A Democratic senator, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said a group of Feinstein’s colleagues want Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) or Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) to serve as the top Democrat on the Judiciary panel for the upcoming nomination hearings, which are expected to be extraordinarily contentious. This senator is worried that potential missteps by Feinstein could cost Democrats seats.ADDED: "Pull off" is a funny phrase. I looked it up in the OED. It has many meanings that are not at all what the third Democratic Senator meant. For example, in U.S. slang, it means "To steal, esp. by picking a pocket":
“She’s not sure what she’s doing,” the Democratic senator said of Feinstein. “If you take a look at Kavanaugh, we may be short two senators because of that. And if this gets [messed] up, it may be the same result. I think it could impact a number of seats we can win,” the senator added.
Another Democratic senator said party leaders were “in an impossible position,” pointing out that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) and other senior Democrats can’t replace a female senator for hearings on an expected female nominee to replace a deceased female Supreme Court justice....
A third Democratic senator put it this way: “She can’t pull this off.”...
1883 ‘M. Twain’ Life on Mississippi lii. 511 I pulled off an old woman's leather; (robbed her of her pocket-book).And it means, in "coarse slang," "To masturbate (a man); to cause (a man) to ejaculate by masturbation":
1909 J. Joyce Let. 8 Dec. in Sel. Lett. (1975) 184 I pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways.I'm using high prestige authors to illustrate the lowly meanings.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses iii. xviii. [Penelope] 711 How did we finish it off yes O yes I pulled him off into my handkerchief pretending not to be excited.
But the perfectly appropriate meaning is "To succeed in accomplishing, achieving, or producing (something); to carry off." Not necessarily some sort of sneaky caper!
1923 H. G. Wells Men like Gods i. i. 6 He was not really clever enough to pull such a thing off.
1960 ‘Miss Read’ Fresh from Country (1962) xviii. 197 ‘And good luck to the old girl, say I!’ continued Joan warmly... ‘Let's hope she pulls it off!’
Does this come under "Hoist on your own petard ?"
She can’t pull this caper off... what an admission!!!
The smartest thing the Dems in the Senate could do is to admit they are defeated before they even start. Stand up like adults and admit the reality is not to their liking, but it is what it is. They don't have to vote for whomever Trump nominates, just dial things back and make everything normal and orderly. I GUARANTEE you that every "moderate" out there in voterland would take notice and go "at LAST! Someone acting like an adult in all of this!" and swing toward the Dems.
Fortunately (since I am a deplorable Trumpkin from Flyoveristan), the chances of the Dems doing this are slightly lower than my chances of sitting on the board of Burisma. So, no worries, they'll act like their true, rabidly-deranged selves and continue to push moderates towards the Right.
"Senator Feinstein, is your completely unConstitutional hostility to my religion at all related to the fact you're a Jew? You demand I recuse myself from cases, so would you ever recuse yourself from votes relating to Israel?"
A goodly portion of the Trump base doubts ACB because she's yet another Catholic judge among a Protestant majority. Cutting right to the heart of the issue would bring them around.
I wonder what they expect Senator Feinstein to do? If McConnell has the votes, the nomination will be confirmed and a repeat of the Kavanaugh circus doesn't seem to be a good look.
"...who might not be up to the challenge of leading the opposition to Trump's nominee."
Rather telling, they openly plan to oppose the nominee, even though they don't even know who it is yet.
Can Kamala take a couple of days off the campaign trail to come in and savage the nominee? She did that to Kavanaugh?
And are Whitehouse, Durbin, Chuck You and Blumenthal worried that Feinstein can't sit on something and let it drop off the edge of her desk this time to ensure a two or three week delay in the proceedings ala Kavanaugh? Does the old girl have it in her to go round the track one more time without faltering in the the stretch?
The problem for the Dims is that most of the "horses" in their stable are old enough to be ready for the glue factory.
I dunno. Anyone who can use privileged senatorial info to pull 5mil out of the market hours before it tanks has still got a few teeth in her head.
Feinstein is pre-scapegoated for the probable result.
Yeah, they're worried about her aging, underhanded trickery, like hiding the Kavanaugh accusations at the last minutes to first throw sand into the gears, then the monkey wrench.
Fine, honorable people those Democrats.
Man, I wish "Politico" was as concerned about Feinstein's age/health with something more important at stake Biden's age/health for becoming President? Politico probably gave up and went on to fight the next Liberal battle.
