September 1, 2020

Democrats fear that on election night, it will look as though Trump has won in a landslide.

Axios reports.
Way more Democrats will vote by mail than Republicans, due to fears of the coronavirus, and it will take days if not weeks to tally these. This means Trump, thanks to Republicans doing almost all of their voting in person, could hold big electoral college and popular vote leads on election night.

Imagine America, with its polarization and misinformation, if the vote tally swings wildly toward Joe Biden and Trump loses days later as the mail ballots are counted. That is what this group, Hawkfish, which is funded by Michael Bloomberg and also does work for the Democratic National Committee and pro-Biden Super PACs, is warning is a very real, if not foreordained, outcome.

"We are sounding an alarm and saying that this is a very real possibility, that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump," [Hawkfish CEO Josh Mendelsohn said]. "When every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to that final day, which will be some day after Election Day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage."...
We like to sit down in front of the TV on election night and see the result come into focus within a few hours. Now, we can expect to be told to forget about that exciting, dramatic event. Look away! Don't see that! Or we'll sit there and watch, see this massive landslide for Trump and be warned every minute that this is not real, that there are other votes out there, and, indeed, that way more of those other votes are for Biden.

I'm afraid whoever loses this time will find it impossible to accept the results. Americans are already in an emotionally chaotic state, and the media and the politicians are doing their best to keep us anxious and belligerent. The only hope is that in the end the winners' landslide will be so big that the losers accept their loss. It's hard to imagine how big that landslide will need to be to produce that acceptance. We saw how Democrats reacted to Trump's very clear victory in 2016, and America's grasp on reality has declined since then, I believe.

ADDED: "Under one of the group's modeling scenarios, Trump could hold a projected lead of 408-130 electoral votes on election night, if only 15% of the vote by mail (VBM) ballots had been counted. Once 75% of mail ballots were counted, perhaps four days later, the lead could flip to Biden's favor. This particular modeling scenario portrays Biden as ultimately winning a massive victory, 334-204." That's not as worrisome as a landslide for Trump declining into a narrow victory for Biden.


Qwinn said...

"Don't concede yet, Biden!! It's going to take us at least a couple of weeks after the election to print enough ballots to win!!"

Fred said...

This is the perfect cover for a Make Up The Vote operation.

rhhardin said...

An election that doesn't look credible is the whole point. The whole government will be illegitimate. That's the goal.

Bill Harshaw said...

My prediction--Biden will win the popular vote, meaning 8 of last 9 elections the Democratic candidate will have won more votes than any other candidate.

So the only way for your hope to be realized, if I'm right, is for Biden to also win in electoral college votes.

rhhardin said...

Dems finding votes in recounts is the familiar election fraud event, so it's not going to look good. They know how many votes they need then.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump also heard Hillary’s “never concede” advice and will act accordingly. A 49-state landslide can’t be overcome with Democrats 2% vote harvesting scheme. There aren’t enough votes in CA to do so.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I'm afraid whoever loses this time will find it impossible to accept the results. Americans are already in an emotionally chaotic state, and the media and the politicians are doing their best to keep us anxious and belligerent.

And thus, the next real Civil War begins. Presented to you by the media and politicians. Subsidized by foreign interests [Soros, China etc]

Buckle your seat belts kids. It is going to be a bumpy ride.

Rory said...

New England towns didn't leave their town halls open for months so people could go in and out at will, vote, see what the current vote was, take a few ballots with you, go out and get some more voters, maybe vote again yourself.

Seriously, spin off the two coasts to separate countries. Things have to be fixed, but they can't be until those concentrations of people are seoarated.

Dave Begley said...

Althouse, "The only hope is that in the end the winners' landslide will be so big that the losers accept their loss. It's hard to imagine how big that landslide will need to be to produce that acceptance."

This comment echoes Victor Davis Hanson's rule that a true victory happens in a war is only when the enemy knows it is defeated. It took the Japanese nearly a month to surrender and one nuke wasn't enough.

The Dems push for mail in voting is quite intentional and part of the plan. It truly is vile.

The Dems want a race war and electoral chaos so that they can get back into power.

Kit Carson said...

the entire point of the vote-by-mail effort is to create a national election result where the result is unknown and unverifiable.

this means not only the presidential race but it also means we will not know who won the majority in the House or the Senate.

then when the electoral college meets and cannot produce a majority the presidential race decision goes to the House - but no one will know who is supposed to be in the House. so it falls to the senate to choose the Vice President who will then become President - but a significant part of the membership of the Senate will be in question.

then chaos. this seems to be the plan of the malign forces in charge of the progressive movement and the democratic party. when it rains it pours.

Bob said...

Democrats aren't prepared to accept any result that doesn't put their candidate in the White House.

I'm Full of Soup said...

In PA, the governor wants to count ballots received up to 3 days after election day. You can request a mail in ballot up to Oct. 27 just one week before election day. My conservative sister thinks the Dem officials chose those dates because they want to create chaos. I think they are just stupid and incompetent.

WisRich said...

