August 18, 2020

I thought Meade was playing "For What It's Worth" because I'd written a post this morning with the title "What's that sound?"

My post was about that goofball sound Cardi B made when she was interviewing Joe Biden. I was thinking about the song as I wrote the post...
I think it's time we stop
Children, what's that sound?
Everybody look what's going down
... because the question "what's that sound?" is so familiar from that old song.

But that's not at all why Meade was playing the song. Unbeknownst to me, that song was played at the Democratic Convention last night! They brought out old Steven Stills and paired him with trendy Billy Porter:

Were people listening to the lyrics?
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and a-carryin’ signs
Mostly say, "Hooray for our side"
Well, that's a convention, isn't it? Hooray for our side.

Perhaps the most striking line in the song is: "Paranoia strikes deep/Into your life it will creep." That's why you need to stop and pay attention — Everybody look what's going down.


Chris said...

Why is it Democrats can never just use red white and blue. It's always some crazy off color scheme like the one in this video. Red stars anyone? Fucking commies.

rehajm said...

...old Steven Stills...


Narayanan said...

[Professora asks - Were people listening to the lyrics?]

A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and a-carryin’ signs
Mostly say, "Hooray for our side"

[Well, that's a convention, isn't it? Hooray for our side.]

[Perhaps the most striking line in the song is:]

"Paranoia strikes deep/Into your life it will creep."
That why you need to stop and pay attention —
Everybody look what's going down.
would it be fair use to mash/mix this with shots of rioting and burning buildings and people getting stomped?

Fernandinande said...

Everybody look what's going down.

Bluster > irony.

henge2243 said...

I picked a bad day to stop taking liquid acid...

Bob Boyd said...

Billy Porter's moves reminded me of Tom Jones. Must be the poofy sleeves.

Wince said...

Leftist "Cancel Culture" in a nutshell?

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away

rehajm said...

Billy Porter's moves reminded me of Tom Jones.

It's not unusual...

wendybar said...

What a joke. This is why we laugh at them.

Drago said...

"Well, that's a convention, isn't it? Hooray for our side."

LLR-lefties everywhere broke down and wept with unrestrained joy and democratical adulation at this point, particularly LLR-lefties who are massive, huge, gargantuan Gov Whitmer fanboys and suckups....."motherf***ers"!

Oh. I guess I just learned something about "hot mics", eh LLR-lefty C****?


donald said...

Yep, this with photos and video from Portland, and some dead black people in Chicago. Perfect.

Mary Beth said...

All those people in the streets aren't singing songs now; they're kicking people in the head, shining lasers in their eyes, throwing bottles of urine, throwing rocks, looting, shooting, and setting buildings on fire.

mezzrow said... my world, the Republicans would parry with a cover version of this:

Well I'm about to get sick
From watchin' my TV
Been checkin' out the news
Until my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day
Is just another rotten mess
And when it's gonna change, my friends
Is anybody's guess

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay
That trouble comin' every day
No way to delay
That trouble comin' every day

Wednesday I watched the riot...
I seen the cops out on the street
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff
And chokin' in the heat
Listened to reports
About the whisky passin' 'round
Seen the smoke & fire
And the market burnin' down
Watched while everybody
On his street would take a turn
To stomp and smash and bash and crash
And slash and bust…

The Zappa estate will sue, but let 'em.

Sebastian said...

"Paranoia strikes deep/Into your life it will creep."

Now that's poetry for people who don't like poetry.


Temujin said...

The problem with old Stephen Stills is his dentures. They keep slipping ala Nancy Pelosi.

Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look for my teeth on the ground.

I used to be a HUGE Stills fan. Can't watch him these days. It hurts.

rwnutjob said...

"Everybody look what's going down."
Fairly sure they are & for that reason are going to vote Trump in in a landslide.

Temujin said...

Very Communist Workers Party feel to it all. I'm sure it had to be approved by the Committee Who Approves Such Things.

Carol said...

I was a big Springfield fan, but didn't care for that song. Ever. It was just a bunch of spoiled punks up on the Strip. BFD.

And what did the lyrics mean? It seems like "Revolution," to say exactly the opposite of what is assumed. Yet everyone cites it like, yeah that's what I'm talkin 'bout.

What HE said. Not.

LA_Bob said...

"Old Stephen Stills" was certainly an odd choice. For a party that claims to celebrate youth they pick an old Boomer protest song? Cyndi Lauper and "True Colors" would have been more apropos.

Guess the Democrats are going for the "nostalgia vote". They know whose votes they need to win.

mikee said...

