I bet they don’t realize the Teslas are filming them @elonmusk pic.twitter.com/kr2fSDrvTZ
— K10✨©️ (@Kristennetten) August 10, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
I bet they don’t realize the Teslas are filming them @elonmusk pic.twitter.com/kr2fSDrvTZ
— K10✨©️ (@Kristennetten) August 10, 2020
Creating and finding evidence of crime is not the issue.
Do we have the will to enforce minimum standards of behavior for our citizens and protect property rights? There is a balance between totalitarianism and anarchy that is possible in a civilized society and at some point the public will insist we enforce the rule of law.
If not, the cities will hollow out first.
Except in cities with Democrat DA's.
In the future, crimes of opportunity may be be impossible. Crimes by stupid people may be impossible. But there will always be crime.
Will government officials ever be held accountable for their dereliction of duty? Will the citizens ever get justice for this betrayal?
Do you really want to stop the crime that we've been seeing in Portland and Chicago? Don't arrest the criminals, kill them immediately. It won't take long before this crime spree ends.
What difference does it make if they are simply paraded in front of a Soros funded prosecutor and let go immediately? This is starting to smell like a real insurection, well funded and organized.
Democrats promise crime will continue unabated.
Theft will be impossible because it will be called removing inequality.
I bet they don’t realize the Teslas are filming them
I bet the poster don't realize the police, the Soros backed DA, and Tesla support what they're doing...
Having a great video of someone committing a crime isn't worth anything without law enforcement and prosecutors being willing to do something about it.
Somebody let me know when Trump finally gets off his fat ass and invokes the Insurrection Act to shut down the riots, and has Barr dig up some sort of Federal charges to bring against the local officials that are enabling them.
In the meantime, I'll probably be doing a write-in vote on the top line this November, given the four parties I know will be on the Texas ballot comprise three candidates who have endorsed the Burn-Loot-Murder "protests" (oh, sure, with the caveat that they don't actually support burning, looting, and murdering), and the cowardly incumbent who has spent two months refusing to actually take measures that would actually stop BLM "protesters" from burning, looting, and murdering.
For a long time, I didn't understand the point that "Police don't exist to protect the public, they exist to protect criminals from the public."
I do now.
When citizens see enough of their communities being lawless, they will step in. And it won't be citizens arrests to hand them over to police either.
This is what the wild west looked like folks. And it took local community vigilante justice to bring safety and property protection to communities.
It doesn't take much. It just takes immediate and significant consequences to deter.
Knowing that Tesla films everything, why would anyone buy one? But you could say the same thing about them bursting into flames and burning up, as well as the huge quantity of resources, esp the rare earths, used to construct them, and the damage to the environment of both their construction and their demise. Stupid vehicles for stupid people with a lot more money than sense, and a need to do a lot of empty virtue signaling.
Ah, Steven, did you not see what happened when Trump tried to send law enforcement into Portland? The Democrats and their friends in the MSM had a shit fit. If local government does not try to stop this current riot, why should this be Trump's problem?
Please do not vote.
Remember when it was all conspiracy theories and anti Semitic to point out that Soros was funding prosecutor races all over the country?
“ In the meantime, I'll probably be doing a write-in vote on the top line this November, given the four parties I know will be on the Texas ballot comprise three candidates who have endorsed the Burn-Loot-Murder "protests" (oh, sure, with the caveat that they don't actually support burning, looting, and murdering), and the cowardly incumbent who has spent two months refusing to actually take measures that would actually stop BLM "protesters" from burning, looting, and murdering.”
I was actually surprised when the Libertarian candidate actually came out in favor of BLM, defunding the police, etc. Wonder if she is taking money from the Trump campaign. In 2016, you could almost pretend that voting for the Libertarian candidate was a valid protest vote. Not this time - if you like rioting, looting, and burning, you should probably vote for the Democrat (presumably, still, China Joe Biden). And if you don’t, you should vote for Trump. While he hasn’t shut the violence down (yet?), at least he isn’t condoning it, but rather condemning it.
Do you really want to stop the crime that we've been seeing in Portland and Chicago? Don't arrest the criminals, kill them immediately. It won't take long before this crime spree ends.
So the solution to crime is to allow the government to commit crime. I am not calling you a Nazi, but you would have made a damn good one with attitudes like this.
@Bruce "Knowing that Tesla films everything, why would anyone buy one? But you could say the same thing about them bursting into flames and burning up" Given that they are consistently rated as the best, safest, cars in the world, and that they revolutionized an industry that is now trying to emulate them - well, maybe you should think about this a little more. It's like criticizing penicillin because of problems with the bread mold.
"Tesla support what they're doing..."