What do you mean she can’t handle it? I’m sure she’s already got 5 phony “she touched my penis at a high school party between the years 1980-1990! It was horrible and she gang raped me” allegations lined up hidden ready to drop at the 11th hour before the final vote. Anyone who says she isn’t up for this is insane
What the heck is it with these people? Both sides.
Elections have consequences. It wasn't a surprise to the voters or the party leadership how old she was when she was last elected.
It looks as if the socialist gerontocrats have issues with revered party stalwarts. And then identity politics leverage the squirm? Sweet.
It's Providential.
Come on man, she can hide some complete BS claim against whoever is nominated, have staff leak it at the last minute, ask for more time to REALLY investigate it — et voila! Worked like a charm last time. Even some styling themselves as cruelly neutral nearly fell for it.
They are going to let White Men go after a female nominee?
I doubt it. Left unsaid is that Harris is not up to the job either.
Claiming incompetent defense before the trial is interesting. I suspect Senate trial judge Roberts may rule Sotomayer should take over as lead prosecutor.
*Nothing is off the table.
Lovely people, these unnamed Senators.
Where is her Chinese spy/driver when she really needs him ?
pointing out that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) and other senior Democrats can’t replace a female senator for hearings on an expected female nominee to replace a deceased female Supreme Court justice...
I don't understand this claim. If it must be a woman, why exactly couldn't they replace Feinstein with whomever the next Dem female is in terms of seniority (which I suppose would be Debbie Stabenow?)
But at any rate, maybe age limits may be a good idea. Why do we have so many old codgers clinging to power like leeches?
If you have doubts about a major congressional committee chair, maybe you should, ya know, replace them BEFORE a major issue comes up. No?
Dems should replace her with Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). Whitehouse is one of two top high school yearbook Interpreters in the world.
I look foreword to the Dems secret witness who says any woman Trump nominates to be the woman Kavanaugh's gang rape team pipped out. Dems can't help themselves, RESIST!
Isn't that rich! Democrats afraid Feinstein might not be up to the job of smearing a supreme court nominee, yet are running Biden for president when he isn't up to a full day of campaigning, let alone the rigors of the presidency!
It's almost as if they just want to use these old, feeble folks to fill seats, and intend to replace them with shills if any actual important work comes their way?
If she's not competent to handle the job, then why did they choose her to be the ranking member on the committee?
As Kevin pointed out...
a Wise man (well, a college graduate) said: Elections have consequences
Come on man, maybe someone from the Harris-Biden ticket could take the lead?
Look, it would give them a chance to demonstrate the leadership they’re selling.
Now do Biden, Democrats.
“She can’t pull this off.”...
Now do Joe as President.
Rick.T.: "What the heck is it with these people? Both sides."
Oh, right. "Both sides".
Uh huh.
Gee, I wish those republicans would stop burning down buildings and threatening violence.
Thanks for your input Rick.........
"This senator is worried that potential missteps by Feinstein could cost Democrats seats."
And your solution to that is to put Sheldon Whitehouse in charge?
It's not the execution of the insane shit-show strategy that costs seats, it's the strategy itself. Is it really the case that these top political minds don't understand that, or are they just going through the motions to placate their base? On second thought, Sheldon Whitehouse is just who they need.
Shoulda planned a bit better huh?
...and why blame her for the loss of senate seats when it could have been any number if things- most prominent is the intensity of asshole-ness from your whole side?
How about a political platform people actually like?
I wonder if Feinstein still keeps in contact with her former driver who was outed as a ChiCom spy?
“She can’t pull this off.”
Tell me more about this "this".
Sounds like they don't trust their fellow Senators to conduct themselves appropriately without a chaperon.
There are age limits on many professions. Even in business, if an 87-year-old CEO behaved like Feinstein or Biden the Board would kick them out assuming they didn't own 51% of the shares.
But one of one hundred of the most powerful people on earth can mumble her way through the day (Chinese spies and all) and meh...
Another example is Leahy...just turned 80 this year. Have you listened to the guy? He has been unintelligible for maybe ten years now.
These oldsters have committees that run everything they do. They show up to vote the way they're told and raise money when they can. That's it.
Make it a hard cap at 80...mandatory retirement...the governor of your state chooses a replacement for the remainder of the term.
