August 25, 2020

Is this ugliness mindless or deliberate?


Michael K said...

Trump needs to come down hard on these creeps after the election. Avoid Soros DAs and go straight to civil rights DOJ prosecutions.

I Callahan said...

It’s terrorism. The reason for terrorism is to instill fear and submission in people, and this is no different.

Leora said...

This is what Facism looks like.

Rabel said...

You're the audience, Megan, and your submission is the goal.

rehajm said...

Elected officials were elected to let this happen. Elections have consequences...

Original Mike said...

Democrat messaging.

Ice Nine said...

The most salient, and most sick, feature of this diner/fist video is that - unlike the earlier one - it shows a bunch of mentally ill, self-loathing white people harassing the woman. I didn't see a single black person involved, on cursory look.

pious agnostic said...

Objectively pro-Trump activists.

Jupiter said...

McArdle tries to decide whether she would have raised her fist.

EdwdLny said...

This will not end well, patience is not unlimited. The terrorist "protestors" will end up bloodied. There will be no sympathy for them, nor should there be. Just because their bullshit plays well with the libs, doesn't mean that average America is accepting , indeed they are not.

robother said...

How do people in places like Boulder or Madison still have signs in their windows or front yards supporting BLM after seeing this? Or is that the point of having such signs, preemptive raising of the fists? Contemptible cowards.

Big Mike said...

Who is the intended audience of this, and what goal does it seek to achieve?

Suburban house wives?

wild chicken said...

This is what Facism looks like.

Because they get right in your face?

Rabel said...

This specific behavior, public harassment, has recently become popular. Someone is promoting it.

Sebastian said...

"Who is the intended audience of this, and what goal does it seek to achieve?"

1. Intended audience: everyone. 2. Goal: turning us all into Havel's greengrocers.

But I think the radicals miscalculate.

Wince said...

Remember the righteous indignation in Obama’s voice when he asked “Why can’t I just can I just eat my waffle?”

tommyesq said...

How at this point can you ask that question. Have you decided if you will raise a fist if asked? Because it is increasingly clear that you will be asked...

Mark O said...

The progenitors of this Progressive cult, were the Puritans who developed shaming into an art form.The Puritans devised more than the scarlet A. There was a B for blasphemy and a D for drunkenness. Shaming by religion is not new. Political secular religious cults combine all the rage of religion with a secure self-righteousness that the Devil (Trump) must be driven out.

Bob Smith said...

It always happens to those people over there. The ones who drive those cars, and live in those neighborhoods. The shop at those stores, and eat at those restaurants.

Until it doesn’t. That’s when it becomes wrong.

n.n said...

Their ambition is to stoke diversity. We'll see how many people indulge them and adopt their dogma.

Professional Lady said...

Democrats own this.

RMc said...

Is this ugliness mindless or deliberate?


Vance said...

The BLM and Antifa "raising of the fist" differs how from the Nazi salute? Is the only difference that the Nazi's had an open hand while today's leftists have a clenched fist?

Jupiter said...

"Is this ugliness mindless or deliberate?"

"Mindless" is a pretty mindless word to begin with. People use it when they want to excuse something without defending it. It was clearly "deliberate" -- people know what will result when they light a building on fire. I suppose you could ask whether all of the the organizers of these riots intended the destruction that resulted, or only some of them. If the latter, does that make the destruction "mindless"? Or does it make those who did not intend it mindless?

JaimeRoberto said...

It's extortion. Vote Dem or else. But if the Dems win, I'm not sure they will be able to control it.

n.n said...

This is what Facism looks like.

Because they get right in your face?

Because of the collusion of private and public parties to control and extort the population through a violation of civil and human rights. At least until they change, redefine, normalize the terms of social reconciliation. Choose wisely.

Original Mike said...

"Democrats own this."

Deomcrat office holders won't denounce it, they order the police to stand down, damn right they own this.

Drago said...

I looked closely. I didn't see Steve Bannon or any hawaiian shirts.

I was assured they would be present in scenarios such as these.

And now I find its almost as if the lefties and LLR-lefties have been lying to me about that....

Paul From Minneapolis said...

The second video is just about the worst yet. So spread it far and wide.

William said...

