September 23, 2020

"Now I’m asking sleepy Joe Biden to give me a list and he doesn’t want to do it. You know why? "

"Because he can only put super radical left judges on, people that would destroy our country, people that would destroy your country. And he knows that he’s not electable… He shouldn’t be electable anyway. This is the worst candidate. You know where he is today? They have a thing called the LID. I don’t even know. Do you know what LID stands for? LID. He put out a LID today early in the morning. LID means he’s not going to be anywhere today. I’m working my ass off, I’m in Ohio, I’m in Texas, I’m in Florida, I’m in Michigan, I’m in Wisconsin. [CROWD CHANTS: 'We love you.'] Man. Thank you. That’s so nice. Well, that is something that one of the fake news reporters back there, they said they’ve never heard of that one.... That’s never happened to a politician before. Am I a politician? I don’t want to be a politician. I don’t think of myself as a politician. But it really is, I appreciate it. I’ve never heard it. I liked Ronald Reagan, but they never said we love you, or maybe they did. They’re going to try and find out. Then they’ll say, 'President Trump lied last night because 40 years ago I remember…' But no, nobody’s ever heard that one before and I appreciate it because it is reciprocal. Thank you very much. Reciprocal. Reciprocal love. It’s reciprocal. I had such a nice life before I did this. I had such a nice life...."

From "Donald Trump Pittsburgh Campaign Rally Transcript September 22."


tim maguire said...

Good that he's taking about the lid. What a ridiculous concept for a politician in the middle of a campaign. How many reporters have asked Biden about it? None?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If not for the inescapable fact he holds a political office I would say nope, he’s not a politician.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He’s a conundrum.

WisRich said...

"I'm working my ass off..."

PoltiFact rates this: "True"

CJ said...

I try to stay rational, but after the critical race theory EO my bro love for Donald is now off the charts.

Oso Negro said...

I didn't vote for him, and said why in these comments. But Donald Trump does love America, and he does love ordinary people. He couldn't do this if he didn't. Perhaps it's his ultimate satisfaction for the rejection by upper-crust society.

Kate said...

Good transcript. I can hear his cadence.

I'm sorry people with TDS don't appreciate how funny he is.

Mark Nielsen said...

Yeah, it's funny. I never have liked the guy, but I kinda do love him.

Mikey NTH said...

That's definitely the style of a stand-up comedian with the flow the repetition, going back to a previous point, then moving on. But since Trump is a master marketer and showman I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that he would speak that way.

tcrosse said...

The transcript shows the words, but not the music.

traditionalguy said...

The non politician Trump just did it again. He had one of his wedding ceremonies exchanging vows with his voters. Americans understand that. Tell me that's not basic Scots-Irish leadership.Loyalty vows are going each way.
It's really not fair to the corrupt Dems having to match that.

Iman said...

This will be a karma-infused chickens come home to roost election.

There will be so much karma, we’ll be swimming in it. THIS I can tell you.

Skeptical Voter said...

Trump tends to keep the pot boiling. Tough to put a lid on that.

Leland said...

I like how he's trolling the MSM to fact check and discover that Reagan was loved by the people.

Mark said...

Demented Joe cancelling entire event days is NOT a good sign -- of the campaign or personally.

Anonymous said...

as many have said, its not a vote about Biden, who at his best was a terrible candidate.

gilbar said...

as Mark said,
the impressive (SCARY!) thing is:
Jo's not putting a LID on it at 3pm
Jo's not putting a LID on it at 1pm
Jo's not putting a LID on it at 11am
Jo's putting a LID on it at NINE IN THE MORNING!

Drago said...

Mark: "Demented Joe cancelling entire event days is NOT a good sign -- of the campaign or personally."

Like the band Spinal Tap, their venues and audiences are becoming "more selective".

I'm Full of Soup said...

He is right about one thing - who ever heard of "calling a lid" on the candidate's day? I try to pay attention to the news and I had never heard that phrase til now.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’m calling a lid too. I’m tired today.

Joe Smith said...

It really is odd that even Harris is nowhere to be seen.

The only explanation is debate prep, but even that is a weak excuse.


rehajm said...

