September 10, 2020

"Near the beginning of 'Jimmy Carter: Rock & Roll President'... President Carter offers a revelation involving one of his children, country singer Willie Nelson and what Nelson once described as 'a big fat Austin torpedo.'"

"Asked about Nelson’s account of smoking marijuana on the roof of the White House at the tail end of Carter’s term in 1980, the former president lets out a chuckle. Nelson, Carter explains in the film, 'says that his companion that shared the pot with him was one of the servants at the White House. That is not exactly true. It actually was one of my sons.'... Asked whether he was the Carter offspring whose father had accused him of smoking pot at the White House, Chip pauses.... 'My guess is it’s true. If you’re talking about me and Willie, he was my friend,' he says. Asked to paint a picture, he replied with a sigh.... The date was Sept. 13, 1980. Carter was in the thick of his reelection campaign against Ronald Reagan. In Iran, 52 American hostages had endured more than a year of captivity. Nelson was in the middle of a set at the White House. Recalls Chip, 'In the break I said, "Let’s go upstairs." We just kept going up till we got to the roof, where we leaned against the flagpole at the top of the place and lit one up.... Most of the avenues run into the White House. You could sit up and could see all the traffic coming right at you. It’s a nice place up there.'"

From the L.A. Times.

Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House? No higher place on Earth!

But what did Chip Carter do with his life? He doesn't even have a Wikipedia page (though his name appears on a disambiguation page to distinguish him from one other person with that name). I do see an August 1977 article in the Washington Post reporting that Jimmy Carter kicked 27-year-old Chip out of the White House because Chip had entered a "trial separation" with his wife Caron. Caron and the couple's baby, James Earl Carter IV, stayed in the White House. "The White House Press office, however, denied a published report that the President, in a fit of anger, ordered his son to move out because he had said he was breaking up with Caron."

And whatever happened to James Earl Carter IV? I found a September 19, 2012 article in The New Republic: "The Aimless Career of James Carter IV."

Growing up, Carter always knew he wanted to be in politics, but was never quite sure of how to go about doing that.... [P]ainfully shy by his own admission, Carter was not one for back-slapping... Carter wafted from Centre College in Kentucky, to Georgia Southern, to Georgia State, shifting majors and working in snatches along the way. (“I didn't know what I wanted to do and I wasn't super motivated.”)... His Twitter bio reads in part, “Currently looking for work... Seriously, give me a project.”

And then, spelunking in the depths of the Internet, Carter strayed upon a clip of a Romney speech that would become the 68-minute bugbear of a video that bowled over the Romney campaign. Now he’s in talks with the DNC, and ThinkProgress and the Huffington Post have both offered him jobs. Grandpa congratulated him in an email, writing, “James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa.” On Current TV, Carter recounted, “I don’t think he’s ever emailed me the word ‘extraordinary’ before.”...

It felt, Carter confesses, like finding a calling.... His whole professional life before then had been, after all, something of an aimless, epic yawn.


Rob said...

“Carter wafted from Centre College in Kentucky, to Georgia Southern, to Georgia State, shifting majors and working in snatches along the way.“

Which snatches was he working in?

This guy makes Hunter Biden seem like a go-getter.

Joe Smith said...

Jimmy was very smart intellectually, but had the personality of a peanut.

He was a good ol' boys' Charlie Brown.

Btw, I have a friend who first learned to play guitar with Willie as his teacher...

Shouting Thomas said...

You know what’s really funny?

The government wants you to smoke weed now. In fact, it’s pretty deep in the weed biz in a lot of states.

I drive over to Massachusetts where I buy it from a government licensed shop. I call the shit “government weed.”

The days when smoking weed represented anything other than a pleasant habit are long gone, Boomer.

Bob Smith said...

Jemmuh was kinda useless hisself as I remember. Stagflation, hostages, sweaters, Say goodbye Jemmuh.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Jimmuh and Rosalyn were unique Southern Baptist aristocracy in their own minds. And they looked down on everyone else in Georgia. I guess we were not near his rural Georgia small town aristocracy social level. All we were worth was paying his demands for cash donations, and lucky to have the privilege.

Amadeus 48 said...

