"It’s the confluence of the COVID crisis, a phenomenally negative impact on the economy and the systemic racism have added up and taking the blinders off of millions and millions of Americans saying, Oh my God, I didn’t realize the reason I could stay home safely is because of that person breaking their neck, risking their lives and some losing their lives. I didn’t realize that there are people in operating rooms and nurses that in the very beginning had to put on plastic garbage bags because they couldn’t find protective gear they needed. I didn’t realize. I now realize and know what you all have done for the country and they’re ready to step up. We don’t have to punish anybody, just make sure everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot. I can end with when my dad... had to move from Scranton when there was no work down to Wilmington, Delaware and finally we moved in with my grandpa... I remember him coming up the stairs saying, honey, we can’t live in this apartment anymore. We’re going to, and you can’t go to school. You can’t play on that little league team. You’re going to go home and live with grandpa. And it must’ve been hard for my dad to walk into my grandpop’s pantry, a man with four sons and lost one in World War II and a daughter and saying, Ambrose, can I leave the kids with you? It’s only going to be, take me about a year, but I’ll come home every weekend. It’s only 157 miles. A lot of people have made that longest walk up a short flight of stairs to tell their kids that they can’t stay in the same school, can’t play in the same club. They’re going to have to move. When my dad moved, he got a job cleaning boilers in Wilmington, and we moved into an apartment complex. And we finally, after five years, four years able to buy a small home, which is we’re happy. Nice middle class home, three bedroom home, four kids and a grandpop. And we were happy. I sometimes look back and wonder how my parents did it with those very thin walls. But my point is this, we did fine."
From "Joe Biden AFL-CIO Virtual Event Transcript September 7" (Rev).
You know, you think only Trump can do stream of consciousness, but Biden can do it too. He's funny too. He's 77 and still puzzling over how his parents had sex without his hearing it. He's still optimistic as hell even though people are getting killed — figuratively and literally — across the board.
Joe's optimistic because the unnecessary panic and shutdown has allowed him a decent chance of winning.
Trumpspeak is different than Bidenspeak. Biden is becoming senile. Trump has always talked like he talks now.
Not to be cynical, but has the transcript been cleaned up?
He's till optimistic as hell even though people are getting killed — figuratively and literally — across the board.
Well, yes. He thinks that teh people getting killed are Republicans.
And as a modern Democrat, he doesn't divide the world into Americans and non-Americans, he divides it into Democrats and Republicans.
And if you're not a Democrat, he's very happy to see you die
I'd be surprised if any of it is true.
In law school and in his 1988 campaign, he even remembered things that had not actually happened. Stream of consciousness and a little invention.
In the transcript, those statements are in four paragraphs.
What is your reason for not paragraphing your quotes?
Do you think your blog readers like to read extremely long paragraphs?
"systemic racism"
But Joe - you've had 40 years to fix it. Including your time as VP under Obama. Instead you used your time with Obama to enrich your son.
So relieved that we don’t have to punish everyone. I’m feeling so much better about Joe now.
When I read "people are getting killed" my mind first went to the riots, not to COVID-19.
Go ahead. Vote for him. You know you want to.
BTW, his side (your side) of the political spectrum is killing cops. The Obama administration is the one that failed to replenish protective medical supplies after the H1N1 epidemic, despite money having been appropriated to do so. You could look it up.
Who knew that normal people worked hard and take risks so he could live safely? After all these years, the scales have fallen from his eyes
When Trump talks, he says many of the things I've been thinking. Biden and his "I didn't realize" just makes me wonder who these out-of-touch people he's talking to are.
As soon as Biden and harris "take" the election after all the weeks and weeks of counting found ballots... the WuHan Chinese Communist virus will be gone.
So - we do have that to look forward to. virus won't be gone, but the media will stop their hysteria over it.
He's till optimistic as hell even though people are getting killed — figuratively and literally — across the board.
Sorry but you and yours (Democrats) don't get to buy the gun, load it, put it in a person's hand, cock the hammer, aim it at someone, help the other person pull the trigger and THEN act all shocked that someone got shot. People are dying and people are loosing their livelihoods and cities are burning because of THEM. They wanted and want this. Biden does not GET to stand there and make a frown-face and act all sad that this "stuff" is happening. They set it all up, they encouraged it, they support it through and through. Hell they set up funds to bail out the worst of the worst rioters. What the hell? They have basically said vote Biden or the riots will continue. Now, Biden does not have the right to get the sads over this. He owns it.
That parenthetic "Rich" in the second sentence reveals he knew he wanted to end his remarks by saying he was "never" rich, so when he said "I've never... been more optimistic than I am today," be blurted out the word "Rich" in between.
We don’t have to punish anybody, just make sure everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot.
