September 6, 2020

I couldn't take my eyes off Bill. What's he thinking?!


Michael K said...

Good grief ! The Ingas are lapping this up. Russia is Baaaaack !

R C Belaire said...

"What the hell am I doing here?"

Lash LaRue said...

James Woods is right: it’s funnier with the sound off.

Skeptical Voter said...

Hummh, I think I'm going out for some cigarettes--and find Margie at the Lincoln Park Inn.

That's the line from a country song of 1970s o r1980s.

Skeptical Voter said...

Hummh, I think I'm going out for some cigarettes--and find Margie at the Lincoln Park Inn.

That's the line from a country song of 1970s o r1980s.

cacimbo said...

Is HRC claiming to have knowledge of what Trump is telling top level intelligence officials. Is there a shadow government that reports to HRC as if she won.

donald said...

I can’t believe he hasn’t just knocked the shut out her a few times over the years.

Leon said...

I can't believe they're in the same room.

Hillery should know a thing or two about stopping at nothing.

madAsHell said...

“Epstein didn’t kill himself.”

Meade said...

One doesn’t even need know Morse code to see that he is repeatedly blinking his eyes, spelling out " T-O-R-T-U-R-E".

Jim said...

So now I’m praying for the end of time, to hurry up and arrive.
‘Cause if I have to spend another minute with you.
I don’t think that I can ever survive.

Owen said...

Dante’s poem needs revision to add an even deeper circle. Bill could supply details.

Wince said...

Bill Clinton is a gifted old-school politician.

Bill is disapproving in silence because he knows:

(a) relitigating the past is not a winning strategy, especially when it sounds like the paranoid personal sour grapes of an ostensible nonparticipant, and

(b) he knows first hand that voice Hillary uses to rant is off-putting.

I'm sure he made a similar face when, against his advice, Hillary didn't go to Wisconsin.

Gunner said...

You coulda been married to a nice, better looking, old lady who made you pancakes, Bill! Was it really worth it?

Big Mike said...

Attkisson, Mollie Hemingway, and a couple other women are pretty much the last people still doing real journalism anywhere in the United States.

I can’t bring myself to watch the clip, but I imagine the bubble would say “There she goes, sticking her foot in it again.”

Tommy Duncan said...

The Story In Your Eyes...

Unknown said...

He’s wondering how many erections he has left in him.

narciso said...

he looks like death warmed over, remember his money raising from the renaissance bank which enabled the uranium one deal, the real treason if there was anything,

Captain BillieBob said...

"I miss Ghislaine"

Bruce Gee said...

He's thinking about the island.

Bob Boyd said...

What is that between about 5 seconds and 10 seconds of the clip? Is Hillary farting? Is she shitting herself? What is that?

LYNNDH said...

"Oh Shit"

I'm Full of Soup said...

"I am saving this podcast for my defense. After watching it, no jury would ever convict me for whacking this crazy shrew."

Bay Area Guy said...

When ancient angry hags attack!

Tonight at 11:00.

Bob Boyd said...

I bet this never stops. I bet Hillary goes on about this stuff 24-7, blaring like a car horn. This is Bill's life now.

No Exit.

Ralph L said...

Don Jr went there:
Right now Bill is clicking his red high heels and just wishing he was back on Epstein Island.
Includes photo of Epstein's painting of Bill in blue dress.

Bay Area Guy said...

What's truly amazing is that "spontaneous" video clips like this are never spontaneous. The Clinton staff round-tabled this, brainstormed on this, memo-ed it, instructed Hillary how to work the selfie, and pressed Slick Willie into momentary indentured servitude. Boy, are these two rich grifters tone deaf and lost!

Chick said...

I watched it without sound. A comedy classic.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Wince said...

I'm sure he made a similar face when, against his advice, Hillary didn't go to Wisconsin.

There was an apocryphal story going around at the time that Bill and Hillary! had an epic fight via cell phone because she did not take his advice to go to Wisconsin. Reportedly it resulted in Bill's cell phone being thrown into the Arkansas River.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tell us more about your private server for Russian money> Hillary.


buwaya said...

For all his faults, I feel pity for Bill Clinton.

