September 21, 2020

Is this elite? Or is this what elite people scoff at?

ADDED: As noted on this blog back in 2017, there's a difference between elite and elitist: "I'm not elitist. I'm elite. There's a difference." I would suggest to McCaskill that Trump is elite but he is not elitist.


Rusty said...

Why should I care what you with what belongs to you? If this is something that impresses you, rightly or wrongly then there is something wrong with you.

Rory said...

Well, the problems involve people who are trying to tell others what to do with their money. Or it used to be money, now they're trying to dictate what to do with speech, children, et al.

Jaq said...

All the endorsement I need for Trump is that the “never Trump war pigs” Chuck likes so much oppose him.

Ever seen Caddyshack? Did people love or hate the Rodney Dangerfield character? For that matter, his character in Back to School.

If Trump is “using the working class” by fighting for them to get their votes, I think that’s how it is. supposed to work. We saw what they did to Sarah Palin, driving her out of the governorship because she didn’t have the money to fight all of the frivolous ethics complaints that were filed against her and that she was required by Alaskan law to defend with her own money.

Jaq said...

It’s called “The American Dream” BTW, and we like a guy who believes in it.

tim maguire said...

The second one. This is what a working class person from New York/New Jersey would do with new money. And it's what old money would laugh at.

rehajm said...

As an unnamed comedy writer observed, Trump is a hobo's idea of what a rich man is.

'When my number comes in I'm gonna have huge gold buildings with my name on 'em!'

Jaq said...

Let’s talk about how a couple of middle class shyster lawyers from Little Rock became extremely wealthy, while taking so many of their friends along for the ride?

Or even how rich the Bidens have grown of of Joe’s public office? Naah!

Wilbur said...

How ham-handed, and how typical of a Leftist elite. She displays zero understanding of Trump's appeal to voters, especially for a former Senator from Missouri.

I'm told I lack the nuance needed to appreciate the Leftist point of view. So be it.

Kevin said...

You know what’s elite?

Mocking everyone who doesn’t think and act exactly like them.

What's emanating from your penumbra said...

Sheryl Attkisson is one of the sharpest.

Ralph L said...

The True Elite would have plain white walls with ugly modern art.

Trump did the ultimate of what realtors call "Brass and Glass it."

Oh Yea said...

Don't these people realize that this is how most Americans were introduced to Trump, in entertainment news TV shows, The Apprentice and magazines at the grocery checkout? Love him or hate him, post like this aren't going to change people's opinion of him.

daskol said...

They still don't realize that Trump's "bad taste," his "rich guy as poor guy's dream of a rich guy" is completely endearing to his supporters, while the tasteful and understated aesthetic of the oikophobic elites is what understandably makes regular people uncomfortable (it's designed to do that). Trump's aesthetic also reminds of Lenny Bruce's shtick on what's Jewish and not Jewish, only in Trump's case, and I think more broadly, everyone in NYC is Italian-American, including the German-Americans.

Quaestor said...

Trump decorates his home with gold leaf and marble in the Empire style. Fittingly Napoleonic, ç'est pa?, as Trump has managed one Austerlitz after another over his foes, the latest being maneuvering them to promise to "burn it down" if the President honors his Consitution obligation. Delicious.

Tpny Podesta, an uncontested member of the soi-disant ruling elite decorates his home with modern art.

Mike Sylwester said...

Now that I have seen this interior decorating, maybe I should vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

It's what elite people scoff at. My main concern is policy although I do enjoy Trump's attacks on the media and I would probably vote for him if I thought he and the other candidate were equal because of his media disdain. Also, I always vote lesser of evils and I don't remember considering anything about how the candidates actually live their lives.

Obadiah said...

Rusty said: If this is something that impresses you, rightly or wrongly then there is something wrong with you.

No, clearly Trump intends for this sort of thing to be impressive. It is the same part of his character that leads him to tell crowds, "I'm rich. Really, really rich." When I look at that photo, it looks hard and cold, uncomfortable, and way too glittery, so it is certainly not my taste. But he is a showman with a big ego, and has been phenomenonally successful at it.

But she draws the conclusion that this proves that he is using us, and that's a non sequitor. It's interesting but it has nothing to do with me. He can do what he wants with his money. If Trump lived in an ordinary middle class house, the opposition would find a way to weaponize that, too.

Whatever you say said...

Why should I care about Trump's gaudy and ostentatious style, paid for by himself? I do care that the Bidens, all of them, have been scamming the taxpayers for decades. Didn't Claire Mccaskill get busted for something unethical about a private jet or something? She's got a nerve.

wendybar said...