After Martha Coakley my theory is retail politics is still a necessity. Faking it doesn't work. Given Biden is hiding we're gonna find out...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The DNC media cheerleaders never show these positive remarks. Their viewers think DT is a vile person who never smiles and hates the little guy while loving Daddy Warbucks. Of course, it's just the opposite. The libs have no sense of humor.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

CJ said:

I try to stay rational, but after the critical race theory EO my bro love for Donald is now off the charts.

Now he needs to expand that to all schools that accept federal dollars. See lib teachers', administrators' and professors' heads explode.

YoungHegelian said...

I listened to the Trump speech Prof Althouse excerpted, and, as she has pointed out before, the better description of what Trump does with a crowd is not politic-ing, not preaching, it's stand-up comedy. Listen to the speech & the crowd starts laughing when Trump says "I'm working my ass off...".

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Sleepy Joe's List

1. That know...him!

2. Darth Vader Ginsman

3. Spaghetti

4. Loaf of bread

5. Gallon of milk

Tommy Duncan said...

Where is Biden? --What an obvious question, yet the media says nothing.

"Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving." --Iowahawk (David Burge)

TreeJoe said...

Let me point out the obvious: Biden campaign called a LID at 8:34am the day after RBG passed. No statements, no appearances, no events, nothing. The day after RBG passed.

That's not even a 3am call. It doesn't come close to rising to that bar.

I've been enormously dissapointed with our press the past many years, but this is beyond a dereliction of duty. Why aren't they screaming from the blockades "Why did you call a LID on today of all days? What is going on? Why doesn't Joe have a statement about RBG to make?" etc.

I'm open to him having early cognitive decline (i.e. MCI). I see evidence going in that direction. But what concerns me more is the sense that during the campaign he seems to have entire days where he's not up for acting with vigor and vim. This is where a free press is supposed to be necessary to the health of the nation - challenge this shit.

Ann Althouse said...

"Good transcript. I can hear his cadence."

It's like a David Mamet play.

Joe Smith said...

"It's like a David Mamet play."

"Coffee's for closers only."

Iman said...

Up in the mornin' out on the trail, Trump works like the devil for a win
But that lucky old Joe got nothin' to do
But rub his wrinkled foreskin

gilbar said...

so, when will Slow Jo call off the Sept 29th debate? Will he wait until Tues @ 9am?

Actually; that's PROBABLY why they keep putting a LID on it
They have him in a medically induced coma, which they will rouse him from @ 8pm Tues
Look for LOTS of Wided Eyed Biden

and look for him being under a LID for several days after

Ralph L said...

I stood next to Sam Donaldson on the street when Reagan was driven from United Way HQ after making a PSA. Reagan smiled and waved at the 10 or 20 people, and we all waved back, except for Sam, who looked pissed.

Equipment Maintenance said...

LID stands for "Locked inside, downstairs."

Texan99 said...

Didn't expect such unanimity in the comments?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

A lid? I'm surprised that old dude just doesn't go down to the dispensary and buy a pound, man!

Mark said...

I suspect that Biden is enormously frustrated, particularly now with his utter powerlessness on the Supreme Court nomination, that he is sputtering from that alone. Add in his own increasing awareness of his physical and mental limitations, seeing Trump out there running rings around him. Somewhere deep inside there is a voice saying, "I can't do it," even if his obstinate arrogance is shouting that down for now.

It all must be hugely demoralizing to him.

David-2 said...

Reason for the "lid" is simple. Like others with cognitive problems, incl. dementia, he has his good days and his bad days. When his campaign staff realizes in the morning it's one of his bad days: That day has a very early "lid".

This is also why his campaign "appearances" are all close to his basement and very under publicized. And also why they restrict the local reporters (as well as everyone else). Because sometimes they can't tell right off whether it's a good day or a bad day: He starts out ok but starts failing a bit later. They've got to be able to call the whole thing off at a moment's notice. The national press that follows him is ready and willing to cover this sort of thing up. The local press is not necessarily on board with it, so they don't get invited.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

And he knows that he’s not electable… He shouldn’t be electable anyway.


Don said...

In my day a lid was an ounce of pot.

boatbuilder said...

Imagine a comedian who makes 15 or 20 CEO-level decisions and 1 or 2 major international head of state calls every day, and then does his two-hour show.
I don’t know how he does it. If it’s a drug I want some.

