August 25, 2020

"Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is."

Said Hillary Clinton, quoted in Politico.


Vance said...

Seems like a good time to ask the Professor about the theory that Democrat governors of states that go Trump will send an "alternate" slate of electors, thus causing confusion and throwing the election to the House to determine which set of electors to use... and of course the House being Democrat will seat the Democrat electors, thereby guaranteeing Joe Biden winning the electoral vote even if the people didn't vote for him.

I was under the impression that when the House votes on electoral college stuff it is one vote per state, not a count of all 435. So: does anyone know who holds a majority of state delegations? I find it darkly humorous that if true, Wyoming will have the exact same importance as California.

Matt Sablan said...

It wasn't too long ago she was questioning whether Trump would bow out if he lost.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

In other words, don't concede because we need time to generate enough fraudulent mailed-in ballots to be "found" and "counted" long after the deadline, until we get the win...

Iman said...

Clinton is such a sad case. Her inability to accept the results of the November 2016 election and her campaign’s funding of the Steele Dossier define Hillary Clinton’s legacy.

Narayanan said...

that will be fun fun fun - like pope and anti-pope

white house for the white supremacist President

anti-white house (rainbow colors) for the anti-President

DKWalser said...

I'm sure she'll be lectured relentlessly by the media on the need to accept the outcome of elections. Not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter Hillary - "this time, we are taking it."

Not Sure said...

The term "enemy of the people" comes to mind instantly.

mccullough said...

It’s not up to Biden. He’s in the basement. Trump’s on the pavement.

Marshall Rose said...

This harridan needs to go away. Her and her ilk are responsible for the vast majority of the deep divisions in this country.


David Begley said...

What if Trump wins 40 states?

This is unconscionable.

She’s saying the Dems are going to steal the election and can’t lose.

This woman should have been jailed years ago.

tim maguire said...

It will drag out and Biden will win if Democrats don’t give an inch? I wonder what she means by that.

Reminds me of a certain Senator Feingold, who insisted the counting doesn’t stop until “we win.”

David Begley said...

She’s trying to start a civil war. But our side has the guns.

Hillary is the worst woman in the Universe.

tim maguire said...

does anyone know who holds a majority of state delegations

That would be the Republicans. The Democrats are a regional rump party, running up the score in a handful of big states while losing in most of them.

Bilwick said...

"And anyone who doesn't fall into line with that could end up shaking hands with Jeffrey Epstein, if you catch my drift," said Queen Cacklepants as her handlers shut off her mike and tossed her into a van like a sack of potatoes.

DKWalser said...

I was under the impression that when the House votes on electoral college stuff it is one vote per state, not a count of all 435. So: does anyone know who holds a majority of state delegations? I find it darkly humorous that if true, Wyoming will have the exact same importance as California.

Back in 2016, when everyone was game planning this question, Republicans held a majority of representatives in a majority of the states. However, that doesn't answer the question of what would happen. Some Republican majority states might not vote for Trump.

doctrev said...

If the opposition is neither loyal nor American, but attempting to steal the election through corrupt courts, why on earth should the President treat them as something other than the criminal traitors they are? If Biden actually won on Election Night, God forbid- fine, that's the way things break down. However, most Americans aren't up for the Boogaloo version of Bush v. Gore. They'll back whoever's ahead at the end of election night- if the opposition is carrying through with their coup, they need to be crushed. No mercy.

One thing that always interested me about 2016 is why the election dragged on until the wee hours of the morning. My theory is that Hillary was desperate to grease the wheels in Michigan and Pennsylvania- but something went wrong. Maybe people were getting shot with boxes of ballots in their car. Maybe Trump lawyers were right on top of critical polling places. At that point, she had just enough Chardonnay to be truly insane in her anger, but not enough to be unconscious. She was ready to go all-in... but Obama talked her out of it. After all, they had the insurance policy. And that's the only reason she gave up that night.

Jon Ericson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Most of the media is limiting itself to the "don't concede" portion, implicitly covering up the bigger threat that the Dems will "drag it out" until they manufacture enough votes to win. Its the Algore playbook.

J Melcher said...

It worked for Al Franken ...

Kevin said...

Whatever the Dems accuse Trump of doing ...

Rabel said...

The attempt by the Politico writer to spin that into a positive is amateurish.

He should leave that sort of thing to the pros at the Times.

Kevin said...

Trump should call Biden on election night, then announce Biden conceded.

If Biden objects Trump can make the swirly-finger “cuckoo” motion and the majority of the country will just move on.