So what??? Now do Nancy Pelosi's home with her multi thousand dollar refrigerator freezer and designer ice cream. AND her winery. Then do the Obamas many homes. Then do the Clintons (including Chelseas) many homes. So sick of the double standards. They don't care about you either dumb democrats. Wake up.

wendybar said...

does Claire still ride around in her private plane whilst she complains about Climate Change???

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gspencer said...

True enough, T's style in lots of things isn't my style. But he's A-OK in the area that counts. He's an American in the true sense of the word, in the heart. He's taken his oath of office seriously. Cf., Democrats who scoffed at our Constitution because it limits their power over the people.

Harsh Pencil said...

David Burge @iowahawkblog September 18, 2020

"Joe Biden is a political consultant's cartoon idea of a politician who's relatable to an Ohio welder; Donald Trump is an Ohio welder's cartoon idea of what he'd do if he won the lottery."

Harsh Pencil said...

and they accuse Trump of being anti-gay.

Eric said...

I think it was Chris Rock who said it - 20 years ago! "Poor people love Donald Trump, because he acts like they would if they got rich."

R C Belaire said...

Way over the top IMO. But so what?

Truthavenger said...

So Donald Trump has bad taste. We didn't elect him to be Interior Decorator In Chief.

Phil 314 said...

I’m recalling the meme’s about Sarah Palin and all the snow machines. She wasn’t “real” either.

Kate said...

Trump's a LARPer. That's why the God Emperor memes are so enjoyable.

Breezy said...

I think she’s implying that he thinks he’s a king, surrounding himself with gold and marble. She doesn’t fathom that he paid for all this himself. It’s not like the monarchy. Also, she’s unbearably arrogant, thinking we all should have the same opinion as she.

Jamie said...

and they accuse Trump of being anti-gay.

I need not to be drinking coffee when comments like this come in. Thank you!

If a person of the Left were to decorate in this style, it would be assumed to be "ironic," wouldn't it?

And finally: it must be so much work to have to filter everything you see, hear, read, or otherwise perceive through a lens of envy. And then to have to re-project it through a lens of either scorn or uncritical approval, having first determined whether the subject is a worthy or unworthy human being - it's no wonder Leftists are always "exhausted."

jeremyabrams said...

An awful lot of working class guys were employed for quite some time in constructing that marvelous interior. Trump has been tricking money out of the rich for the benefit of the working class for decades. That's what his career has involved.

Paco Wové said...

McCaskill's tweet, aside from being a non sequitur, conveniently leaves out the fact that she is part of the multi-millionaire "elite" also. It's really quite insulting, and reminds me of what a loathsome person McCaskill is.

Iman said...

It's said that McCaskill leaves a grease stain wherever she sits.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

But she draws the conclusion that this proves that he is using us, and that's a non sequitor.

I think you completely missed her point.

Wince said...

Trump's opponents think they can be masters of psychological warfare against Trump supporters.

Yet, only these fucking idiots could make Trump's ascension to the White House look like...

Green Acres.

Land spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside

New York is where I'd rather stay
I get allergic smelling hay
I just adore a penthouse view
Dahling I love you but give me Park Avenue

The chores, the stores
Fresh air, Times Square
You are my wife
Good bye, city life
Green acres we are there

roesch/voltaire said...

A con born with a gold spoon in his mouth who doesn’t want to shake hands with his voters—obviously he is not of the people but of Wall Street.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

No, PRESIDENT Trump is rich, but he is not an elite. That's you, loser.

buwaya said...

I like it.
Maybe more open-plan for a grander impression. Its a bit cluttered for my taste.
Personally I would indeed like to live like a lesser Bourbon or Habsburg.

Something modest but tasteful, like this, will do for me -

Note that this is really quite cheap for a fellow like Trump.
The real cost of the Trumpian lifestyle is location, not all that trim.

holdfast said...

Fine, Trump can only be President - he doesn’t get to decorate the foyer of my house.

narciso said...

what exactly did air claire do to restore american manufacturing, or energy independence, while she supping kislyak's stroganoff, to get the bribe to iran approved,

Ken B said...

Wait. I was told Trump was lying about being rich ...

William said...

