August 13, 2020

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris deploy the Charlottesville hoax to stir up racial pain and anger.

Here's the "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Speech Transcript August 12: First Campaign Event as Running Mates." I watched a small part of it because the TV was on in the room I happened to be in. I myself never turn on the TV news. In fact, I often get up and leave the room when it's on. I keep my distance from the virulent news and stick to reading on line (with small doses of video occasionally). In the bit of Joe Biden's speech that I saw, I found him hard to listen to. I wondered how anyone who had English as a second language could understand him, the way he drops consonants — for example, saying "whe'er not" for "whether or not." He sounded angry but disconnected from the text he was reading.

But I'm reading the text this morning because I saw in a tweet that he was forefronting the Charlottesville "fine people" hoax. On his first day of campaigning with his running mate, he led with that. I say "he," but I don't really believe it's him. I think it's more likely that he's a foggy-minded figurehead, and other people have decided to frame the message like that. I consider these people — whoever they are — despicable. They have chosen quite deliberately to commit to a lie that is intended to make black people feel hated and they are doing it for political gain.

As my earlier post about the tweet says, I blogged in April 2019, "If Biden does not come forward and retract [a video relying on the Charlottesville hoax] and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President." Now, more than a year later, Biden has done the opposite. He's doubled down on the lie and he's making it the centerpiece of his campaign!

Biden put up that tweet last night after the speech. This post is to look at the transcript of the speeches that Biden and Harris gave at their event yesterday and to pull out the Charlottesville quotes:
We have a racial justice crisis Donald Trump seeks only to inflame it with his politics of racist rhetoric and appeals to division. Today’s not only the day I’m proud to introduce Senator Kamala Harris as the vice presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. It’s also the third anniversary of that terrible day in Charlottesville. Remember? Remember what it felt like to see those neo-Nazis, close your eyes, and those Klansmen, white supremacists, coming out of fields...
... carrying lighted torches, faces contorted, bulging veins, pouring into the streets of a historic American city, spewing the same antisemitic bile we heard in Hitler’s Germany in the ’30s. Remember how it felt to see a violent clash ensue between those celebrating hate and those standing against it? It was a wake up call for all of us as a country. For me, it was a call to action. My father used to say, silence is complicity, not original to him, but he believed it. At that moment, I knew I couldn’t stand by and let Donald Trump, a man who went on to say when asked about what he thought he said, there were very fine people on both sides, “Very fine people on both sides.” No president of the United States of America has ever said anything like that, see him continuing to attack everything that makes America America. I knew we were in the battle for the soul of the nation.
That was in the middle of Biden's speech. This is from the end of Harris's speech:
Joe likes to say that character is on the ballot. And it’s true. When he saw what happened in Charlottesville three years ago today, he knew we were in a battle for the soul of our nation. And together with your help, that’s a battle we will win. Earlier this year, I said, “I do whatever Joe asks me to do.” And so now I’m asking you to do the same.
No! I'm not going to "do whatever Joe asks me to do," and I don't know why you're such a follower, Kamala. What if Joe gets something wrong? You're not going to challenge him? He's got something wrong about Charlottesville in that tweet last night when he said that Trump called the "white supremacists... with torches in hand and hate in their hearts... 'very fine people.'" You say "character is on the ballot." Show us character then! Be careful about the racial critique you put out there and why you are doing it. I see that you wrote — or your speechwriters wrote — "When he saw what happened in Charlottesville." That's avoiding specifying "what happened." I see the lawyerly loophole. What happened is what actually happened. You're automatically centered on the facts. You haven't repeated the hoax. Is that the level of character you are presenting to us? I'm not impressed.

As for Biden, I can see that the speech isn't as bad as the tweet. The tweet repeats the lie. The speech cagily refrains from asserting that Trump called the white supremacists "fine people." The speech calls upon us to pull the facts up out of our own memory where, in many cases, the lie has taken root. He tells us "close your eyes." He seems to be hoping we will dopily drift into the false memory created by politicians and the media.

He did say, "No president of the United States of America has ever said anything like that." Well, now, that is true. Because Trump didn't say it.

I can't imagine what Biden could do to win my confidence. I'm not going to bother to put in a request this time, because I feel completely hopeless that he will try. He has decided to run on — his people have decided to run him on — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred. He could have run on just not being Trump — the simple dream to make America normal again. But he has chosen an eyes-closed nightmare.


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JPS said...

gilbar, 11:17:

I'm going to say that the number of good people among Actual Nazis, while not actually equal to zero, was close enough to None that I don't feel too guilty approximating. Or that if their numbers were larger than I realize, their influence was mostly too small to make me say, "Well, wait a minute."

Or, put another way, you show me a believing Nazi and I'll presume "Loathsome bastard," but I'll make exceptions for those who put themselves on the line to save lots and lots of people they were supposed to be glad to see killed. Like Schindler.

Or John Rabe, who bore witness to the Japanese atrocities in Nanking, used his Nazi party credentials to interfere with the Japanese, and allowed many thousands of Chinese - some say 200,000 or more - to escape.

My first thought when I learned of him was about the Japanese Army: You know you're vicious when a goddamn Nazi says, "Wow, that's just too cruel, I've got to do something."

But I didn't know how thoroughly he was punished for his good deeds. Let's see (from Wiki):

"Rabe showed films and photographs of Japanese atrocities in lecture presentations in Berlin and wrote to Hitler to use his influence to persuade the Japanese to stop any further inhumane violence. As a result, Rabe was detained and interrogated by the Gestapo and his letter was never delivered to Hitler."

"After the war, Rabe was arrested first by the Soviet NKVD and then by the British Army. Both, however, let him go after intense interrogation. He worked sporadically for Siemens, earning very little. He was later denounced for his Nazi Party membership by an acquaintance. He was stripped of the work permit that he had previously been given by the British Zone, and had to undergo a very lengthy de-nazification process (his first attempt was rejected and he had to appeal) in the hope of regaining the permission to work."

Turns out grateful citizens of Nanking heard of his poverty in 1948, raised (for them) a lot of money, and sent their Mayor to Germany to buy food for the man and his family. They sent food packages from then until the Communists took over. Rabe was most grateful.

Michael K said...

eadering said...
AA feeding her commenters again.

Except sunsong who left.

Oh wait.....

Fernandinande said...

The FBI reported that they received thousands of complaints about Brett Kavanaugh raping them during the hearings.

You'd think there'd be witnesses if Kavanaugh had raped anyone during the hearings.

Drago said...

Sebastian: "Hey, Althouse, I know it's not the NYT, but check out Kyle Smith at National Review for a rundown of Kamala's lies just in her first speech."