Sometimes I randomly click on a music video in YouTube, and then another and another, for background music while I'm doing boring Excel data entry. For some reason I always end up playing Bad to the Bone at some point, and a bit later Cash singing Hurt, then eventually House of the Rising Sun. I don't think it's just me. I think there's a larger meaning in this progression. Damned if I know what, though.

As for the question asked by Althouse, "Where people listening to the lyrics?" the answer is, "What people? Nobody except Joe Biden was still watching by that point. And he was, only because he has dementia and can't operate a remote."

donald said...

That’s what they need, a reminder of 68. Rioting, burning. We’re democrats! That’s what we do!

Don’t think for a Moment that that, even worse than Biden’s Alzheimer’s, is why there are no actual events for the party of hate and violence.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

For What It's Worth, Old Stills sounded pretty good in 2014.

Dave Begley said...

How can anyone take this Cardi B person seriously with those nails and earrings?

Bilwick said...

"Hooray for our side" at Democratic convention: translation, "Hooray for the State!" Some people's servility knows no bounds.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Verily, anyone tuning in to last nights program would be justified in assuming Bernie won the primary, based on the platform. Right?

Joe Smith said...

"Everybody look what's going down."

But Kamala's on the ticket, shouldn't it be:

Everybody look who's going down?

Iman said...

You'd better stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look
Who's goin' down

Bay Area Guy said...

It has the production value of an Electric Company skit circa 1973.

Drago said...

Solid encasulation of what the far left FakeCon "LLR" poseurs were pushing last night:

John Kasich at the DNC last night: Independents "fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that."

Bernie Sanders right after: Joe Biden is a vehicle for the revolution.

Birches said...

Wow. That's not really a positive song for electing Biden, is it? Obviously, I've grown up listening to it since I was a small child. It always seemed like a very cynical song, which is why I always liked it.

Iman said...

I prefer picturing late 60s/early 70s Stills crawling through a motel hallway in a cocaine delirium.

wayworn wanderer said...

The 27-year-olds who scheduled Stills have no idea what the song means. They are morons.

Jon Ericson said...

Better go back to excerpting The New York Times. Today's postings seem so plebeian and uncivilized.

Skeptical Voter said...

This is an absolute admission by the DNC that they are all on board with the AntiFa Black Lives Matter riots and destruction and looting. For those of us who want civil order, it's stunning that the DNC and progressives can be so self unaware.

Steven Stills wrote the song in 1966. The song was inspired by the counter culture riots on Sunset Strip in the summer of 66. So yeah--here we are again with the same old same old Democrat party--born to riot in the streets, and to have cities under their control governed by a kakistocracy.

OTOH last night Kimberly Klacik, a Republican woman in Baltimore running for Elijah Cumming's old 7th District seat, released a video yesterday which went viral. It was supposedly seen by more people than watched the Democrat "convention" Her team knows production values--but she's running in a district which has never sent a Republican to Congress.

walter said...

"Singing songs and a-carryin’ signs
Mostly say, "Hooray for our side"
One of the goofiest rhymes ever.

What sound did Cardi Boobs make?
Was it while twerking?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

it was a song protesting a curfew on Sunset Strip

By 1966, the situation in Los Angeles was tense. An increasing number of clubgoers were descending on the Strip, irritating area residents and upscale boutiques, and the LAPD instigated a 10 p.m. curfew for anyone under 18.

jaydub said...

It's no accident that the Dems eliminated the white stars on blue background on the flag and replaced them with red stars on a black background, nor that they eliminated the white stripes altogether. Sort of a preview of what they have planned for the country as a whole.

Not Sure said...

The CGI of Burl Ives on guitar was pretty convincing, but why him and not Pete Seeger?

MadTownGuy said...

The same song was invoked by my liberal friends when the "illegal use of chemical weapons" was happening in Seattle. They didn't get the irony.

Nichevo said...

Sing, Blacula, Sing!

TrespassersW said...

That video was proof that today's Democrats are incapable of embarrassment.

Not that I needed more, but here we are.

Rick.T. said...

One of my top lyric songs of the 60's. Topped by this one, though:

Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin',
I'm sittin' here, just contemplatin',
I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
Handful of Senators don't pass legislation,
And marches alone can't bring integration,
When human respect is disintegratin',
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin',
And you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

Chuck said...

Althouse like you I am just old enough to remember when “For What It’s Worth” was a current song on FM radio. I’ve never been confused or mystified by the lyric you cited.

