September 15, 2020

For some people, only death could tear them away from California.


Lucid-Ideas said...

"1) Good Air Quality"

"I made my decision: I’m just going to get lung cancer."

This is the end result of 40+ years of educational dearth in critical thinking skills.

I sincerely hope he does.

donald said...

This is absolutely the case.

Temujin said...

I guess confiscatory taxes, vastly overpriced real estate, anti-business regulations, one-party governance, rolling black-outs and lack of modern power structure are preferred to high humidity in the summer.

Aggie said...

Life sentences for Californians works for me. Then no other states will have to worry about voter recidivism.

Nonapod said...

For some people, only death could tear them away from California.

Be careful what you wish for. California seems to be slowly transforming into to a third world country. It's got mass homelessness, disease, the hollowing out of the middle class, and all run by a tiny hyper rich elite. It sure seems similar to a Central American kleptocracy.

tim maguire said...

Humans have felt free to make California such a hell-hole because nature has blessed it so. The left is squeezing all they can out of it.

Ice Nine said...

Idiotic replies to his request. Florida? Belize? Bali? Singapore? Thailand? Costa Rica? Panama?

These people are either joking, have never been to those places, or don't grasp the concept of humidity.

wendybar said...

Good...Stay there. We don't want your voting in our states.

wild chicken said...

LA did clean up its air, at great cost.

So that.

buwaya said...

California is ridiculously perfect.
Not just in terms of nature, but what people put into it up through the 1990s.
We took a last tour, more or less, to see the kids before leaving.

Nature and its patrimony have covered up such vast incompetence and venality.
But no more.

tcrosse said...

What could tear Althouse away from Madison? A good job elsewhere is all it took for me.

bagoh20 said...

He left out the easy access to human feces and beautiful tarp and cardboard-based architecture visible on every street.

Almost every day I'm reminded that I got out just in time. It often feels like I made it over the Berlin wall, but with less Germans.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Where can I move that has...?

• Good air quality
• Beach access
• An international airport
• Hot but not humid weather

My god this person is stupid. He wants good air quality but decides to stay in Cali and get lung cancer.

How about Hawaii? Lower taxes, cheaper insurance, and about the same housing prices.

PM said...

Agree. No need to move here. All is lost.

Ken B said...

You gonna post about responses to your Trump accomplishments thread?

DanTheMan said...

>For some people, only death could tear them away from California.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Known Unknown said...

The Mediterranean?

bleh said...

"Hot but not humid weather"

I mean, that's just another way to say, "I'm not seriously considering anywhere but California."

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

The answer to this is Eilat, Israel.

Leland said...

Alaska has all those qualities, plus the cold water issue like California.

Lucid-ideas, while I commend your excellent observation of the key point; you must understand that good air quality is simply code for harsh regulatory environment for industry. You know, EPA and Bush I's Clean Air Act. It has nothing to do with actual air quality especially when it is poor due to natural events perhaps caused by unnatural manmade global warming. So Alaska is still ok even if one of the various volcanoes erupt emitting huge sulfur clouds.

effinayright said...

As Milton famously said, "Some would rather Rule in Hell, than Serve in Heaven."

(and no, not Milton Friedman)

Harsh Pencil said...

I am not about to move to California, and those who point out it is becoming like a third world country (lots of poor people and a very rich upper class in gated neighborhoods) are correct, BUT the idea that it is a hellhole is crazy. There is a reason why real estate values are so high. The weather is wonderful, the beaches are wonderful. I love every time I visit.

We shouldn't just give up on it.

Readering said...

Not making much use of that International Airport tbh.

BrentonTalcott said...

My landlord who lives in Newport Beach Ca says all his rich friends are selling large assets and moving out.

If his son wasn't a freshmen in high school he said he would be thinking about it as well.

Gk1 said...

For those of us staying it's a matter of hope triumphing over experience. Our current woes are solvable and the one party democrat control of California is not foreordained. We did after all send Gov. Gray Davis packing (only to replace with an ineffectual hollywood actor from Austria)

I have hope that our naturalized H-1B engineers, & imported illegals from Mexico and central america will tire of listening to guilty white liberals and demand the ability to build, cultivate and retake the land from endangered stink frogs and environmental nuts.

ALP said...

Oh it isn't just CA. There are always stories about how people insist on living in flood areas, areas with volcanos etc. Plenty of flood zones in WA state and plenty of stories of people who insist on living on a riverbank despite the floods.

It isn't California, it is human nature.

Wince said...

Sounds like he's speaking from a position of privilege.

Jamie said...

