Said the mother of a high school freshman, who took a photograph of her math teacher on camera, without his shirt on. The mother is quoted in "San Jose teacher suspended after appearing topless in online class/East Side Union High School District superintendent says ‘situation is under investigation’" (Mercury News). That headline is egregious click bait, since it hides the fact that the teacher was male.
The temperature was 103° that day.
"I was just glad that my daughter realized, ‘Hey, this isn’t right’ and said something. This should be one of those zero tolerance-type of things. He needs to be out. If he thinks this is OK, what more is going to happen later if we let it slide?"
You tell me. Where does that slippery slope go? It's 103° and a male teacher does his on-line high school class bare-chested? What's "going to happen later"?
Anyway... obviously poor judgment by the man. Something is wrong there — but it does simply seem to be about excessively casual clothing and extreme heat.
I would think sufficient mockery would be enough of a punishment.
It it just me, or are our teachers and professors- with some rare exceptions, Ann- considerably less intelligent than we want to believe they are?
Or is it that I just seem to read multiple articles daily that makes me wonder how these people get any job, let alone one that has them teaching young minds filled with mush?
Free the Nipple!
Anyway, I think a man should pull a Sally Yates and argue before a judge or testify in congress with a plunging neckline.
Let's see where "equality" susses out.
I suspect his Union will protect him from his poor judgement.
Picture shows a man from about mid-chest (i.e. 3" over the nipple) up who looks incredibly hot and sweaty, with his face blurred out and something weird going on in his hair. Looks like shampoo bubbles.
Weird? Yes.
Worth a student taking a picture? Yes.
Worth firing? Umm, no.
His true offense was being old.
wet T-shirt? if it is good for cervix endowment? then why not for the challenged too.
Temujin said...
It it just me, or are our teachers and professors- with some rare exceptions, Ann- considerably less intelligent than we want to believe they are?
Or is it that I just seem to read multiple articles daily that makes me wonder how these people get any job, let alone one that has them teaching young minds filled with mush?
start with mush. sustained stirring results in gooey and creamy texture.
Not appropriate. What about air conditioning? He should not be fired, tho. That's a bit harsh.
I guess "this old man" is assuming gender, but it seems to be in the headline.
I do think shirtless is a bit much, even if it is hot. Cancel the class. Still, in the business world, dress code standards have gone down with teleconferencing. People, who wouldn't think of going to work without a suit and tie, now hold meetings in T-shirts. I'm fairly certain a few female teachers have considered wearing Yoga outfits to be comfortable at home while they teach. Certainly, their business counterparts have done so.
As for what happens next; well I want to agree that nothing is likely to happen, particularly with this teacher. But let's be honest, because we have seen it with journalist, who capriciously take screenshots of their web browsers with porn tabs noticeably open behind some silly news article they wanted to share. People multitask while teleconferencing, because they can. It is easier then checking your phone during a meeting. Someone will be foolish enough to be watching porn while in a teleconference and then do something even more foolish.
Oh, and MadMan @11:24AM! +1
Very poor judgment. A suspension is probably in order, but you're right that this is irresponsible click-bait by the newspaper. And in the grand scheme of things, that's a bigger problem than the shirtless teacher.
Does he have moobs? That's the real question.
If so, I suggest either a Bro or a Manssiere.
Problem solved.
Does it make any difference that this was a special education class? (Small class, only 10 to 15 students.) Or that the student who complained said the teacher's camera was "all shaking around and like, moving everywhere"?
It does highlight a problem with the online classes, at least in this district, the school doesn't seem to be monitoring them in any way. They told the mother that the classes were not recorded due to privacy concerns. Even if they can't do that, I would have thought that the principal or other admins from the school would be able to drop into the virtual classes to check on things, the way they could if the classes were in the school building, but I can't tell if they either can't or just don't do that.
It's not just hot is DAMN HOT! HOT AND WET!