A storm is brewing. A federal judge ruled just recently that ballots only have to be postmarked the day of the election, not received. So polls close at 8pm, but you can mail ballots until 12pm. Also the chain of custody issues are flashing big red lights.

There is so much potential for fraud that its possible will never have faith in election results.

Ambrose said...

"Way more Democrats will vote by mail than Republicans, due to fears of the coronavirus, ..."

What is the support for this other than the writer's gut feeling that democrats are people of science and voting email is the scientific thing to do.

Chanie said...

Easy solution. Show up on the day and vote. Dip your finger in ink so you can't vote again. It works in Baghdad it will work here.

DanTheMan said...

That's why the D's want vote by mail... so the day after the election they will know how many fake mail-in votes they need to manufacture, and in which states.

Like Georgia, for example, where the law says ballots must be received by election day. A federal judge just said that really means that ballots arriving three days after the election must be counted.

Even if Trump is the winner on election night, Biden and team are demented enough to tear the country apart.
But like all lefty power lust, it's for your own good, so shut up.

Johnathan Birks said...

Based on 2016 we know damned well that Democrats won't accept another defeat, under any circumstances, and the media are simply softening the target for the inevitable recriminations.
Protip: if you want your vote counted early, vote in person. Covid is gone, to the extent it was ever here. You've got a better chance of dying in your car on the way to the polling station.

gilbar said...

it's Not over until we win (with as many manufactured votes as we need to manufacture!)

tim maguire said...

How many states are doing mail-in balloting? How many people are expected to vote that way? Mail-in voting should never have been made legal except in extreme circumstances.

Leland said...

That’s the best argument against Mail in voting I’ve heard. Let’s not go down that road so that we can have an election result we can trust.

Sebastian said...

"it will take days if not weeks to tally these"


Require all "mail-in" ballots to arrive a few days early, and start counting.

Of course, chaos to undermine the system is prog MO.

Marshall Rose said...

Better stock up on TP now.

john said...

An election day strategy for dem activists will be watching and harassing anyone going to the polls that day as that will certainly target Trump voters.

There is no need for voting by mail. Contingency for not being able to show up to vote is already taken care of with absentee ballots. Saying it's too dangerous to vote in person because of covid is just bullshit. Too dangerous to go to the supermarket, drug store, hardware store, post office? It is purely a strategy designed to produce mayhem on election day.

RNB said...

"Way more Democrats will vote by mail than Republicans, due to fears of the coronavirus..." Is that the same coronavirus that has kept "Democrats" in their thousands from marching in the streets? And rioting?

Gunner said...

So what is the point of doing Election Night coverage if so many will take four days to count?

TreeJoe said...

Here's an idea: Stop fucking with the damn electoral process. Here's a few options -

1. Mail-in ballots must be mailed 5 days prior to election day and received and counted by election night. Or else they are invalid.

2. You must vote in person unless you meet very specific exclusions. Voting in person is conducted over a 5 day period by a well thought out split of last name first letter - like A-D on Day 1, etc.

3. All ballots are audit-able by the individual voter to confirm they voted/did not vote AND who the vote was registered for. Error rates above .05% require an independent federal election investigation with independent oversight as well and possible new election on the impacted state/area.

Just some ideas....but instead, democrats are just proactively calling into question the election itself. Feels alot like they want chaos.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Politicians are doing their best to keep us angry and belligerent

Althouse, you need to be more specific here. Who exactly are these politicians? Which party do they belong to?

Craig said...

How will the American people know that all of these mail-in ballots counted after Election Night are legitimate? Can the media please report on this? Someone please provide a link to such a story if I missed something.

Michael K said...

Orange County CA and AZ Senate race were trial runs. Ballot harvesting reversed these races over the next two weeks. I hope the RNC has a strategy to fight fraud. I would suggest they get Catharine Engelbrecht to run a national version of her Houston organization.

In 2012, True the Vote joined several other Tea Party groups in "Verify the Recall", an effort that opposed the attempted recall of Wisconsin governor Scott Walker in the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election. True the Vote provided software that it had previously applied to check signatures in petitions in Texas.[14] In order to electronically check over 1 million petition signatures, which had previously been posted online by the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board,[15] True the Vote recruited 17,000 volunteers.

She will need a massive organization but there is no Obama to sic the IRS and OSHA on her.

chuck said...

The Democrats are going to contest the election no matter what, they are seeding the fields for the November harvest.

Mark O said...

The Dems will harvest those ballots while singing "Bringing in the Sheaves."

Birkel said...

Bill Harshaw is going to be surprised.
Come back and put on a dramatic public display, will you?

Leftist Collectivist tears sustain my youthful exterior.

chuck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is another signal that the collective that they must keep counting after the election is over- until they win.

They did it in CA in 2018.

MadisonMan said...

Vote by Mail ballots have to arrive before Election Day, and this problem is solved. It's called advance planning people, and it's possible to do it.

In WI, at least, that's the law. If your ballot has not been received at the Ward where you're registered by election day (we received them all day on Election Day), your vote doesn't count. It would be like trying to vote on Wednesday.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

7:52 RH - succinctly put.

