September 4, 2020

"Honestly, I hate to say it but I see a civil war right around the corner. That shot felt like the beginning of a war."

Said Michael Forest Reinoehl yesterday, quoted in "Suspect in fatal Portland protest shooting killed by feds during arrest attempt" (NY Post).
Reinoehl in the interview insisted he acted in self-defense and “had no choice” when he shot Aaron “Jay” Danielson, 39, after an evening of clashing protests in Portland on Aug. 29....

The ex-military man said he headed out into Portland that night to provide security for Black Lives Matter protesters, who had rallied against a pro-Trump caravan that was making its way through the city.

He did not state why he felt his life was in danger and strayed away from discussing specifics of the shooting. “Well honestly, those are…details that I probably don’t want to get into other than just simply saying I realized what happened,” Reinoehl said when asked about the immediate aftermath of the shooting. “I was confident that I did not hit anyone innocent and I made my exit.”...

Reinoehl..., had often posted about Black Lives Matter and related protests on his social media accounts, where he described himself as “100 % ANTIFA.”... “If you just look at the basic definition of it, it’s just antifascist – and I’m 100 percent antifascist,” he said. “I’m not a member of Antifa. I’m not a member of anything.... I used to really love this country and I respected the flag and everything that it represented,” he added. “But because of all this, every time I see a big truck, especially with the flag on it, I immediately think they’re out to get me.”
We don't yet have details on how Reinoehl died in his encounter with federal agents. The interview is evidence of his paranoia. He imagined a "civil war." There's no civil war, but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown.


BUMBLE BEE said...

Fascism in the most free country in the world? Fear of the %99.5 not killer virus have any thing to do here? Move along, nothing to see here.

Wince said...

“I see a civil war right around the corner.’

Lucky for us he was repeatedly clicking “Track Package” on delivery of his Civil War Chess Set.

buwaya said...

A national nervous breakdown tends to be a precursor of a civil war.

That was certainly the case before the Spanish Civil War, before the Sri Lankan civil war, before the Rwandan massacres, etc. and so forth. And before the US Civil War as well.

I think you could do a study to trace the increase in hostility in the tone (various metrics could be tried I suppose) of American newspaper editorials and news coverage, 1850's-1861.

The start of the killing part is committed by edge cases, madmen, criminals and fanatics, often exploited by or in some way connected in some distanced manner to politicians. The atmosphere that creates the edge cases are just the sorts of hostile speech that has been pushed willy-nilly by US politicians and the media.

This is a dangerous time and its getting more so.

Sally327 said...

I don't see the evidence of a national nervous breakdown. But then I don't know what it's supposed to look like?

According to his sister, Reinoehl apparently had psychological issues and had been living a sketchy sort of life for some time. So if one mentally disturbed person goes to a protest in one city in a country of 328 million people and ends up shooting someone, I don't see how that means the rest of us are having a nervous breakdown.

Those quotes make him sound like Charles Manson. So, yes, mentally disturbed. And now dead. Also like Charles Manson.

Bob said...

UK Daily Mail is reporting that Reinoehl did not serve - - the US Army checked their records and could not find him in its database. So stolen valor along murder and being a commie swine.

Matt Sablan said...

Shame that since he's deadly we'll never test his self defense or sometimes reported defense of others claim. But it looks like he bought the gaslighting of antifa completely and resisted arrest, including drawing a gun on officers. So. I'm not confident that I trust his judgment.

buwaya said...

Bleeding Kansas and John Brown come to mind for the expression of edge cases in the 1850's. This started in a place with extremely weak and politicized security systems, allowing a high degree of impunity to violence.

You dont have a situation like that, yet, not for murder, but you certainly do have this situation for destruction of property and threats to livelihood and open suppression of political expression.

The only way to stop it is for the msm to bank their fires. They control the flames.

TreeJoe said...

"There's no civil war"

You are right, but not because there isn't fighting and hatred between blocks of citizens.

It's because the side rebelling isn't actually organized into a cohesive unit. Which is both good and bad.

Rory said...

If not civil war, what should it be called when one side insists on permanent control of the public square, with violence done to anyone who disputes that?

whitney said...

You think it's paranoid to see a Civil War coming? That actually deserves an "okay Boomer"

Jeff Weimer said...

I want to know what he and the rest of his "anti-fascist" think what Danielson was guilty of; wrongthink? Who was this "friend of color" he was acting in "defense" of? Is this considered "proactive self-defense?"

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Posted Yesterday at Ace of Spades HQ

Portland Assassin Claiming It Was "Self-Defense" That Caused Him to Run Up to a Stranger and Murder Him.

Vice Website Promoting This Justification of Reprisal-Killings; Social Media Is Allowing


You can see from the videotape that all was quiet-- and there was no violence of any kind -- until this murderer crept up on an innocent civilian and executed him in the street.
There were no gunshots until the shooter's gunshots. There were no cries of alarm. There were no running footsteps. There were no horns, there were no crashes, there were no shouts, there were no curses, there were no yelps.

There were precious few people on the scene at all until a group of antifa/BLM rioters surrounded the victim.

And then this premeditated murderer just shot an innocent man walking on the street in the head.

It was a reprisal killing, as they had in Hutu-Tsutsi civil war.

And the leftwing media is promoting the reprisal killings.

In a teaser for the video set to air Thursday night, Reinoehl told VICE: "You know, lots of lawyers suggest that I shouldn't even be saying anything, but I feel it's important that the world at least gets a little bit of what's really going on. I had no choice. I mean, I, I had a choice. I could have sat there and watched them kill a friend of mine of color. But I wasn't going to do that."

Reinoehl, 48, claims to have been providing "security" at Black Lives Matter protests. He has previously declared "I am 100% ANTIFA" on social media.
This sounds an awful lot like the words of a man seeking to assassinate random targets:
"We are currently living through a crucial point in Humanities evolution. We truly have an opportunity right now to fix everything. But it will be a fight like no other! It will be a war and like all wars there will be casualties," he wrote on Instagram.

Is he going to plead that he was defending "Humanities [sic] evolution"?
As Jack Posobiec points out, Twitter banned Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer from claiming he was innocent as that "glorified violence," but is permitting Vice to claim that this assassin was acting in "self-defense" when he picked out a target, approached him, and murdered him.
Leftwing media organizations, Vice in this case, and leftwing social media organizations like Twitter are legitimizing murders as justifiable political reprisals.

They have fomented the Civil War.

Chuck Ross asks: Kyle Rittenhouse was charged within hours. Why is this motherfucker out free and uncharged, giving interviews?

If the State of Portland is now selectively permitting murders, then the state of Portland is no longer a state, but a state in insurrection and therefore unincorporated territory under direct control of the US government.

Jeff Vader said...

When your own family pretty calls you a piece of garbage, you most likely are.

Kate said...

Didn't Scott Adams say yesterday that we don't have a riot problem, we have an untreated mental illness problem? Something like that.

Jess said...

It's dangerous to mess with the Feds. Remember Waco?

John henry said...

Lots of things to talk about here. One thing that jumped out at me was the description of him as an "ex-military man"

Normally is expect to see "veteran" "former soldier" or the like.

Now I'm really curious about his military service. US military? What branch? What did he do? Honorably discharged? Rank?

Why "ex-military man"?

John Henry

mezzrow said...

From all evidence, this man has been wrong about a lot of things. I certainly hope this is one more.

In further news, there was a magnitude 3.8 earthquake down here in Florida yesterday. We don't get those often, you know. Usually we're too busy looking for hurricanes to notice.

Interesting times. Far too interesting for my tastes.

buwaya said...

Or you may be on the brink of yet another precursor, a bout of terrorism by one or both sides. Or maybe you will end up in a more formal condition of constitutional crisis.

Whats clear is that the situation is deteriorating. How many stages before your point of crisis, and the forms they will take, who knows.

Mr. D said...

There's no civil war, but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown.

No civil war yet. More than a few people spoiling for one, though.

Oso Negro said...

1) I look forward with interest to details of his “military” record
2) I look forward with interest to the toxicology report from his autopsy. (I am betting methamphetamine)
3) What do you think precedes civil war, dear Althouse?

Danno said...

Our nineteenth nervous breakdown. (repeat)

Third Coast said...

