And by "her," I mean Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, from "AOC Speech Transcript on RBG Death & What Democrats Should Do Next."
People say, “Oh my gosh, why is everyone in our government so old?” I don’t want to be ageist or anything like that, but we want a government that’s diverse....So get out and vote for 77-year-old Joe Biden. Old white man Joe. It's your only choice. For diversity!
... I understand why people say, “I don’t vote. What’s the point?” I really empathize with it. I’m not here to dismiss you. I’m not here to poo-poo you. I’m not here to say you’re wrong or that you’re a bad person. What I’m here to say is that this year, this election, voting for Joe Biden is not about whether you agree with him. It’s a vote to let our democracy live another day. That’s what this is about....You have no choice.
And listen, I know you’re tired. I’m tired. I got this news. I was driving back to the Bronx from DC today. Hit crazy traffic. It’s been an insane week. It’s been an insane year. 2020, what’s going on? I got bags under my eyes. I know you have bags under your eyes. We’re all tired, but that’s how authoritarianism works. This is how authoritarianism works, to wear you down until you give in....See, I hadn't thought about that. Everything is fascism. The traffic is fascism. Looks neutral, but it's part of a scheme — the scheme to keep you dealing with the realities of your own personal life, instead of being a political activist. But AOC is going and going. Though she's got bags under her eyes — her gigantic, hypnotic eyes. Listen to her!
Ah, but wait! She shifts to talking about "relationships" — all those people in your lives. But, no, they're a means to an end, and the end is, as ever, politics:
I need you to use your relationships to get through and check-in on people and making sure that they’re stepping up and that they’re doing the right thing, and that they’re not staying home on election night and that they’re not giving their vote to Donald Trump.Maybe you can just fill out their form for them. Or if you see it's for Trump, offer to mail it for them and "mail" it in the paper shredder.
That’s what I need you to do. So I need you to give your relationships....Yeah, give your relationships. The ultimate devotion to politics is to "give your relationships."
In your workplace, in your job, in your school, in your family, in your friends, whatever, I need you to do that. I need you to give your relationships....She clearly meant to say "give your relationships." She really leaned into that expression.
Tonight, Mitch McConnell publicly, the night of [Ruth Bader Ginsburg's] passing, he couldn’t wait 24 hours, issued a statement saying that he was going to give Trump a vote in violation of her dying wish. People can say, “How appalling,” people could say, “This is horrible,” et cetera, but we know who this man is. We know who this man is. This is a man who does not care about a dying woman’s final wish, clearly.... ... Mitch McConnell’s ready. He’s ready. He wants to jam through a nominee.... [W]e need to be ready to organize. We need to be ready to follow grassroots leaders on the ground... So listen, let this moment radicalize you.... We have an authoritarian president. That’s what we have.... Feel your fear. Feel how it’s making your heart beat faster. Feel the sweat.... Feel the antsiness because it’s telling you to act. Your fear, when you are feeling that fear you turn it into fuel by taking this and using it to act, to leap, to jump....Feel the antsiness... and jump!
This is your Democratic party.
Incredible. And they say Trump foments violence.
Just a flaky high school kid who thinks her every utterance is significant. The very fact that this woman has a following at all is cause to despair.
HER DYING WISH! Ha ha ha ha ha. What's a REAL tragedy is that AOC appears to be what people of her district yearn for. Why not just go to Cuba or Venezuela? Why settle for partial socialism when you can have it ALL?
"This is a man (McConnell) who does not care about a dying woman’s final wish ..."
I was there when Antonin Scalia died. His dying wish was for the court to be packed with conservatives.
"This is how authoritarianism works, to wear you down until you give in...."
No one knows how authoritarianism works better than a socialist.
Go jump.
Hey! Let's just change the rules so only leftists win! Then, we can celebrate with skittles and Tide Pods for all!
Old Donkey Chompers hasn't been in the news lately. Good times!
I’m not here to poo-poo you.
I get all wee-weed up when some ludicrous clown says "poo-poo".
in violation of her dying wish
LOL. I guess the dying with of a government lawyer to like a command to everyone except authoritarians.
