What have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherfuckers.
— Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) August 21, 2020
She says they voted for Trump like its a bad thing...
Ann you have posted a number of times on topics like this. Previously you posted that Biden disqualified himself by repeating the Charlottesville lie. Does this mean you are a decided voter? Or are you still planning on cruel neutrality this election? Just curious.
Exactly! Joe Biden has been a Senator/VP for 45 years. What did he do to solve all these problems? Nothing. He was part of the problem, not part of the solution. What did he and Obama do about "systematic racism"? They were in power for 8 years.
As Trump said, he wouldn't have run for POTUS if Obama/Biden hadn't fucked up so badly.
I could tolerate the incompetence of our betters if they could manage some humility about their failings, which, all of us being human, we all have. It's the arrogance combined with the incompetence that is so galling.
It's even worse than that. The riots are a purposeful sowing of chaos.
I'm reminded of something I saw online a couple of weeks ago. Alyssa Milano models NFL team gear under a contract with the NFL, including Redskin logo'ed shirts and such. She also was very much opposed to the Redskin's name saying she considered it racist. When the hypocrisy of this was pointed out her defense was that her contract with the NFL required her to model all of the NFL teams' gear. The obvious answer to that is, "why don't you break the contract and forgo the money if the team name Redskin is so heinous?" You have to presume she wouldn't model shirts having other hateful ethnic or racial slurs.
The point of this is that Rose McGowan is not a hypocrite. Which is why she is going to be canceled soon.
That makes a LOT of sense.
And without the Democrats, where would we be. Let's see...
No Civil Rights Act of 1964. No Voting Rights Act of 1965. No desegregation of southern schools under Title I.
No Social Security. No AFDC. No right to abortion, a pretty important right for single moms. Even sharper food stamp cuts.
No Medicare, no Medicaid, no Affordable Care Act or coverage for preexisting conditions.
No unions or union jobs.
An even more skewed tax system.
Continued lawful discrimination against gays, including no right to gay marriage.
For starters....
What is making you so angry and irrational?
Well, at least things worked out for Hunter.
...and Althouse begins to see the light...
Gropin' Joe has been in politics for more than half. a. fucking. century. What has he done?
His Wiki bio says he didn't want to practice criminal law because it 'did not pay well.' So he was a bleeding heart without the scruples.
He sure figured out fast what did pay well. He famously claimed he doesn't own any stocks or bonds, or even has a savings account...why should he? He has a fat government pension and healthcare.
What the hell does he know about the lives and struggles of real people?
He's a fraud. All politicians are frauds, it's just that some are even more so than others.
Althouse relates best to a Hollywood mental case. Like I said before, paying serious attention to politics is crazy. This is where having ADD is a benefit.
No Civil Rights Act of 1964. No Voting Rights Act of 1965. No desegregation of southern schools under Title I.
You are a very confused and maleducated individual. All of that happened in the face of opposition from the Democrat party.
What is making you so angry and irrational?
I would guess she's mad about people like you patting themselves on the back for being "on the right side of history" while failing to actually help people improve their lives.
"No Civil Rights Act of 1964. No Voting Rights Act of 1965. No desegregation of southern schools under Title I."
A higher percentage of Republican lawmakers voted for passage of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats.
Stephen proves my assertion about McGowan being cancelled soon.
Someone took the red pill.
She speaks for many people, including me. Sounds like she "Woke Up;" but on the "wrong" side of the bed.
Thanks for this post.
Apparently, Rose McGowan believes that the World owes her a living, and it is the business of Government to collect on that debt. I'd say Stephen gets it about right. If that is what you're hoping for, the Democrats have done about as well as can be expected. What the Hell is she whining about?
The Democrats (you know, Jim Crow) were against the civil rights act.
Democrats stood in front of the schoolhouse door and lynched blacks.
Public unions are evil, even your god FDR said so.
There is no 'right' to an abortion. Abort all the black babies you want (St. Sanger commands it)...doesn't bother me, just don't make me pay for it.
Trump has always been pro-gay rights (as have many libertarian conservatives). Obama and Biden 'evolved' on the issue.
Look at who actually pays taxes and get back to me. There's a reason Cuomo and De Blasio are crying in their beers because rich people are fleeing NYC.
Oh, and corporations don't pay taxes no matter how high the tax code says they are. They always pass that cost on to the consumer. How can liberals not understand this basic economic truth?
Social security is a Ponzi scheme...better die young if you want yours.
So why are you so stupid and uninformed?
And Howard is also in there canceling McGowan.
"Help single mothers? No. Help children? No."
Hmmmm. I notice that Rose is not overly concerned about what the Democrats may or may not have done for adult males. One gets the feeling that Rose would prefer that adult males be like abortion -- safe, legal and rare.
uh oh. Will leftwing Twitter ban her now?
This week Rose McGowan accused Academy Award winner, Omaha resident and Creighton Prep alum Alexander Payne of statutory rape.
I don't believe her. But Payne's life and career is probably ruined.
A higher percentage of Republican lawmakers voted for passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 than Democrats.
Sing it, sister.
