ADDED: I dipped into the running commentary at the NYT. Saw this:
That felt like the first big “moment” of this event – 30 seconds of silence on TV backed by a montage of Americans with their eyes closed. I can’t remember anything like that on television before.
Not interested.
Crazy Joe Gallo was at least an interesting person. Crazy Joe Biden is just cringe worthy when not just boring. Different Joes, different shows. I also am not watching nor will I watch the Republican convention. Gimme a Chicago 1968 convention, now that was quality entertainment.
McCabe also sleeping with Lisa Page?
Sloppy seconds for Strzok?
"I have no interest in the convention. I consider it a nonexistent event."
Sounds like you are bucking the conventional wisdom.
When does Peter Stork get to speak?
Is this another silly drinking game?
Evidently, the DNC decided not to go head-to-head with Tucker Carlson.
DC is hollywood for ugly people.
truer words...
I want 'proof-of-life' so to speak that Biden actually speaks live and not on tape.
If he is recorded, then even Democrats should reconsider their votes.
It will be farce.
Proof of life or not, I won’t pay the ransom.
I don't need to listen to their speeches. I can see the extent of their work all over this country. You actually have to work hard to not notice it.
What night does Biden speak?
The family of Kamala Harris owned 200 slaves in Jamaica. And she could be President?
Matt Taibbi is drunk blogging it. I am going to let him do all the heavy lifting.
“ Sloppy seconds for Strzok?”
And her husband was getting really sloppy thirds?
I am just a little surprised with McCabe. Everyone involved was married, but he was married to a doctor. She probably could use a scalpel somewhat competently, and knew enough about drugs to keep herself out of trouble.
They're going to talk about the civil rights pandemic, according to the guy on TV.
I switched back to Australian ABC news. They're obsessed with hearings to discover who's responsible for the recent second wave covid outbreak. So far none of the officials the hearings have heard from are responsible for it.
I was wondering what convention that Ann was talking about. Maybe the convention that we cannot make fun of Dem politicians, no matter how deserving. Esp uterus bearing XX female POC Dems. OK, probably trans female POC Dems too.
I call them:
Coma and Comma 2020
As far as watching, I'm reading an account of the 1860 Democratic Convention held in Charleston and then, when things went south (chuckle, chuckle, when things went south, get it?) they held it again in Baltimore. Reading the Democrats' speeches of that day, I note that the current white supremacy theory of the founding of the US is taken from thoughts and scholarship of William Lowndes Yancey, John C Calhoun, Jefferson Davis and other Confederate founders, Once again this theory is being promoted by Democrats at their convention as the true story of the founding of the USA. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
So not interested.
I think the word "convention" probably needs scare quotes, since nobody is actually convening anywhere.
It's really just a lot of podcast drops from people the DNC wants you to listen to -- but without all the pageantry, why should we care what John Kasich has to say tonight, when we haven't bothered to go looking for any of the videos of his speeches and interviews or appearances of any kind since he dropped out of the race four years ago?
OK. I could go turn on the TV and see what's up. The Repub convention was in Tampa in 2012.
Bridges up, roads closed, squad sized military patrols. I cant recall now who they were worried about. The broadcast networks cover the conventions. It's news. So hours of free advertising. I'm registered no party affiliation. Nice for the gov to provide the private associations free membership lists. I use to be an independent. I could say that with some gusto when asked. Then some group grabs that. Now I'm unafiliated which I evidently cant spell. Feels like I'm getting dissed. Cruelly neutral sounds like too much work. Work! Not Yet Bought Off. NYETBOs.
Holy shit is that bad. I just sampled ten seconds. Maybe women like it.
"What night does Biden speak?"
What night does Hunter speak?
I stopped watching conventions a long time a go. I think Bob Dole's acceptance speech was the last one I watched. And I turned that off after about 5 minutes. God, Dole was an awful speaker. Anyway, the acceptance speeches are dull enough when live with thousands cheering, imagine how dull they are with taped speeches. Yikes!
And further its Biden/Harris, perhaps next to Hillary/Kaine the worst, most incompetent pair ever to run for POTUS/VP in my lifetime. And both are boring as fuck.
And the supporting speakers are even worse. Who wants to Hillary with her screechy voice, or son-of-a-mailman Kasich? So, i'm going to do something more interesting, like rearrange my sock drawer or help my wife shell peas.