There will be a process, and the police involved in the Kenosha shooting will be held accountable. There will be no process and no accountability for those involved in all these acts of arson in Kenosha. No justice. No peace. They got that slogan right......Which is more likely to cause someone to move out of town: Arsonists or heavy handed police? Coleman Young in Detroit made every effort to eliminate police brutality, and, to an extent, he succeeded. For the most part, the police were passive onlookers for Devil's Night and other acts of mayhem. Black people kept electing Coleman Young and kept moving out of town. They're more apt to flee arsonists than brutal cops. Their silence is consent to those acts of arson that are committed in their name.

Mark said...

It is knowing ugliness and deliberate. And I mean the enabler and go-along collaborator sitting nearby with her fist raised.

David Duffy said...

Not one of the guys can put his camera down to come to the women's defense? Disgusting. What kind of jackass loser fuckface will keep filming while this woman is being abused? But, I guess that would be sexist to try to defend the woman from a deranged mob. Maybe the Left is right, the U.S. is not worth defending if this is how corrupt and sick our men, culture, youth have become.

D.D. Driver said...

Isn't a white person throwing up the black power fist cultural appropriation?

Rory said...

Is there anyone who think this is not full-blown fascism?

Michael K said...

wild chicken said...
This is what Facism looks like.

Because they get right in your face?

Read up on the definition of Fascism. Nothing to do with faces. More about a club.

holdfast said...

Compelled speech is far more of a personal violation than suppressing speech.

With suppressed speech, you might be able to say it later. With compelled speech, you can never really take it back.

These s*theels are no better than the terrorists extracting televised "confessions" via torture.

Rory said...

"Is this ugliness mindless or deliberate?"

It's certainly knowing. Huge corporations have been hand-in-hand from the start with the resistance. Nothing the retailers among them would like more than the clearing of downtown areas for them to move into on deals laced with incentives.

gilbar said...

robother said...
How do people in places like Boulder or Madison still have signs in their windows or front yards supporting BLM after seeing this?

Guarantee you that in ames anyway; the few that DIDN'T have BLM signs are now rushing out to get them
Lefties are Cowards... Cowards that hope that THEY are the last to be killed

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

God bless this woman! <a href=">Jacob Blake's mother condemns rioting, prays for LE and ask for our prayers</a>

David Duffy said...

"The progenitors of this Progressive cult, were the Puritans who developed shaming into an art form."

All forms of social order have shame. Why do solders fight in battle, when their instinct is just the opposite? Why do guys stay faithful to their wife, when most every impulse is the opposite? Why stay faithful and sacrifice for your children? I know there are good answers to the questions outside of shame, but being an outcast in society because an action was truly harmful is not a bad deterrent.

I look at the things that were shameful in many different societies. Building a nation on a Puritan work ethic, honest dealings with your neighbor, and sexual fidelity to your wife was why wherever the Puritans went, they built lasting civilization. The alternatives...not so much.

Breezy said...

If I saw my kid bullying anyone like that they’d be shut off forever. That’s despicable inhumane behavior that will not have my support. If only there was a way to sanction these Soros/like groups....they need to be starved of resources.

Ken B said...

Everyone is the intended audience and submission is the goal.

Original Mike said...

"Is there anyone who think this is not full-blown fascism?"

Inga, for one. steve uhr for another. ARM doesn't think.

Narr said...

Yeah, the bigbox stores can shrug some trouble off, but the mom-and-pop businesses are done.

As for the compulsion, take a look at the sullen looks most of the DC diners managed; the crybullies are going to notice expressions like that and start demanding smiles . . .

Dance, honky

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are vile.

Just watched Nick Sandman. He is impressive. The leftwing/ leftwing media wanted to destroy him.

These leftist thugs need to be rounded up and jailed. for a long time.
No tolerance for leftwing terror. No more tolerance for leftwing lies.

Yancey Ward said...

Rabel for the win. Yes, people like McArdle are the target audience.

I guess we will soon find out if anyone has a backbone, or if we are all just jellyfish.

Narr said...

Fac-ism people. It was a typo teed up for a sharp wit. (Cf. Fasc-ism)

Now stop being facetious

Narr said...

Fac-ism people. It was a typo teed up for a sharp wit. (Cf. Fasc-ism)

Now stop being facetious

Anonymous said...

These are Biden's people. Remember that Election Day.

Moondawggie said...

"Is this ugliness mindless or deliberate?"