Kevin said...

Keep in mind Al Gore conceded and then took it back.

I’m surprised Hillary isn’t unconceding at this very moment.

The Bergall said...

Hard being irrelevant...........

Leland said...

I don't see Mike Wallace questioning Hillary on this strategy. It's only a moral issue if Trump suggests not conceding on election night.

Gahrie said...

Again we see that the Democrats' talk of Trump not accepting the results of the election is yet more projection.

DavidUW said...

I don’t say this lightly. Hilary should be swinging from a lamppost.

eric said...

The response is, "If the situation is reversed, should Trump concede?"

eric said...

The response is, "If the situation is reversed, should Trump concede?"

Jon Ericson said...

"News" from a "newsmaker" reported as "news".
But it's from the Borg.
It's pretty clear what's up.
Don't you think?

Unknown said...


Rory said...

This is why our science shouldn't be pursuing greater longevity.

Amadeus 48 said...

It's over. Even she knows they are going to lose.

whitney said...

Bitter much?

Unknown said...

Not a conlaw prof

Is there a section of the constitution

which requires the loser to "concede"

before the duly elected president can assume office?

Biden Campaign Deploys 600 Lawyers So Trump Can’t ‘Steal This Election’

You can pretty much reverse anything a Demo says to get the true intent

Biden hires 600 lawyers to steal the election

if ballot harvesting fails

mezzrow said...

2021 - "hold my beer..."

Original Mike said...

Even the founding fathers could not foresee the absolute POS 2020 democrats. I look forward to this election with great dread.

h said...

"It's not over until we win." I think this expresses the Dem point of view. Thanks Hillary.

ColoradoJim said...

I wonder if the reason they are calling for massive mail in ballots without ANY safeguards is to try and eat their cake both ways. If ballot fraud push their people though, they will say “We won, deal with it”. If they fail through the mail fraud, they will shamelessly point to the lack of safeguards to claim that that Trump only won because of fraud. That has to be the reason for not conceding under any circumstances.

They really need to be put under bright lights and grilled constantly why they support no safeguards. There is zero reason for that except to enable cheating. As mentioned everyone uses an ID and are required to have one for many less important things than voting. Isn’t voting important enough to require high security?

Tommy Duncan said...

How can I miss you when you won't go away?
Keep telling you day after day
But you won't listen, you always stay and stay
How can I miss you when you won't go away?

--Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks

ga6 said...

And a great FY to the country from the addled commie.

ga6 said...

And then we will reenact the storming of the Winter Palace...

Freeman Hunt said...

Back, fiend!

Rick.T. said...

Will no one rid us of this turbulent c**t?

The Republicans control 26 Congressional delegations which would allow them to choose Trump if it came to that...if you can trust them.

Earnest Prole said...

How can we miss the Shrilldebeast if she won't go away?

Jersey Fled said...

I hate that woman. Thank God she did not become our President.

iowan2 said...

Nobody is going to ask Joe if he is going to concede, like they keep asking President Trump. (I think the electoral college is going to be far out of reach to question.)

tcrosse said...

It's worth asking what's in it for Hillary.

gilbar said...

and of course the House being Democrat will seat the Democrat electors
THAT is NOT how it works.... READING TIME!

rcocean said...

She really is getting repulsive and should just shut up. And what she says is completely unnecessary. The D's NEVER give up unless they have to. Party always comes before country with them. Cf: Gore in 2000.

rhhardin said...

They just want a screwed up indefinite counting mess after the election, as justification for screwing Trump again for the next four years. So they need the election to happen.

danoso said...

So much for that peaceful transition of power we were used to for 200+ years.

MikeD said...

I've read that if they're still counting votes 1/20/21 Pelosi automatically becomes President (pro-tem I'll guess/hope?).

gilbar said...

26 rep states, 23 dem

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Here's what I expect:

1:Thanks to Democrats doing a lot more mail in voting this time, I expect that Trump will be significantly ahead on Election Night
2: Trump will declare victory on Election night
3: Trump will announce that the Democrats are goign to try to steal the election by manufacturing "mailed in votes" until they have enough to steal it
4: Trump will announce the RNC & Trump campaign are sending vote monitors to every single ballot counting place. That they will be looking out for fraud, and they will be demanding that the vote counters do everything by the book
5: There will be lawsuits. There will be court orders. Every ballot from a. registered Democrat will be examined minutely, and challenged if there are any problems
6: There will be Republican protests every day demanding that the Democrats stop trying to steal the election

Remember Florida in 2000, when the Democrat vote counters in Miami-Dade County trying to move the vote "counting" to a room where they couldn't be monitored? Remember the "Brooks Brothers Riot"? That will be a polite tea party compared to GOP responses to shenanigans in 2020

7: Post election, President Trump will have no problem using force against any left-wing rioters and thugs who are trying to illegally steal a Federal election. Expect violent thugs to get shot

8: When all is said and done, Trump will be re-elected, and the republicans will control both the House and the Senate

Seem like a bad nightmare? Then stop the vote-by-mail election stealing. You want to vote? Go to teh polling place on Election Day and vote.

