September 26, 2020

For the annals of "taking pains."

"For five years, my colleagues and I have taken pains to avoid Nazi comparisons," writes Dana Milbank in "This is not a drill. The Reichstag is burning" (WaPo).


Danny Lemieux said...

I think that you inserted one "n" too many in your headline.

Expat(ish) said...

Do people even read history or do they just look at the headline and snippet of Wikipedia in google search. That I god Milbank’s drivel is behind a paywall.

It’s not even vaguely original - here is a 4/June article, equally breathless - And moronic. My favorite line, from a note Mussolini expert (!!) - “ Now, I’m not suggesting Donald Trump is about to make himself Fuhrer and kill America’s Jews...”

At least he knows where to find a whole nest of the, ... in his speed dial.


Temujin said...

"For five years, my colleagues and I have taken pains to avoid Nazi comparisons,"

Surely you jest.

Attempted coup, lawfare, riots, protests, Nazi comparisons, White Supremacist labels, murder attempts, arson, multiple city-wide destruction, Wuhan virus lockdowns that destroyed the economy. Plus Kavanaugh. Plus mail-in balloting, ballot harvesting, and threats to drop the electoral college and packing the Supreme Court.

Dana Milbank has his team have been promoting these things, pumping them up, and carrying the water for the most extreme players behind the scenes at the DNC for years. They reached peak madness in 2016 and show no signs of abating. Milbank is up to his neck in this scum. He IS the scum.

Any WaPo readers that have functioning brains should use it for kindling.

Birkel said...

It's nice of Dana Milbank to be the first to make Trump is a Nazi comparisons.
We have waited so long.

Big Mike said...

Who does Milibank view as his colleagues? Most be a tiny number of writers from the Post.

Kristallnacht has come to Seattle and Portland and Madison and Kenosha and Chicago and now Louisville, Dana, but it’s your side smashing the shop windows. There’s a reason why you applauded when Lady Gaga appeared at a Clinton fund-raiser on November 7, 2016, wearing a black outfit that resembled an SS uniform, complete to red armband. Now at long last own it.

Fernandinande said...

I have taken pains to avoid Nazi comparisons

Dana Milbank | The Washington Post
Published: July 12, 2018

"... American Nazi Party ... a prominent neo-Nazi ... on neo-Nazi podcasts ... a neo-Nazi rally ... Neo-Nazi Patrick ... the Nazi death camp ... a Nazi sympathizer ... "

clint said...

Tone deaf to invoke the image of a building burning, after the last six months of rioting?

John Borell said...

For five years you called Trump and his supporters literal Nazis. So spare me, please.

Oh, I see, you didn’t make Nazi comparisons because you were too busy calling Trump and his supporters literal Nazis.

Bugger off boy who calls wolf.

Humperdink said...

Milbank: "Let’s be clear. There is only one political party in American politics embracing violence. There is only one side refusing to denounce all political violence."

The man is delusional.

gspencer said...

"'For five years, my colleagues and I have taken pains to avoid Nazi comparisons,' writes Dana Milbank"

The really funny part - he believes that.

Anyway, Dana, good one. You may yet yet that longed-for career in Vegas.

Fernandinande said...

Millbank taking pains: "After Charlottesville, when Trump said there “were very fine people” marching among the neo-Nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us,”

buwaya said...

Maybe it is burning. Or maybe it shortly will be.
Its not clear yet who has (or will) set the fire.

Milbanks side certainly has set thousands of fires though.
Probably hoping their enemies will retaliate in kind.

Laslo Spatula said...

These people are exhausting.

It's akin to an Oedipal Complex, except they want to impress Mom by stopping Hitler.

That will show her what a Big Boy they are.

I am Laslo.

Unknown said...

Dems set the fire

gilbar said...

who's he accusing of setting this "fire"
the people that have been rebelling against elected authority?
or, the elected authority?

hawkeyedjb said...

The Reichstag has been relocated to Portland?

rehajm said...

That's some shit thinking right there...or the kind of media spin tat would sink a campaign 25 years ago.

Remember the question was win, lose or draw. Why should he agree to transfer of power if he wins?

