August 26, 2020

"We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets. My team just got off the phone with Governor Evers who agreed to accept federal assistance (Portland should do the same!)"

"TODAY, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore LAW and ORDER!”

Trump tweeted this morning, the Washington Examiner reports.

It's at least a day late, but I'm glad Evers is standing up.


Big Mike said...

Evers is only doing this because Wisconsinites are taking defense into their own hands and showing up at the riots with rifles.

donald said...

“standing up”. Sure.

WisRich said...

Standing up? Believe me, the Left thinks Evers is backing down.

Regardless, I'm glad we'll see some significant numbers of LE and NG finally take control of the streets....unless of course, Evers issues orders for them to "stand down".

Michael K said...

Illinois teen arrested for that shooting in Kenosha. Maybe Inga will finally find a Boogaloo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing Antifa Terror.

Most democrats embrace it.

D.D. Driver said...

It's been a while since I said something nice about Evers, but good for him. It's a day late two dead bodies too many but at least he has shown himself capable of reason unlike most of his Democrat cohort.

Belle17 said...

What choice did he have after last night? His hubris was paid for in blood.

David-2 said...

Is that what you call standing up? You say no no no until Trump goes public with it at the same time Don Lemon is telling you OMG it is affecting the Dems in polls (polls that were never released to the public because they were so bad for the Dems)?

It isn't really "standing up", is it, if you have to be pulled from the front and pushed from behind in order to get your cowardly rump out of the chair ...

Belle17 said...

What choice did Evers have? His arrogance has been very expensive in terms of lives lost and property / businesses damaged and destroyed.

Unknown said...

"and I think it probably represents the biggest threat to the Democratic cause"

Let that sink in. The riots only matter when it is seen to be hurting the Dem party. Suddenly the rioting matters to the Dems and their propagandists. They are disgusting.

Cuomo: "You have COVID and Kenosha, Don, and what’s happening in Wisconsin, it’s a Rorschach test for where this country is, and I think it probably represents the biggest threat to the Democratic cause.

Lemon: "You took the words right out of my mouth."

Cuomo: "That’s because we’re reading from the same teleprompter."

Lemon: "That’s all you. This is where I come in. We’ll get to that. But when you said it’s too little too late, I don’t know about that. I mean, we still have a lot of time left until election day. I do think that this —what you said was happening in Kenosha is a Rorschach test for the entire country. I think this is a blind spot for Democrats. I think Democrats are hoping this will go away, and it’s not going to go away.

rehajm said...

He must have been informed of the polls...

Good thing he's letting the President send help since apparently every police and judicial resource has been tied up arresting Kyle Rittenhouse for fist degree murder...

mockturtle said...

Just curious: Is there even one rioting site that is not located in a Democrat-run city in a Democrat-run state?

Drago said...

Uh oh. The democratical moron governor of WI has just had to admit that the riots Inga claims don't exist do exist and he needs federal support to get these extraordinarily violent ("mostly peaceful") maoist/marxist/commie riots under control.

The good news is Biden was told about this earlier today and has already forgotten about it because today is chocolate pudding day!!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Standing up? Nah that fool squats to piss.

Iman said...

The moron Evers should've accepted the assistance when it was first offered, which may have prevented what happened last night and in the early AM. Fucking Democrat politicians are certifiably insane.

AllenS said...

Evers turned down assistance from the federal government earlier this week, according to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

"We have a National Guard standing by that if the general for the National Guard needs additional help, we're there to do it," Meadows said Tuesday night on Fox News. "But today, that request was denied by the governor."

Evers’s office also said earlier this week that federal assistance wouldn't be needed as Evers increased support from the Wisconsin National Guard.

"The governor informed them that we would be increasing Wisconsin National Guard support in Kenosha and therefore would not need federal assistance in response to protests but would welcome additional federal support and resources for our state's response to COVID-19," spokeswoman Britt Cudaback said.

I cannot see anywhere in that article where Evers is standing up to anything. He's just getting his worthless ass out of the way. I did not vote for him, know anyone who did?

Drago said...

Don "Le-mon": "I think this is a blind spot for Democrats."

It's certainly a blind spot for "MS13 "spark of divinity" machete murders are A-OK with me" Inga.

Bilwick said...

As someone wrote on Instapundit today, if the rioters were Caucasians wearing MAGA hats, the Democrats would be urging the National Guard to fire live rounds into the ranks of the rioters.

Drago said...

rehajm: "He must have been informed of the polls..."


ARM and Freder and certain LLR-lefties from MI have assured us this race was over long ago and that the democraticals could just run a turnip and still win.