What's Biden's idea of punishment versus fair share? Clearly the implication is that some people aren't currently paying their "fair share". The current top federal marginal income tax rate is 37%. I'm infering that he'd be for raising that. So in Biden-world, there's some hypothetical range between 37% and 100% that is the "fair share" zone, and I assume he would probably believe that 100% would be "punishment". But we have no idea if, say 70% would be qualify as punishment in Biden-world. And what about "wealth taxes"? Are those punishment or fair share?
Fat cat Union leaders (i.e., Trumka) love Biden.
Union members? Not so much. They know who exported millions of blue collar jobs to China - and which candidate is bringing them back.
Gotta stay off that board. It'll kill my figure to be figuratively killed.
It's not stream of consciousness when you have to ask your guy 'Jerry' to move it up (meaning, roll up the transcript on the monitor so I can read the pre-written answers to the pre-approved questions). Move it up
Joe can definitely do stream of consciousness and always has. And that's where much of rich source of material comes to play about him. It's where the gaffes are born.
We didn't have the PPE we needed because China had hoarded it before the rest of the world figured out that China was sending a bad virus our way. And Biden is pro-China.
My mom who died with Alzheimer disease (not from it), started to have crisp recollections of childhood memories in the early stages. Or at least they sounded crisp and were probably very real to her. Some of them were just fantastical or based on a kernel of truth spun into a profound story with great meaning.
I don't know if this is what Joe is doing, but I do know childhood tales are not what the country needs right now. We need someone rooted in the present and looking to the future of AI, 5G, the rise and fall and rise again of China, tech privacy issues, and many other issues that have nothing to do with Joe not playing little league with his home club in 1950 (oh the humanity!).
That was an awful lot of words to express an unclear message about being "one with the people".
Can they really make him lucid with drugs? Like "Flowers for Algernon".
At 77, Biden is still thinking about his parents' sex. The same man who is on video 'bothering' little girls and co-workers' wives. Who reportedly cups the breasts of Secret Servicemens' girl friends.
Biden is a perv.
"systemic racism"
I'm so old that I can remember when we called it Affirmative Action!
Three former state governors -- John Hickenlooper of Colorado, Jay Inslee of Washington, and Steve Bullock of Montana -- declared themselves as candidates in the Democrat primary race. All were sensible, pragmatic, articulate, middle-age politicians with executive experience. None could garner enough political support to reach even the first primary elections.
Imagine that Jay Inslee -- instead of Joe Biden -- were the Democrats' nominee in this election.
Something similar happened in the Republicans' primary race in 2016. None of the former state governors survived.
how does an old white democrat... from the party of old white democrats - the party that fought against civil rights for blacks - get to yammer on about "systemic racism" and get away with it?
Of right - the hack press.
"We don’t have to punish anybody..." I doubt Biden believes this. I'm certain his handlers don't, and they are the ones that matter.
Those, like Althouse, who voted for Hillary will also vote for Joe. It's inconceivable that anyone who voted Trump in 2016 will now vote Biden.
There is a market for Joe's maudlin maundering, but I don't think it's big enough. It never has outside of Delaware.
You ain't black!!!
The "me me me... my life is so important... I grew up poor and my dad was a mailman" is so tired.
do people want to hear this crap anymore? I don't.
Blogger hawkeyedjb said...
""We don’t have to punish anybody..." I doubt Biden believes this. I'm certain his handlers don't, and they are the ones that matter."
The only reason Biden is trundled out in front of cameras is because at the end he gets a chocolate puddin cup.
I would have loved to have been in the room when" let's get Joe to run for president." was touted as a good idea.
"We don’t have to punish anybody..." But we will,yes, Lordy, we certainly will.
logorrhea noun pathologically excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness.
"I sometimes look back and wonder how my parents did it with those very thin walls. But my point is this, we did fine."
I wouldn't give him credit for this "joke." It's certainly not spontaneous or stream of consciousness. He's made this exact same cringe comment before. At this point it's a rehearsed joke that he deploys whenever he talks about his upbringing.
He's nothing like Trump. Not even close. Trump gets up there and bullshits with an audience for hours on end. You can almost imagine someone throwing him a newspaper and telling him to riff on it. And he would. He would read the headlines and make jokes off the top of his head. Can you imagine Biden doing that? No.
There's a lot of evidence that Biden is reading off teleprompters while answering questions from journalists. Wonder how that happens.
Go over to Power Line or Tammy Bruce's Twitter feed. There is a video of Biden telling his staffers to speed up the TelePrompter feed so he can read his ANSWER to a question.
The debates won't happen.
If Joe Biden's father was having so much trouble making ends meet, then why didn't he just go get a job on the Board of Directors of a Ukrainian natural-gas company?
In 1950, Canadian inventors Harry Wasylyk and Larry Hansen invented the garbage bag.
You know, you think only Trump can do stream of consciousness, but Biden can do it too.
No doubt. Here's his latest example.
The demented leading the blind?
...taking the blinders off of millions and millions of Americans...