It's actually a combo plate that also comes with heaping side orders of misanthropy, evil, and willful ignorance.

mockturtle said...

Oh crap. Screwed up the link. Twice. [got the error message the first time].

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

ugliness is the visual manifestation of Liberalism gone amok

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing media, our public schools, and Stephen Colbert-land TV are turning young people into brownshirted assholes.

Bay Area Guy said...

Mindless Marxism almost always ends in massive destruction of lives and property. See Bolsheviks, Russia, 1917; see Mao Zedung, China, 1948; see Korean War, 1950; see Hungary, 1956; see North Vietnam, 1968; see Cambodia Khmer Rouge, 1975; see Afghanistsn, 1980; see Cuba, 1959 - present; see Venezuela, present; see Antifa, present; see Black Lives Matter, present.

Have I left anyone out?

Qwinn said...

I disagree completely, Original Mike. What motivates you to extend Inga or steve uhr the benefit of the doubt that they don't recognize it as full blown fascism? IMO they certainly do. They just fully support it. Projection is a favored tactic. Don't fall for it just because they accuse the right of fascism so they must think its a bad thing even when they do it. They don't.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mock-T's link

Julia Jackson, Mother Of Jacob Blake, Says She Is ‘Praying’ For Police Officers, Condemns Rioting And Looting In Son’s Name

todd galle said...

We live in a nice suburban neighborhood of mid century houses. A pleasant mix of ranchers, bi-levels, and two storied, just outside a smaller city (pop 50K). We've not had an issue to date. But since our kids are out of the house, we've placed firearms rather liberally around the house. The McClusky's not having a functional firearm was a spur in that decision. We're a quiet couple, don't do much outside of family, church and work, so being prepared isn't a problem regarding visitors and so forth. I don't know if these rioting leftists have thought out the end scenario, and it's possible resolution. The police are there to protect them from us, an armed citizenry. Remove that police barrier, either with 'defunding' or this new idea of 'non prosecution' and it's 'Katie bar the door'. And they have no clue as to how well some are armed. Not just a 9mm or 380 pistol. In the room where I am typing, there is almost enough to supply a squad (I'd have to go to the basement to finish the kitting out), weapons, ammo, and trauma aid. I worked too hard, to long to surrender what I think I have earned. I'm over 55, so not a lot to loose.

RichardJohnson said...

Mark O
The progenitors of this Progressive cult, were the Puritans who developed shaming into an art form.The Puritans devised more than the scarlet A. There was a B for blasphemy and a D for drunkenness. Shaming by religion is not new. Political secular religious cults combine all the rage of religion with a secure self-righteousness that the Devil (Trump) must be driven out.

Excellent point. I am reminded of Joseph Bottum.
Wokeness: old religion in a new bottle.
Joseph Bottum on how the decline of Protestant America fuelled the rise of identity politics.

Long message shortened: those who left the Protestant religions of their grandparents didn't abandon a desire to be among the elect, among the saved. Their grandparents believed that believing in and acting according to the precepts of a religion could save them but the grandchildren believed that adhering to "Wokeness" would save them and would insure their membership among the elect.

Bottum explains this in more detail in his 2014 book An Anxious Age: The Post-Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of America I highly recommend it.

pacwest said...

This specific behavior, public harassment, has recently become popular. Someone is promoting it.

Just following Maxine Waters and the Dems lead. Getting in people's faces at restaurants is an old tactic supported by the left.

Dems. You own it. This is on you and that is unmistakable.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Very deliberate. Very ugly. Terrorism* pure and simple. You are warned. Study and be prepared. You, not the Police, not nobody else, are responsible for your own personal safety.

*Terrorism: purposeful acts of violence against random individuals, intended to instill fear and subjugation into the greater population.

MikeR said...

"Who is the intended audience of this, and what goal does it seek to achieve? — Megan McArdle"
You are the intended audience, Megan. You joined your enemies against Donald Trump, refusing to believe that they were way worse than he was, and that he was trying to fight them. Either get out and rejoin decent people, or do the will of these wicked people.

RichardJohnson said...

Speaking of furniture stores in Wisconsin, didn't Bernadine Dohrn's father own a furniture store in Wisconsin?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That punk ass bitch in the black shirt needs a serious ass-kicking. knock the brownshirt right outa him. ...send him back to mommy.

that and - buy more guns people. It's war.

btw - who is the guy in the yellow shirt with the camera set-up? why are social media platforms being used to coordinate terrorism?

shame on twitter and facebook.