Which is why the dems nominated just that.....a vegetable.

FullMoon said...

Guns are blazing in Wisconsin.. Andy Ngo twitter with mugshots from Portland . Teachers, social workers rioting, arrested, released same day. These people will be shopping next to residents, teaching the kids, engaging in daily life among normal people.

During the riots and looting in California , I happened to see a young man in the neighborhood getting in his car, all dressed in black, the looter uniform. Chinese,middle-upper middle class going to go get some freebies, or at the least, participate in some mischief. Pretty sure his parents were at work and unaware. How many other kids have been engaging in violent or criminal behavior during this? They have been taught that the law is not capable of stopping them, and that incarceration is not a risk.

In my errant youth, I had done more jail time for traffic tickets, and even warrants for parking tickets, than these savages do for attacking police with bricks and setting buildings on fire.

effinayright said...

Another nail in the Dem's coffin:

Jacob Blake's mom told Don Lemon she has the utmost respect for Donald Trump.


cubanbob said...

mockturtle said...
Just curious: Is there even one rioting site that is not located in a Democrat-run city in a Democrat-run state?"

Obviously not. Otherwise you would be hearing about that 24/7 from the media.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

And every single time someone defends themselves against these Antifa / BLM terrorists, its the person defending themselves who is arrested and charged! What good is the right to self-defense, if you get in trouble for using it?!?!?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the horses left the barn the other day

...but I'm glad the farmer is 'standing up' to shut the door today

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Well, he owns the problem now. Odds are, Trump has an effective plan - one not involving federals firing live rounds.

Joe Smith said...

"It's at least a day late, but I'm glad Evers is standing up."

Would you vote for him Althouse, seeing as he had to be shamed and coerced, kicking and screaming to do his job?

Easy to 'stand up' once you've FUBAR'd on both Kenosha and Madison.

Evers seems like a typical lefty tool, so I suppose he will be re-elected.

DanTheMan said...

I must commend Joe Biden for his leadership during the Kenosha riots. His statements and actions during the last two days reflect exactly the right tone. Thank goodness we have such a great man ready to lead us.

D.D. Driver said...

"And every single time someone defends themselves against these Antifa / BLM terrorists, its the person defending themselves who is arrested and charged! What good is the right to self-defense, if you get in trouble for using it?!?!?"

Ask Antonio Mays, Jr.

(But first you have to google "Antonio Mays Jr., because the MSM wants to pretend it never happened.)

Better off in jail than in the grave.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

You can always count on Evers to do the right thing... when he has no other choice.

Drago said...

MeatPopscicle1234: "And every single time someone defends themselves against these Antifa / BLM terrorists, its the person defending themselves who is arrested and charged! What good is the right to self-defense, if you get in trouble for using it?!?!?"

Marxists, wherever they come to power, ALWAYS create brownshirt/blackshirt/maoist mobs to terrorize the populace while the populace is always disarmed and the marxists feed weapons to their Shock Troops.

The entire idea is for the mobs to intimidate and pacify the general population into going along with the mob.

See Venezuela where Chavez (a big personal favorite of obambi) and Maduro first disarmed the populace, replaced the military with loyal commies and then created street-based Shock Troops, "civilians", who were trained by the cuban commies (another favorite crew for obambi) and were given fully automatic weapons to "patrol" the streets by motorcycle and shoot up any protesters and anyone else not falling in line with the commies.

This is precisely what our democraticals/LLR-lefties have in store for us.

MadTownGuy said...

Standing up? Or hoping for the use of 'chemical weapons?'

People I know have suggested using water balloons filled with oil-based paint against federal LEOs who they would lump in with National Guard personnel. Probably chargeable as at least two felonies under the US Code. Not a good plan.

Quaestor said...

It's at least a day late, but I'm glad Evers is standing up.

Standing up? Nah, that's called waking up.

Howard said...

Trump takes a Chance if he Tinkers with Evers

Joe Smith said...

"Well, he owns the problem now. Odds are, Trump has an effective plan - one not involving federals firing live rounds."

In the 'old days,' after a hurricane or other natural disaster, looters were fair game and could be shot on sight. We need to bring that back.

Looters and arsonists are destroying the ability of people to make a living. That's why horse thieves were hung on the old west.

Maybe the midwest needs a little frontier justice. And since most of these idiots are white, nobody can bitch and moan about lynching...

Yancey Ward said...

A day late? A day? Evers could have stopped this the first night.

Drago said...

Howard: "You guys really show hard in the afterglow of police shooting blacks riot."

