August 27, 2020

"For her speech on day two of the Republican National Convention, the First Lady wore a $2,450 tight-fitting green military jacket by the British designer Alexander McQueen..."

"... which she paired with a matching pencil skirt ($890) and cinched at the waist with a thick belt. Observers immediately compared her outfit to a Girl Scouts uniform or that of Steve Irwin the crocodile hunter, but standing at the podium in front of a wall of American flags, the message she seemed to be sending was much more sinister.... [B]ecause she chose to wear this look to a convention with a particularly loud 'fascist timbre,' it’s hard not to read the look as dictator cosplay."

From "Melania Does Dictator Cosplay" (The Cut).

There's a link on "fascist timbre," but it just goes to "Kimberly Guilfoyle Screams at America for Six Terrifying Minutes."

Last night at the convention, Melania wore a soft, full, pink dress, but I'll bet it's hard — for some people — not to read the look as really quite sinister:


Yancey Ward said...

Again, you can't write parody of this- all you can do is laugh at the stupidity of it.

Iman said...

I watched her speech and felt proud of my country... for the first time evah.

No... to be honest, I’m always proud to be an American.

Temujin said...

Yes, 'sinister' is the first thing that comes to my mind when I look at that beauty. Liberals are truly miserable people.

chickelit said...

These fashion critics are just awful people.

Chick said...

I enjoy the way Melania Trump subtly tweaks and zings her critics

ALP said...

Question for the class: by this logic the current protests could be considered cosplay as well - military junta cosplay or maybe Ninja cosplay for those wearing all black. Just sayin'.....

Jupiter said...

We're going to need to beef up the storm sewers to handle all the tears these creampuffs are gonna be crying after Trump beats Joe Biden like a culturally-appropriated gong.

Fernandinande said...

"If this look was worn by someone else in a different context, it would likely not be cause for alarm."

A shirt is not cause for alarm in any context, so why are they pretending to be alarmed?

"Six Terrifying Minutes"

I'm deeply exhausted by these scribblers who falsely claim to be alarmed or terrified.

Eek! A shirt!
Eek! A speech!
Eek! A mouse!

Families 'terrorised' by infestation of 'super-sized monster rats the size of cats'

Large rats the size of a small kitten.

rehajm said...

This is why we can't have nice things...

Jim said...

I remember how for eight years I had to hear about how glamorous Michelle Obama was. She was OK. This is crap.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Listen to leftwing creepazoids whine. Isn't it fun? We should elect their corruptocratic marxists.

Rosalyn C. said...

I though the color and militaristic design of the costume Melania wore for her speech was a visual expression of her desire to serve, to do the job of First Lady. There was a lot of speculation in 2016 that Melania was reluctant to come to DC, she wasn't going to come, etc. And now, she is enthusiastic about being the First Lady and the opportunity to help people.

RNB said...

"First Lady Melania Trump appeared bare-naked at her latest press conference, signalling her estrangement from America's fashion scene and delivering a veiled threat to the nation's textile industry."

BUMBLE BEE said...

That's it! Pelosi throws in the towel. Don't let Trump debate the mentally disabled!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

oh FFS!!

Hillary wears her "Fashions by SPECTRE" outfits

...from the "Blofeld Collection"

Elliott A said...

I think the author hates the fact that Melania looks good no matter what she wears

BUMBLE BEE said...

Michelle O was dumpster divin outside the Red Shield store. Melania is killin it!

Deb said...

Theses miserable souls better pace themselves. They're going to need some of that hateful energy for the next four years.

stevew said...

Sigh. Are there people among us that take this crap seriously. Fascist timbre and dictator cosplay?

I'm going to take Yancey's advice and just laugh at it.

Darrell said...

The Media hid that Michelle Obama's real hair was the length of Barack's throughout her public life. Google the number of articles describing her beautiful hair or the trauma of cutting her bangs.

Kevin said...

Does the writer know she's doing sane person cosplay?

Zack Davis said...

I liked her pink dress, but thought the dark green dress she wore during her Rose Garden speech looked much more militaristic. Has anyone been talking about the green dress?

Joe Smith said...

Her outfit wouldn't be my first choice (even though she looked great in it) but I have no idea how any part of the Republican convention could be described as 'fascist.'

Was it the flags? The band music? These are things that were pretty common in America circa 1776 up to about ten years ago.

chuck said...

I wonder what the take is on the fashionable fascist Evita Peron.

Matt said...

WTF is wrong with these people? What did Melania ever do to them? How did they manage to reach adulthood?

effinayright said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
oh FFS!!

Hillary wears her "Fashions by SPECTRE" outfits

...from the "Blofeld Collection"


It's the "Rosa Klebb" look, all the way down to the poison-spiked shoe.

William said...

I'm not a particular fan of Melania, but it must be admitted that she knows how to dress well and how to wear her clothes with grace and ease. I'm not a particular fan of Tiger Woods, but it must be admitted that he knows how to hit a golf ball.....So far as fascist outfits go, I'm still pissed at the GOT producers for dressing up Daenerys Targaryen in full Nazi drag in that final episode. That was a primitive betrayal of all that had gone before in Daenerys's life. Melania wears expensive clothes. That is a continuation of all that has gone before in her life.