That's it, man.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

the media and the politicians are doing their best to keep us anxious and belligerent.

That should be Democrat politicians and leftist media. Anyway, so their planning on just outright stealing the election using mail in ballots and are trying to lay the groundwork for that.

donald said...

“I'm afraid whoever loses this time will find it impossible to accept the results”.

That’s the plan.

Todd said...

Imagine America, with its polarization and misinformation, if the vote tally swings wildly toward Joe Biden and Trump loses days later as the mail ballots are manufactured. That is what this group, Hawkfish, which is funded by Michael Bloomberg and also does work for the Democratic National Committee and pro-Biden Super PACs, is planning.

Fixed it for you, you are welcome...

MadisonMan said...

And I don't really care that Biden, like Hillary!!, wins California is such a landslide that he claims the popular vote. California should not control the nation.

Sally327 said...

I don't think most Americans are in an emotionally chaotic state at all. I don't live in Portland or Kenosha so I haven't witnessed personally any rioting or even mass protesting.

I did see a protest on my way home a few nights ago. The BLMers, maybe 25 or so, were on one side of a very wide avenue which runs under an overpass while another group, smaller, maybe 10 people (the anti-BLMers?) were on the other side waving American flags. They were shouting at each other but there was so much traffic flowing through there I couldn't hear what anyone was saying while I waited for the light to change. And, oh yes, there were 4 sheriff's vehicles backed up against one wall of the overpass, maybe 75 feet behind the BLMers.

Most Americans have busy lives and things we care about that need taking care of and we can't afford to allow too much emotional chaos whipped up by others to take hold.

Unknown said...

Can we count on the Fake News to not declare Trump the winner too early?


Birkel said...

Althouse sees the Leftist Collectivist play and it upsets her.
The Leftist Collectivists are transparent in their BAMN activities.

How many other decent Americans who lean left are seeing this?
A few million voters would mean Trump's win is beyond the grasp of the Left.

15-20% of the black vote for Trump means a swing of a 2.5% total vote swing.
It's going to happen.
Trump landslide.

Martin said...

Sounds like a good reason to not do this huge vote-by-mail thing and instead to avoid crowds by have people spread their voting over the long early voting period in almost every state.

But I guess that ship has sailed.

Martin said...

Sounds like a good reason to not do this huge vote-by-mail thing and instead to avoid crowds by have people spread their voting over the long early voting period in almost every state.

But I guess that ship has sailed.

J Melcher said...

Worked for Al Franken

Mike said...

This effort feels like it's trying to condition us to expect such a result.

clint said...

This sounds to me like Democrats are now afraid that Trump might actually win in a landslide, and they are going to need a narrative that even a 1984-level sweep is illegitimate.

daskol said...

That's about right. Delegitimize the government is a no-lose strategy for the loser Dems at this point. If they were confident they could win the election, they wouldn't be laying the groundwork that the next govt is illegitimate. This is not a regular presidential election, this is a crisis escalating a mostly cool civil conflict (outside the hotspots our country is still quiet) into a warmer conflict. There are a considerable number of people in the leadership who are willing to risk a shooting war in our country over this election. That fact alone means that both sides need to be ready to fight.

stevew said...

This is the goal of the mail in vote scheme. Mail in voting provides Democrats the means by which to steal the election. Covid is the excuse.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Mail in ballots have so much potential for FRAUD and INCOMPETENCE


We mailed an invoice to a client on June 23rd. She never got it and fortunately contacted us via email. Sent a duplicate invoice and she paid us. We really suspected that she just wanted to delay it. We were wrong.

YESTERDAY AUGUST 31, we got the returned undeliverable invoice. Evidently the address we had was wrong as she had moved to a different home since the last work we had done. Marked Vacant, no delivery JUNE 28th

SO...... 70 freaking days.

Is this how the balloting is going to work? Yes. As intended

This is going to be a Clusterfuck of epic proportions.

Temujin said...

I can almost hear George Stephanopoulos as I write this: "And as you know, we're still waiting for the Venezuelan mail-in ballots, so nothing is set yet."

J Melcher said...

One simple response to the perceived problem is don't count any ballots - early voted , Election day, or mailed - until all ballot "boxes" are secure. No news or even leaks. Then count all at once.

LilyBart said...

Scott Adams has been saying for weeks that its almost a foregone conclusion that no one will accept the results of this election. We're headed for chaos. The insistence of voting by mail will make this almost completely assured.

If we can stand on the "x", spaced six feet apart, wearing masks, to get into Trader Joe's or Floor & Decor, why can't we do this to vote?

This mail in voting is a huge mistake.

Balfegor said...

Once 75% of mail ballots were counted, perhaps four days later, the lead could flip to Biden's favor.

Four days? That seems, um, awfully optimistic. They might not even have all postmarked mail-in ballots four days later. New York had a primary on June 23, and wasn't able to certify results until August 6, 45 days later. I don't know how it could take that long, but whatever -- it did.

Anyhow, for the general, that would translate into what, just before Christmas? And I would expect the general election to have way more votes than the primary, so we could be looking at January for a certified result. Not counting litigation.

stevew said...