Rory said...

The Reichstag fire occurred when Hitler was 44, had spent his adult life in politics, and had already assumed power. Mussolini went on the government payroll at 39. Putin at 23. Biden at 28, Harris at 26.

Donald Trump first sought office when he was seventy.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

wendybar said...

BULL SHIT!!! If Trump isn't a racist, then he is a Fascist or Hitler. This has been going on since the Democrats refused a peaceful transition of power.....because Hillary lost, and they STILL can't accept it. WHAT is NAZIST about letting the states run the way they are supposed to??? ( I can't read the article behind the pay wall, so I am calling bullshit on all the liars who are now trying to say they are innocent of the name calling)

JAORE said...

Apparently Dana has no colleges in the press. Is he referring to a side gig?

(And the media does NOT take sides.)

doctrev said...

Trump as Hitler? That's real original, guys, you must have had the elite brain trust burning the midnight oil there.

Mr. T. said...


traditionalguy said...

Amy is now a Nazi because she is not one of the supporters of extermination of the innocent. Boy these guys always accuse opponents of what they are doing. But it no longer confuses us. Guess they better riot longer and longer.

Nichevo said...

If they believe that then they would flee the country, right? If they believe that, then certainly when President Trump wins re-election on November 3rd, baruch ha'Shem, they will immediately take measures to leave the country. Right?

hombre said...

A paywall blocks me from Milbanks calumnious drivel. That’s fine. Even a dollar for a month is excessive.

There is so much about the leftmediaswine to despise, but at the forefront is their effort to depose a duly elected President with lies and without concern for collateral damage to the Republic, the Constitution or public health.

rehajm said...

Has Joe Biden or (CANDIDATE TO BE NAMED LATER) agreed to a peaceful transition when they lose?

TrespassersW said...

You forgot to add the "bullshit" tag.

rehajm said...

There's secession talk coming from the left. Those internal polls must really look bad...

Bilwick said...

Nazi? You mean National Socialists who advocated collectivism over individualism, statism over a free market and practically invented identity politics? They were also big on gun-control, too, I understand.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah - who is doing the burning ?

Why - It's ...


The left's henchmen. Ignored by the left's media.

madAsHell said...

Maybe you can smear a little "Black Lives Matter" lambs blood on your front door.

Rick said...

The Nazis were the political allies of those who burned down the Reichstag so Milbank's historical analogy suggests Democrats are the Nazis.

I can't get through the paywall but I suspect he's as incompetent understanding history just as he is with understanding current events.

Leland said...

Clicked and hit paywall, which tells me this isn't so important or critical if they still want to make money off this warning. The corollary is that WaPo is needlessly sounding the alarm to make profit on their readers' fear.

Joe Smith said...

"For the annals of taking pains..."

There are creams and salves for that...or a rubber doughnut thingy.

robother said...

"Taken pains." Bending over backwards to give Trump and his followers the benefit of the doubt has given all the WaPo lower back issues.

Jersey Fled said...


Mary Beth said...

From the annals of avoidance in 2018. And 2016. There are more but they don't call Trump a Nazi so much as say he's antisemitic, just like those Nazis were. Or, he's a fascist, just like those Nazis were.

The only change would be instead of saying he's just like them, they've moved on to saying he is one of them.

Kevin said...

Taking pains: limiting ourselves to repeating others' claims that Trump was literally Hitler.

chuck said...

Time for Milbank to hide the matches and leave the building.

Michael K said...

It is going to be so much fun to watch Democrats immolate themselves. They can't help it.

Kassaar said...

Milbank is inviting Goebbels comparisons.

MartyH said...

So they were sure Trump was a Nazi from day one?

wild chicken said...

Why can't they just bloody wait and see what happens? They're working themselves into a frenzy with pointless speculation.

Save it for the novel.

MartyH said...

Which colleagues have similarly held their tongues for five years? Who is he speaking for?

Jupiter said...

So, the gloves are finally off?

Jaq said...

“This is not a drill” and “literally” are interchangeable.

Mr. Forward said...

I think he meant Minneapolis.

daskol said...