Was Biden saying he just took his blinders off as well, or that he's one of the anointed few who didn't have these blinders on?
He's 77 and still puzzling over how his parents had sex without his hearing it.
It must’ve been hard for my dad to walk into my grandpop’s pantry, a man with four sons and lost one in World War II and a daughter and saying, Ambrose, can I leave the kids with you? Just it must’ve been hard for Trump to walk into the Obama-Biden pantry, a pantry ravaged by our last epidemic but never restocked, and find that nothing was there for these fine people. And he'd have to tell them to wear plastic bags until he could get the necessary PPE's from China, where they'd been offshored for profit by the polices of the Obama-Biden Administration. You know people ask me when I'm going to get mad, and I tell them, I tell them, what do I tell them, oh right, I tell them I'm damn mad at that Obama-Biden Administration for taking, taking, taking and not putting anything back. That really steams me, I tell you!
Joe's just like you.
That is if you sold the soul of the American Middle Class to the credit card companies.
Then he's exactly like you.
Ugh.. besides his listless weirdness - Biden is trotting out Hillary's vapid "Basic Bargain" slogan.
Gag me with a spoon, man.
what does that even mean? oh please elite liars, throw us some scraps! we worship you.. and do as late night TeeVee commands arf arf arf.
Mike S @ 10:28 - OMG.
systemic racism
put on plastic garbage bags because they forgot to bring a poncho.
LOL rhhardin @10:34.
systemic racism
Anti-White Auto Zone Murderer Put in Cell with a White Man, Then Beats Him to Death
So on one hand: things have never been worse for the working class.
But on the other hand: things used to be so bad my parents couldn't afford to take care of us.
Shorter Biden: Lord loves a working man; don't trust whitey.
Doesn’t the reality of a President Joe Biden guarantee punishment for all? Maybe he was just carving out an exception for Hunter.
If Joe can do stream of consciousness similar to DJT then is Joe talking wrong? According to the elitists, that is?
"You know, you think only Trump can do stream of consciousness, but Biden can do it too."
Your interpretation here is totally wrong. He's reading prepared answers to pre-submitted questions. He goes off-script a bit but the reading is obvious if you watch the video rather than read the transcript.
Roll the video.
The ginned-up anger at 6:00 is frightening.
Wake up, Althouse. You're being fooled.
The problem with this little stream of consciousness is that Biden tells this same story over and over and over. I have literally heard Biden relate this story about Scranton in every single video conference he has held the last month- every single one. It is like it is the only thing he can remember to say.
Joe Biden's Wikipedia page has been "cleaned" so many times, note it doesn't link to the Biden side of the family side of the family anymore, you know the robber baron side. We never are told what business Joe Sr, was in or how he lost his inheritance or why his wealth family didn't help. Why did Joe Sr. have to get the fuck out of Scranton?
everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot.
Sounds so much nicer than how Marx said it originally. Listening to some politicians talk about their humble upbringings, I often find myself wishing I could elect the parent indstead of the ne'er-do-well child.
Bill Crawford said...
Not to be cynical, but has the transcript been cleaned up?
Definitely. Not because I don't think Biden can talk that cleanly, but because nobody does. You can tell a lot about how a media person or outlet feels about a public figure by whether they clean up the transcript before releasing or publish it verbatim.
Mary Beth said...When I read "people are getting killed" my mind first went to the riots, not to COVID-19.
Covering with a pillow
From Cornpop to hairy legs to malarkey, the guy is living in the past, and has no idea where he currently is or what the job needs right now. He's only running because he can, just like all the previous times he did and nobody wanted him. Now he's their only remaining choice because their ranks are full of nut jobs and communists. He's constantly telling us stories from his past that mean nothing to anybody else. I don't want President grandpa telling stories between diaper changes until we finally send him to the home. This election is important stuff, and the Democrats are not serious people.
We were so poor we slept under a burlap bag in the middle of the roadway.
We were so poor our dad used to come home every night and murder us!
Memories, emerging from the smoke . . .
Big Mike said...
Go ahead. Vote for him. You know you want to.
BTW, his side (your side) of the political spectrum is killing cops. The Obama administration is the one that failed to replenish protective medical supplies after the H1N1 epidemic, despite money having been appropriated to do so. You could look it up.
Trump was president for 3 years when COVID hit. The statute of limitations on that excuse expired by the end of year 1. Blame China is a far better angle--as LiliyBart points out, China lied about COVID for months while they hoovered up all the world's excess PPE supplies.
As of this afternoon Rasmussen has Biden +4 in Ohio, +8 in Wisconsin but has Trump at +50% approval for nearly a week...
"We don’t have to punish anybody, just make sure everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot."
Sounds to me like a 'tell.'
I didn’t vote in the last election, but I’m considering voting in this one. The question is for who? Am I voting against Harris, or will I be voting against the Donald? Such an awful set of choices.
