August 28, 2020

"In the current chaos, I’ve come to appreciate Marcus Aurelius’s maxim that 'The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.'"

"And I have to say I’m horribly conflicted on some issues. I’m supportive of attempts to interrogate the sins of the past, in particular the gruesome legacy of slavery and segregation, and their persistent impact on the present. And in that sense, I’m a supporter of the motives of the good folks involved with the Black Lives Matter movement. But I’m equally repelled by the insistent attempt by BLM and its ideological founders to malign and dismiss the huge progress we’ve made, to re-describe the American experiment in freedom as one utterly defined by racism, and to call the most tolerant country on the planet, with unprecedented demographic diversity, a form of 'white supremacy.' I’m tired of hearing Kamala Harris say, as she did yesterday: 'The reality is that the life of a black person in America has never been treated as fully human.' This is what Trump has long defended as 'truthful hyperbole' — which is a euphemism for a lie. But here’s one thing I have absolutely no conflict about. Rioting and lawlessness is evil. And any civil authority that permits, condones or dismisses violence, looting and mayhem in the streets disqualifies itself from any legitimacy. This comes first. If one party supports everything I believe in but doesn’t believe in maintaining law and order all the time and everywhere, I’ll back a party that does. In that sense, I’m a one-issue voter, because without order, there is no room for any other issue.... One of the most devastating lines in president Trump’s convention speech last night was this: 'Tonight, I ask you a very simple question: How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?' A cheap shot, yes. But in the current context, a political bullseye."

Writes Andrew Sullivan, in "The Trap The Democrats Walked Right Into/If law and order are what this election is about, they will lose it."

IN THE COMMENTS: People are not buying that it was a “cheap shot” or a “trap.”


Big Mike said...

Not really a cheap shot, but yes to the bullseye.

The Crack Emcee said...

Thinking black people care about this election is as silly a misreading of reality as insisting Donald Trump is a racist when he has my support.

pacwest said...

And yet Sullivan was one of the players that brought this on the nation with his rhetoric. Too little, too late. Sorry.

rhhardin said...

I'd recommend going to "order and law," so as to give emphasis to both. Law and order just sounds like authority imposing itself.

MountainMan said...

It was not a cheap shot. It was the truth.

PubliusFlavius said...

I also support racial justice, my first childhood best friend was black, but the means being brought to bear currently are dishonorable.

I prefer the great artists of color from the eras in which they fought.

"They don't know,
what I know
They don't know,
like I know
All the time
been hangin' around
All the time
I hang around
She didn't know
Ahh she didn't care
She didn't know
She didn't care
And she go walkin'
down the street singin'
Everybody da
Da da dada da doo doo"

Band of Gypsys- Who Knows

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

stating the obvious = "cheap shot"


Original Mike said...

"'Tonight, I ask you a very simple question: How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?' A cheap shot, yes. But in the current context, a political bullseye."

Not a cheap shot in the slightest. It must have been 40+ years ago that I watched the left start its "multiculturalism" push. I was raised to believe in the ideal of America as a "melting pot". I feared this development even as a political neophyte. 'This will end badly', I thought. And it has come to pass. Identity politics is tearing this country apart.

Rick said...

And in that sense, I’m a supporter of the motives of the good folks involved with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Me too, both of them!

The requirement just about all of them fail is honesty. Because the facts don't support their goals they engage in lies like the 1619 Project. If they aren't capable of having an honest discussion no progress is possible. They know this which is why they resort to institutional power politics in lieu of persuasion.

Martin said...

The line Sullivan calls a cheap shot is not a cheap shot at all. I wish it were, but the Democrats, esp. including your wonderful Governor in Wisconsin, have demonstraed time and again that it is a fair question based ona factual premise.

Not all Democrats, certainly; but the Party leadership and the activists who set the tone clearly are of the opinion that America, in a word, sucks; it has always sucked, it sucks now, and will continue to suck for generations into the future. And the ones who may not fully believe that, still refuse to question it let alone repudiate it, so tat just makes them Party hacks who back the Party over the country.

So, not a cheap shot at all; if anything a bit understated, a rarity for Trump.

Amadeus 48 said...

A trap? Surely you jest, Mr. Sullivan. There was no trap here. This is a Donkey Party operation from the start.