Chip Carter is one of the 47% who are dependent on government support, I suppose.

Rabel said...

"Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House?"

No it's not. It was childish, irresponsible and disrespectful. It was about as cool throwing beer bottles at stop signs.

Mr. O. Possum said...

Didn't Carter's people later admit that his quoting Dylan's line "He not a busy being' born.." was an attempt to make Carter look cool and hip to young voters and that in reality he didn't listen to Dylan's music at all.

A bit like Bush #1s handlers saying he liked country music (when he really liked opera) to appeal to the NASCAR set...Same with Andropov supposedly liking jazz.

Rory said...

"Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House?"

No, it would be cosmically cool to have the occasional entertainer go to the White House, perform, then go home with a minimum of mixing with the inhabitants.

Bay Area Guy said...

I remember Amy Carter (woke daughter) and Billy Carter (drunk brother), but not Chip Carter.

Still glad Reagan won:)

Bruce Hayden said...

Roughly that same time, my parter’s first husband, as Executive Banquet Chef at one of the big casino/hotels in Vegas, would take care of Nelson, when he performed there. Good guy, but he had never seen so much beer drunk. Every time he came to perform, they would deliver pallets of beer to his suite. Nelson made his appreciation known (he was a great tipper, nice to the help, and not very demanding - except for the beer).

bleh said...

Why was Carter's adult son and family living in the White House? Is that a common living arrangement when a president has adult children? I can see a young adult child of a the president living in the White House while unmarried and childless, I guess.

Quayle said...

“Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House?"

Yeah, man. Far out and groovy.

(I’m really just a phony, but forgive me ‘cause I’m stoned.)

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House? No higher place on Earth!

If you're somewhat childishly fascinated by marijuana, I guess.

cubanbob said...

Bob Smith said...
Jemmuh was kinda useless hisself as I remember. Stagflation, hostages, sweaters, Say goodbye Jemmuh."

For all of that he was still far better than Obama. He did finally wake up to the Soviets and did deregulate the airlines and the trucking industry.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger Rory said...
"Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House?"

I would have thought so - at age 14.

The same people who think it's "cosmically cool" also thought it was great when the Clintons rented out the Lincoln Bedroom to their Hollywood buddies and Linda Bloodsworth-Thompson had a picture taken of her jumping up and down on Lincoln's bed.

It's always cool to disrespect your elders and your surroundings when you're an eternal adolescent.

stevew said...

Until this very day, reading this very blog post, I thought the Carter's had one child, Amy.

Wow am I out of touch! What else don't I know?

Smoking pot with Willie Nelson in the Carter White House is cool. Would have been even cooler, and way more fun, to have done it in the Reagan, "Just Say No" White House.

Nonapod said...

But what did Chip Carter do with his life?

Chip Carter seems like the infamous lost Cunningham brother, Chuck from the TV series Happy Days. Like a sitcom character whose very existance was quietly ignored by writers. A relic of a bygone era that disappeared without much comment.

gongtao said...

It seems like presidential offspring are almost always underachievers. Bush 2 being the notable exception.

mikee said...

Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane planned to spike Nixon's beverage with LSD when she was invited to the White House, by Nixon's daughter, as a member of an alumnae group. She was stopped by the Secret Service before getting inside, and disinvited. Or so the story goes.

And I heard the Andrew Jackson had a 1400 pound wheel of cheese donated by an admirer, and put it out for guests in the White House East Room.

Take that to the roof and smoke it.

KellyM said...

Blogger bleh said...
"Why was Carter's adult son and family living in the White House? Is that a common living arrangement when a president has adult children?"

I may be mistaken, but I think President Ford's son, Steven, lived at the White House for a time, post-college, when he was trying to get his acting career off the ground. I think he was on "The Young and the Restless" right around the same time. I might be off by a couple of years, though.

Joe Smith said...

Btw, don't agree with Willie's politics at all, but he is a hell of an entertainer.

He wrote some of the all-time classic country songs before he ever started singing.

Willie said: "I wouldn’t have lived 85 years if I’d have kept drinking and smoking (cigarettes) like I was when I was 30, 40 years old. I think that weed kept me from wanting to kill people. And probably kept a lot of people from wanting to kill me, too — out there drunk, running around.”