He is a scoundrel, a thief, a politician of (almost) the worst sort, and who knows what he was up to with Epstein, but he has suffered what I can't imagine.

He has had to live with her all these years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

she looks hysterical and deranged...

It makes me miss Bill the pres. I could not stand him but he is so normal in hindsight. Even for the liar that he is.

tim in vermont said...

He’s thinking: “This is all my fault, I never should have made that $1 bet with Trump."

tim in vermont said...

He’s thinking: “This is all my fault, I never should have made that $1 bet with Trump."

tim in vermont said...

If Hillary had gone to Wisconsin, she would have lost by more. It was wise of her to stay away.

rcocean said...

They're never going away are they? Interesting that clinton's 26 visits to pedo-island never gets mentioned. If Bill was a Republican, this would be brought up CONSTANTLY.

Matthew Heintz said...

Is it time to nuke Bill and Hill?

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

"Marry her, they said. You will be a great power couple and you will learn to love her, they said..."

Matthew Heintz said...

Is it time to nuke Bill and Hill?

tim in vermont said...

Here it is with a little Simon and Garfunkle added

Sebastian said...

"What's he thinking?"

A true account of what he's thinking, underneath all the layers of lies and BS, behind the facades so carefully maintained, would be very interesting. It may take fiction to get to the truth. We need a Robert Penn Warren.

Temujin said...

You know, I was offered a twofer when it came to Vince Foster. I should have taken them up on it. I cannot believe after all the women in my life, I'm still sitting here listening to this shit.

Fernandinande said...

"The Washington Hillbillies" but without a sensible Uncle Jed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is obsessed with how Russia tricked our brains into hating her.

Damn that Russia.

Original Mike said...

'They won't brief Congress' is a fucking lie. I assume everybody here knows the story, so I'm not going to waste my Sunday morning responding to her deceit.

Michael said...

Every man has an ex-wife/girlfriend with a voice just like her.

Mattman26 said...

“These people will stop at nothing.”

Wow, that’s rich.

wild chicken said...

Do women usually go senile first?

Night Owl said...

He's thinking,"Why. Won't. She. Die?"

Unknown said...

He's wondering how many erections he has left in him.

tcrosse said...

"This is not the Hill to die on"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

MadisonMan said...

Here it is with a little Simon and Garfunkle added

That is masterful.

Bill Crawford said...

"I asked her to make me a sandwich. When am I going to get my sandwich?"

madAsHell said...

Check out Bill's eyes around 3 seconds into the video....."Oh, my God!! Is that what she's going to rant about??"

Curious, all the video production equipment on the table behind them, and they opted for a cell phone with a selfie-stick?

I think the farting noise is someone on the other end of the connection providing agreement, but the bandwidth was inadequate (also curious), and the "Yeah" became a "huuh".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is a deceitful liar - and she belongs behind bars for a few years to pay for her Private Server for Clinton CASH.

Heartless Aztec said...

He's thinking "Just shoot me for the love of God."

Francisco D said...

Bill is thinking, "Thank God I never fucked this crazy woman. Webster Hubbell can have her."

Dude1394 said...

Take a moment and follow twitter James Woods on this. It is worth the price of admission.

donald said...

I’m sitting across from her right now Michael. She has no idea just how much I despise her.

PB said...

No more young freaky deaky for Bill. He's just stuck with his ball and chain.

Hippogryph said...

Bill's thought bubble: "How long must I wait until my physical transformation into Orville Redenbacher is complete? I'm getting so close!"

Unknown said...


robother said...

He's thinking about Rosemary (Jeffrey), thinking about the law.

In this version, the Jack of Hearts gets played by the Queen of Diamonds, Big Hill.

Achilles said...

“God I hope these people accept the results of the election this time because if civilization breaks down I may be forced to pay for all the times I raped women and young girls.”

GingerBeer said...

" You gotta be fucking kidding me. This shit again?"

AllenS said...

A bubble forms above BJ Clinton's head: "Where's Monica when I need her."

John Orzechowski said...

"I'd trade her in for three twenty one year old interns in a minute."

LA_Bob said...

