September 27, 2020

Anticipating the debate, Trump and Biden call each other dumb.

Source: ABC News.

Biden predicted how Trump would debate and said: "It is going to be difficult. I know — I mean my guess it's going to be just straight attacks. They're gonna be mostly personal. That's the only thing he knows how to do. He doesn't know how to debate the facts because he's not that smart. He doesn't know that many facts."

I think he meant to criticize Trump for making personal attacks, but then he turned around and immediately made a personal attack on Trump: "he's not that smart."

For his part, at last night's rally, Trump said this about debating Biden: "He's a dumb guy. Always known as a dumb guy. But we look forward to seeing him in the debate. He's got a lot more experience. He's got 47 years. I've got 3 1/2 years. So we'll see. But he's got 47 years of experience,"

It seems that Trump is torn between wanting to tear Biden down and wanting to avoid giving him the advantage of low expectations.

Each says the other is dumb, so I'm looking forward to spending Tuesday night watching 2 dumb guys arguing with each other.


n.n said...

Dumb and dumber? But, seriously, one is dumb like a fox, ending social justice adventures, standing up to diversity, calling out protestors foreign and domestic, pursuing progressive price and regulatory reforms, and is All-American: Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, while the other is merely decaffeinated.

rhhardin said...

No, Trump is being gracious and will continue being gracious. There's no need to attack Biden when sympathy is called for.

The more Biden fights back the worse Biden will look.

Trump's graciousness consists of offering Biden the chance to be a gentleman, not an expectation of it.

Gk1 said...

Count me part of the crowd thinking Biden would cancel before the debate. I think Trump is capable of doing a change up pitch and just come out and be nice to Slow Joe, in deference to his declining cognitive skills. There is no reason to run up the score.

Joe's biggest battle will be to keep from collapsing or having a brain freeze describing the millions who have died from covid and gun related deaths.

Original Mike said...

Biden predicted how Trump would debate and said:…"

No lid today?

I find debates cringe-inducing and rarely can stand to watch. I consider it my civic duty to watch this one, but not sure how long I'll last.

Big Mike said...

One got rich from brains and hard work. The other got rich through kickbacks and corruption. Neither is dumb, but one is vastly more intelligent than the other.

clint said...

Doesn't Trump know that Biden graduated in the top half of his class with three degrees and a full academic scholarship?

Francisco D said...

DC insiders on the Right and Left know that Biden is a dumb guy whose primary political skill is ingratiating himself with people. Ask the Obama administration insiders. Maybe you will get an honest answer in a weak moment.

Now that he suffers from aphasia (most likely cause is a series of strokes) the hope is that people will feel sorry for him.

I suspect that Trump will be more subtle than usual during the debate. Biden will refuse to debate Trump after this one.

Heartless Aztec said...

That debate is sorely missing Dr Jo Jorgenson.

Rory said...

"But he's got 47 years of experience,"

He's not directing attention to the experience so much as what Biden has accomplished in all those years.

Narayanan said...

new? technology available for Debate 2020
new? technology available for Debate 2020

Temujin said...

I'm trying to figure out if I'd consider myself dumb for sitting through it.

J. Farmer said...

They’re both right.

Dave Begley said...

It will be a historic beatdown. Biden might not return to the stage after the break.

He'll quit the campaign the next day.

Readering said...

Two old dumb guys arguing.

Narr said...

FWIW, I've seldom considered presidential candidates to be all that smart.

Smarter (by IQ etc in modern times) than average but rarely by much.

It's the same further down

Narayanan said...

Biden is quite lucid and articulate here - Debate could be pre-Oct surprise

Biden is quite lucid and articulate on MSNBC

Wince said...
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Geneo said...

Wishing that the debate covers topics that matter.

Earnest Prole said...

Either/or < both/and.

gilbar said...

you really think that they'll have a debate this tues?

Michael K said...

Only one will prove it.

Wince said...

Biden always wanted you to think of him as the guy in the know, the guy who was there -- been there, done that. So, shut up and listen you fat, dog faced pony soldier.

Trump has a more speculative yet analytical presentation. "Always known as a dumb guy. But we look forward to seeing him in the debate. He's got a lot more experience. He's got 47 years. I've got 3 1/2 years. So we'll see."

