The most interesting thing was this bizarre malfunction from Nancy Pelosi:
The boil-down is easy: Replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a completely political event, where there are constitutionally defined powers that will be exercised to their utmost. Nothing more is needed, and nothing can be done about it, and each party will do what the other party would do if the roles were reversed. And that's the same thing they did in 2016 after Justice Scalia died.
Good morning! Sunday morning! See ya!
I don’t think the Republicans would have used impeachment. I kind of hope Nancy does, it might put the House in play.
"The most interesting thing was this bizarre malfunction from Nancy Pelosi:"
"Pelosi then gave a puzzling answer, responding: “Good morning. Sunday morning. The, uh, we have a responsibility, we take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. We have a responsibility to meet the needs of the American people, uh, that, uh, is, uh, when the we weigh the equities of protecting our democracy requires us to use every arrow in our quiver.”
The later portion of Pelosi’s remarks can be found in the video below from ABC News’s “This Week” starting at the 1:55 mark.
WTH? Watch George S.'s face.
That was weird, what was the context? It is almost like she was reading the reply to a known question off a teleprompter and it came up with the wrong text.
Thanks for watching.
Was it all a Democrat Party promotion campaign?
As to impeaching Trump (again), I don't see what that does. Can't the Senate just ignore it until they finish with the nomination procedures?
Seeing those 2 democratics on the screen is ... major creep factor.
1. Stephy lobs a soft ball, but throws worse than Dr. Fauci.
2. Nancy forgets she's up to bat, thinks she's in a soccer match.
"each party will do what the other party would do if the roles were reversed."
The Republicans will try to burn down the Capitol with everyone in it?
" It is almost like she was reading the reply to a known question off a teleprompter and it came up with the wrong text."
Either that, or a TIA.
And in that boil down of constitutional powers and duties, the House of Representatives has no place. I guess that makes Pelosi just a sideshow attraction to the circus coming up.
Wow... looks like Pelosi was channeling Biden. What a party of youth and vigor!
Joe Biden. Nancy Pelosi. There's a lot of neurologists on the Federal payroll these days.
That made no sense to me even as a teleprompter reading because of the “Sunday morning” correction.
Seriously weird.
Has Slow Joe ever tried to sniff Nancy's hair? They're both pushing 80. They might both like it and/or instantaneously forget that it happened.
I agree with Tim on use of impeachment. It will embarrass Democrats and rally the Republican base, as it did 8.5 months ago.
Shorter Pelosi: Oh my God, everyone is looking at me to stop this and I have absolutely no role in the process at all. I can't pull a fast one like not transmitting the articles of impeachment or even get anything in return like bailing out the blue state pension funds. For all my, "I'm a co-equal branch of government" talk, everyone is going to see I control nothing but my mouth and I seriously don't know how to talk my way out of this one. Is the segment over yet? What? Thirty more seconds? OK, say something non-specific and unintelligible like "arrows and quivers" or something. Arrows. Quiver. (Nervous laugh).
Ahhh! I thought that "Good morning" was the first part of her interview. But no! It was toward the end.
How do people feel about Pelosi and Biden leading their party? Why don't people (hello Ginsberg!) ever realize they don't need to be in positions leading the nation any more?
I worry more and more Pelosi is showing signs of dementia. That stated, I think Nancy now realizes the death of Justice Ginsburg makes her a non-entity from now until the election. She hates being out of the spotlight at this politically important time.
Trump + Pelosi + Biden + Schumer = need for a constitutional amendment specifying a maximum age for President and Members of Congress like it already has a minimum age.
Come to think of it, I like this approach. I may use this going forward in my life. Whenever anyone asks me a tricky question, at work or in my personal life, I'm just going to smile like I was 10 years old and just handed a hot fudge sundae with nuts and I'm going to say, in a softly crazy voice, "Good Morning, Sunday Morning". Then I'll just smile some more, turn, and walk away.