My husband is from there - and not just "there" but SoCal "there." My whole family settled in Sacramento when my dad retired from the Air Force. We left in 1992 and it has been the aim of my husband's life (and the source of most of our fights since then) to find the job that would enable us to move back without having to live in a ramshackle crackerbox.

At least until recently. Truly many parts of CA are beautiful, wild, interesting, unique... but you have to put up with so much in order to gain access to those places. Even just to visit them: hotels are expensive, camping is expensive (except for the abundance of public land, but I don't camp off Forest Service roads much any more), groceries and restaurants are both expensive, gas is exorbitant (and as we all know, electricity is... unreliable). When our own rooted-down California families began urging us not to move back, even my die-hard husband started listening.

Charlie Currie said...

I've grown up and lived (74 years) within two miles of the CA beaches south of LA - currently a block and a half. My son and new granddaughter live a mile and a half away. My daughter and her four bailed a couple of years ago for Leander, TX, northeast of Austin. I'm real sorry she left, but I don't blame her a bit.

I'm in a position where taxes don't effect me - for the time being, anyway.

I'm sick of the overcrowding and traffic - only drive early mornings for errands and car shows/cruise-ins on on the weekends.

The thought of leaving the beach to the assholes who have ruined my state, kills me. Most of whom, don't even go there - they're mostly city people who like living in a city with beach in its name - they're posers.

I keep hoping I'll wakeup from this nightmare - maybe that's what dying is. I'm going to stick it out as long as I can. Maybe when there's no water and electricity, even the assholes will leave, and things will begin to improve.

Todd said...

Blogger Aggie said...

Life sentences for Californians works for me. Then no other states will have to worry about voter recidivism.

9/15/20, 1:02 PM

Two thumbs up! It can NOT be allowed to spread any farther!

Wilbur said...

I confess I have no idea what point he is trying to make. The last statement is a non-sequitor.

traditionalguy said...

California is all about wine, women and songs. Too bad the locals want to make idiot rules based on virtue signaling. That makes people leave. The next people who get California’s beauty and climate for their own will probably be the rich Chinese .

Bay Area Guy said...

Physically and geographically, Cali is and remains spectacular. Last weekend, I took the fam to Santa Barbara. Beautiful seaside city. Yesterday, I went to SF for lunch. Still a remarkable city, despite the smoky air, the homeless, the leftists. But Lunch on Chestnut Street in Pac Heights, still works.

Geography aside, the people in Cali are wacky. Overeducated goofballs who vote Dem.

Time to sell out and move to Miami Beach!

Rick.T. said...

Easter Island looks like it fits the bill, although might not be quite warm enough.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

It doesn't need to be pointed out that California is a one-party state. The state legislature, far from merely ignoring the desires of the political minority, seems to enjoy penalizing Republicans merely for being Republicans. They can't help but be aware, for instance, that draconian anti-gun laws simply don't work. All you have to do is to observe gun crime rates in Chicago to know that. Still, they find it salutary to create an arcane, convoluted structure of anti-gun ordinances that don't work, but really don't need to, because the objective is to piss off Republicans. They'll never have any power so who gives a fuck about them?

On top of this are all the California-only environmental mandates that do nothing for the environment, but cost consumers lots of money. Try replacing your catalytic converter. If you want to be legal in the Golden State, you have to have a CA approved converter which costs three times as much as the exact same item without imprimatur. Exact same item. We have an ant problem in this warm and dry place, and there is an Amdro product that works great, but last time I tried to order it Amazon wouldn't ship it here. It has also disappeared from store shelves. Turns out if you feed it to rats in huge quantities it can cause reproductive problems, but apparently Californians can't be trusted to not eat the stuff. The same nannyism applies to the purchase of appliances and anything with a gas engine. If it works well and people like it, it must be banned. Witness AB-5. Uber and Lyft were a godsend, both to users and drivers, but corrupt and failing unions didn't like them. So, never mind what's good for the people, the California legislature can only be counted on to do what's good for the Marxist agenda.

I've lived in California most of my life. My friends and family, my medical arrangements are all here. I don't have the wherewithal or moral strength to get up and move. It's such a beautiful place, and I'm sad to watch it slowly becoming a shithole. I guess I'll go down with the ship, but I'm not going to like it.

LakeLevel said...

The beaches in California are really not very good. They are usually small, rocky, covered in kelp and have very cold Pacific water.

cubanbob said...

He can move to Cape Town. It has the beauty, the ocean, the climate he likes. It's cheap for Americans with dollars and white privilege is rapidly diminishing. The food and wine are great. Power supplies can be sketchy, just like dear old Cali and he can mix with The People and not worry too much of dying of old age.