One of the first things Obama did after he got in - he removed school choice from poor blacks in poor communities.
At least Obama has his 12 million dollar mansion on Martha's vineyard.
at least Hunter Biden is rich rich rich - thru no talent. all graft.
"Why did people vote Trump? Because of you, motherfuckers."
Because that's the thing that we realized when we were making the movie. It was always the hardest thing. We wanted to deal with this emotion of being hated as an American. That was the thing that was intriguing to us, and having Gary the main character deal with that emotion. And so, him becoming ashamed to be a part of Team America and being ashamed of himself, he comes to realize that, just as he got his brother killed by gorillas—he didn't kill his brother; he was a dick, he wasn't an asshole—so too does America have this role in the world as a dick. Cops are dicks, you fucking hate cops, but you need 'em. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_America:_World_Police
"[Trump's] America - Fuck yeah! Coming again to save the mother fucking day yeah!
[Trump's] America - Fuck yeah! Freedom is the only way yeah
[Democrats], your game is through 'Cause now you have to answer to
[Trump's] America - Fuck yeah! So lick my butt and suck on my balls
[Trump's] America - Fuck yeah! Whatcha' gonna do when we come for you?"
Wow. Pointed, succinct, and accurate.
And we'll be voting for Trump again- even more people, more Black Americans among them. The emperor is wearing no clothes. And aside from Chuck Todd and his friends in the media, everyone can see it. The tired phrases and finger pointing and constant calling of everyone who disagrees with them as racist or sexist or whateverist has worn thin.
People want action. People want results. Some people (Democrats/Regressives) are miserable people who want action that rips the country apart so everyone is equally miserable. Other people (Conservatives/Republicans/most Independents) want action that is positive, that gives more people a chance to make their own life better, that makes this a stronger nation of working people. Better vs. worse is the game. Hell...even Rose sees that.
And one more thing...I don't mind people being stupid, I can excuse stupid. There is a bell curve and some people are on the wrong side of it.
But I will never forgive ignorance, especially if a person does or should know better.
Willful ignorance is a sin. If you are being willfully ignorant to push an agenda, then you are not a serious person. Nor do you have a serious intellect.
Meade's observation is characteristically brilliant.
Loved that movie, and its music.
"It's the arrogance combined with the incompetence"
For me it's the shoving it in your face with mocking glee, I am looking forward when the organs of media are taken away from a petty minority.
"Mandamus for me but not for thee"-who could this be?
"You have achieved nothing"
Worse than that. Example: Dem cities today.
Even nothing is a high standard for Dems.
“Alexander Payne,” McGowan tweeted. “You sat me down & played a soft-core porn movie you directed for Showtime under a different name. I still remember your apartment in Silverlake. You are very well-endowed. You left me on a street corner afterwards. I was 15.”
Mr. Burns [to Marge Simpson]: And, uh, incidentally, thanks for not making fun of my genitalia.
Thank you, Jim.
McGowan understands that career politicians like Biden,Pelosi, Shumer, Kamala, McConnell, etc are worthless, usless liars who could not run an ice cream stand without a team of high paid aides.
To be fair to Democrats, they have done A LOT for single mothers. Removed any sigma on never-marrieds to create more fatherless children, and instituted ever-expanding government to fill the role of taxpayer-funded daddy.
And yes Trump is exponentially more competent than over the hill joe.
My top 3
1)Veterans Choice
Anyone who has supported our military adventures post ww2 and has allowed the people injured permanently to be treated as they HAD, has no soul imo.
2)Economy pre Bioweapon
My business was doing better and better during Trump's tenure, the best since the bankers 2008 bubble.
Now...lol...fuck you gov gruesome...
Yes it's TRUE Trump actually cares about the consequences of using massive power of destruction on other people.
The Democratic Party (Indeed, pretty much all of our dysfunctional DC Establishment) is great at PROMISING, but not so hot at actually DOING. For them, promising something with the right intentions is enough - and any implementation (no matter how bad) will always be okay because the intentions were good.
R's are slightly better - but that's because they occasionally think "What could possibly go wrong..." and take at least some steps to avoid possible pitfalls.
But results matter. Trump's been pushing for results, and his team's been doing quite well (IMO, YMMV and all that) in getting things done with a minimum of negative 'unforeseen consequences'.
Biden and the rest of the DNC's lived on making promises for the last 30 years. I've had more than enough of them promising everything and doing nothing.
I especially agree with the part where she calls the elite democrats in power "motherfuckers"
"CJinPA said...
To be fair to Democrats, they have done A LOT for single mothers. Removed any sigma on never-marrieds to create more fatherless children, and instituted ever-expanding government to fill the role of taxpayer-funded daddy."
Turn that 'social safety net' into a hammock, and don't be surprised if there's folks who never want to get out of no matter how much it may hurt them in the long run.
Powerful - will that fit on a bumper sticker?
because - boom.
And Democrats have created many many jobs in the War on Poverty. Unfortunately, most of the jobs are in govt bureaucracies and involve doling out govt benefits. I bet these programs have added about a million or more social worker type jobs in the last 50 years.
