August 26, 2020

"President Trump and the Republican Party placed the powers of the federal government in service to Trump’s reelection on Tuesday..."

"... staging pardoning and naturalization ceremonies as part of the GOP’s official nominating convention and using the White House Rose Garden for a speech by the first lady.... The format bucked traditional norms of diplomacy and launched a House investigation into whether Pompeo violated the Hatch Act, a federal law that separates government functions from political ones — and a line that Trump and many of his aides have appeared to delight in blurring. Pompeo's address, delivered with the night skyline of Jerusalem behind him, celebrated Trump's relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to 'this very city of God, Jerusalem.'... The president made an unadvertised appearance less than 15 minutes into Tuesday night's broadcast, where he signed a pardon for Jon Ponder, a convicted criminal who turned his life around with help from a former FBI agent. The two men, both scheduled as speakers Tuesday, appeared alongside Trump at the White House.... Trump has largely bypassed the traditional pardon system, in which convicted people appeal to the Justice Department.... Trump made a second unadvertised appearance Tuesday, to preside over a naturalization ceremony for five immigrants, which also featured acting homeland security secretary Chad Wolf. Speaking at the White House, Trump praised the three women and two men from all corners of the globe for their perseverance. 'You followed the rules, and you obeyed the laws. You learned your history, embraced our values and proved yourselves to be men and women of the highest integrity,' Trump said. Trump has always put gauze over the specifics of his wife’s immigration story...."

From "Trump uses powers of government in service of reelection, with pardoning and naturalization ceremonies" (WaPo).


Temujin said...

Trump is killing them on all fronts.

gilbar said...

that separates government functions from political ones — and a line that Trump and many of his aides have appeared to delight in blurring.

This has NEVER happened before! well, except for EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE WASHINGTON

I'm Full of Soup said...

Liberals get the vapors over everything Trump does. Even when he does nice things. So screw all the humorless scolds.

JPS said...

Well, they'd better impeach him. Again.

Mike said...

He's just working from home.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Poor babies at Wapoo(D)

wild chicken said...

If he does win in a landslide, he's gonna be hard to handle!

madAsHell said...

I'm not really guessing, but.......The chain of evidence goes all the way to Obama.

wendybar said...

The media refuses to show it when he does it on a normal day, so he brought it to the people. Great job, wonderful President who loves America and its people and the people immigrating here LEGALLY!!!

wendybar said...

If the Hatch act matters, then John Kerry should be arrested immediately for still talking to Iran behind the Presidents back violating the Logan act. If acts matter..then they should all matter. haha!!

LYNNDH said...

He has a Pen and a Phone!

Big Mike said...

Trump has largely bypassed the traditional pardon system, in which convicted people appeal to the Justice Department....

You’re supposed to wait until someone as wealthy as Marc Rich bribes you.

Wilson Carroll said...

Reading the first sentence I almost thought this would be a story about Trump using the CIA / FBI / IRS to target his political opponents.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are allowed to, but not Trump.

DanTheMan said...

Biden family becoming millionaires by government graft and corruption: No problem
Michelle Obama spending $10 million on vacations with 100+ friends: No problem
Obama siccing the FBI on President Elect Trump: No problem

Trump swearing in some new citizens: OMG! ABUSE OF POWER!!!

hawkeyedjb said...

Ah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dark and scary naturalization ceremonies!

MayBee said...

Katherine Sebilius, as HHS Secretary, campaigned for Barack Obama. The FEC found it a violation. And nothing happened and nobody cared.

I would like the House to investigate using an impeachment to get rid of Trump before the election was in service to Biden's election.

Hari said...

"The format bucked traditional norms of diplomacy and launched a House investigation into whether Pompeo violated the Hatch Act, a federal law that separates government functions from political ones — and a line that Trump and many of his aides have appeared to delight in blurring."

1) Trump bucked tradition
2) Trump's actions (as opposed to the House's actions) launched an investigation
3) Trump appears to enjoy himself

And that's all they've got.

bleh said...

I really pine for the days when I could read a major newspaper to get informed about important events and not feel disgust at the overt politicking.

rcocean said...