The Democratic Party thought that these riots would be the end of Donald Trump. They might as well have been Wyle E. Coyote ordering the Mostly Peaceful Riot Kit from the Acme Company. Ask for federal assistance? No way. Charge thugs pointing lasers at police officers with a serious crime (they did it to Rand Paul and his wife last night, too)? Sorry. We can't tell who did it. If Sullivan is big on civil order, he picked the wrong team to back.

Those in Washington are starting to mumble out denunciations of the violence. Their polls must be terrible.

The quashing of this disorder is another thing that Donald Trump has been right about from the beginning.

Michael K said...

Sullivan tries very hard to make the two parties equivalent but doesn't quite pull it off.

chuck said...

They didn't walk into it, they ran.

Ken B said...

Good for Sullivan. But can he bite the bullet, and explicitly admit he must, by his own arguments, support Trump? I don’t know that he can.

Roughcoat said...

Overthought and overwritten. Typical Sullivan. The time for these nuanced ruminations is past. Take your stand with us or them, or get out of the way. No dilly-dallying.

Mountain Maven said...

One kid with a gun doesn't constitute a right wing militia.

Sebastian said...

"I’m tired of hearing Kamala Harris say, as she did yesterday: 'The reality is that the life of a black person in America has never been treated as fully human.' This is what Trump has long defended as 'truthful hyperbole' — which is a euphemism for a lie."

Wait, what? What has Trump ever said that comes close to being as vile a lie as that? How has he in fact defended any truthful hyperbole? Sure, Sullivan is trying what minimal credit he still has with progs, but it is tiresome to get this BS even in a piece that otherwise inches towards sanity.

"And any civil authority that permits, condones or dismisses violence, looting and mayhem in the streets disqualifies itself from any legitimacy."

That would include every Dem civil authority anywhere in the USA. Easy choice, Andy.

"How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?' A cheap shot, yes. But in the current context, a political bullseye."

What more needs to be said? And by the way, Andy, since you are so big on gay rights, did you see the Ric Grenell ad about Trump?

"The Trap The Democrats Walked Right Into/If law and order are what this election is about, they will lose it."

Why is it a trap? The Dems want the destruction, they want to tear down the past, they do despise the U.S. as racist, and they will not lift a finger against any BLMish looting. Trump's response is not a trap: it is the assertion of sanity, on behalf of civil society. He didn't want any of the violence. He didn't trap anyone, except by holding his fire, thereby showing the country who the Dems and their thugs in the street really are. Remains to be seen if the nice women of America, not to mention sane gays, will finally reject the party that despises them.

Bay Area Guy said...

The always excitable Sully has a conscious and is conflicted. But the solution is simple - break away from the Leftwing Democrat Party who, for political purposes, are trying to incite young black men to cause damage to the country.

doctrev said...

Cheap shot, or low-hanging fruit? It must be too bad to be Sullivan: the Dems did everything they could to provoke Kent State, belatedly realized it wouldn't happen, and now deal with the reality of having fueled a Trump victory. Their stooges will backpedal, of course, but they didn't even do so in time for the Dem convention. And Trump has ways to force their minions back on the streets, at which point he'll have a free hand to put them all down.

I can't wait.

Jeff Brokaw said...

“I’m supportive of attempts to interrogate the sins of the past”

Don’t be. Self-flagellation is counterproductive and breeds more negativity in an endless cycle, AND keeps people from being fully present in their own lives.

Kate said...

Poor Andrew. One hand pops the red pill in his mouth and the other hand catches it when he spits it back out.

Joe Smith said...

I think @Althouse needs to look at this as being about the greater good.

Kenosha and Madison may, indeed burn to the ground.

Just as Hiroshima and Nagasaki needed to be made an example of in order to end the war and prevent even more loss of life.

I only hope that you and Meade get out safely.

Kevin said...

He remains the only choice in this election. But on the central question of civil order, he blew it last week and so did the Dems.

Blah. Blah. Blah. The “conservative” who voted for Kerry is still voting for Biden.

This is inconsequential virtue signaling of yet another kind.

Michael K said...

Biden's America in DC last night. The crazy little white girls are the strangest.

gahrie said...

“I’m supportive of attempts to interrogate the sins of the past”


Michael said...

Antifa and core BLM know what they are about, which is social and economic revolution by any means necessary and the destruction of everything "outside the State" (family, religion, Country, community). The well-meaning haute bourgeois who stand between them and law enforcement are what Lenin called "useful idiots," who provide the screen and the shield behind which the hard men and women do their work. And they will be the first to be discarded if the hard core ever takes power.

D.D. Driver said...