Payne is between in a rock and hard place. He could have a doctor examine him and issue a medical opinion that Payne is NOT well endowed. He'd then be Small Penis Payne.
Unlike Brett Kavanaugh, I doubt he had a calendar showing he didn't meet with 15 year old McGowan on the unstated date. This allegation is over 30 years old! She claims she just wants an apology.
I'm sure Payne is a liberal and probably backed CBF. Now look what the Left has done to him.
This is a classic "he said, she said." If he sues her for defamation, it might go badly. I really don't know how Payne wins this or comes out with a minimum of damage.
He lives in Omaha in Susie Buffett's neighborhood. I've met him twice and he's a super guy. He's been very generous to our alma mater. I feel very sorry for him.
I totally despise the Left.
The socialists would rather have Trump than Biden, just like they preferred Trump over Clinton. Not just Trump, they preferred Bush II over Gore and Kerry, Reagan over Carter, and Nixon over Humphrey. And Dewey over Truman, but that didn’t work.
I rarely read comments on twitter. The leftwing comments are always insane and too much BS to take.
but - I did read this. a nice little reminder of how the entrenched power-brokers on the left operate:
"Reminder : @TulsiGabbard was 1 of 7 candidates that earned delegates during the Presidential primary. It has been a tradition that spanned decades for any candidate who earned a delegate to be offered a speaking slot at the convention.
Tulsi was not invited."
remember- corrupt Hillary called Tulsi a "Russian Agent"
McGowan served her purpose getting the ball rolling on #MeToo and 'her truth' so they could try to oust Kavanaugh. Didn't work so McGowan is useless to them but there's nothing to gain by cancelling her. They'll Cindy Sheehan her but won't cancel...
Rose MacGowan punctures the fog of lies propped up by the Democrat Party.
Rich elites leftists raise funds and control the Democrat Party (Hillary, Bill, Obama, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, George Soros et al).
They promote bullshit socialist ideas, they punish the small businessmen with small margins, and they stir up young, poor minorities to loot, riot, burn buildings and kill people.
In Hollywood -- the domain of Ms. MacGowan -- they hold swank fundraisers and sexually assault and harass women. Probably, they do the same with young males. (See, Corey Feldman et al.)
Then, they get a clueless figurehead like Joe Biden to speechify and gloss over all the above.
I thought everybody knew this, but apparently it's necessary to repeat-
Famous Democrats:
Jefferson Davis, John C. Calhoun
Woodrow Wilson (re-segregated the Armed Forces)
Sen. Byrd (KKK Grand Kleagle and Majority Leader)
Ted Kennedy (killed more women than my gun collection)
Bull Connor (Persecutor of John Lewis, DNC Committeeman)
There are more, many more.
"One of the first things Obama did after he got in - he removed school choice from poor blacks in poor communities."
If Trump ran on nothing but school choice he would win 50% of the black vote. The purpose of education in this country has turned into daycare and indoctrination.
Those problems weren't solved because Democrats have the wrong policy solutions. Start on the right path by applying the concept of unintended consequences to Democrat polices...
We need an establishment that is reasonably competent and not too corrupt. When that doesn't occur you get someone like Trump in office. Trump's election was a symptom of the decay of the ruling class. It could have been a cure, but Trump was not up to the task.
Ms. McGowan is clearly entitled to her opinion, but I think she's wrong. I've observed that both major political parties want to help those constituencies that she identifies. (Fundamentally different approaches: assistance for self-supportive action vs. direct subsidies.) And I think that there is far more support now than there has been at any time that I can remember. She seems to be complaining that what we've done is entirely imperfect. Welcome to the human race.
She can always donate to the Human Fund.
What rings true is that it's the intense dislike of one side, rather than any warm feelings about the other, that's key to understanding the political divide today: the division is really between the Not-a-Dem and Not-a-Rep teams. There's much to dislike about both of those Not teams, but that's life in a binary system. So gripe all you want, but you're still left with that as the choice. The one thing Biden has said so far in this campaign that I agree with is that, all things considered, choosing turns out to be not that hard.
That tweet was a breathe of fresh air.
Rose McGowan@rosemcgowan
You are the season of darkness. @JoeBiden @dnc You are monsters. You are frauds. You are the lie.
9:29 PM · Aug 20, 2020
Truer words have never been written.
Pony-faced dogfucker that he is, Biden deserves a nice retirement in Boca...
Joe Smith: "@Stephen
And one more thing...I don't mind people being stupid, I can excuse stupid. There is a bell curve and some people are on the wrong side of it.
But I will never forgive ignorance, especially if a person does or should know better.
Willful ignorance is a sin. If you are being willfully ignorant to push an agenda, then you are not a serious person. Nor do you have a serious intellect."
Inga and readering also caught in the rhetorial frag pattern! Because of course they are.
Meanwhile, I excuse Howard from the fallout of this comment because I fear his problem is more the former rather than the latter condition Joe Smith describes.
@Stephen is right. There would have been no Civil Rights Act of 1964 without the Democrats. It would have been the Civil Rights Act of 1890.