Elon Musk believes in private property, so I doubt he's supporting this. He's also been pretty red-pilled over the past few months.
Everything that has happened has really put Kent State into a different perspective for me
Chicago is getting exactly what it voted for. Looters went as far north as Lincoln Park to loot a Best Buy. They are simply desegregating the most segregated city in America.
"This is what the wild west looked like folks."
I'm thinking more Reconstruction South.
Well, let’s look at history.
Up until recently, Trump’s quip that when the looting starts, the shooting starts was the norm. Would the cost of 40 dead looters (it was their choice) be too much to pay for restoring and maintaining order? I don’t have any sympathy for these people (or folks) and the world would be a better place if they didn’t engage in this primitive behavior. Lightfoot finally got something right yesterday when she said this isn’t protest, this is criminality. New police superintendent David Brown did a fine job in Dallas. Give him the tools and civil order can be restored in Chicago.
The state’s attorney in Cook County, Kim Foxx (Soros pick) needs to be turned out of office in November.
We can do it.
If Property is Theft, then Theft is Property. Brush up on your Proudhon.
"I believe that this Nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, that there will be looting on the Moon."
Theft will not be impossible at all, if the right kind of DA refuses to prosecute.
I suspect that very few if any of the people in that scene will be prosecuted. For a long time now, two decades at least, there have been some jurisdictions in the United States where there is a formal or informal quota on how many people of certain privileged ethnicities can be arrested. It's the same idea as "systematic racism." "Systematic racism" is a left-wing article of faith, ie. that if one group of people commits more crimes than another the reason for this additional crime must be racism.
And thus one of the side effects of believing in "systematic racism" is that police need to be very aggressive at charging white people with crimes so that at least some of the worst offenders in the privileged ethnicities can be charged.
"The state’s attorney in Cook County, Kim Foxx (Soros pick) needs to be turned out of office in November."
Yeah, right. Soros pick means something to you and me. But all the local voters see is "D",not "R".
“Do we have the will to enforce minimum standards of behavior for our citizens?”
They’re not “our citizens”. They were never part of us the people, and they never will be, no matter what any document says.
Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx has dismissed more than 25,000 felony cases, including murders, shootings, and Jussie Smollett's hoax hate attack
They only do this way in blue cities in blue states, where the local politicians view the rioters as their base and constituency, which they don't want to alienate, so they order the police to stand down. Mayor Ted Wheeler's biggest threat is an election challenge from his left, not his right.
Nazi? Long before there were police, citizens used their common sense to stop whatever crimes/criminals threatened them. Time to return to those days, because what you are seeing in Democrat party controlled cities now, ain't cuttin' it.
> The state’s attorney in Cook County, Kim Foxx (Soros pick) needs to be turned out of office in November.
Gardner was just re-elected in Saint Louis.
In Russia, car steals you.
For a long time now, two decades at least, there have been some jurisdictions in the United States where there is a formal or informal quota on how many people of certain privileged ethnicities can be arrested.
If you look at our prison population, I am sure you are not referring to African Americans as one of the "privilege ehtnicities" that are part of this "formal or informal quota".
Stupid vehicles for stupid people with a lot more money than sense, and a need to do a lot of empty virtue signaling.
You are utterly and completely wrong, but that's OK. Most Tesla owners aren't trying to save the world, they simply want to drive the best car out there. Teslas are the safest cars on the road, and that's before full autonomous driving. Their performance for price levels are better than anything else on the road.
Don't arrest the criminals, kill them immediately. It won't take long before this crime spree ends.
Civil War!!
"If you look at our prison population, I am sure you are not referring to African Americans as one of the "privilege ehtnicities" that are part of this "formal or informal quota"."
Well, when you're overwhelmed with volunteers, you can only game the numbers so much...
how long before people, outside of Montana, know what the numbers
3-7-77 mean?
As someone said uppost; the police are here to protect criminals from the public
Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx has dismissed more than 25,000 felony cases, including murders, shootings, and Jussie Smollett's hoax hate attack
Which was a 54% higher rate than the fraction dismissed by predecessor (article says 35%).
Lady Googoo reveals she's on anti-psychotic medication because she "can't always control what her brain does"
By that standard everyone is crazy.
"Black Lives Matter Chicago held a protest Monday night in which they defended looting as a form of 'reparations'
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the looting had nothing to do with peaceful protest over police brutality
She denied that the decision not to prosecute looters during George Floyd riots had spurred on looters now"
If you support blm you support theft.
"In the future, theft will be impossible"
Althouse doing humor, right?
"I bet they don’t realize the Teslas are filming them"
Our ruling class is still in denial. If those people only knew that cars were filming them!