Yeah, Right. Hillary emails? No big Whoop. Clinton getting lewinsky's in the white house? Move Biden's son getting millions from corrupt foreigners? WHo cares.

But Trump? Hey, he's violating the Hatch act in some nit-picky way that no one cares about. Let's make it the top new story! Again, this is just MSM DNC-Media 101. EVERY Action by Trump must be criticized or found to be matter how lame or ridiculous the criticism.

Ken B said...

I don’t like Trump's theatrics, but to seriously argue it’s a crime to film a naturalization ceremony, which we have all seen filmed before, is absurd.

LilyBart said...

Obama uses the FBI and IRS to assist in his elections, and people want to complain about a swearing in of new citizens?

Joe Smith said...

Oh come on, you know they would have done it if they had thought of it first : )

Let's face it, Covid is an extenuating circumstance.

The Dems will impeach no matter what, might as well give them something good to get frothy about.

The pardon was very emotional. The citizens oath was too long.

Trump, a builder, jumped into TV producing with no prior experience and was very successful. He then jumped into politics and won the highest elected office on earth on his first try.

They hate him because he beats them at their own rigged games.

NCMoss said...

The headline is rather anodyne (for a change); their heads must really be spinning.

Whiskeybum said...

Shorter Wapo/DEM-MSM: dammit! Why didn't WE think of doing all that??

Clyde said...

Waaah, waaah, waaah! He "bucks traditional norms"! This past four years the Democrats have bucked ALL traditional norms, starting with Obama's henchmen spying on the Trump campaign and transition team and weaponizing the FBI and DOJ against incoming administration. So pardon me if I don't particularly care if Trump stays in the White House for his convention activities during a pandemic that caused the Democrats to shut their portions of the country down. I don't care if he pardons someone on live TV or witnesses the citizenship ceremony. Trump and the Republicans represent Traditional America. We're not going to give it up without a fight!

tim maguire said...

What a neat toy that Hatch Act is for the Democrats. A veritable medicinal compounds, so efficacious in every case.

Bob Boyd said...

"Trump uses powers of government in service of reelection, with pardoning and naturalization ceremonies"

That's how it's supposed to work. The voters send their candidate to Washington to do things they want him to do. If he does those things, he gets re-elected.

The Bergall said...

Is this journalism, opinion or op-ed? Can't distinguish anymore, just bias.

Wince said...

Democrats have their riots, Trump has his office and his pen.

stlcdr said...

Having a hard time seeing how the President performing his non-partisan duties violates the Hatch Act.

Rick.T. said...

Finally cracked the code. When Republicans do it, it's "unprecedented." When Democrats do it, it's "historic."

gspencer said...

"Trump uses the power of government"

Gee, what a bitch. Maybe you should take your complaint to the Lois Lerner Center for Even-Handedness and Fairness for resolution.

stlcdr said...

Ah, they can't get Trump so lets go after one of his followers!

Rick.T. said...

That pardon signing was epic. I'm as cynical as they come - see my response downstream to that Kenosha criminal's mother - but this got to me a bit.

LakeLevel said...

Polls show that a large majority of Americans regard the news from the left wing press as highly suspect. They have already spent most of their power and these type of stories will have little effect. From here to November it will be nothing but ginned up nonsense from the usual suspects, all of which can safely be ignored.

lgv said...

Let the new impeachment proceedings begin right away. Or would that be considered a contribution-in-king to the re-election of Trump.

Jersey Fled said...


Name a President who didn't use the powers of the President to aid his reelection.

Quick again

Name a President who wasn't a Republican who WAPO criticized for it.

Ken said...

I was prepared to point out the usual media double standard of accusing Trump of something that they never reported under Obama. But I was astonished to find out that Obama didn't pardon anyone in 2012.

jnseward said...


Brent said...

Now do Kathleen Sibelius and Julian Castro under Obama. Actually found in violation of Hatch Act. Obanma? Did nothing.
Remember Al Gore in the Clinton White House?: "No controlling legal authority".
It was finished and toothless right there."

daskol said...

