August 28, 2020

Welcome to Madison, Sean.


John Fisher said...

Send him to a trade school!

alanc709 said...

Gee, it's not as if you are sending your child away to be indoctrinated. That began much earlier, and only now you notice?

Temujin said...

Andrew Pollack was apparently not available for comment.

The Crack Emcee said...

If someone's on your neck, and you somehow can get the words "I can't breathe" out, you're alright.

If there's a knife on the floorboard of your car, and someone shoots you seven times in the back, that, too, is alright.

And, if you're black, and your life is just a never-ending cycle of being singled-out (or profiled) for trouble, that's alright.

Because, if you're white, everything's alright.

Just make them feel comfortable again.

mccullough said...

No one reads the assigned books.

Martin said...

If Duffy is surprised I have lost all respect for him. UW-Madison is about as woke as a state university comes.

rhhardin said...

Hey Europe! Eat my Florida! - Kliban caption, I think.

Rick.T. said...

Another shovel full of dirt on the traditional college campus model. Faster, please.

Michael K said...

Oh Oh, Maybe the dogs won't like the dog food.

chuck said...

Disgusting. Defund UW-Madison.

Sebastian said...

"Welcome to Madison, Sean."

UW is a state institution, isn't it?

Should a state institution, as an institution, push an ideology that aims to undermine actual constitutional rights?

Naive question, I know, I know.

narciso said...

it's unsurprising cullen has a talent for getting things wrong,

Bay Area Guy said...

C'mon Sean. Don't be naive. Don't send your kid to Madison. A sea of total Leftwing propaganda.

Roughcoat said...

Dad is a dunce.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "If someone's on your neck, and you somehow can get the words "I can't breathe" out, you're alright."

Well, according to the coroner and the actual science of the autopsy, George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose.

But hey Crack, we get it. That's all just icky "science-y" stuff, which makes it literal white supremacy, along with logic and reason, and we all know you aren't going to come within a country mile of any of that white supremacy stuff.

BTW, did you ever come up with an answer to the question I asked after you claimed that whites had invented murder, slavery, rape and lying (yes, Crack literally claimed whites invented lying) and practiced all of that for 300 years before any other race copied them?

To refresh your clearly deficient memory, I'll ask again: who were the SECOND people who adopted murder, slavery, rape and lying after having learned it from whites?

Now Crack, you really should give some thought to this before answering and not simply go Full Inga. It's not like you are skating on a deep cushion of credibility here.

gahrie said...

And, if you're black, and your life is just a never-ending cycle of being singled-out (or profiled) for trouble, that's alright.

Because of course the facts that young Black males make up about 5% of the US population, we currently have more than 500,000 of them locked up in prison and yet they commit over 50% of all violent crime in the U.S. mean nothing.

NC William said...

Crack: are there any other countries (you say you've traveled) where you would feel completely at ease -- as a black man -- fighting the police and resisting arrest?

gahrie said...

And, if you're White, and your life is just a never-ending cycle of being blamed for everything wrong or perceived as wrong in the world, that's alright.

cubanbob said...

As per Crack, those two pieces of criminal garbage were law abiding choir boys who were picked out at random by the cops for killing just because they were black.

DavidUW said...

They tried that crap nearly 30 years when I started. There was some BS morality play on campus rape and racism. They were herding us in but I asked is this required for graduation? They said no. I turned around and left to go work out. It was a gorgeous day and I wasn’t going to spend it inside. The dumb white chick asked where I was going. I said don’t worry about it.

Danno said...

Also, why would he send his son to Madison now that it has been turned into a shithole? The pics Ann posted the other night show how desecrated the downtown and state capitol area have become.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

I thought that the State of Wisconsin had a statute or code on the books that forbids State of Wisconsin governmental bodies AND their employees from engaging in political activities. It seems to me that this would be what is called “politicking” by the University of Wisconsin and its employees (which, I would presume, would also include those students who are employed by the university and who are on the clock while engaged in activities). I would also presume that this would also be forbidden by employees who claim to be representing the UW in their activities while off the clock. Ann, as a retired Constitutional Law Professor at the UW and a former State of Wisconsin employee in that position, can you clarify this “politicking” rule and if it would apply in situations like this?

Wince said...

Is that a book or a flyer for the book, part of the "UW-Madison Common Reading Program"?

Joe Smith said...

It's great to be white, I really like it.

But if I were black I wouldn't be a little bitch about it. I'd make something of my life and try to help others if they experienced racism.

If you send your kid to a public school you are insane. The private one's are bad enough.

Nichevo said...

Crack, why don't y'all just quit fucking up?

lane ranger said...

For what it's worth, I arrived at UW Madison back in the 1970's as an unthinking liberal, mouthing all of the usual left-wing nostrums of the day. I graduated from UW a conservative, gradually converted by direct and continuous exposure to what we now call the loony left, whose values cannot survive sustained scrutiny. So, Sean, no worries. Madison is fully capable of assisting with the task of turning college students into long-term conservatives.

mikee said...