"Honey, I don't dare say it again, but this is why I won and you lost"

gspencer said...

Inside Bill's bubble, "What did Webb Hubble see that the rest us don't?"

John henry said...

Since we're doing country songs, how about "my tears spoiled my aim"

John Henry

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Does Bill hate Hillary as much as we do?

You have to wonder.

Bruce Hayden said...

I have long figured that he was the charismatic front man, and she was in charge of the wet work. Why didn’t they get divorced decades ago, when Bill could actually get it up in his own? My thoughts were that it was the dirt she had on him. She needed to stay married to maintain the aura of the wife of a former President as her political bona fides.

gspencer said...

Another bubble, "For the millionth time, what did I ever see in this, this . . . thing?"

Big Mike said...

They're never going away are they? Interesting that clinton's 26 visits to pedo-island never gets mentioned.

Donald Trump could invite Bill to the White House and the two could do a photo op smiling at each other and shaking hands. The media will never stop talking and writing about Bill’s trips to Epstein's island until the day he dies.

The Skeptic said...

There's an old joke about Freudian slips. The punchline is: "I meant to say, would you pass the sugar please, dear," but it came out "you ruined my life you f*&king b^%ch!" That, my friends, is what Bubba's thinking.

NCMoss said...

The wit of tcrosse is a wonder to behold.

Joe Smith said...

"You told me you'd let me watch last night, I don't care what Huma thinks..."

"Almost forty-five years and not one single damn blowjob."

"Can we please watch golf?"

"I could have never done it...Webb was a better man than I."

"Where are all the fourteen year olds? Daddy's got an itch if you know what I mean."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Milking the Hysteria cow and driving away votes simultaneously. This seems to have become the DEMe’s highest and perhaps, only, skill.

John henry said...

Another great country classic that my be appropo here:

"Why don't we get drunk and screw"

A Jimmy Buffet classic

John Henry

wildswan said...

I just hope the Republicans never learn that if you say the word Russia to her she starts ranting.

Bob Boyd said...

More cow bell and more Hillary!

Doug said...

"If I had shot her when I met her, I'd be out of prison now".

gadfly said...

My Dog's a Democrat

Rosalyn C. said...

He's heard it non stop for close to four years. Yes, torture.

Not Sure said...

The Bubba bubble: "If Trump wins, which of us is going to prison first?"

Rusty said...

I know exactly what he's thinking. " I hope Jeff gets here soon with the plane..........................Goddamn it!"

n.n said...

What difference, at this point, would it make. Till death do you part, Bill. And no more friends with "benefits".

Kate said...

Mrs. Smallweed needs shaking up and to have her cushions plumped.

gadfly said...

"Oh, yeah, life goes on - long after the thrill of livin' is gone."

tim in vermont said...

"Why don't we get drunk and screw”

I bet you just about anything that that’s not what he was thinking. And no partial credit for the obvious “Why don’t you get drunk” part.

RMc said...

"I've created a monster!"

MadTownGuy said...

"How can I miss you if you won't go away?"

gadfly said...

Hill's facial problem might be Bell's Palsy or perhaps, she also suffers from ministrokes.

John henry said...

 wildswan said...

I just hope the Republicans never learn that if you say the word Russia to her she starts ranting.

I keep thinking that there is some trigger phrase that PDJT knows will trigger Biden.

In the debate:

"When I was planning to move the bananas and onions embassy to Jerusalem... Omigod! What happened to Joe? Why is he frothing? What's he doing with his clothes? Get a doctor!"

John Henry

Narayanan said...

"I couldn't take my eyes off Bill. What's he thinking?!"
going by the eyes - is /saying/ I recuse

William Jefferson Clinton (né Blythe III; born August 19, 1946 is an American lawyer and politician) is saying OK OK I recuse [a la Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) is an American politician and lawyer]

is he not disbarred? can he still be called lawyer?

Narayanan said...

will it be possible to play this on a loop on big screens (plural)
- while the princess bride reunion fund raiser is going on
- and is it legal fair use?

?Meade to Trump rescue/action?

Michael K said...

He has had to live with her all these years.