If you can protest in person, you can vote in person

n.n said...

Yes, hunt the witches, judge the warlocks, throw another baby on the barbie. Watch 60 Minoutes.

rhhardin said...

All of the news about how Trump is doing is always about how he's doing with women, and always will be, and not only with Trump. That's the large irrational part of the electorate.

Trump's doing well because burning everything in sight and beating up people at random isn't playing well with women. Trump's working for the country's benefit doesn't figure in much because women know he's racist and sexist and homophobic, as the news clicks tell them. It's a fun narrative to live in, is why they click. Profitable.

Bob Loblaw said...

Back, fiend!

No kidding. How can we get this vile woman to go away?

I wonder how she would have reacted to someone else saying Trump shouldn't concede "under any circumstances".

Mark said...

26 rep states, 23 dem

The new House, not the current one, has the role of voting for president if it comes to it.

doctrev said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...
Here's what I expect:

1:Thanks to Democrats doing a lot more mail in voting this time, I expect that Trump will be significantly ahead on Election Night
2: Trump will declare victory on Election night
3: Trump will announce that the Democrats are goign to try to steal the election by manufacturing "mailed in votes" until they have enough to steal it

8/25/20, 6:20 PM

And that's where the timeline diverges. The second Trump can claim victory, the gloves come off with BLM terrorists. Democrat states will be declared to be hosting insurrections. More than a few officers will object to Trump's views publicly. Those officers will be relieved of command permanently.

The military will roll over the insurrectionists' borders, and the local police will enthusiastically welcome them. Maybe the Dems will push through successful challenges through the corrupt courts before they hear the tank engines, but I doubt it. Hopefully it doesn't come down to saturation bombings of traitor cities, but let's face it: they have it coming.

Congress will object, briefly, but where on earth did you think the President was going to strike first?

cubanbob said...

This woman needs to be locked up for all of her crimes. Enough is enough.

Francisco D said...

David Begley said...

Hillary is the worst woman in the Universe.

Once Kamala gets on the big stage, she will give Hillary a run for her money.

What is it with these Democrat women? They remind me of truly horrible ex-wives.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

MikeD said...
I've read that if they're still counting votes 1/20/21 Pelosi automatically becomes President

1: Speaker of the House for the next term, not this term
2: Electors meet on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December, which is Dec 14. So every State has to have appointed its electors by then
3: If no candidate has 270+ electors, then it goes to the House for the President, and the Senate for the VP. Each State gets 1 vote. In the current House there are 26 GOP States, 23 Dem majority States, and 1 split. The Democrats are going to need a major jump to reverse that. It takes an absolute majority of States to chose a President, and absolute majority of Senators to chose the VP

But, my understanding is that all vote counting for the Electoral College ends by Dec 14.

Temujin said...

She looked like she was between martinis, waiting for the 3rd one to be brought over. What a miserable human being she is.

Don said...

Why won’t that woman ever shut up?

Guildofcannonballs said...

1) Lots of folks said she would be dead by now, after in 2016 being filmed so unhealthy she collapsed on the sidewalk and had to be shoved into a vehicle like she was nothing more than a sack of potatoes*.

2) If you were her, what else could you say? "Daddy didn't love me enough so I want death and destruction toward all!" won't get her what she has now, so honesty 'is right out' as the Brits used to say.

*Potato Dan Quayle was probably in every way a Romney/McCain/Sasse. That being assumed, I am, sadly only in hindsight, happy he was shown the door by society at large as a shitBush. That little shit was no Sarah Palin. Sarah was and is a fine human paying unGodly prices for American's flirtations with "from each ability (to kill/rape/erase) to each need (of being killed, being raped, being decently useful)" and Americans of all stripes need to start giving respect as if "if not for God, there go I" in its most profound interpretations.

bagoh20 said...