Rebellion against enforced norms of behavior is a hallmark of the late teen years.
Tell a kid gun control makes sense, and they'll try a trip to a shooting range, and voila, you have another supporter of gun rights.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

LOL, really, Dems, push gun control - at the same time you're excusing mob violence and demanding that the police be defunded. That'll really be a winning issue for you this year.

Rick said...

Bay Area Guy said...
C'mon Sean. Don't be naive. Don't send your kid to Madison. A sea of total Leftwing propaganda.

All universities are seas of leftwing propaganda, excluding the Liberty / Bob Jones class, but including even Baylor and the catholic universities. Even Texas A&M, considered one of the most conservative public schools in the country, has them.


A professor at Texas A&M University just took to Facebook to celebrate the fact that Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was diagnosed with COVID-19 as “good news.” He went on to express hopes that “fat Klansman” President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence get it as well.

In a May 10, 2017 email to students obtained by Red Alert Politics, Texas A&M President Michael K. Young refused to discipline or fire professor Tommy Curry. Curry called for white genocide, saying in a 2012 podcast "in order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people may have to die."


But almost all universities also have sane parts in engineering, hard sciences, and business. The key is for the kids to study something useful and avoid the crazies - faculty, administrators, and students.

The Crack Emcee said...

NC William said...
Crack: are there any other countries (you say you've traveled) where you would feel completely at ease -- as a black man -- fighting the police and resisting arrest?

I wasn't followed around in Thailand.

I know it doesn't matter to white patriots that blacks can't feel comfortable in the only country we got as ex-slaves - no trips to the "old country" for us as you faggots celebrate your heritage with regular journeys home - but it matters to us.

Fuck all y'all.

n.n said...

From what I recall, social justice, its psycho practitioners, and trusted adults, betrayed the trust of the faculty and students. A knife, a gun, a scalpel, is just incidental to that social progression.

The Crack Emcee said...

NC William said...
Crack: are there any other countries (you say you've traveled) where you would feel completely at ease -- as a black man -- fighting the police and resisting arrest?

I wasn't followed around in Thailand.

I know it doesn't matter to white patriots that blacks can't feel comfortable in the only country we got as ex-slaves - no trips to the "old country" for us as you faggots celebrate your heritage with regular journeys home - but it matters to us.

Fuck all y'all.

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys created the asylum, so I really don't expect you to understand opposition to it.

Re-watch Catch 22 with me as Jack or the Indian.

Ann can be Nurse Rachet if she really, really wants (she don't want).

Michael K can finally be a big black guy making other people shut-up.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Lol. Like a Bible in a hotel room.

The Crack Emcee said...

gahrie said...
And, if you're White, and your life is just a never-ending cycle of being blamed for everything wrong or perceived as wrong in the world, that's alright.

Because y'all will never accept the blame for what you've done, so yes, we'll shove it down your throat for you, if that's what it takes, but you won't gaslight us forever.

The Crack Emcee said...

cubanbob said...
As per Crack, those two pieces of criminal garbage were law abiding choir boys who were picked out at random by the cops for killing just because they were black.

No, your racist misreading misses the point because you're determined to be a racist, even when trying for good intentions:

Whites have created a Kafkaesque reality for blacks to live in - starting with calling us slaves when we clearly didn't see that - and in that reality, ANYBODY can look like "two pieces of criminal garbage" because you racist garbage white pieces of shit aren't going to act like all those OTHER PEOPLE SCREAMING AND CRYING FOR THEM ARE HUMAN BEINGS, EITHER and thus, character witnesses to their humanity.

You're just racists, determined to BE racists, and any reason you can find to justify your racism will do - which is exactly what the Nazis admired about you.

You fought the quakers, you fought the abolitionists, you fought the Underground Railroad, you fought the civil war, you fight voting rights activists, you fought civil rights workers, and you've fought everyone since then and it still hasn't sunk-in, you're racists.

Clues? said...

BTW, did you ever come up with an answer to the question I asked after you claimed that whites had invented murder, slavery, rape and lying (yes, Crack literally claimed whites invented lying) and practiced all of that for 300 years before any other race copied them?

ixnay on the eletiveray rainbay apacitiescay of the acesray

buwaya said...

I know a lot of countries where if a white man fought the police and resisted arrest he would be putting his life at risk.

Anyway, the solution for this whole thing is quite clear but the implementation will be difficult. The core problem is a matter of identity. There is simply no way the American black minority can reconcile itself to cooperative coexistence with the American majority, with whom they cannot identify and whose authority over them they cannot respect. There are good and bad reasons for this, but that is always so in similar cases throughout the world and throughout history.

They need their own nation, a black Israel, where they need not bow to any foreigner and where their culture can flourish. They need a Herzl.

buwaya said...

That is a typical but very silly choice for a University with high entrance standards.