BobJustBob said...

A question to the lawyers. Is there anything the people being subjected to this can do legally in self-defense?

Does what being done equal some illegal assault?

rightguy said...

kristalnacht in Kenosha

Skeptical Voter said...

Ugly is as ugly does--and this is just ugly--as are the people who did it.

mockturtle said...

You, not the Police, not nobody else, are responsible for your own personal safety.

Our local sheriff where we used to live had monthly 'town hall' meetings and he would always tell us this. That's the big difference between county and city LE. He would say there was simply no way that he or his deputies could be everywhere and that they expected families to be prepared to defend themselves.

mockturtle said...

Thanks, BB&H. I screwed up my link and by the time I noticed it was too late to fix it.

boatbuilder said...

Not much social distancing amongst the assholes. Apparently it’s ok if you are woke.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the Silenced Majority

...gets to yell out a collective FUCK OFF!! November 3

Known Unknown said...

I would've hummed La Marseillaise but none of the fist-raising ignoramuses would've understood.

Iman said...

There will eventually be a reckoning.

MayBee said...

MikeR said...
"Who is the intended audience of this, and what goal does it seek to achieve? — Megan McArdle"
You are the intended audience, Megan. You joined your enemies against Donald Trump, refusing to believe that they were way worse than he was, and that he was trying to fight them. Either get out and rejoin decent people, or do the will of these wicked people.

Exactly. She was duped into believing Trump was going to start a nuclear war. He's been the least war-like president in decades.
She's a mark. They are playing for people like her, to not dare to speak out about the behavior she's seeing, lest she look like she is racist or supports Trump.

Bob Loblaw said...

McArdle tries to decide whether she would have raised her fist.

McArdle's problem is she doesn't have any actual principles. She styled herself a libertarian when she was young and healthy, then as she got older and less healthy she decided getting the government into health care is a good thing. After that followed more government policies which would benefit Megan McArdle. She's just realized the people she was counting on to force the rest of us to pay her bills might actually burn down her house, so she's conflicted.

Rick said...

Who is the intended audience of this, and what goal does it seek to achieve?

The message to middle America is:

If you vote Democrat the rioting and street violence stop.

Rory said...

"Does what being done equal some illegal assault?"

Yes. Civil assault includes provoking a reasonable apprehension of an attack. Your problem is that these people would be trying to win with DC courts and juries against them.

DavidUW said...

None of these twits have taken a straight jab to the face.

Too bad.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Longtime liberal pundit appears to mildly dissent calling the bulling of rando diners not a good tactic.


It appears Hayes does not fear cancellation.

A crack in the mob's armor?

Tune in tomorrow.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...
I looked closely. I didn't see Steve Bannon or any hawaiian shirts."

I notice the resident lefties have started to avoid these threads as it becomes clear - even to them - that boogaloo boys are not torching these buildings and that harassing people in restaurants and at their homes is not exactly storming the beaches at Normandy stuff.

Oh, it's OK if they threaten Trump supporters like that couple in St. Louis. But they're tormenting Democrats and that's beyond the pale. And Seattle and Portland are far from Wisconsin, but Kenosha is a bit too close to Inga's neck of the woods.

Terry Ott said...

The intended audience is the subhuman ignorant cretans who are out there creating havoc, so they can watch replays of themselves on their stolen TVs over the following days. They are doing it, also, because they don’t have a real life nor the initiative to go out into the real world and work at finding something worthwhile to do. In other words, the entitled and loathesome dregs of society. They must be so proud of themselves for accomplishing …. well, nothing, including finding happiness.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As of this post, another video of this same incident has 6.5 million views.

jnseward said...

Were the Nazi brown shirts mindless or deliberate?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A Washington Post staff writer tweeted more details about the confrontation.


Marc in Eugene said...

I watched a bit of video of Mrs Trump and Nick Sandmann earlier. I don't doubt that Mrs Trump would make short work of Bette Midler in any confrontation, no matter how strong her accent is.

Social JusticeIsGay said...

Anne this is exactly what you have been begging for for a long time.

Mocking and then blocking those who would seek to open your eyes to the consequences of your own acquiesence to tyranny.