Trump doesn't govern as a real estate developer or even as a reality tv star. He's more a wrestling promoter. Nothing succeeds like excess.
I guess if you take a girl home to a pad like that, your chances of getting lucky are exponentially better. No need to go to Orgy Island. Not a room to kick back in though......In the appointment of the Supreme Court Justice, he should fall back on one of his other gigs as beauty contest promoter. He should claim he appointed x woman to the Court because she was the best looking candidate. This would have the salutary effect of causing many cerebral vascular events in the opposition ranks. Maybe Chelsea could organize an Unattractive Women for Biden movement to counter Trump's overt sexism.

Ken B said...

This is a variant of the John Althouse Cohen argument: Vote for Buttigieg precisely because he is gay; vote against Trump precisely because of his taste in bling.

Krumhorn said...

I don’t care in the least what a rich person does with his or her $,$$$,$$$,$$$s. If you have toured The Breakers in Newport or Hearst Castle in CA, it becomes clear that one cannot purchase good taste. I didn’t vote for his design choices. I voted for the guy who could grin when he fights to build the wall.

- Krumhorn

Ken B said...

Next up: Anthony Bourdain deserved to die for praising IHOP.

Fandor said...

Many people today enjoy visiting the “cottages”in Newport. It is there that they flock into Marble House, Rough Point (Doris Duke’s
“Cottage”), and the Breakers, lived in by the Vanderbilts. Opulence is part of the American story, which, whem President Trump
inaugurates Patriotic Education with the 1776 Commission, will educate Claire McCaskill and the rest of her ilk.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

Go away, Claire. You pretended to be a moderate, but the voters of Missouri saw through you and voted you out 2 years ago. Actually, you're one of the biggest Haters in the country. We don't want you or your voice.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump's house, like his hotels and pretty much everything is a "stage setting". His style is what in New Yawk might be called KITSCH Weborrowed kitsch from German in the 1920s, it has been our word for things in the realm of popular culture that dangle, like car mirror dice, precariously close to tackiness.

Tacky, Wacky, Ostentatious,Exaggerated,Over the top. Not my style**...but I love it that Trump does this and sticks it in the face of the prudes and tsk tsk tsk finger-waggers. Lady GaGa does it and is famous for it.

Everyone wants to be able to do this. To be rich enough to be eccentric. The American Dream! Admit it!!!

** I wanted to buy a 20 foot statue of Michelangelo's David from a defunct Italian restaurant for $500.....and put it in the orchard near the road. Dress it up in hats, wigs, and miscellaneous accessories changing up for the a drape around the private parts for modesty and keep the religious people happy. Santa hat. Easter bunny regalia. St Patrick Days. 4th of July. Thanksgiving. And in general just interesting outfits.

He could be a Lumberjack and be OK 😁

Husband said no. Prude.

Howard said...

It's exactly the decor white trash covet. Therefore ispo flacto, Trumpers are juiced by gold and flash much like a moth drawn to a bug zapper.

Kai Akker said...

That is one spectacular hotel lobby!

MadTownGuy said...

From Claire McCaskill's wikipedia page:
"As of February 2019, McCaskill is a political analyst for MSNBC and NBC and a visiting fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics."

She's the one who, in 2012, helped Todd Akin win the Republican US Senate primary, and boasted that she did so to defeat him in the general election.

She lost her bid for reelection in 2018.

Here's an aerial photo of her new digs:
Virtual Globetrotter

Gunner said...

Trump has money? Holy Shit! This changes everything! I am sure Claire lives in a mud hut.

Jersey Fled said...

Most men let their women decorate their house for them.

He's had some flashy wives.

Chuck said...

As I write this, I see 24 comments, all of them supportive Trump fans approving Althouse’s elevation of Sharyl Attkisson’s Tweet.

Plus one moderated (they are all moderated, right?) comment attacking me by name on a page where I had written nothing.

Althouse used to claim that she did not exercise viewpoint discrimination. But even that claim appears to be gone.

Let’s see what the percentage of Trump-critical comments might appear here as this page continues.

Fernandinande said...

Cool house, but not my style.

Attention Trump supporters:
Does this make you not want to vote for Trump?
Do Trump's enemies understand why you're voting for him?

No; don't know or care.

mtrobertslaw said...

Meanwhile, the wealthy leftist ponders the deep meaning of his 6'x 6' painting of a hamburger floating in a toilet.

hawkeyedjb said...

roesch/voltaire said...
A con born with a gold spoon in his mouth who doesn’t want to shake hands with his voters—obviously he is not of the people but of Wall Street.