I agree that Biden needs a "Sista Soulja" moment, but could his campaign even survive it? I think he is screwed either way.

daskol said...

Law and order are a precondition for elections, not exactly an election issue. If you can credibly point to one of the parties as defending law and order and the other as threatening it, you are in a country gearing up not for an election, but in the midst of a revolt or similar crisis, where the election is just one battle of the revolution.

Ken B said...

Vivid image, accurate analysis.

mikee said...

What does any of this have to do with Sarah Palin's womb, Andrew? Stay on topic, Andrew!

Dan in Philly said...

Mob rule always ends in one strongman rule.

Gk1 said...

Well I suppose it's rather sobering for "milky loads" to admit the democratic party has gone off the rails.

I suspect it's more about trying to regrow his website and brand now that he has been ex-communicated from New York Magazine. He doesn't really want to go down with the Titanic and is busily trying to squeeze into a womens hoop skirt so he can get on a lifeboat.

He's had months to decry the riots but is now buggering off the BLM/Antifa plantation.

Joel Winter said...

My favorite quote in that article--something I'd hope/think we can all agree on:

"And if liberals do not defend order, fascists will."

Frighteningly true, for all of us liberals--on both the Left and Right.

The Crack Emcee said...

The ranks of the insane are those who heard Jefferson say there was gonna be a price for not addressing this shit - seeing he was right - and hoping more Americans are gonna get killed because it's the black ones.

todd galle said...

We must then condemn the English, French, Spanish and Dutch navies for transporting slaves to the New World, that's how it's done, yes? Most American Slaves of African descent came to the colonies after 'seasoning' in the Caribbean. No Americans there, really - well perhaps we'll let Hamilton slide, but all this was in the 1690-1720s long before him. Can we now discuss the English citizens held in slavery by the Northern African nations? Europeans made to crew Algerian or Barbary galleys? Same time period, same slavery. I am not a Quaker (solidly Lutheran), but they did have fund-raisers to ransom Quaker and other Europeans held in such captivity in the early 18th C.

n.n said...

Remember the past, the monuments, don't tear it down and dump it in a black holes... whore h/t NAACP, yes. Don't repeat the mistakes of a minority and exercise liberal license to indulge Progressives' diversity dogma (i.e. color judgment), including color blocs (e.g. racism, sexism), color quotas/affirmative discrimination, witch trials (e.g. protests), and warlock judgments (e.g. trial by press). I don't think we can afford to repeat the Hutu/Tutsi cycles of retributive change, nor the lynching episodes and redistributive change of post-apartheid Progressive South Africa. #HateTrumpsLove #HateLovesAbortion #PrincipelsMatter

AllenS said...

Kate said...
Poor Andrew. One hand pops the red pill in his mouth and the other hand catches it when he spits it back out.

Well stated.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Darn... for a second I thought these were our host's own words... pouring out of her because she could no longer take the madness and was finally casting aside her cruel neutrality in favor of a stand for freedom...

Alas, twas not so...

But one can still hope that many, many more ambivalent or hostile souls will finally wake up and see the error of their ways...

n.n said...

I’m a supporter of the motives of the good folks involved with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Diversity dogma and Some, Select Black Lives Matter. Lose your quasi-religion and mitigate their progress.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

What I don’t understand, is if these governors, mayors, and district attorneys (all Democrats) in the various locations nationwide (Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Madison) who stood by and let the hooligans run rampant destroying property, looting, and arson by ordering local law enforcement to stand down - didn’t these elected officials swear an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of this country? I realize that they are subject to a recall by the voters for malfeasance in office but that won’t happen in these solid blue strongholds. My thought is if they violate their oath of office by WILLINGLY restraining law enforcement from protecting civilians and public and private property, should that open them up to charges of being accessories to these crimes by the local federal attorneys general? Maybe one of the attorneys who contribute comments to this blog could elaborate if this is a possibility.

NCMoss said...

What a weasel; walked into a trap implies the left were set up rather than simply experiencing the consequences of their own malice and stupidity.

readering said...

IN THE COMMENTS: People are not buying that it was a “cheap shot” or a “trap.”

Here? Well, Duh.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Cheap shot = inconvenient truth

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "Thinking black people care about this election is as silly a misreading of reality as insisting Donald Trump is a racist when he has my support."

Okay. After 4 days of hearing black americans of all sorts (sorry Joe Biden and democraticals/LLR-lefties, black people are not monolithic and they don't lose their blackness just because they don't agree with marxists) endorse Trump, why are you voting for Trump?

doctrev said...