Kyle Rittenhouse was immediately charged with 2 counts of 1st degree murder by a Kenosha prosecutor despite videos showing he acted in self defense. Reinoehl was allowed to walk and leave the state thanks to local prosecutors after being identified on video as the murderer. Even smaller cities are now run by lefties which is resulting in an obvious two-tiered justice system. This ain't going to end well.
I suspect Reinoehl denied being a member of Antifa so as not to implicate them.

Rob said...

Michael Forest Reinoehl—the media are giving him the three-name treatment, for murderers who are officially considered The Other. He follows in the footsteps of John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, Mark David Chapman, John Wayne Gacy and many others.

doctrev said...

The breakdown was induced by someone, Professor. I can't believe no one's curious about how this guy was driving drunk with an unloaded gun at 111 mph with his daughter in the backseat, yet received no jail time. Someone's having to be increasingly obvious about their assets... between Kyle of Duty and law enforcement, those assets are steadily being removed from the board.

At minimum, this is what I talked about: Trump cracking down on Antifa, which will either break their back or force them back into the street.

At maximum... Rein'll have been entirely right. And now the war is joined.

Sydney said...

I wonder what the percentage of mental illness is in groups l8ke Antiracist. I suspect higher than the general population

Big Mike said...

There's no civil war

Not yet. Lefty extremists sure seem to be trying to make one happen.

AllenS said...

Well, to one military veteran to another, bring it, Reinoehl.

cacimbo said...

"I did not hit anyone innocent"

In Reinoehl's world daring to vote for a Republican automatically labels you a racist fascist who needs killing. That is what he means by not killing an "innocent," not that he acted in the legal definition of self defense. Antifa is a terrorist group.

Chris said...

“Hey, We Got A Trumper Right Here” Before Two Fatal Shots Fired. It's all on video. He sought out and murdered a Trump supporter in cold blood.

Equipment Maintenance said...

"Honestly, I hate to say it but I see a civil war right around the corner. That shot felt like the beginning of a war."

You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing.

Lewis Wetzel said...

“But because of all this, every time I see a big truck, especially with the flag on it, I immediately think they’re out to get me.”

Paranoia. I have prominent blue eyes and blonde hair. I am usually the whitest person in the room. Yet I do not imagine that every #BLM slogan is aimed at me, or that #BLM protesters are out to get me.

Heartless Aztec said...

An ersatz Charles Manson. All that's missing is the White album track playing in the background....

Money Manger said...

Somehow the NYT got the scoop on this story. This allowed them to establish the frame: that Reinoehl was a loving man at heart. A peacemaker. A martyr.

Qwinn said...

A good communist.

Matt Sablan said...

One other thought. Portland could have saved two lives right? They released this guy earlier in the riots.

donald said...

Hopefully he died painfully.

SoLastMillennium said...

"There's no civil war, but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown. "

Someone lives in a different world than I do. There seems to be organized burning of our cities with assault teams moving across state lines with total support by one political party in mine.

Sure seems like a civil war.

Qwinn said...

Of course, if the murderer in question hadn't both admitted what he did and identified as Antifa, 100% guaranteed that our resident lefties would be claiming he was a right winger stirring up trouble killing another right winger just to set up poor innocent Antifa.

Hell, they still might.

This is not because they are stupid. It is because they are evil. And they want more right wingers dead.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Do you believe he was “100% Antifa” or that “antifa just means anti-fascist”? I think his first statement was 100% correct.

Birkel said...

I see no mental breakdown where I am. The sun is up. People are friendly. If you smile, people smile back at you.

A very tiny sliver* of people - promoted by an even smaller sliver of people on social media - are jerks who want a national conflagration. The rest of us are living ours lives and going about our business.

The economy is working again, if not enough people yet. Mask ordinances are falling as people evaluate the data and realize the masks don't really help. Lockdowns are lifting and that pace is increasing.

Oh, and Trump will win all the states he won in 2016, plus several more.

Helter Skelter fails every time, in its larger goals. But that doesn't change the tragedy for Sharon Tate, Quinton Tarantino's reimagining notwithstanding.

*I am thinking of a pie graph.

Third Coast said...

Had the local authorities in Portland arrested Reinoehl immediately, he'd likely still be alive. What a bunch of corrupt idiots.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

"Ex-military man?" The Army said yesterday they couldn't find any service record under his name. Gotta wonder if the Post actually checked that fact.

This seems relevant (from a article): "At a July 5 protest, Reinoehl was cited for possessing a loaded handgun in a public place, interfering with police, and resisting arrest. Police said they seized a Walther PPQ semi-automatic pistol as evidence. In a statement, the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office said the incident remains under investigation and that "we have neither rejected nor declined prosecution on this case."

Isn't that funny? If you're on the Left and you're rioting in a Dem-controlled city you can, apparently get away with damn near anything. Try to imagine a DA in YOUR town not taking action if you were arrested for possession of a firearm while resisting arrest (especially if you, like this asshole, already have pending gun charges). Imagine if a MAGA hat wearing citizen duked it out with the police and got arrested with a pistol you were illegally carrying--you'd be lucky to make bail while waiting for the DA to charge you with multiple serious felonies.

But hey, what harm could a catch-and-release policy for "our" rioters/"mostly peaceful" protesters really have, right Democratic DAs and Mayors? Just some murder, no big deal.

Unknown said...

See this analysis of the coordinated assassination of the Trump supporter Aaron "Jay" Danielson in Portland:

stlcdr said...

Blogger Jess said...
It's dangerous to mess with the Feds. Remember Waco?

9/4/20, 6:14 AM

This is exactly right. You never want the feds involved in anything. It will not end well. But if you can't get your shit together in a state, the feds will come in. It will not end well, for those on the other side of the feds.

JMW Turner said...

It's coming. We know what their plans post election are: dig in and refuse to concede, even if Trump wins in a landslide. They will consequently count "found" votes until they have the margin of victory. If this process drags on for weeks, expect heated push back by Trump supporters. Four previous years of gratuitous harrassment by Democrats aided by the leftist press and media followed by the most destructive summer of BLM-Antifa insurgents in the history of this country will set the stage for civil war. God preserve America.

Jeff Brokaw said...

That Portland video shooting looked like it was executed by a trained hit team. Watch the video again several times and asf yourself why the car pulled up suddenly right behind the victim and several people jumped out to provide “aid”, and why the black SUV pulled right in front of the victim. What exactly is going on there?

They looked like they knew what they were doing ... when a guy got executed in the street for wearing Trump gear.

The guy who videoed the whole thing had been doing video for quite a while of what looks like nothing going on, but there are curious shouted commands about moving to another location. Then when the shooting happens the video guy acts unsurprised and even starts arguing with a random guy who walks up and says “hey you should turn that in as evidence”.

@jackmurphylive posted a very interesting video about all this on Wednesday.

JMW Turner said...

BTW, the Republican establishment will be missing in action.

rehajm said...

Birkel- it looks the same where I am, too...

AllenS said...

HoodlumDoodlum said...
"Ex-military man?" The Army said yesterday they couldn't find any service record under his name.

You can't look there (Army) for records. You have to use the National Records (forgot the full name of the place) In St Louis, MO. He could be Navy, Air Force...

... and that takes time to receive those records.

Matt Sablan said...

"This is exactly right. You never want the feds involved in anything. It will not end well."

-- The Feds are like the management, while the local police are your team supervisor, with State government as middle manager. If the Feds are being called in, it is assumed *all regular methods of problem solving have been tried and failed.* They're not going to waste time trying to de-escalate the situation if it goes bad, because the assumption is everyone below them *already did that.* You'll get an initial chance to surrender, but if you do something stupid, as far as they're concerned, you've already proven, multiple times, to not be a reasonable person.

If you involve the Feds, they're going to act like you needed the Feds.

Jeff Brokaw said...

And this garbage human being should have been stewing in jail with his his two arrests in two months.

But when DAs are also garbage human beings and turn other garbage human beings loose on innocent law-abiding people, innocent law-abiding people die.

You can thank George Soros and the criminal-friendly “bail is unfair wah wah” legal scholar bullshit theory.

Martin said...