I think I see where the wokeness comes in. Trump is going to be blamed when people are "figuratively" killed: when they are triggered to death, or when they are afraid to go outside regardless of actual evidence, or when they find it unbearable to live in the U.S. while Trump is President--although not so unbearable that they'll actually move.
"He's 77 and still puzzling over how his parents had sex without his hearing it."
He was listening for the sound of birds and bees.
He's 77 and still puzzling over how his parents had sex without his hearing it.
That's because Joe's first impulse would be to call a press conference so everyone could see him "knockin' the bottom out of the, you know, the....thing".
I wonder how long it will be before he starts hinting around that he's been doing Kamala.
So Kamala Harris told the Jacob Blake that she was proud of him. I wonder what made her proud. Was it the forced digital penetration of the mother of his children while she slept next to her kids in bed? Was it the assault on cops who tried to arrest him for multiple felonies? Was it the endangerment of his children by fighting with cops and then taking that fight to the car where the kids were waiting for him to abduct them? Was she proud of the deaths and destruction caused by his resisting arrest that lead to riots? So much to be proud of. She must have just filled up with love and respect at the thought of it all. This person can say that she is proud of that while running for Vice President. Only a Democrat would or could do that. Why would you want such people in power, especially right now?
Yeah, but what is he saying? Nothing that will resonate or change any minds. He's toast unless the Democrats can pull off massive voter fraud. I'm not sure that they'll think it is worth the risk for a senile candidate and his really flaky running mate. Just enough to maybe win the Senate, I'm guessing, but not enough to put Slow Joe over the top.
“Three former state governors -- John Hickenlooper of Colorado, Jay Inslee of Washington, and Steve Bullock of Montana -- declared themselves as candidates in the Democrat primary race. All were sensible, pragmatic, articulate, middle-age politicians with executive experience. None could garner enough political support to reach even the first primary elections.”
“Imagine that Jay Inslee -- instead of Joe Biden -- were the Democrats' nominee in this election.”
Jay Inslee, the guy who has done so well against the AntiFA and BLM Commie Scum? Who signed some of the worst gun grabbing legislation in the country into law? You apparently have no idea how badly he is reviled in eastern WA.
That said, I think that Hickendooper and Bullock would have been far better, both as candidates, and esp as President. Both are fairly moderate and have shown the ability to reach across the isle (even though I voted against both of them). Bullock only got his “F” From the NRA because he would probably give Chuckie Scheamer and the Dems the critical vote to pass the sort of egregious gun grabbing legislation like that recently rammed through the House by Nancy Palsi. Inslee earned his “F” honestly.
Poignant story. Biden's dads new profession that finally got the family out of grandpas house? After he squandered his first fortune? Used car salesman. Sounds about right.
It’s pretty funny that a guy who fully supports moving our manufacturing to China pell mell is criticizing the guy who has made almost his entire presidency, even prior to COVID, to bring critical manufacturing home to the US, because all of our PPE seems to be made in China.
Joe Biden lies about trump. Says he called Troops "losers and suckers". A lie. Says he praised neo-nazis. A lie.
Talks about his middle class youth of 60 years ago. newsflash: Biden has been a powerful US Senator for 45 years. He was VP of the USA, and hear him talk was "Co-President". Left office in 2016 a multi-millionaire. His son Hunter is scoring $Billion dollar investment deals in China. Still talking about Scranton PA, even though he left in 1953, that's 67 years ago!
But he's just "Good Ol' Joe", Mr. Lunch-box - friend of Labor. Why is Biden supporting TPP trade deal which will destroy American Jobs? why is he in favor of H-1B's and outsourcing American Jobs? why is he in favor of job killing "climate change" legislation? Why didn't he or Obama renegotiate NAFTA or do something about China in the 8 years he/Obama was in power?
I read the transcript. But biden reads off a telepromter, so is his stream of consciousness, written for him?
Biden is completely unfit to be President. Shame on the Democrats for nominating a 78 senile old coot, who can't take hostile questions. All the people they could have nominated, but they gave us this guy. incredible.
OH no .. Ann acknowledges that Biden can talk and converse like a normal person, and that he can even be funny at times. Who knew. We all though only Trump had such qualities.
Quick .. where is a safe space I can run too. I can't handle the one of out twenty posts where Ann doesn't treat Trump as a superhero and Biden as the top bad guy.
"Am I voting against Harris, or will I be voting against the Donald?"
Kay: There is absolute proof that the DNC and the Clinton campaign promoted Trump in 2016 in order to limit the American people to "an awful set of choices":
We also have solid proof that the Democrats fixed their own primary in 2016, and it seems obvious that it happened again this year, when so many candidates abruptly dropped out.