Biden quickly reverts from his insider omniscience to Trump's more speculative orientation, probably on instruction from his "debate prep"...

I know — I mean my guess it's going to be just straight attacks. They're gonna be mostly personal. That's the only thing he knows how to do. He doesn't know how to debate the facts because he's not that smart. He doesn't know that many facts."

Trump's strong hand in the debate is his list of accomplishments in light of the two candidates' time in office. I expect Trump to hammer that.

Kathryn51 said...

I avoid the debates - ever since Candy Crowley threw the match in 2012. However, I turn TV on afterwards to watch the commentary.

This year, hubby and friends are planning a watch party. At a winery. With free wine. Trying to figure out how to manage this because I cannot stand to listen to Trump even when he's speaking from a teleprompter, let alone on his feet talking about "ballots, all those ballots".

Rabel said...

Joe Biden flunked third grade.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is not smart, that's a fact

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Personal attack is Biden's style. Just watch his debate with Ryan in 2012, a shameful exhibition of rancor unleavened with substance. Yes, Trump won his primaries with pretty much the same style, but now he has four years of policy successes behind him. He doesn't need to stoop, and he won't. Biden, on the other hand, can't maintain access to facts in his addled brain. That leaves him one weapon only, the ad hominem. He'll use it, and lose the debate.

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

Blogger Gk1 said..."Count me part of the crowd thinking Biden would cancel before the debate."

Scott Adams has an interesting prediction. If Biden debates and he does OK, that will be the last debate. You rolled the dice and won, don't push your luck. If Biden does poorly the democrats will use that as an excuse to replace him on the ticket.

Original Mike said...

"Two old dumb guys arguing."

How much is Trump worth?

Drago said...

Readering: "Two old dumb guys arguing."


You're gonna run with that?


Good luck.

JAORE said...

Trump - dumb like a fox.

Biden - dumb like a moron.

Chennaul said...

Well it is being held at the Health Education Campus for Case Western and the Cleveland Clinic.

Here is their website about it:

Americans are worried about the economy, law and order and COVID.

The one area Biden has a significant advantage on is COVID because he is in the shadows not doing much on this.

Although Joe Biden is on Twitter 23 hours ago making this comparison:

Joe Biden
When Ebola hit, President Obama and I took swift action and successfully contained the virus.

After COVID-19 hit, President Trump lied to the American people and said it would miraculously "disappear."

Now, over 200,000 lives have been cut short.

It's a national tragedy.


Equating Ebola to COVID.......first Ebola was not even a pandemic. There is so much more wrong with this simplicity. Asymptomatic transmission is a huge difference between Ebola and COVID which enabled COVID to reach what the WHO finally declared it to be—a pandemic. A high mortality and lethality actually make a virus less contagious like the outbreak of SARS. Also means of transmission, COVID can be transmitted through mist or droplets in the air but Ebola “ […] is spread by direct contact with blood or other body fluids (such as: vomit, diarrhea, urine, breast milk, sweat, semen) of an infected person who has symptoms of Ebola, or someone who has recently died of Ebola.”

The dishonesty is frightening.

wild chicken said...

"find debates cringe-inducing and rarely can stand to watch"

Same. I think a lot of people do. Hence the drinking games.

I'll watch on Twitter.

Bilwick said...

"Biden always wanted you to think of him as the guy in the know, the guy who was there -- been there, done that. So, shut up and listen you fat, dog faced pony soldier."

In short, what Richard Weaver's postwar conservative classic IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, called "the inside-dopester," whom Weaver predicted would replace the man of wisdom as we moved further into the 20th Century. And if anyone conjures up the word "dope," it's Joe Biden.

LA_Bob said...

Once he's cornered, I'm sure Biden will want to compare IQ's or challenge Trump to a pushup contest.

By the way, does Trump have all his teeth?

le Douanier said...

Could they both be right? What kind of folks throw out that attack?

My tongue should be shredded meat by now (and I’m not even old!). Encountering dumb folks is what it is. But, it makes me cringe to think that I’d so directly label them as such. What’s the point?


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

it's not dumb/smart's senile/cognitive ability

stevew said...

When does Trump ever do what his critics expect him to do?

cubanbob said...

Biden just has to stand on his feet for the entire debate and not speak in authentic gibberish. If he can do that, he will be declared the winner of the debate. A poll for Althouse: can Joe do that?

iowan2 said...