I would extend this to every elected official in the federal government unless there is an absolutely compelling reason to keep someone.
Feinstein is a good argument for both term limits and age limits: 12-years service and 72-years of age. The same should apply to all government employees.
Fienstien... Pelosi... Schumer... they give you just reasons for TERM LIMITS.
Is the problem that Feinstein isn't progressive enough to properly slander Trump's nominee, thus alienating Democrats' base, or is the problem that she isn't strong enough to rein in her progressive colleagues and keep them from alienating moderates? Or is she herself too progressive and already seen as too antagonistic to Barrett, which could also alienate moderates?
Admitting it does not matter who the nominee is.
You know, Mitch McConnell could spare her all that.
There's no reason he has to hold any hearings at all. He could just call for a vote as soon as he receives the nominee.
Be a true Southern gentleman, Mitch.
Can't pull this off!?!?!
I thought she was well and truly in the grasp of the crypt-keeper at this stage. If she can escape that she can pull of anything!
Are the Democrats just noticing now that that their leadership consists of power-mad zombies?
And, ---hey!--- it's not like the Democratic voters in their states/districts couldn't have remedied this situation at anytime along the way. Whatever noises the Democrats may make about DIVERSITY!, their voters sure seem to like old white folks.
She could ask some beach friends to help her out.
But seriously, if she was 47 and in her prime there isn't much of anything Constitutional that she COULD do. And it's not like her staffers wouldn't be doing all the work anyway.
tcrosse said...
Feinstein is pre-scapegoated for the probable result.
If they're pre-scapegoating their internal polling must be well beyond being in the toilet and just about to enter the septic tank.
Pull what off? And which two senators are they now short because of Kavanaugh? I'm not clear on the implication or relationship between the hearings the election of senators.
Perhaps they lost two Senate seats because of the same crap they are about to pull again. Maybe they can find some people to accuse Amy Coney Barrett of rape.
Maybe they should just have Feinstein read from a teleprompter?
I still think Trump should nominate, Graham should announce the nomination, give the Senate 72 hours to write their opinions, ignore the opinions and call for a vote. That would not only be legal, the exploding heads would look like a cat fight in a balloon factory.
I thought the plan was to impeach and remove Kavanaugh, whose name still does not spellcheck on Apple. Talk about bitter clingers.
Christine Blasey Ford will reveal that she heard Amy Coney Barrett say the word nigger at a high-school party.
Diane Feinstein will go with that.
Coney Barrett is not Jewish, and so she will get the same treatment from Feinstein that Brett Kavanaugh got.
"Another Democratic senator said party leaders were “in an impossible position,” pointing out that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) and other senior Democrats can’t replace a female senator for hearings on an expected female nominee to replace a deceased female Supreme Court justice...."
They make their own large bed, require everyone to sit in the bed, and now they are complaining that they have to lay on it?
They don't. A man can lead the Dems in this, but their own minds won't let them. Honestly, I'd love to see Dick Durban lead the Dems on this. This is a man noted for saying some pretty horrible things. Love to see him up front and center as the lead for the Dems.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blocked an amendment to a Senate resolution intended to honor the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) attempted to add language to it emphasizing that her “dying wish” was to be replaced after the inauguration.
Wow. Their real problem with Feinstein is the lingering fear that she may have some shame.
At the end of the Kavanaugh hearings, Graham stated if he was Chairman he wouldn't put up with another circus like that. See 13:00-13:45 from the below. Will be interesting to see if he keeps his word.
If it’s Barrett, what’s the Dem’s line of defamation attack?
She owns stock in coat hanger manufacturing? Performs secret ceremonies with baby blood on behalf of the Pope? Is actually the Whore of Babylon?
Her line "The dogma lives strongly in you" was too direct. Durbin is the smartest of the three. Georgetown Law grad. Traitor to his Jesuit education.
Durbin says he's a Catholic. Both undergrad and law school at Georgetown. I hold him in complete contempt.
The Jesuits taught me how to think and be ethical. Durbin is both an ingrate and traitor to the gift the Society of Jesus gave him. He's the lowest of the low.
"A third Democratic senator put it this way: 'She can’t pull this off.'..."
Another Miracle during the Days of Awe.
Well chief I think we found your problem ...
Another 87-year-old? Wow. She should resign and President Trump can name a replacement.