Civil war? What will happen when Trump wins and no matter how hard they try they still can't steal it back? There are a lot of fairly high up Democrats that seem to be saying that Joe Biden MUST WIN!! Not in a, it is very important to us that he win sense, but in the if he doesn't win he still wins sense.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

We know he was stopped with the same gun he used to murder a guy. Catch and release is a devious plan by the Soros-connected DAs in place around the country. Choosing two strategic positions to corrupt, District Attorneys in cities and Secretaries of Election in states. That way the election results can be “contested” no matter what and the normals are afraid to assert their rights of self-defense because they will be charged (McCloskeys and Rittenhouse) while rioters and murderers will not. Meanwhile the usually cooler heads of people with real power are now insane with Trump hate fueled by fear of losing power. So Hillary and Nancy and Newsome and Whitmer and others that should value peaceful transition are setting the table for violent clashes when Trump wins. WaPo gave it away yesterday with there all-star scenarios that see chaos in every election outcome except the impossible one where Joe wins big. They are telegraphing their intent. They WANT VIOLENCE. You can see the blood lust in their eyes. Except Joe. He’s too squinty lately.

MD Greene said...

Suicide by cop. The police were watching the place where he was hiding, and he wasn't willing to take his chances even in an Oregon courtroom.

Kevin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birches said...

A guy who assassinated a stranger for wearing a hat decided to suicide by cop?

Not surprising.

Birches said...

I would say it was just random violence but the way that skateboarder just casually walks away has me more conspiracy minded. I noticed him the first time I watched the video. I assumed he was the shooter.

Kevin said...


Today is the day Crack sees that cops killing a white person who "fucked up" gets no sympathy from white people.

Today is the day it becomes clear, it's not because we don't care about black, or Black, people.

It's just that when the police have to risk their life bringing in a person who has committed terrible crimes, and that person resists - to the point of actively putting the officer's lives in danger - we really don't object if the police choose to defend themselves.

Ken B said...

Depends what you mean by civil war. Grant vs Lee? No. Lebanon? Probably not. Al Capone's Chicago? Very likely.

This guy hunted and assassinated a “Trumper”, on video, and is now mourned by a fraction of the left.

MartyH said...

Democrats have not accepted Trump's election and have been trying to politically damage him since before his elections.

Spying on his campaign and transition did not work.

The 25th Amendment gambit went nowhere.

Pussy hat protests had no effect.

Russian collusion was a bust.

The impeachment changed no minds.

Covid has damaged him, but not enough, and the worst seems to be over.

Rioting is driving swing voters to him.

War is politics by other means.

Do you think politics will de-escalate if Trump is reelected? Evidence says no.

Darrell said...

George Soros is getting his money's worth--on the asshole "revolutionary" side and his purchase of prosecutors and law enforcement.

Freder Frederson said...

I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds.

Matt Sablan said...

So, I hadn't watched the video of the shooting that closely... but what friend was the guy allegedly defending? I don't think the guy had much of a self-defense case now that I watched it (though I'm not sure I buy the conspiracy to kill theory; I think it was just a violent guy who was surrounded by people who he thought were ready for as much violence as he was. But they were not.)

Considering he claims flags on trucks made him feel paranoid and afraid, it is possible his inability to properly parse threats made him think the hat was a deadly weapon, maybe? I don't know. He needed help or for the police to check him hard one of the first times he nearly got himself or someone else seriously hurt by playing around with a loaded weapon while resisting arrest. Unfortunate that the local government again failed its people, leaving dead bodies in the wake.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Today presents the next move in the Civil War 2 prep: anonymous sources say without evidence that Trump slandered Marines. The Atlantic signals it will be on the dude of the destructors of America not her protectors. Act accordingly. You’d think four years of lying anonymous sources would have burned that bridge but no. Idiots gotta idiot and they know a sizeable chunk of sick Americans (cough... chuck ...cough Inga ARM...) will buy their bullshit.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Have some perspective. The 1960s, which Althouse lived through, were far worse. Bombings were normal. Riots were normal. This is nothing like as bad. We've been spoiled by decades of relative peace and prosperity.

One person getting shot and killed isn't a war. It's murder. As usual with political assassinations, the killer was a loser. He's close to the profile mass shooters have. Someone who doesn't matter, so he develops a worldview where he can be important.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

There's no civil war, but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown.

No Civil War....YET. However, if the left keeps pushing and indoctrinating instead of educating.... and the media keeps stirring the pot, we will see the beginnings.

The US Civil War didn't start overnight. There were many factors and slavery was only one. A big one, but not the only one. Read about the systematic economic suppression of the South by Northern politicians meant to impoverish the area and make their own Northern Cities and industries to be supreme powers. Urban vs Rural (sound familiar?)

Keep pushing keep stirring.

Beware the anger of a patient man.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

at 5:557 am Blogger buwaya said... A national nervous breakdown tends to be a precursor of a civil war. read all of his post.


campy said...

"A peacemaker. A martyr."

"Austere Religious Scholar."

Ken B said...

Birkel and Rehajm miss the point. The peaceful majority do not matter. The violent minority determines the outcome. Birkel sounds like Paul Krugman saying the riots are nothing, after all his neighborhood is fine.

MikeR said...

Far right terrorist cops murder yet another helpless saintly victim.
If only he'd been black, we could have some riots about it.
At the least they should name a basketball team after him. The Reinoehls, sounds good. I think.

Jaq said...

"But because of all this, every time I see a big truck, especially with the flag on it, I immediately think they’re out to get me.”

Paranoid schizophrenic much? I think this is called a persecutoral delusion.

Jaq said...

"Had the local authorities in Portland arrested Reinoehl immediately, he'd likely still be alive.”

Like Pancho.

“All the Federales say,
they could have had him any day,
why they let him slip away,
out of wokeness, I suppose."

iowan2 said...

Ditto to Birkel's comment. No riots, covid is a small consideration of daily life.

Also JMW Turner: Republicans refuse to take the fight to Democrats. They lose, because they are losers.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Note the symmetry as well. They choose marginal “martyrs” on purpose, like Floyd and Blake, to guarantee division and dissent. That would not happen in a case where the issue of police force is obvious. They want to elevate thugs to rally around because that avoids any popular consensus. I see the same tactic at work with Joe. He’s deeply flawed two-or three-time loser in presidential primaries forced out over plagiarism with a Swamp Portfolio of corrupt family that would make a Clinton blush. He never got more than 3% in ANY state primary until after Bernie won Iowa (remember they pretended mayor Pete won for a couple weeks?). After that the machine went into action and pulled a yuuuge SC win for Slow Joe. The COVID and the end of campaigning and he magically got nominated. But he was unwanted before that uninspiring and listless. They want a close but LOSING campaign in order to set the table for chaos. They’re telling us so. Are we listening?

Mary Beth said...

Do you believe he was “100% Antifa” or that “antifa just means anti-fascist”? I think his first statement was 100% correct.

I think the first statement is correct. I also think that the news media and the Left have portrayed Trump and everyone on the Right as fascist. Years of hearing this has convinced the mentally unstable people that they are fighting the good fight. I hope I live to see a reckoning where people who have pushed lies like that feel a backlash that puts them on the receiving end.

Drago said...

Bob: "UK Daily Mail is reporting that Reinoehl did not serve - - the US Army checked their records and could not find him in its database. So stolen valor along murder and being a commie swine."

A Stolen Valor lying lefty who attacks conservatives?

Well, that is a combination that guarantees the support of a certain MI "LLR" (See: Sen Blumenthal)

Sally327 said...

It's dangerous to mess with the Feds. Remember Waco?

Remember Fort Sumter? (Just to stay with the Civil War theme.)

Drago said...

Field Marshall and Bundy/McCloskey/Rittenhouse Case Liar Freder: "I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds."

Those videos disproving all your Rittenhouse lies are really inconvenient, aren't they?

Gusty Winds said...

"There is not civil war"....I agree, but ANTIFA and BLM is doing their best to start one. And Democrats seem to be willing to go along for the ride.

Crimso said...

He was no daisy at all.

Iman said...

It must’ve been tough to see the light go out of those Manson Lamps.

A life well-lived... a man in full... a piece of shit...

Matt Sablan said...

"I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds."

-- Well, when it happens, let us know how close it tracks to your imagination. Then wonder, "Why hasn't that happened yet?"

Or, you could instead wonder why Portland *let a guy who with a loaded gun got into brawls with police out without charging him with a crime.* Two lives could have been saved if the Portland authorities cared more about people's lives than not giving Trump a political victory by locking up rioters.