When was the last time the Democrats simply accepted the result of a Presidential election they lost unless it was a complete blow out? I say they haven't done so even once in our lifetime. Luckily Republicans often win by large margins, but when it's close they simply do not honor the peaceful transfer of power. They are at their core lawless, dishonest, and bad losers. This must be a complete blowout to overcome the inevitable cheating, litigation, lies, and accusations they cannot resist deploying. Their last loser didn't even have the decency to address her supporters after losing. Then she blamed, sexism, patriarchy, dumb submissive women, the Russians, and some bad Chardonnay.

Mea Sententia said...

Not accepting the results of an election is becoming the norm now.

Swede said...

That woman is just awful.
Bitter to the end.

effinayright said...

MikeD said...
I've read that if they're still counting votes 1/20/21 Pelosi automatically becomes President (pro-tem I'll guess/hope?).

If they're still counting votes 1/03/21, which is when a new Congress convenes by statute, why would Pelosi still be Speaker of the House? For that matter, what House?

All House members run for re-election every two years, so who's to say she would be re-elected to her own seat---OR that she would have enough fellow Congresscritters among the un-contested state contests to form a quorum to officially establish a new Session, let alone enough Dem seats to be remain Speaker?

It would be mighty suspicious if enough Dem states claimed that the ballots for Congressional offices were fully counted, but not the tally for POTUS on those same ballots.

But I suspect they will try.

clint said...

The shocking thing isn't that high-level Democrats are thinking about this. The shocking thing is that they're saying it out loud.

@Greg The Class Traitor - One nitpick. If some states don't certify a slate of electors, it's an absolute majority of those electors that *are* certified, which could lead to all kinds of shenanigans.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Why won’t that woman ever shut up?"

She has infinitely more reason to question why you would make your comment for no money whilst she has to merely keep keeping on to become a billionaire than you could ever conjure for why you feel you have to ask that question.

rehajm said...


accuse your opponent of that which you will soon be guilty.

rehajm said...

...and as explained above if Joe is a shoe in and there's a suspicious absence of polling just after the DNC and Hillary is demanding Joe not sounds like they know they will lose

Balfegor said...

I actually think both sides should take this approach. If we're going to have a hodgepodge of in-person, absentee, and mass-mailed mail-in ballots this year, I think we maximise legitimacy by letting both sides make all their arguments before the result is certified. Doesn't mean people will accept the outcome (any more than Democrats did in 2016), but I think more people will accept it than in the alternative scenario where one side concedes, but his furious partisans think there's a slew of unexplored claims of electoral fraud out there that would have changed the outcome.

Bay Area Guy said...

1. 1998 - Crooked Hillary gets embarressed by Bill Clinton by extra-marital blow jobs in the Oval Office. Scorned, she plots revenge!

2. 2008 - Crooked Hillary gets embarrassed by Barack Obama, who from nowhere to defeat her for Dem nomination. Scorned, she plots revenge!

3. 2016 - Crooked Hillary gets embarressed by Donald J. Trump, who wins epic, unexpected Presidential victory. Scorned, she plots revenge.

4. 2020 - Crooked Hillary............,,

Hey I see a pattern! Heh.

pious agnostic said...

rcocean said...
....Party always comes before country with them. Cf: Gore in 2000.

8/25/20, 6:16 PM

Cf: Breckinridge in 1860

Quaestor said...

anti-white house (rainbow colors) for the anti-President

Sur le Pawn
Shop is on
Fire! Oh! Oh!
Fire! Oh! Oh!

Sur le Pawn
Shop is on...
Watch 'em loot it,
Tous en rond.

Michael K said...

Trump's doing well because burning everything in sight and beating up people at random isn't playing well with women.

Women are frequent targets but there are also women beating up other women. Hard to see how that adds up. The video from Powerline is awful.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Because this is a Hillary! post any comment isn't off track.

I remember an article about a guy with a guy falling into a crevace.

One dude lived, partially by taking the other dude's gear after they both fell and the leader was dead.

The other guy climbed out and told the story.

It was gripping horror. Then Althouse blogged it and I realized I had everything but "Void" wrong. Every part seemingly. That was what horrified me. My damn faulty memory.

Imagine what Hillary!'s faulty imagination has wrought.

Big Mike said...

Reminds me of a certain Senator Feingold, who insisted the counting doesn’t stop until “we win.”

How long has he been out of office now?

Jaq said...

“Out! Out damned cunt!”

Jaq said...

“Out! Out damned cunt!”

Don said...

Guildofcannonballs: She will be dead long before she will hit billionaire status.