Mr. T. said...

Don't forget: plenty of pro-pedophile/statuary rape laws for government employees that the left loves in California.

Anonymous said...

VDH said it first and still does it best!

donald said...

California is the promised land. There is no place I’ve been to on this earth with so much beauty and riches. It is tragic what is happening politically, but home is home. The people I know and work with want to fix it. It will take a complete collapse and they know it, but they want to pick up those pieces. Cause it’s California. It’s the promised land.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

4th generation Californio, left in 1993, and haven't regretted it for a minute.

Bob Smith said...

You still need a like button.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I am fully in favor of Californians who feel that way staying in California.

That's preferable to them moving to red states, complaining incessantly that the local yahoos aren't enlightened like Californians, and voting for the same policies that made a beautiful state into a high tax shithole.

Fernandinande said...

I made my decision: I’m just going to get lung cancer.

No you won't, because California has one of the lowest state rates of lung cancer. Sorry!

Mary Beth said...

I guess confiscatory taxes, vastly overpriced real estate, anti-business regulations, one-party governance, rolling black-outs and lack of modern power structure are preferred to high humidity in the summer.

I live in the Ohio Valley and have to say that humidity does suck in a major way but at least I can go inside and rely on my air conditioner to make summer tolerable.

mikee said...

California, like Japan, is great to visit on a business expense account.

Gordon Scott said...

Scott Adams has confessed this more than once. No other place in the U.S. has the quality of life, geography and lack of insects. And he freely admits the taxes, state government idiocy, and that he's trapped in his house because of his asthma.

Quaestor said...

Little Nicky should stay in Gulag Kalifornia and be as happy as lung cancer can allow.

Fernandinande said...

Doing a little more research on the lung cancer incidence rate
Utah < (Colorado or New Mexico) < California < Other states,
I noticed that CA had lower-than average death rates for the most common causes of death, and it turns out California has the 2nd-longest life span of all the states, after Hawaii.

Skeptical Voter said...

My family came to a San Diego suburb in the summer of 1956. I turned 13 that fall. California in 1956 was something of a paradise. However the population of the state quadrupled from 1960 to 2020. What was nice has become--in some of the cities at least--an overcrowded garbage can.

The government, both state and local (and if you count our Congress critters) is run by a one party kakistcracy. Eric Garcetti makes Lori Lightfoot of Chicago look smart. It's a tossup between Gavin Newsom and Governor Cuomo as to who's the worst governor in the country. The two of them face strong competition from the governors of Oregon and Washington though.

Why am I still here--some family medical problems best treated at the UCLA medical center and family ties in San Diego and Los Angeles. I'll need to be w widower to escape.

JaimeRoberto said...

My wife and I have been talking about this lately since we are getting close to retirement age. I'm a 4th generation Californian, and despite all the stupidity in our state, there really isn't another place I want to move to. Maybe Idaho or the area around Bend, OR, but I may be falling prey to the grass appearing to be greener elsewhere. The other option is to downsize our home and have one house here and one in her home country in Europe.

TestTube said...

Some places that are just heck for the poor are wonderful for the rich, and that causes a moral quandary for the tourist -- Wonderful experience, but perhaps exploitative?

Not a problem in California, because all the residents are there by choice -- they like it. They voted for it!

Therefore, one may visit and indulge freely with clean conscience, departing when the air gets a little smokey.

chuck said...

California is a beautiful place and I would consider living there if it weren't for the crazy government, traffic, and housing costs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oregon man, freed after using Molotov cocktail to start fire, set six more: cops

He looks nice.

Good thing the leftists who run Oregon got rid of the bail system.

wild chicken said...

"because California has one of the lowest state rates of lung cancer. Sorry!"

Probably due to lower smoking rate and fact that the smog probably doesn't cause it anyway.

The air in socal is much cleaner than it was in the 70s.

bagoh20 said...

"I noticed that CA had lower-than average death rates for the most common causes of death, and it turns out California has the 2nd-longest life span of all the states, after Hawaii."

Well, they aren't going to let you just die and escape their taxes and control. You will suffer and pay taxes as long as possible, like it or not. They even force the dead to vote - Democrat of course.

stevew said...

My father-in-law succumbed to lung cancer at age 53. He was diagnosed in May, dead in September. We were with him when he died. In the end he couldn't breathe. Nikita Bier is an idiot.

Charlie Currie said...

All of you denigrating the citizens of California should remember, all these assholes came here from your state, then reproduced more assholes. They've all past their expiration date and us native born would appreciate it if you would come and get them and take them back home - especially, your crazy aunt Nancy.

