August 28, 2020
"Thank you, Seattle, for being one of the most progressive cities in the United States of America."
Just a moment in August 2015 that I wanted to relive this morning because I was thinking about how the highly racialized left-wing rhetoric has washed out the economics-based leftism of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
There are no brakes on that clown car.
Old man stands by while black woman screams at clouds.
States? Probably should be Cities. But I understand the mistake, Seattle often acts like its own state. Emily Letila (Gilda Radner) What's all this I hear about Seattle becoming a Steak? Why you can't eat them!
Economic Message was downplayed at convention and by Biden. How many minutes give to Medicare for all or getting rid of income inequality? D's think the road to victory is getting black turnout up. Dumb old white D's will vote for them NO MATTER WHAT.
Economics is what intelligent people talk about. It has no place in a riot or a revolution. The "Whiff of Grapeshot" usually ends the revolution.
The tide was going out for Bernie's leaky vessel even in 2015. Just another fellow-traveler in the passing parade. Bye bye Bernie.
First prize: Two nights all expenses paid in CHAZ.
Second prize: Four nights all expenses paid in CHAZ.
I think Seattle is getting thanks enough for an entire state. It may take a decade to get over those heartfelt thanks.
The "highly racialized left-wing" is being funded, supported, encouraged and enabled by the Democrat Party.
Let's not forget that, Althouse.
Race is a better tool for destroying America than class.
For all the leftist that lurk about here on this blog but don't comment much, a question.
All of the peaceful protesters, demanding change.
Exactly what specific laws are they seeking?
Exactly how do they envision those laws becoming a reality?
I can't get from were the protesters are, and a pathway to some goal that I have not yet seen defined.
That is why I see all of the violence and protests as being exactly the same. I can't see the division of two, Democrat elected officials keep saying exists. People have to point out the differences.
When we first got one of our puppy-dogs, to break her of a bad habit, we kept a spray bottle with water in it and would sprits her in the face when she did the "bad" thing. Anyone at a podium should do the same and when someone jumps up and tries to take over, pull it out and sprits them in the face until they learn to behave.
If it worked on a puppy-dog, one HAS to assume it would work on a human, right?
Cindy: We just want to say that we're not Spirit Bunnies anymore.
We always hated that name.
It bugged the heck out of Dina and me.
It's just such a put-down!
Dina: Really!
Cindy: We know you've got a lot of spirit, everybody, right?
Dina: And we're gonna destroy Lincoln next week! All right!
[Paper airplane sails by]
Cindy: You know, it takes a lot of courage to get up here...and do something that you know people will make fun of.
Dr. Althouse: I was thinking about how the highly racialized left-wing rhetoric has washed out the economics-based leftism of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Left-wing violence is the logical conclusion of the vaguely pretty-sounding, with charts! and graphs! of the economics of envy of Sanders and Warren. There is no economic system more successful at reducing poverty than capitalism, while it does not reduce, or even exacerbates, inequality of results. And this is what it's really about. "Concern for the poor" is an excuse, albeit often applied sincerely, for the pursuit of equality of results, both an impossible and an undesirable goal.
The Democrat Party has obviously chosen their quest for power over their ideals and the people. That's why Joe Biden was chosen the candidate and not Bernie. The people are not the goal, the people are only a means to an end. Kamala Harris claims that the Republicans want a return to the status quo, but actually it's the Democrats who want that. Trump has transformed the Republican Party into something different, stronger and bolder and more inclusive, for now.
That's why the activists on the left don't give a damn about Biden winning, as you astutely pointed out in another thread. It'll be interesting to watch and see if Biden can gain any enthusiasm from the radical left.
"and Elizabeth Warren"
Feminism is every bit the conspiracy theory racialism is.
Highly racialized wokeness is the socialism of fools.
So, progressive, monotonic, yes. He could have elaborated. He should have qualified the label. #PrinciplesMatter
Race is a better tool for destroying America than class.
And sex before that.
>All of the peaceful protesters, demanding change. Exactly what specific laws are they seeking?
As far as I can tell, revoke all of them and start over. They are all part of the "system" of oppression, and thus, must be torn down.
Exactly how do they envision those laws becoming a reality?
Presumably, by cleansing the world with fire and lead. Oddly, I'm not sure what they want to happen afterwords, nor am I sure if they agree amongst themselves. The various intersectional groups don't seem to agree on much beyond the need to destroy the current system.
Professora said ... the economics-based leftism of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Paul Snively said... There is no economic system more successful at reducing poverty than capitalism
since leftism is all about indulging "poverty(i.e. lack) of effort" -
- economics aka capitalism has nothing to do with it.
Earnest Prole@1200-- I'm stealing that one!