It is not so much parody of demonstrations as it is a call to more substantive action. Steve Stills was also singing, “Won’t you please come to Chicago, no one else can take your place.”

Similar to the Stones singing, “I went down to the demonstration, to get my fair share of abuse...”

Cf., “Street Fighting Man.”

By any reasonable account, “For What It’s Worth” is an iconic protest song or more correctly a chronicle of one of the most important protest eras in American history, and will resonate with a demographic that will vote in droves this November; the Boomer generation.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Better Stay Away When There's A Riot Goin' On!

Mike, Mike..

Chuck said...

Blogger Drago said...
Solid encasulation of what the far left FakeCon "LLR" poseurs were pushing last night:

John Kasich at the DNC last night: Independents "fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that."

Bernie Sanders right after: Joe Biden is a vehicle for the revolution.

I love the idea of lots of very different people being able to imprint what they wish to onto Joe Biden’s candidacy. Because the most important thing is just beating Trump.

tim maguire said...

Narayanan said...would it be fair use to mash/mix this with shots of rioting and burning buildings and people getting stomped?

If Republicans were smart, this is exactly what they'll do. The riots are one of the 3 or 4 issues this election will turn on. The Republicans need to make sure the Democrats own the violence while the media does everything in its power to make sure they don't.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Iman said...

I prefer picturing late 60s/early 70s Stills crawling through a motel hallway in a cocaine delirium.

Nah, it was better a couple of years later when he was wearing military fatigues and claiming he'd been on special ops in Vietnam.

But, him and David Crosby trying to snort spilled blow out of a carpet is hard to beat.

Jim at said...

What says 'progressive' more than a song from 1966?

Temujin said...

Chuck: What happens if "the most important thing" doesn't happen?

I'll bet we get months of rioting in the streets. Oh...there's something new.

Roughcoat said...

I'm ready to start the shooting war. It's time.

Mr. Forward said...

“According to exit polls, however, Trump's success among the boomers is what gave him the White House.”
Salon Nov. 10, 2016

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "I love the idea of lots of very different people being able to imprint what they wish to onto Joe Biden’s candidacy."

LLR-lefty Chuck takes time out from supporting the candidacy of every single democrat at every single level to express his support for others support of one particular democrat.

And, mind you, LLR-lefty Chuck's universal support of all democrats at every level in addition to his support for implementation of every single democrat policy at every level is intended, according to LLR-lefty Chuck, to "conserve conservatism".


Drago said...

Worth repeating:

"The Senator made a very moving and eloquent speech as a son of the Confederacy acknowledging that is was time to change and yield to a position that Senator Carol Mosely Braun raised on the floor of the Senate not granting a federal charter to a [sic] organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag as a symbol and the charter was to give them the right..the " impriratur" [sic] (imprimatur?) of the federal government to do that."
--Joe Biden

Yes, Joe "Confederate flag wavers are very fine people" Biden.


No wonder Dementia Joe picked someone from a slave holding family as his running mate!

Gee, I wonder if this video will make it into a campaign ad or two?

Drago said...

LLR-lefty Chuck: "I love the idea of lots of very different people being able to imprint what they wish to onto Joe Biden’s candidacy."

Its so much simpler than all that.

Kasich, like you, is lying.

Rabel said...

Shouldn't this have a "Men in Shorts" tag?

eddie willers said...

Steve Stills was also singing, “Won’t you please come to Chicago, no one else can take your place.”

It was Graham Nash from his first solo album "Songs For Beginners".

LA_Bob said...

"Chuck said, "Because the most important thing is just beating Trump."

Just brings to mind another song from the 60's: "You Can't Always Get What You Want"

Which you mentioned (obliquely) in your 12:02 comment.

jaydub said...

"I love the idea of lots of very different people being able to imprint what they wish to onto Joe Biden’s candidacy"

It's easy to imprint something on a blank slate; the trick is having him remember it before the next person writes over it.

BTW, how do you think Chuckles would have reacted four years ago if he was told Mrs Biden's little boy Joey was going to be the one ultimately entrusted to save the republic from Trump in 2020 and he, himself, was going to be ecstatic about it? Yeah, me too.

RichardJohnson said...

Speaking of Stephen Stills at the Demo Convention, I cringe upon rehearing the lyrics of many Crosby, Stills and Nash songs from the 1960s.
For Demo Convention time, consider 1968:Chicago.