Still believe the China V isn't just another version of the flu like the good little woke lemming you have proven yourself to be???

Susan said...

Liberals have been bullies as long as I have been alive and I'm 60 years old. My parents scrimped so my siblings and I could go to private school. It was absolute hell because I refused to bow to the whims of the liberal rich bunch.

I have sympathy for the Conway girl because of this. I can see how she would think her parents are responsible for ruining her life making her move to DC. I would suppose her liberal classmates managed to destroy her social life because, Trump.

I was lucky my folks weren't in politics and when it became obvious that the school was academically top notch but a cesspit of bullying and horror they took us all out. I escaped with my morals and self respect intact because I didn't give in but it took years to get over the psychological damage.

Birkel said...

You and everybody who has ever voted for a Democratic has spawned this inevitable pursuit of raw political power.

How many of you recognize your mistakes?
How many regret your votes?

You were warned about The Will to Power of the Leftist Collectivists.
You never listened.

The people you loathed warned you repeatedly.
You sold your respective souls for the trinkets you were offered.

You will lose everything you love to these totalitarian wannabes.
Are you listening now?

James L. Salmon said...

Under Ohio law an individual is guilty of "ethnic intimidation" - under the criminal statute - where the targeted person suffers injury or loss to person or property as a result of an act committed in violation of Ohio Revised Code Section 2927.12, Ethnic intimidation. That statute provides, in pertinent part, that: "(A) No person shall violate section 2903.21, 2903.22, 2909.06, or 2909.07, or division (A)(3), (4), or (5) of section 2917.21 of the Revised Code by reason of the race, color, religion, or national origin of another person or group of persons.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of ethnic intimidation. Ethnic intimidation is an offense of the next higher degree than the offense the commission of which is a necessary element of ethnic intimidation."

Case law in Ohio indicates such a person likely has a civil cause of action against such a person for violation of the listed statutes.

2903.21 Aggravated Meanacing
2903.22 Meancing
2909.06 Criminal damaging or endangering
2909.07 Criminal mischief
2917.21 Telecommunications harassment

Such a person also has a civil claim under O.R.C. Section 2909.05, 2927.11, or 2927.12 against the offender.

2909.05 Vandalism
2927.11 Desecration of, among other things, public monuments
2927.12 Ethnic Intimidation

One seeking to impose civil liability against another for ethnic intimidation is only required to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the injury or loss suffered was caused by the actions of another which were tantamount to a violation of one of the criminal statutes listed in provision authorizing civil cause of action for ethnic intimidation. Emotional distress is the injury component for civil claim to recover for ethnic intimidation and it is error to instruct jury on a separate cause of action for intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress in Ohio.

A successful litigant is entitled to attorneys fees, compensatory damages, punitive damages and costs. Anyone subjected to treatment of the kind depicted in the videos from D.C. in Ohio should reach out to an Ohio attorney. A civil conspiracy claim regarding efforts to deprive individuals of their constitutional rights under federal law might be viable as well. Bullies only understand power. These bullies need to be punched in the nose. Legally of course.

A Nonny Mouse said...

Unless something changes drastically, we're going to reach a point when normal people start shooting. Woe betide the black clad LARPers on that day.

Cornfed said...

It's worth pointing out that fringe movements attract fringe people. There are some organized machinations involved, for sure. But the ground troops, many of them, just get off on this crap. They're sick in the head.
I knew of some folks -- friends of friends, let's say -- who were into the radical eco movement, to the point of committing eco terrorism. They were not normal people. And looking at these jerks in the streets, I see something familiar. These people are also messed up. Like I said, they get off on it. The type has always been around. The difference is, political leaders tolerate it. And the psychos know it, so they're doing what they love. This is not a case of unstoppable mobs. They can be stopped easily if only we had the will. It's a case of a society unwilling to defend itself because it no longer believes in itself. And that's when the hordes take over.

bagoh20 said...

Find videos of them telling why they do it, and you will find it is both deliberate and mindless. This violence and destruction is some of the least defensible in the history of social unrest. It's based on lies, and they refuse to consider that their knee jerk judgement and response might be unsupported by the truth. Never have people so privileged and comfortable done so much destruction. They have no real excuse or justification, which is why I would have no concerns about them being hurt or incarcerated in the effort to stop it. They are the ones doing the injustice to the innocent, and anyone who defends that is culpable in something that can only be called "evil".