As expected, Howard comes out strongly in favor of rapists who attack 14 year old girls.

Good for you Howard. Best to stay consistent at this point.

This just in: Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake, harshly condemned the violence happening in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the shooting of her son during an interview Tuesday on CNN in which she also apologized to President Donald Trump.

I really feel sorry for Ms Jackson.

A strong Christian woman (Howard hates that) who knows her son has significant issues and harmed others over the years and was wanted by police for raping a 14 year old and was at fault for fighting with the police, not following directions to get down, refusing to stop as he walked back to his vehicle after stealing a womans keys, opened the car door and then reached under the which time the police shot him.

According to Howard, this behavior by Jacob Blake makes Jacob Blake one of the bravest and most courageous dudes to come along since Audie Murphy.

Gee Howard, I wonder how well your BS is playing amongst the suburban democrat voters of WI?

I've got news for you, just because Inga thinks suburbanite women like the riots and want the dems to win to burn it all down, I'm going to guess she's a little off on her assessment.

clint said...

mockturtle said... "Just curious: Is there even one rioting site that is not located in a Democrat-run city in a Democrat-run state?" 8/26/20, 1:29 PM

There have been several. Oklahoma City, Miami, even Sioux Falls, SD.

What you don't see is week after week of violence, or police desperately fighting to escape the precinct that rioters are setting on fire while trying to blockade the doors (like in Seattle, yesterday), or the city government ordering the no-bail release of anyone the police do manage to arrest.

n.n said...


She's worried about her son. She's worried about her family. She's worried about her community. She's worried about her nation. She's probably worried about the officers involved in the response to a domestic disturbance (and arrest?). She worries and speaks in good faith. In her Christian faith, religion, and from a personal perspective, she realizes she is not alone and that diversity normalizes adversity. All lives matter.

n.n said...

"Evers is standing up."

Standing up? Nah, that's called waking up.

Woke and drowsy, he needed a minute to come to his senses.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Michael K said...

Illinois teen arrested for that shooting in Kenosha. Maybe Inga will finally find a Boogaloo.

Charged with First Degree Murder, but it appears that he may be able to claim self defense; one of the rioters chasing him was armed with a handgun.

Drago said...

And, as predicted, the solidifying of the democratical/LLR-left with islamic supremacism continues apace as the maoist/lefty vicious violent rioters are now chanting "Death to America".

Because of course they are.

When you see the maoist commie Shock Troops of the left here in the US, just picture the violent islamic supremacist "demonstrations" in islamic supremacist nations that are our enemies: the messages and intent and goals are now in precise alignment.

n.n said...

I really feel sorry for Ms Jackson.

A strong Christian woman (Howard hates that) who knows her son has significant issues and harmed others over the years and was wanted by police for raping a 14 year old and was at fault for fighting with the police, not following directions to get down, refusing to stop as he walked back to his vehicle after stealing a womans keys, opened the car door and then reached under the which time the police shot him.

That explains the officers' seemingly disproportionate and anxious response to mitigate progress at the scene.

Bay Area Guy said...

I had to delete what I was about to write, because......

our friend, Howard, wrote:

Trump takes a Chance if he Tinkers with Evers

I don't know if this is "blind squirrel" or "broken-clock" syndrome, or maybe someone spiked Howard's morning coffee with Viagra...

But that's pretty damn good, Howard!

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
clint said...

Hopefully, in a few days the only news headlines about Kenosha will be questioning whether President Trump's use of the National Guard to restore order is a Hatch Act violation, since he clearly only did it to help secure reelection.

Rabel said...

"It's at least a day late, but I'm glad Evers is standing up."

Kenosha County Board sent him a letter requesting that he send 1,500 National Guardsmen with police powers to Kenosha immediately. He could hardly refuse. In a way, he simply backed down, as is his style.

"We, the undersigned, are urgently asking for your swift action to activate more National Guard troops with police powers to be sent to Kenosha County. Our county is under attack. Our businesses are under attack. Our homes are under attack. Our local law enforcement agencies need additional support to help bring civility back to our community.

"We are formally asking for 1,500 National Guard members with police powers to be sent to Kenosha County immediately. Our county is in a state of emergency and we need additional law enforcement to help preserve and save Kenosha County."

Drago said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne: "Charged with First Degree Murder, but it appears that he may be able to claim self defense; one of the rioters chasing him was armed with a handgun."

Correct. And not only was the eventual shooter running away from the mobsters, he was purposely running towards the police lines for safety when the mobsters caught up with him and one of the mobsters, the Howard's Hero moron who deserved to be shot, swung something at the eventual shooter after chasing him and threatening him.