Anyway, the black mob don't care. They already know cameras are everywhere. So what? They record themselves, eagerly. They are having fun. Riot and plunder are their entertainment. What's the downside? Arrest? It is to laugh. Punishment? It is to laugh harder. A city going down the drain? That's the future and far away. Besides, everyone knows it's due to systemic racism.
So the solution to crime is to allow the government to commit crime. I am not calling you a Nazi, but you would have made a damn good one with attitudes like this.
Freder votes for chaos. Quelle surprise ! I hope you get a chance to see it up up close and personal.
ITs not theft or looting, its undocumented shopping. There is no will to prosecute or jail anyone, so who cares? If peeps in NYC, Seattle, Portland or Chicago want to defund their police, they obviously don't mind some looting.
>>"I bet they don’t realize the Teslas are filming them "<<
And I bet they don’t give a damn that the Teslas are filming them -- since they know it is the worst thing that is going to happen to them over this.
All patriotic Americans should keep in mind the numbers 13 and 50, for the 13 colonies that became 50 United States.
Not sure what stage of the story we're at, but the insurance companies are the spot where this could end. The police, prosecutors and companies are able to ignore this only as long as the cost gets crammed down to the insurers. Once the insurance companies bail or fail, the companies will see suddenly see the need for law and order.
Old Soviet joke:
“When communism is finally built on Earth, will there still be pilfering?”
“No, everything will have been stolen under socialism."
" I am not calling you a Nazi, but you would have made a damn good one with attitudes like this.”
I don’t support what he said, but I will say that if you want to be ruled by Nazis, breaking down law and order with violence is a good first step. Italian communists thought that they were bringing socialism to Italy with all of there troublemaking on the trains, but instead they got Mussolini, who “made the trains run on time” as everybody knows.
Trump will be a fond memory for lefties when that guy shows up, and if this stuff goes far enough, history shows that one will. Whatever public sympathy these rioters and looters had is fading fast. My advice to Democrats is get your house in order.
they simply want to drive the best car out there. Teslas are the safest cars on the road, and that's before full autonomous driving. Their performance for price levels are better than anything else on the road.
It's not about saving the planet anymore that's for sure. Although Tesla still touts that. The Tesla salesperson I was working with kept talking about carbon footprints (probably part of the script she was trained on), until I told her that was not a selling point for me.
My experience with trying to buy a Model 3, however, still left a lot to be desired. The fit and finish are more "Dodge Neon" than "Luxury Vehicle". Even the Model X I looked at, while it had a better interior, was still a little too futuristic just to be futuristic.
I decided to pause for a couple years and purchased a traditional gas vehicle. But there's no doubt that Tesla is changing the car industry for the better.
What JK said. Businesses will no longer be able to get coverage or afford coverage in these afflicted areas. They'll go away, and so will the tax base.
Theft is already impossible in Chicago because the DA seems to refuse to prosecute it. Scratch that, property ownership is impossible, because whoever possess the property at that moment owns it in Chicago. This also means commerce is a fallacy. This is what happens when Chicago votes for politicians like Obama.
Once the insurance companies bail or fail, the companies will see suddenly see the need for law and order.
Good point and I see that coming fast.
In the future, the theft will be controlled by Democratics if the current batch of commies ever assumes power.
Barrel of a gun, as Mao said.
Steven will shoot himself in the foot just to prove a point about how he wants something to happen that hasn't happened in 160 years.
I hope these looters and criminals arrive at Freder Frederson's house soon.
I want your dumb ass mugged by reality, and soon.
Fuck right the fuck off.
“If you look at our prison population, I am sure you are not referring to African Americans as one of the "privilege ehtnicities" that are part of this "formal or informal quota".”
Their level of criminality exceeds their incarceration rate, so, yes, “privileged ethnicity”. This is esp true when it comes to violent crimes.
Unlike (apparently) you, I believe in equality of opportunity, and not equality of results. If one ethnic group commits half the murders in the country, I think that it is the better practice if half the people in prison for murder are of that ethnicity.
Our ruling class is still in denial.
Worst ruling elite since the French aristocracy pre-Revolution.
If local government does not try to stop this current riot, why should this be Trump's problem?
Because this is happening in America, the victims are Americans, and Trump is the American President.
Seriously, what is the problem people keep having understanding this? It's the same principle as the Ku Klux Klan Acts. When local government covers for violent thugs denying Americans their rights, the Federal Government has a duty to come in and stamp it out. It doesn't matter if the local voters support the local government or the violent thugs, even by a 10:1 ratio.
And a President refusing to protect Americans because the Democrats and media will say mean things is rank moral cowardice. If Trump doesn't have the balls to stand up to criticism of an invocation of the Insurrection Act, he should damn well resign.