David Clayton said...

McArdle has always called herself "a squish." She's getting mugged by reality now, however, and drifting back rightward.

chickelit said...

Megan McArdle sold out her independent thinking long ago. It’s only interesting that she’s now waking up.

The Crack Emcee said...

Gays did the same thing to an old lady in LA during the Gay Marriage debate. Held her hostage in her own restaurant for being a Mormon or something.

The Crack Emcee said...

Deliberate - you deserve it.

Clues? said...

Bullying makes lifelong enemies. Dems can kiss the presidency goodbye for a generation

Rusty said...

Oh. can you do The Kenosha, kid?
The Crack Emcee said...
"Deliberate - you deserve it."
You best hope, my son, that this doesn't rebound back on you. Because if we deserve it. You do too.

wendybar said...

The bullies have and always were the left. Now it is just blatant...whilst they cry about their being oppressed.

BUMBLE BEE said...

We're with you all the way across the bay... Radio Dinner 1972

Jeff Weimer said...

It's mindless on the large part of the participants, but absolutely deliberate on the part of the people who've wound them up and set them off.

buwaya said...

The effect of group dynamics gone rancid.

It is very much the same thing as the rampage of the Hutus or the Chinese Red Guards or the German witch hunts. Or of countless other cases in history. Societies create systems, usually evolve systems, to keep this sort of thing in check and permit the continuation of what we like to call normal life, with all its imperfections and compromises.

An example of a created control was the Spanish Inquisition. Uncontrolled popular rage, however outwardly righteous, was seen as being itself a great evil. Pogroms were sinful. The Inquisition was meant to channel and limit these cases of the madness of crowds through complexities, checkpoints and delays of due process.

Jason said...

Althouse had a clear opportunity to reject this sort of mob harassment and intimidation right after the Memories Pizza incident and blew it. She sided with the mob.

Rather, she encouraged Christians to speak out more so they can make targets of themselves.

h said...

Cornfed notes: "It's worth pointing out that fringe movements attract fringe people."

And that is a good point. But the wokeness crowd (that thinks persuasion by bullying and name-calling is such an effective tactic) is not just a small group of crazies. They are a large group of crazies; in my opinion too large to be called "fringe". It is what all the "cancel culture" stuff is about.

Stephen St. Onge said...

"Terry Ott said...
"The intended audience is the subhuman ignorant cretans who are out there creating havoc, so they can watch replays of themselves on their stolen TVs over the following days."

        They are NOT subhuman.  They are very typical humans, doing what humans have always done: fight for their tribe against other tribes.

        If you think of them as subhuman your side will lose Civil War II (‘This time, with nukes!’®).

Kevin said...

What’s really being burned down is the Democratic Party.

In that respect Crack’s right.

It’s deliberate, and they deserve it.

Stephen St. Onge said...

"EdwdLny said...
"This will not end well, patience is not unlimited."

        I read such statements repeatedly.  Yes somehow, the patience never runs out on the "law 'n' order" right.  I conclude that "patience" is a euphemism for "cowardice", which history shows has no limits.

"gilbar said...
"Lefties are Cowards... Cowards that hope that THEY are the last to be killed"

        They don't strike me as much different than the righties who don't lift a finger to stop this.  Where are the noble right wingers who should be firing on mobs without warning?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

How at this point can you ask that question. Have you decided if you will raise a fist if asked? Because it is increasingly clear that you will be asked...

Remember back during the Scott Walker protests when somebody tried to start a movement to force the professor out of out of Madison because she was insufficiently woke and nobody has a "right" to live in Madison? Turns out that was foreshadowing.

Matt Sablan said...

This is truly the way to win hearts and minds.

Matt Sablan said...

"Is there anything the people being subjected to this can do legally in self-defense?

Does what being done equal some illegal assault?"

-- From the bits of watched, not a lawyer, but... much like the Westborough Baptist people, they are riding the line. Maybe the woman in pink who was cornered and surrounded COULD have pulled off a self defense argument, but in one of the other videos, there was a woman who was in a man's face. That man will never win a self defense argument that a woman who had not touched him was such a threat he needed to take pre-emptive violent action against her.