I can't wait for LLR-lefty Chuck's next missive here titled "The Conservative Case For Why Kamala Harris' Lies Serve The Greater Purpose And Therefore Represent True 'Principled Conservatism' And We Must Vote For Biden/Harris To 'Conserve Conservatism'"

Drago said...

Meanwhile, the horrible racist Trump has just brokered a "Full Normalization" deal between......wait for it.....wait for it......Israel and the UAE.

Yes, that's right.

Trump has just brokered a Full Normalization Peace deal between the Jewish nation and a Muslim nation.

Or, as Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck and Freder would say: Just like Hitler.

Rick said...

Wa St Blogger said...
I think you need a better crop of liberal contributors to the comments section.

There aren't any liberals in her comment section. Althouse is a liberal. Not a moderate liberal or a centrist. By her own words the only conservative position she supports is not bankrupting the country which, amusingly, wasn't a distinction from liberalism until the day before yesterday.

The conflict we're witnessing is between the liberal and the woke progressives & sundry leftists.

Francisco D said...

Inga said...
It’s evil to try to manipulate black Americans this way by lying about Harris’ black ancestors in Jamaica.

Let me fix that for you sweetie.

It's evil to try to manipulate Black Americans by lying about Trump's Charlottesville speech (and the "no Negro" clauses in rental buildings that he bought and inherited in his twenties).

BTW, the slave owners in Kamala's family were the White ancestors of her father.

If you knew anything about Jamaica, you would know that there are a lot of mixed race people there - Black, White, Chinese and Arawak Indian (like my former grandmother-in-law).

Narayanan said...

rhhardin said...
It's always time for Derb's "Who is a White Supremacist" paragraph, just to show that white supremacist is like phlogiston and systemic racism: air. Apparently it's still necessary to use the term white supremacist because it's necessary still to be able to talk about air.

Derb link
thanks for the Derb link

my finickly curiosity partly sated ... (after three should mean four??!! or Monday).

As an example of the kinds of pains Aliosha had taken, here is a passage from my book, from that same section where I am trying to clarify the counting-measuring distinction.
As a final example, one that used to puzzle me in my Church of England schooldays, consider the three days that Jesus Christ lay in his tomb before being resurrected according to his own prophecy: "After three days I will rise again." Three days? The Crucifixion occurred on a Friday — Good Friday. The Resurrection occurred on a Sunday. That's 48 hours, measure-wise, but of course 3 days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) counting-wise, which is how the Hellenized intellectuals who compiled the New Testament reckoned it.

n.n said...

Charlottesville has been repeated with the Floyd-related warlock judgment and protests, with some, select Black Lives Matter et al trapping civilians and officers in their vehicles.

What is the systemic racism you've talked about?

Diversity dogma is a class-based (e.g. Marxist) system, process, and belief that denies individual dignity, individual conscience, and normalizes affirmative discrimination, color quotas, and color blocs.

“Kung Flu” also made the list names people should not use.

The resolution, which is cosponsored by fellow Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, of Massachusetts, and Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, condemns “all forms of anti-Asian sentiment as related to COVID-19

Diversity (i.e. color judgment) breeds adversity. Normal people don't form NYT-style close associations in that manner.

Thousands, if not millions American blacks have WHITE ancestors who owned slaves.

Black, brown, and red, too. There is no indication that orange or aibino participated.

Everything a liberals says is the opposite of the truth.

Divergent in degrees. #PrinciplesMatter

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

To echo some up thread, I too have heard/read Althouse defending the truth about Charlottesville, as well as Scott Adams, Larry Elder, Greg Gutfeld, Rush, Trump himself when asked to reflect reiterated his prior precision about the people on both peaceful sides of the statue issue, and I’ve heard Dennis Prager lament how evil this lie is similar to the post at issue here. I’ve heard the bulwarkers’ use the same twisted bastardized quotes and use the same images of people Trump excluded. I’ve heard and read Democrats reference the same misleading 5-word excerpt like a catechism. What I have not heard is elected republicans (notice iPhone corrects the not-really-their-name reference I made to the lefty party but does not capitalize the proper name for the GOP? Prolly just a glitch) give clear full throated voice to the same common concerns Althouse Prager et al committed to, the same concerns voiced by the rightish blog commentariat here. The Stupid Party always misses opportunities the Evil Party is certain to pounce on. This is known as PR.

Inga said...

“Kamala Harris directly benefited from her family owning and probably working to death over 200 slaves.”

A vile lie. An evil lie. The ancestor in question who owned slaves was a WHITE Irish man, according to Harris’ father. American blacks had white ancestors who owned slaves, they didn’t benefit from being raped by the Master. I doubt that the black slaves of Jamaica who were raped by the WHITE Master didn’t benefit much either.

It’s really telling how rightists are trying to manipulate Black Americans into thinking that Harris doesn’t deserve her African heritage as much as they do because of slavery. Why do you think there were Africans in Jamaica? They were slaves. Do you think black Americans are stupid, that the grand majority would buy into this?

Big Mike said...

Thank you Althouse. However, it is not a matter of remedial teaching. The people who continue to push the lie are congenital liars.

@Francisco D. (8:22), that’s almost right. What they are are haters. Blind, drooling, slobbering, hatred. The lies flow from their need to hate.

Inga said...

The ‘Kamala Harris is not a true African American’ is reminiscent of the birther movement, another vile manipulation and lie told by Trump to make it sound like Obama was not a legitimate President because he supposedly wasn’t an American citizen. How much lower can rightists sink? They seem to constantly see the splinter in others‘ eyes and not the plank in their own. Lies and manipulation of the fears of Americans are something the right has specialized in for years now. Why are Republicans held to a lower standard than Democrats? What is that all about?

Lewis said...

soleproprietorPatriot said...

Althouse: are you claiming that donald did NOT say: "very fine people on both sides"? - He did say that because there were. What the media did is lie and tell people ONLY racist yahoos were there. It is a documented fact there were regular people there just protesting the statue removal. I know a lady who was there with 50 others. Do not buy the media lie that ONLY 'nazis' were there on the right.

Lewis said...

What is life if it isn't Morressy

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Kamala's white side of the family owned slaves.

But somehow we must not say so. Got it.

Is this like not being allowed to discuss Hunter Biden's deluxe red carpet international corporate board gigs - paid in full from the American tax payer? mega-bucks for nothing.
And Joe didn't even know! Just ignore the photos and the jet-rides. in fact, it's illegal to mention any leftwing crime. (or how the modern left became the mafia)

Perhaps Kamala can change Joe's depends.

Inga said...