That 4 minute clip of Biden on msnbc only shows Biden could be propped up by friendly interviewer for 4 minutes.

The covid advantage = Biden, is a huge mystery to me. I am still waiting for even one action that was recommended by the experts that President Trump refused to implement.
Joe will bring this up(if I'm wrong, and the debate takes place)and all the President needs to do is take Biden's written plan and tick off each item, his administration has already taken.
President Trump is directly responsible for inventing and implementing a govt/private corroboration to bring a vaccine to the nation faster by years, than has ever happened.

D.D. Driver said...

This is a weird lie. What was he thinking?! Or does he really believe these delusions?

Darkisland said...

I REALLY what to see PDJTs reaction if Biden shits his pants on camera again.

I'm definitely watching and that's the main reason.

Which will it be:

A presidential "I think Joe needs a break to clean up." ? PDJT playing the kindly younger man showing respect for his elders?

Or perhaps a more populist nose wrinkle and hand wave while saying "Who farted"?

Or perhaps a dignified quotation from Ben Franklin:

“Fart for freedom, fart for liberty—and fart proudly.”

This debate is gonna be lit AF as the Kool Kidz say.

What I would really like to see is Biden insult PDJT ans the knave insulted Cyrano's nose. Then Cyrano/Trump come back with "That's the best you can do? There are so many other, more clever ways you could have insulted me." Then draw his sword, and start dueling.

Cyrano played by one of Puerto Rico's great contributions to American culture, Jose Ferrer.

John Henry

FullMoon said...

Iowan2 said...

That 4 minute clip of Biden on msnbc only shows Biden could be propped up by friendly interviewer for 4 minutes.

The covid advantage = Biden, is a huge mystery to me. I am still waiting for even one action that was recommended by the experts that President Trump refused to implement.
Joe will bring this up(if I'm wrong, and the debate takes place)and all the President needs to do is take Biden's written plan and tick off each item, his administration has already taken.
President Trump is directly responsible for inventing and implementing a govt/private corroboration to bring a vaccine to the nation faster by years, than has ever happened.

Loser for Joe to accuse Trump, because Trump will actually be able to rattle off factual info on everything he has done, from hospital ships and camps(begged for but never needed) to ventilators to following the advice of the medical scientist Fauci. Not to mention Joe complaining about China restrictions.

After watching sever impromptu press conferences as well as scheduled, it is surprising how many detailed answers Trump can provide to both ambush and legitimate far ranging questions.

Darkisland said...

The other thing that will be interesting is if PDJT can goad Biden into challenging him to a pushup contest.

"You first, Joe"

Joe, Drops and starts doing pushups. Either,

he does a couple and has a stroke or heart attack. Debate's over, PDJT wins.


He squeezes out a couple and PDJT says "That's great, Joe. Very presidential. I guess you win."

A bit more refined than Buddy Hackett's classic duck story but similar idea

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Blogger Heartless Aztec said...

That debate is sorely missing Dr Jo Jorgenson.


It needs Christine Jorgenson.

Just to add a little weird to the mix. It's not weird enough yet.

John Henry

Jack Klompus said...

Readering of course is incredibly smart and accomplished.

doctrev said...

Paradoxically, NOW is the time for Trump to be high-minded. Gutter-level personal attacks are the only thing Joe Biden is lucid enough to attempt. The President just needs to talk about his record- he has more than enough practice doing so at his rallies, and can call on facts/ figures with ease. When Joe Biden talks about the national debt, shrug and ask if the Democrats are calling for austerity. When he talks about taxing the rich, point out that the Democrats want to abolish restrictions on the SALT deduction.

Hit Biden over and over again, using names and numbers that are already used in Trump rallies. I don't think Biden will actually drool on himself, but forcing him to go off the beaten track will absolutely shred him. Especially if Biden's ability to receive new instructions on stage are blocked...

Joanne Jacobs said...

Biden just compared Trump to Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda chief, and called him a liar. That seems like a personal attack to me.

Gk1 said...

"The covid advantage = Biden, is a huge mystery to me. I am still waiting for even one action that was recommended by the experts that President Trump refused to implement."