Congratulations DiFi! President Trump hasn't even named his nominee, and you're already the scapegoat when the Senate can't actually do anything to prevent confirmation.
This also likely means she will get a primary opponent if she chooses to run again. The Dogma lives loudly within the left: win at all costs or you're disposable.
I voted against her last time. Don't even remember Republican's name. Sad, because voted for her right after moving to Cal in '92.
It sounds like the Democrats know they are going to lose this one, so they are pre-positioning their excuses (with help from their friendly media lapdogs).
I had wondered what happened to her. She used to be all over the news.
Gerontocrats is good; I'm starting to favor the term Dementocrats.
Trouble is, a lot of Americans like demented
“She can’t pull this off.”
Yet they want people to vote for Biden?
"This senator is worried that potential missteps by Feinstein could cost Democrats seats."
Well, if Feinstein missteps will cost 'em seats, I say, C'mon, Diane! Step on out!
I'm going to quote Big Dan from Letterkenny here.
The entire leadership of the Democratic party is close to being in a nursing home
To the honorable TCross who said: "If they're pre-scapegoating their internal polling must be well beyond being in the toilet and just about to enter the septic tank"
No, No. Scapegoating is used ONLY during Yom Kippur Day, which this year is September 28. Hopefully, the Senate will make the minority party cast lots and toss the loser to the Rotunda Floor from the Dome upper walkway.
Senator Feinstein is not Jewish. Her husband is, and she took his name.
"Senator Feinstein, is your completely unConstitutional hostility to my religion at all related to the fact you're a Jew?
Feinstein graduated from a Catholic high school. I’m sure she has a response ready based on that factoid with an ample frosting composed of non- sequiturs.
If Senator Harris has the common sense that God gave a squirrel, she will spend her time campaigning instead of creating ugly clips for YouTube haranguing a pretty, smart, youngish Catholic mother.
She has the perfect excuse as we are in the final stages of a presidential campaign.
LOL - yes the Left eating one of their own Feinstein. Next, the Left will go after their 'Angel' RBG for not retiring under Obama. Amazing group?
Feinstein giving a handjob . . . it's going to take industrial strength Viagara to help me get over that image.
No worries about DiFi.
The Democrats have chosen the arson option. Burn down the Senators' houses.
Biden 2020!
It is fitting that identity politics are what will destroy them.
Frankenstein always kills his creator.
Mike Sylwester said...
Christine Blasey Ford will reveal that she heard Amy Coney Barrett say the word nigger at a high-school party.
I appreciate the sarcastic humor, but you are probably closer to the truth than you realize.
Democrats have already rounded up former Coney Barrett associates who will report that she definitely plans to vote to overturn Roe and several other decisions that liberals hold dear. they will also report that she has "extreme" views well outside of the mainstream.
This ws planned quite some time ago.
DiFi and Grassley are about the same age, I think.
What is is with these geriatric politicians?
I'm curious if Trump could be pulling a head fake, and nominating someone unexpected (not Barrett or Lagoa). I realize he's been implying it's a woman at his rallies, but he could be just toying with the opposition. I'd love to see him nominate Thapar, or someone similar, and say, "There's no Constitutional requirement that this be a woman's seat." Let their heads explode a little harder. Or nominate a different woman, and move forward quickly, while the Dems and media are still confused.
Completely off topic, but did anyone here see Rep. Nadler today?
"Rather telling, they openly plan to oppose the nominee, even though they don't even know who it is yet."
They already did that with Kavanaugh.
Democrats have already rounded up former Coney Barrett associates who will report that she definitely plans to vote to overturn Roe and several other decisions that liberals hold dear.
Yes, but will that flip Collins or Murkowski ?
Whatever the Dems do to traduce the appointee, whoever it turns out to be, the confirmation is pretty much a foregone conclusion. All they can try to do is try to delegitimize the new justice in their own minds, as they have Kavanaugh, or Trump for that matter.
"I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways."
Jim Morrison approves : )
Even some styling themselves as cruelly neutral nearly fell for it.
She fell for it hook, line and sinker. I remember her advice to Kavanaugh was to admit that he drank to excess and couldn't possibly remember if he raped that girl or not.
Not one of her better efforts.
Why won't Mitch go for floor vote right off the bat? surely that will speed things up a lot.
and spike (spite) Ds
I GUARANTEE you that every "moderate" out there in voterland would take notice and go "at LAST! Someone acting like an adult in all of this!" and swing toward the Dems.