Not only that but the failed state of California can't even keep the lights on. PG&E is shutting down power because they can't provide electricity and not burn down thousands of houses at the same time.
I wonder what the temp was in the teacher's house. Did it say?
I am also calling you out as sexist, Ann. You seem to be saying that it is less OK for a woman to be topless than a man.
I don't think either is OK in a HS class, just for the record.
And a thought that occurs to me: Now that teachers are teaching from home, is the school system paying for the extra electric bill incurred in each teacher's house?
Not in Puerto Rico.
Though it would not surprise me if my wife gets another couple hundred in tax deduction for the cost of teaching from home. Teacher's union is powerful and there is an election coming up.
John Henry
Get a fan.
Heh, the school district here in East San Jose. East Side Union has long had a certain reputation. Tho not surprised there's issues everywhere as my high school teacher daughter (not here but near Sacramento) says online is FUBAR for a number of teachers, ones who were clueless about properly setting up Zoom security (or whatever app they use), which lead to all sorts of inappropriateness, both visual & audible. Plus not knowing what works online vs. old school in-person. Fortunately she's quite astute (grew up in a household with internet before it was commercial), and created a FAQ with video examples for her co-workers.
It's not just hot is DAMN HOT! HOT AND WET!
Not only that but the failed state of California can't even keep the lights on. PG&E is shutting down power because they can't provide electricity and not burn down thousands of houses at the same time.
I wonder what the temp was in the teacher's house. Did it say?
I am also calling you out as sexist, Ann. You seem to be saying that it is less OK for a woman to be topless than a man.
I don't think either is OK in a HS class, just for the record.
And a thought that occurs to me: Now that teachers are teaching from home, is the school system paying for the extra electric bill incurred in each teacher's house?
Not in Puerto Rico.
Though it would not surprise me if my wife gets another couple hundred in tax deduction for the cost of teaching from home. Teacher's union is powerful and there is an election coming up.
John Henry
I don't understand why you keep mentioning it's hot. It's not a PE Class outside. It's an indoor class. I know our teachers don't earn much -- but have they fallen so poor that they can't afford an air-conditioned room or a fan???
I grew up in a developing country. When I was in elementary school, we had a ceiling fan that was never turned on because that would make all the loose workbook pages fly around. So we were studying in the 100 degree weather all the time. Nobody was bare-chested, including teachers and students.
This is extremely poor judgment on the part of the teacher. Period. No excuse.
the main thing I learned from my adventures in getting an education masters is that given the way we educate teachers, one would expect them to be much worse than they are.
Most of the other students were teachers. A lot of my neighbors were teachers for the DOD. I was in various online groups with teachers.
My general experience is that they are poorly educated. Frequently uneducated in the subject they teach. For example a science teacher may have taken classes in science teaching but never have taken a course in science.
Teachers, as a group, are also one of the most incurious groups of people I've ever seen.
I am somewhat of a rare bird in that I have a basis of comparison. I have a double masters in business (IAU '79) and almost 30 years teaching business (SNHU) and Packaging (PUPR)
And don't get me started on the Masters in Education scam. Everybody wins except students and taxpayers.
John Henry
Wife beater was the way to go.
California public schools! Unionized dipshit Democrat teachers teaching the sons and daughters of Democrat parents.
To get a good education, you gotta stay far, far, far away from these clowns.
"I would think sufficient mockery would be enough of a punishment.”
That’s how it used to be done, but now it is considered less cruel to end the career he has spent years of his life building and sending him off to flip hamburgers.
"Not only that but the failed state of California can't even keep the lights on. PG&E is shutting down power because they can't provide electricity and not burn down thousands of houses at the same time."
Oh, maybe a fan wasn't an option. Though he must have had power to be "broadcasting".
What kind of third-world shithole has California become? Why do people put up with this? It's 2020!
Nothing is worse than being uncomfortable. It was a good opportunity to teach the kids about tolerance of people not like themselves, you know, people who make you “uncomfortable.”