Convention? What convention?
Any Democrat speaker at the convention who continues to stay silent on the violence by the Democrat looters is worthless. That includes the Obamas, the Clintons, AOC and anyone else.
"Silence is violence" some folks have been saying.
Didnt FDR make a few deals with Stalin? Lets talk about that. ;)
No matter how putrid or inconsequential the Dem Convention is, I'm sure the NYT will write it up as safe, avant-garde and cutting edge, and by the way, may we remind you that Biden leads in the polls?
"What night does Biden speak?"
They have been recording his speech since last week, one line at a time.
"What night does Biden speak?"
“What night does Hunter speak?”
And in which language? English? Or will they speak in their native Ukrainian?
A thing to look for during Biden's acceptance speech are cut-aways from Biden's end of the camera- how many times to do they do it. If Biden isn't up to giving a long acceptance speech in one sitting, they will have to splice the speech together from all the various takes in recording, and you can't do that surreptitiously any longer with the widespread availability of video frame analysis, so splicing in montages with Biden on audio are the way to go. If there are no cut-aways, then it will demonstrate that Biden was up to reading the entire thing in one take.
There are 17 keynote speakers, including several apostate Republicans, all of whom we can disregard. They won't be on crossword puzzles later. They'll just go away. While they throw out their principles and their past, why not spend the time usefully, maybe checking old medicines for expired dates, gathering out-dated clothes for Goodwill and throwing out old spices and old newspapers. Then, the clutter cleared away, maybe I'll take out that golden memory of sitting at my computer in November 2016 at 2:30 or 3 AM and reading that Trump was starting his acceptance speech. Maybe a quiet drink, listening to crickets and the distant trains.
I was going to do Matt Taibbi's drunk blog routine, but my liver threatened to leave me and move to Montana.
30 seconds of silence on TV backed by a montage of Americans with their eyes closed. I can’t remember anything like that on television before
Ronald Reagan concluded his 1980 acceptance speech with silent prayer.
Come on, man!
Their native language is Graft.
No joke!
Did Kasich wear his Dad's mailman outfit?
Did I just hear that Biden has indeed taped his acceptance speech? What possible reason could they give for that?
And in which language? English? Or will they speak in their native Ukrainian?
Yeah shut your eyes--you won't see the ratings disaster. And of course good old Slow Joe can deliver a "silent speech". His handlers will speak for him.
Actually visually interesting,diverse, and makes a strong case from many including life long Republicans who support Biden, plus some great music “Sweeter.”
McCabe also sleeping with Lisa Page?
That was covered up when the emails were first leaked out.
Page was a pass-around-piece. Lawyer for FBI or just a civilian badge bunny those women are always used the same way by the boys in blue.
DNC is running a portrait of Americans has martyrs victimized by life and entitled to be saved by The State. Contrast that to Mr Optimism Trump telling us how proud he is of our guts and our greatness. Talk about a total contrast.
Like Clint Eastwood speaking to the empty chair
Only without Clint and the speaking part.
What if we have a convention and nobody came?
Dave Begley: "The family of Kamala Harris owned 200 slaves in Jamaica. And she could be President?"
Hey, what's the big deal? Its not like they owned 300 slaves or more.
No harm no foul on the dem/LLR-lefty marxist side.
I heard fox news radio affiliate say -
"You can feel the excitement building" in reference to the DNC convention.
It sounds as I would expect: very emo. I doubt anything said will be even remotely true... except for how we are now in a dictatorship under Hitler, but with more racism, and the concentration camps just in the planning stages.
Hitler wouldn't have needed the gas chambers if he just had Covid-19, nursing homes, and total control of mask distribution.
Will Marge Simpson say a few words?
Lady Hillingdon was the inspiration for that camera shot: When Americans hear Biden's footsteps at the door, they need to lie back, close eyes and think of...Black Lives Matter.
Speaking of conventions, as far back as I can remember most of my campus colleagues (especially the graduate students) considered any and all Republican conventions little short of Nuremberg rallies. It was accepted, conventional wisdom, congruent with the all Republican presidential candidates are Hitler meme.
wildswan makes a very astute point!
At least the masses of Dim faithful who would have been featured won't have to wave those embarrassing flags.