Godwin's law, section 307.11: it's not Godwin's law if you take great pains for a while first.

Anonymous said...

I stopped paying attention to that hack 14 years ago, when he did a TV interview wearing an orange vest and hat, to mock Dick Cheney after he accidentally shot a friend in a hunting accident.

AlbertAnonymous said...

How hard could it have been? What actual (not complete hyperbole) comparisons are there?

Anyone rounded up into camps?
Religious interference?
Small boys drafted into the Trump Youth regime?
Invasions of other countries?
Book burning?

MayBee said...

What does Trump do that is so very Hitler-y and fascist?

ISTM these complaints are like saying something is "gluten free". Gluten free just means "Healthy". "Hitler" just means "I don't want him to be President"

Fernandinande said...

I finally skimmed the advertorial to see if (s)he actually quoted Trump rather than using the typical MSM form - "Some guy says Trump said something similar to what a bad guy said!" Nope.

Millbank still repeats the lie: "Trump embraced the “very fine people” among the homicidal neo-Nazis in Charlottesville."

What foods these morsels be.

MartyB said...

Lack of self awareness obviously, but primarily lack of fore-thought about how thousands of quotes of "Trump as Hitler" from prominent politicians and commentators are about to re-appear...

LA_Bob said...

I read the editorial here, and I assume it's the same WaPo editorial.

Among other nonsense, 'Trump embraced the “very fine people” among the homicidal neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.'

So much else in the piece to knock down, but why bother?

Narr said...

Milbank couldn't find the Reichstag on a map.

Godwin wins again

Yancey Ward said...

Simply, wow.

Narr said...

During my years running a small audiology and speech pathology library in a highly-ranked graduate program, I was often asked for help locating the "Ay-nals" [rhymes with gay-nals] of Otolaryngology" or the like.

So how are folks getting along? Roughcoat, O Mike (or was it B Mike)? Now IiB reports sick.

Ay-nals of Proctology, now that would make sense

Achilles said...

I couldn’t get to the article.

Was he talking about the mostly peaceful protests? Wait that was kristallnacht...

Jeff Weimer said...

That's such bullshit. "Nazi" is usually the first tool in their toolbox.

Spiros said...

Pot calling the kettle black?

According to Rabbi Shimon Raichik, the most recent Los Angeles BLM riots were blatantly anti-Semitic. Synagogues were "touched." "It’s Kristallnacht ['Night of the Broken Glass'] all over again."

Antifa and BLM mobs are not mindless. They are a racist, anti-wealth movement. Because Jewish people are obviously wealthier and better educated than the Antifa and BLM garbage, the Jews should expect a bit of abuse this go around.

I think Antifa and BLM are trying to run the Asians and Jews out of town. But so what? In 1909, several thousand “American” men looted Greek homes and businesses, beat Greek men, women and children and burnt down every building in Omaha's "Greektown." All of this happened in one psychotic day. An entire ethnic community disappeared. The Italians and the Irish were also subjected to tremendous abuse. So if we had to deal with this bullsh*t, the Mexicans, the Asians and the Jews are going to have to deal with it.

Big Mike said...

The Reichstag is burning.

Ah, no, Dana. That's Portland, Kenosha, and now Louisville. Tell me something, Mr. Milbank, did anyone think to focus group test the idea that "if you don't vote for Democrats we will burn Democrat-governed cities to the ground" was a good campaign slogan?

Sam L. said...

Ahh, the WaPoo!! WaPooping AGAIN!!!111!!!!!

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is an apt link I believe. It is what I call "too good to check" for inaccuracies, painful or not.

iowan2 said...

I used to gobble up stuff like this. Inanities presented by the likes of Millbank...but talk about empty calories. There is no there, there.

I keep chasing this stuff down, and always end up back at the same point. Congress has shed almost all of its constitutional power to the President and SCOTUS. I just want to scream at all the thumb suckers, to man up and do their job. Pelosi is the speaker of the House. I argue the most powerful single person, in our government. Yet they refuse to advance their prefered agenda legislatively because to pursue it openly and honestly, will cost them their sinecure, at the next election.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Yes, they have tried to keep things civil.