So your brother's bound and gagged
And they've chained him to a chair
Won't you please come to Chicago just to sing
In a land that's known as freedom how can such a thing be fair
won't you please come to Chicago for the help that we can bring
We can change the world rearrange the world
It's dying - to get better
Politicians sit yourselves down, there's nothing for you here
won't you please come to Chicago for a ride
don't ask jack to help you 'cause he'll turn the other ear
won't you please come to Chicago or else join the other side

We can change the world rearrange the world
it's dying - if you believe in justice
dying - and if you believe in freedom
dying - let a man live his own life
dying - rules and regulations, who needs them open up the door
Somehow people must be free
I hope the day comes soon
won't you please come to chicago show your face
From the bottom of the ocean to the mountains of the moon
won't you please come to chicago no one else can take your place
We can change the world rearrange the world
It's dying - if you believe in justice
dying - and if you believe in freedom
dying - let a man live his own life
dying - rules and regulations, who needs them open up the door

Naive, naive.

The there is Woodstock.

Well, I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, "tell me, where are you going?"
This he told me

Said, "I'm going down to Yasgur's Farm
Gonna join in a rock and roll band
Got to get back to the land
And set my soul free"

We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion-year-old carbon
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

"Set my soul free, back to the garden," getting stoned at Woodstock. Yeah, right.
These are lyrics that do not improve with time.

Drago said...

By the way, I think we were all very impressed by LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved Gov Whitmer who demonstrated her commitment to improving the national dialogue by offering up what LLR-lefty Chuck no doubt considered a quite delightful "motherf***ers" comment yesterday.

It's easy to see how far left radical Whitmer has been able to garner such an enthusiastic and passionate following from the FakeCon LLR-lefty crew.

hstad said...

Yep, resurrecting 1968 for the Democrats that's the ticket to a win -'Riots', 'Defund Police', , etc. I guess that didn't work either back then. Look, "Joe Biden's" campaign is low energy (trying to mail it in - sorry for the pun) but he's facing such strong head winds. 'Nightly Riots', 'Defund the Police', Far Left move by Democrats - pushing moderates away from the Party. No accomplishments or plans other than "Orange Man Bad". That's not a winning formula. This could be a real 'bloodbath' for the Dems come November.

Narayanan said...

John Kasich at the DNC last night: Independents "fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that."
i am confused -
i was under impression that UPS trained their drivers not to make left turns.

did USPS implement the same? the son of mailman should know - i suppose.

RichardJohnson said...

By any reasonable account, “For What It’s Worth” is an iconic protest song or more correctly a chronicle of one of the most important protest eras in American history, and will resonate with a demographic that will vote in droves this November; the Boomer generation.

You overestimate the Boomer affinity for the Democrats. 1972 United States presidential election.
McGovern also narrowly won the youth vote (i.e. those aged 18 to 24) 52–46, a narrower margin than many of his strategists had predicted.

I am one McGovern-voting Boomer going to vote for Trump.

Gahrie said...

It's no accident that the Dems eliminated the white stars on blue background on the flag and replaced them with red stars on a black background, nor that they eliminated the white stripes altogether. Sort of a preview of what they have planned for the country as a whole.

It's amazing how ignorant the Left is about the U.S. population. They have no idea that White people are 77% of the population, Black people are only 13% of the population, gay people are less than 5% of the population and transgendered are less than a tenth of 1% of the population.

They really really don't want to convince the 77% of the population that being White matters. Really.

Is it perhaps time for a second Liberia?

hstad said...

Blogger Chuck said..."...Because the most important thing is just beating Trump..." 8/18/20, 12:05 PM

Gees, another so-called brilliant political pundit with a losing strategy. Look, "Orange Man Bad" is a poor vote getting strategy. It did not work in 2016 and won't in 2020. How does that translate into the Democratic endorsed 'Riots' and 'Defund Police'. The tear down of by a speaker on TV (unbelievable) "Capitalism", etc. Chuck you're way out of your depth! Unless the Biden campaign's energy improves (not likely given Biden's health problems) we are seeing a repeat of 2016, but with all of the negatives previously pointed out - which will translate into a landslide. God how can you hate someone you don't even know? Give it a rest!

madAsHell said...

I love the idea of lots of very different people being able to imprint what they wish to onto Joe Biden’s candidacy.

Critical Empty-Suite Theory!!

Michael K said...

Drago said...
Solid encasulation of what the far left FakeCon "LLR" poseurs were pushing last night:

John Kasich at the DNC last night: Independents "fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that."

Bernie Sanders right after: Joe Biden is a vehicle for the revolution.

Chuck loves it. Chuck is what's for dinner. To the left anyway. Cooked sheep are called Mutton.

madAsHell said...