How Racists Will Try To Smear Kamala Harris. Trumpists are saying she had an ancestor who owned slaves. If true, it doesn’t prove what they think it does.

Who do you think the majority of Harris’ black ancestors were? Were they African slaves or were they slave owners? The ancestor in question was a white Irish man. There is NO history of black Jamaicans in Harris’ family as being slave owners or people who benefitted from having been raped by the Master, the white Irish man.

Original Mike said...

"Meanwhile, the horrible racist Trump has just brokered a "Full Normalization" deal between......wait for it.....wait for it......Israel and the UAE."

I'm sure mindreader Freder will be along soon to tell us he doesn't really mean it.

Lewis said...


There is a darkness in the street
Like a pall, a shadowed fissure
Entered as the mythology
Of our own fear, intimate
But civic, private, also public,
The town criers, the officials,
The citizenry, covenant arteries,
A lonely Hell. There your son,
My mother, wife or child
So difficult to hear or left unheard
All that was not, will not, cannot be said.
Folded as comfort and disillusion
An hour dawn will unroll.

YoungHegelian said...


I doubt that the black slaves of Jamaica who were raped by the WHITE Master didn’t benefit much either.

Uhhhh, the Caribbean was not the antebellum US. There were lawful marriages between all the races in the Caribbean, just like in Spanish colonial Central & South America "mestiozation" was accomplished mostly by lower class Spanish men marrying Indian women.

Professor Harris' write up of his heritage for that Jamaican article paints himself as a proud member of the Jamaican aristocracy, not a descendant of some 19th C slave woman's bastard child of rape. I don't know how many such people you have bumped into, but Caribbean aristocratic families (especially Jamaicans) can be extremely snooty. Prof. Harris' pride in his lineage is par for the course.

Besides, do you really think the Indian in-laws allowed their highly accomplished daughter in America to marry just any ol' black guy off the street? No. My guess is that the Indian in-laws investigated & were duly impressed by his lineage.

Mr. Forward said...

“Do you think black Americans are stupid, that the grand majority would buy into this?” Inga 12:11

Now do Charlottesville.

Michael K said...

It’s really telling how rightists are trying to manipulate Black Americans into thinking that Harris doesn’t deserve her African heritage as much as they do because of slavery.

As if anyone could tell the bedpan commando anything. Harris got her "African Heritage" from Jamaica, not America and not slavery or the life stories of American blacks. One interesting thing I have noticed with Jamaican blacks, and really all West Indian blacks, is the absence of the victim mentality that so damages American blacks.

Democrats always seem to choose these not quite African American types, like Obama, to tell the real African American blacks to shut up and take it.

Inga, in her all white suburban life, knowns nothing of this. Anymore than Harris, growing up in Canada, learned anything.

n.n said...

The boy who cried wolf, who cried fox... A hoax, for better or worse, fomented with journolistic enthusiasm, progresses class credibility.

Daddy Binx said...

Inga said...
"“Kamala Harris directly benefited from her family owning and probably working to death over 200 slaves.”

A vile lie. An evil lie. The ancestor in question who owned slaves was a WHITE Irish man, according to Harris’ father."

So white descendants of slave owners benefit from said slavery while black descendants of same slave owners benefit not at all? Got it.

Systemic racism - is there nothing it cannot do?

"I doubt that the black slaves of Jamaica who were raped by the WHITE Master didn’t benefit much either."

Am I the only one having trouble parsing this sentence?

As an aside, the latest AP style guide suggests you capitalize the 'B' in Black and the letters in 'white' not at all.

Qwinn said...

So, Inga, if you have both slaves and slavemasters in your family tree, shouldn't the reparations thing at least cancel out in her case? The white slaver ancestor needs to pay reparations to the black slave ancestor, no?

Cause it sounds like your shrieks of "evil lie!" about how horrible it is to point out she had slaver ancestors means that we can only count her black ancestor, and the slaver ancestor must be completely ignored. As if her family didn't benefit as much from the white slaver ancestor as it suffered via the black slave ancestor.

Cause if that's what you're trying to say - that the white slaver ancestor effectively *doesn't count at all* - then realize that you're upturning and discarding like 90% of woke philosophy.

Francisco D said...

Fernandinande said...
The FBI reported that they received thousands of complaints about Brett Kavanaugh raping them during the hearings.

You'd think there'd be witnesses if Kavanaugh had raped anyone during the hearings.

Nice way to catch it. It made me laugh.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Speaking of vile lies, Inga, we noticed your absence from the thread about the Madison hate crime hoax you so stupidly and eagerly bought into. It wasn't your beloved (and mythical) boogaloo frat boys who burned that woman.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? Or are you too dimwitted to realize you are wrong?

Jim at said...

Do you think black Americans are stupid?

No. But you obviously do.

hstad said...

"Charlotsville" just another manufactured MSM meme! But not all MSM memes are bad, I like the one where CNN’s Don Lemon Asks If Kamala Harris Is ‘African American’- LOL.

Having personally seen Kamala in action here in Northern CA, I'm really puzzled at Biden's selection of her. But it will be entertaining so people, trust me it'll look like the Kardashian girls are Nuns compared to Kamala's historical antics. Buy a lot of popcorn cause you're going to see video clips of Kamala Harris which will make Liberal Democrats panic in terror.

Ken B said...

Perfect. Brava.

Bay Area Guy said...

AA sez: "I can't imagine what Biden could do to win my confidence. I'm not going to bother to put in a request this time, because I feel completely hopeless that he will try. He has decided to run on — his people have decided to run him on — fomenting racial division, fear, and hatred. He could have run on just not being Trump — the simple dream to make America normal again. But he has chosen an eyes-closed nightmare."

The modern day Democrats are liars. Straight up, liars. They foment riots based on lies (Michael Brown, hands-up), and then they use lies to blame America, Republicans, white people or Trump and deflect from the riots.

The past racial history of America is NOT based on lies. In the South, and many parts of the North (particularly unions) blacks were marginalized and mistreated. No dispute.

But racial relations began to improve in the 60s with the Civil Rights laws, but Johnson's Great Society wrecked the black nuclear family. (See, Sowell, Thomas -- anything he wrote). Notwithstanding this terrible anchor, over the past decades many blacks made it to middle class, good on ya. And, generally, active and casual racism slowly got purged from American culture and society. Good on ya, twice.

And, now in 2020, we got leftwing riots, where fatherless young blacks destroy property, businesses, and jobs in the inner city, but Kammy calls Trump the racist!

Go figure.

Joe Smith said...

"92% of Jamaicans have African heritage."