Howard said...
Althouse relates best to a Hollywood mental case. Like I said before, paying serious attention to politics is crazy. This is where having ADD is a benefit.
8/21/20, 10:38 AM
Is she a mental case because you disagree with her, or because she was taken advantage of and raped at 15 by a Hollywood Producer and spoke out about the pedophiles in Hollywood, and Hollywood cancelled her because of it and she was 100% right??? We know where YOU stand.
And without the Democrats, where would we be. Let's see...
No Civil Rights Act of 1964.
You ignorant fool, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was mainly attributable to the Republicans, with Senate Majority Leader Everett M. Dirkson leading the charge: "He helped write and pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, both landmark pieces of legislation during the Civil Rights Movement."
Opposing him were the majority of Southern Democrats and a number of northern Democrats as well. The mid-sixties Civil Rights legislation was principally a Republican accomplish with the racist Southern Democrats and big city ethnic Democrats furiously resting them.
The Democrats have managed to rewrite history in this regard, but it is historical ignoramuses like you who perpetuate that fraud.
Trigger Warning: too many words
Back in the days of my youth I was in the Army, jumping from planes and doing other virile sorts of things. I knew a fellow in my unit, intelligent, educated, and reasonable, who was a member of the Aryan Nations. I know. Yet his best friend was a black guy from Compton. I asked about this inconsistency in his worldview. He said, "yeah, but Duane is different." I still marvel at how he walked all the way up to the line, then just couldn't take that one more step.
Rose McGowan, and other Life Long Democrats(tm) find themselves at that same line. The parts of the country under the firmest control of the democratic party are the parts that are devolving into first-world hellholes. Shitholes if you will. Just...one...more...logical...step...
Rose is absolutely right.
It's why I wholeheartedly supported Obama in 2012.
Worse is better.
Had mittens won we never would have gotten Trump
John Henry
Since Meade brought up "Team America," I wish to praise that movie for its sex scene, which featured Gary's girlfriend squatting over his recumbent form and taking a shit on his face.
Em-pathetic appeals, witch hunts, warlock trials, and protests, take a back seat to principles, moral, rational, practical, and consistent. People are looking for something other than selective, opportunistic, politically congruent, and collateral damage.
Rose fails understanding....
The Dem party has not failed at all, they have gotten nearly everything that they were trying to achieve.
They want the situation they have created, it is their means to power.
We voted, and will vote again, for Trump because he does not play the game of creating dependent voters that are being fed bullshit sandwhiches and told that the latest politician will turn the shit to honey.
Trump is an outsider sent to smash the establishment and the more he smashes the more we support him.
At the critical moment in the passage of the 1964 civil rights legislation (the clouture vote), Sen. Dirkson said this: "Victor Hugo wrote in his diary substantially this sentiment: 'Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come.' The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing of government, in education, and in employment. It must not be stayed or denied."
That was the GREAT Senator Dirkson from the formerly great state of Illinois. Senate Majority Leader, Republican.
The Democrats did not agree.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
You are a very confused and maleducated individual. All of that happened in the face of opposition from the Democrat party.
You really want to rub salt in the wound? Explain to him how there was no more implacable foe of desegregation than one of the DemocRATs heroes; Senator Sam Ervin D-NC.
To be fair, many also voted for Trump in the primary because the Republicans didn't do anything. However, I don't think Trump voters believe McGowan will do anything productive.
McGowan is rather nutty, but even a nut finds a blind squirrel now and then.
"Does this mean you are a decided voter? Or are you still planning on cruel neutrality this election?"
Progressivism feeds vanity by telling people that they have special insights and stand at the crossroads of history. It's tough to give that up to be a regular schlub who just has an opinion like everyone else.
My first memory of Rose McGowan was when she dated Marilyn Manson and she wore a see-thru dress at an awards show. That saying that youre the average of your 5 best friends. Consider Roses's in the 90's. Alyssa Milano, Harv, Manson.....maybe not best friends............but not a great start.
I’m pretty sure Ben Wikler won’t be agreeing with Althouse any time soon. I wonder what he thinks of Althouse’s attitude toward the Democratic party? I really have to wonder what Althouse expects of Democrats? Have Republicans with Trump as their leader been performing to Althouse’s satisfaction?
I HATE this type of rhetoric because it's not true: Democrats and Republicans do lots of things to address all these issues. Much of it just doesn't work.
And, actually some of it seems to work if you have an honest accountant. For example, when our government tallies poverty statistics, it omits the value of government benefits like housing assistance. When you add those benefits back in what you find is that a lot of people currently designated as "poor" are no longer poor because of the value of the government benefits they receive. But the ridiculous part is that as a matter of accounting: the government can never solve poverty, because we pretend that government benefits "don't count."
I hate this rhetoric because the insinuation is that people just don't "care enough."
Wow, I agree with Rose M.
My only complaint is her list is way too short.
Stephen's ignorance is, unfortunately, clearly at readering levels.
Which is not a good thing.
Stephen = the annoying dog that likes to hear himself bark.