This is hilarious. I can see in my mind's eye, they are watching and sputtering "can he do that? Is he allowed to do that? How come we've never done that?"

There is something revealing and highly comical to the rapid news cycle, in which people's undigested thoughts are put out quickly, either to gather clicks or desperately try to control the narrative. It's not all funny, of course, but sometimes it is very funny indeed.

Brent said...

Now do Kathleen Sibelius and Julian Castro under Obama. Actually found in violation of Hatch Act. Obanma? Did nothing.
Remember Al Gore in the Clinton White House?: "No controlling legal authority".
It was finished and toothless right there

Howard said...

Sleezy vs Sleepy.

Michael said...

As opposed to using the most secret and sensitive powers of government to undermine and obstruct a Presidential campaign and an incoming administration. Unlike Obama, Trump does what he does for all to see.

Banjo said...

"I really pine for the days when I could read a major newspaper to get informed about important events and not feel disgust at the overt politicking."

You must be really old to remember those days. At least 90, is my guess.

Scott said...

Taking the advantages of incumbency to new levels. And making those advantages public, rather than hiding pork and favors to constituents and donors in the normal sausage making.
An observation on the pardon power. It's absolute and while the DoJ has a system in place to evaluate pardon applications and present recommendations to the president, he doesn't have to participate in the system at his discretion. And isn't it better for him to issue pardons and commutations during his tenure and prior to an election when the citizens can evaluate the propriety of the pardons/commutations, rather than at the end of his term when he can use that absolute power with no recourse from the voters?

daskol said...

The no doubt highly compensated best and brightest strategists went with "dark," going way back to Trump's first convention and inauguration speech. They telegraphed that they were sticking with "dark." So team Trump gives them a day of nothing but light. This all can't be as easy as Trump makes it look, but that is what they say about highly skilled people: they make it look easy. The Dems make this all look impossible, like they couldn't possibly win an election the old-fashioned way of persuading people to vote for their candidate.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki, to name 2 of 5 who spoke at a previous DNC, but of course the Democrats made a point (used an excuse) to state they were there in a personal capacity and not an official one.

stevew said...

Separate government functions from political ones... It's an entirely political office, both in terms of acquisition and execution. There is nothing to separate. As for these so-called norms, well, those are what people reference when they are desperate to criticize.

Paul said...

I hear six times as many people watched the opening of the RNC convention as did the DNC convention.

Trump is gonna win by a landside, no, he is gonna win by a tsunami.

Narayanan said...

holding to traditional norms >>>> is that not definition of conservative?

and not holding ... >>>> liberal or progressive?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think it's illegal for the RNC to even hold a convention.

Only the corrupt Democrat party are allowed to rule.

Todd said...

hawkeyedjb said...

Ah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dark and scary naturalization ceremonies!

8/26/20, 9:10 AM

No goats were sacrificed in the performance of this ceremony...

Birches said...

Hoes mad.

LA_Bob said...

Nothing new here. The opposition party always complains the incumbent misuses his official powers to help his re-election. And they're always right.

Both doing it and complaining about it are American traditions. Just like apple pie.

Freder Frederson said...

I hear six times as many people watched the opening of the RNC convention as did the DNC convention.

Well, you heard wrong. Apparently, the number of people watching it on CSPAN was unusually large, which of course had all the Trumpists jumping the gun and crowing early before the final numbers were in.

D.D. Driver said...

"Trump has largely bypassed the traditional pardon system, in which convicted people appeal to the Justice Department..."

I'm pretty sure this is what reformers have been asking for, taking pardoning decisions out of the hands of the prosecutors who put the people behind bars in the first place.

This election shines a big spotlight on just how phony modern politics is. If you are a BLM activist, and criminal justice reform is one of your top issues, how can you possibly justify voting for the candidate that authored the 1994 Crime Bill over the candidate that has started to roll back its most egregious provisions? How do you vote for the candidate that has pledged to reschedule or deschedule pot over the candidate that still wants to fight marijuana with the zeal of Richard Nixon? How do you vote for the candidate that wants federal law enforcement involved in making sure people are properly attired in surgical masks? What an amazingly boneheaded idea if you actually care about reducing the number of police confrontations.