That doesn't make them African-American, any more than it does a white American whose ancestors came from Africa three million years ago.

She did not have a black experience in America...she is whiter than me.

mandrewa said...

"I'm going to say that the number of good people among Actual Nazis, while not actually equal to zero, was close enough to None that I don't feel too guilty approximating. Or that if their numbers were larger than I realize, their influence was mostly too small to make me say, "Well, wait a minute.""

If you are talking about modern people that self-identify as Nazi, well I think you are talking about people who are mentally ill. Or actually that is overstating it. I think self-proclaimed Nazis almost entirely come from the pool of people who desperately want attention and who have very low social status.

Of course there are many people who want attention and who are of low status, and who yet still don't self-identify as being Nazis.

But if you are talking about actual historical Nazis in Germany, well on the contrary many of them were good people. That's part of what makes the Nazis so horrible. They were for the most part ordinary people. Now the Nazi leadership was basically all scum, but that doesn't change the ordinariness of most of their supporters.

I can say that without having been there, or even have been alive at the time, because I've met the children of these Nazi parents, and they were mostly decent people, and I know they were the children of Nazi parents, even if these children don't know it, because of their age, and because I know that virtually an entire generation of Germans, the Germans whose teenage years overlapped from about 1920 to 1940, were pretty much all Nazis.

This is one reason why I believe the woke today would literally have been Nazis if they had lived in Nazi Germany. It's not just because of the parallels, but because we should know that ordinary people do have the capacity to collectively do evil things.

gadfly said...

So we should not be doing everything that Joe asks for but we will unquestioningly ride that strange Trump train over the cliff to include changing the postal service to essentially prevent mail-in voting, which both parties now use, from happening in this election. That is perfectly legal, well, isn't it? The Biden issue is unimportant because it is "all talk no action" but Trump's direct interference in the election policy will bring our republic to its knees (so to speak).

Bilwick said...

Instapundit today quotes someone with a theory that the Biden camp is using the Charlottesville hoax as a loyalty test for its minions in the MSM. They all know Slow Joe is wrong about it, but the loyal minions will glass over that in silence.

Vance said...

Hey Inga: I don't know if the Harris benefitied from slavery is a "vile lie" or not, I've not looked into it.

But why do you care? This entire post from Althouse is about the vile lies that Biden and Harris are explicitly doubling down on--and you fully, fully support Biden and Harris. So how can you possibly complain if a "vile lie" is being spread about Harris? This is the politics you support!

Moving on from Inga's hysterics, this is so totally stupid by Biden and Harris.

The essential argument here is that Trump was lying when he said that there were fine people on both sides. Clearly, the argument is, that one side did not have any good people at all. The side that "committed violence" has no good people, by definition.

Well, then what about the "peaceful protests" that are burning down America's cities? Are there good people on that side? Under Biden's analysis, no. There are not. After all, Democrats have murdered what, 11-15 black people in the name of "Black Lives Matter" right now?

If the side who commits violence has no good people on it, then why are Democrats supporting the rioting? This is just an insane stance for Biden and Harris to take.

That being said, I too agree with Sunsong, Howard, and the rest: Trump was wrong to say there were fine people on both sides. Clearly, the racist/communist/antfia/BLM side has not demonstrated they have any fine people at all. They want to tear down our history, our government, our rights, our freedoms.... with the full support of the Democrat party. I would like someone to show any fine people on the side of BLM out in the streets.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

snopes reports that Kamala's links to father's side of the family slave ownership as "inconclusive"

uh huh.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Meanwhile - Hunter Biden pays off a 450,000 tax lien in 6 days.

Hunter Biden’s Mysterious Source of Income Creates Problems for Biden Campaign

"After Hunter Biden abruptly resolved a $453,890 tax lien, Joe Biden’s campaign needs to explain the younger Biden's source of income, Washington Free Beacon investigative reporter Alana Goodman told Fox Business on Tuesday.

"How did he manage to pay off this $450,000 tax lien in six days? You know, most people just don't have a half a million dollars lying around," Goodman said.

Goodman questioned Hunter Biden’s ability to resolve the lien after he told an Arkansas judge in his paternity case last November that he was unemployed, in debt, and lacked income.

"We asked the Biden campaign, ‘How was he able to settle this?'" Goodman said. "‘What happened, how did he get this money, and does he have a job now?' And we got no response from the Biden campaign."

Goodman said there are also a lot of questions surrounding Hunter Biden’s relationship with foreign countries such as Ukraine and China, and that the former vice president "will have an issue for his son's finances because of the work that Hunter Biden did in China."

Biden's lucrative positions at foreign firms include the board of directors for Ukrainian energy giant Burisma between 2014 and 2019 and served on the board of BHR Partners, the $1.5 billion international private equity arm of Chinese investment fund Bohai Capital. Biden stepped down from both boards last year, according to his lawyer."

Questions for CNN and late night TV propagandists to ignore.

I Callahan said...

She has absolutely NOTHING in common with the black experience in America. And I get the feeling that many (much blacker) black people will see through the charade.

Neither did Obama. Obama lived a charmed, spoiled life, nowhere near the inner-city ghettos. Yet they voted for him in droves.

Tribalism is a lot more important than background. He was one of them, and so is Harris. I wish I were as optimistic as you.

Leland said...

I see sunsong is doing the old National Lampoon bit, "If you don't buy [my BS], [I]'ll kill the dog". They didn't last long either.

Don't worry sunsong; we'll be sure to remind you to keep your promises until you decide to do so.

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

The Snow Queen - one of my favorite stories when I was young, maybe even now.

Allears said...

Ann Althouse said...

"Thank you Althouse. However, it is not a matter of remedial teaching. The people who continue to push the lie are congenital liars. They will not or cannot learn."

I know they are lying, doubling down on the lie they're so committed to they can't back out. That's why I won't waste my time doing the explanation.

Just like Hiss denied till he died. After Venona when Hiss
dies in 1996 Peter Jennings (CBS) proclaims his innocence.
The Left writ large: Lie, then deny the lie; endless Loop till death

Rick said...

Inga said...
“Kamala Harris directly benefited from her family owning and probably working to death over 200 slaves.”

A vile lie. An evil lie. The ancestor in question who owned slaves was a WHITE Irish man, according to Harris’ father.

Notice how left wingers change their beliefs to match their narrative. Just yesterday Inga disputed that Harris was even descended from this person despite her father's statements.
Today the same father's comments are asserted as fact. Whichever conclusion allows her to call other people vile or racist is what she believes...this minute at least.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

A party who lies this much is capable of far worse. Like vote fraud.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Went online to confirm the details of this story- couldnt find a single national media outlet covering it. Not one.