From what I've read, he quit smoking weed a year or so ago because it was ruining his lungs and breathing, but still uses other THC delivery methods...

Todd said...

Jimmy, the second worst POTUS the country ever had. Knocked off his initial ranking as the absolute worst by an younger up and comer, Obama.

Gravel said...

I enjoyed weed thoroughly back in the day. I tried a little edible in Vegas at a convention a couple years ago, and just got sleepy. But my impression of adults that regularly use weed is that they are lacking emotional maturity - far more than people who drink every day. Of course, it's still illegal here so the risks you have to run to get high are simply immature.

donald said...

Jimmy Carter and George Wallace...two Democrat/segregationists that started loving nigras once that became the only way to preserve their political power and ambition.

donald said...

Is there any doubt that Patti or Ron Jr. smoked pot in or at the White House?

Gunner said...

The highlight of Carter IV's life was spreading a true recording of Romney who would have tanked the election even without it.

Michael K said...

Pot head life story.

Geoff Matthews said...


It's called deviation towards the mean. Extraordinary people (via height, intelligence, musical talent) rarely have offspring who are as extraordinary as they are because outliers are rare.

etbass said...

He also gave away the Panama Canal.

madAsHell said...

I call the shit “government weed.”

Shout is an active stoner. Things I would not have guessed.

MadisonMan said...

When is the New Republic running articles on the feckless careers of the children of New Republic Upper Management, I wonder.

J. Farmer said...


For all of that he was still far better than Obama. He did finally wake up to the Soviets and did deregulate the airlines and the trucking industry.

Carter was certainly no great politician and did not have a good temperament for the presidency, but he does get a lot of undo blame for the consequences of events completely outside of his control (e.g. Nixon shock, '73 oil crisis).

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

gongtao said...
It seems like presidential offspring are almost always underachievers. Bush 2 being the notable exception.

9/10/20, 1:34 PM

I'd say the Trump kids are the notable exceptions, but they were successful adults before Trump ever ran for office.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RichardJohnson said...

Bruce Hayden
Roughly that same time, my partner’s first husband, as Executive Banquet Chef at one of the big casino/hotels in Vegas, would take care of Nelson, when he performed there. Good guy, but he had never seen so much beer drunk. Every time he came to perform, they would deliver pallets of beer to his suite.

A friend of mine went out with a girl whose mother had once been Willie's landlord. This was before Willie had made it big, so he couldn't keep up with the rent, and got evicted. The landlord mother told her daughter that Willie's former abode presented a unique cleanup challenge: wall-to-wall beer cans. Willie must have a constitution the strength of Keith Richards, as he is now 87 and still going strong.

I wonder if Willie toned down his alcohol use in later years. I suspect he did,if he is still around.

Nichevo said...

"Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House? No higher place on Earth!"

'If you're somewhat childishly fascinated by marijuana, I guess.'

'I would have thought so - at age 14.'

What a pretentious notion, from someone who says, or rather boasts, that she has never touched the stuff.

narciso said...

it was in the era, that carter's health advisor, peter bourne was saying cocaine wasn't helpful,

wild chicken said...

"seems like presidential offspring are almost always underachievers."

Or mostrich guys' kids, really. Trump actually impresses in that regard.

Would be really impressive if a scion went off in a totally different direction and became a doctor or scientist.

Big Mike said...

Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House?

No. Six weeks before election day? Talk about living dangerously. Well, his daddy lost anyway, as he deserved to.

eddie willers said...

(“I didn't know what I wanted to do and I wasn't super motivated.”)

That's what pot will do to you.

Still better than being an alcoholic, but not by much.

mockturtle said...

Joe Smith observes: Jimmy was very smart intellectually, but had the personality of a peanut.

But he still pronounced 'nuclear' nook'-you-ler

Dan said...

gongtao, Trump is fixing that.

Seamus said...

It seems like presidential offspring are almost always underachievers. Bush 2 being the notable exception.

I seem to recall that John Adams had a son that did pretty well for himself. (And come to think of it, J.Q. Adams's own son, Charles Francis Adams, was no slouch himself, even if he didn't manage to get himself elected president.)

Iman said...

