August 30, 2020

"He would have his operatives fan out, going house-to-house, convincing voters to let them mail completed ballots on their behalf as a public service."

"The fraudster and his minions would then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them over boiling water. 'You have to steam it to loosen the glue,' said the insider. He then would remove the real ballot, place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate, and reseal the envelope. 'Five minutes per ballot tops,' said the insider. The insider said he took care not to stuff the fake ballots into just a few public mailboxes, but sprinkle them around town. That way he avoided the attention that foiled a sloppy voter-fraud operation in a Paterson, NJ city council race this year, where 900 ballots were found in just three mailboxes. 'If they had spread them in all different mailboxes, nothing would have happened,' the insider said. The tipster said sometimes postal employees are in on the scam. 'You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.'"

From "Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots" (NY Post).


wild chicken said...

Well nice to see a how-to finally. Like he says, it can make a big difference in state legislature and local elections. Lotta trouble to go through though!

Voters should check their state election websites to make sure their ballot was received. No telling what happened on the way however.

rehajm said...

Sure New Jersey, California...matter for Congress. Do the swing states have bipartisan election monitors? If you want to find the fraud it will be in those swing states where the left has tried to eliminate republican monitors.

traditionalguy said...

Democracy dies in mail in election ballots. And that is the Obama boys last hope to survive Trump’s Storm. It is like watching the last days of the Third Reich as Patton’s Third Army closes in.

Mary Beth said...

“There are nursing homes where the nurse is actually a paid operative. And they go room by room by room to these old people who still want to feel like they’re relevant,” said the whistleblower. “[They] literally fill it out for them.”

Stupid old people, thinking they're relevant./s

tim maguire said...

It’s a time intensive form of fraud that, as bad as it sounds, is limited in its impact. This is the 1% margin of fraud that we are always talking about. I worry more about the activist postman, who can single-handedly, with little effort, swing just as many votes.

MayBee said...

Why would someone *not* find a way to create fraud? People cheat in every human endeavor, and this is the most important election of our lives. (TM)

MadisonMan said...

In Madison at least, vote-by-mail and vote-in-person is tracked. You could figure out the voting percentages to determine the likelihood of fraud, perhaps. Unless there's a reason that percentages within a ward for/against a candidate should vary based on ballot type. I can't think of one off-hand.
Of course, you'd only learn that afterwards, long afterwards.

Mike Sylwester said...

This is a very interesting and important news story.

Many news sources -- CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc. -- will want to interview this guy and report this news.

JAORE said...

"It’s a time intensive form of fraud that, as bad as it sounds, is limited in its impact. This is the 1% margin of fraud that we are always talking about."

The POTUS margin in Michigan was UNDER 0.5 percent in 2016. Their 16 electoral votes could make all the difference in a tight race.

Mike Sylwester said...

The Democrats know already that Trump is going to win the 2020 election by a huge margin in the Electoral College.

Therefore, the Democrats might decide to refrain from ballot theft this year. Once mail-in voting earns public acceptance as being reliable, then the Democrats will be able to steal ballots decisively in the 2024 election, which they might have some chance of winning.

stlcdr said...

It is common sense, and obvious, that there are flaws in mail-in voting - including absentee voting.

This is the complete and utter failing of the left, and demonstrates how disingenuous they are. They believe that no one would tamper with these ballots, yet continue to point out how evil (sic) people are.

MikeR said...

The Post claims to have verified this. But it would be nice to get it verified better. It ought to be big news, if accurate.
Why is this man speaking up now? The reason he gave seems absurd.

TreeJoe said...

When the margin of either winning or casting reasonable doubt and triggering courts can be 1%, voter fraud is enormously

People like to think, and media like to gaslight, about how there’s no way millions of votes would
Be impossible to defraud. Ok, that would be unreasonable. But who is talking about needing millions of votes to win the presidency?

No. You just need a few thousand votes in the right states and districts. And that’s extremely possible.

Sebastian said...

As if proof were needed that we are already a banana republic.

One party has stopped caring about the system. The other party is close. Now what?

buwaya said...