Jamie said...

Someone beat me to the FFS.

If it happens to be true that Mrs. Obama's hair is close-to-the-skull short, I wish she would have with it that way out and proud in Obama's second term, at least. I freely admit that I don't understand the cultural significance of hair and hairstyles in the American black community, but I will say that I admire the look of many black women who go that short. It looks sleek and serious to me - I get a "don't screw with me" vibe from it.

My hair is thick, coarse, and quite curly - I use products from the newly popular multi-cultural curly hair collections to try to tame the wild beast - but I'vr considered going clipper-short. Haven't done it so far because I lack confidence that my head shape and scalp color (which would be more visible through my graying blonde than that of a black woman with "typical" very dark hair) would be attractive.

Larry J said...

ALP said...

Question for the class: by this logic the current protests could be considered cosplay as well - military junta cosplay or maybe Ninja cosplay for those wearing all black. Just sayin'..

I believe that for many of them, the protests are a form of cosplay. They act out claiming to oppose fascism by being fascists. Yesterday, two of them were shot to death. If things continue much longer, I doubt those won't be the only two to die.

Drago said...


Mark this moment, for THIS is the moment the democraticals and their LLR-lefty allies decided the riots have become the anchor that will sink them and, in complete and utter desperation, have decided to pull the biggest Democratical Switcho-Chango since....well, the last one:

"Thursday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden blamed the violence in Kenosha, WI, and other places around the country on President Donald Trump “rooting” for and “encouraging” the violence.

Biden said, “The problem we have right now is we’re in Donald Trump’s America. You know, to quote Kellyanne Conway, she said, and I’m paraphrasing today, they’re looking for more violence and more destruction because it helps them politically. He views this as a political benefit for him, he’s rooting for more violence, not less, and he’s clear about that. What’s he doing? He’s pouring gasoline on the fire."

And. There. It. Is.

As predicted.

The democraticals and their lap poodle LLR's, as of 30 minutes ago, have completely and utterly jettisoned their 4 month strategy of strong arm and blackmail against the United States of America and have OFFICIALLY altered the "history" to say it was Donald Trump who created the riots and keeps them going!!

Yes. The BLM/marxist/lefty/LLR-lefties will now add the BLM/marxist rioting and looting to slavery in the US, Jim Crow, segregation, slavish devotion to the Soviet Union, etc that are on the long, LONG, getting longer all the time, list of actions taken by democraticals that are now actively blamed on republicans and conservatives.

Did you think these moron lefties and their LLR moron allies would not dare to try and pull such a reversal in real time in such a public and blatant way?

You know what this means, don't you lefties.

Your polls have utterly collapsed in the battleground states. Completely. Utterly.

Even your lefty narrative pushing pollsters were trying to warn you weeks and weeks ago and you insulted them and shunned them and called them liars.

So now the shift is so dramatic and the results so horrific for the dems they are forced into the only remaining strategy left to them: Simply pretend it was Donald Trump all along who created the riots and secretly keeps them going.

Yes. This is not hyperbole.

They are really going to run with this.

It's all they have left.

And. Its. Glorious.

Drago said...

Matt: "WTF is wrong with these people? What did Melania ever do to them?"

She refuses to raise her fist in a lefty/LLR-lefty nazi salute.

That's all it would take for anyone to be targeted in exactly the same way.

Timotheus said...

Nothing says "fascist" like a Girl Scout uniform, right?

PM said...

Pink says Pepto-Bismol and nausea.
Why is she doing this to us?!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Only Hillary is allowed to wear 10,000 tax payer funded shower curtains.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Indeed DRago.

The left will never call back their own Antifa thugs. The left created them.
so - like all of the left's other lies - Just blame Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the corrupt Biden left need to do is say - "we support peaceful protest" "we do not support violence and property destruction."

it might even save lives. The corrupt liar left DO. NOT. CARE. and they will never admit they created the leftwing nazi antifa terrorists. The left created antifa, they support antifa, and they will never denounce antifa.

Limited blogger said...

Can't wait to see what she wears to the swearing in ceremony and the inaugural ball.

AllenS said...

Those Trump women could wear a dirty burlap bag, and look good in it.

Wince said...

What's the Frequency, Kenneth?

You wore a shirt of violent green, uh-huh
I never understood the frequency, uh-huh
You wore our expectations like an armored suit, uh-huh
I couldn't understand

You said that irony was the shackles of youth, uh-huh
I couldn't understand
You wore a shirt of violent green, uh-huh
I couldn't understand
I never understood, don't fuck with me, uh-huh

hstad said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said..."...Again, you can't write parody of this- all you can do is laugh at the stupidity of it..."8/27/20, 12:25 PM

Yancey Ward, so true! But it is far more common for Liberals just look at this CNN broadcast.

