First, there are indications that Trump’s base of support — whites without college degrees — is more energized and committed to voting this year than key Democratic constituencies. And there is also evidence that polling does not reflect this.I haven't looked at the comments yet, but I will. I predict intense denial, premised on: 1. The polls favor Biden so much!, 2. Everybody knows Trump is horrible!, 3. ???...
Second, Latinos, who are key to the outcome in several crucial states — Arizona and Florida, for example — have shown less support for Biden than for past Democratic nominees. Many Hispanic voters seem resistant to any campaign that defines them broadly as “people of color.”
Third, absentee voting is expected to be higher among Democrats than Republicans, subjecting their ballots to a greater risk of rejection, a fate more common to mailed-in votes than to in-person voting.
Fourth, the generic Democratic-Republican vote (“Would you be more willing to vote for a Republican or Democratic candidate for Congress?”) through early July favored Democrats by more than 10 points, but has since narrowed to 6 points.
Fifth, the debates will test Biden’s ability to withstand three 90-minute battles against an opponent known for brutal personal attacks.
To my surprise, the top-rated comment is about something Edsall barely mentioned: the riots. It's a response to another commenter:
Otto,Let's find Otto's comment. Here:
Thank you for stating your views. I agree that looting and rioting is wrong. With that in mind, I encourage you to examine what the two presidential candidates—the two people at the head of the political tickets—have actually said about the violence that has erupted lately. Biden has made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that rioting and looting, by anyone (Dems included) is wrong. Full stop. Meanwhile, when Trump was asked about the unspeakable violence and murder committed by his supporter, Kyle Rittenhouse, Trump refused to condemn him. To me it is clear which candidate opposes the violence that has erupted lately.
As a Latino (Mexican) male, and apparently one of the increasingly rare conservative Democrats, the Republicans seem more attractive to me this election. What put me over the edge was the way Democrats normalized looting and rioting this year. I have always had a queasy feeling about the Democrats’ turn to radical politics, but this year has pretty much convinced me of what I long suspected: the party has left me. If the Democrats attack the Catholic Supreme Court nominee for her faith, that’s it - I’m gone and never coming back. Good luck winning in competitive states without people like me.On Edsall's failure to include the rioting in his list of things Biden supporters should worry about, I notice that, a couple weeks ago, he had a column titled "Voters Seem to Think Biden Is the ‘Law and Order’ Candidate." What was that based on?! It was speculation based on the fact that the riots did not correspond to a rise in the poll for Trump: "The biggest problem with Trump running on restoring order is that his performance in office has caused many voters to view him as the candidate of disorder." Edsall had a few polls to back up that idea. For example:
A... September 2-4 CBS News survey asked whether Biden and Trump are “trying to calm the situation down” or “trying to encourage fighting.” By 49-30, voters said Biden was trying to calm the situation while, in the case of Trump, voters said he was trying to encourage fighting by 47-39....
They’re not just rioting.
They’re shooting cops.
Refused to condemn him? I'd think less of Donald Trump if he didn't give Rittenhouse a medal for re-educating those degenerate criminals... into the damned ground.
Another category Biden supporters should worry about is whites with college degrees.
- Krumhorn
Edsal is a person with an incoherent mind. He tries to compare two different things. Biden's single statement on violence and riots after months of weak responses with a single commend be Trump on rittenhouse who will soon be cleared of charges.
I muddy minds like Edsall's is a distinct sign of societal regression.
Rittenhouse has yet to be found guilty of murder. The evidence so far suggests legal self defense. Perhaps there is secret evidence waiting to be unleashed dramatically at trial. But for now, calling it murder is ... not wise.
Otto also expresses concern over treatment of the Supreme Court pick, another item ignored by Edsall.
If Biden wins, I am going to laugh at everyone who voted for him, when the economy falls, you pay more for healthcare and everything else, and your taxes go sky high. I am going to laugh and laugh, and laugh some more at what Jonathan Gruber says is the STUPIDITY of the AMERICAN People, and how they could tell them anything and they believe the left.......Yep. Pretty dumb. But I digress....
The response to Otto's comment ignores his concern over the Supreme Court pick. Why? Wonder if anger over a conservative replacing RBG is so visceral that hard core Democrats would rather see Dem Senators trash Trump's pick even if it costs them at the polls.
Only in a libs mind, Biden’s silence for four months and a weak peep when polls required it is better than Trump’s repeated condemnation of violence and perhaps one dissembling of Rittenhouse case.
The top rated commenter avoided addressing the rioting and looting that was Otto's concern and skipped right to Kyle Rittenhouse, whose actions can be argued to be in response to what rioters were doing or about to do him.
Not responsive.