That wasn't a glitch--that was poor teleprompter reading! I watched it a couple of times and you can see her eyes as she reads.
Thanks for doing the hard work so I could enjoy a lovely morning at the lake.
The House would need to approve legislation implementing the Court-packing scheme. To be credible, both she and Schumer need to be making a joint threat. She's trying to signal that, without putting her purple district Dems in a bind. No wonder she's brain-locking. Be great to have all Senate and House races be a nation-wide referendum on Court-packing, but I expect she and Schumer have been told ixnay on that by their pollsters.
Pelosi was reading off a teleprompter, just like Biden does! Watch the eyes.
Yes, the glitch was the teleprompter text.
Have all the leaders of the Democratic Party except Schumer lost the ability to answer questions off the cuff and extemporaneously?
Stephanopoulos's face is so frozen that I thought his feed had malfunctioned and it was just a still. At first I thought Pelosi had lost the feed and was reacting to that. But no, Stephanopoulos was just shocked and trying to hold on.
My guess: she just didn't hear the question. She didn't want to say, "Eh?" like some oldster who needs an ear trumpet, so she stalled until she could organize some answer.
It's like Stephanopoulos flashed her, and that's how she responded. It's so weird.
And yes, Althouse. Your "boils down" point is spot on.
Did the Democrat nominee for President show up for any of the shows? It is campaign season isn't it? What's his name? Anybody see him live? Anyone? Anywhere?
They're lying about Biden's health the way they lied about Ginsburg's health.
2 evil people who have the alligator by the tail while being stalked by a tiger.
If they were smart they would be setting up places outside the country to escape justice.
Robot Pelosi may have a occasional software glitch, but she can also run 35 miles per hour and land a standing back flip. Can you?
George starts out with a little grin, I imagine a placeholder expression as he tries to figure out what is happening, which carefully melts away as the unfunniness of the situation becomes apparent.
It is almost like she was reading the reply to a known question off a teleprompter and it came up with the wrong text.
I think they accidently brought in Joe's teleprompter.
Stephie's face isn't frozen. He has a neutral face until she started to glitch. He began a grimace and then froze it and slowly let it resolve back to neutral.
Very strange people.
Wouldn't it be great to have impeachment hearings happening in the House, while SCOTUS confirmation hearings are taking place in the Senate? Like, at the SAME TIME??
PLEASE impeach Trump for doing what he's Constitutionally REQUIRED TO DO.
Humanity: "How could this year get any weirder?"
2020: "Hold my beer"
I've been saying for years, the Democratic Party was dead once they put Pelosi and Reid in leadership positions in the House and Senate, respectively. Just look at their major actions - Reid trying to get short term gain [51% for Senate Approval of SCOTUS Judges] was a gift to President Trump - 'Gorsuch'. Pelosi's "Impeachment" stunt was also a gift to Mr. Trump. It was so outrageous that other political stunt's like "Russiagate", etc., and now "Defund Police" came out of the woodworks. Truly amazing the Dems have such poor decision making from their leaders. Last great leader the Dems had was Tip O'Neal, loved his strategies and tactics against Reagan. Real competition at work there - but both liked each other and had beers after the workday was done. I like competition, it's good for this country in business as well as government. The weak are exposed - bye, bye Nancy!
She seems possessed.
Doing the tedious but necessary work so we don't have to. I salute you and offer heartfelt thanks.
We could have predicted that assessment, couldn't we? All the HYPOCRISY mewling we've heard since Justice Ginsberg passed made it very clear that each part will do what it can and is allowed, and even push the boundaries a bit.
Wrong answer came up on the teleprompter?
The gaping expression on George S's face needs a little CGI to make it less embarrassing.
More Noncontextual Althouse.
Your concise summary is both very good, and at the same time, not perfectly accurate. Both sides would not do the same thing under these circumstances. Republicans would not be threating to pack the courts and abolish the senate filibuster. Nor talking about the chance of violence in the streets.
isn't she just eluding to, in her own serpentine way,
packing the court, DC state, etc as the 'constitutional arrows in her quiver'?