"...CNN Headline: Night of Blazing Arson Is "Fiery But Peaceful Protests..." This from Steven Green at 'PJMedia.

Liberals don't even care anymore because they believe in their narrative and we are supposed to be this 'Stupid'.

bagoh20 said...

My preference would be that her dress cost zero dollars, if know what I mean.

Drago said...

Timotheus: "Nothing says "fascist" like a Girl Scout uniform, right?"

Well played.

Kate said...

As I watched her walk toward the camera in that pencil skirt and those heels I could only feel admiration. It was a long walk and she looked graceful throughout.

I did think her clothing choice was to mess with all those people freaking out about the Rose Garden design. Melania, when she wants to, gaslights very well.

Sebastian said...

"it’s hard not to read the look as dictator cosplay"

But we deplorables are the haters.

rhhardin said...

The point of fashion is to make breasts look good, so there's your yardstick.

Big Mike said...

I thought that the color of Melania’s jacket on Tuesday night was wrong for her complexion. But now I see that she she was trolling the leftie fashion writers, so that’s okay.

As for last night’s gown. MAN! can that lady rock a dress. Slovenian women rule!

mockturtle said...

Those who mock our elegant First Lady will have me to contend with!

tcrosse said...

Oscar Wilde is credited with the quote “The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

MadisonMan said...

I trust Melania's fashion sense over anyone at The Cut.

rcocean said...

Melania is very beautiful, a good fashion model, and has great taste in clothes. So, the Leftist journalists have to come up with a lot of weird, word-salads to attack her. Assuming you can even understand them, they make little sense.

No doubt the same writers were telling us how wonderful Hillary and Michelle looked. And such good taste in clothes!

rcocean said...

You can write a parody of Left-wing writing because so much of it is either insane or absurd. Parody only works when there's a glimmer of intelligence in the subject being attacked.

SensibleCitizen said...

Guilfoyle's style reminded me of JFK.

Narayanan said...

Xenia Onatopp: "Enjoy it while it lasts." James Bond: "The very words I live by."

Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp was a fictional former Soviet fighter-pilot and a ruthless assassin with sexual sociopathy
that comparison would have been cool -

Gospace said...

Matt said...
WTF is wrong with these people? What did Melania ever do to them? How did they manage to reach adulthood?

Jealousy, sheer jealousy. She's good looking, apparently effortlessly, but almost everyone who looks that good puts a lot of effort into making it look effortlessly.

She's married to the POTUS. IMHO, the vast majority of women in the United States would rather be married to the POTUS than be the POTUS.

She speaks five, count them, FIVE languages. All without benefit of spending a fortune in college degrees to learn them. And a side note here- Carlos Osweda is absolutely convinced POTUS speaks numerous languages and makes a good case for it.

I could go on, but, it's jealousy. Same reason Democrats want to tax billionaires and confiscate all their money. Nothing more than jealousy. Me? I'm not the least bit jealous of people with money. They made life choices I didn't. They worked with that goal in life. I've got 5 kids, all doing well in life, been married 42 years, and am still healthy. And have a decent paying "essential" job with benefits.

Michael K said...

Michelle should have offered her one of her wigs.

Ralph L said...

Guilfoyle's style reminded me of JFK.

I haven't seen him in red, or anything that tight.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The outfit Melania wore during her speech reminded me of a dressier version of a Banana Republic jacket and skirt I owned in the '80's. That sort of ensemble, in olive or khaki, with a wide belt, was quite popular due to movies like "Out of Africa." Of course, Melania's jacket was missing those big '80's shoulder pads. But I liked the look and thought she looked terrific. "Militaristic" didn't even occur to me, but then, I'm not seeing KKK in the WH rose bushes either. These people are so obsessed they literally can't see straight. They can not bear to acknowledge the First Lady's beauty and grace.

Nobody said a word when Hillary wore a pantsuit that made her look like a giant oven mitt.

RMc said...

it’s hard not to read the look as dictator cosplay

It's...actually quite easy if you're not, you know, a lunatic.

elkh1 said...

Who designed the First Lady's pink dress? Looks like two furry things hanging from her waist.

Michael said...

Oh, for Christ's sake, people. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Narayanan said...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
... Nobody said a word when Hillary wore a pantsuit that made her look like a giant oven mitt.
one way to interpret that would be - she was prepared for eternal fires of hell

mikee said...

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

bagoh20 said...

As soon as she saw it, my partner said: "Looks kinda military. That's gonna make them crazy."

Openidname said...

Okay, I'll stipulate that the biased media commentators are over the top in labeling the look fascist. But my first impression was that is was definitely militaristic. Exiledonmainstreet claims not to have seen that, but I don't know how you could miss it. Calling it "Girl Scout" is just making excuses for it.

We all know that this stuff is planned down to the last detail, so what was the intended message? That President Trump is willing to send the military into Dem-led cities? But is his wife supposed to lead the charge against Antifa?

Bottom line, I think the outfit was just too distracting. It took away from what she was actually saying.

But then, she has made some really odd fashion choices. Remember the "I really don't care, do u?" jacket?

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