Original Mike said...
Get a fan.
Some of us remember before A/C.
Forget it folks, its California...
"What kind of third-world shithole has California become? Why do people put up with this? It's 2020!"
In the '60s and '70s it was paradise. Great school system and the best weather on the planet.
Then all the commies took over. I give them credit, they went after the school system first in order to indoctrinate our children, and then they went after the media. Evil but smart.
I paid (in addition to my property taxes) roughly $600k to send my two boys to private school from pre-school through college. Even then you can't totally escape the socialist bullshit. Unless you can home school (we couldn't) then it's a roll of the dice whether you go public or private.
If he'd been leading Drag Queen Story Hour for children this wouldn't even be an issue.
I don't have A/C in Ohio. The power company is always sending me smiley-face notifications that I'm using 90% less electricity than similar efficient homes.
I'm not going around in a suit and tie though.
In Florida without A/C complete nudity is the way to go.
Okay, a male. But did he have boobs?
If so, send him one of Frank's/Kramer's bros,
Re: Original Mike:
California has been like this off and on since the 90s. When I was in college, we had rolling blackouts, so I had a candelabrum and a supply of tapers for late night study. Back then people blamed deregulation, but given hpw the situation has continued for over two decades, I think the more likely culprit is aging infrastructure and a lack of reliable new power generation (coal/nuclear/hydro). Solar and wind are okay when conditions are right, but they don't improve the reliability of the grid.
Also, even if a fan wasn't an option, why not go for the old reliables: a tub of ice and water to stick your feet in, and a moistened towel or handkerchief?
Not mentioned was the Chippendale's tie.
Just don't turn on your camera. Problem solved.
Probably forgot to turn off his video.
Wow, shades of "Anthony Weiner" sexting scandal???? Who cares? This is CA you'd be hard pressed to get rid of this Union Thug, unless he killed somebody.
Just needed some nipple rings and one of these
on his chest,
Balfegor said...
Re: Original Mike:California has been like this off and on since the 90s. Solar and wind are okay when conditions are right, but they don't improve the reliability of the grid. 8/17/20, 12:59 PM
Yep if you mean no power which is consistently available you're correct. CA politicians plan to go full bore fossil fuel free by 2045. Those actions will finally kill the "Golden State" cause no business can survive on part time power availability. Especially given CA's and our Nation's headlong rush to embrace more technology, which requires massive amounts of stable power sources, that Solar and Wind cannot provide. The progression has already been evidenced 20 years. Historical rolling brownouts - and of recent vintage actual blackouts. Investment in transmission lines has been woefully under what's required and CA is now dependent upon over 50% of its power from outside the State. If you're trying to push business' out of CA I can't find another better strategy. What a bunch of idiotic politicians.
The complaints tell me one thing: he must not have been sufficiently sexy without his shirt, otherwise mom would have told the kid to shut up and stop blocking the screen..
We all read in amazement about the adventures of "Florida Man", but "California Teacher" is just as amazing to behold. Remember this dedicated educator?
It certainly seems like an inappropriate way to conduct a class, but definitely not a firing offense, IMO. What is with people these days, every affront needs to be resolved by depriving folks of their livelihood?!
California is indeed a curious case as it pertains to energy. They should just legislate themselves some cold fusion and be done with it.
Once they've made electricity prohibitively expensive and unreliable, they will turn their attention to their water supply. Just for good measure.
“ I guess "this old man" is assuming gender, but it seems to be in the headline”
That’s my post title, not the newspaper headline!
"I was just glad that my daughter realized, ‘Hey, this isn’t right’" Pretty observant young lady. What clued her in?
"no business can survive on part time power availability." Well, they maybe can, but it would be very very expensive. My own home town of Oxnard has Ventura Energy Storage. Three acres of batteries.
Darkisland said...
It's not just hot is DAMN HOT! HOT AND WET!
Jane Spencer: I'm boiling a roast. How hot and wet do you like it?