Teach your parents well, young people!
"I was driving back to the Bronx from DC today."
She drives herself?
And, this post is a perfect example of why, even though I start with the Google news page, I start to feel "antsiness" and must click over to Althouse to see what she has found newsworthy and worth fisking.
Your dying wish counts if it’s in your will and in your assets. Otherwise, fuhgeddaboudit.
It’s always this way with the socialist/communist crowd: decry the old, celebrate the young, tear down history, erect propaganda edifices, lead us into a brave new world that is neither brave nor new but cowardly, corrupt, and self-contradictory. AOC is an attractive voice but she is an idiot.
Gag me with a spoon.
“Feel your fear.” Said by a member of the US Congress.
That’s how you know it’s an election year.
Historical Interlude:
I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top
I never eat a pig, 'cause a pig is a cop
Or better yet a Terminator, like Arnold Schwarzanegger
Try to play me out like, as if my name was Sega
But I ain't going out like no punk bitch
Get used to one style and you and I might switch
It up up and around, then buck buck you down
Put out your head and then you wake up in the Dawn of the Dead
I'm coming to get ya, I'm coming to get ya
Spitting out lyrics, homie I'll wet ya
I came to get down, I came to get down
So get out your seat and jump around!
Jump around!
Jump around!
Jump around!
Jump up, jump up and get down!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump)
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump)
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump)
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! (Everybody jump)
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
A clever take is she is a talented dead pan actress comedian
like Lucille ball
she is doing parody
sometimes she is seen to crack up during one of her rants
Its a show like America's Favorite Communist
Scalia's final wish: "Please get this pillow off my face!"
It sounds like Bolshevik Barbie wants to create a new precedence, the Deathbed Veto, when it suits her interests.
The left always has that authoritarian temptation.
Lately, it's seemed more totalitarian.
It’s interesting how democrats feel they own public things. We had “the Kennedy seat” in the senate. Now RBG apparently owned her seat.
AOC peaked at “bartender.” I can remember a few with whom I had similar conversations about relationships.
The term of office for the President of the United States is 4 years - correct? Or, is it 3 years and 8 months? Just checking.
Even if I thought AOC was wonderful and her politics were inspirational, "feel your fear" is terrible advice. Let the lowest, most animal instinct you have rule your brain. Do not use your intellect or you moral compass to guide you.
Ah, relationships. Always good for the well-being of a friendship, those political harangues and lectures.
If the situation were reversed she would be saying the exact opposite of this.
She's so stupid, she doesn't understand how stupid she is.
Very interesting....uh, could I get a double tall latte please.
I mean, hell! I'm about to turn 70. My son is about to turn 40. My son is in her I-mean-hell zone. He barely counts anymore. Too old! Oldies step aside. The young ones are taking over, and they know what's what. Period. Period. Period.
Altouse, you have a genuine gift for this kind of mockery. Keep it up! :-)
AOC's speech in so many ways reminds me of Soupy Sales' "green pieces of paper" scandal.
The controversy began on Friday, 1 January 1965, when Soupy Sales — who was somewhat miffed at having to work on New Year’s Day — had a few minutes to kill at the end of his program. Ad-libbing, Sales looked into the camera and delivered a request to his young viewers to sneak some “little green pieces of paper” (i.e., currency) out of their parents’ wallets and send them to him...
"Hey kids, last night was New Year’s Eve, and your mother and dad were out having a great time. They are probably still sleeping and what I want you to do is tiptoe in their bedroom and go in your mom’s pocketbook and your dad’s pants, which are probably on the floor.
You’ll see a lot of green pieces of paper with pictures of guys in beards. Put them in an envelope and send them to me at Soupy Sales, Channel 5, New York, New York. And you know what I’m going to send you? A post card from Puerto Rico!”
I’m not here to say you’re wrong or that you’re a bad person.
I’m here to say your friends, family, and coworkers need to get radicalized and collectively tell you you’re a bad person!
I mean, it means so much more coming from them.