I think those are photo ops. I'm sure he has a hideout.

Paul Zrimsek said...

If you thought that was a great face, wait until you see the one he made when she got to the part about the precious bodily fluids.

Narayanan said...

I may listen if comedian Sarah Cooper puts this on her Twitter.

Paul Zrimsek said...

We're getting to the point where the Eleanor Roosevelt comparisons stop and the Mary Todd Lincoln comparisons begin.

Howard said...

We skipped the light fandango
Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kinda seasick
But the crowd called out for more
The room was humming harder
As the ceiling flew away
When we called out for another drink
The waiter brought a tray
And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale

Mr. O. Possum said...

One wonder how much time they actually spend together in the course of a day, week, or month? I would bet very little. Very little. Does anything think they live in the same house?

Sam L. said...

Uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... EXIT to SAFE PLACE NOW!!!!11111!!!!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps this was put out to help us fall in love with Bill again?

We feel your pain, Bill.

404 Page Not Found said...

What's Bill thinking? My guess is:

"Where's the damn Lolita Express when you need it."

404 Page Not Found said...

"Welcome to Hell, Bill, we've been looking forward to your arrival. And for punishment for your sins, Bill, I sentence you to spend all eternity with a screaming harpie tearing at your flesh."


404 Page Not Found said...

"Welcome to Hell, Bill, we've been looking forward to your arrival. And for punishment for your sins, Bill, I sentence you to spend all eternity with a screaming harpie tearing at your flesh."


Drago said...

gadfly: "Hill's facial problem might be Bell's Palsy or perhaps, she also suffers from ministrokes."


She's just dehydrated...because of the russians!

Bryan Townsend said...

Notice her body language: she is shaking her head the whole time meaning she doesn't believe a word she is saying.

Bill is thinking: "Oh man, I wish I was on Epstein's Lolita Express right now!"

Michael K said...

Susan McDougal said it best. "The Clintons went through your life like a tornado."

Just an old country lawyer said...

A good kind woman with a loving heart would not have put up with his shit all those years.
"Hey, Hil, Phil's asked me to his beach house next weekend to fuck teenagers. K?"

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I just hope the Republicans never learn that if you say the word Russia to her she starts ranting.

Otherwise she's perfectly all right.

Rory said...

"I bet you just about anything that that’s not what he was thinking."

He didn't mean each other.

mikee said...

Compare leftist angst at Trump's Tweets, to having to listen to this since January 2016.
I am reminded of the mother in Manchurian Candidate.

The Gipper Lives said...

This is what happens, kids, when someone lies so much for so long that they start believing the voices in their own head. Where Trump lives, rent-free.

The Gipper Lives said...

"She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.

My…regret; when I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff, I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations. Because of a number of her unethical practices, I decided that I could not recommend her for any subsequent position of public or private trust.

Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president — and if she were to become president, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.”--Highly-respected Chief Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Zeifman, top Watergate prosecutor and lifelong Democrat

Howard said...

Will Democrats still abscess over Trump in 2040?

Scott Patton said...

Should've glanced at his watch.

AZblondie said...

If the riots continue unabated, I wonder if Democrats will still exist in 2040.

Blogger Howard said...
Will Democrats still abscess over Trump in 2040?

9/6/20, 7:28 PM

Quaestor said...

"Welcome to Hell, Bill, we've been looking forward to your arrival. And for punishment for your sins, Bill, I sentence you to spend all eternity with a screaming harpie tearing at your flesh."


Been there. Done that.

Bill Clinton.

Quaestor said...

Time to lance that TDS boil, Howard.

Tom Grey said...

"God I miss Jeffrey".

No sound needed.

JAORE said...

"Why don't [you] get drunk [to the point of blacking out]and [I'll go find someone to]screw”

Actually I think he's thinking:
I've seen the internal polls. Trump is gonna win and this will go on another four years.

Zach said...

He looks like a guy who's been hearing about the Russians for four years and didn't believe it the first time.

Zach said...

"Did the Russians tell you not to go to Wisconsin, Hillary?"

"Because I was on that call, and I didn't hear their voices."

Charlie said...

"Where'd I put that sharp knife?"