Sergeant Frank Drebin, Detective Lieutenant Police Squad: Very hot, and awfully wet.
To beat the heat, I wear a wet t-shirt -- wrung out, but still damp. Not tight and not see-through. With it, I'm comfortable even when it's 90-95 degrees, with no breeze.
I often wonder whether people did something similar before air conditioning. It stands to reason, but I've never read or heard anything about it.
‘Hey, this isn’t right’ and said something.
I glad that high-school freshman spoke directly to the teacher about her discomfort, since he was right there for her to talk to.
Without her feedback, the next thing you know that unpleasant looking old man might be walking around "topless" in public with some flimsy excuse about being at the beach.
In Bavaria, my female students got totally naked at an outing. Amerikans are f'd up when it comes to the human body.
My DIL is beside herself because the supposed "online" school system that was scheduled to begin today and her high school kids are stuck with zero. She has called multiple "Help Lines" and been hung up on and ignored.
Whaddaya need? A B.A. in English? Most teachers I've known shoulda been bagging groceries!
Was he hot?
When you allow the old man into your bedroom, you get stuck with the old man in your bedroom.
And all the fun and anguish he carries with him.
Sort of like vampires. Once invited in, they can be unpleasant.
I think it's 1.A subconscious sign that this guy wants out of this job, and 2. a sign of our degraded dress codes in general. People used to dress up to go out to the movies, dinner, etc. Now, it's T-shirts and flip-flops, and Tech titans wear hoodie sweatshirts or wool beanies indoors.
Where does that slippery slope go?
Progressives/Libereals get on slippery slopes all the time. They always will, until they've dragged everyone to the bottom with them.
He was also wearing shorts. Shorts!
Needs to be arrested and sent to prison ASAP.
With that out the way, good fucking grief- men are barechested on television every fucking day. The world needs to fucking grow up.
He should say that his chest hair is considered an emotional support animal and file a claim under ADA.
Social progress. The Boy Scouts, the Catholic Church, and we know that others, too, have had rude awakenings in a politically congruent world.
men are barechested on television every fucking day. The world needs to fucking grow up.
Context matters.
a sign of our degraded dress codes in general
Not just dress standards. The age of progressive liberalism is a satirical reproduction of SNL's "lowered expectations" skits, a veritable slut walk through a black hole... whore h/t NAACP. Barefoot, available, and taxable.
This should be one of those zero tolerance-type of things.
Zero tolerance = zero common sense. Like being expelled from school for possession of Tylenol tablets or a paper 'gun'. While I agree that the teacher showed tasteless behavior and should have been told it was not acceptable dress for instruction of children, Karen wants it taken to the extreme because that's what Karens do.
At my district, a student being online from their bedroom would be considered as big an offense as the teacher not wearing their shirt.
Just don't turn on your camera. Problem solved.
The state of California is mandating face to face live online teaching with every student, everyday. For instance I will be teaching three 80 minute blocks this semester. I have to have live contact with each student in each class every day. But it doesn't have to be the whole 80 minute period. My classroom rules are going to stipulate blurred/wallpaper backgrounds for the students and me.
I'm sorry, ladies, but does my bare chest distract you from metric spaces? You have so much to learn.
-Sergio (Math Analysis)
What if he was self-identifying as shirted? I say, doxx the student who did this to him!
Well, I'm hot blooded, check it and see
I got a fever of a hundred and three
Come on baby, do you do more than dance?
I'm hot blooded, I'm hot blooded
“ It does highlight a problem with the online classes, at least in this district, the school doesn't seem to be monitoring them in any way. They told the mother that the classes were not recorded due to privacy concerns. Even if they can't do that, I would have thought that the principal or other admins from the school would be able to drop into the virtual classes to check on things, the way they could if the classes were in the school building, but I can't tell if they either can't or just don't do that.”
At our school, teachers must record their classes precisely so that if there is a problem with behavior on anyone’s part, there will be a record.
