August 29, 2020

"Kamala Harris has this revealing verbal tic, where she simply repeats herself over and over when she cannot construct a logical argument."

"One example was her 'It was a debate!' non-explanation of her maligning of Joe Biden's character. Same when she said 'it's a movement' and 'they're not going to stop, they're not going to stop' over and over again."

Says Wince, in the comments to the first post of the day. I'd written about an author who said that the "peaceful protesters" and the rioters are not 2 different groups — that it's one movement — and he linked to this:

And here's "It was a debate!":


Lucid-Ideas said...

"Repeats herself"

" a lie often enough repeated, becomes the truth"

- Goebbels

donald said...

I’m thinking a $250,000,000.00 ad campaign on this alone garners the house and senate while they’re at it.

Mike Sylwester said...

Of the four main candidates -- Trump, Biden, Harris and Pence -- the only articulate one is Pence.

M Jordan said...

When Trump wins all 50 states the “experts” will look back on every single aspect of Biden’s campaign and deem it absurd. He is an idiot. The Democrats chose an idiot because the demon that has taken over their party is Legion and Legion is the spirit of idiocy. I don’t agree with Obama on much but the man knows Biden is a collosal idiot.

ga6 said...

Raleigh NC had some problems last night? Kammy? Kamma?

M Jordan said...

Trump will win in a landslide and Daniel Cameron, the black AG from Kentucky, will succeed him in 2024.

Bob Smith said...

Whaddya expected. She got into politics buffing a married man. Willie Brown. Sc****ng somebody for financial gain has a name.

Fernandinande said...

The two-humped Camala, AKA the Bacteria Camala.

Meade said...

"Trump will win in a landslide and Daniel Cameron, the black AG from Kentucky, will succeed him in 2024."

I'll take the OVER on that.

mikee said...

"Of the four main candidates, -- Trump, Biden, Harris and Pence - the only articulate one is Pence."

Is articulate good? Remember, that lying shitweasel Obama was noted as articulate by Biden, simply because Obama could read aloud from a teleprompter.

Biden has dementia, Harris can't formulate a coherent paragraph, and Trump may not be articulate, but he most assuredly, most certainly, is damned eloquent.

Meade said...

"Of the four main candidates -- Trump, Biden, Harris and Pence -- the only articulate one is Pence."

Plus, Pence is clean. That's storybook, man!

Sebastian said...

Before the primaries, even progs rejected Kamala's phoniness.

Now, they must defend it, cackle and all.

The reason is simple: for all her absurdity, she was the best "black" woman available for a senile white man who needed such a VP. As a ticket, they show that prog claims about the quality of candidates are equally phony. Nothing matters, except the prospect of power.

That a half-Indian woman runs as black is further proof, as if any were needed after Barry, of America's systemic racism.

Tommy Duncan said...

I'm reminded by this post of how the Democrats have disappeared from the political stage. We knew Biden would stay in the basement. But wasn't Harris supposed to take the point and deliver their message?

The DNC convention was just 2 weeks ago. What was their message? Do they have a national platform, or have they simply defaulted to every man for himself?

Johnathan Birks said...

God. I can remember when Colbert was funny. I mean really funny. Of course this was over 15 years ago. Now he's just another self-important useful idiot tool of the left.

Gunner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gunner said...

If Biden loses, his "supporters" will be meaner and ruder to him than any MAGAer has been.

Ken B said...

Gunner: “ If Biden loses, his "supporters" will be meaner and ruder to him than any MAGAer has been.”

And one day in three, he will notice.

Ken B said...

Not just repeating herself, laughing at those who don’t get her “point”.

People should watch these, and the marijuana laughter tape and the Gabbard tape. Then see if you can support this woman.

Rob said...

Ladies and gentlemen, the 47th President of the United States.

Mark said...

It's not a tic.

It's an over-reliance on talking points and on handlers that she does not think for herself and just roboticly repeats when she has been programmed to say.

Temujin said...

This should not even be a contest in November. Then the real riots will occur. They are already being strategically planned. Best believe it. These things will be furious. Once Trump wins reelection, in a large way, they will have nothing left to lose and they will turn it up a notch. By "they" I mean whomever is behind these nationwide protest/riots. It's not just a bunch of students. Someone is pulling their strings, setting them up, inflaming the emotions, supplying and stashing weapons, creating leaders for each area- with distinct strategies for each area.

Post election mayhem will be serious if not dealt with right up front. It'll make the pussy hat parade look like a pussy hat parade.

Michael K said...

