That's the first line of the Hillary Clinton's convention speech last night. Transcript. Video:
ADDED: Here's the tweet Trump put up as Hillary was speaking last night. The video focuses on the Democrats' disruption of the transition of power:
Welcome, Barack and Crooked Hillary. See you on the field of battle!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 19, 2020
Why start with something so unbelievable?
Because she thinks you’ll fall for it. And if you and Meade don’t fall for it, there will be plenty who do. Keep in mind that she is notorious for having a tin ear for politics.
It goes with the party. That party's audience is choosing to live in this attractive fiction. They don't care that it's fiction. Liz Taylor and Richard Burton was fiction too, long ago, and they liked to live in that fiction, selling gossip rags. It's just market tested and scaled up today, to sell political positions to the same people.
Fiction isn't a lie exactly.
If you hadn't noticed.....the Democrats lie all the time to get you to vote for them. They will say whatever they have to, to change your mind...then do whatever they want anyways.
I wonder what Scott Adams would say if Trump tweeted that clip with the response, “Wow! And These people call ME a liar!”
Love the Hillary wink.
If you're coming for them it is time to get on with it...
Too bad the MSM have gone to such extraordinary lengths to hide the Obama scandal from the people. Excellent ad, but less so when made to an ignorant audience. Hopefully, the coming Durham shit storm will enlighten the right people.
Why start with something so unbelievable?
Hillary telling the truth would be unbelievable. But actually more helpful. Like:
I underestimated Trump's appeal. Don't do that, Joe.
I believed polls that said I could ignore certain states in the upper mid-west. Don't do that, Joe.
I alienated thousands upon thousands of voters with my "deplorables" remark. Don't do that, Joe.
I took minority voters for granted. Don't do that, Joe.
I believed celebrity endorsements would be very important. Don't do that, Joe.
Yep. There is a lot she could have said that might help Joe. This ain't it.
Why is Hillary speaking from a chair, not standing?
I haven't been watching the DNC. Are they all speaking seated? Maybe because Joe has to?
But why is has-been Hillary speaking at all?
Don't get me wrong. The more she speaks, the better. I hope she's on TV somewhere every day until the election.
Our very democracy is not at stake, and I can't believe what these former presidents and presidential candidates are saying.
And they think Trump is unseemly?
Obama would cream Trump in a head to head election.
Did Hillary say this before or after she deigned to get out of her bed and finally concede the election?
A convention bounce or bump refers to an increase in support that U.S. presidential candidates in the Republican or Democratic party typically enjoy after the televised national convention of their party...
...this morning the Democrats convention bounce is looking like minus six...
We dodged a GIANT bullet by not electing THAT!!!
At most, all that proves is there is no connection between what HRC says and the truth.
Hillary's story is that America's greatest evil adversary effortlessly brushed her aside and installed his own puppet as President before she even knew what was happening and that somehow confirms she is the smartest, most qualified person ever to run for the office and we'd all be better off today if she was President.
"For 4 years people have told me...I wish I could do it all over"
How many people have told Hillary Clinton they voted for Trump? Give me a break...
Why start with something so unbelievable?
Because she is a narcissistic sociopath who has no regard for truth either internally or in the way she projects herself. She is totally oblivious to her own BS, like most Dems/progressives are these days.
The unbelievable part must be that she meant it. From the CNN transcript of Her concession speech:” We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.”
BTW I was as glad as anyone that she lost & plan to vote for Trump again this year.
Obama would cream Trump in a head to head election.
....hmmm ....probably not. Now that one FBI lawyer has pled out to falsifying FISA court filings as part of Our Savior’s Russia hoax against Trump, get ready for the flood of indictments that will move up Obummer’s food chain as we get into the next 3 months. It should be a fun shitshow for the Howards out there who will have to don their black regalia and go loot an Apple store and assorted vendors of footwear.
However, putting The Mooch on the ticket might have been a winning move for Biden. All the angry neck-snapping black women would have flooded the zone.
- Krumhorn
How many people have told Hillary Clinton they voted for Trump? Give me a break...
She's not talking about Trump voters
She's talking about people that stayed home, or, only voted once
@ gilbar
How many people would admit to Hillary they stayed home or only voted once?
Why start with something so unbelievable?
She's Hillary Clinton. She can't help herself. Remember, she was taking sniper fire in Kosovo when that little girl handed her flowers. I'm glad I never voted for her.
Hillary Clinton can say anything she likes, but she is not good at facing reality.
The simple takeaway from the 2016 election is not that Trump won. It is that Mrs. Clinton lost, fair and square.
Her lack of a record of accomplishment (Libya, anyone?), and the "For Sale" sign she hung out in front of the Clinton Foundation were a little bit offputting.
Her calling a significant portion of the electorate "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, (and) Islamophobic" was a novel divergence from the standard political practice of asking people for their votes; oddly, it seemed not to be effective.