Ol' Replier-to-Otto is comparing apples to oranges - obviously - and failing to compare just-as-obvious apples to apples. Biden declared that riots and looting were wrong! Aaaand so did Trump, frequently, vehemently. Trump refused to condemn Kyle R! Aaaand Biden refused to condemn Antifa, as well as supporting comments from his side (I can't recall if he made any such comments himself, which kind of embarrasses me since he's made so darn few comments in any subject) that their violence was understandable and rational.
To say nothing of the fact that (again, obviously) the singular case of Kyle R, even if he hadn't been acting in self-defense, is not remotely comparable to the ongoing and numerous cases of Antifa violence.
Replier-to-Otto is striving mightily to shape the facts to fit his/her internal monologue.
Rittenhouse's attorneys released this pretty slick video that should have the prosecutors worrying about their chances with a local jury. It only takes one.
- Krumhorn
If people listened to Biden, we never would have heard of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Well the commenter said "Full Stop" so it must be true.
Biden's campaign (we all know it wasn't Biden) tweeted about Breonna Taylor and didn't say anything about the violence for almost a full hour. The cops had been shot for sometime already when the first tweet went out. That really doesn't sound like condemning violence to me.
Biden has made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that rioting and looting, by anyone (Dems included) is wrong. Full stop.
Has he though?
And have Democrats, in general?
Yesterday I had CNN on after the AG of Kentucky made his announcement. Briannne Keilor and her two guests were livid that he had said influencers and people outside Kentucky shouldn't try to get them to riot.
CNN wants riots. They want them so bad.
Fifth, the debates will test Biden’s ability to withstand three 90-minute battles against an opponent known for brutal personal attacks.
Can somebody point out at least one person President Trump has attacked...unprovoked? Biden has attacked President Trump, but I don't see the reverse.
This article is much like the Kentucky riots. Based on lies perpetrated by a dnc/media, intent on tearing down America.
I do think it's interesting that he nods to the fact that people are nervous about Biden maintaining himself during a debate. Edsell kind of dances around it-- because Trump will insult him! But anyone who saw Biden debate Paul Ryan will know that Biden is perfectly capable of insulting his opponent.
Or was. What are they really afraid of? Are they ever going to say out loud these events Biden has are really, really weird? They can only pretend it makes sense because of the virus. But we aren't stupid. These events he has don't make any sense.
Too many non sequiturs there to keep track...
When will the MSM face Biden's mental decline directly--after the election? No. 5 just deflects to TDS. What a freakish election!
I would love it if there are ten million Ottos in this country, particularly in swing states, but I am suspicious. This seems a bit pat.
That exchange is a great example of how the left still doesn't get it. Biden's campaign and Harris personally have actively supported the riots through their work for the bail project. They only shifted to condemnation when the polls made that position mandatory. Meanwhile, lumping Rittenhouse in the with the rioters is disingenuous. There have been more than a dozen murders during the riots, but Rittenhouse is the only killer these people can actually name. What does that tell you about their concern for violence?
Edsall should know better. He’s the one who wrote about the Democrats “new strategy” during the Obama years when they expected to have a “permanent majority” based on identity politics and so they were “turning their backs in the white working class vote” that formed the base up until then. Huge shift. Edsall wasn’t the only one. Remember Ruy Teixera co-wrote a book or two about this grand new dominant D party. Then Trump ran and showed that strategy flawed when a shitty candidate like Hillary is the standard bearer. And America responded by expanding R representation in Senate, which ironically was the white working class vote the other party shunned. And those voters like a constitutional court. So now we can cement a majority there for a time. Edsall should be able to explain this in a way even NYT readers can understand.
"Meanwhile, when Trump was asked about the unspeakable violence and murder committed by his supporter,”
You are in trouble when you have to lie, sure readering and R/V will buy it, but even Howard likely has his reservations, though he would never admit it, that a case of self defense = “murder.” The only actual murder we have been seeing, the killing of people not physically attacking the killer, have been of Trump supporters.
6. Joe is a tired old man with dementia.
I didn’t realize Rittenhouse committed murder and “unspeakable violence” when knocked to the ground and being attacked by armed thugs at night from 3 directions, simultaneously.
It’s almost like Trump ALSO condemned the violence and rioting, and far Earlier than Biden, but that comparison must
Not be made. So the commenter must instead pivot to asking a President to condemn a man who is being investigated and where preliminary Video evidence Shows a reasonable degree of self defense
"Voters Seem to Think Biden Is the ‘Law and Order’ Candidate." What was that based on?!
The fact that the voters he asked were all Democrats?
"Whites without college degrees"
Where the fuck are they getting this? I think they're making this up. There are huge numbers of college-educated white men and women that support Trump.
This is another example of a supposition thrown in almost as an afterthought to reinforce a stereotype that is far from correct. Furthermore, if any party has a higher degree of non-college educated supporters, it is Democrats. But they're not "uneducated whites", so to liberals that doesn't count.