Harris has this inappropriate laughter which suggests that she doesn't believe a word she is saying. I don't either.

DavidUW said...

As her academic record and bar exam failure demonstrates, she is not intelligent.

Joe Smith said...

It sounds like she's good in the sack, but other than that I've never thought she was particularly bright.

The Crack Emcee said...

Kamala Harris is the worst.

JAORE said...

Still trying to divorce the riots from the protests.
Good luck.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

The rioting will continue, before the election, after the election.

Dear Lord, do not suffer this person to touch the levers of Government - A SOVEREIGN POWER WHICH CAN LAWFULLY DEPRIVE A PERSON OF PROPERTY, LIBERTY, AND LIFE.

The Crack Emcee said...

Here's a verbal tic:

Michelle Obama: To white Americans, blacks "don’t exist. And when we do exist, we exist as a threat. And that's exhausting."

Charles Barkley: 'It’s Exhausting Being Black'

Jerrod Carmichael: 'It’s Exhausting Being Black'

gadfly said...

@Lucid-Ideas said...
"Repeats herself"

" a lie often enough repeated, becomes the truth"

- Goebbels

Lucid needs to become more lucid with regard to Trump's habitual and oft repeated lies as do the Tweeters on the Trump bus "wincing" at Kamala's "verbal tics" (does she have Tourettes?).

A couple Trump favorites lies out of thousands:

July 23, 2019: "Well, I condemn any election fraud and when I look at what's happened in California with the votes, when I look at what happened -- as you know, there was just a case where they found a million fraudulent votes..." (Trump used Judicial Watch's lawsuit win against L.A. and Sacramento counties to purge voter roles as evidence but the suit never mentioned fraud on the part of voters; nonetheless future voting by mail would bring fraud!).

August 18, 2020: "...No, no, it doesn't matter whether they pay now or over the next 12 months. No, no, Mexico will be paying. We have a very good relationship with Mexico. And we built the wall under budget, ahead of schedule. Once we started, these guys -- the Army Corps of Engineers -- did a great job. And Mexico is paying for the wall, yeah -- either through the toll. And it's a very small charge because we do such big business...."

March 21, 2020: "We have approved a record number of affordable generic drugs, and medicines are being approved by the FDA at a faster clip than ever before. I was pleased to announce last year that, for the first time in 51 years, the cost of prescription drugs actually went down. I am calling for bipartisan legislation that achieves the goal of dramatically lowering prescription drug prices. Get a bill to my desk, and I will sign it into law without delay." (In 2019, 4,311 prescription drugs experienced a price hike, with the average increase hovering around 21% . . . and already in 2020, 2,519 drugs have increased prices. The average hike so far this year is 7%.)

James L. Salmon said...

Maybe she is just dumb.
Is that possible?
Simplest answer?
I think so.

Christopher B said...

What Mark said.

This was what sank her in the primary. She could recite her script on day one but there was never any logical follow through. I think that's what generated the "It was a debate" respone when it would have been much better to make some noises about how Biden had satisfied her that he didn't sympathize with racists anymore, for example.

Ice Nine said...

"It was a debate!"

And Colbert *laughs* at that insipid and malignant answer. What a simpleton.

Unknown said...

If even Crack doesn't back her

election is over

Ice Nine said...

Colbert: "Well, President Harris, you didn't follow the agreement you signed with the Russians three months ago, and now they are bombing us. Why didn't you abide with your agreement with them?"

Harris (grinning): "It was a treaty!...It was a *treaty*!...It was a *treaty*!"

Bay Area Guy said...

"Kamala Harris has this revealing verbal tic, where she simply repeats herself over and over when she cannot construct a logical argument."

Darn. Looks like Kammy is really blowing her first assignment.........

Bilwick said...

I find this a common form of argument (if one can dignify it with that name) among "liberal" and "progressive" women when you ask for supporting evidence or you expose their faulty reasoning. They simply repeat what they've already said, or re-state it with slightly different wording. And they seem to think that re-enforces their argument, when they're actually just regurgitating it. Of course, when you argue with State-cultists or any other variety of religionist, you really can't expect much in the way of logical argument.

Phil 314 said...

Not politically correct to say but Kampala Harris neither looks black nor sounds black. She sounds like so many second generation Indian Americans that I know professionally

Rich Vail said...