Ken B said...

You just said it was a lie that one of Harris’s ancestors owned slaves because that ancestor was white. Are you claiming that white ancestors don’t count, a maximal form of the one drop rule? I guess that if my great great grandfather was black, my mother was not my ancestor.
Even Birkel would be ashamed of a claim that silly.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

No sale Inga.
We are merely attempting to hold up the left's standards for historical data.

If Kamala's white side of the family owned slaves - she did too.
Those are YOUR side's rules. eat shit.

Inga said...

Ken B, I did not say it was a lie that Harris’ white ancestors owned slaves. What I said was a lie was the notion that her black family prospered from being enslaved by her white ancestor who owned THEM.

Inga said...

Drago said...@ 11:34AM

“Kamala Harris directly benefited from her family owning and probably working to death over 200 slaves.”

Tell me how Kamala Harris’ black enslaved ancestors benefitted from their master owning slaves and raping them?

Iman said...

Lewis said...
I'm so angry - I don't know why - I have been so for four months in the sin bin you imagine - I'm angry about my mother, obviously - the most intelligent woman that at ever existed. Tha hats stupid, I know. I know I'm in love with Martina. After 20 years. I can't stop it. Just sweat a lie. So I imagine if I called back to her - would she want me, would anyone want me.

Desperately hoping "Martina" isn't your mother's name, but Navratilova doesn't swing that way. And you've got angst in your pants, dude.

gadfly said...

The only Charlottsville hoax came from the mouth of Donald Trump. At his news conference, some 48 hours after the Charlottesville fiasco, our stable genius said that there were "very fine people on both sides” of the confrontation, but then said the the "alt-left' attacked and beat people but that was just another Trump lie.

As the country watched the news coverage of the Unite the Right rally, they saw neo-Nazis and members of the “alt-right” and KKK beating protesters. They witnessed white supremacist terrorism as a man drove his vehicle into a crowd of protesters, murdering activist Heather Hayer.

They watched the police escort white supremacists to their vehicles but stand by as protesters were beaten. And they watched obviously armed groups like antifa and Redneck Revolt protect people attending church services making sure clergy members made it safely to their cars without using violence.

Unite the Right was explicitly organized and branded as a far-right, racist, and white supremacist event by far-right racist white supremacists. This was clear for months before the march actually occurred. So by casting the rally instead as a sort of spontaneous outpouring from Confederate statue enthusiasts, Trump is rewriting history.

Iman said...

Lewis? Young, lovelorn, drunk and poetic is no way to go through life, son.

JPS said...

mandrewa, 1:57 - Thanks for your thoughtful response. You may well be closer to the mark than I was. It doesn't exonerate them to recognize that.

"we should know that ordinary people do have the capacity to collectively do evil things."

Well put!

(Re the woke: You've seen the old essay, "Who goes Nazi?" that was making the rounds again a few years ago?)

Inga said...

“That doesn't make them African-American, any more than it does a white American whose ancestors came from Africa three million years ago.“

Kamala Harris was born in the US she is a citizen by birth and she has African ancestry, she is an African American no matter what you want to imagine.

Inga said...

It’s really astounding that rightists have gone back to the despicable birther type smears. First Obama, now Harris. You people really are vile. No wonder you voted for a support Trump.

Birkel said...

Democratics are unable to see that their political moves (READ: lying for sport) are failing with people disposed to their overall positions?

The demographic polling favors Trump, wildly.
The voter registration numbers favor Republicans, broadly.

November 3rd will not be shocking to those paying attention.

Inga said...

Just think, it actually sounds as if some racists dreamed up blaming a person with African ancestry whose white slave owner ancestor raped and impregnated their slave ancestor, for the white slave owner ancestor becoming rich off the backs of their black slave ancestors. Talk about blaming the victim.

Did that white slave owning ancestor leave everything to his slaves or at least to the one he raped and impregnated? Did the slave ancestors then become rich land owners themselves? Not in MOST cases and in the case of Harris there is NO SUCH history. Harris’ father mentioned the white Irish ancestor, which actually has NOT been proven. I based my arguments on the premise that Harris’ father’s oral family history is correct.

Original Mike said...

I don't give a rat's ass whether Harris has a slave holding ancestor. She had nothing to do with that. If only she would grant me the same courtesy.

Drago said...

Ken B: "Inga
You just said it was a lie that one of Harris’s ancestors owned slaves because that ancestor was white. Are you claiming that white ancestors don’t count, a maximal form of the one drop rule?"

The best part of Inga's moronic and laughable shifting lies on Harris' clear slave holding ancestors (over 200 slaves!) and Harris' clear personal benefit from that slaveholding past is almost as amusing as Inga's non stop (and quite vile) support of infanticide supporting democratics.

The harvesting of baby body parts while the infants heart is still beating.

"Vile" cannot be begin to describe that evil that Inga embraces.

Drago said...

And now Oman and Bahrain have joined the UAE to fully normalize relations with the Jewish state of Israel...

....and the effort was led by the DJT administration.

I can't wait to see how Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck hand credit to obama for this.

Needless to say ARM will deny it happened at all and readering and Freder will claim its somehow to cover up corruption.

Gahrie said...

"92% of Jamaicans have African heritage."

That doesn't make them African-American,

One of the funniest things in the world is to listen to the woke discuss Black people who live in other countries. You get things like "English African-Americans" all of the time.

I don't know if I am brave (or stupid) enough to do this this year, but for the last couple of years I have been telling my students that my favorite African-American is Elon Musk.

Qwinn said...

I can't wait till the overnight thread, where we can discuss all the reasons Lefties give us for why it's simply outrageous that anyone consider giving a President who ended the Korean War and actually brokered peace in the Middle East a Nobel Peace Prize.

Michael K said...

we will unquestioningly ride that strange Trump train over the cliff to include changing the postal service to essentially prevent mail-in voting, which both parties now use, from happening in this election.

Someone could have a full-time occupation of refuting lies like that one. Absentee voting, which I have used for years, is a program in which a registered voter requests a ballot that can be dropped off at a polling place or mailed before election day. The "Mail-in" balloting Democrats are pushing involves mailing millions of ballots to people listed as registered but there have been no corrections for those moved or died. No voter ID is used and the Post Office loses as many as it delivers. It is an excellent method of election fraud.

I think the plan is to create chaos at the election to counter what Democrats fear might be a real Trump win. No matter what happens they will allege cheating and try to stage a coup.

The Godfather said...