Yes but then the Bernie Bros would burn down their houses around them while they slept. Pick your poison...
doctrev said...
"Senator Feinstein, is your completely unConstitutional hostility to my religion at all related to the fact you're a Jew? You demand I recuse myself from cases, so would you ever recuse yourself from votes relating to Israel?"
Pshaw, like modern Ds or even Jewish D pols care about Israel. Schumer maybe. Nadler maybe. The older ones. Ha, DiFi, I'm not sure where she's at. But don't worry doctrev, most of them can bear your scrutiny.
holdfast said...
Senator Feinstein is not Jewish. Her husband is, and she took his name.
9/23/20, 4:10 PM
Big Mike said...
"Senator Feinstein, is your completely unConstitutional hostility to my religion at all related to the fact you're a Jew?
Feinstein graduated from a Catholic high school. I’m sure she has a response ready based on that factoid with an ample frosting composed of non- sequiturs
Feinstein was born Dianne Emiel Goldman in San Francisco, to Betty (née Rosenburg), a former model, and Leon Goldman, a surgeon. Feinstein's paternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Poland. Her maternal grandparents, the Rosenburg family, were from Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Born: June 22, 1933, San Francisco
Parents: Betty Goldman, Leon Goldman
Spouse: Jack Berman, Bertram Feinstein
Wikipedia › wiki › Dianne_Feinstein
Dianne Feinstein - Wikipedia
She's one of ours, sigh.
Feinstein giving a handjob . . . it's going to take industrial strength Viagara to help me get over that image.
Feinstein graduated from a Catholic high school.
Diane Feinstein, 1949: "I'll give handjobs to anybody I want to!"
Diane Feinstein's mother, 1949: "You're going to Catholic school!"
Just gonna leave our here
Boof yeah!. Bring Sheldon on! Against a woman?
Come on, man!
Grassley is actually pretty sharp even without a script. He figured out a long time ago that the college endowments represent the same danger to our Republic that many believed business trusts (such as Standard Oil) did 100+ years ago. Not my cup of tea but he is nowhere near as "off" as where DiFi and Joe B are today.
When I was walking in semi-seedy SoHo, London, in '85, there was big sign in lights "Daisy Pulls It Off" on a second story corner. I thought it was a strip show and took a photo, but it was a revival of a '20's musical.
Stabenow may be the next woman in seniority, but she is dangerously incompetent.
A senile senator who let a Chinese spy drive her around for years and a House Speaker who gets bamboozled by an out of work hairdresser. California is in good hands.
I'm reviving arseways...
DiFi is perfectly suited to lead the Democrat committee members. She is:
-An accomplished liar
-Handy with a knife when your back is turned
Throw in the fact she seems to detest the average American and she's the ideal leader.
“She can’t pull this off.”
The news media is failing us.
A caper, a witch hunt, a warlock trial, a protest in progress for 16 trimesters.
Diane Feinstein said that she was not sure the filibuster should be removed, and was against court packing as was Justice Ginsburg.
This was the threshold for Senator Feinstein suddenly becoming too old.
Feinstein is pre-scapegoated for the probable result.
Pin the tail on the Donkey.
I like NorthOfOneOOne's comment about polling numbers beyond the toilet and heading for the septic tank. That's my underlying feeling about it all - that people have been silenced and canceled and threatened and watched sports get ruined; and have shut up and are lying in wait. In very large numbers.
Poster girl for term limits
It is fitting that identity politics are what will destroy them.
Identity politics is the euphemism. The Progressives' diversity dogma is a color judgment, not limited to racism, that denies individual dignity, denies individual conscience, normalizes color blocs, color quotas, and affirmative discrimination. Diversity is an insidious bigotry that is trans-humane in the liberal sense. Not quite a wicked solution (e.g. selective-child a.k.a. Planned Parenthood a.k.a. reproductive rites), but approaches it asymptotically.
“She’s not sure what she’s doing,” the Democratic senator said of Feinstein. “If you take a look at Kavanaugh, we may be short two senators because of that. And if this gets [messed] up, it may be the same result. I think it could impact a number of seats we can win,” the senator added.
That's a specific comment about Feinstein that has nothing to do with her age. The complaint is, "You fucked up the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. He was confirmed and we lost two seats in the Senate."