Back in the halcyon days of my misspent youth I knew a guy who effectively theft-proofed his Corvette by concealing a fuel shutoff inside the car. A Tesla doesn’t use gasoline but a concealed circuit breaker near the driver’s seat would be analogous.
Street racers install bottles of NOx to juice engine performance for short bursts, Maybe having bottles of nitrous oxide (a.k.a. “laughing gas”) to release their contents into the car’s interior would leave the thieves too incapacitated to drive.
C’mon people, let’s think!
“Given that they are consistently rated as the best, safest, cars in the world, and that they revolutionized an industry that is now trying to emulate them - well, maybe you should think about this a little more. “
You seem to be presupposing that there is a good reason or justification for electronic vehicles. Absent that, why buy one? They are horrible ecologically. They require significantly more resources than internal combustion vehicles, including rare earths, that the Chinese have been working for the last several decades to gain monopoly control over. Then at the end of their lives, they will probably continue to cost significantly more to recycle. That free and ecologically pure electricity that they run on? Where does that come from? If we were talking small modular nuclear reactors, a good argument could be made for EVs. Not here, and not likely in the immediate future, thanks to anti nuke hysteria and a lot of NIMBY. Which leaves generating it elsewhere, and bringing it where it is needed, over decently long distances, at decent expense. Current nukes and hydro dams are being shut down, which effectively leaves fossil fuels. Of course “recyclables” are touted as solutions, but that too is silly. They have the same problems as EVs for manufacture and recycling, if not worse. They destroy the environment, along with numerous species. And you need the fossil fuels generating capacity anyway for surge capacity. Storing the electricity for when the sun goes down, or the wind stops blowing, has the same battery manufacturing and disposal problems that EVs face, only probably worse. Making things worse, CA is in the process of bankrupting it’s largest electric utility company, making it Impossible for them to repair and replace parts of their electrical grid, at a time when they should be expanding it to accommodate all of the Teslas being sold.
The quicker that we can get rid of the police, the faster we can put an end to this lawlessness.
Troll Steven said...
and the cowardly incumbent who has spent two months refusing to actually take measures that would actually stop BLM "protesters" from burning, looting, and murdering.
AllenS said...
Ah, Steven, did you not see what happened when Trump tried to send law enforcement into Portland? The Democrats and their friends in the MSM had a shit fit. If local government does not try to stop this current riot, why should this be Trump's problem?
Please do not vote.
Birkel said...
Steven will shoot himself in the foot just to prove a point about how he wants something to happen that hasn't happened in 160 years.
8/11/20, 12:23 PM
My dudes - Steven is a leftist troll operating in the pure Moby mode at present. I hope he does not vote because if he does he will vote for Joe Biden or his replacement.
So the solution to crime is to allow the government to commit crime.
No. The solution is for citizens to waste the fuckers.
Steven demands perfection from his perspective.
Impossibility is no excuse.
Today I learned that looting = reparations.
“Once the insurance companies bail or fail, the companies will see suddenly see the need for law and order.”
Trucking companies are already refusing to drive to or from these big Dem city hellholes without adequate law enforcement. They are doing it because they have been told by their insurance companies that they wouldn’t be covered. Small time so far, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the trend doesn’t increase, as these cities refuse to crack down on their violent rioting and arson.
The recordings will not be allowed as evidence because the mostly peaceful rioters didn't have time to read the EULA.
Of course that is correct. I was just pointing out how dumb the Xerson is.
Of course that is correct. I was just pointing out how dumb the Xerson is.
If the insurance companies cause real food desserts in Leftist shitholes, I for one will be happy to laugh and point.
John Locke's "Life, Liberty, and Property" had very specific meaning. Government, with supreme sovereignty, can
..seize a person's chattels;
..lock them in prison;
..chop off their head.
Thomas Jefferson had some good ideas. Replacing "Property" with the ill-defined "Pursuit of Happiness" however has spawned a trail of very bad law.
It's not remotely "impossible". Under 10 U.S. Code § 253, Trump can use the National Guard, the regular military, and even "any other means", to shut down "domestic violence". He gives the order, and every one of these riots can, in days, face soldiers who outnumber the rioters 20:1.
Yeah, the left and media would have a shit fit. So what? It's not Trump's job to please those assholes. It's Trump's sworn oath to uphold a Constitution that guarantees the owners of the burned and looted properties, that guarantees every person hurt and killed by the rioters and the lawlessness they've engendered, the equal protection of the laws.
The fact that there are still Burn Loot Murder riots after two months is because the President has chosen to allow the riots to continue, no less than the the mayors and governors have.
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