Kamala Harris is not to blame if one or more of her White Jamaican ancestors owned slaves. Commenters who think that what her ancestors did affects her moral worth are wrong. By the same token, she isn't entitled to any monetary or moral bonus for what her Black (or Indian) ancestors may have suffered in Jamaica (or India). She's an American, and we all are equal. Judge her on her merits. So far, there hasn't been much public discussion of the merits of her character (Althouse has started it by criticizing Harris for echoing Biden's lies about Charlottesville), but I'm sure it will be coming more widely soon. Right?

Leora said...

I find it difficult to believe that Joe Biden's used car salesman father said "Silence is complicity." Ever. It's very much a current catch phrase. I don't believe I ever heard it growing up in the 50's and 60's. And my parents hung out with leftists and academics.

Leora said...

This is why the best thing for the country would be a landslide win for Donald Trump.

Birkel said...

The Godfather,

We are asking Democratics for one set of rules. Either every white person is responsible for the sins of their forefathers - and thereby Kamala Harris is also - or not.

The point is that there MUST be ONE set of rules (or none at all).

Democratics will be made to choose.

I'm Not Sure said...

“Kung Flu” also made the list names people should not use.

The resolution, which is cosponsored by fellow Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, of Massachusetts, and Mazie Hirono, of Hawaii, condemns “all forms of anti-Asian sentiment as related to COVID-19."

It's anti-Asian to refer to where the disease came from by what it's called? Wouldn't that mean it's anti-African to refer to where the ancestors of black people came from by what they're called?

bagoh20 said...

Every defense of this lie is just another lie. Chuck's link, because I guess he can't make an argument himself, is a guy who spends a thousand words gas-lighting about Trump's supposed gas-lighting. Chuck just told us how dumb Trump is for not expressing himself like a politician using a response written by someone else a week later, and then links to an article that suggests Trump is a genius at gas-lighting the whole country. Maybe Trump is an idiot savant with the special power to communicate in ways only the left can really understand, or maybe Chuck will say anything, no matter how ridiculous when in his TDS fever.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Still waiting for the hivemind to answer Bagoh's question @ 8:39. ???

*crickets* and *BS* from the subject changing likely suspects.

bagoh20 said...

""92% of Jamaicans have African heritage."

Actually, 100% do, just like the rest of us.

Drago said...

Inga: "It’s really astounding that rightists have gone back to the despicable birther type smears. First Obama, now Harris. You people really are vile. No wonder you voted for a support Trump."

Tell us more about Brett Kavanaugh's gang rapes, Carter Page's russian spying and the harvesting of baby organs while the baby's heart is still beating.

Then tell us more about "vile" behavior..........

Drago said...

Inga the Infanticide Party Supporter: "It’s really astounding that rightists have gone back to the despicable birther type smears. First Obama, now Harris."


Kamala is an American citizen democrat whose family owned and likely worked to death and murdered slaves.

Like many democratics.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

blah blah blah ' birther nonsense.

not everyone climbed on board the birther noncie. Not much to do with the fact that Biden and Kamala are lying about what Trump said about Charlottesville. Media all in and down for the struggle - any lie will do.

roesch/voltaire said...

The people who marched the night before did not have the permit Trump referenced nor did I see very fine people chanting in that march. A clumsy and ambiguous statement statement that is hard to understand does not make for a hoax for those who try to press meaning out of this president who has just become a bad conspiracy joke.

CWJ said...

Sounding wrote,

"I will leave you and your blog if that is the case."

Please do. It's obvious to me that you are an operative, and not a good faith commenter open to give and take. I'm honestly sad to say that your departure will be no loss. But departure it must be. Goodbye.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"I don't have high hopes, so long as women vote. They're dedicated to consuming fiction."

Dumb. 53% of white women voted for Trump didn't they? Am I mistaking married vs. single Hope not.

But to start, more Asians and blacks and Hispanics vote, regardless of sex, for the fictions you claim women, and per you women alone, are susceptible to enough for you to declaim the rejection of our form of democracy, voting in a representative Constitutional republic, based on women outnumbering men in America. (I always capitalize Constitution when I am merely thinking of The America Constitution although I will write constitution sans capital about some rando constitution). ((I will always capitalize The when referring to The American Constitution and not some damn rando constitution of The Shithole Country that ain't us))..

But it is a dumb thing to assume another's consuming fiction, if it be an accurate observation which we assume for kicks, isn't a possible positive for us who until now have seen it as a D v. G story and we ain't Goliath.

Sounds like someone afraid of mass prog media, just like they (in such media) want people to feel. Regular old Joe's or Gandoplh-style persons notwithstanding.

I've thought it through, and you'll be delighted to find out: It's bullshit.

You must be afraid of, or have had bad interactions using your in-person influence, and ergo have given-up because you can't tell a story well enough live and in-person to sell a narrative with a hook that gets the crotch wet. That means you should help others with their stories such that the mass prog media means less and less and less, as is the current trajectory.

Just hop on board Trump's yacht, filled with a lot of women, and forget Joe's dinghy.

Then figure out some of Beta and my's movie plot holes. Don't bitch about the old crap out there, create amazing stories with Beta and me.

CWJ said...

Sunsong not Sounding. It's not even autocorrect. It's autohyjacking.

Phil B said...

"They have chosen quite deliberately to commit to a lie that is intended to make black people feel hated and they are doing it for political gain."

SOP. Forget it, Ann-it's America.

Gary said...

I am disappointed with Ann Althouse lying with sophistry.

Here is the transcript. Notice he defends his White Nationalist advisor and claims he is not a racist. Trump is trying to say there are peaceful protesters objecting to pulling the Confederate statues down who are very fine people and there are probably fine people on the other side but some who viciously attacked Nazis. He does object to the murderer on the Right.

I don't see a Biden lie. I see Althouse defending a lying conman and the Confederacy.


bagoh20 said...

So let me get this straight. Trump has been in the spotlight your whole adult life. Unlike your heroes, he never denounced gay marriage, he spent a lot of time working with Blacks in high profile events having nothing to do with politics, he employs women at the highest levels of his businesses, and has never said anything derogatory about any race, and you would have admitted as much before November 2016. What changed? I don't think Trump's history is anything a white supremacists or racists would be proud of. What really makes him less racist than Biden and many other Democrats is that he treated the Blacks and women he worked with as capable human beings, not trophies or children to coddle and patronize. He told Blacks: "Vote for me. What do you have to lose?" He didn't call the ones he liked "clean and articulate" as if such a Black person is some kind prodigy. He didn't tell them they aren't really Black unless they vote for him. He didn't tell Indian Americans that they remind him of 7/11 stores. You would love to have Biden quotes come out of Trump's mouth, wouldn't you? Do you really believe Trump is a racist. I bet he has more Black friends than you do, and they respect him more than yours do.