Teleprompter malfumction. As if one needed hard evidence the media tail is wagging the dog.
To channel some Joe Rogan here, Stephanopoulus is ready to go deep into the dark forest to run a long delay strategy on any RBG replacement, but he is confronted with the stark fact that his flashlight's batteries are just about gone.
Is that a bear in the distance? I sense that they sense danger. It's in his look, it's in her voice. I know I'm nervous about all that can go wrong.
Kudos to Althouse for doing the work.
She does not want to talk about some of the arrows in her quiver because not only does the public not have a right to know how they are going to war with the majority of senators (that the public elected) but since it is Sunday she cannot talk about the evil the Democrats are contemplating.
Their warfare tactics against a significant portion of America’s representatives demands secrecy, and since its Sunday! It is too evil to talk about.
The BIG NEWS is that the senile Speaker is threatening to impeach the President for exercising his constitutional powers.
This is how low and craven the Dems have become. Truly insane.
Oh good gracious! Surely the democrats would not be so foolish as to impeach Trump now? Thereby ensuring his reelection, the republicans winning the house, and expanding their senate majority. Without any means of compelling the senate to act on it. Which they would not. And without it even accomplishing the stated goal of keeping the senate from confirming a Trump nominee.
Animatronics sometimes fail.
The only Sunday show worth watching is Maria Bartiromo's on FOXNews.
As for Hydroxychloroquine:
Certain lying, racist fopdoodles might need new lies from the Soros machine.
Trump wins every state he won in 2016.
He adds a few new states in 2020.
The Senate lead grows.
The House flips.
I challenge America's Politico.
I hope Sarah Palin takes on Lisa Murkowski after this is all over.
Stephanpolis is a cock-sucking lackey and Pelosi is deranged.
Original Mike said...
"Pelosi then gave a puzzling answer, responding: “Good morning. Sunday morning. The, uh, we have a ...[boiler-plate]"
That transcript and the official abcnews transcript at their website both omitted the "See ya!" that she clearly said.
Did they do so because it's the nuttiest-sounding part?
But no, Stephanopoulos was just shocked and trying to hold on.
Just makes it all the sweeter when you have to explain why you voted down the line for their crew.
Ann, please pace yourself, don't burn out reading and watching terrible stuff. Lots of us out here rely on you to watch and read stuff that I, at least, am unable to stomach. You are tough! Thank you for all you do.
That was bizarre. A TelePrompTer malfunction or a Pelosi brain malfunction.
I guess that makes Pelosi just a sideshow attraction to the circus coming up.
Pelosi's been a sideshow attraction for several years.
SEE! Nancy the Snake Girl! ALIVE!
My two daughters stopped having tantrums when they were three. My grandchildren live 5,000 miles away and I see them only twice a year--but now that the youngest is 5, I haven't seen tantrum in two years. That's so--unless I turn on the TV or read the Los Angeles Times and there it's all tantrums, all the time insofar as the Democrats and the MSM are concerned.
You would think that Schumer, Clinton and Pelosi had reached an age where tantrums were a thing of the past. But I suppose maturity comes slowly for your average politician.
Do any of these dopes NOT use a teleprompter?
Don't trust anyone over 70?
"and each party will do what the other party would do if the roles were reversed."
That's not true and it hasn't been that way in the past, the Dems always get their nominee confirmed and that hasn't been the history for the Republicans. The Democrats are always in lockstep while the Republicans always have a few fellow Republicans that are wavering for whatever their reasons. We already have two or three Republicans saying that Trump and McConnell should wait until after the election to nominate someone. I think Mitch McConnell should do what he said he'd do and that is to make sure Trump's nominee gets a vote before the election even if he doesn't have enough votes to get a confirmation. I think that will redound to the benefit of Trump's reelection while holding those Republicans who don't vote to confirm accountable if there are any.