I think the answer is that don't really care about reform. They just want power.

traditionalguy said...

And what’s more, he used Melania, Tiffany, Eric and Don Jr. as a cast in his movie about himself. Who does he think he is? That must be Ill Eagle.

Michael K said...

wendybar said...
If the Hatch act matters, then John Kerry should be arrested immediately for still talking to Iran behind the Presidents back violating the Logan act. If acts matter..then they should all matter. haha!!

Oh, Kerry is way beyond the Hatch Act.

He, or at least his top aide, worked for Russian oligarchs.

Jonathan Winer, a former top aide to Secretary of State John Kerry who was a key conduit for disseminating the discredited Steele dossier in the U.S. government, worked as a lobbyist for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska in years preceding the Russiagate affair. This revelation raises new questions about Russian efforts to influence American foreign policy -- far afield from any Kremlin efforts to favor Donald Trump.

Kerry also has interesting friends (patrons?) in Iran.

Big Mike said...

Apparently the Democrats investigating Pompeo are unaware that the Hatch Act specifically exempts “an employee appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, whose position is located within the United States, who determines policies to be pursued by the United States in the nationwide administration of Federal laws.” Kind of describes the cabinet officers, don’t you think?

Lucien said...

Of course a lot of this was never done before because the conventions all happened in a particular place with big crowds and tons of reporters!
Now the convention speeches and events are being done remotely, so originality and creativity are on display.

Big Mike said...

Trump and the Republicans represent Traditional America. We're not going to give it up without a fight!

@Clyde, damned right!

tim maguire said...

Rick.T. said...
Finally cracked the code. When Republicans do it, it's "unprecedented." When Democrats do it, it's "historic."

Nice catch! I have to add that to the left is passionate, the right is angry, and Democrats stand together, Republicans fall in line.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

Bay Area Guy said...

The WaPost is trying to lecture us on proper protocols!

Politely, go fuck off. Nobody listens to you.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

DemocRATs are just pissed off that they can't do something like this because it would drive off half their base.

Are W said...

I dislike things covered with gauze and I hope today can be a gauze free day for all of us.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I believe 6 of Obama's Cabinet members spoke at the 2012 DNC.

At times like these, you have to ask yourself: just how stupid ARE these people?

There's nothing new or unusual about what Trump's doing hereSo when they whine about it, all they do is tell people not to believe ANY of their claims about "Trump's violating the norms and standards!"

It's like they WANT to sabotage themselves

Jersey Fled said...

Good one, Ken B

Amadeus 48 said...

Trump is winning. WaPoo is appealing to the harumphing classes.

By the way, I clicked on the NatSecforBiden (73 former GOP national security officials for Biden--you know, those people who got us into a 20 year war in Afghanistan/Iraq with no plan to win) because I wanted to see what their statement was. Surprisingly, they buy into the Trump colluded with Russia in 2016 theme. You'd think those folks would follow the news more closely. Didn't they read the Mueller Report?

And where was Adam Schiff at the DNC? He used to be everywhere. Maybe he is having a neck augmentation procedure.

Skeptical Voter said...

Nothing to see here. Move on.

Kevin said...

Governor William J. Le Petomane: Holy underwear! Precedents murdered? Rules we use to restrain the other party blown to bits? We've got to protect our phoney-baloney jobs, gentleman! We must do something about this immediately! Immediately, immediately! Harrumph, harrumph!"

[Other staff 'harrumph' as well]

I didn't get a "harrumph" out of that guy!

Hedley Lamarr: Give the governor "harrumph"!

Staff member: Harrumph!

Governor William J. Le Petomane: You watch your ass.

Kevin said...

If we had a media that reported the things Trump did, he wouldn't have to highlight them during his convention.

How many people are just learning about Jerusalem today?

n.n said...

WaPoo takes umbrage with event timing and Trump's xenophilia. Welcome to America.