The thing that Republican voters can do to reduce vote fraud is get out and vote in person. Democrat and Biden fans in the USPS can dump mail in ballots from right leaning zip codes and counties. Don't vote by mail and that action by USPS will dump the Left's votes.

The only way this works is for Republicans to make the effort to vote in person.

gspencer said...

"and we get to that final day, which will be some day after Election Day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage"

"Now my next fairy tale involves these three bears . . ."

Fubar.N.Wass said...

In my California county, I received a notice from my Registrar of Voters saying that I must "Update Your Signature. Sign in the box below and return this card so we have your current signature on file. For security reasons, the law requires that we verify your signature on the return ballot envelope with the signature on file before we count your ballot."

Seems like they are running a government organized "caging" operation.

Paul said...

Trump will win... and by such a margin even fake ballots will not make a difference.

Biden will not concede but the % will just be so great.

Gonna be a fun election Al Gore #2 but there will be no hanging chads.

Pelosi is gonna have a cow...

rehajm said...

Anyhow, for the general, that would translate into what, just before Christmas? And I would expect the general election to have way more votes than the primary, so we could be looking at January for a certified result. Not counting litigation.

The December 8th deadline means the chaos begins much earlier...

Dust Bunny Queen said...


My County in Calif is sending a card telling you that you will be getting a mail in ballot OR you can vote at the polls as usual. Nothing about signing or verifying signature.

Haven't seen the mail in ballot as yet.

Again. This is going to be a huge clusterfuck.

(sorry for the profanity, but you should hear what I am really saying. your ears would turn blue 😎)

CWJ said...

Battle space prep for keep counting until the Democrat wins. Just like 2018 only more blatant.

Fubar.N.Wass said...

"Anyhow, for the general, that would translate into what, just before Christmas? And I would expect the general election to have way more votes than the primary, so we could be looking at January for a certified result. Not counting litigation."

The electoral college meets on December 19th. If the state has not appointed a slate of electors in time, they have disenfranchised their citizens.

See 14th amendment for penalty for disenfranchisement.

Martin said...

There is not such thing as the "Popular Vote" in the Presidential election.
It is a figment of our imagination. There is the aggregate total of the state votes.

Since the election does not turn on total vote count there are people in many different states that fail to vote knowing their vote will not change the outcome in their state.

Republic votes in California, Illinois etc. Democrat votes in Kansas, Alaska etc.
There is no way to determine what the actual popular vote would be without having that election. The problem with having that election is that the cheating would be rampant and widespread so it is not a good plan.

rehajm said...

An election that doesn't look credible is the whole point. The whole government will be illegitimate. That's the goal.

We've already had that for four years and even if Trump wins in a landslide we still get the claims of illegitimacy. So is the idea the lack of a credible election legitimizes illegitimacy?

stlcdr said...

Mailed ballots should be received and ready to be counted by election day. The number of ballots received at that point should be enumerated and published.

wildswan said...

We know that unpurged voter rolls have voters who have moved. In downtown precincts where most people rent their homes 60% have moved within the last five years. Thus any downtown precinct reporting that such numbers as 90 or 95 % of the registered voters have voted is reporting election fraud. Anyhow mail-in ballots are simply going out to the people listed on unpurged voter lists. So what it adds up to is we need a way to verify that the registered voter still lives at the address from which a mail-in ballot was received. The registered voter lists are usually not computerized so they can't be compared with other lists such as the DMV, the phone book, etc. I may be wrong but it seems to me that if the voter lists were obtained and computerized in advance of the election by the RNC or by citizens, this would create an effective, efficient check on cheating. It wouldn't prevent it but afterward when the Dems were hoping for mass chaos the election could be checked and established. It seems we to have to find out and expose how election cheating is managed in the 2020 election and pass laws against what we find. And if vast quantities of, let's say, Dem cheating were exposed in a process dragged out over days that would cause their cheating to backfire on them. We just have to face the problem in advance.

Wince said...

One more indication that the Democrats haven't given one thought to how they will actually govern the nation.

Kevin said...

Democrats cannot be trusted to tell the truth about the election results.

Joe Biden blaming the riots on Trump proved they will say anything to regain power.

buwaya said...

What can be done, personally, to prepare for a condition of chaos?
What is the gameplan for this scenario?
What is the collateral damage we can expect?

I think we are approaching September 1939, or August 1914.
When the US, the bulwark of the Pax Americana, falls into who knows what - economic collapse as a result of political-civic chaos, failure of command and control - every international actor who has been restrained and frustrated by the American Pax will slip his leash. And that is just one danger.

Then there is an international financial and economic crisis. A double hit after the Covid mess from which everyone on Earth is just now getting over.

We, ourselves, have done what we can, we are outside of the immediate affected area, in what is likely to be a zone of neutrality, however much it, and we, are likely to suffer economically. But for all of you it is prudent to start considering scenarios, and to prepare.

If you, personally, are planning to go to war, if it comes to that, I have nothing more to say. I am speaking to those who are likely to be the non-belligerent victims. They need to prepare even more.

buwaya said...