I had a terrible time voting in 2016, but finally held my nose and voted for Trump. I feel much better about that choice now. The point, though, is that if you are frustrated by your lack of choices, you can't go for the Democrat, because their policy is to deny you a decent choice of candidates. They're not going to change that policy until the party gets beaten badly.
Joe is optimistic cause he knows Trump is gonna win.
Mike Sylwester said...
Three former state governors -- John Hickenlooper of Colorado, Jay Inslee of Washington, and Steve Bullock of Montana -- declared themselves as candidates in the Democrat primary race. All were sensible, pragmatic, articulate, middle-age politicians with executive experience. None could garner enough political support to reach even the first primary elections.
You've obviously never been to the state of Washington. Inslee is a disaster of a governor. Sensible? He's a global-warming alarmist. Executive experience? The state lost half a billion dollars in unemployment insurance money to Nigerian scammers. You're an idiot if you think Inslee should be running anything more than a Kool-Aid stand.
Sorry Althouse, nobody's buying what you're trying to sell.
A confluence of system diversity, social contagion, witch trials, warlock judgments, protests, Planned Parent, and stigmatized early treatment have caused death and collateral damage.
"I would have loved to have been in the room when" let's get Joe to run for president." was touted as a good idea."
Secret footage of Biden's selection:
tim maguire said...
everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot.
Sounds so much nicer than how Marx said it originally. Listening to some politicians talk about their humble upbringings, I often find myself wishing I could elect the parent indstead of the ne'er-do-well child.
much too benign a reading of statist politician >>>>
pay your share before get your shot >>> = pay to play in politics not economy.
I own a foreign currency in Los Angeles. I just had a nice tattooed woman come into my shop to buy euros. She's moving back to Europe because she won't be able to "Take another fours of this bullshit." At the very least it's an indication that people are starting to believe that Trump has a good shot at winning again.
Sounds like he has a snoot full of cocaine or maybe three cups of coffee too many.
"everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot.”
From each according to his abilities and to each according to his needs.
The problem has always been getting the most out of people without rewarding them for hard work. Defining people’s needs down seldom presents a problem.
>>I had a terrible time voting in 2016, but finally held my nose and voted for Trump.
I was in the same group. Now, I'm in the "crawl across broken glass to vote against Biden" camp.
The 7 Stages of Dementia:
Early-stage dementia has only one stage – stage 4, moderate cognitive decline. This stage lasts an average of 2 years and cognitive issues can be detected during a medical interview and exam. People in this stage will have difficulty concentrating, will forget recent events, and will have difficulty managing finances and traveling alone to new locations. Additionally, they may experience difficulty socializing and begin withdrawing from friends and family. In this stage, caregivers should make a concerted effort to actively engage the person with dementia. Caregivers will have a more involved role in this stage and subsequent stages. Caregivers should create a daily care plan and make adjustments to schedules as needed to provide the necessary level of care while also seeking physical and emotional support from other caregivers.
Misplacing items
Forgetting recent conversations or events
Struggling to find the right words in a conversation
Losing track of the day, date, or time
Loss of interest in other people or activities
Unwilling to try new things
Increased feelings of anxiety, irritability, or depression
Trouble remembering names when meeting new people
Increased trouble planning or organizing
Joe Biden can still read a teleprompter, but he isn't the one writing the text.
Joe Biden has no business being a candidate for US President. He has dementia.
It would be interesting to seem Biden do it during hostile questioning, for example asking him why he brought his son Hunter to China on Air Force II and why the ChiComs gave the boy over 2 Billion dollars to start up his investment fund, an activity in which Hunter had zero experience.
"She's moving back to Europe”
Good fucking riddance.
>>everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot.
I think it's "Everybody pays, or everybody gets shot."
It's better in the original Russian.
Biden’s campaigners are getting a bit out of control
I like the part about shouting unmasked directly into the black man's, the manager’s, face.
"But my point is this, we did fine."
At least he remembered what his point was.
Sort of.
He reminds me of the comedian on SNL who rambled and rambled, pausing every now and then to say, "I guess my point really is ..." and "I guess what I'm really trying to say is ..." --changing his point each time.
I think of Biden's campaign as the "Regarding Henry" campaign. In that movie from thirty years or so ago, Harrison Ford was an arrogant, conceited, hard-driving surgeon or lawyer who was shot in the head and became humble, decent, sweet and kind due to brain damage.
I don't know what happened to Joe's brain, but we are supposed to forget that he was the guy who was always bragging about his intellectual achievements and athletic prowess, the guy who was always challenging people to push-up contests and fist fights and insulting voters who asked him hard questions. Now he's the embodiment of empathy and the opposite of Donald Trump.
Anybody whose been in politics for half a century knows how to schmooze and charm voters, to massage voters egos and express condolences -- Even DJT can do that. How much of it is real and how much of it is just business is hard to say. As for Trump and Biden being opposites, that's a bit of nonsense the commentariat has forced upon us in recent years. Bush was supposed to be the opposite of Clinton and Obama the opposite of Bush. With time we realize that similarities were there as well, and you'd have to be blind not to see them in Trump and Biden.