Expect a lot more of those sorts of encounters rather than mob threatens woman sorts of encounters. Because you either get "Look at this white supremacist not bending the knee" or "Look at this white supremacist hitting this brave black woman."

The people doing this understand politics, optics and their own safety. They're never going to force someone who might actually be dangerous into a position where self-defense is their only choice.

traditionalguy said...

Now we see why Arabs like to shoot their guns into the air. It is a reminder to the crowd that they have a peacemaker that a mob of many running amuck cannot intimidate.

NYC JournoList said...

There were gun battles in the streets of Kenosha last night ... two dead.

Social JusticeIsGay said...

Stephen St. Onge I have often found myself thinking along the same lines over the last six months or so.

We've had the government running amuck in total nazi mode with this bullshit Chinavirus thing, followed by months of leftists rampaging through our cities burning, looting, and murdering. And the cops have announced they are standing down.

Where are all of my conservative mates with all the guns who weren't going to put up with any of this shite? So far I've seen a lot of talk but they are still killing us at a rate of 12.5 to 1.......

Dude1394 said...

“ Blogger Michael K said...
wild chicken said...
This is what Facism looks like.

Because they get right in your face?

Read up on the definition of Fascism. Nothing to do with faces. More about a club.”

Quibbling over a name is playing the democrats game. Can’t be fascist because of x,y,z so it’s not that bad. They rely on wordsmithing to give them cover for their criminality and condoning of it. These are Nazis and Fascists. The democrat party is the party of Nazis and fascists.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Where are the noble right wingers who should be firing on mobs without warning?

Todd said...

tommyesq said...

How at this point can you ask that question. Have you decided if you will raise a fist if asked? Because it is increasingly clear that you will be asked...

8/25/20, 7:41 PM

They won't be asking.

donald said...

So my neighbor, who has hygiene issues has planted that fucking BLM sign in front of his townhouse, this after a letter, that says NO SIGNS.

Which of course was a response to three Trump signs in this reliably liberal enclave.

I’m bringing the guns home. It’s time.

Clyde said...

If this is the way they are behaving now, how do you think they would behave if Joe Biden gets elected in November?

Jamie said...

Cornfed notes: "It's worth pointing out that fringe movements attract fringe people."

But what about the political party that endorses them?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want to see blacks succeed. This is not it.

the democrat party is given power off of the division and the false and empty promises.
Ask Hunter Biden and the Clintons to share their family graft. they will step on anyone.

Basil Duke said...

I was happy to learn that the Kenosha militia bagged two Antifa/BLM orcs overnight, and seriously wounded a third. Like the proverbial bus of lawyers hurtling off a cliff, it's a good start. Keep it up, lads.

Gravel said...

It's meant to intimidate. That's all.

It worked up to a point but the inflection point has been reached. I'm somewhat surprised it took this long, but I'm going to make a prediction. The violence in Kenosha will taper off much more rapidly than elsewhere, because Wisconsin isn't yet completely lost to leftist takeover. As a result, a few more people have a backbone and are standing up against this insurrection.

The Pacific North West will continue to burn for an indeterminate time; they're spineless.

Buy guns, buy ammo, learn how to use them, and understand that this can come to you, personally, at any time.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Where are the noble right wingers who should be firing on mobs without warning?"

From the accompanying link:

Antifa and BLM comrades tended to the man who had been shot, yelling, “Call the police, call the police!”

You want the police, do you? I guess it's okay when you're the ones under fire, then?

Francisco D said...

Qwinn said...
I disagree completely, Original Mike. What motivates you to extend Inga or steve uhr the benefit of the doubt that they don't recognize it as full blown fascism? IMO they certainly do. They just fully support it.

I think you mss the obvious Qwinn. The people you mentioned are particularly dumb and beholding to virtue signaling. They are the weak members of the leftist tribe that have no clue what the leaders' goals are.

Marxist Fascists are not the brightest bulbs. They have to control because they cannot convincingly argue their positions. They need liberal sheep like steve and Inga to hide behind while they are trying to take over.

Gravel said...

"How at this point can you ask that question. Have you decided if you will raise a fist if asked? Because it is increasingly clear that you will be asked..."

I have a plan for both fists. The left fist will be raised with the middle finger protruding, the right fist will be at my side, wrapped around a .45.

Don't make me raise both fists.

Tim said...

I don't see any STEM graduates there. Unemployables.