Drago said...
Okay. After 4 days of hearing black americans of all sorts (sorry Joe Biden and democraticals/LLR-lefties, black people are not monolithic and they don't lose their blackness just because they don't agree with marxists) endorse Trump, why are you voting for Trump?

8/28/20, 3:26 PM

I'll field this one, if it's not too presumptuous. Black people identify most with their own kind, as most humans do. Naturally they gravitated towards Obama, and towards Clinton when the idea of a truly black President seemed farfetched. FDR never got that kind of support- can you imagine, blacks voting for Klan-era Democrats before the 60s? Ha, ha, ha.

In the same way, most black people are not aware of the sheer scale of Donald Trump's efforts on their behalf. Or if they are, they believe Trump will backstab them because he's not of the same race. Because it might be politically advantageous to have a lot of dead black rioters before the election. They might even be right, though I doubt it- if Trump wanted that game, he could have put down rioters with force months ago.

But it doesn't really matter. Blacks are apathetic about people they don't truly trust with their interests, which is basically most non-blacks. Trump would ordinarily have driven down turnout enough to win this election going away- but mail-in voting might complicate that as the vote fraud machine accelerates. We'll see, I suppose.

Fernandinande said...

I’m supportive of attempts to interrogate the sins of the past, in particular the gruesome legacy of slavery and segregation, and their persistent impact on the present.

Unless Sullivan, or anyone else, can find a black population whose ancestors have never been subjected to slavery or segregation by some other population (e.g. Africa), and that population is better-off than U.S. blacks, I'd have to say that that "impact" is measurably and unequivocally positive.

Besides, other populations of humans have been subjected to worse, and more recently, and they're not violent criminals. Mostly exactly the opposite.

And in that sense, I’m a supporter of the motives of the good folks involved with the Black Lives Matter movement.

The road to a socialist fucktopia is paved with the pelts of good folks.

BLM and its ideological founders to malign and dismiss the huge progress we’ve made

The better things get, the more the professional victims complain - whining as a form of job security. Get it?

On the other hand, that's just THEIR way of "interrogat[ing] the sins of the past" and "their persistent impact on the present."

LA_Bob said...

'People are not buying that it was a “cheap shot” or a “trap.”'

More like a Glenn Reynolds "HARSH BUT FAIR".

"The reality is that the life of a black person in America has never been treated as fully human."

Now that is cheap shot. And malarkey as well.

Yancey Ward said...

Sullivan has no choice but to give the left it's token anti-Trump statement, even if it completely undercuts everything else he wrote in the essay. The commenters are correct- it can't be a cheap shot if Sullivan believes everything else in the essay.

Yancey Ward said...

And this was only a trap if you can call jumping off a 100 foot cliff into punji pit a trap.

Yancey Ward said...

Amadeus48 wrote:

"They might as well have been Wyle E. Coyote ordering the Mostly Peaceful Riot Kit from the Acme Company."

I am stealing this shamelessly.

Yancey Ward said...

"I agree that Biden needs a "Sista Soulja" moment, but could his campaign even survive it? I think he is screwed either way."

This possible moment passed by Biden around the second week of June. It would now just look like what it does- Biden leading from behind, and only speaking out because of the political damage it is causing him- in short, Biden speaking out now is just self-serving blather.

gahrie said...

FDR never got that kind of support- can you imagine, blacks voting for Klan-era Democrats before the 60s? Ha, ha, ha.

*Bzzzt* wrong.

The Black vote switched from overwhelmingly Republican to overwhelmingly Democratic between 1932 (FDR's first election ) and 1936 (FDR's second election), and has remained overwhelmingly Democratic ever since. Black people did indeed vote for the very Democratic Party that was imposing segregation and Jim Crow upon them.

ccscientist said...

While it plays to the far left base, denigrating our country is a very strange campaign strategy. In addition, anybody with 2 brain cells to rub together can see that if black businesses are being destroyed and monuments to black heroes torn down, you aren't attacking racism, you are just rioting randomly.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Joe's Hoe says it's not going to stop, and shouldnt

"even after election day"

Got that??

Electing "*Biden*" isnt going to make it stop. They believe it shouldnt.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

“I’m supportive of attempts to interrogate the sins of the past”

gahrie said... Why?

EXACTLY. Why 'interrogate' the past??. What are we going to ask it? We know what happened in the past. I doubt that there is anyone who thinks that slavery...of any any time (even today where there is slavery throughout the world) is a good thing.

