September 27, 2020

"Interviews with more than a dozen Democratic senators revealed broad support for disrupting the Supreme Court confirmation process, even if the strategy yields some collateral damage."

"Yet Democrats facing tough reelections and those who typically spurn delay tactics overwhelmingly support the hardball campaign, potentially putting them at increased risk of losing their seats. 'We know that the votes are not there [to block the nominee], but you do what you can to call attention to it,' said Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.), the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent who could be pulled off the campaign trail as a result. 'The issue is that this is a power grab.'"

Politico reports.

The techniques are too boring to quote — Senate procedure stuff. Basically, delay tactics: "[I]f Schumer develops a cohesive strategy and has the support of the entire Senate Democratic Caucus, it could quickly become one of the most disruptive series of delay tactics in recent memory."


Narayanan said...

Straight to the floor
That's Mitch speak.

Or to the mattresses
That is Don speak.

John Borell said...

Then end the hearings and move straight to a vote.

Joe Smith said...

Our best and brightest.

Five-year-olds on a playground would do a better job resolving conflicts...

Michael K said...

I'm not sure this will work any better than the outrage with Kavenaugh but they are intent on doing what they can. What a surprise they will get when Trump wins re-election anyway.

Ice Nine said...

Do it. Oh please, oh please, do it!

David Begley said...

Go right ahead Dems. You’re digging your own graves.

This kind of stuff exposes the Dems for who they really are: evil creeps.

Gk1 said...

Senate republicans should just go to a straight vote the day after the democrats shit themselves on stage again. BASTA! Everyone would be much happier in the long run. But they democrats can't help themselves can they?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes do it Kavanaugh’s hearings gave us net plus four senators at the next chance. I’ll take that deal any day. Bring it on.

Mary Beth said...

So I should invest even more heavily in a "no" vote for a Democratic clean sweep in this election?

Anonymous said...

Also note, that they are using a variation of the classic election year lament that the GOP WILL END MEDICARE!!!

This claim is:

"Republicans are breaking their word to rush a nominee so they can kill the Affordable Care Act,"

Anonymous said...

PS: going after ACB's kids is disgusting

cubanbob said...

The Democrats are preparing for their banzai charge. There are a lot of House seats in play and a few Senate seats. Trump may not win but he sure can get the Democrats to overplay their hand. I suspect that the usual Left wingers haven't considered the possibility that Biden wins and the Republicans wind up controlling both Houses of Congress. A Biden Administration will then get the full love treatment the Trump Administration has gotten from Congress. The Senate will confirm Barrett ASAP if for no other reason that the upcoming election will be litigated all the way to the Supreme Court. On the other hand hand, the Republicans might regain both Houses Of Congress and have Trump reelected. I believe Hillary is starting to get nervous along with a number of Democrats.

minnesota farm guy said...

Big mistake, but the Dems seem to be trying to corner the market on bad optics this campaign season.

tcrosse said...

All Hands to the Pumps.

Readering said...

Be interested to read reporting on how hearing schedule arrived at. Not as aggressive as early predictions. As if GOP leadership of 2 minds whether to go through with floor vote in October.

Bob Smith said...

Think of the precedents.

Anonymous said...

Delay, delay, delay... now, that's a winning message!

Professional lady said...

I truly wonder what the justices who decided Roe v Wade would think if they could come back and see all the damage that decision has done to our country and its institutions (not even including the millions of deaths).

Iman said...

The Democrats should consult their comedian/political strategists... e.g., Kimmel, Colbert, Oliver, Noah, and teh guy with teh face only his mother could love... to help determine the appropriate asshattery to employ.

Big Mike said...

Not unexpected. Sending Peters and Smith into retirement alongside Jones will be delicious “collateral damage.”

Mike Sylwester said...

Joe Biden will denounce this tactic, because he promises to restore normalcy and civility.

Michael said...

Doug Jones has nothing to lose. He's a dead man walking politically. Maybe if Biden somehow wins they'll find him a nice job in the bureaucracy as a reward for going along.

MikeR said...

Remember the Do-Nothing Congress?

Kevin said...

Senate Democrats can’t stop Mitch McConnell from confirming a new Supreme Court justice, but

The rational reader stops there.

The truly deranged remove the caps from their highlighters.

David Begley said...

There will be riots in DC.

CBF is going to interject herself into this.