The American elite used to be big on spreading democracy, free elections abroad. In given elections you would have high profile Americans, Senators, Congressmen, academics and celebrities acting as observers. Besides of course specialists in elections from the State Department and who knows how many undercover types from your alphabet soup of agencies. I know a few (ahem, John Kerry, Joe Biden) still active in US politics who were election observers. It was a prestigious chore.

There are handbooks of best practices for elections drawn up by US academics and various international quangos, mostly American-dominated.

And many of the locals would ride off gallantly into the mouth of hell, risking death and torture to put these prescriptions into effect, to achieve American-style democracy in the face of great odds. I personally knew a gentleman who went off gallantly, for he was very brave, and was killed.

But now many of the same American elite, those politicians and celebrities and academics, so eager to send other peoples to their death for the sake of their ideals, now are eager to betray these ideals if there is some advantage to them.

These people, and really your entire leadership class, are like wicked priests, preaching whatever contradictory sermon that is convenient to them. The blood of many martyrs is on their heads.

Bay Area Guy said...

Great article - that's how the Dems role. They riot and cheat.

rwnutjob said...

But I've been assured by the best of people, that this never happens.

Thistlerose said...

Last week I got a text from a Democrat party operative saying they were going to mail me a form to register to vote. I am a registered voter and voted in the last Republican primary. I do live in a part of TX that is majority Democrat so that may be why they feel the need to send me the form. But how many of these forms are going out to peoples old addresses where the new residents will receive them?

I have been wondering if I need to check that I have been taken off the Wisconsin voter rolls. It's been three years but I hear they don't like to purge the rolls up there.

Temujin said...

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Rory said...

"Now what?"

Let the coasts spin off into their own little insane asylums. They'll build border walls - to keep their people in. Reform the Constitution to support federalism and individual rights for the next hundred years. That'll bring Chicago and Madison back to their senses.

Alternatively, we can lose a million people in a few months' time. I prefer to just let them go.

Wince said...

Trump should announce a reward for anyone who reports election fraud, especially among Postal workers (by-passing the pre-existing duty rule).

Who could be against that?

mezzrow said...

The Democrats know already that Trump is going to win the 2020 election by a huge margin in the Electoral College.

Therefore, the Democrats might decide to refrain from ballot theft this year. Once mail-in voting earns public acceptance as being reliable, then the Democrats will be able to steal ballots decisively in the 2024 election, which they might have some chance of winning.

Alternately, the plan could be to maximize the fraud and maximize total vote count in controlled areas to create a popular vote victory that will stand apart from the Trump electoral college victory. The most devious plan would be to leverage this via Democratic governors and alternate electors to create the scenario posited by John Podesta some weeks ago to contest the results. It ends up in the House, and the likelihood that the Democrats will not be in control there come next January is very small.

As always, I could be completely full of crap. I certainly hope I am.

Temujin said...

Wonder how the State of California got to be such a one party state so quickly? Yes- there are conservatives in California, but you wouldn't know it looking at their state legislature. It's called Ballot Harvesting. It's been made legal in California. In total, 26 states have made this legal in some form or another. Allowing 3rd party individuals (from 'approved' organizations) to collect individual ballots from residences. Then those 3rd party individuals turn in batches of ballots that they've harvested. Or not. Maybe some just get tossed. Or changed. Or manipulated in some way.

Along with that, there are 14 states that do not even require a voter ID to place your vote. Or get a ballot. Plus one- North Carolina- which has a voter ID law that has had a temporary injunction placed on it by a judge. So currently- 15 states do not require voter ID and 26 states allow ballot harvesting.

We consider ourselves a modern country with the best tech, best ideas, best of everything? We run our elections like a banana republic. And those who argue against voter ID and for ballot harvesting simply do not want a proper and clean election. They want the ability to do wrong. No other reason can exist...Democrats.

MountainMan said...

I saw this article in my FB feed this morning and thought about sharing it. If I do, I will immediately get pushback from my remaining progressive friends that it is all "lies", there is no significant voter fraud in the US, I know some will completely discount lit because it is from the New York Post, as one progressive friend usually will just say "consider the source", meaning if it is the Post and not the NYT it can't be trusted.