I can do nothing more than pray for a miracle that extracts you from your trap - our trap, because this is a danger to all 8 billion.

Gusty Winds said...

The biggest scare is the amount of Democrat voters that go all in on all the lies. Violence? What violence? The now clear COVID fraud that has the left in this country hypnotized. You can’t move them. The supporters are scarier than the leaders, and they live right by you.

JAORE said...

Pull a little more dirt from under the foundation. The nation is plenty strong enough to survive.

What's that cracking sound?

Michael said...

Such a thing could certainly happen in states where all of the people counting the votes are Democrats...

Joe Smith said...

I understand that states set the rules for their elections.

But in a national race, or for elections for national office (let's say the president and the house/senate), it's no longer enough just to specify a day to vote in person.

There should also be one set of rules for any kind of early voting. And a single rule for absentee voting (mass-mail voting is fraud on steroids).

And as much as I value privacy and abhor Big Brother, there should be a mandatory voter ID card that cannot be faked.

bagoh20 said...

They admit that Trump voters will vote in person, which means they're votes will be authentic, and that Biden votes will come in from unknown origin for as long as it takes. We agree on what will happen, there is just disagreement on whether that is right or fair. They are basically admitting that they don't care about that at all.

bagoh20 said...

I will accept a Biden victory as long as it looks like it wasn't fraudulent. I care about the fraud first, and the winner second. The Dems only care about fraud if they lose. They won't accept a Trump win no matter how big the landslide. I say we give them one more tantrum excuse before the war.

Birkel said...

The fight, as buwaya notes, is much larger than US domestic politics.

But the prize is control of the resources of the US government.
What the Democratics fail to realize is that the thing for which they are fighting will cease to exist if they attain control through the means they are pursuing.

Everybody worldwide will be made poorer in the exchange.
And most of the politicians who think they'll be in charge will be dead.
They're soft creatures made softer by good times.
They will not survive long if it comes to that, despite their perceived ability to hire security.
Security will assert itself immediately and take what is available.

Ken B said...

Delaying elections is bad. Vote by mail delays the election. Hurrah for vote by mail!

rhhardin said...

The dems are against following the rules if something's to be gained, where rules are about all the repubs care about. Rules means a working system; breaking rules means go for the gain of the moment. One appeals to men, one to women.

Tom Hanks the liberal didn't pay much attention to his great speech in Bridge of Spies (2015), Hanks the lawyer Donovan talking to a federal agent Hoffman wanting information on the soviet spy Hanks was defending:

Hoffman: Don't go "Boy Scout" on me. We don't have a rule book, here.
Donovan: You're Agent Hoffman, yeah?
H: Yeah.
D: German extraction.
H: Yeah, so?
D: My name's Donovan. Irish. Both sides, mother and father. I'm Irish, you're German. But what makes us both Americans? Just one thing. One, one, one.
The rule book. We call it the Constitution, and we agree to the rules, and that's what makes us Americans. It's all that makes us Americans so don't tell me there's no rule book; and don't nod at me like that, you son of a bitch.
H: Do we need to worry about you?
D: Not if I'm left alone to do my job.

hombre said...

Democrats will have millions of ballots for Biden stashed in car trunks and elsewhere, if needed. That’s the whole point of mail in ballots.

Michael K said...

bagoh20 said...
They admit that Trump voters will vote in person, which means they're votes will be authentic, and that Biden votes will come in from unknown origin for as long as it takes

Will voting places be attacked ? I wonder if a campaign to scare voters away from voting booths will work ? Anybody voting in person is the enemy. Seems like a plan. We may have to protect voting places like they did in Afghanistan. Nice visuals.

James Pawlak said...

In 2016 the Democrats had a great lead during the day---And then Republicans and honest independents voted on the way home from their honest, non-criminal, jobs.

richlb said...

The joke used to be "Remember, Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats please remember to vote on Wednesday". Sadly, that's not a joke anymore.

mikesixes said...

Easy fix: don't do mail-in voting. Make everybody go to a polling place, fill out a paper ballot, and get their finger dyed blue so they can't vote twice. Shut-ins and people who are too lazy to get to the polls just don't get to vote.

Joe Smith said...

"Will voting places be attacked ? I wonder if a campaign to scare voters away from voting booths will work ?"

You mean like the New Black Panthers that Eric 'Wingman' Holder failed to prosecute?

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Will voting places be attacked ? I wonder if a campaign to scare voters away from voting booths will work ? Anybody voting in person is the enemy. Seems like a plan. We may have to protect voting places like they did in Afghanistan. Nice visuals.”

I don’t think that the question is whether this will happen, but how frequently it does.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

If Trump is leading heavily on election night, Trump will send out people to every single vote counting place to gum up the works on vote counting.

What's that mean?

That means "check that signature!" "That doesn't look close enough! WE demand that ballot be tossed out!"

By the time all the unchallenged vote by mail ballots are counted, Trump will still be winning handily, as will the whole GOP.