If the riots continue after the election, and Trump does win. The only way top stop the riots in their tracks is this:

First Night: Police/NationalGuard fire rubber bullets and charge in with truncheons and beat senseless any rioters in arms reach. If the riots continue into a

Second Night: Fire FMJ's. Most of the people who are behind the riots are LARPing. They have no idea just what they're doing/starting/playing at. This week, they've begun to see as Normals come out to defend their own...

If the police/national guard DONT come out swinging, you'll see full on local militias spring up over night and THEY WILL START SHOOTING RIOTERS. The Democratic controlled governments simply don't have the moral fortitude to have their own storm troopers shot by cops and guardsman...THAT will be the start of the Civil War the Left so much desires. It'll go about as well as the last one went for them.

Yancey Ward said...

It is a tic, and not unique to Harris. I call it sputtering.

Yancey Ward said...

"It's an over-reliance on talking points and on handlers that she does not think for herself and just roboticly repeats when she has been programmed to say."

The over-reliance on talking points is the tic.

Mr. O. Possum said...

You can fully expect rioters to be a key polling places to suppress GOP votes by terrorizing people.

We are not that far away from lynchings of random white people and assassination attempts on GOP politicians.

It is that bad.

FryingPanHead said...

"Of the four main candidates -- Trump, Biden, Harris and Pence -- the only articulate one is Pence."

Yeah. That stuttering clusterfuck off prompter was quite articulate. Trump isn't running for President of the book club at Haaaahvahd. Half the people in this country aren't as articulate as Trump. And most of them democrat voters.

wildswan said...

Some lib members of my family are convinced that they have real convictions and I do not. And Kamala Harris sounds like them when she keeps saying: This will go on. They make threats and they think if they don't get threats back the other side has no convictions. I just think that people should adhere to the law.

Anonymous said...

Temujin said...
This should not even be a contest in November. Then the real riots will occur. They are already being strategically planned. Best believe it. These things will be furious. Once Trump wins reelection, in a large way, they will have nothing left to lose and they will turn it up a notch. By "they" I mean whomever is behind these nationwide protest/riots. It's not just a bunch of students. Someone is pulling their strings, setting them up, inflaming the emotions, supplying and stashing weapons, creating leaders for each area- with distinct strategies for each area.

Post election mayhem will be serious if not dealt with right up front. It'll make the pussy hat parade look like a pussy hat parade.

Well said. Anybody ever wonder how this well organized militia gets funded or why our FBI hasn’t bothered to look into it? Yeah, I know. Same bunch that tried to overthrow a president. FBI should be disbanded.

John henry said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said...

Kamala Harris is the worst.

For someone who claims to be an expert in the internet you really need to up your game.

Second not found link in 2 days.

Yes, I do follow your links to see what you think is important.

John Henry

Bay Area Guy said...

From June to Aug, the rioteers burned and looted our cities. Since the George Floyd tragedy, 30 people have bee killed in "peaceful protests".

And Slow Joe, Kammy and the Democrat leaders stood silent during this mayhem.

And when their political polling went south on them, well, now they gingerly try to make the subtle nuanced distinctions between peaceful protests and violent looting/arson.

Screw them. The Democrat Party supports political violence. We know that and the country knows it. Soon, the voters will make their choices, based on this knowledge.

Big Mike said...

Biden’s unforced error was committing to a female vice presidential candidate (it’s been done before — and by both parties). The forced error was being bullied into committing to a black female. It left him with only one real choice, a woman who strongly suggested that Slow Joe is a racist because of his former opposition to forced busing. If she wasn’t on the ticket most people would forget the exchange from the first debate by November. But now whenever you see her you remember what she said about the man on top of the ticket.

gilbar said...

it's not that i can't think of anything to say. It's not that i can't think of anything to say, it's not that i can't think of anything to say. It's Not that i can't think of anything to say, you NEED TO UNDERSTAND; it's not that i can't think of anything to say. I DO repeat myself, but; it's not that i can't think of anything to say. It's not that i can't think of anything to say. Some things just NEED to be repeated, and i Need to repeated repeat; that it's not that i can't think of anything to say.

F said...

Bay Area Guy said: "Darn. Looks like Kammy is really blowing her first assignment........."

That was years ago, but it was how she got the chance to blow this, her second assignment.

Not Sure said...

'It’s Exhausting Being Black'

Much respect for the stamina of those folks who fight through the exhaustion to keep on looting, torching, and shooting.

gilbar said...

Unknown said...
If even Crack doesn't back her

if you've lost the crack emcee... you've lost middle america

Bruce Hayden said...

“ Well said. Anybody ever wonder how this well organized militia gets funded or why our FBI hasn’t bothered to look into it? Yeah, I know. Same bunch that tried to overthrow a president. FBI should be disbanded.”