We know the past. The past is dead... as in not going to change. They want to continue to flog a dead horse and try to blame people in the present for the past. Make unrelated people PAY for the sins of the past. This is the recipe for resentment and violent protest.

What we should do is acknowledge the past and move FORWARD to make sure that it doesn't happen again. Move forward to create an equal playing field for everyone.

Equal playing field doesn't mean that everyone is equal in abilities but that everyone has an equal chance to do to the best to the extent of their abilities. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone equal.

We don't need a Handicapper General to make sure that no one is more than anyone else. That is a dystopian vision. Leveling the playing field doesn't mean cutting off everyone at the knees. I means allowing the freedom to do your best....even if some people are more accomplished than others.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that people read this story to see what the Democrats have in mind for us.

Harrison Bergeron book synopsis

In the year 2081, the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the Constitution dictate that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or more physically able than anyone else. The Handicapper General's agents enforce the equality laws, forcing citizens to wear "handicaps": masks for those who are too beautiful, loud radios that disrupt thoughts inside the ears of intelligent people, and heavy weights for the strong or athletic.

Bilwick said...

I've read enough Andrew Sullivan to know where to put the blame: on Sarah Palin's vagina.

Hatari said...

I can't even read anything bu Sullivan.

Isn't he still investigating Sarah Palin's uterus ?

Kevin said...

and hoping more Americans are gonna get killed because it's the black ones.

See Crack, that's where you've got it wrong.

People are not hoping anyone gets killed - black, white, or otherwise.

But people do realize cops have a God-given right to self-defense.

Because, like the rest of us, they don't lose that right when they leave their homes and go to work.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Where the Dems strategy when horribly wrong is that they were hoping to provoke Trump into doing something rash that they could then use to say..>SEE HE IS HITLER. TRUMP IS A TYRANT...TRUMP IS A DICTATOR.

Trump is too smart to take the bait. Instead of going all Martial Law and taking over the local and state authorities...Trump waited to be asked to intervene. Ready and willing to help, to quell the violence, but rightly determined that (at that point) the local government, mayors, governors should be the ones in charge.

The ball (or hot potato) was back in their courts. At which point the Governors, Mayors have shown their true colors. They don't CARE about their constituents, their business, their livelihoods, their safety. It is all about political posturing.

The result is egg on their faces and Trump appears to be the adult in the room.

They thought they had set a Wiley Trap and it blew up in their faces....beep beep beep.

doctrev said...

gahrie said...

The Black vote switched from overwhelmingly Republican to overwhelmingly Democratic between 1932 (FDR's first election ) and 1936 (FDR's second election), and has remained overwhelmingly Democratic ever since. Black people did indeed vote for the very Democratic Party that was imposing segregation and Jim Crow upon them.

8/28/20, 4:17 PM

What, really? I thought that was an artifact of misunderstood history. Even Herbert Hoover got 60%+ of the black vote in many urban areas. And the congressional leaders FDR really needed were outright segregationists. Were blacks really that easy to lead then?

Drago said...

doctrev: " FDR never got that kind of support- can you imagine, blacks voting for Klan-era Democrats before the 60s? Ha, ha, ha."

American blacks switched from republican to democrat in large numbers during the early FDR administration.

This has been shown conclusively.

So you have to ask yourself why blacks would join the party that enslaved them. The party that was at that very moment lynching them and killing them and segregating them and Jim Crow-ing them.

Well, in the end, American blacks made a rational economic decision: they were promised some of the spoils of FDR's programs and they received some of that. And that was enough to make it happen.

Drago said...

doctrev: "...but mail-in voting might complicate that as the vote fraud machine accelerates."

This is true and is literally the only hope remaining for the democraticals and LLR-lefties.

rcocean said...

Black Vote for Democrat President

FDR 1936 - 71%
Truman 1948 - 77%
Stevenson 1956 - 61%
JFK 1960 - 68%
LBJ 1964 - 90%

Note: Even after Ike and Republicans were responsible for Pushing the Civil Rights Bill of 1957 and supported a more expansive Bill that was bottled up/Filibustered by Democrats, Blacks STILL voted 2-1 for JFK.

stevew said...

Andrew is applying for a job, this piece is his application, earnestly submitted. Gently chiding the Leftists while spouting his Orange Man Bad bona fides.

robother said...

mikee: "What does any of this have to do with Sarah Palin's womb, Andrew?"