Don't you people see how stupid you are being for the sake of partisanship? Your brains are handcuffed to a desperate desire for something unsustainable with simple obvious facts, so you carve up the ones we have into little pieces and rearrange them like a ransom note, hoping nobody can put them back together.

Gary said...

Trump and Althouse - Four Pinocchios. Although Trump ran on so much you can pull out selected quotes.

"The evidence shows there were no quiet protesters against removing the statue that weekend. That’s just a figment of the president’s imagination. The militia groups were not spurred on by the Confederate statue controversy. They arrived in Charlottesville heavily armed and, by their own account, were prepared to use deadly force — because of a desire to insert themselves in a dangerous situation that, in effect, pitted them against the foes of white supremacists."

Jasperjava said...

It wasn't a hoax.Trump DID say that there were "fine people on both sides". He was wrong. There were NO "very fine people" among those who marched with Klansmen, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Nobody at the "Unite the Right" rally qualifies as "very fine people". Even those who were not card-carrying members of racist organizations, who don't adhere to those groups, none of them are "very fine people" because they were there to defend public displays of statues dedicated to racist traitors. The same can be said about those who still support Trump. They are racists even if they don't want to admit it. Trump's racism isn't a deal-breaker to them, which, you have to admit, is pretty racist. Trump cultists are ignorant, uneducated, gullible, and deplorable. Every last one of them.

MayBee said...

I'm guessing CNN immediately put out a Chyron correcting Biden and Harris?

buwaya said...

Jamaica has its own history and the modern consequences of that history.
One of these is that there is indeed a genuine matter of "white privilege" in Jamaica.

Not really for white people, as for the most part, as with most ex-colonial countries, the unprivileged whites mostly left long ago, after independence. The high status whites there today (besides the tourists) are mainly expats, with just a very very few remnants of "old" and rich white families.

But rather for mixed-race Jamaicans. That is, persons with more white ancestry tend to be higher in social status. Its white privilege for black people.

This is not of course unique to Jamaica.

Mr. Harris is one of these mixed race people of relatively high social status persistent over generations. This is a genuine matter of inherited privilege derived directly from the old system of slavery. And far more so than in the US, as the entire economy and society of Jamaica are rooted in the old plantation slavery system.

And his high social status played no small part in his getting higher education in Britain and America, and so also in marrying a similarly high-flying Indian wife. Stanford professors are a good catch.

Mr. Harris certainly isn't to blame for that. It is what it is. It would be silly to make much of it. But so is the modern American mania for picking at these things.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Gary - Stop lying. I read thru your link and there isn't anything that is a problem.
You are the one calling Steve Bannon a racist. If there is a problem - why don't you quote it.
You cannot. because there isn't - unless you, Gary, lie or take things out of context.
SOP from the hivemind.

Trump condemned what needed condemning. even with a hostile reporter trying to play gotcha.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hey Gary - Now do Portland.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

WaPo is not a trusted source. WaPo is an arm to the democrat party and part of the democrat's campaign apparatus.

Gary - give us the Trump quote, in context, that is so horrible. will you?

Drago said...

Looks like the lefty night shift crew has popped in to start the hoax racism charges all over again!

You just know they still believe Jussie's story too.....

MayBee said...

Going after Kamala's family history in Jamaica seems like the equivalent of the people who call our current POTUS "Drumpf". I mean, I guess it's fun if you just hate the politician to dredge up family history. But it doesn't convince anyone and sounds silly to people not on board your train.

Nichevo said...

AA, when if ever do you pull the trigger on "When Biden Lost Me?"

(You can still have your, I suppose, inevitable, "When Trump Lost Me," if and when. Then you must vote 3rd party or not at all (or lie), but at least you will have your soul, little as you value it.)

And if Biden hasn't done it already, what will it take? Would he have to kill Meade and the boys and wipe the blood on your avocado plant? Do you want to be received in Madison THAT badly? Perhaps you could be providing leadership to the local smart set who nonetheless don't quite fancy suicide.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If Don Trump were to encounter Kamala Harris in a national park, Trump wouldn't feel more comfortable than if she were not there.

If a Black American were to show up at a national park the same time as Donald were there, Donald would feel more at home.

Gahrie said...

First Obama, now Harris."

Actually, first was John McCain. The Democrats tried to say he was ineligible to be president because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone. However at the time, the Panama Canal Zone was American territory, so he was born in the United States.

bagoh20 said...

"The same can be said about those who still support Trump. They are racists even if they don't want to admit it."

Does that include the millions who are POC? Trump will garner more Black votes than anyone in your lifetime. Maybe not everybody is obsessed with something as silly as skin shade in 2020.

BTW, you are one incredible mind reading asshole, aren't you? Do you imagine that calling millions of Americans "racists" despite the fact you know nothing about them is something a decent, tolerant, intelligent person does? You do that. Which is even worse and more harmful than being a racist. You hate more people for less reason, and you are so impenetrably dumb that you don't even see your own nasty character flaw.

bagoh20 said...

Do you notice that the lie defenders' arguments consist not of quotes from Trump, but of links to other people with opinions on what he said. Is that supposed to prove something? I can find you a link that will argue that Elvis lives in a hot air balloon powered by his farts tethered to the edge of the flat earth. Hey, some guy said it, so it must be true. C'mon man, make a real point with your own mind, or is that thing atrophied? If Trump said something so egregious you would think you could just quote it in context and prove it, right?

DJK said...

This kind of sad and desperate parsing is Exhibit A on why blacks, youth, women, educated whites, suburban moms, and now even wide swaths of older voters are feeling the Republican Party and conservative movement, which is now in such full meltdown mode that Trump is openly admitting to Post Office sabotage -- a bizarre move that likely harms his party and his rural base more than anyone.

This is layup type stuff, folks:

1) If you march around with tiki torches chanting "the Jews will not replace us," you are a racist and not a fine person.
2) If you march alongside tiki torch anti-Semities in defense of monuments to pro-slavery Confederates, you are...also racist and not a fine person.

When the right can't score easy layups like this and instead is trying to parse that "very fine people" was referring to the second group not the first -- in defense of a vulgar, rage tweeting birther bigot who is not even a real conservative -- it's clear that the "hoax" here is the idea that conservatives are anything but politically stupid and circling the drain.

One June 28, 2020, Trump tweeted a video of one of his aging fans yelling "White Power!" Not a peep from this blog or the right about that, but Biden and Harris calling out Trump's dumb and, yes, racist Charlottesville bothsidesim sends y'all into paroxysms of rage? That tells you all you need to know about the right's priorities and why it is in demographic shambles.