JAORE said...

For (a lot longer than) five years, I have avoided coherent thought. - Dana Milbank.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Fascism is always descending on the Republican Party and always landing on the Democrat Party. Or something like that.

Do these goose-stepping clowns really think their totalitarian wet-dreams have gone unnoticed out in the real world? When they’ve done absolutely everything in their power to shove them down America’s throat? We talk of ideological “bubbles” lightly, as though they’re just a human foible that everyone’s susceptible to. But the Prog’s bubble is thick and opaque. An impregnable dzong from which malice spews, impervious to any feedback from reality.

Iman said...

Milbank is a known gimp. I don’t care what he thinks, writes or has to say.

Drago said...

""For five years, my colleagues and I have taken pains to avoid Nazi comparisons," writes Dana Milbank in "This is not a drill. The Reichstag is burning" (WaPo)."


Every democratical presidential candidate has called every republican presidential candidate a literal "Hitler" starting with Truman in 1948 who called Dewey BOTH a literal "Hitler" and a literal "Stalin".

You know, for good measure......

I think mister milbank is about to have his inbox flooded with thousands of pics and snippets of every time a republican was called a literal "Hitler" for the last 70 years.

But he will, of course, ignore them...because for leftists/LLR-leftists, history begins anew every 15 minutes.

Skeptical Voter said...

I don't know about Dana "taking pains". But the level of codswallop he dishes out "gives pains" to sentient human beings. His mother raised a moron.

chickelit said...

For five years, Milbans and WaPo colleagues have taken no great pains to avoid using Nazi comparisons. Now they explicitly ask permission to do so.

JPS said...

It is a drill. Yet another. And if you keep holding drills while announcing, This is not a drill, people start to tune you out.

Like, for example, if you insist Trump has said he won't relinquish power if he loses, when actually he just refused to entertain the premise that he will lose.

I forget which commenter here I'm echoing: They kept telling me Trump was Hitler, and in the end he just turned out to be kind of a dick.

DKWalser said...

If Dana and his peers have been strenuously avoiding comparing Trump to Hitler and Trump's supporters to Nazis, imagine how much worse their coverage of Trump could have been? Of course, since the Washington Post and NYT have been filled with such comparisons for the last four years (and were filled with similar charges during GWB's 8 years in the White House), I don't believe for a minute they've made any attempt to avoid calling Trump a Nazi. Quite the opposite: Most of their very many Nazi comparisons have been strained.

Tina Trent said...

Dana Milbanks' employers intentionally concealed Obama's ties with domestic terrorists.


Bay Area Guy said...

Dana Milllbamk is a soy boy!

The only threat to the "peaceful transfer of power" is Leftwing looters, rioters and arsonists along with Leftwing FBI Russian Hoaxers who LIED to the FISA court to spy on Trump along with Leftwing lawyers who tried to tamper with the Electoral College.

Thank you, Dana!

narciso said...

whos the side that has angela davis, too much oleander,

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Dana Milbank portrays himself as a reporter and journalist. What he doesn't say is he's a Democrat operative with a byline, dedicated to making the Democrats look like saints and Republicans look like sinners. His special project is to cast Donald Trump as Lucifer, without any redeeming qualities.

He and his ilk (I love that word!) have been pushing the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and coup attempt for four years.

Ambrose said...

Well, it is about time someone has finally had the courage to imply Trump is a Nazi on the pages of the Washington Post.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The Harris/Biden campaign are now embracing "Hanoi" Jane Fonda. Any campaign that embraces that woman is not worthy of a single vote. "Hanoi" Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam, sat on an anti-aircraft gun for a photo-shoot. This at a time when our aviators, including John McCain, were fight NV aggression. May Lucifer rise out of Hell and drag her down to the ninth circle of hell, and embed her in the ice, where all traitors belong.

Bob Smith said...

I’m so old I remember when Thomas E. Dewey was Hitler. Matter of fact the only Republican who hasn’t been Hitler is Eisenhower. Because he beat Hitler like a cheap drum and nobody can make any other case.

Paco Wové said...