Feel your fear
These people have so much to answer for. What are we up to now, two generations? Three? ...of people who have grown up believing that what they feel is the only real thing, and the only thing that matters. Not what everyone feels, not the difference between what you feel and what I feel, certainly not the disconnect between feelings and reality, but only and specifically what the solipsist feels.
The Sixties. Gross. And now we all have to suffer through the hangover of that last trip where it was awesome, I could see people's words in different-colored bubbles, I could taste the music, it was life-changing... and now my chemical synesthesia has faded and life is soooo boooring.
Aren't progressives cute when they try to act like they know how to run things, and never did in their lives before??? Burn it all down Sandy. Nobody cares anymore.
“I was there when Antonin Scalia died. His dying wish was for the court to be packed with conservatives.”
Actually, the problem is that no one was there, and his death was really never investigated, despite many finding the circumstances suspicious. His death was timely. It got rid of one of the more eloquent and structured conservatives on the Supreme Court, just in time to give Obama one last pick for that Court. Not to be. His nominee never got a hearing during a Presidential election year (when the opposite party controlled the a Senate - the “Biden Rule”).
I was reminded of this, because I just got an email from a friend with a link to an article about RFK, Jr claiming that his father and uncle were killed by the CIA. And maybe they shot down his more famous cousin‘s plane with a missile, instead of his blowing it up by freebasing. Would the CIA take out the President and a former AG? Well, they seem to have been involved up to their eyeballs in SpyGate. So maybe.
I mean, hell! Socialist waitresses of the world, Unite! And it helps if you think that your daily problems .....are all caused by someone else.
- Krumhorn
What was her point about people 40 and younger? I mean as opposed to older people. The 40 year olds I know want the older peoples' stuff. So vote Green New Deal?
What was her point about people 40 and younger? I mean as opposed to older people. The 40 year olds I know want the older peoples' stuff. So vote Green New Deal?
Occasionally I have a thought-glimmer that AOC is actually far smarter than she looks, and is engaging in some brilliant satire at the expense of her following. But then (usually in a Congressional Hearing setting) something will set her off to make her angry, and it's usually something trifling, and she will get mad. She doesn't hide it well. It's an angry, petulant, stamp-my-feet-mad type of expression that changes her face, makes it a a bit blotchy. And because it's usually over some trifle, that's when I realize that she probably is as dumb as a post, and spoiled rotten to boot. It's too bad she'll be re-elected for want of some decent competition.
The way AOC instructs her minions to be prepared for the revolution, tells them what she needs from them to take over, puts me in mind of Scar in Lion King singing Be Prepared.
"As thick as you are pay attention,
even you can't be caught unaware."
*** Goose stepping heyenas****
"Yes my teeth an ambition are bared.
Be pepared."
Did Stalin invoke the deathbed wishes of Lenin before he caused the death of millions in the former Soviet Union?
Mother: Dear, AOC called. She's coming to the family dinner Sunday.
Father *thinking*: I feel the fear. I feel how it’s making my heart beat faster. I feel the sweat.... I feel the antsiness. It’s telling me to act, to turn it into fuel by taking this and using it to act, to leap, to jump.... to get the F'out of this house before that bug-eyed cretin destroys another relaxing evening with loved ones.
Father *speaking*: That's nice dear. But I'm afraid I have to be out of town. Big meeting in Cleveland early Monday morning. Are you OK.? You're beginning to get bags under your eyes.
There's one born every minute and they still can't win. Dammit!
What a drama queen.
First there's the idea that voting is such a burden that young people are too tired to do it. They've got bags under their eyes, the poor dears. Funny, my elderly parents plan to vote this year and they're both over 75 with failing vision.
And then the idea that a woman who made her death political-- or at least her family did-- deserves to have her "dying wish" honored. As if that's even a thing in politics. What if her dying wish was to have Trump arrested for daring to be a Republican?
And finally, because Trump is going to do his fucking job and pick a replacement for the court, for that the young should "become radicalized". All the burning and looting and murder isn't radical enough.
Democrats are such. fucking. drama. queens.
She sounds like Darth Vader talking to Luke Skywalker:
"Feel your fear. Feel how it’s making your heart beat faster. Feel the sweat.... Feel the antsiness because it’s telling you to act. Your fear, when you are feeling that fear you turn it into fuel by taking this and using it to act, to leap, to jump...."