Wall Street wants nothing to do with Donald Trump. He is Not Their Kind, as they make clear when the ship off their campaign $$$ to candidates all over the country who oppose pretty much everything Trump stands for. Wall Street types like to buy wars and government bailouts, rather than gold-plated furniture. Trump's furniture doesn't harm me.

Marshall Rose said...

I don't care for the decor, but it isn't like he redid the Whitehouse like this.

Nor did he get rich off of taxpayers while in public service, just the opposite.

His money his choice.

mezzrow said...

What percentage of Trump hatred is aesthetic?

How dare he put his name on that building. Why do the letters have to be so large? Why does his tie have to be so long? Well-done steaks? Two, no, THREE scoops of ice cream?

Ketchup? KETCHUP??? (pulls out file of tabloid headlines from the 80's)

How can we live with this boor, this philistine? Can we still love an America that would re-elect this man?

We get the message. We've gotten the message for so very long.

gilbar said...

roesch/voltaire said...
who doesn’t want to shake hands with his voters

i Know that YOU are Way Smarter than me roesch; so, perhaps you can give us a list
of politicians that ARE shaking hands with voters?

let me put that another way.... Are You SO STUPID, that you thought you had a successful dig with your "doesn’t want to shake hands with his voters" thingie?

here's a quarter, go buy yourself a clue

DrSquid said...

Reminds me of our summer home.

Bob Boyd said...

When I look at that photo, I think, Wow. It took a lot of skilled craftsman a lot of hours to create all that. I bet some talented guys made some serious money working for Trump.

All McCaskill's tweet does is show that she thinks she is superior to Trump and his supporters.
They don't get it. They will never get it. It doesn't matter if they get it. Let them go to the dustbin scratching their heads.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The best way to get rich is thru governmetn graft.

Like the Clintons and the Bidens. A lifetime on the tax payer dole.

Meanwhile - Trump worked hard in real estate.

Claire is an asshole. Glad she was tossed out of the senate like old rubbish.

M Jordan said...

Had the In-Crowd accepted Donald into the club he may well have turned into one of them (I doubt it) but their rejection of him caused him to identify with all the outcasts of society. He’s the wealthiest loser in the nation. He’s our champion. And it’s authentic to the bone because ... well, see my premise first sentence.

Sydney said...

"Elite" means something different to me than it does to that original tweeter.

Darrell said...

You know who we hate more than a guy that gilds his bathroom? Fuckers that organize caravans of illegals, waste taxpayer money with faux investigations, conspire with our enemies, inflame racial tensions, and withhold our second stimulus check.

Krumhorn said...

And then to have to re-project it through a lens of either scorn or uncritical approval...

Don’t leave out moral superiority, snark, or anger. It’s very tiring. I’m exhausted just watching them be exhausted.

- Krumhorn

Michael K said...

Trump has odd taste but the fact remains he made his money BEFORE politics. Not FROM politics.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Ralph L said...

The True Elite would have plain white walls with ugly modern art.

No, the True Elite with no money would do that.

And BTW, didn't McCaskill inherit her senate seat from her husband?

Mikey NTH said...

He bought that with his money. That is none of my concern.

Robert Cook said...

Anyone who could think that is a beautiful interior--and who could live in it--is obviously insane.

Martin said...

I wouldn't want him as my interior decorator, but totally irrelevant to what I think of Trump's politics.

Does reinforce that MacCaskill is garbage, and makes me appreciate Atkisson a bit more for bringing it to my attention.

However, I would not assume this is aimed a Trump voters or fence-sitters; it looks more like stoking MaCaskill's base about how stupid (they think) Trump voters are.

Kai Akker said...

Not in good taste? Wut?? It sure beats the out-of-tune piano in the rec room.

Temujin said...

The Democrats and Liberals in general, have for years professed to being the smartest people in any room at any given time. And when there is a room full of them, all nodding in agreement with each other, there is no intellect more powerful than that room.

Except we've been shown time and time again, over years now, that is simply not the case. Degreed? Yes, absolutely. The Left collects degrees like young boys used to collect baseball cards. And those degrees seem to have less value than baseball card collections do these days. Degree does not confer intelligence.

After all of these years, they still don't get Trump. They do not have any understanding of the American people who don't live on the west coast or Northeast. And yet they claim to want to represent America. What they keep showing is their utter lack of respect and understanding for the very people they wish to lead. Or should I say...control?

Jaq said...

I thought Sharyl’s old avatar was one of the best on Twitter, I don’t know why. Her new one is nice and all, I guess.