Again with the bigotry of low expectations.
Many Hispanic voters seem resistant to any campaign that defines them broadly as “people of color.”
Many Blacks consider themselves the only legit "people of colour". Hispanics might qualify, depending on the amount of melanin they possess. Asians definitely don't count; hell, they're worse than white people! And Native Americans? They get ignored, the same way they've been ignored by whites for centuries.
The media are gradually letting their constituents know that Biden's position is shaky and getting worse.
It won't be long before the first cracks appear in the facade and the calls for his replacement begin.
Leftists are delusional - proof: "the unspeakable violence and murder committed by his supporter, Kyle Rittenhouse". Rittenhouse was defending himself - effectively. There was nothing "unspeakable" about it. It's almost like the efficiency of Rittenhouse's defense of himself is what shocks them. Rittenhouse is supposed to punch them, I guess.
If Trump is leading in the cooked polls out of Florida, he is going to win this state. It feels like a Trump state to me and I am in Democrat stronghold Palm Bech County.
Yes- the Rittenhouse case is anything but clear. There is much more to the story and, of course, our main stream journalists will be the last to know about it. Someone please let them know.
That Edsall did not even consider the riots, the current targeting of police, the destruction of major US cities, and the complete breakdown of society- all approved for months by Democrats shows just how thick the Northeast bubble is.
Democrats have a very large blind spot. It's called reality.
Anyone who is paying attention: Democrats have encouraged, supported, and provoked burning, looting, murdering riots across the country.
Democrat response: I know you are, but what am I?
The response to Otto is obtuse: every nationally prominent Democrat went months without condemning rioters and looters, and only recently with the election upon us and polling numbers looking bad, a few of them came out finally with weak bullshit statements intended to fool the naive and the true believers exactly like this NYT commenter.
Please. Some of us are not so stupid.
How about worrying that Biden is losing his mind, medically losing his mind.
debates? are we still thinking that Tuesday's debate will happen?
What Biden supporters should worry about is their mental health if they get this upset at an election. I went to bed last time believing that Hillary was going to be president, a woman I so detested that I voted for Trump. Still I didn’t wet my pillow with tears. I expected to get up the next day and continue to live my life.
@PB - Edsall didn't compare those statements on the roots. A commenter did. Althouse is noting that Edsall said NOTHING about the riots.
Selling fear and loathing is always profitable. Am rewatching the American "House of Cards". Parts of the fictional 2016 presidential election are eerily similar to 2020. I just wish Melanoma was actually more like Claire.
What do rioters want?
When do they want it?
Actual voter: This thing bothers me.
Leftist Collectivist: You are wrong because reasons and shut up.
Actual voter: The Democraticals are choosing radicalism.
Leftist Collectivist: OrangeManBad.
Me: Epistemic closure is bad in any system that depends on third parties.
Me: We welcome actual voter into the Big Tent.
Can't wait to see Harris and Feinstein grill a female nominee about how their Catholic faith disqualifies them for the Supreme Court. If I were a republican on the committee I would be seceding them my time so they could spend get more face time before the voters.
"an opponent known for brutal personal attacks"
Has anyone in recent American political history suffered worse "brutal personal attacks" than Trump?
It's not just the presidential candidates that matter to public opinion.
It's the parties'stances as a whole--and Democrats look like the party
of lawlessness and disorder....
So this is just political advice and propaganda for the Biden campaign, without declaration as an in-kind donation. Otto is a perfect example of the voter Biden is about to lose, precisely because of the insulting responses the Edsall provides about the rioting and looting. As AA has noted many times, Trump has been offering the national guard for months now, begging the governors to let him assist in stopping the rioting and looting. Voters, even the ones that vote Democrat, are not as dumb as Edsall thinks they are.
Edsall is also missing the most recent news from the Senate that clearly outlines the corruption of Hunter Biden. If not used before the election, then it provides a basis for impeachment if Biden were to ever win. Primarily, I see it as a destructive broadside if Biden or anyone else dares mention Trump's impeachment in a debate.
Every day there appears new evidence that our betters, in particular the highly credentialed and "meritorious" people behind the Dem cutout candidates, which includes auxiliaries like Edsall, think we're very stupid. There is no other explanation other than that, other than they think we don't notice the glitches in the matrix when they reverse themselves on things like riots. I look forward, I hope, to their tears on Election Day.
Is number five broad enough to cover the possibility of Biden drooling and singing the Barney Song during the debates?
Another thing Biden supporters should worry about is his and Harris' lack of press availabilities, campaign rallies, and Biden's increasingly apparent inability to answer softball questions without a Teleprompter.
The narrative on the left is that Rittenhouse is a cold blooded killer, evidence and circumstances be damned. Also, the president isn't supposed to comment on current, ongoing criminal case. It could influence people who might be on the jury. Anyway, the reply to Otto is astroturfed or from somebody who is falling for the propaganda.