"Why can't they just bloody wait and see what happens? They're working themselves into a frenzy..."

They're working themselves into a frenzy so that they can justify to themselves what comes next.

Achilles said...

These people are incompatible with a free society.

Society requires suppression of the incompatible.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Let this be clear... if Trump were Hitler, you would be a fucking lampshade, dickweed!

John henry said...

Blogger Expat(ish) said...

Do people even read history or do they just look at the headline and snippet of Wikipedia in google search.

I cannot for the life of me figure out why people use Google for search. Even apparently otherwise sensible people.

They are manipulating the search results and may not show you what you want to see. The current example is Day by Day cartoon.

A "glitch" was stopping it from showing up in search results. All sorts of commentary about the cartoon and links to other sites. Noting in the first 3 pages of results for the

In addition to filtering out unwanted, by Google, info from your search results, google also tracks you.

Bing probably does too but it does not seem to be shadowbanning sites it disagrees with.

I use Bing as default on my laptop, on desk, phone and tablet.

As far as I can tell, both give every bit as goog results as Google. I've never not found something in Bing or DDG then been able to find it in Google.

And if you like Google Chrome as a browser, try Comodo Dragon. Exact same code as Chrome, all the extensions and so on work the same.

But it doesn't let Google track you.

Apologies for the OT rant.

John Henry

William said...

What with modern computer technology, it should be easy to determine the number of Hitler comparisons per thousand words and do a relative study of who has received the majority of those comparisons: Bush or Trump. The optimum number is somewhere in the three to four range, but season to taste.....I was led to believe that the true mark of a latter day Hitler was the willingness to use water boarding as a method of interrogation. I think Trump has been letting his side down. I haven't heard of any water boarding scandals lately. I don't think you can be a real Hitler without waterboarding.....I wonder who the pundits back in the thirties compared Hitler to when speaking of tyrannical excess? Certainly not Mussolini or Lenin. They had high opinions of both men back then......Way back when, pundits like Goethe and Heine used to compare Napoleon to Charlemagne. Wrong call that....Pundits and poets are not so much the unelected legislators of mankind as the fan club of whoever sets their hearts to beating fast. They've had crushes on some remarkably deficient leaders.

John henry said...

Blogger Mary Beth said...

fascist, just like those Nazis were

Nope, nope and nope.

"fascism" was an Italian political ideology. A form of National Socialism but called "Fascism" (capital F) in Italian.

The Germans were "National Socialists" not "fascists". They shared some common beliefs but were also different. Kind of like the US and Canada's political ideologies are similar but different.

Stalin started calling the National Socialists fascists when they started giving socialism a bad name. Ditto everyone else.

John Henry

Original Mike said...

Milbank: "Let’s be clear. There is only one political party in American politics embracing violence. There is only one side refusing to denounce all political violence."

Do WaPo readers believe this shit?

Chris Lopes said...

"Stalin started calling the National Socialists fascists when they started giving socialism a bad name."

Stalin was already giving socialism a bad name and he liked the NAZI's enough to divide Poland with them. What really ticked Uncle Joe off were all those well armed Germans coming into the USSR.

chuck said...

I’m so old I remember when Thomas E. Dewey was Hitler.

Not only that, he was also a Communist.

hstad said...

Is Dana Milbank for real?

hstad said...

Is Dana Milbank for real?

Michael K said...

The Harris/Biden campaign are now embracing "Hanoi" Jane Fonda. Any campaign that embraces that woman is not worthy of a single vote. "Hanoi" Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam, sat on an anti-aircraft gun for a photo-shoot.

I'm waiting for the Photoshop that shows Harris on the NVA gun with Jane.

Lee Moore said...

I was just watching a TV documentary which mostly consisted of quotes from a number of people from the WW2 era, from all sides, commenting on various aspects of Nazi rule and policy.

One of the quotes that stood out was from General de Gaulle, who described the Nazis as "an amalgam of fascism and racial theory"

That strikes me as a pretty good description. Fascism and National Socialism were not the same thing. The original fascists - Mussolini and his gang - were socialists with a brain; ie although the slogan was "Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato", the practice was to have the State control everything by essentially regulatory control of private business, and by commands from the State. Rather than by eliminating private ownership, which had already been clocked as a disaster in the Soviet Union. Indeed the approach of Mussolini to economic affairs was not a thousand miles from the heavy regulationist approaches of many modern leftists.