Gravel said...

Blogger Rick said...
"The message to middle America is:

If you vote Democrat the rioting and street violence stop."

For a brief period it will, but the next time they don't get every last thing they want, it will resume, and larger. Anyone who can't comprehend this at this late date is a benighted fool.

This is an insurrection. It will only stop when the rest of us put it down.

rcocean said...

"Who is the intended audience of this, and what goal does it seek to achieve? — Megan McArdle"

LOL. As someone said upthread, McArdle is wondering if she'll raise her fist or not. It's amazing that people are taking this QUESTION as a brave stance against Antifa. I've noticed that the Never-trumpers and people like Rich Lowrey do this same thing. They won't condemn the Left or make a strong attack, instead they'll ask a question or snipe about "This isn't helping". But McArdle has never been anything more than a liberal with libertarian economic beliefs.

gilbar said...

The people you mentioned are particularly dumb and beholding to virtue signaling. They are the weak members of the leftist tribe that have no clue what the leaders' goals are.

"if only Stalin knew"!

RigelDog said...

How at this point can you ask that question. Have you decided if you will raise a fist if asked? Because it is increasingly clear that you will be asked...]]]]

Husband and I had an interesting conversation about this last night. We won't engage in any kind of compelled speech or actions. It sucks being late middle-aged because there was a time when I was capable (never did!) of holding my own in a physical struggle with another woman, provided she wasn't huge or armed.

Life is a funny old dog, isn't it?

Original Mike said...

"How at this point can you ask that question. Have you decided if you will raise a fist if asked? Because it is increasingly clear that you will be asked...]]]]"

Guess you don't know until it happens, but I have a very hard time believing I will comply. I'm a stubborn old coot.

Rick said...

there was a time when I was capable (never did!) of holding my own in a physical struggle with another woman

The people in this environment are never going to attack you physically. They are identifiable and they understand doing so would hurt their own cause. Their goal is to goad you into getting physical or saying something they can turn viral to get you fired. Failing that they want to claim uniform support for their plans and scare everyone else back to their homes.

Physical threats are a concern during the riots when they are masked.

Sam L. said...


The Crack Emcee said...

Kevin said...
"What’s really being burned down is the Democratic Party.

In that respect Crack’s right.

It’s deliberate, and they deserve it."

This is why the kids are doing it: because they know - no matter what I say - you will twist my words to suit your ends, and you will always make it about your point of view, and you, and never a serious consideration of my words - Ann. did it yesterday, deciding she knows what's "enough" for me ("it'll never be enough") like she's psychic. And the best part is, that's good enough for her - she thought it, end of story. Some lawyer.

I'm proud of these kids.

They're as sick of y'all's bullshit as I am.

Jim at said...

Unless something changes drastically, we're going to reach a point when normal people start shooting.

Quoted for truth.

Jim at said...

The Pacific North West will continue to burn for an indeterminate time; they're spineless.

You obviously don't know many people in the PNW outside of King County, Seattle and Portland.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I think I would just give them a nazi salute and a hearty heil hitler.
They're behaving like brownshirts.

Bob Loblaw said...

I'm proud of these kids.

Then you're a fool. This is going to end badly, for them, and for anyone who believes in an egalitarian society. These "kids" have almost succeeded in convincing the great American middle this civil rights stuff was bullshit factional politics all along, and that the only way to maintain a functioning society is to put minority groups in a subordinate position.

Anonymous said...

This is the id, unleashed. There is no goal. Civilization used to tamp it down, but... we don't do that anymore. This is the id, unleashed.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bob Loblaw said...
I'm proud of these kids.

Then you're a fool. This is going to end badly, for them, and for anyone who believes in an egalitarian society.

You don't understand: we're past that now.

I'm almost 60 - only got a few more years of your madness - and never a day's break from it.


Bob Loblaw said...

I'm almost 60 - only got a few more years of your madness - and never a day's break from it.

If you're almost 60 you're old enough to know better than this. Maybe the reason you can't get away from "our" madness is the madness is actually on your end.

Pookie Number 2 said...

You don't understand: we're past that now.

This is possible. If we’re as terrible as you think we are*, then our combination of numbers, education, arms, and political power means that it will end really, really badly for your side.

(*We’re not, of course. But we recognize that you prefer excuses over effort.)

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