— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 20, 2020
To read some of the ripostes beginning with "No. She," go here. For example:
No, she did not. https://t.co/tgl9LvCFqL https://t.co/URSa4vzQJD
— Philip Bump (@pbump) August 20, 2020
& No she actually didn’t...at all...but I know facts never matter to the qult..at all...ya know who is a racist though?: pic.twitter.com/iYXq88wwo2
— Boo (@Boo64558345) August 20, 2020
Trump live-tweeting the dem conv is a good idea. He represents the WTF is this shit convention audience, flipping through the channels. Live tweeting a soap opera on another channel would be a good show for husbands to watch while the wife is engrossed.
She literally did not. Just like Trump “good people” remark on which Biden’s candidacy is based
Demented old guy was a 50s-70s comedy skit. I threw out the TV in 1971 so can't say when it ended. It wasn't funny in a mocking way but as recognizeable and mean.
Trump brings back the mean in humor. It's called a zinger. Women are more inclined to that's not funny, men are not.
Ummm. She may not have used the r-word exactly, but that was my takeaway from the first debate (back before her polls were saying “Girl, why are you up on that stage?”)
Oof. Linking the WaPo to set the record straight is never a good look.
And, of course, this is another one of those “will they never learn?” moments. Harris may not have used those exact words, but yes, she did call Biden those things. Thanks for spreading the meme.
It was a debate!!!
...she IMPLIED he was a racist. So much different...
The Big Lie repeated over and over is all Dems Convention speakers produce.. Boring squared.
In the light of everything before the "but" is a lie:
She said I don't think he's a racist, but.....
She certainly implied that Biden was a racist. That is the takeaway if you have a functioning brain.
Enjoying this train wreck
Does her "debate" performance deliver the effect of "racist"? Those who could not parse "good people on both sides" accurately can be expected to split these hairs. DNC convention this year is a Goodyear retread, "along with lovers, muggers and thieves".
So, the "That little girl was me."exchange didn't happen?
She didn't mean that Biden voted against bussing endangering her ability to go to a school where she was part of the second class to integrate?
How many used actual video of the debate exchange between Harris and Biden to rebut Trump?
Yeah, she actually did. She may not have used those exact words, but we all know what she meant. Funny, how Democrats can change the meaning of words to fit their agendas.
I hate to admit it, but the MSM is correct for once. I guess it can happen.
As for busing, yes Harris whined that Biden was against busing and that Biden praised some guys who supposedly liked segregation.
Opposing busing isn't racist; busing kids around based on their race is racist because treating people differently based on their race is racism.
So my conclusion is Harris declared that she, herself, is a racist but didn't call Biden a racist, although he obviously is.
Just for shits 'n' grins: Las Vegas Review-Journal says "Kamala Harris once accused Joe Biden of being a racist who touched women inappropriately. Now, she’s his vice-presidential running mat." but their flimsy evidence is a link to that "I was that [privileged] little girl" debate + story, which is about half-way down this page:
"And it was not only that, but you [Biden] also worked with them to oppose bussing." Good for him. Busing is bad racism.
I find this habit of taking political comments about women and turning them into "you go girl!" moments really annoying.
Nevertheless, she persisted.
That woman from Michigan.
Nasty woman.
AOC's floor speech about being called a bitch.
If men did that all the times they were criticized or referred to meanly, we'd think they were babies. But women are supposed to be empowered.
This "No. She" is incredibly lame....like binders full of women lame.
And no, Harris didn't explicitly call Biden racist. But what was the point of the "That little girl was me" t-shirts?
How many used actual video of the debate exchange between Harris and Biden to rebut Trump?
How many used actual video of the debate exchange between Harris and Biden to rebut Trump?
How many used actual video of the debate exchange between Harris and Biden to support Trump?
What does the video add to the transcript? Is the transcript incorrect?
Harris said: "I do not believe you [Biden] are a racist and I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground." ... a few sentence before her pointless "little girl" story.
Kamala 'It's a debate' Harris: "I'm not saying he's a racist, but he's a racist."
So Kamala didn't exactly call Joe a crotch-grabbing racist.
Got it. Thanks.
That little brown girl that Joe tried to segregate and deny an equal education to based on her race is NOT saying this act was racist, then WTF is she saying?
And for the record are they being this generous with their interpretation of Trump statements?
Fernandinande said Harris said: "I do not believe you [Biden] are a racist and I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground." ... a few sentence before her pointless "little girl" story.