I think that the FBI is involved, esp now that AntiFA and BLM have been designated as terrorist organizations. Some of the first fruits of that may have been the identification of several black vehicles nabbed a couple days ago that were being used to supply the rioters. Their problem is that they are used to working slowly and methodically in order to build big cases. The people supporting and organizing the riots have to be using electronic communications of some sorts. That makes their work federal felonies. But it also allows the FBI access to their comms, not that they are officially designated as terrorists.

As I noted, the problem is that the don’t work quickly. They are bureaucrats, working in a large, fairly old and dilapidated bureaucracy, which means that they are rewarded for being thorough, and not usually in being fast. Also, there is a lot of organization behind the riots. That is becoming ever more obvious. Someone has been buying vehicles, their armor, helmets, and gas masks, food and water, their industrial quality lasers and fireworks. Etc. And then making sure everything is where it is needed. If the FBI doesn’t figure out and neuter the higher levels, but just cuts off the bottom, they will be back shortly with another cadre of useful idiots. A lot of people expect that Soros is involved. But there are probably others - both the ChiComs and the Russians come to mind. Why wouldn’t they be? Meddling like this in our domestic affairs, causing this sort of discord, is far, far cheaper than a new aircraft carrier (or getting either of their carriers truly operational). Or competing with us for developing hypersonic weapons.

Sir Lags Alot said...

Well hang a second there, Big Mike. Biden totally could have gone with the current governor of Georgia, Stacey Abrams.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

I agree that the real riots will occur after November 3rd.
Although the attack on Fort Sumter is generally referenced as the start of the First US Civil War, many believe that the real start was when the Confederates refused to accept the results of the presidential election.
November 3rd will be the start of the next one as PDJT will have little political pressure for restraining the Federal forces he controls. The Feds will win that war. I also believe that the forces behind the riots are aware of this, so they will ramp up the destruction (and voter fraud) as much as possible before then in a last ditch attempt to gain power. I believe that CWII is inevitable. I hate that I believe that. Maybe if PDJT acts decisively and forcefully the purge of social/commun/marx-ism will be able to be played out in the courts and military tribunals. That's best case AISI. The alternative is that it gets played out in the streets.
And who knows how that will play out, especially with China and Russia hiding in the bushes.
I thought it hyperbolic for the President to call this the most important election in US history. I now believe he was only partially right... this is the most important election in world history because if America is lost to the forces of oppression (the Left, birm) then the bulwark of freedom will have been breached and the Dark Ages will be upon us again.

What did socialists use for lighting before they used candles? Electricity.

The Tree of Liberty is looking a little wilted. Time to water it again, sadly.

Mr. Forward said...


effinayright said...

Bruce Hayden said...

"I think that the FBI is involved, esp now that AntiFA and BLM have been designated as terrorist organizations."

When? By whom? Under what statute(s)?

"Would that it were so"....

Douglas Winslow Cooper, Ph.D. said...

We are not allowed to say it, but the Chinese Communist Party's suppression of the Wuhan virus and the release of it internationally is an act of war, biological warfare, akin to the British distribution of the smallpox-infect blankets to suppress an insurrection. Hopefully,
we will extract a cost, post-November.

PM said...

Shades of DiCaprio playing Hughes, playing Hughes, playing Hughes...

ken in tx said...

I don't think we'll have another civil war. We'll have weather-underground type events, no matter who wins the election. If the democrats win, they will be emboldened. If they lose, they will be noble desperadoes in resistance. I expect occupations or bombings of police stations, federal court houses, ICE buildings, and targeted kidnappings and assassinations. Democrats will pretend to oppose them while thwarting any efforts to actually suppress them. That's what happened last time. It'll end when the firebrands get killed, convicted or just get older.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Oh good, Ken in Tx, we are going to turn into El salvador circa 1977. That calms my fears quite a bit.

iamagenius said...

It's like she's lazy and can't be bothered. Her handler is prepping her, "OK, What do you say when they ask you why you attacked Biden?" Harris: "It was a DEBATE!" Laugh and giggle and mime a mic drop. Handler, "Perfect, but they'll have a follow up question, then what do you say?" Harris, "I'm hungry, get me a sandwich".

Banjo said...

"As her academic record and bar exam failure demonstrates, she is not intelligent."

8/29/20, 9:58 AM

Doesn't that explain Michelle Obama? There is another explanation for Barry, but let's not get into that right now.

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