Same, I did the same covid challenge with democratic zombies I know and they really couldn't figure it out once you came down to asking specifics. They went from "Trump did nothing!" To "Yeah well he did some things but not in the right order plus he's not wearing a mask out in public!"

It's really boiled down to Scott Adam's One movie playing in front of two different audiences. My own sense is Trump looks good to the red states opening up and terrible to blue states that have convinced themselves we are dealing with the spanish flu. Blue collar states like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania will vote their pocketbooks. Biden has not provided any credible economic message other than tired boiler plate dem talking points. Showing up to half empty factories is not getting the message out.

The democrats seem to be rerunning the 2004 "Not GW Bush" campaign but will come up emptier this go around.

Michael said...

There's dumb, and there's dumb like fox.

Narayanan said...

iowan2 said...
That 4 minute clip of Biden on msnbc only shows Biden could be propped up by friendly interviewer for 4 minutes.
isn't the debate in cycle time 4 mins resonating frequency? + friendly incuriousitor

Biden definitely has 50/50 chance

William said...

Can anyone remember any debate where Trump was proclaimed the winner? Yet here he is, running for re-election. Can anyone remember any debate where Biden was proclaimed the winner? Yet there he is.....Both candidates have climbed the greasy pole. They have skills. I'd give Trump the edge for degree of difficulty. He became President the first time he ran for office. Biden has limited gifts, but he certainly knows how to make the most of them. He's been doing this a long time. He doesn't need his wits about him. He can get through on muscle memory, and I'm sure the next day the media will consider him the winner. Remember that awful drubbing Carly Fiorina gave Trump. This will be worst......Biden won the nomination based on the fact that he wasn't Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. It's quite possible that he'll win the Presidency on a platform of not being Donald Trump.

Mary Beth said...

Biden has always thought he's the smartest man in the room and he's willing to challenge anyone to do push-ups to prove it.

Readering said...

Too bad Biden can't absorb all the new Trump tax information from NYT before this debate. The will be others.

Readering said...

kinda overshadows Senate report on old Biden son dealings.

Readering said...

who won the pool on Trump paying $750.00 in federal income tax in 2016? Not that the cultists care. Voters may.

wholelottasplainin said...

Chennault said:
"After COVID-19 hit, President Trump lied to the American people and said it would miraculously "disappear.""

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I see...being wrong is lying. When Fauci said Americans need not worry about covid, was he lying too? When Pelosi said "go to Chinatown and don't worry", was she lying too? When Biden accused Trump f being xenophobic for blaming the Chinese and excluding travel from there, was he lying too?

"Now, over 200,000 lives have been cut short."

>>>>>>>Since over 90% of the dead were over 70 years old, it's more than a stretch to say they were cut short. By you own woozy standard, it's a lie.

The Godfather said...

To my Trumpist friends: Please don't think the debate is going to look like a collection of all the youtube videos you keep seeing and posting on the internet of Biden babbling like a loon. Whatever it takes, his cornermen will have him pumped up to look like a sane and coherent person. And don't forget how often Trump can be drawn off message by a personal attack or what he perceives as one. Remember, the press is there to weaken Trump and strengthen Biden, and they will do their job, not only at the debate, but in the news coverage that follows it for days and weeks. There may be only one debate. After that, the real Trump may be running against a fictional Biden. There's a LOT at stake.

boatbuilder said...

“Knowing facts” is a pretty limited subsection of “smart”.
Especially when the “facts” are “fake news.”

(The great thing about “fake news” is that it was invented by the lefties to attack allegedly “right wing” news from places like Fox News.
Trump turned it on them.

Readering said...

Meanwhile Maria B reports not Durham report or indictments next month. Another big wet dream among commenters here.

Paul Snively said...

I dunno. It's almost refreshing to have these two guys squaring off. These guys who obviously are not of the "chattering classes," after decades and decades of lawyers and political scientists whose only demonstrable skill lay in what we might politely call "wordsmithing" and less politely call "bullshitting." And I can't help but notice that it's precisely the people whose stature and power derives from bullshitting, and being judged by other bullshit artists, who seem to most intensely detest the blunt, vulgar Trump, because not only does he not have two fucks to give what other people think of him, he seems to relish not having two fucks to give what other people think of him. It drives the bullshitters, who wouldn't have jobs or families without thousands of other people acting as if their vacuity were profundity, straight up the wall.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I wish I was as dumb as Donald J. Trump. Then I, too, might have a gold-plated living room.