Exactly! It highlights what an incredibly lame and pointless politician Harris is. She was attacking Joe and boosting herself (with merchandise available) for what???? For no point at all!
"that little girl was me" Harris is the one we are supposed to believe has a "celebrity" quality to her.
I don't know. I can't get a feel for this election, because we know the media has always wanted Harris to be the next president, and they've always loved Obama and hated Trump. So I can't get a feel for how things are playing out there. But it's amazing to watch the media push Harris as a superstar, when she couldn't actually gain any traction in the primaries.
And her home state is falling apart.
the time Kanye yanked the mic out of baby Taylor Swift’s hand and said, “I’m a let you talk” but only after he slagged W as a racist for Katrina, we were all sympathetic to Swift and saw Kanye as the disrupter but now Bush and Swift are both nevertrumpers and Kanye is hated by those who loved him bumping lil Taylor out the way. That little white girl was Kamala.
Let's put it this way: If Trump said what Kamala said, it would be reported that Trump called Biden a racist and that was terrible. If Biden was just some random person, the Kamala accusation would have been sufficient to get him or her fired from their job and shunned with no investigation required. Persons have been declared racists for far, far, far less. So, yes, she called him a racist.
She also called him a rapist, by the way.
Look fat if you don’t believe the lying dog faced VP nominee then you ain’t black!
Harris's "I do not believe" is just a variant of the House of Cards mantra, "You might think that, but I could not possibly comment."
What country did she grow up in? Like Obama... an alien culture to America?
That little brown girl that Joe tried to segregate
NOT busing is not practicing segregation; it's leaving things alone. I'm not busing any kids around as I sit here - am I practicing segregation? How about you?
and deny an equal education to based on her race
Assumes facts not in evidence.
is NOT saying this act was racist, then WTF is she saying?
She's declaring that, as a racist, Harris thinks children should be treated differently based on their race and also that they should waste their time sitting on buses rather than doing something useful or fun.
Perhaps we need a follow-up tweet where the President apologizes for the typo. He meant "rapist" not "racist".
Racist? She went all the way to rapist.
It’s a great tweet because the question marks make you want to look up the answers.
And the quick responses try to keep people from going down that path.
Where I’m from opposing INTEGRATION by force (ie busing) has been called the equivalent of favoring SEGREGATION so I stand by my analysis and parody. And if they were not integrating my elementary school then why did they bus black kids in there from Muscoy?
Maybe the hashtag should be #noshestronglyinferred
I always thought it was spelled gnocchi.
it is impossible not to feel sorry for Trump and his supporters.
because "it was DEBATE" and "all this is just politics"
D's and media have pretended to take him literally and seriously all this time -
and they turn the table on Trump and his supporters so suddenly -
In the olden days when I was involved in politics and the opposition made detracting claims the media went to the candidate or the candidate’s spokesperson for a response/rebuttal. Today, if the target of the claim is a Democrat, the leftmediaswine respond/rebut on behalf of the candidate. If a candidate is not a Democrat, it is frequently the leftmediaswine themselves who make the detracting claims.
There are two takeaways here. First, it is obvious that the mediaswine do not consider Bunker Biden up to the task of defending himself. Second, a judicial or, perhaps, legislative review of New York Times v. Sullivan is long overdue.
On a personal note, I find it disheartening that half the population is either too stupid to see, or too jaded to care, that Democrats have corrupted the news media, federal law enforcement and the intelligence services and that beyond TDS their platform is insanely destructive.
Part of my concern stems from the fact that I am in Rapid City and yesterday visited Mt. Rushmore, the “monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans." La Señora and I were wondering whether, in the event of a Democrat victory in 2020, Antifa, BLM, an American ISIS or CNN will be the first permitted to deface this moving and spectacular monument.
WaPo fact checks Trump’s question “Didn’t she...?”
Everyone is talking about it and parsing what Kamala said about Biden. That’s a win for Trump.
"Hahahahahaha. It was a debate!"
She may not have literally said it, but she implied it. It was reported that way and I don't recall her trying to make any corrections to the reporting.
Where I’m from opposing INTEGRATION by force (ie busing) has been called the equivalent of favoring SEGREGATION
Similarly, some people claim that it's racist to oppose the bald-faced racism known as "affirmative action".
so I stand by my analysis and parody.
This is another case of a popular leftist-racist position being a parody of itself; Harris seems to think that not practicing racism is bad, perhaps racist; how can you parody that goofy idea other than by repeating it?