Stephen Stills has been dead to me for a long time.

madAsHell said...

The problem with old Stephen Stills is his dentures.

Do people still use dentures?? I think he's had a couple of strokes.

I went to watch the performance at the DNC with Mr. Porter. I thought I might be able to evaluate his guitar playing, but it seems the video was produced in Joe Biden's basement.

madAsHell said...

I'm looking at the video again, and I think the DNC has re-invented MTV.

They couldn't even give a live performance of the entertainers.

TheThinManReturns said...

no, Chuck. You’re wrong again wrong song re: the Stones
You try, but you can’t always get what you want (nimrod)

TheThinManReturns said...

What’s up, Chuck? other than you being wrong re: Stones song you piece of

Fritz said...

Chuck said...
Althouse like you I am just old enough to remember when “For What It’s Worth” was a current song on FM radio. I’ve never been confused or mystified by the lyric you cited.

It is not so much parody of demonstrations as it is a call to more substantive action. Steve Stills was also singing, “Won’t you please come to Chicago, no one else can take your place.”

Similar to the Stones singing, “I went down to the demonstration, to get my fair share of abuse...”

Cf., “Street Fighting Man.”

By any reasonable account, “For What It’s Worth” is an iconic protest song or more correctly a chronicle of one of the most important protest eras in American history, and will resonate with a demographic that will vote in droves this November; the Boomer generation.

Now I know you're a parody account.

hstad said...

"...The Morning Briefing: DNC Night One—I Think the Democrats Want Trump to Win..."

walter said...

Kasich should have been tied down to leftward track at a rail switch while he spoke.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I love the idea of lots of very different people being able to imprint what they wish to onto Joe Biden’s candidacy.

I don’t think you have anything to worry about - the Democrats always win the vast majority of the uninformed.

Elliott A said...

50 years ago, the demonstrators wanted freedom from the "Man" now they want to be the "Man" Meanwhile, Stills is still close friends with fellow Springfielder Richie Furay, the conservative minister who is a Trump supporter. I may be "hooraying for my side" but it seems to me that the agenda of the left is 180 degrees from that of 50 years ago.

todd galle said...

What about the Clash's 'White Riot', does that get dusted off? Certainly seems timely for a 30+ year old tune. Better song than Still's boring one note ditty. I think I'll mute the hockey game and listen to the Clash. The liberals should worry that White's might like a Riot of their own, and not the Antifa types.

wsw said...

A song about rich kids not getting to go to the Troubadour, for like ten minutes one July, could not be a more fitting anthem for the D attempt to take one narrative and twist it into another. (To his creative credit) Stills, being a trustfunder himself, was able to capture something that morphed.

Grok as "Third-Person Stephen Stills" makes an appearance here:


Biff said...

I'm trying to imagine the Antifa protests at the convention in an alternate universe where the convention were not downsized because of COVID-19. 1968 redux.

wild chicken said...

"Richie Furay, the conservative minister who is a Trump supporter. "

Really? Wow. I always did like him. Springfield busting up seemed so sad. I was at the very last concert. He was really the neutral, good natured heart of that group.

RichardJohnson said...

Elliot A
I may be "hooraying for my side" but it seems to me that the agenda of the left is 180 degrees from that of 50 years ago.

Maybe 180 degrees from the hippies, but bear in mind that a lot of the university yoot aligned themselves with SDS and other flavors of the radical left. I recall a SDS honcho chatting on the quad, saying she thought that Lenin should be made a major part of the university curriculum.She was gushing while saying this, implying that Lenin was on a level with Plato or Shakespeare. Fortunately she didn't follow the logical consequences of this and go the Weatherperson route. She got a doctorate and has spent 2 decades as a state legislator- of the tax-and-spend and & "look at all the famous pols in photos with me" variety.

Freeman Hunt said...

"They really really don't want to convince the 77% of the population that being White matters. Really."

No kidding. I've brought this up to certain liberal friends. "Don't you think this is a little dangerous, telling people to strongly identify themselves with their racial groups? What happens when white people eventually start doing it too?" "Oh, that will never happen!"

It certainly happened before. It seems like one of the great triumphs of the late 20th century was getting people to start abandoning racial tribalism. Now we're encouraging it. Yikes.

Martin said...

Wow, talk about doubling down on the most extreme members of your base and telling everybody else they can go to hell!

Maybe it'll work, if it does that is truly the end of "appealing to the center because that's where the votes are."