Right, Joe. “Bend over - we’re all gonna be fine.”
I fully expect Biden to reminisce about wearing an onion on his belt as a youth, "because that was the style at the time".
alanc709 at 12:27 PM
Inslee is a disaster of a governor. ... You're an idiot if you think Inslee should be running anything more than a Kool-Aid stand.
I stand corrected about Inslee.
Imagine that John Hickenlooper or Steve Bullock -- instead of Joe Biden -- were the Democrats' nominee in this election.
"Am I voting against Harris, or will I be voting against the Donald?"
Here's a radical idea. Ignore the bullshit and vote for the policies being promoted. Trump’s agenda is pretty clear. Biden's (or at least his handler's) should be clear if you're paying attention. The two paths are very divergent policywise so it shouldn't be that hard to make up your mind. Function over form so to speak.
All were sensible, pragmatic, articulate, middle-age politicians with executive experience.
Jay Inslee is neither sensible nor pragmatic. He's as dumb as a stick. And an asshole.
rhhardin, I’m sure glad I wasn’t sipping a drink when I read that.
Is reciting decades old memories that you have repeated hundreds of times really "stream of consciousnesses"? Such things are the last to go, the least impressive things someone can speak about. I bet he's told that thin walls line dozens of times. Besides, it's all generational appropriation. Maybe we can vote for his dad instead? He actually did something with his life besides live off the government dole.
Thing is, Biden's told this I'm Poor From Scranton story many times on the campaign trail. It's stale now.
So I think the thinking is:
Ha Ha Jo Biden. Well, he will be put out to pasture one way or another so finally a woman can be president and things will get better, the planet will be healed and racial strife will cease.
I may not like Trump much, but when I reflect on his enemies . . .
Dim pols . . .
Hollywood dumbasses . . .
Jock dimwits . . .
I know who I'm NOT voting for.
That should be--
I know who I'm NOT voting for
""everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot.”
Hasn't he been promising to do that for over four decades? Are we really going to fall for it again?
Thanks to Biden and people like him, a very few pay most of the bills and a huge number pay nothing. That's pure Democrat for you: create a problem, and then say only you can fix it, and of course by fix they mean do more of the same.
DanTheMan said, "I'm in the 'crawl across broken glass to vote against Biden' camp."
Same here. Actually, I'm voting affirmatively for Trump this time.
I was in "broken glass" crowd for Romney in 2012. Thinking about it now creeps me out.
Joe Biden has moved from Delaware to unaware.
And Jacob Blake still hasn't raped anyone in over two weeks.
Forget it Jake. It's figuratively and literally Chinatown.
Stay at home orders made thinks worse.
But probably the hysterical posse should ignore that I was correct.
Biden's optimistic in the sense Clark Clifford meant when he called Reagan an "amiable dunce".
I'll bet Obama has the same thought.
I'd bet Jill has tried the record player with Joe and found it doesn't work.
I notice that quite a few people on here are taking Althouse at face value, that she's saying Biden can really do stream of consciousness.
That's now how I'm reading it. I'm reading it in an acid tone of contempt. But the internet is rarely a good place to try sarcasm.
My mother had dementia. She could tell stories of the past, entertain us with the stories, and forget what she asked five minutes before. Her grasp of the moment was sharp, but dulled by the few minutes that passed.
Joe has dementia, and it's the later stages. Anyone that cares, or cared, for someone with dementia knows the symptoms, and recognizes that Biden is far from capable to lead the United States. His condition will never be better, any surgeries requiring anesthesia will worsen the symptoms, and no doctor with integrity would ever certify him to be competent for the position of President of the United States. Those backing him are either oblivious, refuse to admit there is a problem, or are willing to sacrifice the United States for their agenda.
""everybody pays their fair share and everybody gets their fair shot.”.
Yeah, it's always gonna be tax the big corporations and billionaires. Taxes paid by raising cost of products. Any mention from Democrats of tax cuts for workers is always a lie.
Trump says temp is 100 degrees, fact check shows 99, TRUMP LIES.
Biden says 10 times, ban fracking ....well you know the rest.
Ann hates the word 'garner'.
I feel the same about the word 'LITERALLY'
I could not understand anything from that mess.
Paul Johnson is an Englishman who has written a number of histories dealing with the American people. In one of his books he said that in 1945 only half of the American populace had indoor toilets. That's understandable in a country where a good number of people still lived on rural farms. But somebody born on a farm in say North Dakota in the year that Joe Biden was born could claim that when je was young Joe's age, he had to walk barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways, to get to and from the outhouse.
Don't mention this to Joe---he'll plagiarize it and put it in his next impromptu remarks.
Killing someone figuratively. Is that like killing me softly with his song?