Carter wafted from Centre College in Kentucky, to Georgia Southern, to Georgia State, shifting majors and working in snatches along the way.

Sweeeet! Nice work if you can get it!!!!!

Unknown said...

> Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House? No higher place on Earth!

Trump would not do it.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Just like Al Gore's son 100mph and pot, you never heard about this, did you?

When the Clinton's die, there will be a spate of stories about Chelsea, and when Barack and Michelle die, the stories will suddenly emerge about their children. The press protected all the Kennedy and sub-Kennedy children, but the media has more leaks now. The day retribution is off the table is the day the stories come out.

Liberals will shrug, saying they knew it all along and it's old news now.

Mary Beth said...

I think smoking some of Willie's weed would be cool in the same way that having cocktails with Dean Martin would have been cool.

Joe Smith said...

"But he still pronounced 'nuclear' nook'-you-ler..."

That is a HUGE verbal pet peeve of mine when people say that.

Right up there with 'Libarry' but not as bad as 'Feb-u-ary.'

h said...

Jimmy Carter was wrong on a lot of policy issues. But he was always, and still is, authentic. He was authentic about his religion, he was authentic about his love of family. You could say anything you want about Chip or Amy and he could authentically say, "I love my children even if I don't approve of everything they do." I guess in a sense, every politician has authentic love for his family. But Obama for example, was not authentic about his religion. And Trump is sort of on the edge.

I've always believed that Presidential offspring should be off limits, unless and until they insert themselves into the political process. (Chelsea Clinton comes to mind; though Roosevelt children were political, and obviously "w" bush and jeb.)

Big Mike said...

The strength of Willie's stuff is legendary

Rick.T. said...

Surprised none of your commentators brought this up yet:

“I always heard that his herb was top shelf
People, I just could not wait to find out for myself
Now can't knock it till you've tried it and I've tried it my friend
I may get drunk in Cincinnati in summer time two thousand and twelve
But I'll never smoke weed with Willie again!”

Scott Emerick wrote or co-wrote many of Toby Keith’s big hits. Saw him last year in a cavern as a last minute substitute for Bobby Bare. Did a great job - “Beer for my Horses! - despite not being a regular concert entertainer.

Mr. Majestyk said...

"working in snatches" -- so he was a gynecologist?

rcocean said...

Would have been cooler if they used some cocaine or maybe some meth. carter's family was a horror show. Drunk billy, the weirdo sister, the creepy left-wing mother, and the woke Amy.

Someone mentioned Reagan. Ronnie's family was better, but you still had his in-the-closet Ballet dancing son and his horrible Hollyweirdo daughter Patti Davis. Ugh!

Rt41Rebel said...

I worked in snatches during my college years too, and it was the main reason I never graduated.

Fernandinande said...

Pot head life story.

What a goody doofus that poster is.

Real pot head life story:

All 143 Willie Nelson Albums, Ranked

87 year-old guy's concerts:
Mar 19, 2021 Abilene, TX Outlaws & Legends Music Festival: Back Porch of Texas
Apr 23, 2021 New Buffalo, MI Four Winds Casino Resort – Silver Creek Event Center
Apr 24, 2021 Lexington, KY Chris Stapleton: Concert for Kentucky, An Outlaw State of Kind Benefit: Kroger Field With Willie Nelson & Family, Sheryl Crow and Yola
Apr 26, 2021 Milwaukee, WI Riverside Theater *Fan Club Tickets Available
Apr 28, 2021 Nashville, IN Brown County Music Center
Oct 08, 2021 New Braunfels, TX Whitewater Amphitheater with special guest Pat Green
Oct 09, 2021 New Braunfels, TX Whitewater Amphitheater with special guest Pat Green

AndrewV said...

gongtao said...
It seems like presidential offspring are almost always underachievers. Bush 2 being the notable exception.

John Quincy Adams might like to have a word with you.

AndrewV said...

Nonapod said...
But what did Chip Carter do with his life?

Chip Carter seems like the infamous lost Cunningham brother, Chuck from the TV series Happy Days. Like a sitcom character whose very existence was quietly ignored by writers. A relic of a bygone era that disappeared without much comment.