Drago said...

john henry: "One thing that jumped out at me was the description of him as an "ex-military man"'

Similar to fake "tribal leader" "vietnam times" lefty moron with drum Nathan Philips.

Similar to pro-marxist "LLR's".

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Freder Frederson said...
I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds.

9/4/20, 7:39 AM

But it wasn't, was it?

Rocketeer said...

I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds.

9/4/20, 7:39 AM

You have to imagine it, because it never seems to happen going the other direction.

Sebastian said...

"“If you just look at the basic definition of it, it’s just anti-fascist — and I’m 100 percent anti-fascist,” he said. “I’m not a member of Antifa. I’m not a member of anything.”"

Althouse breathes a sigh of relief. There's still no evidence Antifa or whatever is involved in violence or whatever.

Paul said...

Antifa is just a fake name... they are Fascist to the bone. Just like the Brown Shirts of the Nazi regime. And the Brown Shirts will full of nutjobs that would later run the death camps.

And that is what you are looking at with Reinoehl. Sick bastard.

So the Feds took care of the problem. No taxpayer's $$$ for lawyers and trial. He picked his end... fine and dandy with me!

gspencer said...

Even though Cagney never said it, it does sound so cool when you're in final standoff, "You'll Never Take Me alive, Coppers!"

What a flourish!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown.

No national nervous breakdown. One Party is having a nervous breakdown. The Dems were unstable after 2000 but they had a complete breakdown after 2016.

I don't see the Republicans, independents and Libertarians our doing crazy shit.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

John Lynch said...
Have some perspective. The 1960s, which Althouse lived through, were far worse. Bombings were normal. Riots were normal. This is nothing like as bad. We've been spoiled by decades of relative peace and prosperity."

The big difference is that you did not have big corporations like Amazon and sports leagues backing the radicals in 1969. I see BLM TV commercials - did you see any commericals glorifying Weather Underground or Black Panther commercials in 1969?

Compare Daley's treatment of the Yuppies who disrupted the '68 convention with Lightfoot's treatment of BLM and Antifa. Also compare the media coverage. The far left press notwithstanding, most Dems and major media outlets understood that radical violence was a bad thing.

The WWII generation was still running the country in the '60's and they were adults. The Democrat leadership and many in the media today are the inheritors of the 60's radicals. Their revolutionary dreams - thwarted in the early '70[s - are finally coming to fruition, or so they believe. We will find out during the next few months if they are correct.

buwaya said...

In the 1960s-70s your institutions were not openly or tacitly backing the political violence. The perpetrators had no political cover. These were truly underground. Whatever cover there was was a sort of surprise, an inertia, a disbelief that such things could be going on. They seemed like such nice kids.

AT&T was not actively participating in the abduction of Patty Hearst.

There were precursors in the 1970s for the modern case though. One notorious case that readily comes to mind is the widespread case of the Episcopal Church giving aid and harbor to members the Puerto Rican terrorist FALN.

But be it as it may, things have changed a lot.

Today you have the bulk of your institutions, all your power centers semi-openly backing these rebels against your legitimate authority, and many parts of your actual legitimate authority doing the same. You also have agencies of the Federal government conspiring against your President.

These violent people are not the underground rebels of the 1960s-70s. AT&T coordinates messaging with them (through its subsidiary CNN). State and municipal governments openly back them and protect them.

Sebastian said...

"There's no civil war, but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown."

No. The prog "nervous breakdown" is mayhem and posturing calculated to stir chaos and trigger an overreaction. So far, Trump and the deplorables have not obliged. We on the right are not suffering a nervous breakdown but instead patiently observing and holding our fire and occasionally venting right here. When we suffer a nervous breakdown, you'll know. You won't even have to go to the OED to look up civil war.

There's no civil war. But there is a, what's the word, difficult situation. Better choose sides now.

Skeptical Voter said...

I wonder if Biden will travel to Portland to talk with this guy's sister?

Jaq said...

I am not that worried about Civil War II because, while there is a lot of money from a few wealthy people going to these violent thugs, there does not seem to be any mass movement of disgruntled Americans joining them. Everybody is pretty much for any police reforms that can reduce the amount of deadly force required to maintain order. These political thugs are still a tiny sliver of a minority whose every action gets amplified by a sympathetic press, but still nobody is showing up to join them.

Remember why Dylan Roof claimed he did the shooting in the church? Because he couldn’t find any like minded people and was trying to gin up a mass movement where one was never going to happen.

rehajm said...

Or, you could instead wonder why Portland *let a guy who with a loaded gun got into brawls with police out without charging him with a crime.*

I won't wonder why but the phenomenon of government empowering criminals is a disturbing look into the human psyche.

What happens when The Stanford Prison Experiment escapes the safety of the lab...

mockturtle said...

Sebastian observes: We on the right are not suffering a nervous breakdown but instead patiently observing and holding our fire and occasionally venting right here. When we suffer a nervous breakdown, you'll know. You won't even have to go to the OED to look up civil war.

And we on the right have history on our side. The left has cancelled history.

Unknown said...

"I am Antifa because the Red Hats are coming after brown & black people, after Jews, after queer & trans people, and more."

Reinoehl was acting out the next logical conclusion.

mikee said...

The Antifa clowns are known, now, to travel city to city to riot, indicating their numbers are so small they can't have more than one good riot per night. Any Civil War will be rather short against such an opponent.

As to corporate sponsorship of the Dems and their brownshirt agitprop useful idiots: marketing strategies change at the speed of light. Sure, Nike will always be led by progs, probably, as that is how they set themselves up, but Colin K will eventually be seen as the Marxist tool he is by enough people that Nike will retire him from their use.

Jaq said...

How Antifa is not like the KKK

Obviously they are different because the KKK wore white and Antifa wears black.
Obviously they are different because the KKK’s sundown laws kept blacks out of towns where they were not wanted, and Antifa keeps out Republicans.
Obviously they are different because the KKK lynched with a noose, and Antifa uses skateboards and such for their lynchings.

The shooting of the Republican in the MAGA hat was a lynching. There is no other way to look at it, the lynching of an "uppity Republican.” The purpose of a lynching is to intimidate, as was the purpose of this shooting.

There must never be “no go zones” anywhere in America, for black people, for white people, for any people. Why Antifa brags about creating them and people go along is too many for me.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I'd be curious on buwaya's take on the state of Spain today. Are the divisions healed? If so, did it take decades of dictatorship to do that, or did that slow it down? If not, what keeps the state together now?

The Irish Civil War, which I think most Americans haven't even heard of, seems to have dominated their politics up to the present day.

Jaq said...

"Remember Fort Sumter? (Just to stay with the Civil War theme.)”

We have already had a Federal Courthouse laid siege to and fired upon with the support of the local government.

Michael K said...

Freder Frederson said...
I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds.

Freder needs to read "Bonfire of the Vanities." He is searching everywhere for the Great White Trump Supporter who does unprovoked violence. Good luck Field Marshal.

Birkel said...

Freder Frederson:

Yes, you can imagine.
In fact, you must imagine.
Yours is imaginary.

You are an idiot.

Bay Area Guy said...

"There's no civil war, but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown"

Objection. Overbroad.

There's not a National nervous breakdown.

1. There's a pandemic made 10x worse by a ridiculous unending lockdown of big chunks of normal, healthy economic and social activity.

2. There's a wacko Leftist opposition who never accepted Trump as president, and who instructed its Democrat Mayors $ Governors to allow violent wacko leftists like this Antifa thug to destroy cities under the false flag of seeking racial justice.

For the rest of normal America, we see the violence, chaos and disorder pushed by the Democrats, we pay extra attention to protect our loved ones, we check our bank accounts, and check our gun safes. Most importantly, we keep our focus and composure and organize like-minded folks to vote for DJT.

CWJ said...

"I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds."

But it wasn't. So......why don't you comment on what actually happened instead?

Bruce Hayden said...

“I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds.”

Understand your point, but right now one side is using violence for its own political ends, and that side is yours. Which is to say that you are trying for moral equivalency, but reality is intruding.

AntiFA, BLM, etc, are trying to egg the right to respond in kind to dust off their hundreds of millions of guns, and come after the Commie Scum (e.g. AntiFA and BLM). So far it isn’t working. Which is why I expect more assassinations, as this AntiFA terrorist did.