Dems will try to block GOP Senators from voting. Block their driveways. Stuff like that.

Schumer said everything is on the table.

Kevin said...

Shorter article: damned if they do, more damned if they don’t.

Kevin said...

most disruptive series of delay tactics in recent memory.

Recent memory being wiped every 24 hours these days.

And not just in Biden’s basement.

Original Mike said...

"Interviews with more than a dozen Democratic senators revealed broad support for disrupting the Supreme Court confirmation process, even if the strategy yields some collateral damage."

Good. I thought they might play nice with the election coming up. The voters deserve to see these people as they are, no matter how it turns out in the end.

tim maguire said...

When they go low, we go high.


Amadeus 48 said...

Old story, same actors, same plot. Same boredom.

Plus, this will destroy Biden-Harris.

And for what? To deliver a smashing victory to Donald Trump? Does anyone think that that hearing where the House Demmies wouldn’t let Barr answer their questions was a victory for the Demmies?

And by the way, if Roe v. Wade were reversed tomorrow, abortion would be legal in most states.

This is really stupid.

Mattman26 said...

So she’s going to get confirmed, and the Dems will make some noise along the way. Sounds like they’ve decided that trying to attack ACB along the way is not worth the risk.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Majestyk said...

It's not a "power grab" if you already have the power, as the Republicans do. And the reason they have the power is because the voters gave it to them.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Doug Jones isn't "at risk", he's pretty much a guaranteed loser.

Which means his future income depends on making Leftie fundraisers happy, not voters.

So, now we know what hte Leftie fundraisers want. Good. It's the same thing I want:

For the Democrats to alienate the voters and guarantee GOP victory up and down the ballot

Oso Negro said...

If the Democrat Senators really are fully morally and spiritually committed, perhaps a few of them could protest by self-Immolation in front of the Capitol, in the style of Vietnamese Buddhist monks in the 1960s. That would be a real statement

Yancey Ward said...

Schumer doesn't really have the power to do anything, not even really delay stuff without support of a majority of the Senate. Remember, the Democrats tried the same thing in Kavanaugh's confirmation, and they only got anywhere with it, and only delayed the vote with the Blasey-Ford material and the one delayed vote caused by Flake, Collins, and Murkowski- this was only two weeks worth of delay. The Blasey-Ford gambit won't work this time, so the hearings will be done on October 15th. The confirmation will be done by October 20th or so.

Interesting they talked to the "most endangered" Democrat, Jones as if that were real support for guerilla tactics. Jones can't win no matter what he does or doesn't do, so of course he supports a scorched earth policy- he is only playing for the future as something other than an Alabama US Senator- probably in lobbying business.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

'The issue is that this is a power grab.'"

Gee, you mean like the Bork hearings? Like filibustering Estrada et al? Like nuking the filibuster when it got in the Dems way?

Like illegally spying on the out Party's Presidential campaign? Like using teh IRS in 2012 to block the opposition? Like framing General Flynn for crimes he didn't commit?

You mean like packing the Court with left-wing super legislators?

Yeah, we know all about power grabs, Doug. We've been watching you Democrats do them for a while now

Nichevo said...

If gamed out, by McConnell or whoever does the thinking, to ensure that all roads end in timely confirmation, and/or that there is a manual override provision to go straight to a vote, by all means let the Ds do their thing.

I'd be interested in an assessment of who has what to lose. Doug Jones for instance has zero, so is a good candidate to lead the abuse.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

'The issue is that this is a power grab.'"

You mean, like imposing ObamaCare, and a complete rewriting of America's health care system, on a Party Line vote?

That kind of "power grab"?

Tim said...

Republican Prez and Republican senate= confirmed judge. Just like the Demoncrats do, every time.

Original Mike said...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Didn’t Understand Her Job

"Justice Ginsburg’s using her position to try to impose a feminist vision on federal policy ought to be recognized for what it was: an abuse of power. If you want to rewrite the law along feminist lines, that’s a perfectly honorable project — run for Congress."

Skeptical Voter said...

A power grab? Senator Jones might want to get some mental help. Maybe time to send some financial support to his opponent in Alabama.

JAORE said...

Jones can say anything he wants. He's toast.

n.n said...

It was Her Choice, Gaia's Choice. It's not a power grab, not a protest, not an occupation, not a peaceful march to burn, loot, and entrap people in their vehicles, homes, and businesses. It is not a racket (e.g. diversity) to extract capital and force control. Democrats need to lose their religion.

n.n said...

