August 28, 2020

How dumb is it to attack Ivanka's story that her son built a Lego model of the White House!

It's not that big a deal to build a Lego model of the White House! They sell kits. But who would attack a mother proud of her little son's accomplishment?! And it gives her the opportunity to knock you right down with a photograph:

But go ahead and question whether that's a Lego model. It looks small. It's not the Lego Architecture White House.

AND: This phenomenally stupid controversy caused me to watch the old Conan O'Brien show with Ivanka. She's immensely appealing here, both Conan O'Brien and Jeff Goldblum obviously love her, and we get to hear the loving daughter's presentation of what her father is like:

Great stuff about what it means to fire somebody "like a dog."


wendybar said...

What else do they HAVE??? The violence and looting isn't helping like they thought...blaming Trump for the Chinese Virus isn't helping...they have NOTHING!!!

Sydney said...

If you click and enlarge you can clearly see it is a Lego White House.

tim maguire said...

It must be a lie. There is no possible way a person built a Lego Trump Tower and then years later their son built a Lego White House.

It just can't be!

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freder Frederson said...

Usually, you would be more concerned with using a child as a political prop. You even have a tab for it, although you didn't use it on this post for some reason.

Professional Lady said...

Reminds me of the big Thanksgiving pie controversy.

Rory said...

It looks like this retired model:

About 9 inches wide.

Quaestor said...

How dumb are Democrats? They lost the White House to DONALD TRUMP in 2016, and they'll lose it again to DONALD TRUMP in about nine weeks, mostly because of their own stupidity and incurable corruption.

That's pretty fucking dumb.

Laslo Spatula said...

I would be glad to share with Ivanka my plans for the Lego Sex Dungeon.

To be fair: you DO have to supply the tiny chains and little bits of black leather yourself.

I am Laslo.

Marshall Rose said...

Spawn of OrangeMan BAD!

gilbar said...

most likely a lie

i'll have to remember that phrase! it Damns, without content.

Back in the '80's, i took ENGL 205 PROPAGANDA ANALYSIS at Iowa State.
It was Mostly about advertising. A big thing was "weasel words".

Up to ninety percent of researchers believe that evidence suggests "most likely a lie" is one of the most effective weasel words ever concocted

J said...

That is a legit lego set. It is the previous version of the one you posted. Link here for it:

Dan from Madison said...

I am honestly amazed that people have so much time to invest in b.s. like debunking the lego kid White House story. Sigh.

n.n said...

It's Lego or compatible. You can observe the block structure, and, if you look closely, the characteristic bumps are visible on the green floor.

gilbar said...

i'm surprised that they haven't memory holed that Conan episode
It's shocking to be shown how much the establishment LOVED trump, back in the day
i wonder what changed?

traditionalguy said...

Ivanka is pulling our LEGO.

Kevin said...

They can’t help themselves.

They are consumed by their hatred.

And they don’t know why they’re not in charge.

D.D. Driver said...

After the last week of violence and destruction, I welcome a return to old fashioned dumb-dumb politics. #legogate

How can we be certain the child did not get illegal assistance from Russian oligarchs?

Matt Sablan said...

Parents never share their hobbies with their kids.

Bob Boyd said...

I hope to run into Ivanka hiking in Colorado one day.

Mr. D said...

Stepping on rakes all day long.

Craig said...

They're so evil that they can't help being dumb. Sad!

Drago said...

It's Pecan Pie-Gate all over again

And attacking Palin's young children.

And even attacking Palin's special needs baby.

This is who the lefties/LLR-lefties are.

Drago said...

The lefties/LLR-lefties are also attacking a paraplegic for having the audacity to stand for the US flag.

rhhardin said...

The dems need to appeal more to women, is the lesson. Structurally they'll be as irrational as ever, but they have to go for the right feelings of niceness. They have to seem to mean well. Even the women are noticing.

GatorNavy said...

The haters are trolled yet again.

Static Ping said...

They most certainly do sell kits, and, moreover, they sell several different kits of different sizes and complexities designed for different age ranges. This is pretty typical for popular models. LEGOs make a good souvenir and it makes sense to have cheaper models so the parents can spend $20 and give their kid something age appropriate that will take an hour to construct, as opposed to having one model with two thousand pieces that costs $150 and is most likely beyond the child's patience level.

The only advantage of Twitter, may it rot, is that it reveals that many people who think themselves smart and empathetic are neither of those things.

Howard said...

Ivanka violated Althouse rule of using children's as political props and gets shit for it. Boo motherfucking Hoo.

Scott said...

We live in an era where being mean is considered clever and cute.