I guess it says a lot that Chip could get his act together enough to even get a job working on the family peanut farm.

eddie willers said...

That is a HUGE verbal pet peeve of mine when people say that.

Right up there with 'Libarry' but not as bad as 'Feb-u-ary.'

Don't move South then as that is the lingua franca. You can add Chimley for Chimney as well.

Big Mike said...

@Rick T., I beat you by 15 minutes.

AndrewV said...

Todd said...
Jimmy, the second worst POTUS the country ever had. Knocked off his initial ranking as the absolute worst by an younger up and comer, Obama.

I think Obama and Carter are in a race for second and third worst Presidents. It's hard to top James Buchanan who helped the Southern states arm up in 1860 on the eve of the Civil War.

Sally327 said...

I read the article and discovered, not to my surprise, that it includes disparaging comments about Trump and the Trump White House. Why? It's not because the documentary about Carter includes anything like that but because the writer of the article for the LA Times wanted to make sure he took a shot, however unconnected to the story, Trump having nothing to do with Jimmy Carter's presidency or his love of music or his musician friends.

Note, the article also talks about Jimmy Carter's friendship with Bob Dylan. Which some might consider cosmically cool, just generally, not needing any pot or having to be on the White House roof. I'm betting they talked faith and religion, back in the day.

I personally think cosmically cool was when John Travolta danced with Princess Diana in the Reagan White House.

J. Farmer said...

@Joe Smith:

Right up there with 'Libarry' but not as bad as 'Feb-u-ary.'

Agree that "Libarry" sounds awkward, but I definitely prefer "Feb-u-ary" to "Feb-ru-ary." That first "r" makes for an awkward pronunciation. "Feb-u-ary" is much easier and more natural.

Gordon Scott said...

Willie may not have done coke at the White House, but Carter's Chief of Staff Hamilton Jordan was said to have done lines at Studio 54.

Mary Beth, Dean Martin wasn't a teetotaler, but in real life he didn't drink much at all. Of all the Rat Pack, he was known to sleep alone when away from home, drank little, and in general was a down-to-earth guy.

BudBrown said...

Ya think Willie Nelson thinks square dancing on the roof with Elenore woulda been way cooler?

RichardJohnson said...

The press protected all the Kennedy and sub-Kennedy children, but the media has more leaks now. The day retribution is off the table is the day the stories come out.

One Kennedy the press didn't protect was Ted's ex-wife Joan. Joan's "drinking problem" was tabloid news for years. My suspicion is this was done to protect Ted, who had his own "drinking problems" both during and after his marriage to Joan. I further suspect that someone in the Kennedy clan fed the press information about Joan's "drinking problem." Maybe Ted.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

'I would have thought so - at age 14.'

What a pretentious notion, from someone who says, or rather boasts, that she has never touched the stuff.

9/10/20, 3:48 PM

Nichevo, who are you addressing that comment to? I made the "age 14" comment and I'm sure I never said I never touched the stuff. In fact, I smoked it occasionally in college - always at parties. I never bought pot because I didn't like it enough to spend precious money on it. I did it to be sociable.

Narr said...

Pronunciation pedants need to get over it.

In American usage, both new-clee-ar and new-kew-lar are acceptable. And after all, Jimmuh had been a nuke in the Navy.

If it was good enough for Rickover it's good enough for me

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

No one seems to remember Carter’s other two sons Jack and Jeff. Jeff I think was hidden from the public because he was so homely. Jack, I believe ran for the U.S. Senate representing Nevada.

boatbuilder said...

"Jimmy Carter: Rock & Roll President."


Because when I think about Rock & Roll, Jimmy Carter is the guy who comes to mind.

(Also, Willie is not exactly "Rock & Roll" either, and he certainly wasn't in 1978).

What the hell is wrong with these people?

BudBrown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
boatbuilder said...

I don't know about presidential offspring, but Willie seems to have passed on some of his talent, as well as his voice.

Mary Beth said...

Mary Beth, Dean Martin wasn't a teetotaler, but in real life he didn't drink much at all.

I actually knew that but went with the comment anyway because of his public persona as a drinker and because I think that Dean Martin is the pinnacle of cool.

Narr said...

Nuclear nookie. Newkewlar nookie.