But Mussolini's fascists had next to nothing of "racial theory."

The Nazis were also in the business of issuing commands to private businesses and regulating them, in preference to outright nationalisation. Though their propaganda was pretty anti-capitalist. The only difference between 1930s Communist and Nazi economic propaganda was that the Nazis drew the fat greedy capitalists with caricatured Jewish noses.

So the constant screeching against "fascists" from the left, has two parts :

(1) a desire to "make smoke" over the similarities between fascism and modern leftist approaches to the economy, and
(2) the deliberate confusion of the "racial theory" element of Nazism, with the fascist element.

The bit about Nazism we all object to is the racial theory. But lots of us don't object to the fascism. It's just called something different these days, and forms the basis of most modern leftist economic policy. Let the capitalists own their factories, but we will tell them what they may do with them.

And the modern leftist horror at any crack in the monopoly of government schools - whether private schools, vouchers or homeschooling, is straight outta fascism.

Homeschooling is illegal in Germany. And has been fo decades. You know who made it illegal ? Yup, the guy with the toothbrush moustache.

Swede said...

Of all the drama queens out there writing fan fiction for the cosplayers in the Democratic party, Milbank is one of my favorites.

Martin said...

I think he may not be wrong about the Reichstag being on fire. The problem is it is him and his friends running away from the scene with matches and gasoline.

They expect us to just believe them when they tell us it is Trumps fault while they riot, burn, and murder. All the while pointing and saying "See what you made me do. I love you. Why do you vote for Republicans so I have to hurt you."

Howard said...

Where is Leni Riefenstahl now that we need her?

tcrosse said...

You're a riot, Dana.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Let's just get it out there:

If Trump was even vaguely Nazi-like; Milbank and all his journalist pals would be too shit scared to say anything about it in public!

Or as Insty says; Worst.Hitler.Evar!!

Larry J said...

How does it escape the attention of these historically ignorant morons that if Trump were even 1/10th of Hitler, soon after he took office, they would have quickly found themselves in a concentration camp at best or a firing squad at worst? How can they possibly be so stupid?

Josephbleau said...

Has Beiden agreed to a peaceful transfer of power when Hillary takes over as the Dem presidential candidate?

Gk1 said...

Where will these one trick liberal pony's like Milbank go once papers collapse all together? Althouse readers can't even be baited to click on his article to read, because we already know what Dana's going to write.

How a president that moved our embassy to Jerusalem, normalized relations between Arab nations and Israel is somehow the next Hitler only draws a horse laugh from many of us. It's just no longer credible and worth reacting to its so off base. Only a hack writer desperate to make his quota writes this crap any more.

chuck said...

Indeed the approach of Mussolini to economic affairs was not a thousand miles from the heavy regulationist approaches of many modern leftists.

That is why I am always puzzled by the omission of Mussolini from lists of the most influential socialists :) He belongs right up there in the top three.

historyDoc said...

Does Milbank just get to have a column as long as he wants? Is that how it works at the Wapoo? I mean, do they have any metrics to evaluate the quality of his work besides number of clicks? I guess he just gets to drone on for another 20-30 years without oversight, drawing false conclusions from obvious current events, molding the narrative to his limited understanding. Sheesh - what a low bar to clear!

LilyBart said...

To the left Nazi / Hitler just means double-plus un-good.

Michael K said...

But lots of us don't object to the fascism. It's just called something different these days, and forms the basis of most modern leftist economic policy. Let the capitalists own their factories, but we will tell them what they may do with them.

"Crony Capitalism" is a good term. Kind of like General Electric since Jack Welch.

readering said...

Provocative new piece by Andrew Sullivan on his new web site, on Trump as (competent) tyrant, taking off from the plot and text of Shakespeare's Richard III. Of course, AA and others would dismiss as TDS, which AS anticipates in the piece.

GingerBeer said...