Freder Frederson said...

Well, when it happens, let us know how close it tracks to your imagination. Then wonder, "Why hasn't that happened yet?"

Apparently you've already forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse. You are all fully convinced that he was acting in self defense when he shot three people, killing two.

Michael K said...

No. The prog "nervous breakdown" is mayhem and posturing calculated to stir chaos and trigger an overreaction. So far, Trump and the deplorables have not obliged.

In fact, I think some of the progs who are sane are beginning to get nervous about all this. The violence has been, so far, organized by a small left wing radical group funded by would be revolutionaries, mostly living in walled compounds and buildings with good security, and by the black underclass which is doing the looting. Together, this constitutes about .05% of the population. They look like more because the white paid organizers are traveling around and the Democrat cities have large black underclasses.

The leftists news media, driven by ideology and money, has been fanning the flames but the revolution seems to dying out.

Birkel said...

No, Ken B. And anybody with an ounce of integrity (READ: not Ken B) would know that I believe the Leftist Collectivists want a war.

But they have no chance of winning. Zero. Trucks and trains stop delivering to cities and the cities grind to a halt. In three weeks a rebellion would end.

After Trump's re-election he may very well invoke the Insurrection Act, like 12 presidents before him. And that would be that.

The Left is soft. Seattle couldn't invade Couer d'Laine. They wouldn't advance far out of Spokane.

I know what the Leftist Collectivists are and what they desire. They should pray they never get close to their own goals.

tim maguire said...

Even national nervous breakdown is overstating things. We have a small number of violent lunatics, a larger number of people who are generally sympathetic to the issues the violent lunatics are going crazy over and a very large number of people willing to tolerate it. For now.

The lunatics seem more important than they are because the fecklessness of our elites and the duplicity of our media allow them to wield more influence than they have earned or deserve. It will last for as long as the majority doesn't get too annoyed and it is over about 1 day after they decide they've had enough.

The true culprits are the educational system and the media, may their downfall be as hard, sudden, and painful as they deserve.

Gk1 said...

Oh please. The police have been muzzled and the men haven't even come out to play yet. For that Antifa & BLM should be thanking their lucky stars.

It figures low lifes like Reinoehl would steal valor from men who actually served in the army. If this is an "enforcer" of Antifa, a civil war should last until lunchtime when it starts.

Matt Sablan said...

"Apparently you've already forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse. You are all fully convinced that he was acting in self defense when he shot three people, killing two."

-- I mean, I'm not fully convinced. I've said that the state is free to test his claim of self-defense. I think it is silly to try it, when we have him on video running, the NYT agrees someone shot at him before he fired on the guy who had been using racial slurs against his friends, had been chasing him for a block, and we now know was a repeat child molester. Like: Go ahead. Bring the case of the kid running from a known child molester, retreating multiple times, then hearing a gun shot and shooting the child molester to court.

Let's test that self-defense claim. I think the kid's got a decent shot, but there may be evidence that the racist child molester wasn't the aggressor here.

The other two people who were shot have even flimsier claims that the kid shot them in any way other than self-defense. But, sure. The state can try and say that the guy who put his hands up, did not get shot, and then tried to draw on the kid, and got shot -- the state can TRY and say that that shooting was anything other than self-defense.

Or the guy who hit a kid on the ground then reached for the kid's gun -- note the kid didn't shoot him until he tried for the gun -- wasn't a clean, self-defense shooting. I mean, sure, the guy has a repeat history of domestic violence, but I'm sure *this time* his violence against a victim who seemed defenseless (had just been kicked once on the ground and hit again by the adult male beating on a child) was justified.

Do it. Bring that case to trial.

DanTheMan said...

There is no national nervous breakdown.
There are a few cities that are patiently waiting for the rioters to get tired and go home.

What the D's are saying:

Pelosi - Trump and his voters are enemies of the state
Hillary - Biden shouldn't concede under any circumstances
Gore - The army will pull Trump out of the White House (and, unsaid but implied, put Biden in)
The Dems are telling us Trump will win on election night, but Biden will be the eventual winner after all the "mail in" votes are counted. By an amazing coincidence, this will occur mostly in key swing states. There will be recounts showing Trump leading, but the first recount that shows Biden in the lead will be the "correct" one, certified, and the recount will stop.
Biden will declare himself the President-Elect and name a transition team. We will have two men declaring themselves as President.

They Dems are telling you what they are going to do. Please believe them.

THEN you will see an entire country not nervous, but enraged.
How that ends I have no idea.

Big Mike said...

@John Lynch, I lived through the 1960s myself (graduated college and received my induction notice in ‘68). On another thread I wrote that Barry McGuire’s 1965 hit song “Eve of Destruction” has never felt closer to becoming real. Fewer bombings, yes, but that’s probably more because of better controls on ammonium nitrate and other explosive substances than due a less violent populace. Things that are different include:

(1) The press minimizes the violence. In the 1960s there was relatively honest reporting of left-wing violence as it occurred, but today a CNN reporter can stand in front of burning buildings and try to lay the “mostly peaceful” bullshit on his viewers.

(2) In contrast to Hubert Humphrey and “Clean Gene” McCarthy, mainstream Democrat politicians appear to be tacitly accepting and (in my view) even encouraging violence. Weak-minded party loyalists (e.g., Inga, Freder, Left Bank of the Charles) follow their lead and excuse the violence and/or try vainly to pin it on the right.

In the end Nixon ended the Vietnam War by bombing Hanoi to the bargaining table and the violence petered out. I don’t see what ends this mess before it becomes bloody.

Jaq said...

"And anybody with an ounce of integrity (READ: not Ken B)”

This is why it is a waste of time to engage simpletons like Birkel who find an answer to everything in their politics the way people used to find it in the Bible.

Michael K said...

Apparently you've already forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse. You are all fully convinced that he was acting in self defense when he shot three people, killing two.

The military expert recommends ignoring the video of the incident. Both incidents, actually. One has audio that says, "We've got a Trumper" and then two shots. The other shows criminals with long criminal records chasing the kid and trying to beat him with a skateboard. Then the kid, showing great self control, shoots both of them. I have not seen any video of the first shooting and am still not sure of the kid did it. It should be easy to determine from the bullet.

Does that help, Field Marshall?

Earnest Prole said...

Play stupid Second Civil War games, win stupid Second Civil War prizes.

Birkel said...

Sure, Big Mike.
CNN does that to their own discredit.
And that is why they influence so few people.

Leftist Collectivist institutions are failing.
Colleges and universities need to fail.
And they are doing so.

This is good for the nation and her people.

Jaq said...

"but that’s probably more because of better controls on ammonium nitrate and other explosive substances “

You used to be able to buy Dynamite at a hardware store. Maybe you had a stump in your yard you wanted to deal with. Imagine if you still could.

And yeah, Eve of Destruction is a better anthem for the times than “For What It’s Worth."

rcocean said...

Another "Peaceful Prostester". Only "mostly dead" now. Interesting that he was taken down by the Feds. I guess the Portland police never did a damn thing, and this Antifa murderer would still be walking around free, if it was up to to Wheeler and the Portland DA.

It should be obvious now, that based on the scum that Rittenhouse killed, this guy, and the mug shots of others shown on twitter, that Antifa is staffed up with criminals, weirdos, and violent mentally ill people. All led, of course, by cynical smart Leftists. And protected by the NYT/WaPo/Democrat Party.

hombre said...

Althouse: “The interview is evidence of his paranoia. He imagined a "civil war." There's no civil war [YET], but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown.” There. Fixed.

WaPo, in typical irresponsible fashion, tweeted that their “simulations” show that anything less than a “Biden” landslide will result in “violence and a constitutional crisis.” Translation: If Trump is elected you’ll be sorry.

I think the Democrats will steal the elections with fraudulent mail-in ballots expecting normals to go quietly into the night as lefties ravage our Constitution, our economy and our morality in homage to their identity politics minions.

I think they are mistaken.

Jaq said...

"If not, what keeps the state together now?”

Easy, the Soviets are not arming one side while the Nazis armed the other. So the Spanish are getting along, pretty much.