So now I'm confused - maybe Harris was calling Biden a racist, at least to the Dems' illogical political base, by saying that Biden didn't support a racist practice.
"Maybe the hashtag should be #noshestronglyinferred”
You inferred, she implied. As Rush used to say. “Words mean things!"
One of those posts where I can't tell what's going on - even after checking the twitter feeds. She said what about whom? And what happened in between that Trump is responding to?
Now parse Harris, Booker, and Smollett planning the lynching hoax. Include all calls and texts.
If you've ever had a conversation with someone who denies what both of you know to be true...well, that's how I feel about this time in history.
Joe Biden has dementia. It does not matter what he said last month, last year, a decade ago.
He has dementia, and will not be president.
Trump really shouldn't get so emotional on twitter. All it does is make the Biden humpers happy. Can't he just dispassionately make fun of them?
Where’s the blog post where very-fine-people Althouse takes us through the debate transcript to show us that Harris specifically said that she didn’t think Biden was a racist? Asking for a friend, long-lost Cruel Neutrality.
I just realized that all the "No.She" responses were about Joe being a racist, and NOBODY addressed Kamala Harris calling Joe Biden incompetent.
Well, that might be because Joe Biden has dementia.
There are good people in both sides of Joe Biden's brain.
Glad to see the Democrats reminding us that Biden is racist and incompetent. It is a far, far better thing they do, than they have ever done...
Another Streisand Effect.
Left Bank,
I hope pro-fascism group "Antifa" decides to have a mostly peaceful riot in your neighborhood.
I hope you get what you want up there in Cambridge.
And I hope you get a lot of it.
People rarely give Trump credit. He framed the tweets as questions, which gives him deniability that he's making claims.
And, as a result, you get a flood of bait-taking morons like Acosta spreading the words "Biden" and "racist" all over the media.
Remember Love Trumps Hate? Putting the words Love and Trump side-by-side? I thought these people were smarter than to create positive or negative word associations that don't actually help their cause.
“Fernandinande said Harris said: "I do not believe you [Biden] are a racist and I agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground." ... a few sentence before her pointless "little girl" story.”
Maybe she was telling him he needed to try harder to commit himself to finding common ground and in that instance of bussing, he failed to do so. How hard is that to understand anyway when taken in context of what she actually said? Maybe rightists should try harder not to accuse Democrats of doing what they do themselves.
Not only does she think Biden is a Grand Kleagle, but she also stated the she believes all women, clearly implying that Joe 'Fingers' Biden deserves the moniker...
So he's a racist-rapist. What's not to love?
The standard comeback from White liberals is to call Republicans and Trump supporters "racist". Without evidence of course. But what can you expect from a bunch of anti-American communists?
She definitely implied it, but, c'mon man, it was a debate!
I don't think my poor amigdala
could stand watching the debates
even in small doses.
So I'll take people's word that she did not use the actual word "racist".
I certainly remember her accusing him
of racism.
I think we need to be talking about "Racist Joe Biden" and how all his supporters are racist.
He is
A poem by John Henry
Here's another question for Kamala. After they ask if she has renounced her Jamaican citizenship.
Do you think segregation by race is a good thing?
Followup after she answers "No"
"Why did you choose to go to a segregated college?"
"Howard University is 86% African-American/Black" Wikipedia
John Henry
Bump is a true chump and Acosta losta his marbles years ago. Harris did those things and, as we’ve recently seen, tried to excuse them as being part of a debate.
Fern -- You're trying to change the terms of the debate. As you point out, Harris's charge of racism may have been false because not only racists opposed busing. But, that's a defense of Biden against Harris's charge of racism. It tells us nothing about Harris's intended meaning. The question is what message did Harris intend to deliver when made her remarks. It wasn't an off the cuff remark. She'd planned on saying it and had a post-debate messaging campaign ready to go. Was she simply trying to have a policy discussion about the merits of busing? The issue of busing as a policy question had relevance in the 1970's, but it has no relevance today.
No, Harris wasn't bringing up Biden's anti-busing record to score policy points. She was doing it to (she hoped) give her audience a glimpse of Biden's heart and soul. And, she wasn't doing it so they would think about Biden's nobility of spirit. She was wanted to give everyone a glimpse of the hateful heart inside Biden's chest. Her message was clear: Biden has a racist heart. He has a history of supporting the things racists support. He has a history of lauding racists. You cannot trust this man.
