From "Kimberly Guilfoyle trashed California. She goes way back with two of the state’s most important Democrats" (WaPo), where I also saw this:
I recently learned of this photo of kim guilfoyle and gavin newsom when they were married and I've just been finding any reason to share it— Tanya Chen (@tanyachen) August 25, 2020
Some of the top rated comments over there: "Time will not be good to her. I have a high level of confidence that after this speech she went and killed 101 Dalmatians"/"There isn't a single authentic thing about Kimberly Guilfoyle. Physically or mentally"/"Guilfoyle's 'speech' was truly terrifying. I half expected the stage to burst in flames as she called upon the armies of G-d to rise up to defend freedom. That was no longer a dog whistle but a bullhorn"/"Calling on god while she is a home wrecking harlot"/"the most vulgar woman placed exactly where she belongs: Into the most vulgar american family. she fits like a glove"/"I never could take seriously anyone who trowels-on make-up... I just see clowns."
I saw a couple of minutes of her speech. She was a bit strident. She will have to go a ways to be less strident than Harris
She wears too much makeup.
OK, we've heard about Kimberley.
Now let's talk about Vernon Jones, Tim Scott and Herschel Walker.
Or would that upset the narrative?
One comment you quoted:
“There isn’t a single authentic thing about KG”
I say the same all the time about Kamala. Ugh.
Could the woman be any more classic “all about me” politician?
Is there a single person who believes she cares about “the people”? Anyone ? anyone? Bueller?
Because it's all really just a uniparty. That's why today's Neo-Nazi, Richard Spencer, is voting for Biden because he was a big part of Occupy Wall Street and they're all on the same team that occupies two tents inside a giant fence. The goal of all of them within the fence is that everyone outside the fence should just shut up and be obedient.
Those top rated mean girl comments are really effective with other mean girls. Still, it is boring stuff. WaPo has the readers it deserves.
I recently learned of this photo of kim guilfoyle and gavin newsom when they were married and I've just been finding any reason to share it
What for and so what? I don't get it.
"Guilfoyle's 'speech' was truly terrifying.
Since the mention in these comments of R. Crumb's "On the Bum Again" I've been enjoying the idea of "Big Baby" to describe those who claim to be terrified, exhausted, deeply hurt, etc., by nothing much at all.
She wandered off the corruptocrat plantation?
Guards - seize her!
Although she seems to have a pretty good mind and great legs, I was never a fan when she was on The Five. Too much makeup, too much hairspray, too much everything. I can't take her seriously with all that goop on.
Unless you are on a stage where patrons in the back need to see your facial expressions, makeup should not be noticable.
Don't even get me started on the eyelashes that resemble buzzard wings that are all the rage these days.
Your mileage may vary.
Tolerant Women loving people those commenters are. Isn't it funny how the party of Hope and Change is so bitter when people are doing better than they are???
Throughout history jealous, catty women have been the worst enemies of other women.
Ah, the hate. Who are these people that are "terrified" by words? Especially as spoken at a political convention? No one whose judgement I trust.
I saw that photograph on Twitter last night. I don't know what the hell the photographer was thinking taking it or Harper's was thinking publishing it. The pose is awkward, the scale and proportion seem off, and you can practically feel all the tension in her arms, shoulders, and neck.
She's like the Seinfeld character who sometimes looks good and then... sometimes not so good
I tend to have great appreciation for Kimberly but during that speech last night I was thinking: Why is Jessica Rabbit screaming at me?
I tend to have great appreciation for Kimberly but during that speech last night I was thinking: Why is Jessica Rabbit screaming at me?
she is a home wrecking harlot
it's Interesting to hear someone's first wife referred to as a home wrecking harlot
Mark Steyn once called her a cocktail waitress and she never forgot it. I thought it was a very funny..............
I mean, if we're going to talk about relationships and how they advanced people's careers we just MUST discuss Kamala's dating Willie Brown (when he was still married), the fact that he then appointed her to two (paid, taxpayer-funded) political posts (the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission), and how she leveraged her personal relationship with him to career success, right?
Or is that truth just to sexist to mention?
I thought Nikki Haley was effective. Kim Klasic too. The theme of addressing the plight of Dem run cities and states is on target if you are a voter in a purple state.