(That might not be fair. She certainly tried her best to derail the Kavanaugh nomination). Nonetheless, that's his take on it. And he doesn't want a repeat. He doesn't want Feinstein to try to derail the nomination and fail.
Specifically, he's probably worried about the possibility that Barrett is the nominee, since Feinstein already had a run-in with her before. He's probably imagining all the news shows running clips of Feinstein saying, "the dogma lives loudly within you." And he's trying to throw cold water over a repeat performance.
All those people saying things like "Trump will get his nominee and there's nothing the Democrats can do about it."
Please stop saying that.
They may not be able to stop him, but considering how much pain and destruction they left in their wake after Kavanaugh, don't underestimate them. They aren't kidding. They'll burn the whole place down just to warm their hands.
It's not as if Feinstein has to be ready for hand-to-hand combat. She'll be sitting in a chair in an air conditioned room reading from a script with staff at the ready. I think she can handle it.
1923 H. G. Wells Men like Gods i.
Holy smokes, that's the story I was trying to think of in this comment in the "Meritocracy" earlier today.
"Its protagonist is Mr. Barnstaple (his first name is either Alfred or William[4]), a journalist working in London and living in Sydenham. He has grown dispirited at a newspaper called The Liberal and resolves to take a holiday. Quitting wife and family, but then finds his plans disrupted when his and two other automobiles are accidentally transported with their passengers into "another world", which the "Earthlings" call Utopia."
Clayton: Not have a committee hearing? Have you lost your mind? Not only give Democrats something that can seem plausible to complain about related to the nominee, but it denies several big name democrat senators the opportunity to show how horrible a person they are. Including, notably, the current democrat vice presidential candidate. Who even the leftist media is saying isn't very good at preforming in public forums.
Francisco D said... "DiFi and Grassley are about the same age, I think. What is is with these geriatric politicians?"
It's right there in the name -- the Senate, not the Juvenate.
Unknown said...
Stabenow may be the next woman in seniority, but she is dangerously incompetent.
And that is not a recommendation ? Take a gander at AOC and Patty Murray. Harris is going to be fun to watch melt down. Has she resigned her Senate seat ? I think she is still on Judiciary.
Are Democrats smart enough to behave this time with dignity ?
I see no sign of it.
As for the "coarse slang" I don't think it applies to masturbation any more.
The phrase these days is not "pull this off." It is "rub one out."
You're welcome.
@Nichevo - I guess I was misinformed. Damn, that's embarrassing, for me for not checking, but mostly for our Tribe.
One might hope that a Jew, especially one as old as her who likely had seen real Anti-Semitic bigotry in her lifetime, would know better than to engage in religious bigotry herself.
Oh well, I guess fealty to the Democrat sacrament of Holy Unlimited Abortion trumps all other concerns and rules.
In fairness to ACB, she should be allowed to deny and, if at all possible, to disprove the charges that she adopted two kids from Haiti in order to groom them for a sex trafficking ring run out of the Vatican. The charges, however, are so heinous that if she is not able to completely disprove them, her name should be withdrawn from consideration......Diane Feinstein looks good for 87. Just for one thing, she's alive. Not every eighty seven year old can make that claim. I wonder if she'll beat Strom Thurmond's record. Probably not, but, on the plus side, she'll probably get the rotunda deal if she dies in office.
"To pull off" is a common English usage. It simply means to achieve or accomplish.
Oh no, is it bye bye for DiFi?
Here is what I recommend to McConnell and the R's: Go straight to the floor and bypass hearings.
The R's rationale would be:
1. Amy was recently vetted (2017) so it is pointless to repeat the kangaroo court.
2. The D's said they would oppose the nominee days before he/she was ever named. So, the D's votes were ordained without a hearing. Why bother?
That way, she could be on the court for the entire 2020-21 term.
You are truly in a world of shit if your backup plan is Sheldon Whitehouse. Just put a bullet in your head, it would be quicker and more dignified.
It occurs to me that Feinstein can not Wells pull off the Senate or the Twain or the Joyce pull offs. She doesn't appear to be capable of pulling off any pull off.
"Completely off topic, but did anyone here see Rep. Nadler today?"
Yeah I saw a clip of him up on the podium today and it looked like he shit his pants. His pallor was ashen and he clearly looks ill. He should really retire too while we are talking about geriatric democrats.