Her campaign's ordering up of an unsubstantiated and gossip-based "dossier" and then passing the thing to her/their allies in the Deep State for anti-Constitutional enforcement would have vaporized her party if we had an honest press. Sadly, it will take a couple generations of historians to put this in perspective with Donald Trump's petty and nasty tweets.
But, yeah, poor poor Hillary Clinton.
We didn't owe Trump anything. He's just one man, but every American does owe the millions of Trump voters the right to have their wining election respected. The Democrats and the media have not yet done that, and they will not. That's why they are the enemy of the people They don't have to respect Trump, but they do have to respect the Constitution to not be our enemies.
We are still laughing at them. The joke that was the Obama administration is going to Gitmo. Obama spied on the Trump administration as well as journalists like Sheryl Attkinson, and James Rosen...and the rest of the media swoons with love when he speaks...It's quite amazing actually to watch them act like the fools they all are....Where IS Hunter?? Where ARE Hillarys missing 30,000 E-mails. If it weren't for double standard, Democrats wouldn't have any at all, as they say.....
Don't you wonder about the conversation between Bill and Hillary. They both tell the most obvious lies and have been caught in them for years. Do they laugh about what they get away with? Do they discuss how to lie about stuff.
"I did not have sex with that woman." Whatever happened, Bill, you have to deny it.
"What, with a cloth or something?" Just play dumb , Hill.
"He's definitely the gayest President ever."
I can see him as the gayest so far. So what's wrong with that? Clearly you imply there is something terrible about gayness. It must be a terrible slur in your mind. Tell us what you mean by it. There must be something more than you just being so incredibly dumb and scoring an own goal so publicly.
“ Why start with something so unbelievable?”
Because they believe it. They believe it!
Well that made me want to throw up. Thank God she never became President.
Why are Dems allowed to speculate on election fraud, but when Trump or Republicans do, it is a crisis?
A hundred years ago yesterday, the 19th Amendment to the constitution was ratified. It took seven decades of suffragists marching, picketing, and going to jail to push us closer to a more perfect union.
That's nice of her to remind people that Trump pardoned Susan B. Anthony.
Stephen Kruiser slips in he stiletto:
”Hillary Clinton may be a bitter, pathetic woman but none of us will ever truly understand the hell she went through to sober up long enough to record that video for the DNC. Our thoughts are with her and whichever members of her household staff she verbally abused while going through her DTs. I sincerely hope there were no puppies around to kick.”
Lock her up!
I lived in Baltimore for a decade, in the 1990s during the crack gang wars there, and every day since moving out of that benighted hellhole I am thankful to God that I don't live there any more.
That feeling is as nothing compared to the gladness in my heart that I have not, and I will not, not now, not ever, that I have not ever had to listen to one word spoken by a President Hillary.
Hey Barack, this is a big fucking deal — are you still taking cocaine? or not. Are you a junkie?
"For 4 years people have told me...I wish I could do it all over"
If I had it to do all over again, I'd do it all over her.
She's lying.
Yeah, right. The morning after the last election she said, "Oh, God, my head...."
Her lack of a record of accomplishment ...
C'mon man.
She was asked about her accomplishments. After some delay her team came up with this: She traveled over 2 million miles while SOS.
The carbon output alone is amazing.
Obama removed school choice from poor black families.
Hillary is a money whore. - International deluxe - and a liar.
Howard said...
Obama would cream Trump in a head to head election.
In 2016, probably. Not now. Obama was an empty suit and the voters projected their own fantasies on him. The Iran deal was a fantasy. The "Summers of recovery" never came and then Trump cut regulations and the economy took off, really took off. A lot of people, some of them POC, learned from that. The Chinese virus scared enough people to get permission for Democrats to shut down that economy again. The news media has convinced enough people that they have no idea of the real facts about the virus.
On average, Americans believe that people aged 55 and older account for just over half of total COVID-19 deaths; the actual figure is 92%.
Americans believe that people aged 44 and younger account for about 30% of total deaths; the actual figure is 2.7%.
Americans overestimate the risk of death from COVID-19 for people aged 24 and younger by a factor of 50; and they think the risk for people aged 65 and older is half of what it actually is (40% vs 80%).
These facts will slowly seep out. Hopefully fast enough to avoid calamity.
Did Hillary mention her dirty Russian Dossier- that she paid for?
Why start with something so unbelievable?
Cut her some slack! She spent the year following her loss on a chardonnay IV and doesn't really remember what she said.
Except Hillary and Obama are not running for President, you are.
I know you would like them to be, but reality has a way of intruding in to your life.
Vicki from Pasadena
corrupt hillary never goes away
Her husband's administration succeeded and preceded Republican administrations. Clinton knows how it should work. But not with Trump who sees Bush have nothing to do with him and McCain's widow speak at the Democratic Convention. If Trump loses he will have no role at the 2024 Convention.
You mean that literally the first thing out of her mouth was a LIE? Sounds about right...
Hillary: how can we miss you if you never go away? And what's with those crazy super-wide eyes?
Never forget, this would be our President right now, if Mittens, Bush, McCain, etc. had their way.