Would that they were given a book to develop the mind, to think large thoughts, to connect with the enormous and ancient substance of scholarship. Which is what they are there for, after all. A classic would be good. Something short but obscure from the neo-Platonists? The Enchiridion of Epictetus? That one is quite short.

My choice would be Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, but may be too long for the purpose.

buwaya said...

Last year I recall hearing of a Spanish bar-owner on a Philippine beach resort island who got himself killed allegedly resisting arrest.

It was something of a diplomatic incident.

Roughcoat said...

Sure, Buwaya. Let's give them their own country. How about on the northern coast of Spain?

Joe Smith said...

Someone seems to be (not me) all wee-wee'd up about having a race war.

gahrie said...

You fought the quakers, you fought the abolitionists, you fought the Underground Railroad, you fought the civil war, you fight voting rights activists, you fought civil rights workers,

White people were the quakers, White people the abolitionists, White people the Underground Railroad, White people the civil war, White people are voting rights activists, White people are civil rights workers.

The only way any of that bullshit makes sense is if you replace "you" with "Democrats". But Black people will reflexively vote Democrat anyway.

Vance said...

Tell me again why us irredeemably racist whites who do nothing but shoot and kill innocent black men who only wanted to rape and murder people all day long and us evil whites stop them from doing it...

why should us irredeemably racist whites pay any reparations to ungrateful, entitled blacks like you, Crack? You harbor so much hatred and resentment that we all know you would gleefully send us all to Auschwitz, just like Inga and Howard. You are declaring yourself and all other black people enemies and want us to pay you?

Sorry: paying Danegeld just leads to more Dane.

gahrie said...

And, if you're White, and your life is just a never-ending cycle of being blamed for everything wrong or perceived as wrong in the world, that's alright.

Because y'all will never accept the blame for what you've done, so yes, we'll shove it down your throat for you, if that's what it takes, but you won't gaslight us forever.

So why is it that the Black people with the highest standards of living all live in countries run by White people and are based on Western Civilization? Why do Black people continue to live in countries run by White people instead of returning to Africa?

gahrie said...

I know it doesn't matter to white patriots that blacks can't feel comfortable in the only country we got as ex-slaves

You always have Liberia.....

NC William said...


I'm disappointed, though not that surprised, that all you've got is a non-sequitor.

I know, we all know, many many black people who are successful and comfortable. I don't deny there are issues, but your binary analysis is so very off the actual reality. Why is it that every one of black riot America's poster boys ends up being a violent felon resisting arrest?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“You fought the quakers, you fought the abolitionists, you fought the Underground Railroad, you fought the civil war, you fight voting rights activists, you fought civil rights workers,”

White folks fighting, mostly, White folks? What’s for a Brother not to like?

These days, though, it’s White BLM rioters fighting POC police. Even the affirmative action rose has it’s thorns.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where's the handbook on leftwing antifa nazi brownshirt club?

How to commit arson and get away with it. For Kamala!

Joe Smith said...

I'm done with certain angry commenters...I will do everything I can not to be sucked in again.

You can't reason with a child when he's having a tantrum. For some those tantrums last a lifetime.

Narr said...

Man, that is an impressive screed, Crack.

The paragraph with all THE CAPS needs some work.

And BTW, the novel you reference is Kesey's Cuckoo's Nest, not Heller's Catch-22.

Cracker scribblers just the same, I guess

rehajm said...

Not to worry Sean. Now that they have your non-refundable tuition they're going to announce no more classes because of the 'danger'.

Covid is transmitted over the interwebs, too, you know...

Narr said...

Man, that is an impressive screed, Crack.

The paragraph with all THE CAPS needs some work.

And BTW, the novel you reference is Kesey's Cuckoo's Nest, not Heller's Catch-22.

Cracker scribblers just the same, I guess

buwaya said...

It was this January -

Spanish national slain in anti-drug operation in Siargao
By: Erwin M. Mascariñas - @inquirerdotnet
Inquirer Mindanao / 03:39 PM January 09, 2020

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BUTUAN CITY –– A Spanish national, who was identified as a drug suspect by authorities, was killed Wednesday morning after a gunfight with police on Siargao Island.

A report from the Caraga Police Regional Office said the suspect, Diego Lapuente, was shot after he fired on police in a buy-bust operation in Barangay 3, General Luna town of Surigao del Norte.

- comment -
Exactly the sort of thing we are discussing, complete with the controversy over whether it was a deliberate killing by the police. That after all is the scenario used by the local police when they just want to get rid of someone.

Siargao btw is a lovely island much frequented by European tourists, mainly for the excellent surfing. Or it was, until the Covid thing sent them all home. One British family stayed. They have a charming Youtube "slice of life" channel. Their little daughter is absurdly cute.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Crack, if what Drago stated is true, you should seek some real help. You ascribe all of the bad things of the world to white people and totally absolve members of your race of their sins. Then you have the temerity to call whites 'racist'. You infantilize your race by removing their own agency for their situations. "Blacks aren't responsible because whitey made me do it" seems to be your entire Weltanschauung. You are a child.