Michael K said...

Readering said...
Meanwhile Maria B reports not Durham report or indictments next month. Another big wet dream among commenters here.

You people are pros at hiding corruption. That's why Trump has been such a critical threat to you.

Gk1 said...

"To my Trumpist friends: Please don't think the debate is going to look like a collection of all the youtube videos you keep seeing and posting on the internet of Biden babbling like a loon."

One thing a lot of people are missing is Joe's not used to getting any pushback from the media and the few time it has happened over the last 2 week he appears to be losing it. You don't build teeth by eating mush. Joe has studiously avoided Fox/Chris Wallace for months now so I think it's worth thinking how will he do when he doesn't have it written down on a note card and the moderator puts him on the spot?

If Chris wants to take it easy on Joe you know Trump won't.

Michael K said...

Blogger Readering said...
who won the pool on Trump paying $750.00 in federal income tax in 2016? Not that the cultists care. Voters may.

How much do you think his becoming president has cost him in losses ? One billion ? Two? It has also cost his family the same.

Francisco D said...

The Godfather said...
Please don't think the debate is going to look like a collection of all the youtube videos you keep seeing and posting on the internet of Biden babbling like a loon. Whatever it takes, his cornermen will have him pumped up to look like a sane and coherent person.

I hope Trump understands that. Biden will avoid complex questions by ruthlessly lying and going on the attack. Attack, attack, attack is his strategy. It's his only hope.

Trump needs to stay calm and ask Biden to answer the question in order for Joe to demonstrate to know what's going on. I would also recommend that Trump trap Biden into wonky answers that Biden will surely botch.

Gk1 said...

"Meanwhile Maria B reports not Durham report or indictments next month. Another big wet dream among commenters here."

I guess we will see. You are like many of my lefty friends who hide every time FBI and Mueller malfeasance is unclassified. You know in your gut russian collusion was a hoax and illegitimate.

Why is it every declassification shows Mueller and Comey in a bad light? How could they have been taken in by crude forgeries pushed by a suspected russian agent? Are they that criminally incompetent? You may be happy about the corruption of the FBI because it went after your political enemies but where does that leave the rest of the country?

Yancey Ward said...

"who won the pool on Trump paying $750.00 in federal income tax in 2016? Not that the cultists care. Voters may."

Me. You have to have an actual taxable income to have an income tax liability, Readering. I realize idiots like you don't understand this, but most tax payers understand it intuitively. Let me give you a fucking example from my own personal experience that you might be able to wrap your head around:

I have just over a million dollars in assets- about twice what I had 11 years ago when I just retired in July 2009. How much federal tax do you think I have paid in the last 11 years? Here is the total tax I have paid in the last 11 years combined: zero.

John henry said...

Do you pay more taxes than you legally owe, readering?

Why should donald trump? Or anyone else?

In about an hour of blather on msnbc 2words that stuck out by their absence were "illegal" and "fraudulent"

I don't recall, dear readering, ever hearing you complain about how Jeff Bezos should pay more than the thousands a year he pays in income tax.

He doesn't even pay the full social security tax. Yet he'll get the same payout as you or me.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

This is from 1987 where Joe was schooling some presstitute about how much smarter he was than the presstitute, I shows his steel trap mathematical mind.

″The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class,″

So he started out in the bottom 2/3, let's say #60 out of 100 but finished in the upper half, Let's say #52 out of 100.

It sounds like double talk to cover up the fact that he actually did worse AFTER he decided he wanted to be there than before, when he did not want to be there.

On the other hand, he could have started out at 40 out of 100 and graduated at #10 out of 100. His statement would have been just as accurate. But people don't normally obfuscate with numbers like that when the don't need to, do they?

John Henry

bagoh20 said...

Lets assume they both have the same IQ, and they do both have a record.

The question is: do you want more of what Trump has done for the country, or what Biden has done? But there is a more important part of that to consider. Do you want more of what Trump supporters do, or more of what Biden supporters do, especially considering that Biden's supporters are heavy with bureaucrats, communists, and radicals, and Trump has few of those. His supporters are working Americans trying to hold on to, peace, prosperity, and freedom. I want more of that. I do not need any more regulating, taxing, burning, destroying and hating.