This is the top rung of the Democrat Party: Biden & Pelosi. Two people who regularly cannot speak intelligently and just babble mindlessly.
Imagine if there was no alternative to that. Imagine if the alternative spoke for hours on end every day in front of thousands of people and could spar with a hostile press and usually without notes. If only we had a choice.
Stephanopoulos was just shocked and trying to hold on.
That's what I saw too. But should George be on a panel and someone raise the idea that Pelosi was losing it, I would wager Stephanuphagus would feign outrage.
Props to her make-up folks- she almost looks human.
I was going to say: Get that man working comedy, because he'd make an excellent straight man. He barely winces. I assume that Pelosi had a script she wanted to follow, but the set up she was given wasn't a natural lead in, so she just damned the torpedoes and stuck to the script. Or something. It was weird.
"Can't the Senate just ignore it until they finish with the nomination procedures?"
-- Eh, risky. They'll use the same argument they tried against Kavanaugh that a president under investigation/scrutiny/impeachment can't have his judges reviewed/confirmed/whatevered because the president might be illegitimate. That's a hard argument to win against... if the investigation has merit (or appears to).
The Stepford Speaker?
Stella, the bride of Harcourt Fenton Mudd?
THe only explanations for Pelosi's bizarre answer is (1) she is out of it and lost track of what was happening or (2) the Q&As were scripted, the teleprompter restarted and she read it again thoughtlessly. My money is on 2.
It’s over for Trump. Pelosi and Schumer play great chess. Media will support them. Soon there will be others like Lisa M and Susan C in GOP Senate. Even if there is a vote, it will not pass.
Also at the hearing, Harris, Hirono, Blumenthal, Feinstein, etc will eat up ACB. She will crack and withdraw.
Trump is doomed and, yes, he will lose in election and a Senate will go Dems.
Trust me.
I thought there was a delay and she was answering a different question.
She's a robot. Malfunctioning robot.
Oh good gracious! Surely the democrats would not be so foolish as to impeach Trump now? Thereby ensuring his reelection, the republicans winning the house, and expanding their senate majority. Without any means of compelling the senate to act on it. Which they would not. And without it even accomplishing the stated goal of keeping the senate from confirming a Trump nominee.
She is weird.
When talking to people, you look at their eyes. I looked closely at her eyes, there are two white vertical lights in her eyes as she spoke. She didn't speak a word without looking into the two lights. Most people when talking, look away on occasion to gather their thoughts. Sometimes they look down at notes or their watch to gather thoughts. She had every talking point, dates, observations, ready in her head?
She's reading a teleprompter geared up with the talking points they need to deliver. The guy running the teleprompter wasn't even able to bring up the talking points fitting to the questions. The "good morning..." was the worse flub. Good grief, anyone who has spent time talking to human beings, knows this is a fraud.
I don't know what is going on in the Democratic Party, but it is not real. Nancy and Joe can not answer questions without reading lines from the consultants.
You may not like Obama, but he held his own in a confrontational interview with Bill O'Reilly without notes or a teleprompter. Nancy and Joe, not so much.
I agree with Original Mike. What would impeachment even do? It couldn’t stop anything.
"and each party will do what the other party would do if the roles were reversed"
No, that's not true.
"The instant Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing was announced, the battle lines were drawn. Or, more accurately, one side girded for battle, while Republicans clucked with confusion about what to do next.
Which should be no surprise. If Republicans are good at anything, it’s finding “principled” reasons to betray their constituents and contradict their much vaunted philosophy. President Trump, naturally, has sounded strong, as, to his credit, has Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). But the majority leader has to manage a fractious caucus and a thin margin. Many of his members either will be looking for excuses not to vote, or for a reason to vote no, or (worse) will be persuadable by sophistical arguments as to why stabbing their president, their voters, and their country in the back is “the right thing to do.”