Given that black males (ca. 6% of US pop.)commit about 50% of the violent crime in the US, perhaps YOU should be paying reparations to the American taxpayers for causing us to spend more on law enforcement, penal institutions, and our judicial system just to deal with your crap.

Pretending that Whozits was shot for having a knife on the floor of his car is childish and ignores his actions prior to the shooting.

I understand why you are in a shame spiral about your skin color. It must be rough knowing that today's Black Culture is so destructive to humanity...not just because of the high crime rates, but also the poor-mouthing of education and the decline of family and family values. Generations of black children (should they avoid being a statistic given the sky-high rate of abortion in the black community) growing up uneducated, unskilled, being taught that they are not responsible for their lot in life because of Whitey. Knowing your community is a cancer in American society. All that must weigh you down so much that you distort reality and project your problems onto others.

I would bet good money that you have been identified as on the schizophrenia spectrum. Long-term cognitive dissonance and traumatic life events can have that affect.

That you are voting for Trump tells me that you haven't entirely slipped behind the veil. So there may be hope for you yet.

buwaya said...

"Sure, Buwaya. Let's give them their own country. How about on the northern coast of Spain?"

Expensive, and frankly it would be a case of taking them from the frying pan to the fire. I'm thinking of an enclave where the US can buy them a country, effectively. Somewhere not heavily populated where $50 billion or so can get 50,000 sq miles.

I'm thinking Namibia or Mauretania. It would have to be heavily subsidized of course, and the infrastructure will be very costly, but that may end up being cheaper than what they are already costing the US net-net.

buwaya said...

A new country, on empty land, a clean slate and a great adventure!
To begin with everyone works construction with a pioneering spirit.
You can even do the kibbutz thing.

Nuclear plants, desalination plants, port facilities, roads, bridges irrigation...

The opportunity to WORK at something real, and learn complex things by doing with no BS. To build a country.

minnesota farm guy said...

Apparently the Blacks that Crack represents, or knows, have no free will of their own. They can only act under the direction or duress of whites . They are incapable of making decisions for themselves. I never thought that of blacks, but I am white and certainly Crack knows blacks better than I do.

If I were a Democrat and Crack accused me thus:" You fought the quakers, you fought the abolitionists, you fought the Underground Railroad, you fought the civil war, you fight voting rights activists, you fought civil rights workers, and you've fought everyone since then and it still hasn't sunk-in, you're racists.". I would have to accept that because it is true. However I am not a Democrat so his charges against me ring false.

Rick said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Because y'all will never accept the blame for what you've done

There's Crack's racism again. Apparently white people are guilty of what other white people did hundreds of years ago. But wait: spree killers Reginald and Jonathan Carr are black and I've never read of you accepting your blame. Is this forthcoming?

Or do you believe there something unique to white skin such that it alone confers guilt on those who share it?

Roughcoat said...

When the Yellow River flows clear, Buwaya.

Butkus51 said...

Maybe some magazine can do a feature on the most non-American cities in the U.S.

So many to choose from, who would be number one?

Rick said...

The Crack Emcee said...
You fought the quakers, you fought the abolitionists, you fought the Underground Railroad, you fought the civil war, you fight voting rights activists, you fought civil rights workers, and you've fought everyone since then and it still hasn't sunk-in, you're racists.

More race hatred. We were the quakers, the abolitionists, the underground railroad, and we won the civil war. Whites held effectively all political power in the antebellum US and for a long time afterward. If a majority of whites didn't want slavery ended it wouldn't have ended. (Same with Jim Crow later, and analogous to women's suffrage). But somehow not only are the people who ended slavery / Jim Crow / etc racists but people born after all of them are as well simply by virtue of their skin.

This is a diseased mind, diseased by people who specifically foster this hatred in return for political power.

alanc709 said...

There's an existing country created by blacks who rose up and freed themselves from slavery. Run by blacks ever since. Founded by a black hero. It's called Haiti.

Leland said...

Who paid for it? Whoever in your family is paying the tuition. The money is fungible. The protestors demanding to defund police departments are not this stupid.

eddie willers said...

You're just racists, determined to BE racists, and any reason you can find to justify your racism will do - which is exactly what the Nazis admired about you.

That ought to be enough, Ann & Meade.

Drago said...

Crack Emcee: "I know it doesn't matter to white patriots that blacks can't feel comfortable in the only country we got as ex-slaves"

Is Crack back up to his old tricks in pretending, once again, that the United States is the only nation in the world that held slaves from Africa?

We'll have to add this latest astonishing assertion to the previous one where Crack claimed whites invented slavery, murder, rape and lying and practiced for 300 years before any other peoples on earth copied it from whites.

Roughcoat said...

But, glibness aside, Buwaya, I give you: Liberia.

You see the problem.

Joe Smith said...

"Nuclear plants, desalination plants, port facilities, roads, bridges irrigation..."

Hilarious...who will build and maintain the infrastructure?

Drago said...