A Yoda we need.
The Constitutional Convention hotly debated the "Dying Wish of Moronic Lefties" clause, but ultimately, it was adopted.
No thinking person should give a good goddamn what RBG's "dying wish" was. That's not how rule of law fucking works.
Can we get fewer people steeped in Caribbean banana republic despotism* in government, please?!
*I realize I am speaking disrespectfully of your island home, John Henry. But you of all people likely know exactly what I mean.
I'm a NO for Joe.
I have sympathy for the young with student loans. Those loans were a scam. The colleges convinced 18 year olds that they would educate them and find them a good job in return for an undischargable loan of $200,000. The colleges should be forced to cough up at least half of that and more for those ridiculous degrees in "Gender Studies." Not the taxpayers, though. My sympathy ends there.
Compare Dems to the people in the MAGA/YMCA parody video. One side is filled with hate and divisiveness and wants to burn it all down. The other side is optimistic, inclusive and turns riots into block parties.
Take your pick.
For at least 56 years, the Democrats have run on the threat that voting Republican will lead to the end of everything. LBJ famously did it with his Daisy ad. Biden's campaign weakly follows.
I'd bet anything the corrupt left killed Scalia.
Welp, she's doing far better than our young 'uns here. Every election cycle they show up from the U, telling us how smart they are because they're young! have energy! and social medias! And we're old.
So our two bright young things running for legislature dropped out and slipped away early before the primary, and one didn't even give back the money we gave her. Sudden need to go to law school! Who knew?
So it's back to us old people. We tried...the young could take over the whole thing, if they wanted.
"I need you to use your relationships to get through and check-in on people and making sure that they’re stepping up and that they’re doing the right thing, and that they’re not staying home on election night and that they’re not giving their vote to Donald Trump."
Authoritarian, AOC's speech fits the definition. They have to vote and vote for the right person. She can't allow them to do otherwise.
She said "give your relationships" but she meant use and exploit them to do what she says.
Her fear is that the people she mentions, 18 to 29 year olds, will do what they've typically done: not vote. With Trump's support growing among blacks and hispanics the need for these votes is much, much higher.
Her fears are justified.
"Feel your fear." But remember, people, it's the Republicans that use fear.
Bruce Hayden said...
“I was there when Antonin Scalia died. His dying wish was for the court to be packed with conservatives.”
Actually, the problem is that no one was there, and his death was really never investigated, despite many finding the circumstances suspicious.
I thought SC Justices had security protection - am I mistaken? Was Scalia not visiting with somebody he had reason to trust?
The ultimate devotion to politics is to "give your relationships."
So true of the Left. They value politics above everything else. Family means nothing to them. Friendship means nothing to them. AOC is just more precisely defining what Obama meant when he told people to "get in the faces" of others to urge them to vote for him. I remember that so well because I had a patient who was extreme pro-Obama and he used every appointment to "get in my face" and try to change my opinions about something. He told me he had similar conversations with his dentist. Lucky dentist. He could at least put things in the guys mouth to shut him up. I had to listen.
Whether Trump wins or loses in November, AOC is our political future. Think about that.
how you been marko
AOC is too dumb to realize it, but she has already turned into yet another grifter like all the other no-talent people that fill the sinecures in D.C. She went from bartender and barista to Congresscritter with 180K salary, sweet benefits, and a pension that no other American can hope for. Her only other option to achieve such material success would be to capitalize her not-insignificant physical assets, but they are fading, and less of a guaranteed ticket to the upper middle class. AOC is not smart enough to realize this yet, but she will be told often enough that it will eventually sink in.
The young people in our family wouldn't have the guts to lean on us. Lol.
Buncha timid mice. And I understand that if they work in medicine or social services they're probably Trump haters. Because Republican.
There were cutbacks in Medicare services this year but I don't know what he had to do with that.
"We’re all tired, but that’s how authoritarianism works. This is how authoritarianism works, to wear you down until you give in...."
WTF is she talking about?
Voting age should be 40.