How much fraud will the Biden family have to engage in to catch R/V’s attention? It’s a trick question! There is no amount of fraud, billions to Joe’s brother in Iraq, the Ukraine bribes his son served as the bag man for, the ChiCom bribes also funneled through Hunter, the answer is that there is not any amount of fraud that will make R/V see that he is the one supporting the “con man."

Robert Marshall said...

Rococo drives libs lococo!

But hey, libs, he's running for President, not Interior Decorator-in-Chief. So, poor taste or not, we don't care how he decorates his private home lobby, with his own private money. If it makes his family happy, so be it. None of your business!

I'm Not Sure said...

Does this make you not want to vote for Trump?
Do Trump's enemies understand why you're voting for him?

"No" to both. Any more questions?

Darrell said...

Nancy's million dollar fridge filled with 100 Klondike bars would look good in there.

Leland said...

I've seen more of Trump talking to people, I mean going out and spending hours with them, or stopping on his way to the helicopter to talk to reporters; then I've seen Claire McCaskill ever. I'm pretty sure Trump sees us.

Anyway, here's Claire's St. Louis house. How can a person with that many tanning chairs be so pale? It makes me wonder if she spends much time there at all.

CWJ said...

Go away Claire.

Bill said...

as opposed to those in public office who have become extremely rich, far beyond their compensation.

My dyed in the wool liberal and conservative friends do agree on this:

1. At a certain level of governemnt, the person and their family should have a forensic audit of their finances.

2. They cannoy exempt themselves from any laws they pass.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Now do Pelosi and Feinstein... and lets see all the wealthy progressive home(s) owned by democrats who magically got rich while on a government salary.

Trump made his money in the private sector.

That apartment is gaudy - but so what? He did it as a private citizen.

Lets see how Hunter Biden lives... and drives.

Bilwick said...

I am an elitist of the Mencken-Nock variety. And like Mencken and Nock, I'm a libertarian (you know, one of those weirdoes who believe their lives and property belong to themselves and not the State). So--except for the occasional browse through ARCHIECTURAL DIGEST--I don't care how rich people decorate their homes. The "elite" I care about are those who assume some mystical right to force me to do stuff. Rather than "elite" I prefer to use Thomas Sowell's satirical term "the Annointed."

Anonymous said...

Maybe Trump doesn't see us. At least he hasn't declared war on us or expressed contempt for us, and that's more than can be said for some Democrats.

Tacitus said...

Four years in. Four long years in and the left still has not grasped the one message of 2016 that should be inescapable. Trump was elected not because of what he is personally, but in spite of it. Can there be a more emphatic expression of disdain for the conventional political caste? The voters rejected them in favor of a mountebank who lives on the set of a bad Reality show.


Francisco D said...

Ralph L said...
The True Elite would have plain white walls with ugly modern art.

I prefer gray walls for my Kandinsky, Picasso, Miro and Dali works. Of course, they are not originals because I am not truly Elite.

The original art is by Midwestern artists who may become famous in 50 years.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Jeez. All my adult life I've noticed that, among the largely apolitical, there's a reflexive disdain for Republicans. Even when people voted for them, they were described as "the Party of the rich", out-of-touch, Romneyesque, spats'n'monocles plutocrats who didn't care about the little guy.
Amazing how radically that trope has been stood on it's head in four short years. Now the same people absolutely loathe the Democrats. The violence, the hypocrisy, the scolding, the insults and condescension, the corruption, the politicization of sports and education, the tech billionaires. Democrats simply cannot stop themselves from offending the common man.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Wow! Trump is a wealthy man who is fond of interior decoration with a lot of gold and marble? Nobody knew this.

But Pelosi's huge top-of-the-line freezers filled with $12 a pint ice cream are just fine. Very tasteful.

The left is big on recycling so now they're recycling attacks on Trump they used in 2016. Nobody cared then. Nobody cares now. People liked Trump for being who he was and not trying the tired old "aw, shucks, I'm just a humble guy from Scranton or (Hope)" or "I'm just the mailman's son." Remember Kerry's laughable attempt to show what a regular guy he was by going duck hunting? Warren's beer drinking?

RigelDog said...

I guess it would be much better if Trump decorated with paintings of sexualized children, like Podesta and Jeffrey Epstein.

Unknown said...

I forget the comedian who said this, but it has always struck me as a perfect description of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a poor person’s idea what a rich person is.