Do you really want to vote for this lying asshole?
flashback interview with Barkan
"Biden had clearly begun a filibuster. He gave a quick agreement to Barkan’s point, defunding police, and moved on to his own positions. So at that moment, Barkan interrupted: “But do we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?”
“Yes, absolutely,” Biden said, continuing:"
the leftwing press were quick to jump in and say it was "manipulated video"
I literally hate the misuse of literally and figuratively, literally.
Speaking metaphorically
MadisonMan: "Thing is, Biden's told this I'm Poor From Scranton story many times on the campaign trail. It's stale now."
It seems as though it was only yesterday that John Kasich's poor mailman father was delivering mail to poor Joe Biden's Scranton dwelling family.
"I think it's "Everybody pays, or everybody gets shot.""
I think it's "Everybody pays, and everybody gets shot".
>>It seems as though it was only yesterday that John Kasich's poor mailman father was delivering mail to poor Joe Biden's Scranton dwelling family.
Dick Gephardt's dad was delivering the milk, no doubt.
Biden has cognitive issues. What's Kamala's excuse?
In Incredibly Awkward Moment, Kamala Harris Again Refuses to Take Questions From the Press: "Nope, I Think We're All Set"
BB&H remarks: Ann hates the word 'garner'.
I feel the same about the word 'LITERALLY'
I don't mind if it's really used literally. But if I'm watching a football game and the announcer says that a player literally go his head ripped off, I fully expect to see it bouncing along the turf.
Biden: “Stream of consciousness” or diarrhea of the mouth?
You be the judge...
Mike Sylwester - I live and vote in Montana. I'm a veteran along with about 10% of the state's population. It's possible, even likely, that a majority of those veterans still take their Oath to support and defend the Constitution very seriously. I know that I do. But our self-serving governor, Bullock violated his Oath during his failed presidential bid when he told Jake Tapper that he'd be willing to gut the 2nd Amendment. He pandered for progressive votes at the expense of his personal honor and his prior statements to the people of Montana. He's running for Senate now but many of us here in Montana know that his word means very little. And his presidential ambitions remain. The rest of the country may hear more from Steve Bullock four years from now. Good luck.
Sheridan at 4:33 PM
our self-serving governor, Bullock violated his Oath during his failed presidential bid when he told Jake Tapper that he'd be willing to gut the 2nd Amendment.
I stand corrected about Bullock.
Imagine that John Hickenlooper -- instead of Joe Biden -- were the Democrats' nominee in this election.
But if I'm watching a football game and the announcer says that a player literally go his head ripped off, I fully expect to see it bouncing along the turf.
Reminds me of a classic bit on the old HBO show Bizarre where the football coach had neck strengthening drills ... by having players stand in a pit and the place-kicker would come up from behind and physically kick the head off the body.
The headless player would then climb out of the pit, run down the field and try to find his head amongst other players doing the same thing.
It’s Happy Hour somewhere, Steve Uhr.
Harris does not take questions because she does not need to. The Atlantic does not check smears because it does not need to.
"Joe has dementia, and it's the later stages."
Nonsense. Dementia of some type, yes. Later stages, no. You must not have any idea of what the later stages of dementia look like to say that.
It belittles the suffering of those who have dealt with the "later stages" of dementia to use that phrase to describe Biden.
The more I see of Biden the more I am convinced the Dems will replace him on the ballot before the election. He looks like he aged about 20 years in the last five years and that clip of him reading the teleprompter instruction and saying the words "End of Quote" is too much.
Darl from "As I lay dying"
Who knew the "new normal" would be abject incoherence in our political "leadership?"
mockturtle: I don't mind if it's really used literally. But if I'm watching a football game and the announcer says that a player literally go his head ripped off, I fully expect to see it bouncing along the turf.
They don't use "literally" literally; they use "literally" "literally."
So, Decaffeinated Joe has done an urbane survey. It's about time to mitigate its progress. #HateLovesAbortion
Claptrap upon claptrap. Hmm 🤔. What’s the word for a group of claptraps?
A chatterbox of claptraps?
A colonic of claptraps?
Or a new word: a contortium of claptraps?
Jess said...
Joe has dementia, ... and no doctor with integrity would ever certify him to be competent for the position of President of the United States. Those backing him are either oblivious, refuse to admit there is a problem, or are willing to sacrifice the United States for their agenda.
Agreed, but you need to embrace the power of "and".
My Father was severely demented (DAT) before he died at 85. From my experience working in neuropsychology, I think that Joe is still in the early stages. I expect he can function (with help) for the next year or two. However, it will get progressively worse. The Dems know this.
Joe Biden's agenda? Cue the song Huey Long wrote about his program, "Every Man a King." All together now, folks:
Why weep or slumber America
Land of brave and true
With castles and clothing and food for all
All belongs to you
Ev'ry man a king, ev'ry man a king
For you can be a millionaire.