Then it goes to the courts to fight over. But the fight will start with "Trump and Republicans are winning with all unchallenged ballots counted".

In the NYC Democrat primary it took over 6 weeks to count the ballots. And over 20% of them were ruled invalid.

Now, imagine that happening on a national scale.

Imagine that happening when the Electoral College meets less than 6 weeks after Election Day.

If you expect Republicans to react in any way other than "The Democrats are trying to steal the election, we must stop them By Any Means Necessary, up to and including shooting people" (you can't take office if you're dead), you've missed the last four years.

Don't want that scenario? Good. I don't want it either.

End the "mail in election" BS. The only mail in ballots should go to people who individually request them, and meet their State's criteria for being allowed to vote by mail.

Mass vote by mail is an invitation for mass fraud, mass confusion, and mass violence

eric said...

Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...

My County in Calif is sending a card telling you that you will be getting a mail in ballot OR you can vote at the polls as usual. Nothing about signing or verifying signature.

Haven't seen the mail in ballot as yet.

Again. This is going to be a huge clusterfuck.

(sorry for the profanity, but you should hear what I am really saying. your ears would turn blue 😎)

Wait, you're going to get a ballot in the mail AND you can go to the polls?

You mean everyone gets to vote twice?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

TreeJoe said...
Here's an idea: Stop fucking with the damn electoral process. Here's a few options -
1. Mail-in ballots must be mailed 5 days prior to election day and received and counted by election night. Or else they are invalid.

No. You never allow election officials to look at ballots and start counting before all ballots are in. That way lies fraud and cheating.

You can have the ballots validated an put in a pile to be counted, but no counting should ever start before the balloting is over

Greg The Class Traitor said...

J Melcher said...
One simple response to the perceived problem is don't count any ballots - early voted , Election day, or mailed - until all ballot "boxes" are secure. No news or even leaks. Then count all at once.


Who do you trust to keep the ballots secure in the week+ it takes for all ballots to arrive?

"Trust the election professionals, they would never do anything wrong or partisan!"

Yeah, just like we trust the IRS, FBI, and DoJ "professionals" not to do anything criminal?

Or trust the police to protect us from rioters?

mikee said...

The trick to attain a Trump win is to NEVER release final vote tallies in Republican areas until every single Democrat-area vote is counted, recounted, and verified with absolute finality. Then tell the world how many votes Trump got.

Hey, that is the ONLY reason Scott Walker won, and we all know it. The delay in release of one Walker-voting precinct (or county?) led to just enough Dem fraud votes being assigned for a narrow victory over what was thought to be the final Republican vote count. Then, when the "mistake" was uncovered and all Walker votes were posted, Walker won. A genius-level example of defeating the Democratic vote fraud establishment.

stlcdr said...

Blogger Michael K said...


Will voting places be attacked ? I wonder if a campaign to scare voters away from voting booths will work ? Anybody voting in person is the enemy. Seems like a plan. We may have to protect voting places like they did in Afghanistan. Nice visuals.

9/1/20, 10:28 AM

That is already in place: covid-19 and mask wearing. I expect to see a lot of propaganda showing that voting locations will be covid hotbeds. In addition, we already have the propaganda leading towards the fact (sic) that if both people aren't wearing masks, then your mask is ineffective.

Thus, even if you go to the voting location muzzled up, all those irresponsible, other people...will still kill you.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

"It's hard to imagine how big that landslide will need to be to produce that acceptance."

The Democrats are, before the election, working to make vote fraud easier

As a consequence of that, there's no amount that they could "win" by that would cause me to accept that they have legitimately won.

Because people who are trying to win legitimately don't work to make vote fraud easier

Jupiter said...

Buy more ammo.

Skeptical Voter said...

Look at the 2005 gubernatorial election in Washington State where Democrat Christine Gregoire was finally named governor over Republican Dino Rossi. Dino won the election on election night--but after five recounts the decison was made for Gregoire. I mean if you have loyal Democrats in 100% Democrat King County (Seattle) findinng previously undiscovered boxes of ballots in the basement--and you keep on doing that after each recount, well guess who wins?

I'm not saying that Gregoire wasn't a competent governor (but then I'm not saying she was either) but that's the way Washington elections roll.

DavidUW said...

Yep. Plan on voting twice. Once in person and once with the mail in just to be sure

bleh said...

I'm not a conspiracy theorist about anything, and I'm concerned about voter fraud. In my view, both time pressure and a lack of knowledge have kept election officials fairly honest in our history. Now, that's all gone with mail-in voting. How many corrupt or dishonest election officials, tempted by the opportunity presented by mail-in votes received after Election Day, would it take to swing a battleground state from Trump to Biden? They will know the score and have ample time to accomplish their fraud.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

This is EXACTY the Democrat's game-plan and why they have pushed so hard for mail-in voting...

They will continue to count and manufacture fraudulent ballots for weeks and weeks and weeks after election night, finding ever more "misplaced" envelopes, until they are able to flip the results to Biden's advantage... There will be cheating the likes of which even God has never seen before...