Sounds like they’ve decided that trying to attack ACB along the way is not worth the risk.

Sexism? No Fords to allege rape...rape-rape culture?

Perhaps they can still follow the NYT-stle guideline and form a close association, then leave it to the JournoLists, activists, and other aligned interests to spin the tale through publication, socialization, and steering.

whitney said...

I hope those demon-possessed women show up to wail and rage and bruise their little fists on the Senate door again. That was good theater

n.n said...

the justices who decided Roe v Wade would think if they could come back and see all the damage that decision has done to our country and its institutions (not even including the millions of deaths).

Millions of excess deaths for social and medical progress. The Twilight Amendment is good for selective-child, cannibalized-child, diversity, feminism, democratic gerrymandering, and redistributive change. Forward-looking. No regrets.

Kathryn51 said...

Boy, they need to get their messaging straight. I just read an Axios (Democrat Mouthpiece) quoting Senator Durbin: "We can slow it down, perhaps a matter of hours, maybe days at the most, but we can't stop the outcome. What we should do is to address this now respectfully"

And then Ii arrive at Althouse and read a Politico article claiming that Senate Dems are planning to disrupt the proceedings.

I was hoping we would see the Handmaidens appear at ACB's hearing, just like they did at Kavanaugh. Would have been a win for our side.

jpg said...

Unless McConnell and Graham get this done by the end of this week, She'll never be confirmed.

Francisco D said...

Leland Keyser never backed up Christine Blasey Ford's account of the Kavanaugh attempted rape that happened somewhere at sometime at a party that no one else remembers. There is a reason for that.

CBF now recalls that it was Amy Coney at that party, not her BFF Leland. Amy apparently drove CBF to the party and home afterwards. She organized rape parties for Kavanaugh and his buddies because they were too shy and nerdy to do it themselves.

Senate Dems will subpoena Amy's HS yearbooks and call for the testimony of college classmates who remember that she flashed her boobs at drunken dorm parties.

Sebastian said...

"overwhelmingly support the hardball campaign"

This is news? Have they done anything else since Bork?

"The issue is that this is a power grab."

Huh? The president and the Senate grab power they already have?

Amadeus 48 said...

Here's a counter-thought to my argument above that this is stupid by the Dems:

It keeps a number of incumbent Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee who are on the bubble for re-election in Washington for procedural votes rather than back home campaigning. Here's a list:

Graham, Cornyn, Ernst, Tillis

Harris would also be stuck in DC for the Dems, but she and Biden are barely campaigning anyway.

If the procedural votes require the whole Senate, McConnell, Collins, McSally, Gardner, etc. would also be back in DC more than they would want in a re-election year.

This is probably at the base of Schumer's calculations.

Paul said...

'The issue is that this is a power grab.'"

There is no 'power grab'. Trump is doing what is 100 % Constitutional.

But I say do go ahead... I'd love to see Alabama have another Republican Senator.

chuck said...

The Democrats don't have much choice in the matter, they have to go where they have gone before. They need a leader like Trump to shake things up.

Wince said...

Senate Democrats can’t stop Mitch McConnell from confirming a new Supreme Court justice, but they are already planning to make it as painful as possible.

"Painful" for whom? [Better video]

Rescuing a woman Democrats have trapped in the "well of the Senate" may be difficult for Republicans, but voters may have different ideas about pain.

Static Ping said...

Jones is almost certain to lose regardless of his position on this matter. He just does what he is told anyway.

Freeman Hunt said...

I am amused at media attempts to find unattractive pictures of ACB. So far, all attempts have failed. That must be frustrating for them!

ConradBibby said...

Also not a power grab if the Republicans are merely trying to confirm judges who will make cruelly neutral decisions based on a statute's or Constitutional provision's original, plain meaning, not decide cases based on preferred social outcomes.

Narayanan said...

David Begley said...
There will be riots in DC.

CBF is going to interject herself into this.

Dems will try to block GOP Senators from voting. Block their driveways. Stuff like that.

Schumer said everything is on the table.
step 1 : can D prevent Quorum ?

hombre said...

Sedition runs deep in The Evil Party. Childishness runs even deeper.

gilbar said...