That Femme Fatale Palin trapped Andrew into his deep dive into her womb, the last place a gay man would ever want to get trapped. So, Andrew knows traps when he sees them..

Narr said...


In the South, until the 1960s, most Black voters voted R. They knew from bitter experience that though most white Republicans were not the greatest of friends, they weren't sworn enemies. Party of Lincoln and all that--some Black Republican leaders like the Robert Church family of Memphis were able to have national influence because they had the substantial pool of Black voters here in their camp.

In the Northern cities, which were already run almost entirely by corrupt D machines (but I repeat myself) the newly arrived Southern Blacks were gradually assimilated into the system by the traditional machine methods of intimidation, patronage, and walking-around money, and manipulated into total dependence, as we can see today.

I have not trusted ANY vote-counts from D districts for decades*, especially in the South.
They've had almost 200 years to perfect the cheating, and the honest ones brag about their

*Unless the non-D wins of course

rcocean said...

Good God, so we're taking hysterical Andy seriously? If you're able to get through his word salad full of zig-zags and "On the other hands" you get this nonsense:

If Biden wins, we may have one last chance for the center to hold — and what few hopes I have rest on this.

So, you can toss out all the wailing about Law n'order and Antifa as fascist violence. Andy is just upset the D's are LOOKING BAD and HURT POLITICALLY. And even if they continue to support the riots, Sullivan will STILL Vote for Biden.

Trump and his supporters aren't rioting, aren't violating norms, aren't pushing down statues, aren't cancelling people, aren't proposing radical change, aren't doing much of anything except supporting the Laws and the Constitution. Yet "Conservative" Andy is on the side of Biden/harris and the radicals and he has to spin this weird fantasy world where Trump is an implicit nazi who won't leave the white house.

But this is a man who flip flopped on the Iraq war and felt he was right - both times. And when nuts about Palin's uterus.

rcocean said...

BTW, you're getting this same sort of comment from "reasonable" Liberals, like BoB wright and others. They aren't really upset at antifa or the riots, death, destruction, and break down of law n order. No, what they are upset about is:


I mean, if enough people get killed, the worst may happen - re-electing Trump! Its just another example of Liberal/left thinking. Whenever these people start jabbering about morality or the rule of law, keep your hand your wallet and count your spoons.

Dude1394 said...

A coward admonishing the very people he will CONTINUE to support who are destroying this country per his own words. A pussy.

RichardJohnson said...

Writes Andrew Sullivan, in "TheTrap The Democrats Walked Right Into/If law and order are what this election is about, they will lose it."

Soon Andrew Sullivan will be accused of cultural appropriation for having used the word "trap," which as tea houses in Colorado can attest, is a word that only blacks may use. (Sarc)

wildswan said...

The reality is that the life of a black person [in the Democrat run big cities] has never been treated as fully human.

In Dem cities, the babies are aborted in disproportionate numbers, the children are educated in trash schools, the young people are told they are naturally brutal shooters and looters, the workers had the jobs they came North for exported to China, the older people had people infected with covid sent into their old-age homes and died in disproportionate numbers. The Dems discussed none of these issues at their Convention. It would only be human to question Dem policy but Biden says if you don't vote for More of the Same, "you ain't black."

Jeff said...

They thought they had set a Wiley Trap and it blew up in their faces....beep beep beep.

I strongly disagree with this. It's "Meep! Meep!", not "beep beep beep".

Bruce Gee said...

Doctrev: "In the same way, most black people are not aware of the sheer scale of Donald Trump's efforts on their behalf. Or if they are, they believe Trump will backstab them because he's not of the same race. Because it might be politically advantageous to have a lot of dead black rioters before the election. They might even be right, though I doubt it- if Trump wanted that game, he could have put down rioters with force months ago."

The elephant in the room is the House impeachment of this year. It was such a sordidly pathetic attempt, but it gave notice that ANYTHING anywhere close to what they could dream of being an impeachable offense will lead to another one. Trump unilaterally calling in the federal troops when mayors and governors were refusing the help would well fall within that rubric. I mean, Schiff is kinda quiet right now, but he's still skulking around.

Freeman Hunt said...

"If one party supports everything I believe in but doesn’t believe in maintaining law and order all the time and everywhere, I’ll back a party that does. In that sense, I’m a one-issue voter, because without order, there is no room for any other issue...."

I am also this kind of voter.

Rory said...