Goetz von Berlichingen: "Crack, if what Drago stated is true, ...."

It's absolutely true.

But no longer even remotely disappointing because this is the sort of stuff Crack comes up with.

Some of Crack's other historical lunatic claims are that Harriet Tubman provided strategic guidance to Union generals, I believe Crack mentioned Sherman. Of course, that never happened. At all.

What Tubman did do was act as a scout and information gatherer (and intel and reconnaissance is extraordinarily important, obviously) and that is how she used her knowledge and courage to assist the North in the Civil War. No small shakes there, but she provided zero strategic guidance to William Tecumseh Sherman. He didn't need any from anyone else. He implemented his own strategy and executed it. He was the General Patton of the Civil War, with Grant receiving Honorable Mention.

bagoh20 said...

I just saw a video yesterday of guy who was having a party and a neighbor called the cops saying there was domestic abuse going on. When the cops knocked on the door, the guy answers with a handgun behind his back. As soon as he see they are cops, he kneels down, puts one hand up in the air and uses the other to lay the gun on the floor. The cops immediately shot him dead on his doorstep.

You might remember one not too long ago where the cops come to an apartment and call the guy out into the hallway in his pajamas. They have him crawling on his hands and knees toward them with rifles aimed at him the whole time and multiple cops there. His pajamas start falling down so he reaches to pull them up, and they kill him dead right there.

Both white guys.

Those are what you call bad shootings, but not because they were white, but because they did exactly what the cops told them to, and got shot anyway. They didn't fight with the cops , they didn't ignore commands, they didn't pull a knife, or reach into a car after fighting with cops.

Did yo hear any outrage about those? Imagine if they were black. Yea, tell me nobody cares about black lives. It's all anyone cares about or talks about, and it's still not enough. Nothing ever will be enough, which is why I oppose anything more to placate the race baiting opportunist. It's just background noise at this point, and were all getting used to it enough that we will soon not even hear it.

Doug said...

Because y'all will never accept the blame for what you've done, so yes, we'll shove it down your throat for you, if that's what it takes,

You bullet-proof?

Drago said...

Crack: "Whites have created a Kafkaesque reality for blacks to live in - starting with calling us slaves when we clearly didn't see that - and in that reality, ANYBODY can look like "two pieces of criminal garbage" because you racist garbage white pieces of shit aren't going to act like all those OTHER PEOPLE SCREAMING AND CRYING FOR THEM ARE HUMAN BEINGS, EITHER and thus, character witnesses to their humanity."

Crack routinely claims whites have no humanity, are incapable of feeling empathy and are all guilty based on skin color alone.

Then Crack talks about "humanity".

"jarring" doesn't begin to capture it.

Roughcoat said...

You can even do the kibbutz thing.

On land the indigenous people will claim as their own. Okay, maybe they can be bought off, like buying the land for kibbutzes from Arab landholders. That worked out just fine, didn't it.

Sheridan said...

Buwaya - So that's why Trump wanted to buy Greenland!! Is there anything he can't do!

Rusty said...

Nichevo said...
"Crack, why don't y'all just quit fucking up?"
There it is.
Buwaya. That would require certain amount of self motivation and a sense of responsibility. Can you really see someone like Crack taking responsibility for his own actions? Once there he would have no else to blame for his poor choices. It would devolve into chaos in short order.Joe Smith said...
"It's great to be white, I really like it."
To be honest. I'm too busy trying to make a life for myself and my family to have ever noticed. Maybe when I retire.

ga6 said...

"You can't reason with a child when he's having a tantrum."

This Grandpa say this is true but you can enjoy mocking them.

Rosalyn C. said...

I didn't undertand the claim by Crack that whites can go back to their motherland but blacks can not. There has been research about black ancestry and some places have been identified, such as Nigeria, as the source of many African Americans.

Of course there is a problem for African Americans returning to Africa with the culture there being strange, but that is the case with any white person who choses to live abroad. I certainly would not feel at home in Belarus or Romania just because my grandparents were born there.

J. Farmer said...

@The Crack Emcee:

And, if you're black, and your life is just a never-ending cycle of being singled-out (or profiled) for trouble, that's alright.

And if you're black, and your life just a never-ending cycle of causing trouble, then what?

From school resource officers to juvie halls to midnight basketball to iron bars on windows and The Club on steering wheels, our society has to devote a huge amount of resources on containing the aggressive, disruptive behavior of young black men.

LakeLevel said...

When Obama was elected, a co-worker told me "This clown will set back race relations 50 years". I didn't believe it then. Now I'm not so sure. Obama blew a great opportunity for reconciliation. He could have been a truly great and beloved president. Instead he opted for blame and hatred, trashing the legacy MLK. He's still at it together with the usual lefty suspects.

Francisco D said...


It sounds like you need a hug, Big Guy.

J. Farmer said...


Obama blew a great opportunity for reconciliation. He could have been a truly great and beloved president. Instead he opted for blame and hatred, trashing the legacy MLK.