In that case, we must squarely confront Lincoln's observation that a house divided against itself cannot stand, alluding to Matthew 12:25.

walter said...

And here's Biden running the train.
Good luck, John.

Iman said...

Richie Furay... singing Kind Woman... one of my fave Springfield tunes...

Scott M said...

The song "Wishes" by Nathan Morris of Boyz II Men fame, is a far better use of Springfield's original hook. Morris' song is one of the great unheralded songs of the 90's. The fact that it was written for the Kazaam soundtrack is just a burp in the cosmos, sort of like VP Quayle.

DavidD said...

They should play I’d Love to Change the World next:

“Tax the rich, feed the poor
'Til there are no rich no more.”

Does nobody ever ask what comes afterwards, though?

Molly said...


Maybe the Republicans can use for their song Elvis Presley's 1972 live rendition of How Great Thou Art.

Since Elvis died at 42, he will never grow old, which is a big advantage vis-a-vis Stills.

Another advantage is that it's not some drippy creepy protest song, it's a full-throated hymn of praise.

Jupiter said...

“Tax the rich, feed the poor
'Til there are no rich no more.”

"Does nobody ever ask what comes afterwards, though?"

I think Ten Years After knew exactly what they were saying. They did not write "'Til there are no poor no more." They knew that the poor are always with us.

madAsHell said...

Stills, being a trustfunder himself, was able to capture something that morphed.

Wow! I always heard he was an Army brat!

madAsHell said...

The DNC is bleeding black voters, and they have a gay black man opening the convention??

RichardJohnson said...

Uknown: Stills, being a trustfunder himself
madAsHell: Wow! I always heard he was an Army brat!

From David McGowan's Scenes Inside The Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart Of The Hippie Dream (pages 16-18), we find out that Stills was an Army brat who had lived overseas:
Before his arrival in Laurel Canyon, Stephen Stills was the product of yet another career military family. Raised partly in Texas, young Stephen spent large swaths of his childhood in El Salvador, Costa Rica, the Panama Canal Zone, and various other parts of Central America..

David Crosby would appear to be the trustfunder.

Crosby is, not surprisingly, the son of an Annapolis graduate and WWII military intelligence officer, Major Floyd Delafield Crosby. Like others in this story, Floyd Crosby spent much of his postservice time traveling the world. But David Crosby is much more than just the son of Major FloydDelafield Crosby. David Van Cortlandt Crosby, as it turns out, is a scion of the closely intertwined van Cortlandt, van Schuyler and van Rensselaer families. And while you’re probably thinking, “the Van Who families?,” I can assure you that if you plug those names in over at Wikipedia,you can spend a pretty fair amount of time reading up on the power wielded by this clan for the last, oh, two-and-a-quarter centuries or so. Suffice it to say that the Crosby family tree includes a truly dizzying array of US senators and congressmen, state senators and assemblymen, governors, mayors, judges, Supreme Court justices, Revolutionary and Civil War generals, signers of the Declaration of Independence, and members of the Continental Congress. It also includes, I should hasten to add—for those of you with a taste for such things—more than a few
high-ranking Masons. Stephen van Rensselaer III, for example, reportedly served as Grand Master of Masons for New York. And if all that isn’t impressive enough, according to the New England Genealogical Society, David Van Cortlandt Crosby is also a direct descendant of Founding Fathers and Federalist Papers authors Alexander Hamilton and John Jay.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I've said it before, I don't expect anyone but me to remember.

"Ouray for our side."

Do you people even understand? Do you? Do You?

Do you you: Feel like i doo

The Crack Emcee said...

Some people really know how to lose my vote. I mean, WORKING at it. This is just more BAD TASTE than the American people should EVER endure.

Jesus Christ, Democrats, WHAT'S HAPPENED TO YOU?

alanc709 said...

"Chuck said...
Althouse like you I am just old enough to remember when “For What It’s Worth” was a current song on FM radio. I’ve never been confused or mystified by the lyric you cited.

It is not so much parody of demonstrations as it is a call to more substantive action. Steve Stills was also singing, “Won’t you please come to Chicago, no one else can take your place.”

As usual, Chuck states as fact things he does not know. It wasn't Steven Stills who sang "Chicago" and the outro "We Can Change The World", it was Graham Nash.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "Some people really know how to lose my vote. I mean, WORKING at it. This is just more BAD TASTE than the American people should EVER endure."

I would take the dems more seriously if they would simply play Crack's music instead of whatever the hell that was supposed to be.

Stepper said...

Floyd Crosby was a cinematographer of much distinction:

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