- Krumhorn
Missed the speech, don't know the woman, but gosh, sounds like some people really, really dislike her. Yet, the reaction to her speech indicates that a lot of anti-Trump people were indeed glued to the convention coverage last night. Here's hoping those anti-Trump viewers end every evening this week with such bile boiling in their rotting guts.
for the life of me, I cannot understand why Newsome is straight. He screams "I'm gay".
OK, she was a little (!) over-caffinated. But she didn't "trash California." She simply pointed out that progressive Democrats (like her ex-husband and Biden's VP selection) had trashed it. WaPo needs to start looking through the correct end of the telescope.
I tend to have great appreciation for Kimberly but during that speech last night I was thinking: Why is Jessica Rabbit screaming at me?
She's for Trump because he makes her laugh!
Catty catty catty---and as a grumpy old man I could give a tinker's toot for the swipes in a cat fight.
As for Guilfoyle's speech last night I saw a bit of it and wondered who'd put the jalapenos in her lunch that day. She was as much on fire as the red dress she wore.
There is a very interesting recent Politico article about Kamala Harris's rise in San Francisco society and politics--and also about the rather tight group of the Pelosis, Jerry .Browns, Gettys and Newsoms. Kamala got introduced to that crowd on the arm of, and as the side piece, of Willie Brown --this during the era that Ms. Guilfoyle was "the babe of the San Francisco Bar:. Two women---duking it out for position. And Guilfoyle winds up as Mrs. Newsom sprawled on the living room rug of the Gettys. You just can't make this sort of nonsense up. Love among the Bobos.
I always thought Gavin Newsom was gay, and then I saw the photo. She's bearding for him.
I'm always suspicious of late-in-life epiphanies. They always seem to require an audience.
I remember that photo! Laughed my ass off then, laughing my ass off now.
Gavin hit it big, of course. That yuppie pretty boy.
After they split, KG went right wing, hit it big with DJT, Jr., but isn't quite worthy of a speaking roll at the RNC.
If you love lockdowns, riots, blackouts, droughts, high taxes, and blow-dried hair, for Gavin for Governor!
There's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women in politics.
Isn't that the cry when the woman is a leftist?
You should never make fun of someone's physical appearance.
Isn't that the rule when the woman is a leftist?
Don't be a bully.
Isn't that a battle cry of the left when the object of bullying is a leftist?
When they go low,we go high.
Isn't that one of the key BS lines from a leftist?
The way these people project has all the appeal of projectile vomiting.
"She's like the Seinfeld character who sometimes looks good and then... sometimes not so good..."
: )
Knowing as I do a bit about Northern California, Gavin has always been known as a 'player' so to speak.
I've heard everything from key parties to massive amounts of 'substances.'
Either way, neither of them is very authentic. Although I think she is smarter than him...he is coasting on pretty-boy looks to 'garner' the votes of lonely, middle-aged housewives.
I agree - what a strange photo.
'Here - lie down on the carpet and stretch out all sexy.'
Uh really?
Can one develop Jagger-lips naturally? Woof.
he is coasting on pretty-boy looks to 'garner' the votes of lonely, middle-aged housewives.
Suburban moms?
Californians trashed California but WaPo thinks it was Kimberly Guilfoyle? Have you been to Los Angeles lately, WaPo?
Here's Joe Rogan to explain it to you
Guilfoyle is an Irish contractors daughter - Irish as straight from the old sod.
This is a definite type, in SF. The parochials there always have a bunch of their kids, and our kids knew a good few of them. My boy got quite mooney about one of their redheaded freckled lasses (yes sterotypes are true). Said Irish are are, very often, not entirely legal immigration-wise. Hence they are contractors and work for themselves. Or so I am given to understand.
The old trope about being the first in the family to go to college? Thats a lot of those kids.
Guilfoyle is 100% working class, or lets say recently petit bourgeois, with only as much polish as the parochial schools managed. In re Mercy High - lets say that presentation-wise she is a typical Mercy girl, from their rep.
Newsom is a made man in the Getty Oil business. His dad was a consigliere, and the son was a protege of the Gettys. Newsom made his local rep as a small business conservative with ties to ethnic neighborhoods. This is a very traditional type in SF, as is Guilfoyle. The two of them could have come out of the 1920s. When he was elected mayor it was during a local pro-business common-sense conservative platform. Newsom could have been, decades ago, a Republican.