You honestly think Obama's race rhetoric was about "blame and hatred." Obama was constantly pushing the conciliatory angle, to the point of cliche. His hamfisted messaging during reported incidence of policy brutality were another matter but still never expressed anything close to "hatred." In his Morehouse commencement speech, he specifically admonished young black men for blaming racism or the legacy of slavery on their own poor choices.

Obama was in a no-win situation. It was always absurd to expect the mere presence of a black president to undo the complex dynamics that cause racial problems in America. Presidential speechifying can't do much to change them. Perversely, his election was seen as shattering a glass ceiling and thus the expectation that blacks can achieve what they want if they work at it. This is bogus.

Obama is a very bizarre choice to embody the hopes and aspirations of black Americans. His ancestry is East African and not of American slaves. He is not part of the African-American tradition. He had to construct such an identity as an adult.

Michael K said...

Of course there is a problem for African Americans returning to Africa with the culture there being strange, but that is the case with any white person who choses to live abroad. I certainly would not feel at home in Belarus or Romania just because my grandparents were born there.

Yes, but if you were being constantly harassed and shot at and discriminate against, you might think of it as a refuge. Of course, I talk to Africans coming here and they think this is a wonderful country with unlimited opportunities but they have not had 50 years of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson telling them how oppressed they are.

Roughcoat said...

Can you imagine the reaction if and when American diplomats go to third world countries to ask whether they'd be willing to offer up large swaths of territory for the creation of a homeland for American blacks? I'm betting the countries so queried would exclaim, with astonishment, "American blacks? With all their violence and social dysfunction? Are you nuts?" And then slam the door in their faces.

FullMoon said...

Crack Emcee: "I know it doesn't matter to white patriots that blacks can't feel comfortable in the only country we got as ex-slaves"

Wonder how average black person feels about all the hate, blame , violence and negativity being broadcast name. Every black person not a rebel or a militant. Some no doubt embarrassed and ashamed by their brethren.

Rosalyn C. said...

"Yes, but if you were being constantly harassed and shot at and discriminate against, you might think of it as a refuge." Those are the reasons my grandparents left Europe. If fact discrimination and crushing poverty were the reasons many people left their homes to come to the US and why so few return.

It is strange that native born Africans living in the US don't find this a racist and oppressive country. Is it because they weren't raised with the expectation of racism and weren't poisoned by low expectations? Asking these kinds of questions is what got Amy Chua and Jeb Rubenfeld in so much trouble at Yale.

narciso said...

Obama is all about race agitation, see this derrick bell, fron where he took his syllabus, for his u chicago courses.

mandrewa said...

"They need their own nation, a black Israel, where they need not bow to any foreigner and where their culture can flourish. They need a Herzl."

That would be Liberia. Literally that was why Liberia was created.

But there are other choices: South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Somali, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Djibouti, Eritrea, Chad, Nigeria, Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cote Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal, The Gambia, and Mauritania.

That's 43 countries where over 90% of the population is African black. Some of the Caribbean nations like Jamaica and Haiti should be added to that.

It's a large percentage of the earth's surface that Africans occupy.

Rick said...

J. Farmer said...
Obama was constantly pushing the conciliatory angle, to the point of cliche.

Ridiculous. Obama's version of conciliation is the left's version of bipartisanship: I invite you to agree with us that your beliefs are racist.

Crack Emcee: "I know it doesn't matter to white patriots that blacks can't feel comfortable in the only country we got as ex-slaves"

The solution to this is to stop believe the ten or so unarmed blacks police kill per year constitutes a "genocide" just like whites dismiss the idea that 10-20 unarmed whites police kill constitute a white genocide. Once you stop the hysteria it will be easier to address why those few events remaining - reasons which include cultural identification of resistance as heroism which leads to widespread and disproportionate escalations when police contact occurs.

DavidUW said...

Crack is embarassing.

And you want to go to your "home"? There are flights. I've been to Africa and seen the motherland. Why haven't you?

Like my dad said when I was being a little b*-- complaining about being unemployed during the first recession of this century. You can b* and moan the rest of your life or you can go out and find a damn job.

And you can decide on your escape strategy. Citizenship in several Caribbean islands are for sale half off this year. I plan on getting one, and when I'm ready, I'm out.

Stop being a little b* and do something.

Martin said...

J. Farmer: "Obama was in a no-win situation."

Obama was in a no-lose situation. If you agreed with him you were good and upright.
If you didn't it was because you are a racist.

narciso said...

Point of personal privilege, his future wife rachel campos was the only reason to watch that one season of the real world.

mandrewa said...

"There's an existing country created by blacks who rose up and freed themselves from slavery. Run by blacks ever since. Founded by a black hero. It's called Haiti."

Except that's not the whole story. The Haitian revolutionaries reestablished slavery in Haiti. The main difference was that it was black men owning black men. I don't know when slavery actually ended in Haiti. Could it have been in the early part of the twentieth century?