But there's something belonging to others
There's enough for all people to share.
When it's sunny June and December too,
Or in the winter time or spring:
There'll be peace without end
Ev'ry neighbor a friend
With ev'ry man a king
Trump war room tweets show the Q&A session of this event did not go as smoothly as the chunk of the speech Althouse cherrypicked to post.
Biden appears to be using the teleprompter beyond designed capabilities
Mike Sylwester,
I have the misfortune to be misruled by our budding tyrant-wannabe Jay Inslee. I absolutely would not prefer him to Biden; Biden is stupid and lazy whereas Inslee is stupid and energetic. Well... stupid or evil, that is.
Oh, and now will somebody please do Hickenlooper?
DanTheMan, Paco:
Except for the times when they just skip right to the shooting-everyone part.
Hickenlooper was a gun grabber and when 60 of Colorado's 64 sheriffs told him the mag ban was unenforceable and they wouldn't enforce it, he swore at them. He was fined by a bipartisan commission (whose hearing he refused to attend) for accepting gifts. I never sank to using his nickname - Lickenpooper - but will never again vote for him. It was Heidi Heitkamp in her last desperation who said, "I'm not one of the crazy Democrats," but it did not save her. I take Hickenlooper for a Democrat seeking opportunities to be crazy.
Biden talks in his sleep
Would you mind giving your take on what's in that data that shows stay at home was harmful? I went to the link, but it looks like it's just a data file of raw numbers, not any analysis.
Sounds like he's saying people can be happy settling for less..while his family indulges in gov-graft.
"What’s the word for a group of claptraps?"
Clearly, it's a garner of claptraps.
if Constitution does not require production and presentation of authentic birth certificate -
does Constitution require President to be /compos mentis/
Unknown said...
Darl from "As I lay dying"
Very soon he'll be like Benjy in "The Sound and the Fury"
I read the transcript excerpt without knowing whether it was Biden or Trump, and I couldn't figure it out until he got to the part where his dad was cleaning boilers. Or was figuratively dying from boils. Or that he loved boilermakers, just like you guys in the AFL-CIO.
The debates will be epic!
Somewhere along the line of what must have been a GRIPPING soliloquy, Optimistic Joe Biden said:
"People are getting killed figuratively and literally across the board. Folks, look, in spite of all of this, I’ve never, Rich, been more optimistic than I am today."
What the heck did he say? I gave up after seeing the length of the paragraph. Anyone who vomits that many words in a response/statement/story has lost me and probably 95% of whoever is in the audience. Madame La Professeur is right that Trump does stream of consciousness. What Biden did was torrential. We listen to Trump and think, "Interesting." We listen to Optimistic Joe Biden talk about figurative and literal killings and boilers and how-did-my-folks-get-busy-and-me-not-hear, and think, "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude."
Rabel is right. Biden is in early stage dementia. That’s so comforting.
I fully expect Biden to reminisce about wearing an onion on his belt as a youth, "because that was the style at the time".
In my family, to have an onion tied to one's belt is to ramble on endlessly, and we use the phrase all the time. I am SO HAPPY to find another denizen of the interwebs who knows the reference.
That seemed more like stream of unconsciousness to me.
It belittles the suffering of those who have dealt with the "later stages" of dementia to use that phrase to describe Biden.
Not nearly as badly as the way the Left is abusing Biden does.
Mike Sylvester: How about YOU imagine what is presently the reality of the Dem presidential campaign: Kamala Harris is running for president, having participated in zero state primary elections, under the sham of Biden being the presidential candidate, despite his obvious dementia. The Dems are pulling a Torricelli/Lautenberg play right in front of us all, and for some reason nobody is supposed to complain about it.
Clearly, it's a garner of claptraps.
Nay, laddie. Tis a perjury of claptraps.
How does one figuratively die? What does it look and sound like?
How does one figuratively die? What does it look and sound like?
Oooh, oooh, I know this one! My kids decided when they were little that in order to be dead, your tongue had to be sticking out. Bonus points for X's on your eyes.
Walter at 8:10
we have a winner!
Sounds like he's saying people can be happy settling for less..while his family indulges in gov-graft.
Biden fakes his stream of consciousness with a teleprompter?
Of course he does.
Let me tell you how biden gets thru the debates. he will have an ear-piece. A tiny little ear-piece.
Conspicuously missing from the list of profession, as libs are wont to inform use, are teachers that supposedly create all of us — no?
Kay, please think about your senator, your congressman, your governor, your state rep and state senator, your mayor your councilman, your sheriff, your judges and educate yourself before you go to vote. You don't have to vote for President though if you don't be sure to write in something or vote for one of the third parties so they can't count it.
I recommend the coverage of elections provided at this site. https://ballotpedia.org/Main_Page
They don't have the resources for very local elections but most places someone will be blogging or reporting on them.
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