Well as has been shown by treyvon ( Obama’s kid ) martin, brown in Ferguson, died from fentanyl Floyd and now briona Taylor, facts just don’t matter to democrat briwnshirts.
My white, college educated wife works in Columbus downtown. She’s been working from home since March but, as a manager, she does have to go downtown to the office on occasion. Today is one of those days. She’s preparing herself to walk into a war zone just to go to her office.
She voted for Obama twice and Gary Johnson in the last election. Who do you think she’s voting for this time? Trump all the way.
As we saw in Louisville yesterday, a rush to judgement on the guilt or innocence of people involved in these violent events is unwise and antithetical to the constitutional right to the presumption of innocence.
Mayors in cities where officer involved shootings are being investigated should have made the presumption of innocence for all parties involved the foundation of their response. Pandering by demanding charges be filed sooner rather than later is an affront to the rule of law and it has fed the mob violence.
I think the belief in patiently allowing the system to work, although agonizingly slow (e.g. Michael Flynn's prosecution), is a trait most often found in those who are center right, but not by those who are center left.
The media also understates the enthusiasm for Trump from college educated men. If you objectively analyze the policy accomplishments of the Trump administration, and ignore the Twitter nonsense, it is absolutely irrefutable that he has been the most effective President in modern times with regard to outcomes, and with regard to governing across the spectrum from center left to center right. Trump would have been a Democrat, given his policy directives, up to about 2008. He may be the only true liberal elected in my lifetime (b. 1964).
It's the NYT for cryin' out loud - Bizarro World in print.
9/24/20, 8:16 AM
Biden has made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that rioting and looting, by anyone (Dems included) is wrong. Full stop.
Did he begin with, "Come on, man?"
Because if he didn't it's like his fingers were crossed.
Biden would have called out the rioters last night.
But everyone knows those were just white supremacists celebrating.
The lies of the left are their biggest problem The lie that is Breanna Taylor to start with. The police were shot at first. They returned fire. She wasn't the innocent girl scout the propagandists have been telling us for the last year.....It was self defense..they didn't get the wrong house, and a neighbor witnessed them knocking on the door. Cloward and Piven Democrats WANT the rioting in the streets. They are USING BLM. Wakey wakey. This is not going to end well, no matter what happens, and the blood is on LeBrons, The lefts, The medias, and all the hollywierd people who are telling people to go to the streets
Biden has made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that rioting and looting, by anyone (Dems included) is wrong. Full stop.
Words, just words. Has he ever picked up a telephone and called the Democrat governors of Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, and now Kentucky, and suggested that they empower the police and National Guard to shut those riots down? Obama taught me to ignore what a politician says and focus on what that politician does.
from somebody who is falling for the propaganda.
There are lots of people, many of very high IQ, who are falling for the propaganda. Reminds me of communism back in the day. High IQ and smart are unrelated traits.
This does not appear to be getting a lot of press.
The Omaha Man Who Shot a BLM Attacker in a Videotaped Open-and-Shut Case of Self-Defense Was Indicted to Appease the Mob.
That Man Has Now Committed Suicide.
There could have been more than five things but the author put a lid on it.
I am Laslo.
If the nominee is ACB, I wonder how the Dems are going to attack her for being Catholic when their nominee is supposedly a "devout Catholic." I doubt there are there any cases where ACB based her decision on a Papal Encyclical. When someone asks why ACB but not Biden should be disqualified, I guess their only answer is that, despite his representations, Biden is not a "Catholic" Catholic.
"First, there are indications that Trump’s base of support — whites without college degrees ..."
Come on now... you're just aching to call them "deplorables"- you know you are.
Third, absentee voting is expected to be higher among Democrats than Republicans, subjecting their ballots to a greater risk of rejection, a fate more common to mailed-in votes than to in-person voting.
If Trump wins, this fact will be the big post-election scandal in keeping with the Gerrymander Principle: long-standing electoral practices only become problematic when they start benefiting Republicans.
His response to Otto is risible. A generic mention of Biden saying violence is bad. Then his wishcasting about the KR situation and Trump's CORRECT non condemnation (we still don't know all the facts, but as they come to light KR's self-defense claims look stronger and stronger). Nothing on the actual violence going on every day. I want to read other points of view. Not utter bullshit like this.
Oh Yea said... [hush][hide comment]
Can't wait to see Harris and Feinstein grill a female nominee about how their Catholic faith disqualifies them for the Supreme Court.
This is the poisoned cup the Democrats will present to Hispanics. Probably the best argument for ACB, even more then Lagoa
When Edsall talks politics, he reminds me of a gay blind man in a hot tub with Sophia Loren.