Trump’s father was a very successful apartment building operator. In Staten Island. That wasn’t enough for Donald. He wanted Manhattan. He wanted to show the Manhattan elite that he was the best, the greatest, the richest, etc. Despite all his success, perhaps because of it, he has never been more ever than gauche arriviste. It’s so cliché, it is a trope that goes back to Petronius. It doesn’t matter how much money he has, how much power he has, how many beautiful Slovene super models he marries, how tall his towers are, or how fabulous his hair remains... Trump isn’t a patrician. He is just another beer swilling proletarian without taste. There will never be a seat for him at the cool kids table.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Democrats do not understand the middle class or its values, at all.

The middle class does not hate the rich or the choices they make — the middle class envies the freedom that the rich have, to live life as they see fit.

I myself would never in a million years decorate my home like that, but it’s his money and his choice.

Chick said...

Did he furnish his home with your money? I think he did not.

LilyBart said...

Yeah, this is gaudy. But at least he paid for it with money he earned. I wonder how Hunter Biden decorates his house - with the money Burimsa paid him to get his daddy, the US VP to call us the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating them for fraud?

LilyBart said...

Whatever you say said..

Ah, you beat me to it. And said it better!

Gk1 said...

More of what Scott Adams called bargaining past the sale. We all know this about Trump, his terrible taste in gold plated, over the top, rococo bullshit. That this was posted on twitter by someone who owns a private jet is hilarious on its face.

Amadeus 48 said...

Thanks RV. And that is why DJT has the support of Wall Street elites.

Chris N said...

It could be a Mormon, it could be a practicing Catholic, or a lapsed Catholic, or a previously Catholic cum atheist.

It could be a family man, or a redneck, or a country person, or an old school liberal standing up for speech.

It could be someone, anyone, standing up for a tradition, a balanced budget, prudence wisdom or honor.

It really doesn't matter. You wanted Trump, you got him.

I honestly wish we could have a separate 'kids' table' Republic where the Boomer Left and Trump can fellate one another while everyone else handles self-governance.

In the meantime, I go with the choices I got.

hombre said...

It’s all about the show with Trump - until he gets down to the business of making America great again, poking Democrats and delegitimizing the leftmediaswine. They can’t, or won’t, get that.

If the American voters aren’t sick of this kind of drivel, they are as dumb as the Democrat media think they are.

michaele said...

Trump's name used to come up for a while in rap lyrics from the eighties on because he was gaudy rich...the rappers loved Trump's over the top bling.

Readering said...

He certainly spent a lot of money to look elite. Did he succeed? A paradox.

Jupiter said...

Here's how Joe Biden and the Democrats want to decorate your home;

Why they call it a Party

Michael K said...

Howard said...
It's exactly the decor white trash covet. Therefore ispo flacto, Trumpers are juiced by gold and flash much like a moth drawn to a bug zapper.

Howard, like a bug headed for a zapper, unfailingly explains why Trump voters hate the supercilious left.

bagoh20 said...

"A con born with a gold spoon in his mouth who doesn’t want to shake hands with his voters..."

At least he shows up every day, often in multiple locations and talks to them, answers questions, and exposes himself to analysis and criticism, so they can decide if they like him or not. Biden, on the other hand, may have passed away months ago for all we know, and he sure as hell isn't shaking voters' hands or being asked tough questions. If he was competent, he'd be out there fielding tough questions, but he's hiding instead.

Trump and Biden both have a record now and a potential future to be estimated. That's what matters - not how they were born, or any other trivia.

Aggie said...

There is nothing more ridiculous and revealing than a clueless snob in action trying to manipulate normal people. They are so elite, they don't realize they can no longer pass for 'normal'.

Chris N said...

Brave, brave Sir Chuck.

bagoh20 said...

Is it assumed that we somehow forgot Trump was rich and liked gold colored everything. I mean, how are you supposed to remember that when he hides it so effectively?

Drago said...

A certain FakeCon LLR-lefty laments the reality of his failure to advance marxist talking points in a sufficiently effective way to achieve his 2 previously and explicitly stated goals at Althouse blog:

1) Smear and lie about Trump in order to drive down Trump's support at Althouse Blog

2) Drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers

You know, I'll bet those 2 unsolicited admissions by our LLR-lefty (he was, in fact, bragging about these goals of his), which completely exposed his dishonesty and malicious intent, rank right up there in the Pantheon of Things LLR-lefty Chuck Regrets Having Written.


Poor LLR-lefty C****. Once again, reduced to asterisks..................

bagoh20 said...

"Let’s see what the percentage of Trump-critical comments might appear here as this page continues."

It's definitely not my style, I can't stand that stuff, but so what?