She still needs to shut up.

Gahrie said...

Hillary is still pissed that they forced her to concede in 2016.

Dude1394 said...

Well if they get there way with unlimited mail-order voting it will drag on. And as history has shown over and over again, when the vote is drug out, democrats find the votes.

Wince said...

Hillary knows Biden is fading.

Gospace said...

Speaker Pelosi does not become POTUS under any circumstances. The states are responsible for getting their EV breakdown to the Senate by January 6. That's when the votes are open and counted. If some states are still counting and don't send in their EVs, and neither candidate gets an EV majority because of that, the election for POTUS goes to the House, one vote per state, the VP election goes to the senate, one vote per senator. The states that didn't send in their vote- too bad, so sad.

Who can the House vote for? Any one of top 3 candidates by EV. So unless there are faithless electors- Trump or Biden.

Two elections have gone to the House- 1800, 1824.

What would be interesting is if Biden drops dead before the EVs are counted- and he won. Dead people aren't eligible to be elected President. Unless there's at least one faithless elector, the only eligible candidate available to the House would be Trump. There would be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Trump- POTUS, Kamala- VP, shut out of everything and kept in the dark.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

DKWalser said...
Back in 2016, when everyone was game planning this question, Republicans held a majority of representatives in a majority of the states. However, that doesn't answer the question of what would happen. Some Republican majority states might not vote for Trump.

You can only vote for the top 3 EC vote getters. Absent fraud, that means Trump or Biden

Mr Wibble said...
We'd probably end up with President Trump and Vice President Harris, after Romney and other RINOs agree to a "compromise ticket" for the sake of the country.

I expect that any GOP Senator who votes for Harris over Pence will be sleeping with the fishes within 6 months. Especially if they have a GOP Governor

Drago said...

Gospace: "What would be interesting is if Biden drops dead before the EVs are counted- and he won. Dead people aren't eligible to be elected President. Unless there's at least one faithless elector, the only eligible candidate available to the House would be Trump. There would be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Trump- POTUS, Kamala- VP, shut out of everything and kept in the dark."

Something tells me the dems will be able to convince John Roberts to rule otherwise....

Narayanan said...

any scenario where John Roberts gets all the marbles? won't he be presiding over the Senate?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Sadly, the whole thing is ripe for a brief Civil War.

Because one point source of failure is that the House gets to decide in teh case of disputes about election results.

And the Democrats have more seats that are "undisputed" than Republicans

So I can see the Pelosi House Democrats stealing control of the House by deciding each "controversy" in favor of the Democrat candidate.

And I can see Republicans reversing this by shooting enough House Democrats that the GOP ends up with a majority.

Note, not "House Republicans", just ordinary citizens not willing to see the Democrat destroy America.

The Democrats are fighting for vote fraud, burins our cities, and telling us they won;'t accept defeat

What that means is that we face no moral obligation to accept defeat, either.

Watch every bit of BLM and Antifa thuggery that happens between March 1, and Nov.3. Because we're watching. And we're noting what qualifies as "acceptable behavior".

Buring homes. Burning businesses. Extortion. Murder. Silencing any voices you disagree with.

We see. And we will remember

gilbar said...

Greg The Class Traitor said...
Sadly, the whole thing is ripe for a brief Civil War.

Sadly, both sides thought that the last Civil War would be a brief Civil War too

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary - queen of antifa.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what Tim in Vermont said.

Iman said...

Hillary sounds like she just needs a good schtupping... oh, sweet baby Jesus... I just threw up in my mouth...

Bob Boyd said...

One brain-damaged old grifter tells another, "Take my advice. I'll never use it."

Guildofcannonballs said...

The Buwaya* American world now is this: Compose Cendy Carma tunes = billionaire.

Screw everything else.

*I rarely acknowledge has beens, however Buwaya is my Bissage and the wisdom never ages.

Paul said...

Hillary wants Biden to do a Al Gore... sue and drag it into the courts. Of course Al Gore LOST ANYWAY. Hillary lost.. ANYWAY. And so shall Biden.

Folks, vote to make sure Trump wins by a landslide. If it ain't even close, they can't cheat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Everyone should listen to tonight's RNC speeches., The former Planned Parenthood employee - that was powerful.

Yancey Ward said...

I think a more likely scenario for an election crisis is the Democrats not accepting Trump winning in the electoral college while losing the popular vote. There was an article last week describing one of the simulations run by the Transition Integrity Project that pretty sounds exactly like something the Democrats will try to do in such a scenario.