@buwaya, appreciated your comment above.

MayBee said...

In Michigan, our governor hired her Democratic data base company to "contact trace" for COVID. It was one of the very first things she did when COVID got bad. She got caught, she lied about it, then she let them go. But that's pretty blatant. Why do we think they *wouldn't* do something with any ballots they could get a hold of? We see that everything is an opportunity to further her political hand.

CWJ said...

In cop shows, evidence chain of custody is portrayed as a big deal. Break the chain and the evidence becomes inadmissible. Assuming that's also the case in real life, I think a ballot is every bit as important. Its bad enough that ballots get "found" until the Democrat wins. But to me it's absurd verging on criminal to advocate a system that intentionally inserts multiple third parties between a voter and the recording of his vote.

pacwest said...

This isn't news. Pelosi and Clinton have been been preparing the battlespace for this for a while now. They have been very open about their intention to cheat. Trump will need to win by a wide margin.

John henry said...

"five minutes per ballot"

That's twelve ballots per hour. Perhaps 20.

If the work at it 10 hours per day, 7 days/week, no breaks that's 1400 ballots per week.

Doesn't seem like a lot. Especially since I doubt 70 hours a week. More like 10,I would imagine.

You would need tens of thousands of people doing this.

John Henry

mockturtle said...

It's been a concern to me that my mailman, who sees the kind of mail I get, like Trump ads and NRA magazines, might see fit to dispose of my ballot. Even email voting would be preferable, IMO.

wpw said...

As someone who lives in Bedminster this article simlly affirms my decision to vote in person.

MayBee said...

I have not done this, but apparently in our state you can check online to see the status of your mail-in ballot. The thing is, I think you can check the status of *anyone's* ballot.

mikee said...

I,for one, expect Trump to have a counter-fraud operation running on and before election day to publicize the extent of the Democratic Party fraud with universal mail ballots. If not, why not?

Unknown said...

all simple stuff


Unknown said...

This is Coup #3

litigate as mystery votes keep showing up


Anonymous said...

garage mahal was unavailable for comment

Yancey Ward said...

Blindly trusting postal workers and election officials with mail in voting is the same thing as a shop owner blindly trusting a new cashier.

Joe Smith said...

But we have been assured for the past many decades that this never happens.

I call bullshit.

Yancey Ward said...

The easiest way to commit fraud is the one where the ballots from certain zip codes are just tossed into a dumpster by the thousands and tens of thousands.

Again, I just support in-person balloting with photo ID and inked fingers. All ballots in every precinct sequentially numbered and passed out in order in each precinct. I wouldn't even allow absentee voting. If you are incapable of making it to the polls, tough shit, you don't get to vote in that election.

As Mockturtle wrote above- on-line voting would be a more secure method than mail-in-voting. One of the things that would have to be done to make me even consider mail-in-voting would that your mail in votes actually be available for you to see on-line- in other words, if you want me to support mail-in-voting, you will have to allow me to audit my ballot on-line- that is the only way to fix the chain of custody problem that I can think of.

cubanbob said...

If the feds can pass motor voting and same day registration I fail to see why they can't pass voter ID and ban universal mail in voting and ballot harvesting. If it were up to me, if Trump wins and the Republicans were to regain both houses of Congress they would ban universal mail in voting, require voter ID, ban ballot harvesting, same day registration and limit early voting to two days prior to election. I would also ban local and state officials from releasing the results prior to one am eastern time.
That would also help lessen vote fraud as it would be more difficult to calculate the amount of fake voted needed to win an election.

Marshall Rose said...

If the work at it 10 hours per day, 7 days/week, no breaks that's 1400 ballots per week.

Doesn't seem like a lot. Especially since I doubt 70 hours a week. More like 10,I would imagine.

No go look up the FL margin in the 2000 election, then tell me your scenatio of fraud would not have made any difference.....

Aggie said...

If you haven' been out of the house because of COVID vulnerabilities, then get an absentee ballot. Plenty of time, no excuses.