What's the diff?

G'night y'all

Quaestor said...

Isn't it cosmically cool to have smoked pot with Willie Nelson on the roof of the White House?


But it is cosmetically cool.

In certain quarters.

eddie willers said...

Mary Beth, Dean Martin wasn't a teetotaler, but in real life he didn't drink much at all. Of all the Rat Pack, he was known to sleep alone when away from home, drank little, and in general was a down-to-earth guy.

I remember the first time I saw Foster Brooks. He was introduced as a VP of NBC and started his gig nice and slow. After a minute, I'm whispering that he might be a little "tipsy". And a little later, "I was right...his guy is drunk!"

He finally went so outrageous that I got the joke.

Bob Loblaw said...

Didn't Carter's people later admit that his quoting Dylan's line "He not a busy being' born.." was an attempt to make Carter look cool and hip to young voters and that in reality he didn't listen to Dylan's music at all.

Carter would have been firmly ensconced in middle age by the time Dylan hit the music scene. I would be surprised if a line like that had been anything other than just such an attempt by a speechwriter decades his junior.

JMW Turner said...

Hmmm...well yeah, an opportunity to do a number with Willie on the roof of the White House, circa 1980, I'd say that would be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Throw caution to the wind, you only go around once in this life, etcetera, etcetera...being high with Willie would, I recon,be quite amusing...
I went from pride in having a fellow native Georgian win the Big Prize (why he sounds like one of us!), to having up to here with his Dukes of Hazzard relatives infesting the White House, and ending with a sweater wearing, self pitying schmoe unable to project a scintilla of presidential authority. This was the tipping point for me in identifying as a Republican (Reagan!woohoo!) instead of Democrat (McGovern!blah!).

donald said...

I have no doubt that Amy Carter is a super liberal/commie whatever, but in all fairness to her, you never hear any damned thing out of her, so good on Amy.

Mr. Forward said...

Anybody here smoke with Wisconsin Governor Evers now that he has legalized marijuana like he promised?

Mr. O. Possum said...

Hunter S. Thompson said that Carter was one of "the three meanest men" he ever met, the other two being Muhammad Ali and Hells Angels leader Sonny Barger.

It is interesting to run a search on Carter and rock music and/or whether Carter used Dylan to win votes, all you find is gushy praise for this movie and what a way, way cool guy Carter was.

This fawning Rolling Stone article makes clear that Carter used rock bands as a fund-raising tool and as a tool to get people's addresses, so he could send them campaign literature and ask for more money. And the rock bands, being no dummies, are glad to get the publicity and ticket sales revenue.

Anyone who thinks that any politician is groovy and hip and cool because of the music he "says" he likes is a fool.

Michael said...

gongtao said...
It seems like presidential offspring are almost always underachievers. Bush 2 being the notable exception.

Teddy Roosevelt Jr. Was a helluva combat commander in Sicily and in Normandy.

stlcdr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stlcdr said...

Blogger Unknown said...
Hunter S. Thompson ....

He was an interesting fellow, with a mish-mash of beliefs. Probably a true libertarian. His (or rather, Ralph Steadman’s) ‘gonzo’ style artwork is used on Flying Dog beer (in my opinion, the best beer in the US). They even have a Gonzo porter, though that’s not for everyone (ironically, something I think, that everyone could say about Hunter S. Thompson!)

pchuck1966 said...

Isn't it cosmically cool to have some 20 year old WH intern perform oral sex on the president in the oval office?

Nichevo said...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
'I would have thought so - at age 14.'

What a pretentious notion, from someone who says, or rather boasts, that she has never touched the stuff.

9/10/20, 3:48 PM

Nichevo, who are you addressing that comment to?

Sorry exiledonmainstreet, I was referring to Ann Althouse. She was the one all "Squee!" (or "skee-wee?") over the notion of doing that. What a rebel.

Excellent, even better analogy was just posted:

pchuck1966 said...
Isn't it cosmically cool to have some 20 year old WH intern perform oral sex on the president in the oval office?

Yeah, or to have one of your aides (Mimi Alford IIRC) give another aide a blowjob, and she does it, because you said so, and you're the President (JFK). How cool is that!?

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