Newsoms later rep came from when he went pro-gay in order to get into State politics. There was no room for common-sense pro-business good-government Democrats. I suspect he may be thinking, these days, that he sold his soul for false coin. Being governor of CA is no fun.
K.Harris comes from a very different place. Her parents were academics of some consequence. Her problem I think is that she herself had little talent for or interest in her parents way of life. She went to Howard of all things. Not exactly a demanding school.
I wonder if she was a disappointment to her mother.
I have never cared for Guilfoyle and was not impressed with her presentation last night. She was the least effective speaker to appear.
Guilfoyle is a healing presence that fits in DJT,Jr’s life when he needs it the most. No body doesn’t like Guilfoyle except other jealous women that cannot do what she does: make a powerful man happy.
What, Burt Reynolds and a bear rug weren't available for the photo shoot that day?
“Although she seems to have a pretty good mind and great legs, I was never a fan when she was on The Five. Too much makeup, too much hairspray, too much everything. I can't take her seriously with all that goop on.”
I always wondered how she was so successful getting guys. First Newsom, now Don, Jr. You would expect at least Jr to have another trophy wife. They can afford it. His father went all in for trophy wives, and he seemed to be following in his footsteps, until Kimberly snagged him. She is very bright, and seemingly driven. But never anyone I would try to pick up, even late at night with beer goggles. From the Five, my love has always been, the happily married Dana Perino.
I heard Guilfoyle yelling from my office and went out to the living room where my wife was watching. I said "well, this was a big mistake, letting her on stage. Look at her. She's repulsive.
I thought the message from most of the speakers was very compelling. I could have done without Don Jr., who always looks like a rich daddy's boy. And KG was a big mistake. I don't really think that latinos will respond to her 'latina' message. Her history shows that she's just a loud, methodical, gold-digger.
"What, Burt Reynolds and a bear rug weren't available for the photo shoot that day?"
That can of MindWipe turned out to be useless.
Probably 50 guys in SF will be her on Halloween.
"Scrunch up over toward the window, honey, so the old country lawyer can get a better look at Aunt Betty's carpet."
"Thanks, y'all. Yep, that is one hell of a beautiful rug. Love the view from your picture window , too."
"Guilfoyle's 'speech' was truly terrifying."
That would put you in good company with the likes of Castro, Chavez, and most Democrats who fear motivated free people more than anything else.
The best line of the night was from American businessman and Cuban immigrant Maximo Alvarez who said: "“Those false promises — spread the wealth, defund the police, trust a socialist state more than your family and community — don’t sound radical to my ears. They sound familiar."
That's called a bullseye.
Bruce Hayden said...
I always wondered how she was so successful getting guys. First Newsom, now Don, Jr.
I don't think it takes a lot of imagination. Kamala Harris has gone further with the same skills.
"Probably 50 guys in SF will be her on Halloween."
Halloween? 50 guys are being her in SF now : )
suing robbers and arsonists
Layers of editors at the Post.
From the Five, my love has always been, the happily married Dana Perino.
She is gorgeous and 48 but no kids.
That would put you in good company with the likes of Castro, Chavez, and most Democrats who fear motivated free people more than anything else.
The fear people who peer outside the Twilight Fringe, wicked solutions, included.
So what, Guilfoyle a twenties something on the make college graduate looking for work, will adjust her views to the environment. Question - who among you will not? Anyway what the hell did she know in her twenties - I sure was inexperienced as well. Psychologists will tell you that your personality is not set when you reach 30. [So why are we letting 18 year olds vote - lol] It changes throughout your life. Just look at the ignorance of the Millennial Generation - God help us. But as an aside she sure keeps landing with some big players regardless of her politics. She must have something going for her?
Newsom could have been, decades ago, a Republican. Newsoms later rep came from when he went pro-gay in order to get into State politics. There was no room for common-sense pro-business good-government Democrats.
I listened to a KQED interview with Lt. Governor Newsom where he said, roughly paraphrased, ‘I’ve never understood why Democrats are anti-business. Without a thriving private sector, government is dead in the water."
In modern California that statement is remarkably brave.
“She is gorgeous and 48 but no kids.”
You forgot Jasper.
All I could think during her speech was she must be thinking about running for NYC mayor.
The speech resonated with me. I enjoyed the power and passion. Criticizing someone for their appearance is beneath civil discourse.
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