You are welcome to comment critically, so what do you got on the subject that's relevant to anything?

Rory said...

Comment slightly above:

"As I write this, I see 24 comments, all of them supportive Trump fans approving Althouse’s elevation of Sharyl Attkisson’s Tweet."

My comment, well above:

"Well, the problems involve people who are trying to tell others what to do with their money. Or it used to be money, now they're trying to dictate what to do with speech, children, et al."

So the moral is that if you don't want to support Trump, you must affirmatively reject individual freedom.

mockturtle said...

Nothing phonier than a rich liberal ranting about the poor and oppressed.

Bob Boyd said...

McCaskill is one of the Senators who lost her seat in 2018 after voting against Kavanaugh. Every Dem who voted against Kavanaugh lost in 2018.
Will they learn anything or just throw another tantrum?

walter said...

Now do Al Gore.

Chuck! arrives to moderate the moderator.
Lets review:

Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM

Ann Althouse said...
Chuck, you're doing clutter. You're causing me (and I presume others) to just have to scroll to get past your long and repetitive stuff. You need to change what you are doing or you will become one of the small group of people I call bad faith commenters, whose posts I delete without reading whenever I see them. I'm quite serious. You need to cut way back and keep it short. Stop repeating yourself. Everyone is bored and you are not cute. And don't argue with me in the comments. Stop doing clutter.
8/3/17, 2:16 PM

buwaya said...

"and who could live in it--is obviously insane."

I certainly could. The couch looks comfy enough. I have told the kids that, should they strike it rich we will expect that we will be supported in the style to which we would like to get accustomed. Gold, brass and marble - why not?

Skeptical Voter said...

We didn't hire Trump for his taste in interior decoration--or decorators.

Leora said...

It looks like Gatsby's house.

Mary Beth said...

All the endorsement I need for Trump is that the “never Trump war pigs” Chuck likes so much oppose him.

Chuck said...

...Plus one moderated (they are all moderated, right?) comment attacking me by name on a page where I had written nothing.

Thank you for clearing it up. When I read it I thought the "Chuck" it was referring to was Schumer.

Gravel said...

It's ugly, and it makes me want to not visit that house. It has no bearing at all on how I will vote. How dilapidated is the intellect of someone who would make a decision based on criteria like that?

RichardJohnson said...

Leland @ 9:17 AM
Anyway, here's Claire's St. Louis house.

Both Claire and Trump have mansions. All she is arguing about is taste in decorating mansions.

doctrev said...

A guy can claim that Donald Trump's acting on WWF (as it was called at the time) was subpar, maybe even tacky. But good God, some of the trolls here can't even stay in character long enough on a post before their snarling against the working class comes out. They literally cannot help themselves.

One thing about the rich in general, and Donald Trump in particular. Those who got their on their own merit and ability, building skyscrapers and luxury hotels where once there was nothing, do not give the slightest toss what lesser beings think about them. They live among antiques, uniques, and gold- living on their own terms. By contrast, worms whose fortunes are built on theft and lies, like Gates and Zuckerberg, are constantly kowtowing to greater men so that the DOJ leaves them alone.

Amadeus 48 said...

Personall, I refer English country house, bt that’s just me. MAGA!

doctrev said...

By the way, moral guardians: shut the fuck up about "taste" and "decor." We know what kind of tastes that Podesta, Epstein, and the rest of their fellow tribal degenerates enjoy. Watching you run your slobbering pedophist mouths makes the average working-class man want to pick up an assault rifle and MAGA hat.

Mary Beth said...

To me, that's just like the living rooms some people have but seldom use. They decorate them in what they perceive as an elegant style because that's the way it used to be done. I bet the more private rooms in his home are more livable. Even if they're not, I don't really care. Each to his own. Who elects someone based on their decorating skills?

I didn't like Trump as a celebrity. His style was off-putting. Oddly enough, everything I didn't like about him as a celebrity are things that make me like him as a politician. His brashness is more appealing when it's done to defend things I like or believe in. (I don't have the personality to be like that so I'm glad hes' doing it for me.)

elkh1 said...

He has not used a dime of taxpayers' dollars to give himself a palace, unlike politicians who spent taxdollars to benefit themselves and their families and named towns, highways and buildings after themselves.

stevew said...

What's the skinny on Nancy Pelosi's dual Sub Zero refrigerators full of high end expensive ice cream?

Howard said...

Doc Mike: Hate is emotional response. Why are Trumpian cultists so much into soap opera feminized reactions? Village People men's.