A lot of what is going on, including the villainization of small business owners as “fascists” is reminiscent of that war, except the “Republicans” are on the other side. (Little Spanish Civil War humor there). For Whom the Bell Tolls lays it out pretty good. The scene where the small businessmen of a village are marched over a cliff by the communists (Republicans) forcing the villagers to take part is pretty chilling, and not hard to imagine as an extension of what is going on now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shall we thank Hillary for losing so gracefully?
Or shall we thank Rachel Maddow for her endless lies?

Shall we thank Adam Schitt and Nancy Pelosi for their BS and lies?

Perhaps we should thank Joe Biden for making his son Hunter wealthy at our expense?
Shall we thank our insanely biased, in the tank for the D-party, corruption excusing press?

The leftwing liars created the leftwing Nazis who call themselves "Antifa".
It's that simple.

Now fem-o-Nazis in Boulder are beating up 12 year old boys for their Trump support.

buwaya said...

"I'd be curious on buwaya's take on the state of Spain today."

I am no expert, but go on.

"Are the divisions healed?"

Hardly. The old ideological tribes still exist in mutated forms and they still act out their enmity when they can. The ethnic tribes likewise.

But - for the most part everyone has "won", in the sense that there isnt much of practical significance any side can demand of the central state. The left has nearly everything they ever asked for, and what they dont have (actual communism) they know to be stupid. The regions have autonomy sufficient to head off the 19th century fights over local rights.

"If so, did it take decades of dictatorship to do that, or did that slow it down?"

The dictatorship gave the country everything practical the 1930's left asked for, under different ideological color. Bismarck was correct that the welfare state would take the steam out of leftist demands.

The regional-ethnic stuff was suppressed until the argument started to seem silly as these regions in particular got rich during the 1960's-80's economic boom, and more so with EU integration. They got their autonomy from post-dictatorship politics. At the moment its a case of having run out of things to ask for, outside the purely symbolic, and they have plenty of that already.

Add to that in the case of the Catalans they are pretty much a minority in their own region now. Greater Barcelona is full of people unenthusiastic about Catalan essentialusm.

"If not, what keeps the state together now?"


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

relieved one less leftwing Nazi no longer terrorizing and murdering people in the streets.

buwaya said...

The ideal weapon for the first parts of a new US civil war?

You already have them by the hundred million. The handgun. These have already been seen many times in your current political street violence. I think the obvious form of the next stage of conflict will be one of assassinations. Semi-prominent people (in the media/online, local officials, activists) may start getting attacked and killed in a tit-for-tat escalation.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

OT, but somewhat related:

Court records show that Joseph Rosenbaum, who was the first rioter shot by Kyle Rittenhouse, was convicted of 11 counts of child molestation in 2002, the victims were all boys between the ages of 9 and 11. Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the state of Arizona, where he managed to amass over 40 disciplinary violations.

Good riddance.

LA_Bob said...

The "national nervous breakdown" is mostly in the media, both news and social. Violence is concentrated in a few poorly-run cities with some outlier here and there. Few Americans are living with the threat of serious violence.

Antifa and BLM have not done well in "red" areas. A true civil war would probably be a disaster for their "cause".

buwaya said...

You will slow or stop this (for a while) by turning off the flow of poison from your msm. That will bank the fires. That will only happen if the owners of these entities can be forced into doing so, or be convinced it is not in their interest to persist.

It is not at all clear who these owners actually are, with just a few exceptions. And these exceptions may not really be calling the shots.

You may have to waterboard some people to figure out who they really report to. Zucker of CNN for instance.

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Apparently you've already forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse. You are all fully convinced that he was acting in self defense when he shot three people, killing two.”

Note though, it was two separate episodes. He was attacked twice. In both episodes, his (now deceased) assailants attempted to try to take his firearm away from him. That was not a good idea, because that makes his fear of death or great bodily injury eminently reasonable. They had no legal privilege for attempting to take his gun from him.

In the second altercation, it has been suggested that the statement that they should get him might have been an exhortation to effect a citizen’s arrest. But then that was immediately negated by the follow up that they were going to beat him up. That took any claim of innocence of the pursuers/assailants off the table, and the only question left is whether the threat was of deadly force. The skate board is arguably a deadly weapon,s inception it is capable of causing great bodily injury (e,g. Broken bones) or even death. But if that were not sufficient, the presence of the mob, the pointing a handgun at him, and the decedent trying to take his firearm away all constitute deadly threats.

Which brings up the question about effecting a citizen’s arrest. Note these are general principles, and not OR laws. One of the basic differences between police arrest powers and those of citizens is that the police can arrest based on probable cause. Citizens can only arrest if they are certain about the offense, usually meaning that they personally observed the crime. If the person they arrested did not commit the crime they arrested him for, then they committed offenses against him, in effecting the arrest, typically including some level of assault. What that means here is that since the first shooting by Kyle was likely legally justified as self defense, the group of violent thugs attacking him the second time were not privileged to arrest him (which they weren’t trying to do - they were attempting to at least beat him up), which makes their attempt to do so assault, and with the use of deadly weapons aggravated assault. The moral here is to be very careful in tryin to effect a citizen’s arrest. If it wasn’t legally justified, you could easily be the one going to prison. Oh and the violent thugs who tried to pull this off were idiots.

buwaya said...

Neither the Soviets nor the Nazis (or Italians) were arming anyone in Spain in June 1936. The killing started off with purely Spanish made arms.

All that foreign aid kicked off after the war began.

Ideoligically the antagonists were influenced by foreign entities, but that was by osmosis. The Falange for instance was in some ways a copycat of the Italian fascists, but it was tiny and electorally irrelevant until war began. It may seem odd, but that was also the case with the Moscow-aligned communists.

Birkel said...

Sure, tim in vermont.
Somebody else reading one comment out of the broad context of what I have written in these pages makes me a simpleton.

Granted, I have a long track record of being correct.
So if that's what it takes, you just keep thinking me simple.

Mark said...

The interview is evidence of his paranoia

The interview is evidence of his psychopathic leftist ideology being exhibited on the streets today.

tcrosse said...

If there is a new civil war, it will mostly be fought on the territory of the secessionists, just like last time.

buwaya said...

The main mode of killing for the first few months of the Spanish Civil War was the standard military rifle, a Mauser variant in 7mm manufactured in Spain since 1896.

And of course various pistols, almost certainly also mostly made in Spain. Spain was a major manufacturer of pistols at the time, with a considerable export market.

Swede said...

He joined the ranks of Good Communists.

May they ever expand.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

tim in vermont said...
I am not that worried about Civil War II because, while there is a lot of money from a few wealthy people going to these violent thugs, there does not seem to be any mass movement of disgruntled Americans joining them."

True, and that is heartening.

As Tucker Carlson has noted, this is a revolution of the wealthy elites and their underclass tools against the American middle class, which makes it the weirdest revolution ever.

Douglas B. Levene said...

FYI, the Army says it has no records that Reinoehl ever served. Maybe he served under a different name, but it seems more likely that he just made it up.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Now fem-o-Nazis in Boulder are beating up 12 year old boys for their Trump support.

9/4/20, 10:17 AM

Someday, some historian (I'm assuming there will be "historians" in the future) will study why this movement attracted so many hysterical, miserable white women.

One of those hysterical women, a lesbian living in LA, drove back to Ohio in a panic when she found out her family members there are all planning on voting for Trump. She means to use emotion to dissuade them. Yeah, that's the ticket!

~ Gordon Pasha said...

He was hoping to be the COL EE Elsworth of Antifa. It's more like Horst Wessel but he's never going to have a snappy song like the latter did. In any event, rot in Hell.

buwaya said...

Most of the SCW killing of, say, clergy and shopkeepers and landowners was not committed by the Spanish communists. The Spanish (Moscow aligned, Comintern) communist "brand" was discipline and order.

That stuff was generally by the anarchist-labor or even socialist worker militias.

The Spanish communists did do the secret-police, death-camp thing also. Complete with leather jackets, copying the Soviets. The Nazis were copycats.

Achilles said...

Rory said...

If not civil war, what should it be called when one side insists on permanent control of the public square, with violence done to anyone who disputes that?

A standard marxist revolution.

Jupiter said...

"There's no civil war, but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown."

He was arrested by federal agents because the City of Portland does not consider murdering Trump supporters to be a crime. The Civil War has already started. You just haven't figured out which side you're on yet.

Jupiter said...