Recently there has been some reporting on earth sized black holes that are sort of floaters in our galaxy. I swear AOC is their advance party.
Bumble Bee @8:12:. They have already done that. So even though Biden will win, the election is mostly irrelevant anyway.
Mitch wasn't nearly as crass as RBG was. Who said on her DEATHBED how the politics should play out. Amazing this person actually was elected, probably by those ignorant 19-30 year olds.
"Feel your fear."
I'm afraid that if Trump gets re-elected the unemployment rate will be so low that I'll have to get a real job.
Also, any adult who is not doing a day job while raising children can get bent with the "I'm so tiiiiiiiired" talk.
Sorry, if all you have is one job -- that last I checked is in recess all the time -- I don't want to hear it. You have all the time in the goddamn world. Try doing a grownup job when you have a home and responsibilities to maintain and you start parenting on the daily at 6:30 am when the younger ones wake up and finally get some nonparenting time at 11 pm when the teenagers go to bed.
Does AOC still wear an earwig so she can mouth the words of that Chinese guy Cenk Uygur assigned to her?
When AOC will be in power people won't be tired anymore: this is how Socialism works.
Ant dying people's wishes will be the law of the land.
Speaking of holding on too long. Take a look at the end of this Pelosi interview. And check out George S.'s face.
"I’m not here to poo-poo you."
It's pooh-pooh. I suppose that's not her fault, but it's a funny transcription error.
"Oh what a circus, oh what a show
Argentina has gone to town
Over the death of an actress called Eva Peron
We've all gone crazy
Mourning all day and mourning all night
Falling over ourselves to get all of the misery right
Oh what an exit, that's how to go
When they're ringing your curtain down
Demand to be buried like Eva Peron
It's quite a sunset
And good for the country in a roundabout way
We've made the front page of all the world's papers today
But who is this Santa Evita?
Why all this howling, hysterical sorrow?
What kind of goddess has lived among us?
How will we ever get by without her?
She had her moments, she had some style
The best show in town was the crowd
Outside the Casa Rosada crying, "Eva Peron"
But that's all gone now
As soon as the smoke from the funeral clears
We're all gonna see and how, she did nothing for years"
- With apologies to no one.
How easy it would be to be back in my 20s and have all the answers.
The reason we should elect older people is that they've probably learned a few things along the way.
I mean hell ...
Yes, she certainly does.
AOC is a great example of someone so self absorbed she has no concept of humanity.
"never trust anyone over 30," was the great rallying cry of 70's reactionaries. Of course today those exact same reactionaries are the people AOC is fighting against...and she is so self absorbed she misses the irony of it all. Not guessing, she is running full speed toward that same cliff of irrelevance she assigns to 'older' people today.
The very fact that this woman has a following at all is cause to despair.
IDK, watching NY City f*ck itself is pretty entertaining.
If you ripped the hide off the bitch, there wouldn't be enough to upholster even a small sofa. Maybe a hassock? Or just make a purse out of her. Anyway, it takes all kinds.
Mussolini describe fascism as "All in the state, none out of the state, all for the state." Another description is "You belong to the state, you will be made to obey the state."
PDJT has never tried to enforce Mussolini's prescription for fascism. If he had, Jim Acosta would have disappeared long ago, CNN would be a fading memory and Rachel Maddow would be praising PDJT instead of dumping on him.
RGB's dying wish plus a quarter (ok, 2-bucks) will get you a cup of coffee. It's worthless. The President and the Senate will act as the Constitution empowers them. There have been 10 similar situations in the past and only Abe Fortas was rejected, the other nine were confirmed. Fortas was rejected because of his corruption.
The RGB-cult has arisen around RGB. The "great leader" has died and now we don't know what to do. Any attempt to "replace" her must be met by burning the place down. Oh, woe as we, oh woe as we!
RGB has become the center of a cult of personality.
Bet she has a hard time not saying, "You want a twist in that?"
Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.
"I'm not here to poo-poo you."
I think I'm going to adopt this sentence and use it all the time.