If you've been out of the house within the past 2 weeks then there is no reason not to vote in person. You'll have early voting; go during the day, during the week and it won't be crowded.

But Vote In Person. These are the votes that get counted first. If you get a Mail-In-Ballot, or any other ballot, bring it with you to the polling place, unopened. Bring it whether you asked for it, or not - and turn it in.

Vote In Person.

gilbar said...

this is ludicrous!
i've been assured... By EXPERTS (well, democrat operatives); that voter fraud is a myth!

Just because it's happening, doesn't mean that it's happening.... Does it?

n.n said...

No privacy, no safety, limited authentication, no accountability. Barring the presence of New Black Panthers, the public polling stations are the only viable choice.

gilbar said...

Yancey Ward said...
The easiest way to commit fraud is the one where the ballots from certain zip codes are just tossed into a dumpster by the thousands and tens of thousands.

I (now) live in Iowa's 1st congressional district; which interestingly enough, contains TWO of iowa's 4 largest metro areas (cedar rapids, and waterloo/cedar falls).
Up here in the driftless area (northeast northeast iowa), there are Trump signs everywhere. i've seen ONE jo biden sign. There's a farmer north of town, with Abby Finkenauer (and other democrat) signs; but NO Jo Biden sign. Currently, it looks like Abby's race will be a tossup.

Serious Question. If you were a post person (fee mail man) up here; and you were collecting mail; what are the odds that an absentee ballot from Fayette county would be from a democrat? Awfully low. If Fayette county absentee ballots end up in the trash... Oops!

contra-wise, w
hat are the odds that an absentee ballot from the east side of waterloo would be from a republican?

MD Greene said...

I got a primary ballot in the mail this spring. It was forwarded from the address where I used to live. I sent it back with a signed statement that I had moved and asking for my name to be removed from the voting rolls.

I know people who I believe would take advantage of such an opportunity to vote twice. Between those people and people like the man quoted in this article, a lot of legitimate votes are canceled in every election, and there are likely to be more this year.

We should care about these things. Lyndon Johnson won his first Congressional and first Senate elections with flat-out fraud. A woman who was a girl in 1960 Chicago told me her family was involved in cooking up enough votes for JFK to prevent down-state folks from swinging the state to Nixon. The South prevented African Americans from voting for a century after the end of the Civil War, as did assorted nasty regions and cities in the North. An investor friend told me long ago that the first two digitized precinct voting machines were vulnerable to fraud. After the 2000 election, lawyers for Gore argued in Florida that sacks full of ballots filed by service members stationed overseas should be disqualified and not even opened.

We talk as if our electoral arrangements are sacred and fraud-proof. This is naive.

steve uhr said...

Mockturtle for no reason believes that her mailman May be a crook. Don’t imagine he gets a holiday card from you. You are a trip.

Gee maybe he’s a Republican and will destroy you neighbors dem ballot. Did that thought ever cross your warped mind?

Darkisland said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...

Again, I just support in-person balloting with photo ID and inked fingers. All ballots in every precinct sequentially numbered and passed out in order in each precinct. I wouldn't even allow absentee voting. If you are incapable of making it to the polls, tough shit, you don't get to vote in that election.

Gee, kid of like Puerto Rico does it.

In almost 50 years I've never even heard a joke about election fraud.

We do have absentee ballots on a VERY limited basis. Basically military and college students living outside PR. Some, VERY limited, early voting but it takes place in person on election day with voter ID card and inked fingers.

Between early voting and absentee voting, probably not even 1% of the total.

We do tend to have poor voting turnout. I don't think it has ever topped 80% of the total population. (Not just registered or legible voters)

John Henry

Kevin said...

John Kerry warned us:

It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit, the emotions in the room, the feelings of the men and he/him pronouned who were reliving their experiences in the election, but they did. They relived the absolute horror of what this party, in a sense, made them do.

They told the stories at times they had personally taped, cut off return addresses, spindled, mutilated, selected more than one candidate using personal writing implements to official postal stamps and turned off the power to sorting machines, crashed mail trucks, let votes blow away in strong breezes, randomly sneered at civilians, razed entire shifts of night workers reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot mail boxes and postal facilities for fun, poisoned ballots, and generally ravaged the rights of all voters in addition to the normal ravage of politics, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied media power of this country.

stlcdr said...