"Helter Skelter fails every time, in its larger goals. But that doesn't change the tragedy for Sharon Tate, Quinton Tarantino's reimagining notwithstanding."

Oh yeah. They're still laughing about those crazy bastards Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot. How could they imagine that was going to fly?

Bruce Hayden said...

“ The leftwing liars created the leftwing Nazis who call themselves "Antifa".
It's that simple”

Maybe a bit. But AntiFA was originally founded by Stalin to fight the (real) Nazis for control of the streets and the socialist movement in Germany, almost 90 years ago. That is why I occasionally call the Commie Scum (as was done in Fort Collins a couple weeks ago), because that is what they are: militant Marxists with very likely funding from outside this country. They just call their opposition “fascist” so that they can fight them and pretend that they are as evil as they, themselves, are.

Mark Nielsen said...

I hope there's no coming civil war. But when I read the NYT Twitter feed on the story late last night, it was depressing to see most of the early posts there defending Reinoeld as some kind of hero. If there was anger, it was directed at the NYT for daring to limit their characterization of Reinoeld's victim to "right wing activist". As I was reading it, I got the overwhelming sense that I already do not live in the same country as these people. I certainly do not want to live in the country that they have in mind.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the military will be called before any actual 'civil war'

now it's mainly in discourse and political maneuvers.
As others have posted, it's just the Left that's mentally unstable

Drago said...

Field Marshall and Bundy/McCloskey/Rittenhouse Cases Liar Freder: "Apparently you've already forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse. You are all fully convinced that he was acting in self defense when he shot three people, killing two."

Freder is having real difficulty internalizing those videos which expose Freder's transparent lies.


Jupiter said...

"I think the Democrats will steal the elections with fraudulent mail-in ballots expecting normals to go quietly into the night as lefties ravage our Constitution, our economy and our morality in homage to their identity politics minions."

They have made it abundantly clear that this is what they intend to do. It is their plan, and they have their people in place to carry it out. I don't see what is going to stop them. They don't even need fraudulent mail-in ballots. They will just say "We counted the votes and it turns out we won. You want some numbers? Here's some numbers. We've got others if you don't like those."

Yancey Ward said...

I would say, based on what I saw of the video confession, that the man was mentally ill.

There is nothing in the videos I have seen of the shooting of Danielson that indicates that it was self-defense or defense of others, but those videos aren't nearly as explicit as the ones involving Rittenhouse. The evidence against Reinoehl is mostly audio from those videos- in short, there is no evidence at all that Danielson was threatening anyone, visual and definitely none from the audio.

It will be interesting to see how much effort Portland and Oregon police put into arresting the guy. Right now, it appears as if they weren't going to do anything.

Birkel said...

Feel good story of the day!

And I wish Royal ass Inga, Freder Frederson, roesch/voltaire, ARM, Robert Cook, and all the rest of the Leftist Collectivists the same happiness in getting what you want as the lady in the video experienced!

I want you to be happy.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The interview is evidence of his paranoia. He imagined a "civil war." There's no civil war, but there does seem to be some kind of national nervous breakdown.

He didn't "imagine a civil war", he tried to create on.

Because the real "bugaloo boys" wanting to start a race war are all on the Left

TestTube said...

Reinoehl, Floyd, Blake, Huber, Rosenbaum, a lot of these rioters all belong in prison. Its the most compassionate place for them, protecting them from society as well as society from them.

If they were in prison, they probably wouldn't be dead. They would get food and medical care.

Now, you can say that they are mentally ill, they need treatment, not prison. And you would be wrong.

Treatment without prison is for mentally ill people who are not a continuous threat to others.

These violent people, violence seems to be a fundamental part of them. To make them suitable to be in normal society, you would have to root out their violent behavior, and since it is such a deep rooted, fundamental part of who they are, you would have to change them to a degree where you are actually pretty much destroying their identity. And is it worse to confine someone or to change them so fundamentally that they cease to exist?

That is not all mentally ill people. Many (Most?) mentally ill people pose no threat to anyone except themselves. And even some mentally ill people with a history of violence, the violence is not so deeply rooted. Their violence is the violence of a creature backed into a corner, with no other options.

Not the people here. Violence is part of their psyche, their identity, their fundamental makeup. And prison - or exile - is the only place where they can exist.

Achilles said...

Reinhoel was arrested and arraigned on July 30th with numerous outstanding fines and warrants including a failure to appear at a previous arraignment.

Leftist Portland Judge set him free with "NO COMPLAINT."

The left has been outrageously provocative and violent.

Achilles said...

If democrats win the election by any means possible, it will end with war:

The sheriffs of Clackamas and Washington County in Oregon said they won’t send staff to help with the nightly unrest in Portland after Gov. Kate Brown unveiled a plan to bring an end to violence in the city.

Brown had asked the sheriffs and the Gresham Police Department to support the Portland Police Bureau with personnel and resources “to keep the peace and protect free speech.”

Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts on Monday said the governor never approached him before unveiling her plan to mobilize local law enforcement agencies in the Portland protests, and that he has no plans to send his staff to nightly demonstrations.

. . . . “Had Governor Brown discussed her plan with my office, I would have told her it’s about changing policy, not adding resources,” he said, according to a statement released by Kellee Azar, a reporter with Portland’s KATU. “Increasing law enforcement resources in Portland will not solve the nightly violence and now, murder.”

He said that Portland’s newly elected district attorney had dismissed charges against hundreds of protesters arrested for non-violent, low-level crimes.

“The same offenders are arrested night after night, only to be released by the court and not charged with a crime by the DA’s Office. The next night they are back at it, endangering the lives of law enforcement and the community all over again,” Roberts continued. “The criminal justice system will need do its part and hold offenders accountable.”

The sheriff added that his staff would still assist Oregon State Police with service calls that they normally handle in Clackamas County.

. . . . Washington County Sheriff Pat Garrett also released a statement on Monday, saying he’s committed to supporting Portland Police through “indirect ways, like analyzing risks associated with social media, air support, assisting with a specific criminal investigation, etc.”

“I do not plan to send deputies to work directly in Portland,” Garrett said, according to the station. “The lack of political support for public safety, the uncertain legal landscape, the current volatility combined with intense scrutiny on use of force presents an unacceptable risk if deputies were deployed directly.”

A Gresham police spokesperson told The Oregonian, “We are in agreement with the other agencies.”

Meanwhile, the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police released a statement on Monday, saying “we cannot dedicate our limited resources away from the communities we serve,” according to KATU."

todd galle said...

Birkel is correct. The Left's hold on the cities is the undoing of any possible civil war II. Simply cut off supply. 2 weeks tops before every food store is emptied and the herb pots on the window sill are stripped. The South could at least grow it's own food to a degree, compare parts of South Carolina and Georgia to the 'CHAZ' public garden. My wife and I could probably last a month on what we have in house. How many SanFran one bedroom apts have a chest freezer? Never mind the city electric grids. Blow a few sub-stations, or even shoot out a few of the transformers, and you turn off the lights, heat in some instances, and A/C in all. Do these folks not think ahead more than three minutes? Are they ignorant of the people who they rail against know these things, and have been trained by the Gov't in how to do them? Cripes, we've all seen the high-tension lines running into densely populated areas, take down two or 3 towers, and you lose the load for numerous substations.

KellyM said...

Acts in a civil war are not always at the point of a gun, but can also be via ones and zeroes.

GoFundMe has decided over time that it will not allow any politically right-leaning crowdfunding efforts to exist on their platform, and that method is now being adopted by credit card payment processors. Discover will not allow its cards to be used to send contributions to the Kyle Rittenhouse defense fund, nor will PayPal, or other similar sites. Whenever alternate arrangements are made and publicized, they're immediately shut down. MasterCard refuses to allow firearms purchases with its cards, and Square will not process payments across its platform, either.

We are all dependent on digital forms of money management; no one walks around with wads of cash on them these days. So, even if things were to get sporty, very little would need to be done to shut off the cash flow. One click and you're SOL.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Freder Frederson said...
I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds.
Apparently you've already forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse. You are all fully convinced that he was acting in self defense when he shot three people, killing two.

Yes, Freder, let us compare these two cases:
1: Decent human being Kyle: Arrested the next day. Went peacefully into custody
2: Scum antifa thug Reinoehl: Not arrested. He's identified pretty quickly, but Portal police and DA do nothing. Almost a week later, he does an interview with Vice where he states that he shot and killed the guy. After that, the Feds are able to get a warrant for his arrest, and when they go to arrest him he pulls a gun on them

How stupid do you have to be to not see the vast differences in those two situations?