I don't blame Bill one single bit for fucking Anybody but Hillary.®
BTW, further down in her speech she implies Putin helped elect Trump and that Trump colluded with him. I don't really understand why she gets to run around accusing people she doesn't like of being "Russian assets" with zero blowback.
If you marinate your brain cells in enough white wine while staggering through the Chappaqua woods, you can believe that your husband Billy Jeff is not a horndog rutting with whatever and whoever he can get his hands or other organs on or in. If your brain cells are that marinated, you can also believe that this was the first thing you said after losing the election.
However I seem to recall that your earliest statements were along the line of "The Russkis stole the election and its time to resist this illegitimate imposter in the White House." But Hillary, that's just me. Maybe you are correct, and maybe I can go out and ride my unicorn down to the beach this morning.
I see this, and I am reminded that I thank God The Bitch of Buchenwald is not in the White House.
"Obama would cream Trump in a head to head election," says Howard, without evidence.
""The morning after the last election, I said, 'We owe Donald Trump an open mind and the chance to lead.' I meant it."
I have been unable to watch the convention. This is a good example why. Bald faced lies make me angry.
Kudos to her make up crew. Nice job of hiding the scales.
Why would she do that ?
Bill Safire nailed it back in 1996 when he tagged her as “a congenital liar.”
"See you on the field of battle."
Great, simple effective line. Thousands of Joe Biden's ghost written tweets can not match that single tweet.
"And nobody wants to talk about it."
Well, some people do (including those saying no one wants to talk about it). We'll know soon enough how that plays out. Truth or consequences, that's where we are.
Clinton speaks truth to facts, leads from the Twilight Fringe where reality is negotiable.
"Why start with something so unbelievable?"
You have to keep your people assenting to the ridiculous, so that you know they're down with all the merely silly stuff.
Did she mention that she, her campaign, and her DNC promoted Trump in the 2016 primaries? What'd she say about that?
The magic of the soft focus. There's hardly a line on her face. And that's at 1080p on a 40 inch 4k monitor.
Unbelievable, I think the Dems want to lose this election. Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama speeches where 'bubble dreams' and so divorced from reality (lies) it makes me think that the Dems are believing their own home grown propoganda. Their speeches where not an outreach to the vast electorate in the middle, who they need - to win this election, but a 'Sop' to the Radical Left of their Party. I do not understand that strategy? Someone tell me - am I missing something with these so-called 'major' speeches from the top of the Democratic Party?
Blogger Howard said..."...Obama would cream Trump in a head to head election..."8/20/20, 6:57 AM
Only in your 'bubble reality'! He's been 'unmasked'and proven to have been the worst President in history by a large segment of American voters. A person who the electorate voted for to get our country past the 'Race' issue instead further heightened 'Race'. Thus proving he was no different then the famous race hustlers Jackson and Sharpton. Obama just could not change his historical stripes and did not rise to the real challenges of the Oval Office and unite this country.
BTW, "Howard" tell us what you think about the a major fact about Obama - which you can't deny. How does someone become so wealthy in 8 years of Government service? Obama is corrupt and bitter to the core and was bought and paid for by Big Tech and others.
@hstad, I doubt most Democrats expect to lose this election, but, frankly, I see it your way. When suburban housewives feel compelled to add a police scanner app to their iPhones lest they accidentally find themselves surrounded by rioters (as happened in the case of Secoriea Turner's mother and cost 8 year old Secoriea her life), then that should be a signal to the Democrat governors and mayors that maybe they want to get AntiFa and BLM under control.
But I think they've run themselves out of time.
Big Mike said..." I doubt most Democrats expect to lose this election ...?" Maybe my experience is anecdotal? But I live in L.A. and most of my acquaintances are either from the Entertainment or Technology businesses. Of the hundreds I've done business with (am ex-banker) maybe 10 - 15 are conservative. My point is, most of the Democrats I know in L.A. are pulling out their hair with Biden's and Harris' selection. I have a feeling that some will pull the lever for Mr. Trump.
Hillary also owed the president elect a peaceful transition of power like all of the other presidents of this great country of ours had but made sure to deny him of that with her Perkins & Coie/GPS Fusion phony dossier and immediate bleating about having the election stolen from her by Trump and the Russians.
I will never forgive Hillary or Obama for making a shambles of what was an unbroken string of democratically elected executives bloodlessly exchanging the office of the presidency. That's what made this country special since the time of George Washington. This is why countries the world over invest in our economy. It has been forever marred by these assholes. May they roast in hell.
"Big Mike said..." I doubt most Democrats expect to lose this election ...?"
I would question that idea if my nervous liberal friends in SF are any indication. They are deeply unhappy with the "sellout Biden & Harris" and rightly suspect the polls that they are being fed now are just as flawed as the ones in 2016.
More than anything I hear more gallows humor from liberals than the belief they will finally beat trump. So having Trump re-elected for them will be the "perfect ending" to what has been a horrible year.
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