Harsh Pencil said...

Interview answers a question our hostess posed a few weeks ago regarding whether Trump has ever visited a national park before becoming president. According to Ivanka, the closest he has ever gotten to nature is his golf courses. Not surprised, and I'm fine with that. But good to know.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you’re looking at LEGO kit #21064. What’s on Trump’s desk looks more like lit #21006.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

in Japanese, legogate means "scandal caused by the President's grandson's toys"

...wait til he builds a replica of Mar-a-Lego

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Legos and fireworks are apparently the critical issues of the day.

M Jordan said...

A bit off topic, maybe, but I want to register my lifelong complaint to someone of how deeply wrong it is to speak too long. Trump’s speech was a good 20-30 minutes too long. I know how this happens: the speech gets over-processed by writers trying to get every little thing in. In the process the life blood is beaten out of the speech and the speech grows fatter and flatter with each additional word.

I taught for 35 years. I grew keen to the audience’s reaction. I could hear the first set of feet to shuffle as inattention set in. I also have attended a church group where, at least in conferences, every speaking is too long. I despise every word past the proper limit.

I used to coach drama. My number one rule was, BE LOUD ENOUGH. If they don’t hear you, nothing else matters, I preached. For speeches the number one rule is BE SHORT. The law of diminishing return applies to speeches more than any thing else on earth. Biden was 20 minutes, Trump 70. This round goes to Biden.

They used to tell me Clinton was a great speaker. He wasn’t because he broke the BE SHORT rule every time. Trump went too long last night and I blame Stephen Miller. It was a sad mistake to make, inexcusable, tbh.

Big Mike said...

I hope to run into Ivanka hiking in Colorado one day.

She’ll have armed Secret Service escorts.

Rory said...

"Biden was 20 minutes, Trump 70. This round goes to Biden."

Unique case: Biden's stamina is an election issue. I thought the speech went in and out - Trump works best when there's people right there to patter with - but that he was still throwing interesting flurries to the end.

Mary Beth said...

To be fair: you DO have to supply the tiny chains and little bits of black leather yourself.

No, only the leather.

Wince said...

Joe Biden's illegitimate grandchild who not be mentioned has the "Burn Baby, Burn" Lego set.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fake news from fake-brains and asshole leftist progressives who want to tear down our nation?


rehajm said...

But go ahead and question whether that's a Lego model. It looks small.

A small Lego White House the size of a large Lego White House

('s deep in to the thread, people! You're slipping...)

robother said...

Obama's legacy to the Left: "You didn't build that!"

Rory said...

Wow, Lego has a 4,000 piece Old Trafford kit.

mezzrow said...

While America burns, this is what they want to talk about.

Such serious people. Of course we should let them decide the course of the future and make the important decisions.

After reading this and nodding, the reader will go check and see what trends are current in watches and accessories. Also, it looks like there is a covid-safe airBNB available in Colorado next March. Better book it now!

Rick.T. said...

Freder Frederson said...
Usually, you would be more concerned with using a child as a political prop. You even have a tab for it, although you didn't use it on this post for some reason.
But I guess it's okay to use a dead child (and wife) as a political prop and also lie about how they died?

Ken B said...

Hahaha.Andrea Bernstein has questioned whether the kid built the model!

Ken B said...

Hahaha.Andrea Bernstein has questioned whether the kid built the model!

JPS said...

Quaestor, 7:39:

"They lost the White House to DONALD TRUMP in 2016, and they'll lose it again to DONALD TRUMP in about nine weeks,"

Yes, but it could be good for them. They'll take stock, reflect, think deeply and critically about how they could lose an election against a widely disliked incumbent, against the backdrop of a pandemic, massive unemployment, widespread civic unrest - lots of material there for a challenger. It'll hurt, but they will emerge stronger.

And I think their allies in the press will realize that maybe if they reported Trump straight, and carefully, instead of throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks, that would actually make the damaging stuff much more credible, giving his opponents more to work with in holding him to account.

I'm joking, of course! They'll insist Trump stole the election, probably with foreign help, and tie the country up for three years in confident but completely baseless accusations, and the investigations that such serious allegations warrant by their nature. Maybe ramp up the urban violence that takes place completely independently of them, even though if you want to donate to BLM, it redirects to ActBlue.

Drago said...

M Jordan: "I used to coach drama. My number one rule was, BE LOUD ENOUGH. If they don’t hear you, nothing else matters, I preached. For speeches the number one rule is BE SHORT. The law of diminishing return applies to speeches more than any thing else on earth. Biden was 20 minutes, Trump 70. This round goes to Biden."