I've been thinking for a while about what or who comes after Trump. He's sui generis.
He may or may not get reelected in 2020, but one way or another he's gone no later than 2024.
And then what? Can you think of a single Democrat politician out of their gerontocracy or their painfully thin younger bench that you'd like to have as President? Name one! The younger set includes big city mayors (Eric Garcetti)and goofy governors (Gavin Newsom) who see themselves as presidential timber, but they're not much better than DeBlasio, Cuomo or Lightfoot.
And that goes just about the same for the Republicans. I really can't think of a single Republican, nationally known or otherwise, that I could get enthusiastic about.
"Yet his best friend was a black guy from Compton."
This reminded me of Dave Chappelle's skit about a blind, black white supremacist : )
Wendybar supports #meetoo. I agree with you. The left elite underbelly is disgusting. No doubt they pushed Rose over the edge of sanity.
This a here damn election is OVER!
Yes only Trump can solve all the problems just like he did for the pandemic. Bleach over history, please.
Ask yourself what happened to Mira Sorvino.
before the wuhan hillary virus arrived, blacks enjoyed record low unemployment under Trump.
But the left would never credit him.
"No right to abortion, a pretty important right for single moms." -- Stephen
You have an order of operations problem.
rehajm said...
Those problems weren't solved because Democrats have the wrong policy solutions. Start on the right path by applying the concept of unintended consequences to Democrat polices...
i must take issue with concept of "unintended" consequences >>> it should be "unstated but intended" -
Q: can you intend something implicitly? A: yes - otherwise what does silence is assent mean?
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
I especially agree with the part where she calls the elite democrats in power "motherfuckers"
they're also kiddiefuckers
11:32 - Bay Area Guy
btw- If Trump manages to win the election - expect WWIII. What is happening in Portland each night - brace yourself. The white left are going to lose what's left of their little brownshirt minds.
Guildofcannonballs said...
This a here damn election is OVER!"
Guildy, that definitely deserves to be in a hot link. Excellent! Thanks.
Rose McGowan's statement is pretty fucking on point!
"She says they voted for Trump like its a bad thing...."
Well, of course it is. What's worse, there was then and there is now no better choice! We're asked to choose Door #1 or Door #2, and the only thing we can know for sure is that whichever of these doors we choose, we're going to be fucked over, shit on, and lied to.
If you drop Rose McGowan from the sample, the crazy=f(hot) function is linear instead of exponential.
Unless you include Kathy Griffin, in which case it's nonmonotonic.
"Oh, and corporations don't pay taxes no matter how high the tax code says they are. They always pass that cost on to the consumer. How can liberals not understand this basic economic truth?"
So, they should be made to pay their rightful taxes, or face civil or even criminal sanctions. If they're not paying their taxes, as you say, what are they passing on to the consumer? If they're doing as you say, they're price-gouging while enjoying privileged tax status.
"Social security is a Ponzi scheme...better die young if you want yours."
What do you propose as an alternative? (Not to mention this is a non-sequitur: if you die young you won't have lived to an age where you could collect any SS income.)
FreddyB at 12:11pm wins the thread.
"We need an establishment that is reasonably competent and not too corrupt."
We are far, far too long gone to ever expect this again...not without some sort of seismic national upheaval (that could lead either to genuine change or a descent into a more overt tyranny).
What do you propose as an alternative? (Not to mention this is a non-sequitur: if you die young you won't have lived to an age where you could collect any SS income.)
Cook misses that good old Soviet retirement system.
Robert Cook, in this thread, is pretty fucking on point! Especially his 3:07.
Robert Cook....
So, they should be made to pay their rightful taxes, or face civil or even criminal sanctions.
Do you really fail to understand basic economics?
Widget costs $100 to manufacture.
Profit of 10% is bearable to buyers who pay $110 for widget.
Government charges Corporation 20%.
Widget now costs $120 to manufacture due to government tax level.
Profit of 10% is bearable to buyers who now have to pay $132 for widget.
The corporation is noy paying the tax, the consumer is paying the tax.
"What is happening in Portland each night - brace yourself. The white left are going to lose what's left of their little brownshirt minds."
Doubtful. This little pretend revolutionary cosplay will be met with a hail of gunfire if they try to do this in say Odessa, Missouri or Salina, Kansas, Paducah, Kentucky etc. The rioters in Portland know there will be no consequences if they try to set a building on fire or parade around in their designer black tights and matching riot gear.
If you watch the twitter feeds from the last 2 weeks they scurry away like the cowards they are when met with a modicum of resistance when the Portland PD or Feds decide to clear a street. All they could do is hold up their phones trying to film as they dutifully walk quickly like the pussies they are as the Police shriek at them with a megaphone. Imagine if they hear real gun fire? They will literally shit their pants!
I HATE this type of rhetoric because it's not true: Democrats and Republicans do lots of things to address all these issues. Much of it just doesn't work.
They do lots of things and some of them work, a bit.
The problem is that, no matter what you do, you can't fix faulty people and they'll continue to fuck up.
Help the poor? No.