I sense something exciting here......but I can't see it.... oh boy, I'm starting to feel it... wait. .. that's different...oh boy, yowza!.. I didn't expect that.. move a little closer....God, I feel guilty....what is that?!!? .. I am both excited and repelled! Better leave now .. it doesn't compute....
I am not Laslo.
Martin Luther King, Jr. supported peaceful protests. The bad actors were Sheriffs with hoses, not the protestors.
BLM and AntiFa do not support peaceful protests. They riot, loot, throw Molotov Cocktails, shoot cops, smash businesses, go to people's homes, and commit arson.
They get away with this in blue cities and blue states (NYC, Portland, Seattle), because Democrat Mayors and Democrat Governors stand down, and order the police to stand down.
The Democrats are terrible people. They enable violent protests.
Edsell is like Mr. Magoo.
Polls? Seriously? And they matter because?
I am beginning to suspect Biden's daily "lids" are part of a rope-a-dope strategy. The debate is 5 days away and no one thinks he will do well. In fact, I am thinking his recent rare appearances where he stumbles verbally and wheezes is also part of the act.
fortunately there are other groups of voters getting energized:(The Hill) A bipartisan group of 489 former national security officials have endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The group, National Security Leaders for Biden, said that President Trump “has demonstrated he is not equal to the enormous responsibilities of his office” and “cannot rise to meet challenges large or small.”
>>If Biden wins, I am going to laugh at everyone who voted for him, when the economy falls, you pay more for healthcare and everything else, and your taxes go sky high.
Wendy, that seems a bit ungrateful, especially after Obama cut your health care costs by $2,500 a year, just like he promised. That means you and I have about $30K extra laying around. (Mine 30K hasn't shown up yet, but I'm sure it's on the way...)
You should donate at least half of that $30K you now have to Biden to show some gratitude.
And don't forget Obama made the oceans stop rising, too. So those of us in Florida are ever so grateful that our houses haven't been washed away, like they would have if McCain had won.
And Joe Biden rescued the economy, just like he says on his commercials. It was awfully nice of Obama to let him do that, and not take any of the credit, don't you think? That's just Obama's style, never thinking of himself.
Joe did such a good job that the economy boomed and unemployment fell to record levels even after Trump took office. Pretty amazing, huh?
How could you possibly not believe that Joe can't do all those miracles again?
(He might need Obama's help with his promise to lower the number of hurricanes, though.)
Biden has called a lid for the day (today 9/24/2020).
Apparently, Biden's not worried if he can take another day off.
>>Biden has made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that rioting and looting, by anyone (Dems included) is wrong. Full stop.
He made it clear 3 months after the rioting started. THEN "full stop".
So, Biden has said, "in no uncertain terms, that rioting and looting, by anyone (Dems included) is wrong. Full stop."
That's nice. What is his plan for dealing with riots?
We have a pretty good idea what Trump's plan is.
>>I am thinking his recent rare appearances where he stumbles verbally and wheezes is also part of the act.
In which case, he should get an Oscar, and not the Presidency.
A bipartisan group of 489 former national security officials have endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
Otherwise known as "The Swamp."
Joe Biden supporters' paramount worry should be that their candidate is Joe Biden.
Biden has had more “lids” in September than a Tupperware party.
"When Edsall talks politics, he reminds me of a gay blind man in a hot tub with Sophia Loren."
You are being stingy with Salma Hayek, I see.
Yes MK folks in the military are the swamp, stupid and losers according to you and Trump.
Rittenhouse's attorneys released this pretty slick video
@Krumhorn I watched that and it made me a slightly less enthusiastic Trump voter - because I'd kind of like to write in Kyle Rittenhouse.
To Governor Beshear's credit, he activated the National Guard to supplement "the thin blue line" and safeguard people and property, ensure a Republican form of government (in contrast to Seattle and Washington), and mitigate the progress of protests, violence, and homicides.
"489 former natsec officials" LMFAO at your desperation RV and Cookie, who will be along soon to post similar BS.
Like Michael K said above- they are Swamp Rats trying to protect their paychecks.
Rittenhouses shot - in self-defense - 3 leftwing criminal Nazis.
Craig Howard said...
It won't be long before the first cracks appear in the facade and the calls for his replacement begin.
Not legally possible at this point. 'mail-in' ballots have already been mailed out and returned. They've committed themselves to this 'nationally electable' 77 YO white retard. That's why they rigged their primaries for him in the end. You may thank obama & San Fran Nan for hollowing out their party. Boy, I'll bet they'd give your eye teeth for an Evan Bayh or two right now.
I am not Lazlo either. I'm not even ARM.
Trump is Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness... the American dream.
because I'd kind of like to write in Kyle Rittenhouse
Yeah, he's an extraordinary young man, who stood with the community, when other people kneeled, and retained self-control and a civilized demeanor even when his life was threatened, and only when the threat was immediate and overwhelming, did he respond in self-defense.