John henry said...
"five minutes per ballot"

That's twelve ballots per hour. Perhaps 20....

All true, it’s ultimately a small number. I’m sure there are races where the margin is very small to begin with, so a few votes here and there can be a big deal.

cyrus83 said...

There are lots of ways to tamper with a mail-in system, and I am certain political operatives have been thinking about it too - winning is paramount after all. I would not trust the postal service to return the ballot, I would want to deliver it in person. Although more to the point, I would want to vote in person on the day of the election on a piece of paper to minimize the chances for fraud.

Most jurisdictions have not eliminated in-person voting, so the sure way to defeat any such nonsense is to keep any ballots or ballot applications they hand you, and bring them in person to vote. Never hand your ballot off to someone else, you have no guarantee either that they will deliver it where it needs to go or that they will not try to change it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

puzzling why liars and crooks like hillary clinton are all for mail in vote fraud

Jim at said...

As mentioned before - during the President primary in Washington state - voters were required to select their party preference on the outside of the envelope in order to have their ballots counted.

I dropped our ballots off at the dropbox by the courthouse, but even then I don't trust people to do the honest thing once it's out of my hands.

It's bullshit.

Rusty said...

Blogger tim maguire said...
"It’s a time intensive form of fraud that, as bad as it sounds, is limited in its impact. This is the 1% margin of fraud that we are always talking about. I worry more about the activist postman, who can single-handedly, with little effort, swing just as many votes."
Bless you. When the time comes to manufacture votes there isn't just a handful of people doing this. There are hundreds of operators whos sole job is to "get out the vote". They work in shifts. They can supply as many votes as are needed.

grimson said...

I will immediately get pushback from my remaining progressive friends that it is all "lies", there is no significant voter fraud in the US

Voter fraud does not need to be significant or widespread to be a problem; it just needs to be enough in a close race.

J Melcher said...

Been going on over two decades in Dallas TX

MountainMan said...

There was a brief report on an internet site during primary season of a sheriff in TX who was running in the R primary for Congress. A security video from a business showed a postal truck go by a dumpster and the carrier got out and dropped a package in. Some workers at the business when to see what the package was and it turned out it was the candidate's campaign mailing. All his brochures to be distributed to mailboxes on that carrier's route had been dumped in the trash. Never saw a follow-up story on it.

Also, for those who do not know, both postal worker unions have endorsed Biden.

Yancey Ward said...

The following, by Steve Uhr, shows how fucking clueless and stupid he is:

"Gee maybe he’s a Republican and will destroy you neighbors dem ballot. Did that thought ever cross your warped mind?"

I will answer for Mock if you don't mind: yes, it has occurred to her, and she likes that thought no better than the opposite thought. Seriously, Steve, did you think her answer would be any different? Vote fraud is vote fraud, and those of us who see the potential for it in mail-in-voting don't support either side doing it if it can be prevented. We want a vote that is as secure as we can reasonably make it, and that is in-person voting with the polls and the staff watched by any interested parties.

Marshall Rose said...

Seriously, Steve, did you think her answer would be any different? Vote fraud is vote fraud, and those of us who see the potential for it in mail-in-voting don't support either side doing it if it can be prevented.

We are always struggling against people that presume the worst of us based upon their own predilections.

RichardJohnson said...

Voting fraud, and not a word from Freder, Inga, or roesch/voltaire. Why so silent?

mockturtle said...

Thank you, Yancey.

CWJ said...

John henry said...
"five minutes per ballot"

"That's twelve ballots per hour. Perhaps 20."

That's a lot like adding up the total time it takes a single car to pass through the entire length of the assembly line, and then using that to determine How many cars the plant can produce each day.

I would think anyone seriously doing this would have multiple "steamers" going at the same time. That would be four if he was using the typical home range for heat. With one person on "steam" and another on "stuff" I imagine the output would easily be several times more than your 12 per hour estimate. Admittedly not assembly line volume, but a not insignificant number.