"Well, in the end, American blacks made a rational economic decision: they were promised some of the spoils of FDR's programs and they received some of that."

It was a bizarre dynamic: Republicans made the North attractive to blacks, who moved north in the millions. Blacks then started voting Democrat, forming a constituency that eventually forced the party to deal with its segregationist wing. When the Southern Manifesto was issued in 1956, there were only six Republican congressmen in the entire old Confederacy, and four of them did not sign it.

Rick said...

If Biden wins, we may have one last chance for the center to hold

What nonsense. Biden has already pledged onto the Green New Deal which includes the Kinsley Reveal (cousin to the Gaffe) that government should provide income for those who choose not to work. Dem leadership splits into three groups:

1. Those who support the furthest left achievable policy - Obama.
2. Those who support the furthest left policy they've ever head of - AOC.
3. Those who support whatever bubbles up from left wing institutions - Biden.

The Dem leadership has no center.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Here is a quote from Yoom Nguyen, owner of the Lotus Restaurant in Minneapolis, who just witnessed a second assault on his business: “Watching looters bust down our family restaurant is so heartbreaking. Senseless, they’re doing it while laughing and smirking. Not gonna lie, I damn near shot a man tonight. He threw that fucking rock at my family photo and looked right at me. I said ‘you motherfucker …’ tears immediately rolled down my face. I just can’t no more. I’m thankful I walked away but Fuck y’all.” This is how violence metastasizes. And as I’ve watched protests devolve over the summer into a series of riots, arson expeditions, and lawless occupations of city blocks, along with disgusting and often racist profanity, I’ve begun to feel similarly. And when I watched the Democratic Convention and heard close to nothing about ending this lawlessness, I noted the silence."

The democrat party lit this fire. Pelosi asked for it. the dems refuse to denounce, the media will not ask the dems to denounce ... the rioting and arson continue.

Now - corrupt Biden blames Trump. Fuck Biden. Fuck Pelosi.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

andrew says:
"I don’t think I’m the only one, as even the Democrats seem now to realize. And this massive blindspot is not hard to understand. When a political party finds itself so wedded to a new and potent ideology it cannot call out violence when it sees it, then it is walking straight into a trap. When the discourse on the left has become one in which scholars and editors and Tweeters vie with one another to up the ante on how inherently evil America has always been, redescribe it as a slaveocracy, and endorse racist books that foment the most egregious stereotypes about “whiteness”, most ordinary people, who love their country and are mostly proud of its past, will rightly balk. One of the most devastating lines in president Trump’s convention speech last night was this: “Tonight, I ask you a very simple question: How can the Democrat Party ask to lead our country when it spends so much time tearing down our country?” A cheap shot, yes. But in the current context, a political bullseye."

Not a cheap shot. REality. Andrew still doesn't get it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Andrew swings back to reality

"All this reassurance played out against a backdrop of Kenosha, which was burning, and Minneapolis, where a suicide led to a bout of opportunistic looting, and Washington DC, where mobs of wokesters went through the city chanting obscenities, invading others’ spaces, demanding bystanders raise fists in solidarity, with occasional spasms of violence. These despicable fanatics, like it or not, are now in part the face of the Democrats: a snarling bunch of self-righteous, entitled bigots, chanting slogans rooted in pseudo-Marxist claptrap, erecting guillotines — guillotines! — in the streets as emblems of their agenda. They are not arguing; they are attempting to coerce. And liberals, from the Biden campaign to the New York Times, are too cowardly and intimidated to call out these bullies and expel them from the ranks. "

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sully gets an A+ for this:

"Remember the pivotal moment earlier this summer when the New York Times caved to its activist staff and fired James Bennet? It’s no accident this was over an op-ed that argued that if New York City would not stop the rioting in the streets, the feds should step in to restore order. For the far left activists who now control that paper, the imposition of order was seen not as an indispensable baseline for restoring democratic debate, but as a potential physical attack on black staffers. They saw restoring order within the prism of their own critical race ideology, which stipulates that the police are enforcers of white supremacy, and not enforcers of the rule of law in a liberal society. It was a sign that the establishment left were willing to tolerate disorder and chaos if they were directed toward the ideologically correct ends — which is how Democratic establishments in Minneapolis and Seattle and Portland responded. The NYT, CNN and the rest tried to ignore the inexcusable, and find increasingly pathetic ways to dismiss it. This week, their staggering bias was exposed as absurd. "

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

and Sully loses it again with this pile of CNN drivel:

"Yes, we still have an election. But barring a landslide victory for either party, it will be the beginning and not the end of the raw struggle for power in a fast-collapsing republic. In a close race, Trump will never concede, and if he is somehow forced to, he will mount a campaign from the outside to delegitimize the incoming president, backed by street-gangs and propaganda outfits."