Her phrasing, "I'm not calling you a racist, but" is an old rhetorical trick. It goes along with, "I'm not calling you a liar, but you sure tell a lot of whoppers." Or, "I'm not calling you a womanizer, but it's well documented that you've had numerous affairs." In this formulation, the speaker clues the listener in with "I'm not calling you, but...." The listener then listens for the rest that disproves the denial. In that vein, I'm not calling you stupid, but, at the time, even the Democrat friendly media said Harris accused Biden of racism.
He love dat dirty water!
Now parse Harris, Booker, and Smollett planning the lynching hoax. Include all calls and texts.
The "noose" fit for a hand. The criminal drug addict who overdosed and inspired a nation-wide protest in progress. The rape... rape-rape culture to socially justify the Planned Parenthood protocol (and corporation) where life deemed unworthy of life (e.g. selective-child) and cannibalized-child are liberal virtues and progressive imperatives. The HCQ stigma that labeled early treatment to mitigate cellular infection and disease progression. The Planned Parent protocol that was a leading cause of excess mortality of granny et al.
"Now parse Harris, Booker, and Smollett planning the lynching hoax. Include all calls and texts."
If the Republicans have any sense (not holding my breath), this would be a great October surprise.
The timing with the Harris/fiercely heterosexual Booker anti-lynching bill was far too cute.
DKWalser said...
Fern -- You're trying to change the terms of the debate. As you point out, Harris's charge of racism may have been false because not only racists opposed busing. But, that's a defense of Biden against Harris's charge of racism. It tells us nothing about Harris's intended meaning. The question is what message did Harris intend to deliver when made her remarks.
+ busing got unanimous SC approval - including Saint Thurgood?!
I always wondered if theory was going to school with white kids would spread the IQ virus to black kids or build immunity to it among white kids
I could/would/sort of go with theory that teachers are super spreaders of the IQ virus ?!
Fern -- ... Her message was clear: Biden has a racist heart.
Yes, I agree now, she was obviously trying to make Biden look bad - if not for any actual racism which would be recognized as such by a rational person, but for his failure to support something which was supposed to benefit "little black and brown girls", so to speak.
Mike (MJB Wolf)'s "parody" made me realize that, to many leftists, "racism" means "anything which doesn't benefit blacks", including racially neutral things like voter ID, SAT tests, and not busing kids.
So in that sense, the leftist sense, she was calling him a racist.
Titania points out that veganism, mermaid hair, tomboys, artificial intelligence, punctuality, hockey, grammar, landscaping, Smurfs and avoiding eye contact are also examples of racism.
It appears that Harris did accuse Biden of being for segregation. If I came out for segregation I would be called a racist. In any case, Pres Johnson said “I know it’s not true, I just want him to have to deny it.” I think that Trumps statement is under color of truth, if not linguistically true.
Mary Beth said...
"Hahahahahaha. It was a debate!"
She may not have literally said it, but she implied it. It was reported that way and I don't recall her trying to make any corrections to the reporting.
But that was then and this is now. Not to worry though- the Ministry of Truth is rewriting the debates as we comment. Soon, the record will reflect the new truth.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
"Where’s the blog post where very-fine-people Althouse takes us through the debate transcript to show us that Harris specifically said that she didn’t think Biden was a racist?"
Yeah, she said I don't think you're a racist, I just think you did all these racist things.
But no, of course I'm not SAYING you're a racist. I'm just implying it to the maximum extent I can.
So, Leftie, are you a liar, or an idiot?
Inga: "Maybe she was telling him he needed to try harder to commit himself to finding common ground and in that instance of bussing, he failed to do so."
You know how you can tell that Kamala was not telling Biden what Inga describes?
Because Kamala didn't say anything remotely like that.
At all.
I can't wait to see how Inga interprets Clinesmiths actions.
Iman said...
He love dat dirty water!
Oh, yeah Boston that's my home
John Henry
“ Blogger BUMBLE BEE said...
DNC convention this year is a Goodyear retread, ‘along with lovers, muggers and thieves.’”
Can’t decide whether this reminds me more of Cher (Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves) or Kermit the Frog (The Lovers, the Dreamers, and Me)
“Blogger tim in vermont said...
‘Maybe the hashtag should be #noshestronglyinferred’
You inferred, she implied. As Rush used to say. ‘Words mean things!‘‘“
I think it is clear she inferred he was a racist. The question is, did she imply (during the debate) that he was racist?
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