Yes, there are some, many, native born assholes, starting with Jerry Brown. He's the beginning of the collapse - took everything his father built, and planned, and through it in the trash. Total asshole.

Ice Nine said...

Idiotic replies to his request. Florida? Belize? Bali? Singapore? Thailand? Costa Rica? Panama?

These people are either joking, have never been to those places, or don't grasp the concept of humidity.

Michael K said...

I've lived in California most of my life. My friends and family, my medical arrangements are all here. I don't have the wherewithal or moral strength to get up and move.

I did too and my wife is third generation. Still, we moved and don't regret it. My younger son is going to visit us this weekend because his daughter cannot take the SAT in CA and it is being offered this weekend in Tucson. They are planning their exit but he has a few years to retire and his kids are still in high school (if they ever open). Good luck.

DavidUW said...

California is awesome as long as you're not a W-2 employee, or a small business owner.

It's even better if you never technically "reside" in the state (like the truly high income movie stars etc, I guarantee you their tax residency is NOT california).

Basically as long as you are in an industry where you can avoid the BS--i.e movie "accounting," tech startups (especially when you take a sabbatical in Washington State or Nevada for the year your options vest, sell, avoid the income taxes and move back, or if you're rich enough, you just borrow against your shares and never pay a dime in taxes), or of course you're a "middle class" government worker getting paid $200-$300k/year with a guaranteed pension of at least that amount, inflation adjusted, until you die.

madAsHell said...

Why does Nikita have a 3-day growth?

Anonymous said...

Evolution in action.

Marcus Bressler said...

My high school prom date left Florida and went to LA where she wound up being a very successful "Hollywood" agent. Since I was born in NYC, when she first bragged on California (and LA in particular), I gave her the Woody Allen treatment IIRC:
"When it's 110 degrees in the shade in New York City, it's 78 in LA. When it's 20 below zero in NYC, it's 78 in LA. Well, there are eight million interesting people in NYC, but only 78 in LA." Unfortunately, NYC is a shithole also.
She plans to retire here to our adopted hometown of Jupiter FL, having purchased a nice condo on the river here several years back. Despite her successes, when LA chews her and spits her out now that she's gonna be 65, she'll be back to the humidity and beautiful waters here. I just wish she'd leave her Lib tendencies and TDS when she returns.


Vonnegan said...

Yes, California is in many respects a third world country, but leftists like third world countries, especially rich leftists. A friend's husband commented last year that they were taking a short vacation to Mexico City "for a few days of fun, and to check it out for relocation should Trump go full Handmaid's Tale".

Do I need to point out that this guy is a public school teacher, or is that just redundant at this point? His wife is the one with the trust fund...

Joe Smith said...

Up until 1990 or so, California (Northern, at least) was a glorious place to live.

Apart from a short stint overseas it's been my only home. I am one of the few native residents whenever I'm at a large gathering.

Not sure if the influx of foreigners ruined it or the lib natives...either way I am planning my escape.

Liberals ruin everything.

wild chicken said...

Gotta admit, best humidity and air-feel is in Hawaii. Just humid enough to not dry out your skin and sinuses.

Wish I'd bought a cheap condo in Oahu back during the recession.

Don B. said...

I like it here in Guatemala

Ryan said...

You can hate California but California doesn't hate you. We love you all. We don't know you and don't think about you at all, but we love you. Sending good vibes from LA.

Jupiter said...

U-Haul Introduces Armored War Rigs For Californians Trying To Flee State's Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland

chickelit said...

I decided to leave California today.

TheDopeFromHope said...

"For some people, only death could tear them away from California." Not Ben Shapiro--he gone! Along with the rest of the Daily Wire staff, moving to Nashville. Do we see a trend forming here?

I'm Not Sure said...

"You can hate California but California doesn't hate you."

People don't hate California. They hate the pretentious assholes who live there and bring their shit with them when they can't take it anymore and move someplace else.

Just sayin'.

EAB said...

I grew up in the East Bay along with a cabin in the Sierras. But I’ve lived on the East Coast multiple times, including now. In the past couple of years, I let go of returning to CA. Although my heart is most at piece in the terrain of Nor Cal, I gave up on it and let go. I can’t return to that traffic, the cost, the ever-present drought risk, and the attitudes of superiority (even New Yorkers aren’t as condescending.) We have found a place in the Midwest we like, so we are hoping that becomes our forever home.

Sam L. said...

This guy's nuts. Still, it's his life, short though it might be.

walter said...

Don't forget that wondrous high speed rail project.

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