Meanwhile, WaPoo et al are holding witch trials ("trial by press") and stalking Americans that don't fit their ideological bent, 16 trimesters and in progress. That said, enter the Sandmann who stands on principles of life, liberty, and opportunity.

Joe Smith said...

Jim Geraghty on Twitter shows screen captures of 6 (six!) Obama cabinet secretaries speaking at the DNC convention in 2012.

Hypocrite much?

Bay Area Guy said...


Todd said...

Joe Smith said...

Jim Geraghty on Twitter shows screen captures of 6 (six!) Obama cabinet secretaries speaking at the DNC convention in 2012.

Hypocrite much?

8/26/20, 11:07 AM

Oh PLEASE! That was so 15 minutes ago! For the left, history starts anew every minute!

Drago said...

I hear six times as many people watched the opening of the RNC convention as did the DNC convention.

Bundy Case and McCloskey Case Liar Field Marshall Freder: "Well, you heard wrong. Apparently, the number of people watching it on CSPAN was unusually large, which of course had all the Trumpists jumping the gun and crowing early before the final numbers were in."


Freder's spinning is truly approaching LLR-lefty levels.

Go to Freder's link and what do you see?

An article about total TV viewership of the RNC being down compared to the dems. Just TV viewership.

Now ask yourself why that might be?

Why would republicans (actual republicans, not LLR-lefty FakeCon "republicans" who are fighting for democrats and marxist policies) and conservatives watch the republican convention on any TV network (save CSPAN)? Even on Fox you've got the Wallace/Stirewalt crew running around and cutting in and irritating viewers so lots and lots of people are watching either CSPAN (which has 6 times the viewers of the RNC over the DNC, which is what the original comment was based on) or streaming it live via a channel that will show the entire presentation without interruption on other devices.

That's what I've been doing anyway as are most of my family and acquaintances (of those that have discussed it).

Even older folks are engaging on streaming services and links in social media for speeches and special moments. It's those follow on engagements that reinforce the original messaging that determines the true impact of political messaging in 2020.

Which is why the lefty social media outlets are doing everything they can to limit access to republican messaging.

Amazon, which live streamed the entirety of the democratical riot-supporting convention is not making the republican convention easily accessible nor the entire proceeding.

Because of course they're not.

I next expect Field Marshall Freder to regale us with stories about how great the dems are doing by comparing convention viewership on Amazon streaming services.

It's all more of the same self-delusion the democraticals/LLR-lefties fed themselves in 2016.

Sam L. said...

Take One: The HORROR!! The horror...
Take TWO: The GLORY!! The GLORY!!

Big Mike said...

Next Trump dirty trick that will have the Post and Times frothing at the mouth: convincing the voters in Wisconsin, California, and New Yawk to vote for Trump “to send a message” to Evers, Newsom, Cuomo, and DeBlasio.

Danno said...

their heads must really be spinning

Trump has a knack for making their TDS spin out of control. The opposition must be at eleventy by now. Hopefully some of them will blow a gasket or vapor-lock soon!

Mrs. X said...

“ Well, you heard wrong. Apparently, the number of people watching it on CSPAN was unusually large, which of course had all the Trumpists jumping the gun and crowing early before the final numbers were in.”

Why would anyone interested in actually watching the Republican convention watch it on network news? They don’t even show most of the convention; the hosts and panelists talk over the speeches because they don’t want their viewers to hear them. Total viewership, including online, is the relevant number and I doubt we’ll ever know what it was.

Roughcoat said...

You guys is really funny today!

Yancey Ward said...

Well, you know there is nothing "darker" in political conventions than pardons and naturalization ceremonies.

Sebastian said...

The extent of prog bitching varies directly with the effectiveness of Trumpian gestures.

Cynical though I am, the professionalism of the Trump machine in the production of stylish propaganda impresses me.

Bruce Hayden said...

“If the Hatch act matters, then John Kerry should be arrested immediately for still talking to Iran behind the Presidents back violating the Logan act. If acts matter..then they should all matter. haha!!”