Now, almost all of the mainstream media stories about these game scenarios were written describing Trump not conceding defeat, but you have to be seriously stupid to not realize the real danger is the Democrats not accepting defeat given their overwhelming domination of the media. In the one scenario where it was the Democrats not accepting an electoral college defeat, John Podesta playing Joe Biden chose to convince the Democratic governors of North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan (in the scenario, Trump won those states again, but not Pennsylvania) to refuse to certify Trump's electoral slate from those states and certify the Democratic slate, which the Democratic House then accepted, but the Republican Senate did not. However, it is entirely possible the Democrats control both houses on January 6th- indeed, this is the most likely of the scenarios to play out.

Bob Boyd said...

Keep drunken, brain-damaged Hillary in the public eye!

Hillary doesn't want any other Democrat to win. It makes her look bad. I think she's hoping to hurt Biden with this stuff. Will Biden be stupid enough not to denounce this strategy?
Don't get me wrong. He might do it, but talking about it in advance is just stupid and pointless.

Keep talking Hillary!

Iman said...

Tim @7:35pm... 3rd time is always a charm...

Bob Loblaw said...

Once Kamala gets on the big stage, she will give Hillary a run for her money.

I doubt it. Clinton is much more intelligent than Harris. Harris' potential for damage will always be limited by her own incompetence.

Iman said...

Hillary Clinton is asshole.

Qwinn said...

Hillary Clinton NEVER goes away.

Birkel said...

How many legions do these Democratics control?

I know they plan to cross the Rubicon.
But do they think they have the more experienced fighting forces on their side?

Milwaukie guy said...

Late to the party, but my Portlandia brother, 1974 going forward, scoffs at election fraud. I'm like FU, I worked with Dems in Chicago until 2005. My brother thinks he's so smart but he hasn't the slightest idea how to steal an election. That's some Chicago 101 for those paying attention.

Pro Tip: The Chicago dead vote by mail.

phantommut said...

"under any circumstances"

Does that include a total blowout of a loss, something like Mondale loss? HRC is loathsome.

Ralph L said...

As I recall from 2000, in the Constitution, it's the state legislature that has the final say on a state's electors. If the voting is disputed/unending, they can chose the slate by the deadline and can't be overruled by the governor or the courts (assuming SCOTUS follows the Con.). But if a state's chambers are at odds?

h said...

Never forget Wisconsin: It's not over until we win.

wendybar said...

Hillary STILL hasn't conceded that she lost even after all these years. We all wish she would just go away. Maybe she NEEDS to be put in Gitmo (where she belongs, but she was protected) to shut her up.

Jeff Brokaw said...

In other words, she advises Democrats to disenfranchise every Trump voter through insurrection and ultimately armed revolution.

Good to know.

Democrats, as usual, are exactly what they accuse Republicans of being, times 100.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Am I supposed to believe there’s no such thing as vote fraud, after that statement? She just f*cking admitted that’s the plan.

hombre said...

Hillary is clear that should early “final” returns show Trump the winner, enough uncounted ballots will be discovered in the trunks of election officials cars to turn the tide.

PhilD said...

"... I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch and if we are as focused ..."

What does this mean? That democrats will produce/'find' new votes and keep producing/'finding' votes after the election date until they win?

Howard (not that Howard) said...

You may find the phrase "harking back" in the article to be amusing, Ann. The acronym HARK is a "questionable research practice[2] of Hypothesizing After the Results are Known", according to Wikipedia.

Hillary is the foremost practitioner, and her acolytes are the Democrats.

MalaiseLongue said...

Mr. Wibble: "I expect that BLM / Antifa will stage armed seizures of polling places in red precincts on election day."

Only in blue states.

Hillary. Is there a more toxic political actor in all of American history?

Sam L. said...

How's Joe going to KNOW that he lost????????????????????????????????? He's is HIS world, not OURS.

DavidD said...

We haven’t even started counting ballots yet and she’s already saying that this is going to drag out.

Hillary, you were supposed to wait a couple months to say this.

Jim at said...

Why won’t that woman ever shut up?

On the contrary. I want that bitch running her mouth every chance she gets.

mikee said...

AlGore attempted to steal the election in 2000. Make no mistake, it was attempted theft, not a recount.

Joe Biden, who has dementia, will be elected only by massive mail vote fraud, which will likely include counting "late" ballots found weeks after election day, until enough are produced to put his vote count above Trumps in a few key states.

Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States. Yay.

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