Birkel said...

We need purple fingers.
Vote in person.
Do it over three/four days, even.

Requests for absentee ballots granted only in the most extreme cases.

MadTownGuy said...

Aggregated for your reading enjoyment are the articles collected over the past few months about problems with mail-in voting:

Over 80,000 Mail-in Ballots Disqualified in NYC Primary Election

Mail-in Voting Faces Slew of Issues Nationwide

Heed Jimmy Carter on the Danger of Mail-in Voting(WSJ)

4 people sentenced for their role in voter fraud scheme that bribed people on Skid Row with money, cigarettes(KTLA)

South Philly elections worker admits taking bribes to add votes

3 articles about Paterson, NJ fraud:
All Mail-in Pandemic Election Ends in Fraud Charges Against NJ Politicians

Judge invalidates Paterson, NJ city council election after allegations of mail-in voter fraud

New Jersey Attorney General announces voting fraud charges

California tosses 100,000 botched mailed ballots in Presidential Primary

And for good measure, here's today's link:
Political insider explains voter fraud with mail-in ballots

DavidUW said...

Voter ID and vote in person.

only one party rejects that

that is the party that commits and benefits from fraud.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Yancy, steve uhr (the only clock* in the world that isn't even right once a day) maintains he is a lawyer. He posts the shallowest, most ignorant, and most afactual blather here that I actually have felt true sorrow that someone may be so unfortunate as to hire him. i can only imagine what Althouse thinks of his arguing and thinking ability.

Yes, Igna and some others (cough, sunsong, cough)are of lower mental capacity. However, no one displays more situational ethics than steve 'pettifogger' uhr.

When he claims to be someone's mouthpiece one must assume he means that literally not figuratively.
That's been common knowledge here for quite a while.

* Uhr is the German word for clock.

pacwest said...

Besides the fraud the Dems are trying to perpetrat this election by using mail in there is going to be a lot of intimidation at physical voting locations. Make the 2 bros in Philly look like pikers. Illegal? So is assault and arson. Not to worry though, Hillary will make sure we have time to sort out the mess. And Pelosi would be willing to take the reigns for a bit if we ask her real nice.

Caligula said...

I'm sure no zealous mail carrier would do anything like that. Aren't you?

John henry said...

CWJ said...

That's a lot like adding up the total time it takes a single car to pass through the entire length of the assembly line, and then using that to determine How many cars the plant can produce each day.

Nope. It's nothing like.

One gives you cycle time, the other gives you rate.

If you count cars (or envelopes) per hour, you get the capacity or output. It doesn't matter how long the process takes (cycle time)

The only caveat would be at the beginning and end of a production run. Then you might have one car per minute at the head of the line and zero at the tail. Or at the end of the run 0 at the infeed an 1 per minute at the tail.

But once the line is full and running steady state, if you produce 1 car per minute, that's your maximum capacity.

That assumes 100% efficiency. It will probaly be less in reality.

John Henry

John henry said...

Cwj and others,

I agree that in a close race 1person could do enough to change the race.

My point was that if it takes this long to change 1 ballot, it is pretty inefficient.

John Henry

bagoh20 said...

This is what the Democrats and the media call "no evidence of voter fraud", which I hear as their rebuttal to every concern about voter fraud. Somehow though voter ID would disenfranchise half the nation according to them, because nobody can get an ID except everybody already does.

bagoh20 said...

Give me three people of my choice, $100 for equipment, plus enough to pay my people $0.10 per ballot and I'll get you 2000 of these done in one 10 hour shift. Give me a restaurant kitchen to work in and 20 people, and I can turn any local election in one night. Give me a couple weeks to work on it, and I'll build you some equipment that will do it even faster. Do you think the Democrats, or Soros, or some group of crazy leftist can afford something like that? Of course they can. Do think they would do it? Consider it done.

5M - Eckstine said...

Blogger MayBee said...
Why would someone *not* find a way to create fraud? People cheat in every human endeavor, and this is the most important election of our lives. (TM)

Its this. It bears repeating. Fraud happens everywhere. Especially where rules are lax. Why do people insist that everyone that votes is a saint and would never desecrate a ballot or an entire election system. FISA anyone? Do the paid rioters need to be pushed to shift their activism from street theatre to vote counting?