In which case, [Biden] should get an Oscar, and not the Presidency.
He wouldn't meet the diversity requirement, the color quota.
It's in the NYT, which I despise, detest, and distrust.
roesch/voltaire said...
Yes MK folks in the military are the swamp, stupid and losers according to you and Trump.
Nope, just bureaucrats, which were all that list.
By the way, R/V, since you are such a military supporter, when did you serve ?
Many Hispanic voters seem resistant to any campaign that defines them broadly as “people of color.”
I've made this comment before, but the truth is that I had to go to college to learn that the Hispanic kids I grew up with weren't "white." I know it came as a surprise to some of them, too.
Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
What amazes me about that is that there seems to be no worry on the part of the Left that prosecuting Rittenhouse could turn him into a pretty powerful symbol for the Right. You'd think they be sensitive to that since they tried to martyr the two he shot, but it didn't take because they were such scumbags.
The Left is slipping, badly.
@Krumhorn I watched that and it made me a slightly less enthusiastic Trump voter - because I'd kind of like to write in Kyle Rittenhouse.
I understand your point, but you’ll have to wait another 17 years before he meets the constitutional age threshold. Hell! He can’t even buy a beer yet.
- Krumhorn.
They asked Biden about this article.
Biden replied, "I drove an Edsel in the early 60s."
Robert Cook wrote:
"Joe Biden supporters' paramount worry should be that their candidate is Joe Biden."
Have we lost ARM and Inga ? I wonder if that is a sign of the election result? Sort of like a robin in March ?
Dementia not even mentioned?
His Grade A corrupt fuckup of a son not even mentioned?
We have the most uninquisitive press ever.
I'm embarrassed for them and I don't even like them.
Biden, the silent peacemaker. It’s really no surprise that Democrats choose not to discuss politics except in their silos. They are truly delusional, just like their Presidential candidate.
The sixth thing that Biden needs to worry about is crapping his pants during the debates, if he actually debates.
I performed neuropsych testing on nursing home patients who crapped their pants while talking to me. It's a shortcut to a dementia diagnosis when they smile and look relieved.
Watch Joe's face during the debates.
Whites without college degrees are ignorant and susceptible to the ploys of a showman like Donald Trump. Their political opinions should be discounted. Blacks with prison records are wised up to the shams of America. Their political opinions are of greater value than whites without college degrees. No wonder Bloomberg goes to such lengths to get them on the voter roles. As we have seen with Jacob Blake, sex offenders have the greatest insight into the challenges that America faces.
Another thing not mentioned is Biden has taken the day off for the ninth time this month. Even with that he's had more than a few moments when he's appeared frankly incoherent. Would he even be able to perform the duties of the Presidency should he be elected? If you're not into deep TDS that should be a question that worries you.
bgates said...
Rittenhouse's attorneys released this pretty slick video
@Krumhorn I watched that and it made me a slightly less enthusiastic Trump voter - because I'd kind of like to write in Kyle Rittenhouse.
9/24/20, 10:23 AM
The Hero of Kenosha still needs a little seasoning. Write him in for VP. Pence will forgive you.
Rittenhouse is obviously guilty because he killed two white rioters and shot another white rioter at a Burn, Loot and Murder riot. Never mind that he was being assaulted at the time. The rioters attacking him had every right to do so! He should have just stood there and taken it. He'd then have no right to complain about it, as he'd have been dead.
I suspect Edsall's comments may come from BEFORE Ginsburg died. Until Friday, September 18th about 8:30pm no one knew there'd be an open seat. Over the last five years I saw RBG every summer at the neutral ground of the Glimmerglass Festival and was shocked to see how decrepit she looked even in 2016. She did have a discreet bodyguard with her--recalling an incident back in 1890 involving Justice Stephen Field. Only in the last times I saw her there did people start treating her like an opera diva rather than an ordinary woman who loved opera and musicals with a full orchestra--rare nowadays.
Biden has made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that rioting and looting, by anyone (Dems included) is wrong. Full stop.
Actually, it's not quite that clear. Here, a few seconds into the MSNBC video, is the Biden campaign video. Watch the editing & listen to Biden's words. It's a slick attempt to blame Trump & his "right wing supporters" for the violence. There is no admission, neither by words or by video (e.g. a recognizable symbol like the Black Block "A" or a Hammer & Sickle) that the rioters are lefties. there is no admission that these riots are occurring primarily in Democratic controlled towns.
The commenters on this site have regularly derided other commenters like Inga who thought that the rioters were Righties. What we're missing is that this view is very common on the moderate Left & Biden's ad plays to that ongoing misinformation campaign.