Democrats facing tough reelections and those who typically spurn delay tactics overwhelmingly support the hardball campaign, potentially putting them at increased risk of losing their seats

Democrats facing certain defeat support the hardball campaign, since they KNOW that they will be losing their seats


hombre said...

It may not work out too badly for the Dems to act up. I saw a Fox News poll finding that a plurality of Democrats and a majority of Liberal Democrats claim to believe that the violence, looting, etc. at the recent riots/ protests was caused by “right wing radicals.” Democrats are seriously deranged and delusional. However badly they behave a majority of their base will blame Republicans and/or Amy Barrett.

There are no adults in the Democrat Party.

Ken B said...

Will the delay prevent confirmation? No, the senate can vote after the election. What it achieves is a possible 4-4 tie over an election dispute, and the consequent violence that will unleash. So the only point of the delay is to increase the likelihood of turmoil, unrest, violence, and destruction.

Earnest Prole said...

The politically smart strategy would be to forgo attacks on Barrett entirely and instead wage a silent, scorched-earth, "too boring to quote" procedural war on the nomination. But I doubt Senate Democrats would have the discipline to execute that in the face of raging left-wing twitter.

Michael said...

If this can be done, McConnell will get it done. He's the most powerful parliamentarian since LBJ was Majority Leader. Ruthless. Machiavellian. Total Apex Predator.

Matt Sablan said...

"The politically smart strategy would be to forgo attacks on Barrett entirely and instead wage a silent, scorched-earth, "too boring to quote" procedural war on the nomination."

-- It's a real shame that their earlier procedural wars and nuking of filibuster pretty much made the Republicans disarm them in various ways against Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Truly, this is the consequences of their own actions staring them in the face.

MikeD said...

As the Babylon Bee predicted: " Democrats Prepare To Give Republicans Free Ad Footage Of Them Attacking Successful, Religious Mother Of Seven."

Professional lady said...

If senators are blocked from voting it's time for a military escort to the capitol building.

tcrosse said...

Nice of them to telegraph their intentions. Maybe Mitch has a few tricks of his own up his sleeve.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Senate Democrats can’t stop Mitch McConnell from confirming a new Supreme Court justice, but they are already planning to make it as painful as possible”

Theoretically the Dems can tie the Senate in knots. There are innumerable Senate rules that if invoked can strangle the process fairly easily. The first problem though is that any and all of those rules, if being abused by Sen Skeamer and his caucus, with a simple majority vote. Then, the rules would be most effectively against hearings. So, the Republicans can skip the hearings and go straight for the vote.

wendybar said...

Yawn!! What else is new??

DavidUW said...

I find it somewhat difficult to believe that Mitch and Lindsey haven't gamed out the maximum possible delay from the democrats and figured they can still vote before the election.

Both of them have been in the senate long enough to know the same procedural garbage as the other side.

Dave Begley said...

Dems can't prevent a quorum unless they kidnap a GOP Senator or something like that.

wendybar said...

I can't believe there is still anybody that would vote for these children. My niece has more maturity than these Fools on the HIll.

iowan2 said...

The Senate rules are set by a simple majority vote. So, unsure how the schummer scheme works, when the rules available today, wont be there tomorrow.

Senate hearings. Again the majority sets the rules. Why not limit the asking of a question to 20 seconds? Responses to 100 seconds? Its clear the congress critters use the hearings as a way to orrate. Nah, what was I thinking?

mikee said...

I, for one, look forward to the next 300 judges Trump has confirmed in his second term. And the loss of the House by the Dems in a few weeks. And waking up to the lamentations of the Democrats on the days and weeks after the election as they try to steal yet another presidential election, unsuccessfully. Compared to all that, a mere Supreme Court Festivus Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength seems like a bit of tantrum-throwing play-acting, or less.

Narayanan said...

The Constitution provides that a majority of the Senate constitutes a quorum to do business. Under the rules and customs of the Senate, a quorum is always assumed to be present unless a quorum call explicitly demonstrates otherwise.

What number of senators are in a quorum?

In the senate, the quorum was amended down to one-quarter by the Senate (Quorum) Act 1991, so 19 senators is a quorum. The quorum includes the occupant of the Chair and is not reduced by the death or resignation of a member or senator.
Senate (Quorum) Act 1991 >>> does that mean it passed House and signed by Prez? GHWB
oh well >>> that was Australia!

what is needed : lot of kidnapping or successful Flight 93 attack on US Capitol

Amadeus 48 said...