Just a clarification. Kerry appears to have violated the unconstitutional LOGAN Act by negotiating with Iran as a private citizen. The HATCH Act prohibits (at least the Executive Branch) federal employees from engaging in politics. Obviously exempted are elected officials (including POTUS and VP), who have to engage in politics. The perennial problem is that cabinet officials are very often political by their nature, but as federal employees, aren’t Supposed to engage in politics. As for the White House, there is supposed to be a bright between the political and operational side. Thus, for example, members of the NSC are covered by Hatch, but not, for example, the Press Secretary or her staff.

NCMoss said...

Somewhere, John Kerry is humming to himself, "You've got a fiend".

Drago said...

Joe Smith: "Jim Geraghty on Twitter shows screen captures of 6 (six!) Obama cabinet secretaries speaking at the DNC convention in 2012.
Hypocrite much?"

According to democraticals and LLR-lefties, that doesnt count because obambis cabinet secretaries were dreamy and "magnificent".

MikeR said...

"President Trump and the Republican Party placed the powers of the federal government in service to Trump’s reelection on Tuesday..." A president using the fact that he is doing his job in order to get elected. Trump is breaking new ground.

Matt Sablan said...

We should be wary of the federal government abusing its power to influence elections.

Clearly, the best way to do this is to allow the Post Office to handle millions of ballots.

rhhardin said...

Trump is using the FBI and CIA to spy on Biden with illegal FISA warrants.

gerry said...

Precedent: Obama spied on poltitical opponents using powers of the federal government.

Bay Area Guy said...

I would definitely vote for Gov. William J. Le Petomane over Gretchen Whitmer, who bears an eerie resemblance to Nurse Ratched from 1FOTCN.

steve uhr said...

I watched more of the Republican convention than the Democrat convention - know thine enemy -- so not sure what viewing numbers tell you.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

It's only fair, since Trump's predecessor used the powers of government to spy on and subvert his campaign and presidency.

Joe Smith said...

"I didn't get a "harrumph" out of that guy!"

"We've got to protect our phony-baloney jobs!"

effinayright said...

A bit off-topic, but I'm wondering if CNN's Joe Lockhart didn't step on his....necktie....when he called Sandmann “a snot-nosed entitled kid from Kentucky.”

Thing is, CNN settled the libel suit Sandmann filed against them. Such private settlements often contain a "non-disparagement" clause to prevent the loser from continuing to attack the person they agreed to pay damages to.

So Lockhart might have put CNN in more legal jeopardy.

I certainly hope so.

ConradBibby said...

For those too young to remember this, when the Clintons were in the WH, they set up a deal where big campaign donors above a certain level of fundraising were offered a chance to sleep overnight in the Lincoln bedroom. IOW, the Clintons literally rented out stays at the WH as of way to raise campaign funds.

Drago said...

The democraticals will always despise the move of our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem since it pisses off the dems islamic supremacist/Wipe Israel off the map allies.

Michael K said...

Interesting steve thinks Republicans are the "enemy."

Hope for civility after the election but I doubt we will see with that attitude.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democraticals

I am so stealing that. heh.

ConradBibby said...

People criticizing the naturalization and pardon ceremonies miss the point that probably 90 percent of the country, or at least 90 percent of that segment of the population that's not directly involved in political activity, loves that kind of stuff. So harshing on it is completely counter-productive to the critics' goals. It's similar to when Reagan started introducing everyday heroes, etc., at SOTU speeches, a tradition that I think every president since Reagan has partaken in. RWR was criticized for using people as "props," but the viewers/voters gobbled it up. So the Dems should take the high road (hah!), tip their hat to the president for honoring the folks involved in this fashion, and plan on doing the same thing themselves if and when they ever win the WH again.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well at least Trump didn't use the FBI like Obama did.

Jim at said...

Let me know when Trump sics the IRS on left-wing non-profit groups, and then I'll pay attention to him using the government for re-election purposes.

n.n said...

Clearly, the best way to do this is to allow the Post Office to handle millions of ballots.

Monolithic systems are prone to a single point of failure. 50 states is good. Getting people out of the house to assure accountability and privacy is good, too. It would be nice if everyone was religious/moral and adopt common principles, but in the wake of that universalism, there are competing interests to mitigate progress of people, groups, interests running amuck.