At which point the 17 year old "child" (I hope they show pictures of the shooter from when he was just 11 years old or something, like obama's "son" Trayvon) turned and fired while under attack.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Looters - as distinct from Rioters and Arsonists - are likely politically agnostic and therefore unmoved by appeal to cease because they move votes to DJT.

MadisonMan said...

Evers is leading from behind.

Michael K said...

Charged with First Degree Murder, but it appears that he may be able to claim self defense; one of the rioters chasing him was armed with a handgun.

If he is not a "Democrat activist" he is fucked. Only Democrat activists are allowed to shoot people.

rcocean said...

A day late?! The Democrat Governor told Trump Not to Send Help. Blame Evers, if you think it was too slow. Presidents shouldn't have to overrule Governors to help them maintain law and order.


BTW, Antifa just vandalized and ransacked Portland City Hall. But the Mayor says its OK - since Antifa is mostly peaceful.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the deal with Democrats:

1. Elitist Rich leftwing assholes (like George Soros) fund these groups.

2. These groups (like Antifa) shut down conservatives at college campuses.

3. These groups (like Antifa) now go around the country causing riots.

4. The Democrat Mayors in Democrat cities (like Chicago, LA, NYC, Minneapolis, Portland) shut down the police to prevent them from shutting down the riots.

5. The Democrat Governors of states where this happens slow walk State troops and resist National Guard as long as it is politically feasible.

6. After the cities burn, well, then, the Democrat Governors allow State troops or National Guard to come in.

7. The Democrat media ignores all this, to focus on Trump's latest tweet, or Melania's accent or some other trivial item.


Amadeus 48 said...

Good governance in Wisconsin would have involved heading this off, not reacting to it. The antifa/BLM types are doing this because they have been allowed to do it for several years in several locations. The destruction of property was a tell. Now some people have gotten killed. Who couldn't see that coming? But this is easier to allow than to turn off.

Evers was warned by events in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and Minneapolis. He ignored it. The Chicago mayor has gotten a clue, but she is fighting the implications. She has an embattled and exhausted police force and refuses to ask for federal help beyond the bare minimum. She has to hope that Chicago miscreants can be charged federally because her prosecuting attorney is worse than worthless: she is on the other side. Pritzker is hopeless.

eric said...

Evers waited for people to get killed.

What the hell did he think was going to happen? When the police won't help your community, the community stands up.

Evers should be recalled.

Drago said...

"It seems that the strategy of treating every video-taped police incident, without waiting for evidence, as brutality and racism - and forcing the removal of police from the streets - ruins cities. Who could have foreseen this, except anyone with a prefrontal cortex?"--Ben Shapiro

Uh oh. Prefrontal cortices.......that counts out quite a few democraticals and LLR's.

rcocean said...

Rittenhouse killed 2 and wounded one. 2 of the 3 were in self-defense. But there's the first killing, that sparked the chase. Not sure if that was to stop looting or what.

Kevin said...

I think Democrats are hoping this will go away, and it’s not going to go away.

This is the revolution. People are in the streets demanding justice.

Go away? They’ve waited their entire Che shirt-wearing lives for this.

rehajm said...

There's evidence the riots have become a detriment to the goals of the people funding them.

It isn't unreasonable to expect they're all over.

Kevin said...

Trump needs to stop the violence so the recall election can begin.

Meade said...

rcocean, scroll down to the post that begins "White House Chief..." Follow Matt Sablan's link.

rhhardin said...

Evers to Chance.

Original Mike said...

"It's at least a day late, but I'm glad Evers is standing up."

Certainly not the way I would characterize it.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

eric said...

Evers waited for people to get killed.

What the hell did he think was going to happen? When the police won't help your community, the community stands up.

Evers should be recalled.

That's what's really disgusting about all this. Evers, the mayor of Kenosha, and the Kenosha Co. sheriff are the ones to blame for all this and they will never face any consequences.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Meade said...

rcocean, scroll down to the post that begins "White House Chief..." Follow Matt Sablan's link.

It might be a little more complicated than that. It appears he is from out of state. But, then again, we don't know all the details.

Which is going to boomerang back on the Left. We still don't have all the details from the Blake shooting. Something tells me it would be politically disastrous if they came out.

wendybar said...

Talk to Evers about it being a day late....Trump has been ready, willing and able, and they don't want his help.

wendybar said...

Talk to Evers about it being a day late....Trump has been ready, willing and able, and they don't want his help.

Steven said...