The GOP wants to make a few speeches, too, including Cornyn, Tillis, Ernst, and especially Graham on the Judiciary Committee and McConnell, McSally, Gardner, etc. These folks aren’t on the bubble in the election because they have been too partisan in the Senate. It’s because they have been invisible. Trump has crowded them out of the limelight. They want to say nice things about that nice Amy Barrett, who is no threat to anyone’s rights or well-being, and they want to scold those awful, hypocritical, bigoted Democrats who refuse to acknowledge what a gem she is with those great children and that wonderful husband and that legal career that has taken her to nomination to the high court. She has career, children, and marriage, and she loves all God’s children. And she didn’t go to Harvard or Yale.

And Nino Scalia loved both her AND Ruth Ginsberg and Elena Kagan, so she has that going for her.

Why can’t we all just get along?

Now you don’t have to watch the hearings.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Readering said...
Be interested to read reporting on how hearing schedule arrived at. Not as aggressive as early predictions. As if GOP leadership of 2 minds whether to go through with floor vote in October.

Good question, Readering.

Long answer:
1: The Senate Democrats seriously shoot themselves in the foot over Gorsuch, driven by the rage of their Party's base.

Newly elected President Trump appointed the conservative Gorsuch to take the seat previously held by the conservative Scalia. The Democrats filibustered. Essentially, they were saying that no Republican President would ever again be allowed to appoint someone to the Supreme Court.

Not even McCain, Flake, Murkowski, or Collins could accept this, so every single GOP Senator voted to nuke the filibuster for the Supreme Court.

That was major mistake 1

2: President Trump appointed conservative Kavanaugh to replace "moderate" Kennedy. If the Democrats hadn't blown the filibuster ploy with Gorsuch, they could have used it to stop Kavanaugh, because there's no way Colins would have voted to nuke the filibuster for him. But it was gone.

So, instead, the Democrats tried dishonest character assassination. And they were so sleazy about it that they drove Lindsey Graham to say "screw you all, I hope you never again get any power!"

And it was the final nail in the coffin to flip a bunch of Senate seats to the Republicans.

That was major mistake 2

3: So, to finally answer your question, Readering, I think that Mitch and Lindsey aren't willing to bet the election on the Democrat Senators being stupid again. What we on the GOP side want is for the Democrats to launch insane attacks against ACB (you know, like saying she's a racist for stealing black babies from their parents in Haiti). My guess is that the purpose of the two week delay before hearings is to let all the lunatics on the Left attack ACB, and attack any Democrats / academics / whatever who do not attack ACB, and to let those lunatics thoroughly poison the well and make the Democrats look bad, so that even if the Democrat Senators on the Judiciary Committee do NOT attack ACB for "the dogma being strong within you", the voters will still walk away with "the Democrats are nuts, I have to vote straight ticket Republican to keep these lunatics away from power."

So, no, I do not think they're wimping out here. Yes, I expect ACB to be on the Court before the election. And yes, I expect teh Democrat reaction to ACB to cost them a lot of votes

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
Here's a counter-thought to my argument above that this is stupid by the Dems:

It keeps a number of incumbent Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee who are on the bubble for re-election in Washington for procedural votes rather than back home campaigning. Here's a list:

I disagree. I think that this fight is one long campaign ad for the Republican Senators.

"My opponent promises to pack the Court if elected to the Senate. Do give the people attacking ACB like this more power. Vote to re-elected me!"

Francisco D said...

Amadeus has nailed it!

PB said...

It's only disruptive if people know about it. Likely friendly media will downplay disruption and emphasize it's just a slow process.

wbfjrr2 said...

Graham wont start hearings until 10/12, wont send the nomination to McConnel til 10/22. I don't trust him at all--why the delay?

Best strategy for the GOP is get it done fast so the base is happy, the dems are demoralized, and the 23 GOP senators up for reelection (vs 12 Dems) can campaign.

I don't get this timing at all.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“So she’s going to get confirmed, and the Dems will make some noise along the way. Sounds like they’ve decided that trying to attack ACB along the way is not worth the risk.”

That’s what I get out of it. The theatrics are for fund-raising, period.

rcocean said...

I'm glad that someone besides me is getting incredibly bored with the Senate, and their absurd, interminable, time-wasting maneuvers and delays. All these delays can be short-cutted by the R's. But they will need 50 votes. Will Mittens, Collins, Murky Lisa, etc. go along?