Known Unknown said...

I am sympathetic to this criticism of Trump but I don't see how it differs much from previous administrations using the 'bully pulpit' if you will, nor how much gray area exists in which to operate.

DavidUW said...

He used the IRS to sit on non profits’ applications like Obama?

Ambrose said...

The term "rose garden campaign" is at leaset 50 years old.

hstad said...

WaPo - '...this is all we got...another Trump investigation...?"

TDS - there's no forces the Dems to look at every action Mr. Trump takes, while he's beating them at everything. Mr. Trump is playing 3 Dimensional Chess, and the Dems are still at 'Tiddlywinks'. Amazing that so many Democratic leaders are not seeing what's happening? This keeps up massive landslide victory for Mr. Trump.

elkh1 said...

Trump was holding a get-together in his backyard. The only thing wrong was he didn't do a BBQ.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“ Blogger wholelottasplainin' said...
A bit off-topic, but I'm wondering if CNN's Joe Lockhart didn't step on his....necktie....when he called Sandmann ‘a snot-nosed entitled kid from Kentucky.‘“

Oh, snap! You might be correct!

Iman said...

I remember reading an article about USPS employees supporting Hillary Clinton’s campaign during working hours in 2016.

wildswan said...

The RNC Convention last night was a show which was fun to watch - on CSPAN without irritating commentators and camera cutaways. Short speeches, real people, the politicians talking about the rule of law or the attacks of Trump which is more interesting that lists of their great moments. Melania was her elegant and beautiful self - it's a shame the way the left never really lets her be and do all she could be for the country. OTOH, the great fashion and culture center of NYC that drove her out and tried to cancel her has now imploded. Maybe someday they'll be coming to the White House to ask her to help them revive.

Anonymous said...

This 2020 election is going to be a FIESTA! I'm trying to put a happy face on it. In 2005, Argentina erupted in 'unrest'. Those who lived in Historic Districts weathered the storm. OK, I'm trolling Meade and Ann. I know that I will take the brunt. Buwaya got out. I will not get out. This thing is mine. We created a place where the oppressed from all over this God-forsaken world could come and breathe. We got Ilhan Omar. Believe whatever you want, God has a wicked sense of humor. (Well, not wicked, but still.)

ken in tx said...

The Hatch Act is enforced by the Merit Systems Protection Board. The most serious penalty that it can impose is dismissal from the Civil Service. Political hires, who are not in the civil service, can theoretically be fired for violating the act, but if their boss chooses not to, the act provides no remedy.

Gospace said...

wholelottasplainin' said...
A bit off-topic, but I'm wondering if CNN's Joe Lockhart didn't step on his....necktie....when he called Sandmann “a snot-nosed entitled kid from Kentucky.”

Thing is, CNN settled the libel suit Sandmann filed against them. Such private settlements often contain a "non-disparagement" clause to prevent the loser from continuing to attack the person they agreed to pay damages to.

So Lockhart might have put CNN in more legal jeopardy.

I certainly hope so.

That's the first thing I thought seeing the tweet. Including the last line- I certainly hope so.

DeepRunner said...

The Bleating Sheep at The Washington Post bleated...
"The format bucked traditional norms of diplomacy and launched a House investigation into whether Pompeo violated the Hatch Act, a federal law that separates government functions from political ones"

Of course it did. I can imagine San Fran Nan and Schumah and Schiff and Nads and the MSM rubbing their hands in utter salivating, drooling glee at the prospect of launching an "investigation." Trump is 100 percent showman, and is using The Big Show this week. Pompeo is a political appointee. Not sure the Hatch Act, a civil service relic from a bygone era, applies.

Will Cate said...

The Trump administration does this sort of stuff every day, but there is never any press coverage about it, because orange-man-bad and so forth. So why shouldn't they put a little of that on display during the convention? Good for them.

Sam L. said...

"From "Trump uses powers of government in service of reelection, with pardoning and naturalization ceremonies" (WaPo)." Ahhhh, the WaPoo! Not knowing what they did.

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