Anyway the Wikipedia article doesn't mention this. But from the way they dance around the subject I'm guessing that the person that wrote that part of the Wikipedia knows this full well.

And obviously this is prohibited knowledge, and books that talk about it will be burned, and if you talk about this to the wrong people, you can get cancelled.

J. Farmer said...


Ridiculous. Obama's version of conciliation is the left's version of bipartisanship: I invite you to agree with us that your beliefs are racist.

"And it means taking full responsibility for our own lives — by demanding more from our fathers, and spending more time with our children, and reading to them, and teaching them that while they may face challenges and discrimination in their own lives, they must never succumb to despair or cynicism; they must always believe that they can write their own destiny."
-Obama, March 2008

"Well, we’ve got no time for excuses. Not because the bitter legacy of slavery and segregation have vanished entirely; they have not. Not because racism and discrimination no longer exist; we know those are still out there. It’s just that in today’s hyperconnected, hypercompetitive world, with millions of young people from China and India and Brazil — many of whom started with a whole lot less than all of you did — all of them entering the global workforce alongside you, nobody is going to give you anything that you have not earned.

Nobody cares how tough your upbringing was. Nobody cares if you suffered some discrimination. And moreover, you have to remember that whatever you’ve gone through, it pales in comparison to the hardships previous generations endured — and they overcame them. And if they overcame them, you can overcome them, too."
-Obama, Morehouse College Commencement, 2013

This is cliche racial reconciliation talk. Obama was all tied up in his own personal narrative as symbolic of such reconciliation, and that was a naive, self-involved perspective. Once people expected that Obama's presidency would improve race relations in America, they were certain to be disappointed. The president cannot fix the race problems in America.

mandrewa said...

"American blacks? With all their violence and social dysfunction?"

Except that would be nonsense. It's not like most of the African countries don't have a problem with violence and social dysfunction involving young men.

The truth is there are probably plenty of real opportunities in Africa (taken in context) for American blacks.

Bilwick said...

Parkland wasn't the birthplace of a movement. Statism has been around for centuries.

mandrewa said...

We are really piling up on Crack Emcee. I feel bad about it. But these comments are probably a good sampling of what white people actually think. Or at least the deplorables anyway. Except I don't think it's just the deplorables.

I suspect I would be very upset to hear it, if I were black. It would get old, really, really fast.

I've tried to imagine myself being black. And I can never quite pull it off.

But if feels like a painful place to be. I have some dim inkling of why so many young black men resent white people so much. I've never been there long enough to find out if there is a good place to stand.

Rick said...

J. Farmer said...This is cliche racial reconciliation talk.

Not one of your comments addresses a government policy. His position remains that everyone who disagrees with him/the left generally (from the right) is racist.

bagoh20 said...

"I have some dim inkling of why so many young black men resent white people so much. "

It might have something to do with being told every day of their lives that they should hate Whites, and they are told that by Blacks and Whites alike in school, in the media, by pundits, professional talkers, and activists making a nice living off ruining their self-esteem, drive, and personal happiness.

It's miraculous that any Black does not hate Whites and blame them for every setback in life. There are lots of those though, and they are usually successful, happy, and well-adjusted to live as equals in a land that gives them that option if they take it. That requires taking responsibility.

I don't really care if they are tired of hearing this. They will never be free until they hear it and take it to heart, but nobody can force them. You would think the deprivations of the inner cities would make them take a look at something else for a change, but bitching is hell of a lot easier.

If anybody thinks Whites can fix this for Blacks, I'd like to hear that plan.

Gahrie said...

Is Crack back up to his old tricks in pretending, once again, that the United States is the only nation in the world that held slaves from Africa?

In fact, the United states imported fewer African slaves than most countries in the Caribbean, Central America and South America.

Joe Smith said...

"We are really piling up on Crack Emcee."

He's painted a huge target on his back. Complaining about everything, and blaming his disappointing life on racism instead of the consequences of his actions, gets old in a hurry.

Now, I don't know how old Crack is, but I continue to say that there is no better person to be in the US today than a smart black person with a STEM or a business degree.

You could write your own ticket. How's that for a racist society?

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

mandrewa...go ahead and support Crack's delusions. You won't be helping him...actually you will be hurting him as he grasps on to anything that will support his fantasies.

But you get to put on the sad face all you want to show your friends how much you care.

Things won't get fixed until the Cracks of this world take responsibility for their lives. You should be telling them to get an education, get a job, show up on time all the time, get married, have a family and stay with them.

But go ahead, reinforce their imaginary victimhood. Take away their agency. Treat them like children. That hasn't been helpful. And it is inhuman.

If the polls are correct there is a massive shift in the black community towards Trump taking place. Eyes are being opened. Some are realizing who has really been keeping them down... and it ain't the Republicans.

But keep telling Crack to keep his eyes closed. Reinforce his ludicrous beliefs that white people invented slavery, murder, rape, and racism. Help him live his lie of a life. That's the easy course, for you, perdition for him. But your friends will be so impressed with your 'compassion'.
At this point I am just hoping that he doesn't drag others down with him.