I'm still disappointed with Trump.

Invoke 10 U.S. Code § 253 already. Send in whatever forces are necessary to shut this down everywhere it's happening. It's there specifically for the case where the "the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse" to protect Americans from "any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy".

Krumhorn said...

Trump takes a Chance if he Tinkers with Evers

Hahaha...These are the saddest of possible words.

Good ‘un, Howard!

- Krumhorn

roesch/voltaire said...

Suspect, who had been given water and talked with the police just before, according tosome news sources, walked towards them with his hands up and then right by them-- imagine if he were black, but the point is there was a police presence at the scene and they could not stop the vigilantes from shooting.And why didn't the person who had the hand gun use it, he could claim self-defense. All of this is senseless.

Matt Sablan said...

Standing up, being dragged kicking and screaming -- either way, hopefully things tonight go better.

bagoh20 said...

Hmmmm, let me see. I can vote for more Democrats, or try something else. Think about how much easier that decision is getting every single day.

Matt Sablan said...

"Suspect, who had been given water and talked with the police just before"

-- He was given water because he had been pepper sprayed by protesters and there was tear gas in the air.

Matt Sablan said...

"And why didn't the person who had the hand gun use it, he could claim self-defense."

-- He could not. He drew his gun while chasing the kid. The phony medic has his gun out when advancing; the skateboarder is then shot after failing to kill or disable the kid on the ground with his free shot.

The phony medic freezes suddenly realizing that this isn't just going to be a bunch of adults beating on a kid like he thought when they gave chase and they knocked the kid over with a sucker punch. In that moment of of hesitation, the kid on the ground trains his rifle on the phony medic. Note: The kid has not shot the phony medic yet, because the medic, while armed, has frozen and stopped advancing. The phony medic, at this point, has a choice to make: Is he going to give the kid a justified shoot, or is he going to be a reasonable person and drop his weapon?

He makes the wrong choice and attempts to level his gun toward the kid, and is promptly shot for it. He is still holding onto his gun in photographs taken after being shot. So, that's why he didn't shoot the kid with his own weapon; because he was too slow, and instead of de-escalating the situation after attempting to beat a kid on the ground, decided to attempt to kill the kid who was showing mercy and restraint.

Meade said...

"And why didn't the person who had the hand gun use it, he could claim self-defense."

Hand gun wasn't loaded? Jammed? Safety left on? Who knows? Maybe HE doesn't even know. Many people have guns who have no idea how to use them, are inadequately trained, or carry them for bluffing or taunting. Stupid, huh?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

roesch/voltaire said...

And why didn't the person who had the hand gun use it, he could claim self-defense.

Because claiming self defense is not about who shot first. In most states you are allowed to use lethal force to stop an attack that might result in grievous bodily injury or your death. Pursuing and firing on an armed person who is fleeing from you would not render the self defense argument invalid. As would firing at a retreating person, whether they were armed or not.

Narayanan said...

rehajm said...
There's evidence the riots have become a detriment to the goals of the people funding them.

It isn't unreasonable to expect they're all over.
and that is how you note the "flatten" of the pay-off curve

Lars Porsena said...

Can’t play theses games every night coast-to-coast without bodies dropping. There will be blood. Inevitable.

Lars Porsena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jersey Fled said...

Seems to me the total killed so far in these BLM/Antifa riots is approaching 30, most of them Black. And of course this does not include those simply beaten to within an inch of their lives.

Wince said...

My guess is the feds will focus in the interstate highways coming in from Chicago.

bleh said...

Unfortunately, there just hasn't been the political will to end the riots. In the early part of the summer, the Democrats clearly hoped the unrest would energize the (hitherto lackluster) base while at the same time increasing the amount of misery felt in the country due to the pandemic. I don't think they thought swing voters would feel morally compelled to embrace the protests. I think they thought swing voters would vote for Biden just to make it all stop. In other words, extortion.

Apparently the polling has told them something else. Witness the sudden change in tone from CNN, Joe Biden, etc. Gov. Evers working with Trump is just more evidence that the Democrats have now realized this is a winning issue for Trump. Yes, the Democrats are that nasty and calculating. They would gladly let their cities burn (and their constituents be harmed) if they thought it would lead to the defeat of Trump.

hombre said...

Evers must have looked at the polls. What Democrat has agreed to stopping the riots because it was the right thing to do? Even CNN mediaswine Lemon and Cuomo have finally figured it out after what 80 days.

FullMoon said...