Yes. Welfare. Education grants, loans and programs. Social security disability payments.
Help black & brown people? No.
Yes. More welfare, affirmative action, etc. Approx. $1 trillion in welfare to blacks.
Stop police brutality? No.
Yes, quite a bit. Police used to be far more brutal than they are now, and would shoot people in the back if they were running away, or getting away and shot from ambush a la "Bonnie and Clyde".
They also don't physically torture people in prison or - or rarely, rather than regularly - beat confessions out of them.
Help single mothers? No.
Yes. Yet more welfare, gigantic child support support system (~50,000 people employed in support collections, IIRC, criminal penalties).
Help children? No.
Yes. Yet more welfare, child protective services, etc, counseling, and see above.
You have achieved nothing.
Silly thing to say. The current era is far nicer to irresponsible and incompetent people than say, the 1950s or 1920s or 1870s.
I gather Rose McGowan and her ilk don't know any history at all and are whining that the US isn't as good as a Utopia would be.
I didn't mean to imply that Democrats are responsible for the welfare, etc, systems I mentioned above, because the Republicans are almost as guilty.
"So, they should be made to pay their rightful taxes, or face civil or even criminal sanctions. If they're not paying their taxes, as you say, what are they passing on to the consumer? If they're doing as you say, they're price-gouging while enjoying privileged tax status."
Is it possible you missed Joe Smith's point so completely? I doubt it, but I've got time to waste:
Where do corporations get the money to buy raw materials?
Where do corporations get the money to pay their employees?
Where do corporations get the money to fix the front door?
Where do corporations get the money to pay their taxes?
Whoa, there. Doesn’t helping you help me count as helping?
Re the Civil rights act, let's remember that it was demmies, not repos who filibustered for 64 days trying to stop it.
Back when a filibuster meant actually standing and talking in shifts. Sleeping in cots in the cloakroom because they weren't allowed to leave the senate chamber if taking part.
You mean those? Those are the ones we are supposed to thank for the civil rights act?
Yeah, no.
John Henry
Someone pointed out that corporate taxes are paid by customers. They are built into the price.
That's correct but not complete.
Some portion also comes from employees in the form of lower wages.
Another portion comes from the owners (stockholders) in the form of lower profits.
Generally in that order.
John Henry
Robert Cook: "So, they should be made to pay their rightful taxes, or face civil or even criminal sanctions."
Marshall Rose: "Do you really fail to understand basic economics?"
Marshall, you are asking a marxist if he understands basic economics.
The answer is: no.
McGowan's viewpoint is especially true for Madison politicians.
Cook is bitter because his dishwasher job is not keeping up with the rest of the country, especially those of us who work.
r/v: "Bleach over history, please."
Yes, a russian collusion truther, Kavanaugh rape hoaxer, Covington Catholic smear-er, post-office hoaxer, left-wing history-resets-every-15-minutes hack wrote that.
Just now.
Without irony.
@Marshall Rose
Thank you.
Of course corporations should pay whatever the tax code says they should pay. But all they are doing is collecting those taxes from the consumers of their products.
When a consumer buys a product, the cost of the corporate tax is built into the price of that product. Now the consumers (us) have less money in our pockets.
So keep raising the corporate tax...corporations don't care. But you will.
@Robert Cook
Dying young is relative. Maybe I should have said that you had better be old now, because if you're old twenty years from now you won't get any of the money you paid into the system.
I would prefer to pay nothing into social security and instead invest it myself. I would be a lot richer had I been allowed to do that.
" Because of you motherfuckers..." followed by whatever nasty outcome you'd like to list (i.e. riots, looting, crashed economy. homeless shit on the streets)
I think Rose McGowan unwittingly created the perfect campaign slogan for the Republicans this fall.
Guildy, that definitely deserves to be in a hot link. Excellent! Thanks
Agreed. I can't tell if it's the audience laughing, or an added laugh track though. But it really shows Trump's perfect comedic timing.
Laughing at the comment: "This Presidency was filmed before a live studio audience"
I've always thought it is the unrealistic realities of altruism that made socialists destroy their own homes.
Where the slow pace of a job and a career produces far better results.
Tortoise and hare. Grasshopper and Ant. Mother nature doesn't like liberals.
When you tax a corporation the economic burden of the tax falls on some combination of higher prices to consumers, lower salaries and benefits for employees (or fewer employees) or lower profits to shareholders, with shareholders defined as individual investors, workers invested in retirement vehicles, and governments providing for their employees.
Corporate taxes are never a windfall for governments.
Your Team America quote brought back a great memory for me. My wife and I actually went to the theater to see the movie. I think she went because our adult kids said it was a great movie. Well I knew Trey Parker and had been a fan of "South Park" so I was game for the movie but I wasn't so sure about my wife's desire to see it "but ok"
So the "America, Fuck Yeah!" song came on and I looked over and I had never seen her laugh so hard. She still laughs at it when reminded.
Final point, she's a strong Trump supporter and I think that fits the song. For all the humor of the song its pretty dead on. I'm surprised it hasn't been used at least once at a Trump rally.
Drago said...