And then, once Biden has the upper-hand, they will cry victory and demand Trump concede immediately... any attempt by him to contest the voter fraud will trigger massive rioting and claims that he is attempting to destroy the Constitution and the "peaceful transfer of power"...

The Dem's have telegraphed their plans to use the military to drag Trump from office if he refuses to leave... they are setting the stage / justification for an actual military style hard-coup... there is no way they can let Trump win the Presidency again, and will do anything to prevent it, including open rebellion and civil ware...

If this happens, it will mean actual Civil War 2.0 and God help us then, because China and Russia and all of our enemies around the world will take advantage of our weakness to try and destroy us for good...

There are TRILLIONS of dollars at stake and a 2nd Trump Presidency represents an existential threat to the corrupt, Globalist / Deep State power structure that has controlled every corner of our government for the past 5+ decades...

MartyH said...

A minor consideration... exit polling will be way off. If Trump voters are more likely to vote in person then these polls will skew Trump.

Then the exit polls are used to call states when their polls close. It is used to call states as their polls close. So voters in AZ and NV may hear that Trump already won and decide not to vote.

So while fraud is the bigger consideration, mail in voting may have other negative effects.

JB71-AZ said...

Reason 'Vote By Mail' is being pushed so hard is because it's going to be SO VERY DANGEROUS to vote in person.

Except it isn't going to be. The number of positive tests nationwide are declining - and the number of deaths are declining with it. Covid's burning itself out, and it looks like it'll be barely flickering by the end of September.

So - where's the justification for mass mail voting? You can do standard absentee ballots, or you can stand in line. Doing a mass-mail push is really inviting fraud.

But then, that's the Dem's way, isn't it? Win by any means necessary, even if they've got to find bushels of votes in some staffer's car.

Birkel said:

But the prize is control of the resources of the US government.
What the Democratics fail to realize is that the thing for which they are fighting will cease to exist if they attain control through the means they are pursuing.

Like tantrum-throwing toddlers - they'll destroy what they can't have. They'd rather rule over ruins than let anyone else lead the country to prosperity.

CarolynnS said...

This happened in Seattle. On election night, Sawant’s opponent was significantly ahead. Over the next week or so, absentee ballots pushed her ahead and she “won.” Yeah she did. Or that time Dino Rossi beat Christine Gregoire for governor of Washington. Then, as the recounts proceeded, each recount they “found” more votes for Gregoire, and she “won.” Yeah she did. So mass mail-in voting = Democrat wins. Get ready for it.

Bob Boyd said...

There's really no cause for concern if Biden becomes President.
The people behind Biden have announced their good intentions and their self-regard is at historically high levels.

J Melcher said...

The whole point of the SCOTUS decision in Gore v Bush is that the state either must apply the same level of intense scrutiny to all ballots in the state -- or basically apply no scrutiny at all. It's constitutionally impermissible to delay the process by quibbling over hanging chad or the shape of the dot over the i in a perhaps forged signature -- only in the county or precinct you control. You can't select and manufacture your votes in Dade county and ignore Jackson county.

If mail in ballots are a thing, then the ballots received in the mail have to be treated with the same level of scrutiny as those of election day -- no more or no less. The only way I see to get THAT is to delay counting ANY ballots until after all the mail is in -- whatever cut off date is set.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...

I can do nothing more than pray for a miracle that extracts you from your trap - our trap, because this is a danger to all 8 billion.

It has always been thus.

We will do what we have to do so you can live in peace and prosperity.

In order for this to be a lasting victory over the global aristocracy we will have to make sure those pulling the strings are pulled in.

I think you see what is coming.

You should at least give us sanctuary and freedom to manuever.

Aggie said...

I know this may sound like a stupid question. I've looked high and low to find a cogent, focused, issues-based, non-partisan discussion and have come up wanting. There appears to be no coverage of the discussion:

Who said we are doing mail-in voting? Who said we are doing something different to every other presidential election for the past 50 years? Who decided?

And who put them in charge of deciding?

Seems to me that the election process is already described adequately. The whole country is not in quarantine. NONE of the country is in quarantine, when it comes to voting or anything else. For those who cannot come to the polls: there is a process for absentee voting.

stevew said...

Reporting of the status of the vote on election night usually includes the percentage of precincts reporting. If a precinct has a number of ballots uncounted, whether the in person sort or the main in kind, will they report their incomplete numbers? So how will we know whether Trump is leading bigly or not until a significant percentage of precincts have reported?

MayBee said...

This is interesting:
Sean Davis points out the Democrats have not conceded the election on election night sine 1988

elkh1 said...

So, in this election, they will know how many ballots to fake to give Biden a landslide.

Jim at said...

My prediction--Biden will win the popular vote

Your prediction is already wrong as there is so such thing as the popular vote.

Dave Begley said...

Rush spent nearly an hour on this. Called it speculation based on models and gaslighting.

This will set the narrative for Election Night. The networks won't call the election that night because of the mail-in votes.

So, for example, if Trump is up 50,000 votes in WI then the Dems just find another 70,000 votes after the first tally.

Matthew Heintz said...

From now on I will refer to libtards as "democraticalismists". Do I win the contest?