Herewith, if any of them are listening, are some reasons not to take those paths."
"Arrows in the quiver" probably knock her off her game a little bit.
She's used to "nothing is off the table" and here comes Stephanopoulos with "Arrows in the quiver."
C'mon man!
Stephanopoulos's face is so frozen
I think they both have so much botox that that is all their faces can muster anymore.
A poor teleprompter reading is still a glitch. Did she have any idea what was supposed to be on the teleprompter before she read it?
Is there anyone in this government, at least on the Democratic side, who has functioning brain cells? Do they have any clue what they're supposed to be for, to be against?
And I like Temujin's idea, although at my age it might get me declared incompetent.
Kudos to Althouse btw.
I can scarcely sit thru an hour AA meeting.
It's all politics, right.
The Republicans, a minority party, with a minority President, are making maximum use of the power conferred on them by the Electoral Collega, the Senate and the power of the Supreme Court to reverse its own precedents, to get dead hand control of the Court for the next 25 years, allowing them to change the New Deal doctrines of judicial restraint that are needed in order for the emerging minority to enact iss preferences. All lawful, all politics.
So will you say that same thing, Althouse, when the majority enlarges the Supreme Court by statute, as it clearly has the right to do? Or will that be different?
on the other end of the world
"The BIG NEWS is that the senile Speaker is threatening to impeach the President for exercising his constitutional powers. "
Yeah. That didn't survive the boil down.
Saber rattling.
I know! The House should impeach both Trump and Barr, and then Nancy can withhold transmitting the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. That'll show 'em!
The gaping expression on George S's face needs a little CGI to make it less embarrassing.
Hell, I thought all these shows went CGI back in '09 or '10.
Saber rattling?
More like butter knives clanking when the silverware drawer is yanked open.
Is that cockroaches I see skuttling to the back of the drawer?
Pelosi and Schumer will announce their strategy to prevent a SCOTUS vote soon ...
that is, as soon as the focus group results are analyzed.
Leadership in our troubled time, eh?
rehajm said...
Did the Democrat nominee for President show up for any of the shows? It is campaign season isn't it? What's his name? Anybody see him live? Anyone? Anywhere?
Yes! Biden came out of his basement and made his way to Philadelphia’s Constitution Hall to say he wanted to appoint RBG’s replacement. He also warned that by the end of his speech, an estimated 200 million Americans will have died from COVID-19. So take what Joe says advisedly.
At a point in time we’ll have to recognize that Madam Speaker is either bats**t crazy or failing badly. We’ve been charitable long enough.
Why don't people (hello Ginsberg!) ever realize they don't need to be in positions leading the nation any more? [MayBee]
Good question. Answer -- they have nothing whatsoever in their lives beyond getting the (usually brief, always fake) adulation that derives from a position of power.
Why have Pelosi on when everyone knows The Squad is running the House?
Day 1 of the Senate trial:
1:00 p.m. The impeachment charges are read.
1:10 p.m. Majority Leader McConnel: I call for a vote on these charges.
1:15 p.m. For: 48 votes (Mit voting for);Against: 52 votes.
1:20 p.m. John Roberts: The President is acquitted.
1:25 p.m. The Senate adjourns. All the Republicans (except Mittens) go to the Senate bar and toast Nancy Pelosi.
Marshall Rose said...
Wrong answer came up on the teleprompter?
Agreed upon light morning banter was cut because the show was running long. No one updated the teleprompter.
And chest thumping, across a small pond.
Blogger Crazy World said...She seems possessed.
She hasn't been the same since the house fell on her sister at the beginning of the movie.
Republicans would not be threating [sic] to pack the courts and abolish the senate filibuster. Nor talking about the chance of violence in the streets.
@james, that is no small difference.
One trembles to think of her quiver.
