest of Europe, the frozen conflicts, all the little pockets of ethnic Russians sticking out into other countries like feet to trip over. Konigsberg (Kaliningrad), Moldova, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Georgia.

Russia needs to withdraw into contiguous boundaries which it can defend ascetic will not annoy or be annoyed by its neighbors.

Russia should replace Sebastopol already and be done with it.

Rusty said...

"He may be trying to tell you thomething, thweetie. NTTAWWT 🙄"
Like what? He's boring? Doesn't Althouse always say that the interaction here should at least be thoughtful and interesting. She hates being bored. I don't blame her.
Quit being boring readering.

MD Greene said...

The question the reporter should have asked was this:

"What does the Serbia-Kosovo agreement mean to you as a gay man?"

MikeR said...

I liked the next section, when the reporter asked about "full normalization", Grenell asked him, What do you mean by full?, and the reporter obviously had no clue and was trying to bluff it out.

readering said...

Israeli press pointing out that Kosovo, a new country, was long willing for reciprocal recognition, but Netanyahu held out until now.

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