JaimeRoberto said...

The safeguard is supposed to be signature matching. How will they do that on millions of ballots? Presumably that will be done by computer. If so, can we get a demonstration of how that works? Is it effective? What is the error rate?

Martin said...

This is preparing the battlespace so the Democrats can steal the election after they know how many votes they need in each State.

DanTheMan said...

Pelosi - Trump and his voters are enemies of the state
Hillary - Biden should not concede under any circumstances
Gore - We're going to use the military to pull Trump out of the White House
DNC - Election day is not the end, it's the beginning. We are going to keep counting for weeks

This is the Gore strategy on a national scale - As many selective recounts as needed until he's ahead, then all counting stops.

The Supremes stopped that last time. I suspect the Roberts court will not.

Leora said...

They really are planning to steal the election.

Matt Sablan said...

I mean, have Gore or Hillary truly accepted they lost their elections yet?

Matt Sablan said...

I have a separate plan, by the way, to stop all fear of vote rigging.

Counting does not start until all ballots are in/the legal deadline. Anyone unsealing a ballot before then is guilty of whatever the appropriate election tampering is.

dreams said...

So the liberal democrats are saying they're going keep harvesting votes until they get enough votes to win.

Drago said...

Leora: "They really are planning to steal the election."

Yes they are. And they aren't even bothering to hide it because they clearly believe they no longer need to.

Matt Sablan said...

"Then the exit polls are used to call states when their polls close. It is used to call states as their polls close. So voters in AZ and NV may hear that Trump already won and decide not to vote."

-- In theory, states with large vote by mail populations *should not be called* just like FL should not be called until the pan handle closes.

Dan said...

I don't know... It seems to me that most of the vote by mail will be in states Trump won't win anyway... NY, Cali, Northwest... Vote by mail in smaller states won't be near as hard to count.. Trump could win clearly on election night in the electoral college.

minnesota farm guy said...

I have the feeling that the Rs in CA were caught by surprise in the vote harvesting of 2018. I don't think it's going to happen again. There still are some rules about mail in voting that Pelosi is trying - without success- to eliminate.

TJM said...

The Dems are telling us they will cheat.

cubanbob said...

This is never going to end until such time there is enough disgust to amend the Constitution to specify who can vote and how in any election be it federal or state and local.

Nichevo said...

For security reasons, the law requires that we verify your signature on the return ballot envelope with the signature on file before we count your ballot."

Seems like they are running a government organized "caging" operation.

Fubar, what's a caging operation?


Dan said...
I don't know... It seems to me that most of the vote by mail will be in states Trump won't win anyway... NY, Cali, Northwest

Dan, a PDT landslide may occur, in which the PNW, NY, other typically blue states, may indeed be in play. The "you can't rape a slut" argument is a little thin. Also it consolidates internal concentrations of power, makes the D chokehold that much tighter. Also affects Congressional races, and we would like PDT to have a Republican House and Senate if ever that is possible.

So at the barest level you have some of a point, but it's not really satisfactory.

Gospace said...

I think they're making the point that election day should be, as ha been in most of our history, election DAY, with, has been the case in most of history, in person voting, with limited absentee balloting for military and people who know ahead of time they'll unavoidably be somewhere else on election day.

One vote, one day. A snapshot of the electorate.

Kirk Parker said...


"... democrats are people of hysteria and voting email is the hysterical thing to do".


Kirk Parker said...


What authority could a federal district court judge possibly have to make such a ruling?

Rusty said...

Leora said...
"They really are planning to steal the election."
They're always planning to steal an election. They're democrats.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Matt Sablan said...
I have a separate plan, by the way, to stop all fear of vote rigging.

Counting does not start until all ballots are in/the legal deadline. Anyone unsealing a ballot before then is guilty of whatever the appropriate election tampering is.


And people who send classified information through a insecure system are guilty of the appropriate offenses.

People who lie to the FISA Court, or who know that others are lying to eh FISA Court, are guilty of the appropriate offenses.

So, when Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and every single person at teh FBI and DoJ under Obama are all in jail, I'll believe that the threat of legal sanction matters.

Until then?

No plan that gives them more opportunity to cheat is even remotely acceptable

Greg The Class Traitor said...

rhhardin said...
An election that doesn't look credible is the whole point. The whole government will be illegitimate. That's the goal.

Yes, I realize that's Putin's desire, and the desire of the American Left.

Their problem is that we don't care. Trump will be President. GOP will control the House and the Senate. And the full force of the Federal gov't will be unleashed against the rioters.

"Portland is declared in insurrection against the US." Followed by US troops going in and grabbing all the rioters, with no one in power giving a dman how many dead bodies they pile up to do it.

4 dead? 40? 400? Who cares?

If teh Democrats want Civil War II, they can have it. They will lose it, a lot faster than they lost Civil War I. But President Lincoln set a lot of lovely precedents during CW I that President Trump will be more than happy to use.

Idaho and South Dakota have a lot of Federal land that can be used to set up camps to hold all the rebels. I'm sure they'll love the winter weather

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