Or maybe ". . . the socialism of tools"
Seattle, King County and the State of Washington have been hit with $1 billion lawsuits (each) for failure to provide public safety (
Democrats are incapable of enforcing the law against left-wing activists and rioters. Seattle has done nothing to stop the riots. The county prosecutor is uninterested in prosecuting anyone because of "Social Justice." Neither the city prosecutor nor the county prosecutor are interest in enforcing the drug laws, shoplifting or assault laws.
The County Executive, Dow Constatine, wants to close the downtown jail because it's "obsolete" even though it's just 35 years old. I'm ashamed to admit I voted for him instead of Goodspaceguy. Goodspaceguy would have been a better executive then Dow.
A very wise woman who completely shattered every glass ceiling, once said, “The problem with socialism is that you run out of other people’s money”.
No lunatic idea of AOC, Bernie, Igna, etc can get around that very obvious fact. This is why all of these socialists want to be the first at the trough, because they know how the ruling party in the old USSR lived compared to the proles.
About the city vs. state issue, per Wikipedia Clinton won Washington by 520,9741 votes. King County, where Seattle is, was won by Hillary by 501,983 votes. And if you look at the county map, Hillary's primary support is Seattle and its suburb counties, and, furthermore, the suburbs are not nearly as extreme as King County. Snohomish (north) and Pierce (south) counties went for Clinton by 16.79 points and 7.44 points respectively. Seattle preferred Clinton by 50.54.
So, yes, Seattle has a similar effect on Washington State as New York City has on New York State and Chicago has on Illinois. And if you look at the county map, I suspect that eastern and central Washington and Oregon would not object to seceding and becoming their own state.
That "highly racialized left-wing rhetoric has washed out the economics-based leftism of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren" is perhaps why corporate America starting jumping on the woke bandwagon. Incidentally, young leftists who are supposedly obsessed with woke identity largely went for Bernie Sanders. Warren went explicitly woke, and it got her nowhere.
Contrary to the hysteria on the Republican right, there is no serious challenger to global capitalism at the moment. Nearly every country in the world has adopted a market-based mixed economy. Market forces are drastically remaking the world. Conservatives cannot defend tradition and community and support global capitalism. Global capitalism abhors borders and the national traditions that support them.
Conservatives were correct in opposing the centralized command economy of the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, but that model is gone and discredited. While conservatives have been guarding against Leninist ghosts, the forces of globalization have wreaked havoc on working class lives and upended traditional American identity.
The pro-globalization forces in the GOP won in 1992 with Bush's defeat of Buchanan and won again with Bush II in 2000. My hope was that the Trump victory would start pushing it in the right direction. Unfortunately, we got tax cuts and "deregulation." And the beat goes on.
No matter what any American does - as long as they're not y'all - they're wrong.
That's gonna work well.
you want tax increases, and re regulation of industry, you want a green new deal, a universal basic income,
you want tax increases, and re regulation of industry, you want a green new deal, a universal basic income,
Taxes certainly need to go up, though I'd like to see that coupled with tax simplification. I'd also like to see more labor protections, more social insurance spending, and a big infrastructure project.
The economics based leftism of Sanders and Warren leads to exactly the same guillotine as the antics of the violence-based mob in front of Bezos' house.
j. fARMER SAID ... "the forces of globalization have wreaked havoc on working class lives"
The last decade has seen the biggest shift from lower and middle class to upper-middle class in US history. Is that the havoc you speak of? Excess wealth becoming a predominant issue and leading to morally bankrupt, college-educated ANTIFA, in the way that food abundance and affordability has led to obesity?
Thank you, Seattle, WE LOVE YOU!
But I don't know what to do with
Those tossed salads and scrambled eggs....
Can anyone explain that lyric to me?
The economics based leftism of Sanders and Warren leads to exactly the same guillotine as the antics of the violence-based mob in front of Bezos' house.
No, it doesn't.
@calypso facto:
The last decade has seen the biggest shift from lower and middle class to upper-middle class in US history. Is that the havoc you speak of? Excess wealth becoming a predominant issue and leading to morally bankrupt, college-educated ANTIFA, in the way that food abundance and affordability has led to obesity?
That is certainly part of the equation. It's part of what Peter Turchin describes as "elite overproduction."
But there is also the outsourcing of manufacturing jobs, and loose immigration policy and enforcement keeping the country filled with low-skilled workers willing to bid down the wages of native Americans. As the US moves towards a post-industrial economy, it's finding less and less use for the white working-class population, preferring instead to have their work done by foreign nationals in other countries or foreign ethnics brought here. You can go get a job in the gig economy with a 1099, no benefits, and are lucky if you make minimum wage when it's all said and done.
To correct the typo, Clinton won Washington State by 520,971 votes, not 520,9741 votes. The state only has 7.5 million people.
“Race is a better tool for destroying America than class.”