The only privacy concern relates to Muslim students who can’t be recorded for religious reasons. They are asked to turn off their cameras.
Essential employees, like WalMart cashiers have to dress presentably. Non-essentials, like teachers, not so much. Titus-kind of "students" might be whackin one off!
Women can't handle men with their shirts off? That's too shocking for them? You gotta be kidding me. What does this "little" girl do when she goes to the beach?
Yeah, the dummy should have put a shirt on, but it was 103 degrees. And why is she watching him in her bedroom? That's no place for schoolwork.
First thing to research. Is Teaches house air conditioned? Second. Have there been any prior complaints from female students?
He wasn't wearing a mask in a show of solidarity either.
Karen wants it taken to the extreme because that's what Karens do.
I think that excessive use of media has somewhat warped people's thinking. I feel like the Mom's motivation isn't that strong and this is more of a pattern recognition reaction. I imagine to her this seems like many other stories where Teacher or person has done something inappropriate that is at least tangentially sexual and the usual outcome is person is fired from their position. I imagine she feels him getting fired is the right step because that fits the ingrained pattern in her head and so it feels right. It doesn't help that too much media has conditioned people to think in a story telling narrative format, instead of treating individual things like individual discrete events.
Picture shows a man from about mid-chest
Worth firing? Umm, no.
You gotta nip this shit in the bud.
Anyway... obviously poor judgment by the man.
Indeed. How long must one live to internalize this one hard and fast rule: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE HYSTERIA THRESHOLD OF 9th GRADE SCHOOLGIRLS, ESPECIALLY THOSE REARED IN SAN JOSE.
The teacher should have cleared it with the administration beforehand. My I conduct my class sans chemise? The raving morons who rule California's school system would have given him carte blanche.
Would a wifebeater be ok?
"In Bavaria, my female students got totally naked at an outing. Amerikans are f'd up when it comes to the human body."
Note to self: Bavaria...naked...schoolgirls.
Second note to self: Hide first note from wife.
; )
The European (especially German and Dutch in my experience) attitude toward nudity is totally different. I remember being in a public park in Heidelberg in '81 on a very hot summer day. Every office worker was laying out on the lawn in various states of undress. It seemed odd to this American at the time.
But, like the first time I went to the beach in France and boobs were everywhere, you don't even think about it after a while. At first it's, 'look at those tits!' Which soon becomes, 'Hey mademoiselle, you're blocking my view!'
“She started feeling uncomfortable,” Avila said in a phone interview. “She couldn’t concentrate on the topic because all she was seeing was this old man on camera in her bedroom.”
She was the only one who complained?
Maybe she couldn't concentrate because she was having strange feelings that she'd never felt before.
Get some tape and tape two face masks over his nipples. That should do it.
A lot of crazy comments here. First he was put on admin leave, not fired. Second since he had power for the computer and internet connection he had power for air conditioning. Third it's a workplace environment so he should have dressed appropriately. Normally Karen's are annoying in the extreme but occasionally a rule has an exception and this is the one.
Old teacher, the subject
Of schoolgirl fantasy
He should be suspended, fined, arrested..., for not wearing a mask.
Oops! Public School Teacher Forgets To Remove Antifa Mask Before Logging On For Class
| The Babylon Bee
why are we taking it for granted that student had only one session open on her browser? etc.
I'm not suggesting anything, I'm just wondering if there is any evidence he was wearing pants.
Balfegor said..."Solar and wind are okay when conditions are right, but they don't improve the reliability of the grid."
There was an editorial on this in the WSJ dated Sunday. Here is the title and article summary info-
California’s Blackout Warning
Anti-fossil fuel mandates are leading to electricity shortages.
By The Editorial Board
Aug. 16, 2020 3:38 pm ET
Always wonder how the Founding Fathers survived the Constitutional Convention in the summer in scorching Philly, with windows closed, dressed in their layers of costumes, leggings and wigs.
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