Rattle rattling. They use it everyday like a hungry infant already fat from teat overdose. Their whole world exists in that D.C. crib. Things they need to survive come from outside, but they don't know nor care about who it comes from, as long as it keeps coming. Mom, is going back to work.
"Saber rattling."
that rattling sound from snakes isnt from swords
Well I have never seen Pelosi bluff so maybe she just sidestepped this in reverence of Sunday. I mean that reminded me of some of my older relatives doing a Miss Manners thing.
(Dear George) Good Morning— this is Sunday! (Please let me sidestep all this.)
Thing is they have all the kiddos at reddit ginned up over all kinds of possibilities.
Maybe they could impeaching Trump over the Woodward tapes!!
Then in the real world I ask a person that plans on voting for Biden if they heard that Ruth Bader Ginsburg died and the response was—
“what movie were they in?”
I would make a joke about them conflating Ruth Bader with Bader Meinhof— but it’s Sunday!
AA - I also watched this disaster for Pelosi on ABC - Stephanopoulos! Some leader?
But did you stay and watch Senator Cruz? Wow - the 'Cruz Missile' schooled the shill Stephanopoulos on what President's do when there are vacancies on the Supreme Court. Stephanopoulos looked dumbfounded! This from Stephanopoulos, a Rhodes Scholar. So much for the wasted educational opportunity.
Stephanopoulos pressed Pelosi on the issue, asking, “But to clear, you’re not taking any arrows out of your quiver, you’re not ruling anything out?”
arrows come out of the quiver to be shot at targets.
if they stay in the quiver their use has been ruled out.
as a youngster Stephie ranked as genius - now he is another nincompooper
The Republicans, a minority party, .... blah, blah, blah.
The Republicans hold more governor's offices than the Democrats and hold 29 state Legislatures to 19 for the Ds.
Yeah. That's a minority party. To a fucking moron.
Newest Biden campaign message: Vote for Biden, or we'll kill your dog!!
Bob Smith said:
At a point in time we’ll have to recognize that Madam Speaker is either bats**t crazy or failing badly. We’ve been charitable long enough.
Embrace the power of "and"!
Stephen: "It's all politics, right.
The Republicans, a minority party, with a minority President, are making maximum use of the power conferred on them by the Electoral Collega, the Senate and the power of the Supreme Court to reverse its own precedents, to get dead hand control of the Court for the next 25 years, allowing them to change the New Deal doctrines of judicial restraint that are needed in order for the emerging minority to enact iss preferences. All lawful, all politics."
Seriously, this is at least twice as funny as Li'l stevie uhr.
"Saber rattling" can get you killed. Or in a fight you didn't want. But gives too much credit to the democrat establishment. They are riding the tiger. They made the mistake of getting on then tiger's back. Now they have no control of where they end up, and if they fall off, they could easily end up dead.
I had to wipe Stephen's spittle off the screen when I scrolled up there.
Calm down, Stephen. Trump had a national majority outside California and it is burning down anyway.
I'm going to use that line next time I'm caught not paying attention during a WebEx meeting. Probably tomorrow.
I think that she was scheduled to do other Sunday morning shows, and she was incorrectly told in her ear, or she incorrectly believed, or the teleprompter driver believed, that she had switched to the start of one of the other shows. This is one of the risks that she and Joe face with not listening to questions and just scripting responses.
They're lying about Biden's health the way they lied about Ginsburg's health.
just got back, from spending the weekend with my liberal family.
friday night; i checked my phone, and told them all that RBG had died.
my liberal sister (fortune 500 exec, with MBA and Masters degree in Mech Engineering) said:
...."WOW! they never even said, that she was sick"
liberals to NOT watch the same movie the rest of us do
Dan said...
I think that she was scheduled to do other Sunday morning shows, and she was incorrectly told in her ear, or she incorrectly believed,
That makes sense. She is dependent on the people running to Democrat Party. It would be nice to know who they are.
"running the Democrat Party,"
I have the feeling that Pelosi intends to immediately impeach whoever may be confirmed by the current Senate.