Except that it really isn’t. 12% of the country is Black and that number is declining all the time. Black people, absent the collusion of the White Left, aren’t ever going to destroy anything but themselves.
When I was a young fellow, I was fascinated with the history of Labor, worked as a union organizer (for that nasty purple union, no less), and was generally down with the class struggle. Reality and experience changed that, but I’ve always been amazed at how clumsy and alienating the Democrats have been at making the class argument. What should have been a surefire winning message was always sabotaged by their absolute inability to leave race and culture out of it.
Can anyone explain that lyric to me?
Tossed salads and scrambled eggs are things that are all mixed up, like Frasier's patients.
Aha! Thank you, Gahrie. I could only associate it with Frasier's endless-brunch lifestyle.
@The Cracker Emcee Refulgent:.
12% of the country is Black and that number is declining all the time.
The black share of the population is not declining. It's projected to remain its share at least into 2050. That, of course, would not include any potential immigration from sub-Saharan Africa.
What should have been a surefire winning message was always sabotaged by their absolute inability to leave race and culture out of it.
While I am sympathetic to this argument, it really is not possible to leave race out of it. It's one of the most potent forms of tribalism because it is physically communicated. Even if you don't see yourself as a minority, the majority can't help but remind you.
Mike @ 12:40pm,
Re the King County prosecutor: one of the sad things about this whole situation is that Dan Satterberg used to be a reasonable person, and though a Democrat a worthy successor to the equally-reasonable Norm Maleng.
Not any more!
"I’ve always been amazed at how clumsy and alienating the Democrats have been at making the class argument."
You can blame feminism for this. That hijacked the black oppression argument, and eventually turned the Democrats into a coalition led by the juiced-in people of every demographic. Poor city dwellers voted with Appalachians in the 60s, but a villain was required to justify bringing the daughters of the wealthy into the coalition, and the hillbillies were an easy target.
“it really is not possible to leave race out of it. It's one of the most potent forms of tribalism”
Oh, it’s absolutely possible. Remember, in the context of politics from the late 1800’s to even the present day, we’re talking about White people selling an economic argument to White people. And any of you colored folks are welcome to come along (more, latterly, or less, formerly). It just takes a little continence.
I saw this failing at work in rural union campaigns back in the day. Twentysomething college-Prog organizers unable to shut up about gun control or illegal immigration, oblivious to who they were talking to. How fucking hard is it?
Eric Holder's jsutice department cleared the police officer who had to kill Michael Brown.
Brown was killed based on Brown's actions including reaching into the police car attempting to take the officer's gun.
And Brown, a hulking specimen, had just come from seizing an Asian by his lapels in a convenience store to persuade him to have some candy free of charge. He seemed angelic in the photos the msm showed for the first few days and then we saw the real fella. Green Bay Packer material.
@The Cracker Emcee Refulgent:
Oh, it’s absolutely possible.
Race has been haunting this country since the founding. It was contentious in creating the Constitution, it made westward expansion a hugely divisive issue, it caused the Civil War, it remade the Constitution, it gave us Jim Crow, race riots, integration, the modern civil rights era, and right up to today's headlines.
“Race has been haunting this country since the founding.”
Not disputing that. I’m saying, when making a class-targeted economic appeal, talk class and economics.. Everybody loves a paean to the honest working man. Even Black and Hispanic folks. God knows I did it enough.
For the shortsighted amongst you:
Leftist Collectivists want to tear down everything that stands in their path toward power.
Catherine "Kitty" MacKinnon wanted to tear down Aristotelian Logic.
I am not fucking kidding you.
She wanted to tear down history all the way back to the Greeks because it was a stumbling block on her way to power.
Oh, sure, and a never-to-arrive utopia that is an excuse for her and her like to be in charge.
If you people on the conservative side do not understand that this is Total War, you're stupid.
Or ignorant.
Or in denial.
Here's a hint: MacKinnon wrote an anti-Aristotelian-Logic book.
One wonders how her arguments can proceed without it.
And that little problem didn't slow her down a bit.
I like when Smug pontificates on economics.
It's all the dumb of the Left, but with the arrogance you really miss when it's gone.
The one thing that will happen, regardless of personal preference:
The trajectory of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama cannot be sustained.
It's a dramatic decentralization of power, or a totalitarian state.
And Civil War II to follow.
Michael F'ing Brown?
Sweet Baby Gebuzz these people are twisted.
J. Farmer: Please explain Venezuela and most of Africa. Economic socialism leads to the same horrors as the mobs demanding social justice.
"Tossed salads"... "mixed up".
I always thought tossing the salad had an entirely different meaning.
From the post:
"...the highly racialized left-wing rhetoric has washed out the economics-based leftism of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren."
Based on the inherent Marxism of BLM and the Green New Deal - both of which movements haved stated that their goal is to replace capitalism with socialism on this country - it's all coming out of the same playbook.
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