He makes the wrong choice and attempts to level his gun toward the kid, and is promptly shot for it. He is still holding onto his gun in photographs taken after being shot. So, that's why he didn't shoot the kid with his own weapon; because he was too slow, and instead of de-escalating the situation after attempting to beat a kid on the ground, decided to attempt to kill the kid who was showing mercy and restraint.

I am probably mistaken, but it sounds like gunshots after the kid is up and walking away. Were the heroes trying to shoot him in the back from a distance?

Gospace said...

With the unorganized militia, that is, citizens, self organize and show up to confront rioters- that's when Evers figured out "Uh, oh, it's gone too far."

And, BTW, he's 100% fully capable as C-in-C of the Wisconisn National Guard to send them in without federal help or permission.

As soon as the NG fires on and kills a "peaceful protester" he'll be on CNN blaming Trump personally because he didn't want to take responsibility. He's a coward, Ann, he's not standing up. He's ducking.

Rick.T. said...

"It's at least a day late, but I'm glad Evers is standing up."

Lots of different types of bars in Wisconsin. This is the place with the low bar.

alan markus said...

Michael K said...

Illinois teen arrested for that shooting in Kenosha. Maybe Inga will finally find a Boogaloo.

Ironically, it appears that the 17 year old shooter is from Antioch, IL, right over the WI/IL border.

The guy shot by the cops the other day - looking at WI court records, in some of them he has addresses in Des Plaines, IL. About 40 miles further south.

So, we have some "FIBs" bringing their crap to Wisconsin. Not that unusual. That kid that got killed in Madison by a cop a few years ago. I think living in Sun Prairie at the time. Looked up his dad - Dane county court records showed Chicago addresses.

The Chicago to Madison leg of I-94 serves as a conduit for all kinds of chicanery coming into Wisconsin. At one time, WI had a much higher payment standard for Aid For Dependent Children, than did Illinois. That resulted in a lot of in migration of Chicago residents. WI tried to implement a residency requirement - some liberal Federal judge ruled against it - inhibited a person's "constitutional right to travel". Next dynamic was HUD policy changes that made Section 8 Vouchers portable - initially they had to be used in the issuing jurisdiction for the first year. Then policy was changed that when the local housing authority issued a voucher, the recipient could go wherever they wanted. So, that resulted in Madison having an influx of Chicago residents coming to Madison. Just like with welfare, they were coming up north "for the good schools". Of course, the biggest dynamic was the role that the I-94 corridor plays as a drug trade route. Having some baby mommas in Madison kind of legitimized the thugs being in town.

What does this have to do with Igna? Waukesha/Pewaukee is about 2/3rds of the distance between Chicago & Madison along that corridor. Chicago & Madison, and somewhat Milwaukee have had the BLM "protests". Now the gaps are being filled in. Kenosha was added in the last few days. The next major cities on that route are Racine and Waukesha/Pewaukee.

Original Mike said...

r/v said: "And why didn't the person who had the hand gun use it, he could claim self-defense."

Really? He ran the kid down, yet he can claim self-defense?

I don't know if you've ever told us what you taught, but I sure hope logic wasn't involved.

Iman said...

I’m rethinking the order for takeout Thai food I just placed... chicken satay and Wet Ass Pineapple Fried Rice... I believe I’ve put myself in culinary jeopardy...

Matt Sablan said...

Full Moon: No; the man who was shot's arm was so badly damaged he was physically unable to release his weapon. That's just ambient gunfire.

tcrosse said...

If the Dems manage to stop the rioting and looting (which I doubt, because the rioters and looters are having too much fun) there's still the matter of the burnt-out businesses and plywood art, i.e. evidence.

Sebastian said...

"I'm glad Evers is standing up."

He's giving in, reluctantly, weakly.

tcrosse said...

Incidentally, in the 1980's Minneapolis had a large influx of migrants from Gary, Indiana.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Just heard a news blurb on NPR about the "White" (and boy did they make a point of saying that) 17 year-old Mad Dog killer arrested in Kenosha.

Guess someone didn't get the memo about how bad this whole thing is playing out in the sticks.

Michael K said...

I don't know if you've ever told us what you taught, but I sure hope logic wasn't involved.

Has to be black studies from reading his comments.

walter said...

"Evers’s office also said earlier this week that federal assistance wouldn't be needed, as Evers increased support from the Wisconsin National Guard.

"The governor informed them that we would be increasing Wisconsin National Guard support in Kenosha and therefore would not need federal assistance in response to protests but would welcome additional federal support and resources for our state's response to COVID-19," spokeswoman Britt Cudaback said.
Key word "increasing"...despite being hundreds less than Kenosha initially requested at multiple turns.
Weasel words.
Tony should have visted to at least scold the improvised crews installing plywood without masks or social distancing.
Get in their faces with that stupid coffee filter on his face.