The dems are in full panic mode and have already been forced to announce an end to their Biden Basement strategy due to the success of the Republican convention and the horrific outcome of the democrat convention, as even partisan dems admit.

The Republican convention developed clear themes and targeted the overall audience (those things we all share) with specific sub-audiences in the most compelling and authentic way in history and every component of the brilliantly weaved together fabric of the Republican convention comes tailor made for mass replication across all social and legacy media platforms.

But you were a drama coach.

JAORE said...

The left attacks every damn thing that has the word Trump associated with it. No matter how trivial or how great. It shows the pettiness, the blindness and the lack of substance to their arguments.

Knee jerk doesn't begin to define it. At least a knee-jerk begins with the impact of a small, rubber hammer.

Leland said...

Because no parent, who ever played with LEGOs as a child, thought about giving LEGOs to their own children to play with too.

gspencer said...

When my boy was in the Lego stage I would have been hard pressed to afford to buy all the kits necessary to build the WH.

Ice Nine said...

>>So Ivankas story about her son building a lego model of the WH model is most likely a lie. She used the same story herself about Trump Towers.<<

Obviously a lie. Because who could possibly make a Lego model of both!

Static Ping said...

I'll also mention that if there was not a White House model available from LEGO itself, you could always find a third party to make one for you. All they need to do is provide the bricks, which they can buy from LEGO in bulk, and instructions. And if there are any special pieces that they cannot get from LEGO, you can always 3D print those. Or you can 3D print the entire thing with non-branded compatible pieces. The custom sets can get expensive - more so if they are commissioned - but that would not be an issue for the Trumps (or the Obamas or the Clintons or the Bushes).

Drago said...

Bundy and McCloskey Case Liar Freder: "Usually, you would be more concerned with using a child as a political prop."

Yes. A lefty wrote that.

Just now.

Without irony.

Temujin said...

The only thing the Left has to offer is misery, hand-wringing, and destruction. Compare that to what you saw this week, if you actually gave it a chance.

It's not even close. One party wants to rip up the country, tear it apart, and make it CHAZ. The other party wants to create a better opportunity for everyone. And that's the key- opportunity. You cannot make people do those things to improve their lives. But you can give them the chance to do so. You cannot make someone work harder at school, or at work. You cannot make someone not do drugs, or not stop when a policeman tells them to stop. But you can give them a better opportunity to do the right things if given the chance. Trump (not the Republicans) is trying to do that.

The Left? A wasteland.

Robert Roy said...

How shocking that someone who demonstrated they like building, well, buildings out of LEGO would teach their child the exact same hobby? I shudder at the lack of diversity that shows.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

It’s Friday morning in Caliunicornia... lego my Eggo!

Bob Boyd said...

She’ll have armed Secret Service escorts.

Well I wasn't going to grab her arm or anything.

gerry said...

The Left? A wasteland.

China is asshole. Progressivism is assholes.

D.D. Driver said...

Obama's legacy to the Left: "You didn't build that!"

LOL. That's so 8 years ago. In 2020 we say: "Ivanka Trump, without evidence, claims that her son plays with Legos."

Michael K said...

Freder Frederson said... [hush]​[hide comment]
Usually, you would be more concerned with using a child as a political prop. You even have a tab for it, although you didn't use it on this post for some reason.

Because the left made the issue about you idiot. You lefties musty blow up every tiny matter about Trump into a world crisis. Howard has to get an oar in, too. Has it ever occurred to you and Howard what idiots you are ?

Maybe you could build a Lego model of a burning car lot in Kenosha, you idiot.

Todd said...

Bob Boyd said...

I hope to run into Ivanka hiking in Colorado one day.

8/28/20, 7:59 AM

I see what you did there...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Gilbar nails it (7:50) with his observation of the obvious affection and respect they had for the Trump family waaaaay back in 2007, in the friendly pre-Obama era. She was just as charming then and now. Funny how they all play-act now, pretending Trump is a racist to suit their tiny audience’s rabid hate.

Krumhorn said...

I would be glad to share with Ivanka my plans for the Lego Sex Dungeon.

When making the offer, I would tell her that after the tiny chains and bits of leather are in place, the first order of business would be to learn where does this Lego.

- Krumhorn

Yancey Ward said...

One does have to question the mental stability of anyone who would try to fact check such story. I can't imagine how one decides to do that. Think about it- all of us have been told stories that we believe to be total bullshit lies, by family, friends, acquaintances, and enemies- how often have you tried to prove/disprove such a story? Don't most of us immediately partition such instances into checkable/not checkable, and don't most of just forget it after that point? This particular story was completely unverifiable from Bernstein's point of view, and yet there she went only to get slapped down completely by the follow-up photograph. It is almost as if Ivanka Trump knew some moron would try to fact check that exact story. Trump really has driven his opponents nuts.

iowan2 said...