I don't think the democrats have the strength or agility to launch another character assassination after what they pulled on Kavanaugh. You only get to use the novelty ink pen that squirts ink into your opponent's face once. I think many of us want to see a quick nomination hearing of 2 days followed by a quick up and down vote. The democrats made a mockery of the process and don't deserve to be taken seriously any more.
As I recall, even three years ago, Feinstein kind of muffed the delivery of the (obviously pre-scripted) line " the dogma is strong in you." Sounds like she's lost a step or two since then. Maybe she can pull it off by rope-a-doping Barret into appearing to bully an elderly person at risk.
...Dianne Feinstein, 87....
Same age as RBG. And likely as willing to gracefully retire.
... pointing out that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) and other senior Democrats can’t replace a female senator for hearings on an expected female nominee to replace a deceased female Supreme Court justice....
Shades of systemic sexism!
holdfast said...
@Nichevo - I guess I was misinformed. Damn, that's embarrassing, for me for not checking, but mostly for our Tribe
No worries, it's not your fault she's a Shanda fur die goyim.
Roberto said...
"To pull off" is a common English usage. It simply means to achieve or accomplish.
It's a term commonly used among guitarists as well, to describe a slurred note going down an interval or more.
No sniggering among guitarists.
All those people saying things like "Trump will get his nominee and there's nothing the Democrats can do about it."
That's partially true. Dems can't do anything but the Kabuki theatre Repubs can give them an assist.
I could see Mittens sticking the knife in the back of Trump and the Repubs. Something along the lines of a last minute revelation from the nominees past and Mittens would turn on a dime and demand no vote until the matter is thoroughly investigated and the election is past.
Biden, Feinstein, Pelosi, and Leahy are the Politburo under Brezhnev and Kosygin.
Feinstein onstage would be a daily reminder to the public of Biden's infirmaries.
"Coney Barrett is not Jewish, and so she will get the same treatment from Feinstein that Brett Kavanaugh got."
Duh dumb idiot, you're behind the times.
Idiot. Dummy.
Private sector never was and nevertheless is forever gone.
Government sector will not quit until ash only covers all earth.
Americans who believe in God will remain, like Scalia's attitude.
As for Feinstein attending a Roman Catholic HS: I attended an all-boys RC HS and we had a powerful swimming/diving team that won the state title something like 20 years straight. One of my classmates was an exceptional diver and Jewish. For his efforts, he was named to the conference "All Catholic" team. To celebrate the honor we gifted him with a gold crucifix on a chain. He enjoyed the small joke and token of affection and respect. For the remainder of our school days, I never saw him without it around his neck.
I was, am, and forever shall be, wrong to demand what-would-be-extraneous voting by proud nihilists.
"Take a gander at AOC and Patty Murray."
Please show some respect. That's "Patty Osama The Daycare Provider Murray" to us chumps in Deploristan, OK???
"Pshaw, like modern Ds or even Jewish D pols care about Israel. Schumer maybe. Nadler maybe. The older ones. Ha, DiFi, I'm not sure where she's at. But don't worry doctrev, most of them can bear your scrutiny."
It's not about my scrutiny, nor even about the specific issue. Constantly asking Christians to leave their faith at the door is part of why the intense anti-Christian reactions among the legal elite have been festering for decades. You can call Feinstein a baby killer, a Chinese agent, a grifter without compare. It all rolls off of her like water. ACB's defense has to be better than Kavanaugh's just to survive the sheer torrent of lies and venom directed her way. I doubt many are so well prepared, especially in the era of brutality sponsored by the left's masters. Demanding that Senators be able to survive a tenth of the scrutiny they apply to all of us would be a way to counteract the usual avalanche.
Quote: “If you take a look at Kavanaugh, we may be short two senators because of that. And if this gets [messed] up, it may be the same result. I think it could impact a number of seats we can win,” the senator added.
Notice that this Democrat cared not how vilely his party treated Kavanaugh, merely that it resulted in their losing two Senate seats.
I had two friends from England high school who used 'tossed off' as a slang term for masturbation.
Inkling wrote:
"Quote:'If you take a look at Kavanaugh, we may be short two senators because of that. And if this gets [messed] up, it may be the same result. I think it could impact a number of seats we can win,' the senator added.
"Notice that this Democrat cared not how vilely his party treated Kavanaugh, merely that it resulted in their losing two Senate seats."