Krumhorn said...

An art dealer offered to sell me a quart bell jar of piss in which a crucifix was submerged. The part of the pitch that sold me was that if prominently placed in the living room, my librul friends would think well of me and embrace my magnificent taste in art. I was ready to spring for it, but my wife put her pretty foot down with a look that settled the matter.

- Krumhorn

Michael said...

I could barely buy the house in Salamanca but couldn’t afford to furnish it. You could spend many nights in the Ritz, steps from the Prado for the price of that house. And they would make your bed.

n.n said...

I don't do Pro-Choice religious philosophy, not diversity (other than individual), not sex chauvinism, not political congruence, not age discrimination, not other class-based dogmatic systems, processes, and beliefs. Show me the principles! #Reconcile

n.n said...

Trump is Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Rick.T. said...

Claire's got a private plane so no frequent flyer bitch miles for her. It's his money so he can spend it however he likes.

Drago said...

Mary Beth: "Thank you for clearing it up. When I read it I thought the "Chuck" it was referring to was Schumer."

You can be forgiven since there is literally not a ray of light difference between what Chuck Schumer and LLR-lefty C**** support and believe.

If anything, Chuck Schumer is slightly less far left than our LLR-lefty C****.

Narayanan said...

I am reminded of the Rorschach doctor with all the dirty pictures
- Trump could be doing similar with gold glitter and reflections and no smoke.

Narayanan said...

buwaya said...

Gold, brass and marble
can you stand the smell of brass polish?
I remember Brasso for belt buckle and beret badge.

J. Farmer said...

I think Ann has the formulation backwards. Trump is not elite but he is an elitist. McCaskill makes the mistake of confusing wealth with elite status. Although the two are clearly connected, having money does not alone make you an elite. It has to do with institutional position and the power to influence organizations.

Jason said...

Dems lost their shit over Marco Rubio’s boat, too. Fuck them.

Iman said...

It’s not even Tuesday, and yet Howard is mincing like it’s the Friday afternoon of a long weekend.

Joe Smith said...

Funny thing...Trump's love of brass extends all the way to his huge balls : )

MacMacConnell said...

Every time that toad ex-senator of mine opens her mouth, we Missourians thank God we dumped her. Claire is as relevant as her matching toad bookend Hillary.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Trump got wealthy on his own. How he spends his money is his business.

Democrat office holders often get rich while in office, on a salary of $150,000 or less. These are the elitists—we, the peasants, live modestly while our servants live large sucking the government teat.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Tpny Podesta, an uncontested member of the soi-disant ruling elite decorates his home with modern art.


Blair said...

Trump is the Rodney Dangerfield character from Caddyshack, which is why he is awesome.

I harbor fantasies of him winning in November, coming on stage, and triumphantly shouting "We're all gonna get laid!"

Nichevo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...

I don't think that anyone here has any stones to throw at Donald Trump. I've never been in such a house. I don't know if it's my style but I also don't know that it wouldn't grow on me. Certainly stately homes used to look like that. Is Swedish modern truly superior? With or without "edgy" pedo art on the walls?

Meanwhile, unlike all the pols' pads, we didn't pay for that.

Kirk Parker said...



Yeah all that stuff about pizza and pedo island and NXIVM is all just conspiracy theory, you know?

JAORE said...

How can I decide who gets my vote if I don't get to see their china patterns?

Michael K said...

Howard said...
Doc Mike: Hate is emotional response. Why are Trumpian cultists so much into soap opera feminized reactions? Village People men's.

Howard, I just appreciate your pseudo-elite contempt for Trump voters. Feel free to spread that as wide as possible. All contributions gratefully accepted.

I don't understand your fixation on homoerotic items but go ahead. You seem to need the relief.

Joe Smith said...

"Trump is the Rodney Dangerfield character from Caddyshack, which is why he is awesome.:

@Blair nails it for the win...

Bunkypotatohead said...

She's saying "vote for Biden, you bunch of rubes!"

Insulting people in the hope it will garner their vote is not a good strategy.

Nichevo said...

Michael K said...
Howard said...
Doc Mike: Hate is emotional response. Why are Trumpian cultists so much into soap opera feminized reactions? Village People men's.

Howard, I just appreciate your pseudo-elite contempt for Trump voters. Feel free to spread that as wide as possible. All contributions gratefully accepted.

While he's at it I wish that he and all his friends may use the word "Jewess" in public as many times as possible between now and the election, being sure to identify themselves as Democrats or leftists.

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