Trump has done what no Democrat would do. He acted like more like a federalist President and let states make their own choices and live or die with the results. That's how we find the best course forward. We don't trust one man with it all. The Left wants a dictator, or someone they can control in the pursuit of controlling the whole nation from D.C.. That makes Trump completely unacceptable. I agree with their assessment of him.

Drago said...

Readering: "Meanwhile Maria B reports not Durham report or indictments next month. Another big wet dream among commenters here."


Most commenters here said there was little chance Barr would move in a way that calls out the institutions that he loves and wants to save. Exposing the full scope of what happened and who was involved will never happen because it would be too damaging not only in the eyes of Americans but also in the eyes of our allies.

No, the Washington Shuffle requires a few underlings to lose their jobs and a Clinesmith or 2 to plead guilty and on we go.

I'm sure after the election Durham will move on indictments of a few others, probably even McCabe, but no one will care.

We have officially arrived at a point in time where a political party went full Stasi/3rd world govt and attempted a coup and just about all the heavies will indeed get away with it.

And most importantly, they will get away with it because there were simply too many republican establishment types and media mainstays that knowingly went along with it for it ever to be exposed. That includes probably 50% of republican senators and basically every republican House leadership member from 2016 that retired in 2018.

Even now Lindsay Graham keeps screaming louder and louder about the corruption he undoubtedly enabled because, as always, he was McCain's errand boy and McCain was gunning for Trump every step of the way, which is why he dispatched his good buddy to bring him the hoax dossier and then McCain made sure to spread it around while he worked to undermine all Trump policies with the dems.

This is actually little different than all the Anna Soubrey-types in Britain, supposedly Conservative Party members, that worked day and night to undermine Brexit both before and after it passed in the referendum in 2016. They stuck around long enough to collude with the EU, Theresa May and the House of Lords as well as Bercow sitting in the Speakers Chair to try and stop Brexit.

But Boris surprised them all and went all in on Brexit for the 2019 election and won the largest majority of seats for a Conservative in nearly 100 years including completely taking over the entirety of Labor seats in the industrial north of England.

There's a lesson there somewhere.

Drago said...

Readering: "who won the pool on Trump paying $750.00 in federal income tax in 2016? Not that the cultists care. Voters may."

Thus readering's education on "losses" due to real estate depreciation begins in earnest.

Let's wish him/her/xer well in this endeavor.

Alas, I fear this education will not "take", so to speak.

Drago said...

In readerings defense, he/she/xe still believes that Harry Reid was telling the truth when he said Mitt Romney hadn't paid any income taxes for 10 years.

So, yes, its a pattern....

Yancey Ward said...

Biden will definitely make it personal at every opportunity. He basically has to since his command of facts and describing them is so limited by his dementia. This is a double-edged sword for the Biden team, however. I have watched a lot of Biden over the last 3 months- he is a bomb waiting to explode, and I don't think he can help himself, either. If Wallace isn't subservient to Biden, and I don't expect he will be (the only moderator this likely to be true), then Biden may well turn his anger on the moderator if the get pushed for clarifications of the gaffes he is sure make on Tuesday.

I don't know how Trump will respond to the personal attacks. I would hope he has learned from his press conferences that the best way is to just hit opponents with inconvenient facts. Trump actually has good command of the facts in the press conferences- he has gotten a lot better at that over the last 4 years. If I were Trump, I would ignore the personal stuff to the extent that I would not reply in kind- I would stick it Biden by pointing out his incorrect facts and outright lies as Biden is sure to tell them again this Tuesday.

If Biden only had to do this for 30 minutes, he might make it out without damaging himself, but there is a reason a lid goes on 9:30 a.m.- Biden is usually only good for about a half an hour a day. I haven't seen a video of a single event that Biden has done after about 1 in the afternoon since last Winter. Fatigue is going to be a problem for Biden, and I don't care what drugs they give him.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote the other day that Biden, if he wasn't going to debate this Tuesday, had to have pulled out some time ago. By waiting this late, I don't see how you evade the debate without actually dying- to pull out now would just look incredibly weak.

MikeD said...

I just wanna see the pre, or post, debate drug test results for the combatants.

bagoh20 said...