Original Mike said...

"Brown had asked the sheriffs and the Gresham Police Department to support the Portland Police Bureau with personnel and resources “to keep the peace and protect free speech.”

"Free speech" is code for "riot".

Jeff Brokaw said...

The distinction between “in a civil war” vs. “heading towards civil war” is for historians to figure out later.

As always, trends are what matter, and the trend is definitely towards one, rather than away from one. And the people dragging us that direction are *all* on the Progressive Left.

Original Mike said...

Freder said: "Apparently you've already forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse. You are all fully convinced that he was acting in self defense when he shot three people, killing two."

He's literally running away from the people who are chasing him with intent to harm. Now, maybe he broke some law in being there in the first place, I don't know. But to compare those two videos and declare them equivalent is absurd and mendacious.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Every picture tells a story don't it?

daskol said...

This guy was in custody on the kind of charges that, outside this political context, would see aggressive prosecution. Same story repeated hundreds of times since the rioting started. Call me a conspiracy theorist, as a friend already has, for characterizing this guy as an obvious asset of the Democratic Party. They are protecting him and his ilk because they are useful: it's not just the fundraising for legal defense, the local prosecutors are part of the conspiracy. It may be incautious at this time to claim this on the verified evidence, but I don't need to wait until a statistical analysis for outcomes for people with similarly severe charges. This is not civil war, but it is civil unrest being perpetrated in an organized fashion, led and funded by Democratic Party related groups. They are unleashing these assholes on the population in what has to be, to date anyway, the most aggressive get out the vote campaign of the modern era. This was predictable in style: inflaming racial grievance is a classic Dem tactic, but I don't recall it every being taken this far. They want 100 Kyle Rittenhouses, they think, so they can point to scary right-wing militia type violence. But they're getting Boy Scouts or at least lifeguards, and for the most part the "militias" are showing amazing restraint. There is a reason this civil unrest and strife is not escalating into hot battle, and it is not that the Democrats aren't trying real hard.

Rick said...

Freder Frederson said...
Apparently you've already forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse. You are all fully convinced that he was acting in self defense when he shot three people, killing two.

This would be a legitimate point if only Rittenhouse's guilt or innocence somehow controlled Reinoehl's. Obviously this is not true but understand what it means to assert this. If a man acting for the left was guilty a man acting for anyone else must also be guilty. Whether or not Reinoehl engaged in self defense is controlled by whether Rittenhouse did, his own actions are irrelevant. If the principles underlying this assertion were generally accepted a trial would be irrelevant since the facts and circumstances wouldn't matter.

This is the outcome of group justice. While this is shocking to more logical people Freder doesn't even wonder if RH acted in self defense or care what evidence supports that Reinoehl did. It is simply irrelevant. Image a trial system based on that and then you'll understand leftist justice and the outcome of allowing them to control the legal system. It would be a kafkaesque nightmare to normals, although like all left controlled systems it would protect the in-class which explains why leftists support it.

Jupiter said...

Freder Frederson said...
"I can just imagine how this thread would be different if it was an Antifa activist killed in Portland by Trump supporter who was subsequently killed by the Feds."

What can I say, Freder? We're lucky that way. Somehow, it's always you guys trying to kill us. Right Privilege, I guess.

Yancey Ward said...

Well, he is dead, but it was a mostly peaceful arrest.

Birkel said...

I imagine the American people different that those of Czarist Russia, China after the fascist Japanese invasion, or Cambodia under Chinese communist sway.


Birkel said...

That is very true. Silicon Valley may need a Sherman's March, metaphorically.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Column: Here’s why Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen shooting suspect in Kenosha killings, is likely to get off

After reading that, I must say, Rittenhouse is a good shot.

The guy with the pistol was lucky he only had his arm shot.

wonder if it will help Rittenhouse that arm-shot guy has stated openly that he wanted to kill Rittenhouse and regrets not killing him. Keep talking, dude.

Rick said...

Here's an article by someone who self-identifies as on the left concluding Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.

It's generally good but I have a couple of small disagreements.

From the article:

That final shooting “will be the most serious problem” for Rittenhouse at trial, Kling said. ”The guy did have a gun in his hand. But he wasn’t pointing it at or threatening Rittenhouse.”

What about the context, though? The confrontational, high-adrenaline interactions that led up to the tragic deaths. The night air punctuated by gunshots. Danger all around.

Did the teen willingly put himself in that fraught milieu and illegally, allegedly, risk a horrific escalation of that danger by carrying a gun on the scene? Yes.

1. I disagree the last shooting is the most serious for his defense. The fact that RH held fire while the man remained still and only fired when he re-started his charge toward RH is both clear on the video and overwhelming evidence of his restraint, helping his argument that he only fired in justifiable circumstances. The most serious shooting for his defense is the first.

2. It's revealing all these so-called pundits want to express how dangerous it was showing RH shouldn't have gone implying this shows his moral culpability. But this same circumstance applies to the men who were shot also - as well as everyone else there - yet none of the pundits apply this to others or note these others bear more responsibility because they escalated events long before the shootings.

Elsewhere the article includes a law professor quote "“Whether or not the people chasing him thought they had the right to chase him is irrelevant".

Some of the people (probably not the individuals who were shot because they likely had witnessed Rosenbaum's attack) chasing RH certainly thought they were in the right.
Unfortunately trusting the mob can carry a heavy penalty. This is why these men - and everyone else - should not have been there either. These are inherently dangerous situations despite the left pretending they are street parties. If you're going to hold RH to this standard then apply it to everyone.

Nichevo said...

Jeff Brokaw said...
That Portland video shooting looked like it was executed by a trained hit team. Watch the video again several times and asf yourself why the car pulled up suddenly right behind the victim and several people jumped out to provide “aid”, and why the black SUV pulled right in front of the victim. What exactly is going on there?

They looked like they knew what they were doing ... when a guy got executed in the street for wearing Trump gear.

The guy who videoed the whole thing had been doing video for quite a while of what looks like nothing going on, but there are curious shouted commands about moving to another location. Then when the shooting happens the video guy acts unsurprised and even starts arguing with a random guy who walks up and says “hey you should turn that in as evidence”.

@jackmurphylive posted a very interesting video about all this on Wednesday.

9/4/20, 7:13 AM

This video?

I actually thought that the minute I saw it. All the people in that scene, cameramen prominently included, should be shaken up by the system to see what falls out. Reinoehl is an obvious patsy. "The kind of mind the Joker attracts." Everybody swarming on the victim, it was like a ballet.

Hope the 4chans get to the bottom of it all. Note that I have little hope for the Feds - maybe the US Marshals have the spine but I don't know this is their work. For the FBI I hold no hope at all.

buwaya said...
Most of the SCW killing of, say, clergy and shopkeepers and landowners was not committed by the Spanish communists. The Spanish (Moscow aligned, Comintern) communist "brand" was discipline and order.

That stuff was generally by the anarchist-labor or even socialist worker militias.

Like Orwell's?

Kirk Parker said...


Another complete miss in that Tribe article was the author's plea that "civilians" being banned from carrying rifles... Hello, you journalistic pretender, police are civilians too.

Known Unknown said...

"I imagine the American people different that those of Czarist Russia, China after the fascist Japanese invasion, or Cambodia under Chinese communist sway."

This. We've hated authority since 1776 (well, technically before) -- that's why it's different here.

funsize said...

I'm glad you didn't cite the nyt on this topic. It was nauseating.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

The biggest miss in the articles was the claim that Kyle will be successfully prosecuted for carrying the AR-15 in public.

No, he won't For links and all the details

948.60  Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.
3)(c) This section applies only to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the person is in violation of s. 941.28 or is not in compliance with ss. 29.304 and 29.593

29.304  Restrictions on hunting and use of firearms by persons under 16 years of age.

Under 16. No restrictions for 16+ year olds

941.28 is about barrel length, 29.593 is totally irrelevant to the situation, so he was in compliance with it.

Kyle didn't violate the law by carrying that rifle

daskol said...

"Honestly, I hate to say it" = I deeply hope that it is so. This dead fucker was trying, hoping to start a war.

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