Friendo said...

Steven @3:03 - that's exactly what liberals and democrats want to happen to convince LIVs and swing voters that Trump is a blood-thirsty tyrant and the last thing that he should do. Use your head, ninny.

MountainMan said...

Our Clockwork Orange Moment

Lnelson said...

BLM has made a platform of deriding all police, defunding all police, chanting fry them like bacon, and for 2 months brick throwing perps and arsonists are being released right after arrest. All of this has the backing of woke corporate, Hollywood (of course), weak pandering politicians, and the craven media.
Seems like this has signaled to the inner cities that defying police and resisting arrest is A ok. Who has blood on their hands?

Lnelson said...

"Trump takes a Chance if he Tinkers with Evers"

LMAO, every great once in awhile Howard nails it

Drago said...

And now we find out one of the rioting attackers of the young lad was a convicted felon who had a gun....which is illegal, don't ya know?

Isn't that interesting?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Blogger eric said...
Evers waited for people to get killed.
What the hell did he think was going to happen? When the police won't help your community, the community stands up.

He thought the people of purple Kenosha would be as big of pussies as the people of deep blue cities.

He found out that he was wrong, and that they were willing to shoot his foot troops.

So NOW he sends the National Guard in. I'm curious as to what their orders will be

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, would Evers finally be standing up if Trump's polls weren't at 52% approval?

n.n said...

Even CNN mediaswine Lemon and Cuomo have finally figured it out after what 80 days

Almost ninety days. The first trimester. Any Planned Protests past this point are at risk of projecting bad optics. They threw the baby on the barbie, but she is still viable, and now they must Choose. Negligent insurrection is politically precarious.

Anonymous said...

Lived my whole life with POCs. I like Mexicans. Even the gang bangers have a sense of fairness. (US only) Grew up with the Mafia in NJ. Let me be clear about this. The Mafia doesn't exist. I've had a few cocktails, and I want to ensure everybody that the Mafia doesn't exist. Moving on... Puerto Ricans are fun and very emotional. The one man I'd like to meet in this life is John Henry. Cubans are stand-offish. I worked in Miami in the '80s. Couldn't figure out the whole Yayo thing, so I didn't become a bazillionaire. Cubans are still trying to get over Fidel. No man alive who escaped Fidel will ever get over Fidel and Che, unless you're a white college kid. Thank God Cubans made it to Miami.

Anyway...when I turned 50, I moved to Montana. I wanted to take a break from POC. I don't know where POC go to take a break.

tommyesq said...

Evers got coerced by the Don Lemon/CNN mob to raise a fist in support of the NG/law and order. Pussy.

roesch/voltaire said...

how is this young Trump supporter any different from the brothers who felt it okay to kill a black jogger? He crossed the state line to go hunting and ended up shooting his first victim in the head.

Anonymous said...

A few years back, in Washington State, there was this 74 year old man. He owned a plant nursery. His home was on site. His nursery was robbed twice in a month. (What do you rob from a nursery?) Anyway he told the police about it.

One night, a car drives up at the nursery. The man sees the car sitting there. He goes out to investigate, with a handgun drawn. He's tired of being robbed. The car was unmarked.

The driver of the car steps out and shows his Badge. He's a cop. The 74 year old man holsters his weapon. The Cop orders the 74 yr old man to 'put your face in the dirt'! The 74 yr old man realized that this cop was not a friend. No citizen puts his face in the dirt. The 74 yr old man drew, but the cop had the drop on him, and killed him.

I pray that if the time comes, I have his courage. I'm a citizen. I do not put my face in the dirt. Wayne Creach was his name. He lived in a world that he wasn't born into. None of us die in the world where we were born.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Just heard a news blurb on NPR about the "White" (and boy did they make a point of saying that) 17 year-old Mad Dog killer arrested in Kenosha.

Guess someone didn't get the memo about how bad this whole thing is playing out in the sticks.

And just heard the evening news round up on NPR. They gave it the standard spin. Guess the finally read the memo.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Burn baby Burn... Special request came in on the hitline Goin out to all you Kenosha fans.

Birkel said...

I am hoping roesch/voltaire gets the riots he clearly supports - but in his own neighborhood.

You want these things.
I want you to be happy.
Good luck.

Original Mike said...

"I am hoping roesch/voltaire gets the riots he clearly supports - but in his own neighborhood."