Nazis, or literally Nazis?

buwaya said...

Mussolini was prominent and a great advocate of "the middle way" of socialism. He knew how to attract attention. But in those days he was hardly alone, and there was an ongoing trend of it almost a century before he became El Duce.

There were fascists and corporatists long before the words were coined.

HMuns said...

Sick post. How 'bout them Iowa caucuses Ann? You sure pick winners.

n.n said...

They expect us to just believe them when they tell us it is Trumps fault while they riot, burn, and murder.

While hunting, judging, and protesting, they burn, loot, and murder, in an exercise of liberal license to indulge diversity (i.e. color judgment) and exclusion.

Krumhorn said...

The TDS among the lefties is virulent. The overheated rhetoric, the bug-eyed anger, the extremities of resistance, and the utterly psychotic disconnection from reality are all the benchmarks of the point of no return. How in the world do we ever find some sort of cordial normality?

- Krumhorn

papper said...

The Reichstag is being burned by BLM, Antifa and their supporters in government, Schumer, Pelosi et al. They are setting the fires and creating the crisis.

mikee said...

I, for one, look forward to the followup article on the coming Trump Kristallnacht. The Nazis took five and a half years to go from Reichstag Fire to mass arrests. I bet Trump can be accused of it by Milbank before this election.

Michael K said...

But in those days he was hardly alone, and there was an ongoing trend of it almost a century before he became El Duce.

I still think, if he had ever met Hitler, he would have died honored in bed. Ethiopia was a mistake but, without Hitler, he might have stayed out of north Africa, or the British might have let him have Libya.

Drago said...

readering: "Provocative new piece by Andrew Sullivan on his new web site, on Trump as (competent) tyrant, taking off from the plot and text of Shakespeare's Richard III. Of course, AA and others would dismiss as TDS, which AS anticipates in the piece."

Self-appointed Sarah Palin gynecologist Andrew Sullivan crafts another in a long line of TDS-driven articles equating Trump to every tyrant throughout all of human history and while doing that realizes that many will notice this is the 17,000,000th TDS-driven article and will comment upon that obvious fact.


LA_Bob said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said, "If Trump was even vaguely Nazi-like; Milbank and all his journalist pals would be too shit scared to say anything about it in public!"


And the contrast between Milbank and Althouse couldn't be more stark. Milbank feels bullied (but not truly cowed), Althouse does not.

Althouse probably would have made a really good journalist. But in this environment, she would probably just end up a blogger. No major outlet would appreciate her critical thinking skills.

buwaya said...

I don't recall any princes getting strangled in towers lately.
Or of any slaughtered lords, or any of them even being prosecuted for that matter.

Well, wait, there was Epstein.

AZblondie said...

I have so many friends at the hair on fire crazy level that I've occasionally wondered if I'm the crazy one who is deluded, because they are otherwise very smart people. Then I look at some of the garbage they are posting and I am reassured that I really am fine.

PhilD said...

"I still think, if he had ever met Hitler, he would have died honored in bed."

The Allies should have given a medallion anyway because if he had stayed out of the war Germany would have had its Western and Southern flank secured as Greece would probably have stayed neutral as would have Yugoslavia. And Barbarossa would have as a result opened a month earlier.

Also, as a dictator he wasn't in the same class as a Hitler or a Stalin. More like a would-be Napoleon I would say. I always wondered why the Left/progressives/marxist (all of the same kind really) pretend to be so anti-fascist seeing they really mean anti-nazism. One theory is that 'nazi' has that 'socialism' connotation but then Mussolini considered himself to be a socialist all his life. Must be an ideological fight in the 'socialist' dysfunctional family.

AZblondie said...

I am totally stealing this - hope you don't mind!

Posts like this are why I really wish this site had thumbs up and threaded comments. The gang here is one of the best I've found, and I think the discussions would be even better if the topics would thread.

JPS said...

I forget which commenter here I'm echoing: They kept telling me Trump was Hitler, and in the end he just turned out to be kind of a dick.

John Cunningham said...

If Trump were Hitler, Milbank would already be a lampshade or a puff of smoke going up a chimney.

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