Make the system complex and vague and it can be gamed. Did McDonalds run a clean sweepstakes promo?

There is a reason there is a cliché called "going postal"

5M - Eckstine said...

The people that threaten your kids and grandkids the most today?

Ted Wheeler
Jenny Durkan
De Blasio.

Probably all ballot manipulators.

CWJ said...

John, we've been on the same side of arguments several times, and I acknowledge your expertise in this area, but I simply don't agree. I'm not arguing 100% efficiency, I'm just rejecting the notion that efficiency could not be improved over 5min per ballot. Meaning total ballots processed per day would result in more total ballots than just multiplying total minutes by 5. You leave some room with your maybe 20 per hour comment, but you've not addressed my supposition that ballots would be steamed more than one at a time.

Anyway, regarding your final comment, my point was not that it was efficient but only that in practice it would be more effective than you supposed. Now let's consider that every vote changed was not a change of one, but in fact two, i.e; one less x one more y. And then there's steaming open a ballot that turns out to have voted "correctly." So that would be a waste of time. It's a rabbit hole I think neither of us want to go down.

Christy said...

Only peripherally on topic -- When I left Baltimore for East Tennessee in '09, I continued to use my Baltimore library card for downloading books. (yes, I am ashamed of myself.) Within a year they figured out I'd moved and cut access. Note that an underfunded government agency could efficiently identify and remove a departed reader from their database. I don't understood why a separate underfunded government agency could not purge old voter rolls as expeditiously.

Nichevo said...

stlcdr said...
John henry said...
"five minutes per ballot"

That's twelve ballots per hour. Perhaps 20....


If the work at it 10 hours per day, 7 days/week, no breaks that's 1400 ballots per week.

Doesn't seem like a lot. Especially since I doubt 70 hours a week. More like 10,I would imagine

Foxconn: Hold my Tsingtao. By the same logic a thousand workers could forge 1.4 million ballots per week. Or, two hundred thousand per day. And why not? I dare say that in any of the large states you can get a thousand guys in a room do a job like that. At some point some clever evil nerd will invent a mail-steaming machine.

CWJ said...

Re my last comment. Sorry, total minute divided (not multiplied) by 5.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

John henry said...
"five minutes per ballot"

"That's twelve ballots per hour. Perhaps 20."

Which means it's 24 to 40 votes an hour. Because you're ending one GOP vote, and replacing it with a Dem vote, that's a net change of 2 votes.

Trump "lost" NH by less than 5000 votes. The 2016 NH Senate race was decided by 1k votes. 20 hours from 10 people, and Yoo've flipped 4 EC votes and 1 Senate seat.

Who here thinks the Democrats only have 10, or even only 1000, people willing to do this to stop "literally Hitler" from winning re-election?

Todd said...

I read this, this morning. So how soon before the paper issues a retraction? The story is obviously "fake news" as we have all been assured by all the "right" people that voter fraud is a myth and it either never happens or only very rarely happens. Now we see yet another piece of fake news claiming that is not only happens but happens a lot and for a long time.

It just can't be!

Todd said...

stlcdr said...

This is the complete and utter failing of the left, and demonstrates how disingenuous they are. They believe that no one would tamper with these ballots, yet continue to point out how evil (sic) people are.

8/30/20, 8:25 AM

Sorry, you give them FAR too much credit. They KNOW these ballots are being tampered with, THEY are the ones doing the tampering and want to keep that franchise to themselves.

The system COULD be fixed but it benefits them too much to actually fix it.

- clean up voter rolls
- end mail-on voting
- limit absentee voting
- limit days/times for voting
- install HUGE penalties for fraud/cheating

Voting is a privilege and should be treated with the respect it deserves. You have the ability to direct your government and sorry (not sorry) I DON'T want every moron voting. That is how the rest of the country gets saddled with Pelosi, AOC, etc.

Gravel said...

Anyone who supports vote by mail is a fool or a criminal or both.

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