Must be a relief
There is a lot of high-minded rhetoric at conventions, but none of it really translates much into government action toward the goals expressed. It's almost like a carnival of bullshit. I wonder how many votes are actually changed by a convention. I think the primary accomplishment is the exposure of new up and coming bullshitters.
Meade made me spit my beer out my nose.
“Did Kasich wear his Dad's mailman outfit?”
Not kidding—that comment made me laugh to tears.
Kammy Harris was a total flop in the Democrat parties - got kneecapped by Tulsi Gabbard and didn't even make it to Ipwa. ZERO Delegates.
Any reason to think, well, she may flop again?
I've watched a lot of it. It's very depressing. It's not asking for our vote it's begging for our vote (and several requests for money).
“Convention? What convention?”
a montage of Americans with their eyes closed.
The convention's television audience.
"Carnival of Bullshit"
CoB party. That works.
Will anyone vote? Or will they just anoint Biden as if the caucuses and primaries never happened.
“Meade made me spit my beer out my nose.”
Another reason we’re going to have to insist you wear your mask properly.
Slow Joe's been napping in the basement for several months. No press conferences, no questions, no tv interviews (Cardi B doesn't count, Joe).
I'm looking forward to his reemergence - it'd be like Grandpa Simpson on Nugenix.
I am hoping for envelope confusion convention declaring Kamala in first place
(How the Oscars’ Best Picture envelope mix-up unfolded)
I watched some Republicans endorse Biden and they convinced me that there really is a deep state, an establishment political class which fears and opposes Trump. Now I'm seeing people claim that Trump is personally totally responsible for all the bitter partisanship dividing us (not Democrats and the media refusing to accept the election result of 2016) and claiming Biden will unite us. How will Joe do that? Well, we all supposedly know that Joe unites people. Seriously? This segment was followed by the leftists of the Democratic Party reciting the party's leftist agenda, without a second thought that it is unacceptable to Republicans. How does that unite the country? Suddenly the Postal Service is being defended. I quit watching.
If Democrats are sincerely interested in being united as a country and ending the partisan divide there would have been some effort to acknowledge what Trump has done well and his successes as President, imo. But I don't expect that Democrats will accept defeat graciously this time around either, regardless of their claim.
I ask myself why I read recently that Wall Street is donating heavily to Biden? I did some research and discovered that Joe has always been in the pocket of the financial services industry, and there is a reason Delaware has more corporations than citizens. So maybe the "unity" idea is that Republicans in the know will vote for Joe because he really is for Wall Street, not Main Street, and he will support globalist multinational companies. Meantime, social justice and anti-racism can be sold as well. Kind of disgusting listening to Democrats talking about the "soul" of the country.
It's an absurd convention with absurd candidates.
Wait! Wasn't tonite the explainer of support for pap smears and abortions for non-cervix womyn? Maybe Twitchy (the go to source for idiocy exposed)will bring me up-to-date?
“including life long Republicans”
"The worst place for a black person to live in America is in a Democrat controlled city."
Impossible to argue with that. Living next door to a KKK member with 2 pit bulls, an alligator, and a land mine garden, comes in a distant second.
You guys are really motivated.
How many people are really paying attention to the Dem "convention"?
They need to spice this trainwreck up. Suggestions? Pete Buttigieg strip tease? Ghisilane Maxwell webcam from prison cell?
Where is John Ford when you really need some direction.
Do yourself a favor: bop over to the cpan website, find the videos of the convention, go near the bottom of the night, turn your sound off and just watch the Stephen Stills Billy Porter performance.
Gave me the biggest laugh I've had all year. What the heck were they thinking!
SNL won't have to change a single word; no need to parody the totally absurd.
I watched as much as I could, but it was painful. Who would be attracted by this presentation who wasn't already a true believer?
Am I alone in thinking Michelle O. is greatly overrated?
And while not from the convention, the fact that Biden would do an interview with a completely twisted woman responsible for the latest pop excrement is utterly depressing.
roesch/voltaire should explain how "diversity" matters.
Specifically, how does it matter to the asians who are not at Yale but probably should have been?
How does it matter to the average mother who wants her children to succeed?
Your platitudes suck.
roesch/voltaire: "Actually visually interesting,diverse, and makes a strong case from many including life long Republicans who support Biden, plus some great music “Sweeter.”'
The best part of this moronic take?
r/v thinks its the right message even though it plays perfectly into the Trump message from 2015 to present.