I taught for 35 years. I grew keen to the audience’s reaction. I could hear the first set of feet to shuffle as inattention set in


You claim to have education and experience in this area. Yet you are attempting to correct a man that has exhibited Master Level communication techniques. Name another Human that could win election to the the highest office in the world, against both political parties and 85% of existing media.
What you are attempting to do is train a novice at public speaking, an honorable endevor and a needed skill set if your goal is to advance in corporate hierarchy. President Trump is not a novice, has perfected his very successful skill of persuasion.

Google "quirkiest pitchers in MLB". You'll get a long list of pitchers, performing at the highest level of the sport, that are doing it all wrong.
Don't mess with talent.

I watched a TV show that had Stand up comics competing and judges citique their set. One comedian did a so-so set. One judge asked him a few questions, told him is "stuff" wasn't funny. But, the judge said, he would advance the guy. "I can teach you to write better jokes, nobody can teach something instinctual like timing."

Yancey Ward said...

"A bit off topic, maybe, but I want to register my lifelong complaint to someone of how deeply wrong it is to speak too long. Trump’s speech was a good 20-30 minutes too long."

Yes, it was not only too long, it was way too long. It would have benefitted greatly from a good fucking editing by someone like me. I violated my normal procedure of just reading a transcript and watched it live instead- a mistake.

iowan2 said...

The stupid "kids as a political prop" complaint.

Must everybody has kids, talks about their kids, shares stories about the kids. That is not "using kids". Using kids would be recording some emotional laden monologue about some social/political issue. Something the kid lacks enough experience and maturity to understand.
Critiques of the host are usually annoying and off base, but crap like this just shows how the haters can't find anything of substance, to push back against.

stevew said...

That's it, that's the best critique they have? At least they had enough sense not to attack Mrs. Dorn, or any of the black speakers that presented this week.

They keep describing the convention and speakers as "DARK" but all I saw and read was positive and focused on producing a wonderful future. Question: if I factually report on the goings on in Kenosha the other day, am I painting a 'dark' picture? If so, who is the source of this darkness, the perpetrator or the reporter?

Sam L. said...

"But who would attack a mother proud of her little son's accomplishment?! And it gives her the opportunity to knock you right down with a photograph:" DEMOCRATS!

Bilwick said...

Kamela Harris thinks children should build models of the Bastille. "Those were the good old days," she said. "One letter from me, and you could put someone like Tulsi Gabbard away for life! No appeals, no evidenced--bang, you're in the clink! Uppity peasants knew their place."

Bob Boyd said...

I see what you did there...

I dint do nuthin! I hardly even looked.

Drago said...

These are the same leftists/LLR-leftists STILL complaining about a paraplegic standing for the American flag.

ifnothingisgoingrightturnleft said...

i agree, at the same time i thought what a stupid story, has nothing to do w anything. She is always a great speaker last night was no different.

cf said...

Some terrific observations here, love the wise guys here.

That Conan clip was like arriving at an oasis spring after a long trek across a Mojave expanse.


Browndog said...

The memes are hilarious--small taste

Martin said...

I suspect Ivanka was trolling the media and as always they rose to the bait and made themselves look petty and foolish--which, of course, they are.

RMc said...

But who would attack a mother proud of her little son's accomplishment?!

Your people, Ann. Own it.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

How stupid does someone have to be, to "think" that a mother who garnered positive feedback for making a Lego model when she was a kid, would NOT help her kid do the same?

"I built a fancy Lego model" is not some sort of "one off story" that only one generation can tell.


Paco WovΓ© said...

"One does have to question the mental stability of anyone who would try to fact check such story."

Yeah, it's like questioning whether somebody baked a pecan pie.

pacwest said...

The president still displays it on the mantel in the Oval Office and shows it to world leaders, just so they know he has the greatest grandchildren on earth.

This part at least is demonstrably false. I have the the greatest grandchildren on earth. His might be second or something. Dunno.

mikee said...

M Jordan: The first 5 minutes was for the audience. The remaining 65 minutes were for the historical record. Only historians will ever note the words Trump spoke, because sure as hell the media journalists won't.

Clues? said...

Ken B said...
Hahaha.Andrea Bernstein has questioned whether the kid built the model!

8/28/20, 8:45 AM

I read that as ALTHEA Bernstein, which was hilarious

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