Stephen's ignorance is, unfortunately, clearly at readering levels.
Which is not a good thing.
I measured it at 605 millifreders...
Well, of course it is. What's worse, there was then and there is now no better choice! We're asked to choose Door #1 or Door #2, and the only thing we can know for sure is that whichever of these doors we choose, we're going to be fucked over, shit on, and lied to.
I'll take what's behind teh fur curtain, Bobby!
Corporate taxes are paid by some combination of the consumer, the owner or the employee. If the company can they pass the cost on as higher prices. The tax also reduces the amount paid in dividends to shareholders. Taxes also reduce investment which reduces job opportunities for employees resulting in lower wages. Either the corporate tax rate should be zero with dividends and capital gains taxed as regular income, or dividend and capital gains should not be taxed.
stop looking for the government to solve problems.
They just take your money.
That's why it should be as small as possible.
Who on earth is Rose McGowan and why should I care what she thinks?
Oh, apparently she is a fan of the IRA.
The lady makes a valid point.
Here's my take away from DNC follies...
Nails it dead nuts!
MadisonMan said...
Laughing at the comment: "This Presidency was filmed before a live studio audience"
Ooh, I would've missed that. Perfect.
Phil 314 said...
"So the "America, Fuck Yeah!" song came on and I looked over and I had never seen her laugh so hard. She still laughs at it when reminded."
Sincerely happy for you, Phil. I remember laughing so much that I had to take to the lobby halfway through to massage my sore jaws. Not sure who is more the comic genius — Trump, or Trey Parker.
Taxes takes the wealth out of circulation and puts that wealth into the most inefficient entity imaginable, the government. Remember $750 million for Obamacare introduction?
If Trump gives a prime time slot next week at the RNC to Tara Reade, who proceeds to describe how Slow Joe actually did grab her by the pussy, I will contribute $2,500 to the campaign and another $2,500 to this blog.
Freder Frederson: "Who on earth is Rose McGowan and why should I care what she thinks?"
Notice how seamlessly and effortlessly all the lefties slip into Harvey Weinstein protection mode.
And why is that?
Probably because of things like this from Michelle Obama:
"I want to start by thanking Harvey Weinstein for this amazing day. Harvey. This is possible because of Harvey...uh...he is a wonderful human being, a good friend, and just a powerhouse."
And this from Meryl Streep:
"I just want to thank my agent, Kevin Huvane and God...Harvey Weinstein. The punisher. Old Testament I guess."
And now we find out that Hillary went out of her way to give Ghislane Maxwell's nephew a position at the State Department.
Well, why not. It was all just so cozy between the Clinton's and the Epstein crew, wasn't it?
Freder Frederson: "Oh, apparently she is a fan of the IRA."
And there you see what happens when someone leaves the new Democrat Plantation.
Freder the Bundy Case Liar is on the case to smear McGowan.
And if that happens, I'm going to call, and I'm going to say, 'Mr. Bay Area Guy, please, I can't take it anymore, we can't win anymore like this. Mr. Bay Area Guy, you're driving us crazy, we're winning too much, please Mr. Bay Area Guy, not so much.
OT, but the latest on mail in voting:This.
"He lives in Omaha in Susie Buffett's neighborhood. I've met him twice and he's a super guy. He's been very generous to our alma mater. I feel very sorry for him."
Well, I guess that rules out the possibility that he might have stuck his dick in Rose McGowan when she was 15.
Althouse embraces nihilism - much like Trump.
Well, that's nice of you, Mr. Meade. I would accept that call from you and zoom a beer with you to create much mirth!
Hey Freder - Tara Reade says Slow Joe grabbed her by the pussy. You believe her, right?
Blogger Stephen said...
That makes a LOT of sense.
And without the Democrats, where would we be. Let's see...
No Civil Rights Act of 1964. No Voting Rights Act of 1965. No desegregation of southern schools under Title I.“
Umm ... the democrats voted against the civil rights act and the voting rights act.
RobinGoodfellow said...
Blogger Stephen said...
That makes a LOT of sense.
And without the Democrats, where would we be. Let's see...
No Civil Rights Act of 1964. No Voting Rights Act of 1965. No desegregation of southern schools under Title I.“
Umm ... the democrats voted against the civil rights act and the voting rights act.
That's hilarious. He reaches back three generations and he still can't name a Democratic accomplishment.
Who here thinks that Stephen, having had his starting premises completely shredded, will take even a moment to re-examine even a single conclusion he's drawn from those premises?
Beijing Boy ARM: "Althouse embraces nihilism - much like Trump."
Please speak up. We can't hear you over all the assaults, deaths and destruction lefties/dems/LLR-lefties are raining down on American cities.
Stephen said...
And without the Democrats, where would we be. Let's see...
No right to abortion, a pretty important right for single moms.
What is it like, being a total moron?
"Single mothers" took a pass on the "right to abortion".
A "right" only needed by people too fucking stupid to use birth control, or self control
So keep raising the corporate tax...corporations don't care. But you will.
Basically true... except when other countries have lower tax rates they gain a competitive edge over American companies, all things equal.