I'm sorry - WHO will have street gangs?

Sully will vote for the corruptocrat who supports the antifa nazis.

Tom said...

As normal, Andrew Sullivan assesses the correct dataset and arrives at a close but no cigar conclusion due to his own biases.

I think most American voters look at the cities now with horror. Horror at how poorly black lives are treated and horror at the violence and destruction. And these are cities 100% controlled by democrats.

The racism is a cancer. The violence is a cancer. The destruction is a cancer. And the rule of cancer is that it cannot be allowed to spread.

Americans don’t see much interested in coming in to fix cities. The cities must fix themselves.

It also sets up a massive Trump win as Americans vote for their own best interests regardless of what they tell pollsters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sully is signaling - but he will still vote corruptocrat.

yay Hunter Biden the stripper fucker! We pay for it. celebrate!

Known Unknown said...

What a crock. Sullivan tries to have it both ways, and fails miserably.

Known Unknown said...

"..and if he is somehow forced to, he will mount a campaign from the outside to delegitimize the incoming president, backed by street-gangs and propaganda outfits. If Biden wins, we may have one last chance for the center to hold — and what few hopes I have rest on this."


Greg The Class Traitor said...

Tom said...
Americans don’t see much interested in coming in to fix cities. The cities must fix themselves.

Until the cities stop voting for Democrats, there's nothing the rest of us can do for them

JustOneMinute said...

I think Sully's "cheap shot" aside was an attempt to maintain his "Trump Basher in Good Standing" cred. He later admits the significance of the question in his passage arguing that the NY Times/ CNN crowd have internalized the belief that the police are a tool of white supremacy, not "law and order":

"It’s no accident this was over an op-ed that argued that if New York City would not stop the rioting in the streets, the feds should step in to restore order. For the far left activists who now control that paper, the imposition of order was seen not as an indispensable baseline for restoring democratic debate, but as a potential physical attack on black staffers. They saw restoring order within the prism of their own critical race ideology, which stipulates that the police are enforcers of white supremacy, and not enforcers of the rule of law in a liberal society."

SO how do Biden or Harris see the use of the police?

Matt Sablan said...

"SO how do Biden or Harris see the use of the police?"

-- There are a lot of Democrat leaders who honestly think they can simply tell the rioters, "ok, go home now. We won thje election. Stop rioting." They view street-level violence as a knob they control. That's why local mayors have been shocked that things have spiraled so far out of control. They assumed a few rich commercial districts would get hit, maybe a scuffle or two, and then when they had given enough space to destroy, everyone would go home, revved up and ready to vote blue, no matter who.

Then... they couldn't put the genie back in the bottle. You had the one who withdrew police protection from neighborhoods but deployed them to her own house, for example.

The vast majority of the Democrat leadership are completely and totally unaware that this time, they probably aren't going to be able to just stop the tantrum.

Matt Sablan said...

Ted Wheeler, I believe, is getting a very obvious demonstration that this time he won't be able to pat the rioters on the head and shoo them off stage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Andrew always falls in line for his party.

No matter what.

Narr said...


Sully falls in line? More like, Sully bends over.

He's obviously bi(polar)

JAORE said...

“I’m supportive of attempts to interrogate the sins of the past”

Start with Cain and Abel.

Get Schiff's committee fired up.

Gabriel said...

Sullivan is not criticizing Biden, Harris and the Democrats; he says in there they are the only choice.

He's begging them to rein it in so they don't blow the election.

Stephen St. Onge said...

Andrew Sullivan wrote: "Rioting and lawlessness is evil. And any civil authority that permits, condones or dismisses violence, looting and mayhem in the streets disqualifies itself from any legitimacy. This comes first. If one party supports everything I believe in but doesn’t believe in maintaining law and order all the time and everywhere, I’ll back a party that does. In that sense, I’m a one-issue voter, because without order, there is no room for any other issue."

        And we all know that, in his last column before the election, Sully will tell us that the Democrats DO stand for order, and therefore he is voting for Biden.

        The truth is he doesn't believe in any of what he says he believes in, except for his endorsement of homosexuality.  THAT is his only honest belief.

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