It is actually worse than 9 days this month. The days when they didn't call the lid in the morning were the days he was travelling by road or plane to and from his no audience speeches. He wasn't techically available then, either, but not officially lidded for the day. By my count, he actually has spent far less than 20 total hours all month doing any kind of campaign related event where he was talking or interacting with anyone not on his staff or security detail. Clinton in 2016 looks like an Olympic marathoner compared to Biden as a campaigner.
When our Governor, Jay Inslee, was told about the CHOP/CHAZ zone, he said "That's news to me." He's lying because I called his office when the CHOP/CHAZ zone hit the news. Unfortunately, it looks like he'll win a third term.
the truth is that I had to go to college to learn that the Hispanic kids I grew up with weren't "white."
Ah, the innocence of youth, when diversity and other petty prejudices did not matter.
"trying to calm the situation down" as per the CBS poll-that's a shrewd way of not defining the baseline. If the baseline is violence then in order to calm things down you have to agitate.
Francisco D:
That has been officially renamed "pulling a Nadler" because of what happened yesterday.
Watch the video.
Seriously? No mention of Biden's mental faculties? I recognize this: "Fifth, the debates will test Biden’s ability to withstand three 90-minute battles against an opponent known for brutal personal attacks." is a sly way for Edsall to claim he included it, but that doesn't wash.
"NY Times columnist Thomas Edsall states...whites without college degrees.." are Mr. Trump's supporters. Probably true what's really interesting "..53 percent of all white female voters picked Mr. Trump..." But that doesn't fit the NY Times narrative. Ann - you do know this is a 'Paid-in-Kind' ad by the author and the NY Times. So anything they say doesn't need to be analyzed cause it's only a political statement. For example, they say that "...Joe Biden is the law and order candidate..."? You believe that then I got a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
The group, National Security Leaders for Biden, said that President Trump “has demonstrated he is not equal to the enormous responsibilities of his office” and “cannot rise to meet challenges large or small.”
You mean like peace in the Middle East? Not starting wars? Getting NATO allies to pay their fair share? Eliminating ISIS? Withdrawing from the ridiculous Iran deal?
Looting, rioting and burning things down is not a winning election strategy - but the Dem stormtroopers keep doing it
I just checked out the C-Span clip. It was hilarious!
Look at Pelosi's face and that of the congressman behind her.
>>Not legally possible at this point.
That's a very naïve point of view. There was a statutory deadline for ballot changes in that Senate race. No changes within 51 days. The law was crystal clear.
The NJ Supremes looked at that and decided their sense of fairness superseded the law, and they allowed a ballot change.
In Missouri, Mel Carnahan died just before the election. Missouri law was also crystal clear: no ballot changes allowed.
The dead guy won by 2%, and the governor decided that meant his wife should take his place.
The law is whatever the judges say it is.
Rittenhouse acted in self defense, and hs so-called defense taem is doing a terrible job of getting that fact out there.
Youtube took down the videos that showed that, because... you know why...
The Biden Campaign called a “lid” on the campaign trail by 9:20 a.m. Thursday morning, meaning the 77-year-old Biden will not make any in-person or media appearances for the rest of the day. This marks the ninth day this month the campaign has halted access to their candidate before noon with only 40 days to go until the Nov. 3 election.
Biden's campaign (we all know it wasn't Biden) tweeted about Breonna Taylor and didn't say anything about the violence for almost a full hour. The cops had been shot for sometime already when the first tweet went out. That really doesn't sound like condemning violence to me.
That sausage smoker Anderson Cooper kept repeating that it didn’t seem that bad. Kept telling the chief I believe, That they weren’t “that badly hurt, right”?
Francisco D said...
I just checked out the C-Span clip. It was hilarious!
Look at Pelosi's face and that of the congressman behind her.
Thank God it wasn't smell-o-vision!
The worst thing Biden's supporters have to worry about is that he could get elected. That would be bad for all of us, even them.
What we're missing is that this view is very common on the moderate Left & Biden's ad plays to that ongoing misinformation campaign.
Oh, I agree. We are back to Romney's 47% but now with Trump it is unknown but more than 47%. Those people you mention are NeverTrump voters. They are not Antifa but they are the "Kadets" of the Russian Revolution who supported the Bolsheviks, right up until the Bolshies killed them all. I have hopes that we can do better and at least the normals are armed.
DanTheMan said...
>>Not legally possible at this point.
This isn't New Jersey or Missouri, run by democrats, Dan. They cannot find 'silence' in the Constitution. Ballots have already been thrown in a Pennsylvania ditch cast for Trump.
This isn't rocket science. If it went to SCOTUS, it doesn't matter what a 'judge' says. Bush v. Gore should have taught you that. First, you have no 'right' to vote in a Federal election. Second, they ruled either 9-0 or 7-2 that you can't change the rules to suit yourself.