She'll vote for Biden anyway.
Stephen: And without the Democrats, where would we be. Let's see...
No Civil Rights Act of 1964. No Voting Rights Act of 1965. No desegregation of southern schools under Title I.
You stupid moron.
Go back to your teachers and professors, slap them across the face and demand a refund for letting you grow up the U.S. libtard equivalent of a Holocaust denialist.
Madame La Professeur said...
"Rose McGowan is trending on Twitter because of this tweet... which expresses something pretty close to how I feel."
Two thoughts. One, what of "cruel neutrality"? Rose McGowan's tweet is loaded with despondence. Neutrality isn't despondent. It is dispassionate. Two, will her sentiments stop either you or her from pulling the lever for Biden in November?
Don't be too hard on Stephen. From what I hear, schools don't teach history anymore. I'm assuming he's young. If not, well, there's no excuse.
“Althouse embraces nihilism“
This is completely wrong. IMHO.
Why would she keep this up every day for so many years if she understood that it was pointless, and her time and mind would be better spent doing other stuff? Plus look at how amped up Meade is in this thread. He’s sure he’s making some sorta useful something or another.
Sure, there could be some sorta specturm-y explanation re Althouse. After all, she was the weirdo at a libertarian convention thing-y (btw, are there still commenters (not inc Meade) in these threads that know about that?), so.....make of that what you will.
Anywho, odds are this will never be seen. The delete machine has been agro re me re recently. Presumably I deserve it. I dunno.
Carry on.
When you’ve lost Rose McGowan....
Re my last comment: a history lesson for folks not OG like me:
"Stephen said...
And without the Democrats, where would we be. Let's see..."
The Dems haven't done much for the last fifty years. They're coasting on the New Deal and the Civil Rights era if we accept their own history. If you look at Stephen's list. The achievements are almost all before 1973. But new problems have come up and many of them are in the major cities which have mostly been run by Democrats for the last 50 years - the homeless and the mentally ill over-running the major cities, loss of tax base in cities due to the middle class moving to the suburbs followed by the loss of manufacturing to China followed by the flight of the rich from the attempt to replace middle class and manufacturing taxes by heavy taxes on the rich; secret taxes on the poor in the form of ticket quotas; poor enforcement of health codes in big cities in poor areas; rotten schools; gangs; drugs; and now riots and pandemic deaths in old-age homes. And the Dems have no ideas for any of it. The two recent achievements Stephen cites are gay marriage and Obamacare. These don't address the problems which have grown up in the big cities run by Democrats. A Republican, Rudy Giuliani, fixed some these problems in NYC showing it could be done; but his work has been undone by a Democrat showing that life in cities will just get worse as long as Democrats run the cities. A Republican, Donald Trump, fixed some of the problems flowing from the loss of the manufacturing base to China and from high energy prices but the Democrats have promised to ruin his work as they did Giuliani's if they win this election. I believe them. MAGA.
And without the Democrats, where would we be. Let's see...
No secession, no Confederacy, no Civil War, no Ku Klux Klan, no Jim Crow, no segregation.
No wasteful government inflation of health care costs, asinine Certificate of Need laws, and similar nonsense, allowing health care in general to follow the same cheaper-safer-bettter cycle that vision-correction surgery, plastic surgery, and veterinary care have all seen.
No unions bankrupting and destroying American industry.
Substantially lower tax rates, fueling faster growth and resulting in vastly greater American prosperity.
Nobody using the coercive power of the state to force people to act against their religious beliefs.
For starters....
Thank you Rockeye and of course Meade.
Girl is posting even more twitters on this Friday night, going off!
Ann, to the comment at the end of your statement, Rose McGowan said something else in an interview that struck me:
"I thought democracy meant…I had a right to choose those who lined up with my value system,” then continued. “But what if there’s no one?”
——— Actress Rose McGowan
I would say to Ms McGowan that as long as we have the 2-party system as it now operates, you can just forget about there being anyone like that to choose. Sorry.
Yep, she may be on to something, although getting it right once or twice a day does not make her a brilliant thinker - she's till a Leftist and was at fault for all those years of supporting Democratics.
AA - give this young lady her due - Kim Klacik - this ad is devastating to Democrats and if Mr. Trump uses it at the GOP convention - goodbye blacks for Democrats. It's already getting great traction.
Ann, it might express something pretty close to what you feel, but you're still going to vote a straight Democratic ticket.
Has Blogger changed it's procedures, or am I being blocked? Previously, when my comment was posted, after moderation, I got an email listing my comment and subsequent comments to that same blog. Lately, I have been getting nothing to my email follow-up requests.
Just considering Obama, he expanded Medicaid, which has saved the lives of many thousands poor individuals, and his DACA order has helped 800,000 immigrants. You can't say he did nothing to help poor people or immigrants. And just consider the things that Democrats haven't done, including defunding Planned Parenthood and supporting Title IX funding (family planning funding) to groups that don't provide contraception, appointing right wing judges, going to court to require trans students to use the bathroom assigned to their birth sex, etc.,
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