FullMoon said...

Inga says, without evidence, that Harris Irish ancestor raped his slaves. More likely the nubile slave coerced the Irishman to gain favor. As was the custom in the day.

virgil xenophon said...

buwaya @9:35PM as usual, provides a useful concise history/sociological explanation of the workings of social-status in mixed-race societies..

DeepRunner said...

Ann Althouse said...
I say "he," but I don't really believe it's him. I think it's more likely that he's a foggy-minded figurehead, and other people have decided to frame the message like that. I consider these people — whoever they are — despicable. They have chosen quite deliberately to commit to a lie that is intended to make black people feel hated and they are doing it for political gain.

Scott Adams went off on that fact in his Periscope today.

So two things. Yes, Slow Joe's brain is now the equivalent of cold oatmeal. His mental acuity is dull. He's merely a puppet dangling a on string. Second, OF COURSE, the Dems are gonna trot out Charlottesville. Fascist liberals know, like Goebbels, that if you repeat a lie enough it soon is believed to be true. Their minions in the MSM can't get enough.

bobby said...

1. Go to Twitter and watch #ADOS. American Descendants Of Slaves. It's a rather large collection of African Americans who are incensed that Harris has been chosen as being representative of American Blacks. This Inga character seems to be arguing that Blacks don't know their own minds. No, they do not consider Harris to be one of them.

2. I know several people - fine people of good, non-violent, non-racist character - who attended the Charlottesville events, not understanding that the evil nuts from both sides were planning a meeting engagement there. To those who keep repeating that everyone there on the right were racists - FOAD.

3. Funny - I'm supporting Trump specifically because of some of his character traits that some people here want to cite as evidence of his unsuitability. Biggest one being, he's not very politic.

stan said...

"He could have run on just not being Trump — the simple dream to make America normal again."

Trump is not the reason that America is not normal right now. Democrats are rioting, burning, killing and looting. Electing the same folks who gave us Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, and Atlanta and expecting things to be normal is a really strange religious tic.

Rusty said...

A question for DJK. Which confederate statues are good confederate statues.
Just a matter of historical fact. In the hierarchy of slavery the last place you wanted to be sent was the sugar plantations of the Caribbean. Field slaves in the cotton and tobacco plantations in the American colonies fared much better. Why was this? The wealth of the sugar trade made it easy to treat slaves as disposable. The price in the colonies was much dearer and hence slaves fared better.

bagoh20 said...

"More likely the nubile slave coerced the Irishman to gain favor. As was the custom in the day."

Willie Brown helped push Harris up the ladder while less agreeable but more qualified women were passed over, so some things never change.

Bilwick said...

bagoh wrote: "Do you notice that the lie defenders' arguments consist not of quotes from Trump, but of links to other people with opinions on what he said. Is that supposed to prove something?"

That's cruel. You're asking State-cultists to back up their articles of faith with logic and facts. Have you n sense of decency?

FullMoon said...

Gary's link to the full interview makes Trump look even better. Talks about progress bringing jobs back, wonders if Jefferson and Washington
statues will be next. Mentions violent leftists showing up with clubs and looking for trouble, just like Portland and Seattle and elsewhere last few months. No alt-right to fight in Seattle and Portland, just the establishment.

Amusing to see the left attempting to remove history of slavery in the south.

WASHINGTON STATUE PULLED DOWN,the%20United%20States.%20Aug.%2013%2C%202020%20contribute%20now



Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It is amazing that in a post that specifically calls out the bastardization of Trumps words, leftists come here to elide the part of his quote that gives context. “Both sides” means BOTH SIDES of the statue question, to TOPPLE or NOT TOPPLE. That’s an issue with two points of view, or “sides” in colloquial American English. There are still TWO SIDES to the TOPPLING issue, as evidence in many cities recently. There are not two sides to the nazis issue and have not been among Americans for nigh on 80 years now. ALL conservatives and most progressives oppose nazis. One side. Trump specifically excluded nazis in his remarks because there are no two sides to nazism and all you’re whiny wishcasting and shortening of quotes only marks you as a dupe, willing to accept propaganda because you hate Trump. That’s something you and nazis have in common, the hatred that motivates you.

DJK said...

@Rusty -- forgive me dearest, but who cares?

Republicans and movement conservatives need to stop the silly stuff and give us policies to address affordable healthcare coverage, education parity and affordable education, affordable housing, stagnant wage growth, how to reasonably retool American lives and habits to promote health and contain pandemics, massive household and student debt, the rise of extreme weather events due to climate change, and how to secure free and fair elections and combat foreign election meddling.

Nobody cares which slaves were treated better where. Republicans need to stop wasting time defending a vulgar, rage-tweeting racist who is not conservatives, whining about "cancel culture," crying about the media, and defending monuments to pro-slavery Confederates, none of which has anything to do with the issues Americans actually give a darn about.

Y'all need to get out of the right wing fever dream victimhood swamp and get it together.

Rusty said...

Well. Obviously you do. Other wise why try and sell it.

Republicans and movement conservatives need to stop the silly stuff and give us policies to address affordable healthcare coverage, education parity and affordable education, affordable housing, stagnant wage growth, how to reasonably retool American lives and habits to promote health and contain pandemics, massive household and student debt, the rise of extreme weather events due to climate change, and how to secure free and fair elections and combat foreign election meddling.
Holy crap. You bought the whole package, didn't you. What public sector job do you do?

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Scott Adams just linked to this post in his Twitter feed. Since I've been following you both for years, feels like a planetary alignment ;-)

rowrrbazzle said...

Chuck wrote, (bolding added) The way for a real president to have dealt with it would have been a carefully-crafted press release, and a short written speech.

What authority do you have to flatly state what a "real" president should do? Trump is the real president in every way, elected in a 100% legal, constitutional process. Perhaps that doesn't enter into your definition of "real", which in your case appears to mean "imagined".

Orwell: "Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way. That is, the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different. […] Other words used in variable meanings, in most cases more or less dishonestly, are: class, totalitarian, science, progressive, reactionary, bourgeois, equality."

Chuck again: The problem is that unless the President who attempts such a maneuver is exceptionally bright, quick-witted and articulate, shooting from the hip is fraught with rhetorical danger.

Ah, yes, "rhetorical" danger, which is the danger of (as Jefferson put it) "the malignity with which political enemies torture every sentence from me into meanings imagined by their own wickedness only". And Biden leads with it.

rowrrbazzle said...

DJK: leftists need to stop spreading blatant lies about us. If you continue, it will not end well for anyone, including you.

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