I don't plan to watch the hearings either. The Senators give speeches, or try to show how smart they are, and the Nominees just try to not laugh in their faces and appear interested. the Kavanaugh hearing was a freak-show circus on stilts but this one won't be.
Susie Collins can't play Hamlet this time, and Flakey Flake is gone.

Rich Vail said...

Ann, it really doesn't matter what you post. You will always vote for the (Socialist/Marxist) Democrat candidate for any office. Time after time, year after year, you voice your opinion, yet reflexively vote (Socialist/Marxist) DFL why are you complaining now?

BarrySanders20 said...

They are going to do something profound and unprecedented and flee to Illinois.

ccscientist said...

The dems claim it is a power grab by Trump, but when they put forward a supreme court nominee it isn't. Sure.

Aggie said...

Once again we have one of those situations where I feel my ignorance of Congressional parliamentary procedure is holding me hostage. What triggers an end to the hearing and the entry into the voting process? Is it just Mitch M's to declare and move on? Or is a set period of time granted to all interested parties?

It seems to me like it's shaping up to this: Democrats boycotting the hearings, maybe boycotting the vote, and close-race Republicans getting their final campaign ad clips organized. Then the vote? Seems like we ought to be able to make Election Day then.

79 said...

"Ann, it really doesn't matter what you post. You will always vote for the (Socialist/Marxist) Democrat candidate for any office. Time after time, year after year, you voice your opinion, yet reflexively vote (Socialist/Marxist) DFL why are you complaining now?"
Yup....Althouse is pro-choice...That TRUMPS everything for her....She knows Biden is suffering from advanced stages of dementia...doesn't matter as long as women can abort as a legal means of "sex without consequences"

Unknown said...

This current brand of leftism... marxism, communism, whatever...
Its an infection of godlessness that started 100 years ago and has been growing and spreading since. It lives in the hearts of too many Americans to pass away with no fight.

How many of us are prepared to turn to the Lord and repent without experiencing great suffering? I fear not enough.

Michael K said...

You will always vote for the (Socialist/Marxist) Democrat candidate for any office. Time after time, year after year, you voice your opinion, yet reflexively vote (Socialist/Marxist) DFL why are you complaining now?"

I don't know about Ann but abortion trumps (sorry) all other issues for Democrats. I am prochoice for the first trimester and did a few abortions in 1969 when it was legal in CA. If Roe was overturned, which I think unlikely, it would still be legal in CA and probably 40 states in a year.

The Godfather said...

Remember how successful the Senate Democrats were when they opposed Kavanaugh? Oh, sure, he was confirmed, but they made him CRY! In middle school that was a big deal.

I'm not sure they can repeat with Amy Coney Barrett.

Drago said...

wbfjrr2: "Graham wont start hearings until 10/12, wont send the nomination to McConnel til 10/22. I don't trust him at all--why the delay?"

Graham is neck-deep in the setup of Trump and the worst possible outcome for Graham is that Trump is reelected.

The best way for Graham to ensure Trump is not reelected is to, somehow, gee whiz, "how did that happen", "golly that's a tough break", delay the vote on Barrett so that the democraticals vote fraud schemes and certification of cheat by mail is approved by lower courts and then Roberts joins with the lefty supremes to ensure the lower court rulings prevail with 4-4 SC ties, which automatically makes the lower court rulings the final word.

Then, later, after the dems steal the election and bury forever what they pulled from 2010 to 2016 in spying on Americans and setting up and executing the coup attempt against Trump, Lindsay can go back to his play acting about how its all an outrage and isn't it just too bad those meanie dems got away with all this.......

Bad News Billy said...

The real question is will the American people ever get tired of the socialists and communists in congress who are doing their best every day to destroy America?

I hope so.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Hi Drago,

9/27/20, 5:46 PM I told you why I think the GOP is doing this?

Got any response? Or is babbling about Graham killing his own re-election campaign more fun than thinking?

(Hint, no way Graham wins re-election if ACB isn't confirmed because of his actions)

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Confirmation of my hypothesis:

Durbin is being gracious, because he wants to win in Nov. Outside Democrats, OTOH, are being deranged.

I'm not happy that the hearings won't happen for two weeks. But I'll trade a week or two delay for more Republican victories on Nov 3

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