Maybe when he accepts himself as a man he will begin to act like a man. I do harbor hope that he will. To do that he will have to face up to the lies he has been told and has been telling himself. He's going to have to face his own racism and self-loathing before he becomes a viable member of society. Unless he can play basketball, of course. I mean at a pro level. Then he can suck up millions of dollars a year, while maintaining his toxic beliefs no problem.

I feel sorry for Crack. Questionable intelligence, no gumption, and more chips on his shoulders than the victim of a tragic storage facility collapse at a Lay's factory.
The only one holding him back is himself.
And people like mandrewa.

Ralph L said...

Hilarious...who will build and maintain the infrastructure?


buwaya said...

"Not one of your comments addresses a government policy."

Not much of this has to do with government policies. At most such policies have more or less ineffectually attempted to close the income gap between blacks and everyone else. Creating various degrees of collateral damage and bringing unintended consequences.

The core problem is a general inability to compete. Not just academically, but in all things. Building trades, operators of convenience stores, clerical work, blue collar work. High and low there are better and more numerous competitors. This leads to demoralization which makes it even harder to compete.

This is not strange or inexplicable. You see the same in SE Asia between the local Chinese and more or less everyone else. The Chinese dominate the economy and the professions, to the extent there are enough of them to do so. Luckily for the mass of SE Asians there aren't that many Chinese in their countries, so they still dominate the polity in spite of the Chinese ruling the skyscraper office blocks. But there is resentment and sometimes violence.

This is exactly the subject of Amy Chua's (the "Tiger Mother") first bestseller, "World on Fire", the analytical gist of which, "market dominant minorities", she got from Thomas Sowell.

Now imagine a SE Asian minority in a majority Chinese country, without significant intermarriage and with centuries of the sort of bad blood you can expect. Thats the problem of (American born) blacks in the US.

Even the government policies have parallels. Orienting government hiring towards the preferred but underperforming minority for instance, or school admissions. This "affirmative action", actually explicit quota systems, have been Malaysian official policy for over 50 years.

narciso said...

Yes the witchdoctors the hougan almost a dupernatural hold on the people through duvalier the anthropologist who was an opponent of the marine expedition.

Unknown said...


wendybar said...

Indoctrination gets us Portland, and Seattle.

The Crack Emcee said...

Narr said...

"BTW, the novel you reference is Kesey's Cuckoo's Nest, not Heller's Catch-22."

You are so right - brain fart.

It happens. Thanks.

Rusty said...

Tell ya what, Buwaya. We trade em one for one with just about anybody from Nigeria. Their high school education is like our college education and those motherfuckers work HARD. Or Botswana. Either one.

Narr said...

Since this is still alive--

You're welcome, Crack.

Personally, I enjoy and try to learn something from Crack's posts. (Beyond the obvious pain.)

I've studied African-American history with experts, and it has been one of the great success stories of the modern world--the 'export version' of American culture in the 20thC was/is at least 50% A-A.

And the stats are easy to find--African-Americans overall are materially better off than persons of African descent anywhere else in the world, many Europeans, and almost all Asians.

But there's still a lot of pain. I've estimated that maybe 3-5% of White Americans are racist in a potentially violent way, and maybe 10% of Black Americans, likewise--because the latter have had more to be angry and violent about. The percentages are less important than the proportion, and perceptions of justified anger and violence can change in the twinkling of an eye . . .

DavidUW, if you took citizenship in one of the Caribbean countries, would you retain your US?

And why or why not, if you care to answer

Anonymous said...

This brings to mind a time I was in Paris, 1974. I had just bought a sweet Canon ftb, and was taking tourist pictures. So... there were 2 Gendarmes on the 'rue' jacking a guy up (white guy). Well, whaddya gonna do...I'm taking pix. So, this one Gendarme sees me taking their pix, walks stridently towards me, and knocks me on my ass. I mean, this guy never said a word...he just clocked me, turned around and went back to the guy they were jacking up. I figured out for myself that Gendarmes didn't like being photo'ed.

I got up and went over to the Notre Dame. I was going there anyway. Damn Frogs.

Narr said...

Herc, did you take some pix at ND ?

In the late 1940s the city solons here decided the time had come to have some Negro[sic] cops.

Twelve were hired and trained (all but one veterans of WWII) and deployed to Beale Street and the surrounding areas. They could detain but not arrest white offenders--gee, that should work well--but had full authority over their own.

One of the first of them, later quite well known in other spheres, said that he and the other Black cops did away with "Alley Courts," which the white cops used to shake down the local petty perps.

Having seen off a couple of pickpockets in crime-rife Paris, and knowing something of French authorities, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some alley court law being practiced.

A friend of mine had his wallet stolen in Morocco about the time you were in Paris. He went to the fuzz and they promptly went out and picked up a nobody and thrashed him.

Mondo Popo

Anonymous said...

Yes, Narr. I have pix outside and inside of Notre Dame.

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