Despite traveling through thousands of miles of America in 4 states over the last few months, I have yet to see a single Biden sticker, sign, or flag on a lawn, car or boat. I have been looking and I would definitely notice. Also, despite the very real cost of vandalism to someone displaying a Trump sign or sticker, they are now everywhere. Preference cascade in full flow.

This election, like the last four years, is all about Trump. The old saying is that "you can't beat someone with no one". TDS will put that to the test, but I feel confident that no one will still lose.

Jupiter said...

"Each says the other is dumb, so I'm looking forward to spending Tuesday night watching 2 dumb guys arguing with each other."

Weren't we supposed to stop using "dumb" to mean "stupid" because it was "hurtful" to the "differently-abled"? I guess that does seem a little quaint these days, doesn't it. We've moved on to solicitude for the tender feelings of lesbian monsters who castrate their own children.

minnesota farm guy said...

RE Durham: Bill Barr is smart enough not to pull a Comey and get the legal system involved during the last month of the election campaign. It is frustrating as hell, but I believe it would be as self -defeating as Comey's actions were.

I am not sure that taxes will override Hunter. Taxes at the level Trump works them are beyond the ken of most mortals. Using the influence of a political office to take care of your family's finances is much more easily understood. For all that I don't think Hunter's inappropriate relationships have much impact on either side.

bagoh20 said...

"Another big wet dream among commenters here."

The exposure and punishment of sedition in our institutions is far from a done deal unless Trump loses, in which case lawlessness at all levels will be buried, but do you have any self-awareness of "wet dreams"? The last four years have been nothing but wet dreams of Democrats and media predicting the end of Trump. The very subject is a major comedy meme in the culture, but somehow people who get all their info from leftist sources missed it, as well as how you have been laughed at for a couple years now.

The one thing that you should feel good about though is that if Trump wins, sedition does not. That can be a win either way for a Trump-hating patriot, if there is such a thing. You get the incredible Biden, but sedition gets buried again, or you get the horrible Trump an sedition gets punished. Such tough choices.

Readering said...

Read the articles before throwing around bs about real estate depreciation.

Michael K said...

Readering said...
Read the articles before throwing around bs about real estate depreciation.

Ah, I see we have a tax attorney here. Right ? Right ?

walter said...

All the best juicers will be propping up Biden.
Just hope his lid doesn't pop.
I'm certain readering has read P. Schweizer's Biden family accounts. Oh..I know..was so long ago.

walter said...

By the way, compare tax revenues extending from Trump inc's endeavors vs Biden's.
Come on, man!

bbkingfish said...

They're both right.

Drago said...

Readering: "Read the articles before throwing around bs about real estate depreciation."

Says the moron who is hung up on a supposed $750 tax on personal income.....for a real estate tycoon.


Sell your opinions down at the antifa "street fair". They're likely the only ones dumb enough to believe you.

Drago said...

Readering: "Read the articles before throwing around bs about real estate depreciation."

This is precisely the sort of angry response once the facts of life are laid out for an idiot.

Truly, readering has become Inga.

J. Farmer said...

Biden and Trump share another similar trait: they both think they’re a lot smarter than they are.

Ralph L said...

How does anyone have the same tax bill two years in a row?

Bilwick said...

Go easy on Joe. After all, as Instapundit pointed out re his claim to have attended a historically Black university, Joe was born a poor Black child.

Bilwick said...

"Biden and Trump share another similar trait: they both think they’re a lot smarter than they are."

After the election, then, they should get themselves jobs as late-night talk show hosts. That seems to be a prerequisite for the job.

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Albert said...

Herpes Cure Testimony
I was diagnose with Genital Herpes for the past 2 years and I have been searching for cure. I have several outbreaks on my back and it really affected me morally, I read a testimony on this platform of a lady from Nevada who was cured from Diabetes with doctor Voke Herbal medicine including the doctor official email address. I contacted the doctor through his email, after much discussion and few questions he prepared the Herbal medicine and asked for my address which I received the Herbal medicine 3 days later and with his prescription I drank the Herbal medicine for 21 days. After concluding the herbal medicine I went for test and my IgG result was confirmed Negative with no trace of the virus on my blood. Contact doctor Voke and be cured his email; (
He has Herbal cure for Diabetes, Hepatitis, Heart diseases.
Hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, Strokes and Liver disease. connect with him on facebook

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