But only perfectly.
r/v STILL, after 5 years, doesn't understand what is happening.
Hey r/v, did you also miss the Brexit vote?
My God
“ I was going to do Matt Taibbi's drunk blog routine, but my liver threatened to leave me and move to Montana”
Let me know if you get serious about it. Or your liver. Weather has been good this summer - only 2-3 weeks in the low 90s this summer, and the temperatures mostly hanging in the high 70s and low 80s. And, yes, it is a dry heat, with bright blue skies most days.
"30 seconds of silence on TV backed by a montage of Americans with their eyes closed."
Well, they're Biden voters. They'd have to have them closed, wouldn't they?
> a montage of Americans with their eyes closed.
Only people with closed eyes
can vote for Democrats
the Destroy America party
... a montage of Americans with their eyes closed.
Did you notice the old white male’s eyes weren’t closed while he stole suspicious looks.
I’m with Althouse on this topic. If you are REALLY old, as I am, you’ll remember the long-extinct “real” conventions. High drama, even, some of the time. Popcorn papping, candy bars, bets being made right in the living room and kibutzing araround the dining room table…. a little cheering and jeering.
Even today, it would be way more fun to watch grainy black and white, small screen reruns of those events. Off camera, impromptu deals being done among the delegates. I’m probably romanticizing a bit, but it was good stuff, even better than “Boston Blackie”, “Dragnet", and the “Friday Night Fights” (brought to you by Pabst Blue Ribbon).
Today was the polar opposite of what I remember, so I just watched the Fox News commentaries about the DNC convention sandwiched in betweeen riot coverage and the commentary about what’s going on in the real world (outside MSNBC and CNN). That was at least humorous in spots when they were critiquing the banality, cliches, and canned video presentations.
Moment of silence with eyes closed... Hear any snoring or were the microphones shut off?
Every republican presidential candidate has been Hitler? If Trump was Hitler, antifa would be lampshades.
> Crazy Joe Biden is just cringe worthy when not just boring.
Michele came in and lied and claimed Trump puts "KIDS IN THE CAGES" her husband built and used himself,and she is very upset by it.....Then they played the "We love God our Country" so much, they played the National Anthem, featured the Constitution, and Pledge of Allegience so we could laugh at them because if it were live, they would all be kneeling. Afterall, they booed God in their last convention. What a joke. Anybody who takes them seriously, are actually the crazy nuts they are saying the right are....
NYT easily impressed by meaningless gestures.
I watched baseball instead.
I heard that Bernie had enough firewood behind him for the next several Vermont winters.
Also, Benedict Kasich sucks.
Now I'm seeing people claim that Trump is personally totally responsible for all the bitter partisanship dividing us
That's right. It is Trump's fault that the Dems/progressives are obnoxious assholes. Of course, they were all obnoxious assholes during the Obama Administration, including Obama himself.
But they are oblivious to their own malice and bile. Usually such a state is called "psychopathy."
I did some research and discovered that Joe has always been in the pocket of the financial services industry, and there is a reason Delaware has more corporations than citizens. So maybe the "unity" idea is that Republicans in the know will vote for Joe because he really is for Wall Street, not Main Street, and he will support globalist multinational companies.
That's why he was known as "The Senator from MBNA," the credit card company that ran Delaware
"roesch/voltaire said...
visually interesting,... many ... life long Republicans ... great music."
How bad was the DNC intro? roesch/voltaire is one of our personal trained seals who's always been able to justify anything done by a Dem, from mostly peaceful burning and beating to taking Ukrainian bribes. But trained seal roesch/voltaire was only able to bark out: "Looked great, music sounded good, had Republicans." [Also had Dems. Talking. Don't go there.]
PS. As Roesch/voltaire says the Dems had life long Republicans up there on the big stage, a stance our very own Chuck worked out over long lonely years while everybody laughed at him. He was like Columbus. But now John Kasich has liked him. We're glad for you, pal.
Blogger Unknown said...
Do yourself a favor: bop over to the cpan website, find the videos of the convention, go near the bottom of the night, turn your sound off and just watch the Stephen Stills Billy Porter performance.
Gave me the biggest laugh I've had all year. What the heck were they thinking!”
Who green-lit that? As a conservative, I think that’s one of the funniest things ever! Had I been a democrat, I think I’d be cringing. Embarrassing.
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