Same with the rioting. They only showed any significant concern after it showed that "peaceful protests" that involved arson and looting might be hurting them in the polls. Reminds me of the Sixties, when the harshest criticism of the rioting that your average "liberal" could summon up was that it was "counterproductive,"
The masturbation meaning is most apropos.
Butkis51 said”
“ A senile senator who let a Chinese spy drive her around for years and a House Speaker who gets bamboozled by an out of work hairdresser. California is in good hands.“
But, DiFi and Nancy Chardonnay are both in Washington affecting everybody in the US.
There are objective tests to determine existence and degree of mental decline. If we could keep politics out of the doctors offices we could require Sen. Feinstein and her contemporaries be tested.
We just lost a dear friend to Alzheimer’s, it wasn’t fun to watch. What was worse was watching her refuse the help she needed and her family loot her estate.
How are these two things related? What my Dad used to say. “First You Need Honest People”
TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...
The smartest thing the Dems in the Senate could do is to admit they are defeated before they even start. Stand up like adults and admit the reality is not to their liking, but it is what it is.
Yes, but they can't. THeir voters would not accept that. The moderate voters would say "hey, this is awesome, the Democrats are behaving like sane adults!" Then the rioting and destruction would start, and the Democrats wouldn't condemn it (because a LOT of their voters love rioting and destruction, and even more of their "infrastructure" loves it, too), and there goes that.
Note: they are "down two Senators" with respect to Kavanaugh because the person is thinking that Harris won't be allowed to go there and show off what an idiot she is. Remember this? https://nypost.com/2020/09/04/never-forget-kamala-harris-cruel-lies-in-the-kavanaugh-confirmation-fight/
"Two years ago today, during his initial hearing, Harris tried to steal the show with a bizarre series of “gotcha” questions asking if he’d ever had a discussion about Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign with any employees of the law firm Kasowitz, Benson & Torres."
I remember how lefties salivated at the expectation that she had something behind those questions. But nothing ever came of it.
Feinstein incapable, Harris absent, Dems "down two" with an idiot bench
It means she cannot use deception like a young sexy woman can. That’s all folks.
It means she cannot use deception like a younger sexy woman can. And she cannot remember her lines.That’s all folks.
Mike said...
Feinstein is a good argument for both term limits and age limits: 12-years service and 72-years of age. The same should apply to all government employees.
9/23/20, 2:47 PM
THIS! Some for of this! Retire out the deep state. Make them all get real jobs!
And I should NOT have said "retire". Just go. Make them get IRAs like everyone else. Make them be on SSN like everyone else. Make them buy an Obama care plan like "regular folks".
William said...
Diane Feinstein looks good for 87. Just for one thing, she's alive. Not every eighty seven year old can make that claim.
9/23/20, 7:53 PM
Not being alive has never stopped any 87 year old from voting Democrat, and reliably so...
What is she supposed to "pull off"? The defeat of the nomination? Are they mad because she couldn't get Kavanaugh? Personally I'm with Rush Limbaugh - the hearings will be a waste of time - just call a vote.
GingerBeer said...
As for Feinstein attending a Roman Catholic HS: I attended an all-boys RC HS and we had a powerful swimming/diving team that won the state title something like 20 years straight
What school was that, if you don't mind saying?
Unknown said...
That's a specific comment about Feinstein that has nothing to do with her age. The complaint is, "You fucked up the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. He was confirmed and we lost two seats in the Senate."
(That might not be fair. She certainly tried her best to derail the Kavanaugh nomination).
Yep, she tried her best, and was so transparently vile that she flipped Lindsey Graham from "comity" to "f you all!"
It is remotely possible that some of the Democrats have figured out that burning everything to the ground in order to lose anyway is NOT a winning strategy.
But I would be the DiFi isn't one of them
The Dems and media have the script all written, they just need a name so they can strat up the slander/libel machine.
That is how they know it will be contentious and that Feinstein isn't up to "pulling it off."
Maybe I am being unfair, but it seems like the last Democrat who was a significant player on the national stage, and any sort of patriot who cared for this country, was Pat Moynihan or maybe Sam Nunn --which means, nobody active in this millennium.
I get the sense that these unnamed Ds are just fine with Feinstein "pulling off" voting in committee and on the floor. Is objection to packing the court and ending the filibuster really signs of dementia?
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