Nichevo said...

Oso Negro said...
I didn't vote for him, and said why in these comments.

I forget this, and don't care to be reminded why, but are you over it? Will you vote for PDT this year?

AllenS said...

Voter: "What time is it, Joe?"

Biden: "Lid-thirty."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

sundowning at 8:30 am ??

...Barr/Durham gonna blow the lid off Joe & Humper's malarkey?

n.n said...

Decaffeinated Joe represents the woke and drowsy axis.

n.n said...

I’m working my ass off

Yes, the Democrat Ass, which bitterly clings to hopes and dreams of social justice, diversity dogma, redistributive change, Twilight faith, Pro-Choice quasi-religion ("ethics"), liberal ideology, progressive corruption, and the wicked solution.

JC said...

I would like to see an ad asking if Joe can "answer the phone at 3 a.m.", or asking if there will be a lid put on all the decisions he would be required to make if he's having a bad day.
Honestly, how can someone who can't make it through a day of campaigning do this job?

roesch/voltaire said...

All Biden has to say is Garrick Garland, to tell Trump where to put his list.

DanTheMan said...

>>Garrick Garland

Who is Garrick Garland, Rorschach/Voltage?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

roesch/voltaire said...
All Biden has to say is Garrick Garland"

And he probably will say Garrick Garland.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

tim maguire said...
Good that he's taking about the lid. What a ridiculous concept for a politician in the middle of a campaign. How many reporters have asked Biden about it? None?

9/23/20, 1:34 PM

They haven't asked him about his son's shady deals, why would they bother with the lid?

Jaq said...

So Hunter collected 3.5 million dollars from the wife of the ex mayor of Moscow and that doesn’t seem to matter to anybody. I guess emoluments clause meant nothing because Biden used his son as the bag man.

It didn’t matter that Joe Biden’s brother got a multi billion dollar contract in Iraq for something with which he had zero experience either. No emoluments problem there! Because it wasn’t Joe, you see, it was his brother, and he would have gotten that contract even if Joe weren’t VP, just like Hunter would have collected all of those millions from Ukraine and Russian and China even if his dad weren’t Vice President.

"All Biden has to say is Garrick Garland, to tell Trump where to put his list.”

Put some ice on it.

Nichevo said...

DanTheMan said...
>>Garrick Garland

Who is Garrick Garland, Rorschach/Voltage?

Haha good one. Voltaire is the French anti-Semite, Roesch is the German serial killer. Why those two? You be the judge.

Michael K said...

I think R/V is nearing retirement. He is showing some Biden.

stephen cooper said...

I like this guy because he reminds me of me.

Bob Smith said...

You know what is sad? Elder abuse. First Robert Mueller and now Joe Biden.

Original Mike said...

"Who is Garrick Garland, Rorschach/Voltage?"

Kardasian tailor, right?

Aggie said...

"roesch/voltaire said...
All Biden has to say is Garrick Garland"

Is that all Joe has to do? Well, that's easy enough: Just put it on his teleprompter.

He'll say anything you write there, just don't move it too far away to where he has to squint.

Unknown said...

Y'all know what a lid is, ya just didn't know you knew....lemme enlighten....

A lid is what you put down when you don't want anyone to know your(sic)(toilet is) full of shit!

Which defines the Left perfectly....full of shit.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I'm assuming it stands for "Lie-In Day." Makes sense.

Ryan said...

Biden believes it's his election to lose. And any time he opens his mouth he puts his lead in jeopardy. So it's best for him to stay in, and say nothing.

todd galle said...

I used to get my lids from Cornpop back in the day, c'mon man.

Donald said...

Trump is a deal maker, right? At the debate next week, Joe Biden should offer to make a deal:

"I will do what no presidential candidate but you has ever done, and release a list of potential judicial nominees, if you will do what every candidate besides you has always done, and release the last 10 years of your tax returns."

Biden would remind people that Trump has insisted on keeping his finances shrouded in secrecy and put Trump in the position of having to make a counter-offer or to simply say no altogether.

It won't happen, but it would be fun to watch both Biden and Trump in that exchange. (I thought Joe should have made a similar offer when Trump suggested pre-debate drug tests.)

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