MayBee said...
Ahhh! I thought that "Good morning" was the first part of her interview. But no! It was toward the end.
she talked to George, for nearly SIX Minutes, before interjecting:
............Good Morning! Sunday Morning!
i don't see; how a rational, thinking person, could read that off of a teleprompter by mistake
she's senile.... Just like Slow Joe
necessary knowledge to prepare before events overtake
Stephen: what makes you think the majority who expands SCOTUS won't be the republican majority? Will you say the same thing then?
The Botox squirt hit a deep vein.
So will you say that same thing, Althouse, when the majority enlarges the Supreme Court by statute
There is no majority party in the US. Democrats are 40%; Independents are 30%. And the same Marquette poll AA posted on earlier today shows that 58% of Independents are opposed to adding justices to the Supreme Court, along with 39% of Democrats.
Scalia death was an opportunity that Dems saw to take advantage of and would have normally succeeded because of the past flaccid RINK response. But cocaine Mitch thwarted that, Ginsberg could have easily left the arena in 2013 , at about 80 and let Barack do the obvious. But NO!. Too much legacy still left to build. Well elections have...
So do selfish decisions
They might have to call the election off. According to Slow Joe, Trump has already killed 200 million of us. What next in the next 45 days ?
Surly it frightens you to know that Pelosi is just two steps away from being the President of the United States. I mean geez man, she is almost as far gone as Biden.
"According to Slow Joe, Trump has already killed 200 million of us"
Wonder what’s happening to the absentee ballots mailed to them? Don’t worry. They’ll be included in the official vote totals when results are announced around July 4th, 2021. Maybe not ALL of them, that would be too obvious; maybe about 30-50 million of them.
Well it seems obvious that she was reading directly from a teleprompter. What an interesting reveal.
She's so focused on delivering the line that she's not even thinking about what she's actually saying. But what is really, really interesting is that this is a question and answer session - not a speech or statement.
Is she as far gone into dementia as Joe? Some of her mis-speaks and facial tics and inappropriate micro-expressions suggest that she is affected at least a little.
But....who, in a position of any authority, needs a teleprompter for Q&A ????
And was this an accidental run-on into the next appearance? Does that mean that every Q&A session is scripted ??
Now I'm starting to wonder if (a) the teleprompter operator saw an opportunity to stage a 'reveal' and I'm also wondering if there's a live operator at a keyboard that is typing in the script in real time. I get that feeling sometimes, from Sleepy Joe's responses.
Pianoman said
Wouldn't it be great to have impeachment hearings happening in the House, while SCOTUS confirmation hearings are taking place in the Senate? Like, at the SAME TIME??
What I want to know is, what would be the point?
Senators are particular about their privileges, and not even all Democratic senators are going to like it if the House tries to stop them from giving their advice and consent. The Democrats would also probably lose net votes in the coming election if they tried something so blatantly political. But let's suppose they do it, and get a bill of impeachment out of the House before Trump nominates. How does it affect anything?
Perhaps they go to court and ask for an injunction against the POTUS nominating anyone till after the impeachment, and the Senate from considering any such nomination? I'm sure they could find a judge who'd do that, but then the Supremes would consider the case on an emergency basis? Does anyone think you could get four votes to uphold?
The Dems in the House can't stop Trump from nominating, and the Senate from considering the nomination. They win or lose on the floor of the Senate. End of story.
The only show on Sunday that you SHOULD watch is Maria Bartoromo's show. She asks great questions no matter WHO is on her show. The rest, including Wallace...suck.
That's purely a Skyrim npc response from Pelosi.
"We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution...".
So what is un-Constitutional about the President nominating and the Senate confirming a Supreme Court justice? Artcle II, Section 2 says the President "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for...".
Inane drivel just pours out of her piehole.
BTW, is dementia now a requirement for senior positions in the Democrat Party?
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