"...The young ones are taking over..." That's just another B.S. political meme (or wish list). BTW, thank God they don't take over, cause this, in the U.S., generation has been propagandized to unbelievable levels versus historical generations. But again I don't care because, "...The United States has one of the lowest rates of youth voter turnout in the world. The gap between 18- to 29-year-olds and those over 60, a common measuring stick, is more than twice as large here than it is in comparable democracies, like Canada and Germany...." Until they decide to exercise their responsibilities the young (as a voting block) don't mean shit to me.
If the Democrats win, this is the last vote you will ever get to cast in a relatively free election. They have spent the last 4 years making that abundantly clear--the only elections that count are ones they win, and henceforth they are no leaving it to chance... or, the voters.
Oh, they will maintain the forms, for now, but there will be no real choices and the results will be decided long before the performance.
If the Republicans win, at least there is a future election to look forward to.
Screw these people. Ram a replacement judge in there as soon as possible. We don't need to wait until after the next election (as if they would if the tables were turned). This is what the last election was for.
The ultimate devotion to politics is to "give your relationships."
In your workplace, in your job, in your school...
Once upon a time people would have understood what that meant.
C. J. Cherryh
“Living parents. Yes. A lot of relatives?”
Damn, what trooper had they stripped getting that part of human language? Whose soul had they gotten into?
I’m not here to poo-poo you.
I get all wee-weed up when some ludicrous clown says "poo-poo".
Not to defend her but merely so as to not insult my own intelligence...surely, unless she wrote it thus instead of speaking should be "pooh-pooh?"
An Invitation to Neuroticism
No representation without taxation. You're a net taxpayer, you get to vote. You're a tax eater, no vote.
Olds, if you've collected more in Social Security and Medicare than you've paid in taxes during your life, you lose the franchise.
Voting is tax day, filed with your 1040.
No more you get to vote how to steal my money.
F you AOC.
With all due respect to AOC and the departed Justice Ginsburg, honoring "dying wishes" comes under the heading of The Dyin' Crap Shooter's Blues first recorded by Blind Willie Mctell. I prefer the version David Bromberg (1977).
Sorry AOC, Life Goes On and there is the US Constitution to follow.
Goodbye, Ruth. You did well.
Saw Klobuchar on the news tonight saying that because so many absentee ballots have already been cast that it would be unfair for Trump to nominate and the Senate confirm a SCOTUS justice. The early voters therefore get to set the agenda by voting as early as possible. She delivered this news quite cheerfully.
Imagine the fun of having her salary and perks while being so child-like an encounter with a garbage disposal rocks your world.
Reminds me of Otto from The Simpsons declaring "Now I'm DRIIIIIVING the bus!"
sandy's claims to fame:
1) she was in a student video promoting Boston College
2) bartending gig
3) she went to a casting call the young turks put on, for the role of democratic hopeful
4) She GOT THE PART!!!!!
Interesting that Ginsberg's "dying declaration" seems to have been heard and reported by only one of the relatives she was supposedly surrounded by in her last days, and that it runs directly counter to previous comments and stances she has made and taken publically. Then, too, she was actually a lawyer of some accomplishments and arguably fully aware that her seat on the Court is not some kind of Church sinecure "within her gift", as Spousal Unit pointed out. Despite what the Dems seem to believe ... in which context they notably failed to advance the argument that Scalia's seat must be filled by a conservative Republican, to maintain continuity. So, Go Trump -- Fill That Seat.
Interesting that someone at the pinnacle of writing gigs would have passed along her thought on the matter orally.
If anything of the sort actually happened, I'm betting on "facilitated communication".
Martin said...
If the Democrats win, this is the last vote you will ever get to cast in a relatively free election.
If you doubt this, see California.
Walter -- yes, rather like claims for authenticity based on post mortem seances, ("Spirit, knock once for yes, twice for no...") or maybe just a solo session with a Ouji board.
Reading about how the Justice supposedly indicated her dying wish to the world makes me just that much more queasy about mailed-in voting.
"Yeah, Dad told me to fill out his ballot this way! Honest!"
AOC is saying the same thing as Mussolini, but Mussolini said it in fewer words.
"All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." - B.Mussolini
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