No thanks. He may be a neighbor. Though for some reason, I think he lives in the East Side. That's where the righteous life.

walter said...

Funny how when a group of mostly peaceful protesters destroy wide swaths of a city, all sorts of people show up to contribute.
By the way, the "hunter" also is reportedly a medic who was administering care to any injured.
But shit went sideways among all that Justice.
Can you imagine?

roesch/voltaire said...

I don’t support riots, but I am in sorrow about Anthony Huber, white by the way, who tried to stop the MAGA killer and was shot dead.

Original Mike said...

"I don’t support riots, but I am in sorrow about Anthony Huber, white by the way"

And the significance of this is, what?

Gospace said...

The first looter that got shot by the 17 year old here in Wiconsin was looting a shop- and read this from PJMEDIA:

"Shaffer later explained that in the minutes before the shooting, rioters used drones and bats to destroy vehicles, and lit multiple cars on fire. Ironically, one of the rioters operated the shop and he tried to stop his Black Lives Matter allies from destroying his property."

If he really wanted to stop the looting- he's have been standing in his shop with his own weapon loaded and ready to go.

Matt Sablan said...

"I don’t support riots, but I am in sorrow about Anthony Huber, white by the way, who tried to stop the MAGA killer and was shot dead."

-- Would that be the person who initiated a chase with someone who was attempting to surrender, with cries of "get his ass," was part of the group that sucker punched said fleeing child, and then attacked man who was down with a kill shot to the head with his skateboard, and then when despite being older and stronger, failed to disable his target, wrestled with the kid for the weapon, and then was FINALLY shot after against renewing his attack?

Because... I feel sorry that Anthony Huber was killed, but I do not know what other resolution was available once he used lethal force against someone he had no legal right to use lethal force against.

Original Mike said...

While this whole situation is sad, I find it difficult to feel sorry for any of these people. What the fuck were you doing there???

Unknown said...


BLM/Antifa management will send in the beserkers

Feds will be under "stand and be assaulted" rules of engagement

Mass Media will blame the feds for increased rioting

The tide was turning against the riots

The Dem/Media/BLM complex will try to flip the script

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "I don’t support riots, but I am in sorrow about Anthony Huber, white by the way, who tried to stop the MAGA killer and was shot dead."

What a complete load of horses***.

Par for the course for the Athouse lefty liars.

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "I don’t support riots,...."

The rewriting of history begins immediately now that the new talking points have been distributed.

Drago said...

Matt Sablan: "Because... I feel sorry that Anthony Huber was killed, ...."

I do not feel sorry for the violent marxist rioter seeking to harm others, because if Anthony Huber wasn't killed the 17 year old helping to protect the property of others would have been.

And r/v and his marxist gang would have called it righteous.

Unknown said...

BLM/Antifa/Dems == insurrectionists

DeepRunner said...

The Commander-in-Chief tweeted:
""We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets. My team just got off the phone with Governor Evers who agreed to accept federal assistance (Portland should do the same!) TODAY, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore LAW and ORDER!

Silly leftists. You want more Trump? This is how you get more Trump. Kenosha in cinders. Portland on the precipice of anarchy. Seattle teetering on one chair leg between chaos and civilization. BLM and Antifa and hanger-on criminals destroying, rioting, and looting. 1968 brought the Silent Majority, in no small part due to the violence and "unrest" of that age.

Can you imagine the response of Muttering Joe and Mistress Kamala to these "peaceful protests," to say nothing of Hillary, Barry, and Algore?

mikee said...

Althouse, Evers isn't standing up, because Evers has no spine. Evers is pulling himeself out of the hole he dug over the past several nights, hand over fist, without any spine, and is simply reappearing at gutter level, spineless and sluglike.

walter said...

Never wrassle/resist cops.
Oh raaaaaaacccciiisst.

Clues? said...

I could use a project. Guess I’ll focus on getting Rittenhouse a pardon. And a medal 🎖

Matt Sablan said...

All three of the people shot have prior violent felonies, the first guy for sexual assault on a child.

I'm losing what little sympathy I had for them. I still wish they hadn't been shot, but clearly their bad choices were not limited to the night in question.

Bill said...

How can he stand up without a spine?

DarkHelmet said...

Evers standing up? Oh, that's rich. Evers is a non-entity. Always has been. Always will be. He's the teachers union version of Chance the Gardener.

Wisconsin had one of the most effective governors in the country with Scott Walker. And decided to trade him in for the emptiest of empty suits. Nice going, people.

walter said...

Bill said...
How can he stand up without a spine?
He's Maggie Gau's hand puppet.

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