What if you specifically cast a vote for BiteMe because you love his 'law and order' platform? Now the candidate you voted for automatically becomes Granny Maojackets, someone you hate, and would never vote for. The only way they could get away with that is if they either killed Biden outright or incapacitated into a vegetable, which I don't put past them.
There's one way to end it, however. Stop this early voting bullshit.
No one except cucky idiots cares about your neocon friends r/v. And keep telling people Trump hates soldiers and BLM doesn’t. You really are gullible aren’t you?
roesch/voltaire: "Yes MK folks in the military are the swamp, stupid and losers according to you and Trump."
All r/v has left is his/her/xer's lies.
And nothing more.
Even after they've been debunked he/she/xe clings to them like velcro.
There must be a term in clinical psychology which captures this.
roesch/voltaire: "Yes MK folks in the military are the swamp, stupid and losers according to you and Trump."
All r/v has left is his/her/xer's lies.
And nothing more.
Even after they've been debunked he/she/xe clings to them like velcro.
There must be a term in clinical psychology which captures this.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
The group, National Security Leaders for Biden, said that President Trump “has demonstrated he is not equal to the enormous responsibilities of his office” and “cannot rise to meet challenges large or small.”
You mean like peace in the Middle East? Not starting wars? Getting NATO allies to pay their fair share? Eliminating ISIS? Withdrawing from the ridiculous Iran deal?
No. The best, and in fact only, proof of the truth of their contention is that they are still alive to make it.
All the higher he can count, perhaps.
Did I miss R/V's military record ? He is such a proud proponent of the military, even lying about what Trump said, I expected read a proud record.
MK read the list and disparage the past commander of Navy Seals , and continue to call those who serve swampers and losers, this is highly unusual for higH ranking military folks to sign a public Statement saying he is unfit to serve as our commander in chief, What more do you cult people need to wake up?
"Full stop" = "Shut up, I explained."
As to Biden's making it clear that looting and rioting are wrong - the actions of Democratic leaders at the state, county and municipal level belie that statement.
>>They cannot find 'silence' in the Constitution.
Sure they can. It's right there next to the right to have an abortion. What, are you blind?
Yes, the Supremes put an end to the foolishness in Florida, where every county could invent it's own standard.
Now, imagine 5 Florida 2000's at the same time, and a 4-4 decision.
As I've said before, 130 million of us may vote, and it may well be John Roberts who has the only vote that counts.
Decent people do not riot, burn, kill, and terrorize their fellow Americans, when we have peaceful alternatives.
The people who do that overwhelmingly support Biden and hate Trump.
Parse that. Pick a side. Vote.
>>this is highly unusual for higH ranking military folks to sign a public Statement saying he is unfit to serve as our commander in chief.
You mean such honorable men as LTC Vindman, who thinks the President has to follow his foreign policy recommendations, and likely conspired against the President.
Go read the oath officers take.
Now do McArthur and Truman. Or Carter and Singlaub. Or Obama and McChrystal.
Go read the oath officers take.
Hey soldier, you don't like the CinC? Great, go see the chaplain and have him punch your "Tough Shit" card. And then staple a salute to your forehead and go carry out your orders.
>> What more do you cult people need to wake up?
I think Trump voters are wide awake. Trump is a pompous self-aggrandizing egomaniac, and more than a bit of a blowhard.
He's also been a damn fine President and an proud patriot. Which was a nice change from the last guy.
I was a reluctant Trump voter in 2016. Now I'm a "crawl across broken glass" voter to vote for him again.
And maybe "wake up" wasn't quite the best word choice when referring to Sleepy Joe Biden's opponent.
"Second, Latinos, who are key to the outcome in several crucial states — Arizona and Florida, for example — have shown less support for Biden than for past Democratic nominees. Many Hispanic voters seem resistant to any campaign that defines them broadly as “people of color.”
Wait..what about Hispanics' degrees (when discussing whites without)?
Thomas Edsall used to write for The Washington Post. Probably figures writing something in The New York Times is a trade-up. In any case, he is sounding an early alarm about Droopy Joe losing, something that is counterintuitive for our journalism betters. Oh, the anguish. Oh, the humanity.
Oh, the reality.
Donald has but one thing to worry about. Can he take votes away from Plugs in order to prevent the upcoming landslide Biden victory? Biden has been leading on the popular vote and he owns the most battleground states that could produce the required Electoral College ballots.
Did I just write "ballots?" I got carried away, forgetting that Trump is going to mysteriously make "ballots" disappear. I suppose that he will magically do in ballots the same way he makes 7,000,000 Covid -19 infections and 200,000 casualties of the pandemic go away. Yepper, a new day is on the way!
Gadfly. I take it then you're going to vote multiple times? How many ballots do you consider enough before you call it a day?
Ah, but who were they polling?
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