August 25, 2020
"Essentially, our city was burned to the ground, building by building."
Said Kenosha County Board of Supervisors member Zach Rodriguez, quoted in "Wisconsin city braces for third night of protests over police shooting of Black man" (Reuters).
I wonder how Wisconsin is going to vote this November. It'll be interesting. By the way, do they allow ballot harvesting in Wisconsin?
He's Joe Biden and he approved this message.
Here's the biggest issue that needs to be solved to stop this idiocy.
The citizens are harmed, buildings burned, etc. Even if the police do their job and arrest criminals, it is meaningless unless the justice system prosecutes and punishes those criminals.
That's what is missing. The D.A.s and judges are not doing their jobs.
And that's where people who want anarchy, like Soros, were very smart...pumping money into District Attorney elections on the side of radical candidates.
At some point, citizens (you know, taxpayers) will get fed up and frustrated, and that's when the shooting will start.
Funny how police shootings of white men never make the news. Well, not funny.
Andy Ngo's videos very helpful in really seeing what the "peaceful protestors" are doing.
I have a cousin in Kenosha. She is elderly and has never been very political. She became a widow last year. She spent last night sitting in the living room with her late husband's pistol by her side. She could hear the rioters in the distance.
She is going to vote in November - for Trump.
Good going, Dems!
"Essentially, our city was burned to the ground, building by building."
So, Dems, do you want that burning or not?
If not, what are you gonna do about it?
No, that's a myth. Just ask The Democrat Convention.
Where was the National Guard? Kenosha is a small town. The Guard could have stopped them.
Recall Evers.
Basketball star LeBron James, “we are scared as Black people in America. ... We are terrified.”
An extra-big baby.
A stupid baby too, because terrified people don't go around throwing rocks at police and screaming in their faces.
Yes, but it was burned down in a "mostly peaceful" way. So they got that going for them. Which is nice.
I just read the WSJ print edition report on this situation. No mention of any property damage.
"That's what is missing. The D.A.s and judges are not doing their jobs."
Correction. It's Democrat Mayors ordering the police to stand down, and Democrat D.A.s dismissing the charges.
Thing is, if Trump wins BLM and antifa will just ramp it up.
But I'm damned if I'll be blackmailed.
The Leningrad Cowboys offer some revolutionary theme music (skip past the ads, it's worth the effort).
I’ve spent more time in Kenosha than any other WI city and it pains me to see it burn. It’s not big city. It’s not slummy. But now it’s burning because another cop hater refused to comply with a lawful order. Sad. How many now have to die in this thug’s name? Meanwhile the number of cases where cops kill black men who are complying with lawful orders remains at zero for 2020.
"Essentially, our city was burned to the ground, building by building."
Initial democrat/LLR-lefty response: But in a "good" way. The burnings were righteous and justified!!
Intermediate democrat/LLR-lefty response: There were no burnings in Kenosha at all. Its fake Fox News...
Final democrat/LLR-lefty response: Boogaloo-ers!!!
These commie governors always "deploy" the National Guard after their burned out cities can no longer be ignored. Then they instruct the small number of guard to observe from a safe distance.
Typical libs--all theater no substance.
From the veteran riot reporter for Blaze TV:
KENOSHA: what I witnessed is that the city is extremely unprepared for planned demonstrations tonight
They haven’t even cleaned up the streets from last night’s riots
little police presence in the area
& “protesters” are already gathering
Not good
Next time they play in China Lebron and his fellow travelers should try spray painting “BLM” on a Beijing cop car and rioting in Tianemen Square to get a little perspective on being a black man in a yellow supremacist country.
If a white guy had done what this guy did- perhaps the police would have more forcefully subdued him without fear of racism and brutality claims, hence no shooting.
However that is pure speculation on my part.
If a white guy had done what he did and got shot-which he would have—the conversation would be about what an idiot he was. If there was any conversation about it outside of a few locally concerned people.
Watch the viral video that caused this.
The person that got shot will get shot 100 out of 100 times doing what they did.
Especially if non-lethal remedies are being banned.
Funny how these people defunding the police are leaving police with fewer and fewer options.
They beat a racoon to death. Graphic.
Fernandinande said...
Basketball star LeBron James, “we are scared as Black people in America. ... We are terrified.”
An extra-big baby.
Hey, he might actually be terrified. But that's on him. It's not my problem that he's a chicken-shit.
Good character doesn't seem to be strong in the black community.
Newsflash...LeBron isn't very smart.
He's good at putting a ball through a hoop, for which he is paid handsomely.
Umbrella Man working overtime in Kenosha?
Last line in the Reuters article: "Heavily armed white civilians stood guard in front of businesses."
No doubt the Wisconsin authorities are working feverishly to identify these folks, the only true felons of the evening.
Couple across the street from us consists of a Hispanic husband and a black wife. They hung a huge Trump flag in their garage last week. Just a data point.
I watched the video. Unless Blake, the victim, had a firearm visible to the officer and within reach in his vehicle, there is no way this was a righteous shooting. He posed no threat to anyone and he had three children in his car.
The other officers should have disarmed their colleague and taken him into custody on the spot for ADW, at least. His behavior was at minimum criminal and probably hysterical. Either way, he should have been disarmed at the scene.
Just what the BLM Marxists have been waiting for. The idiots in this country can now reassert that lawlessness in the streets is justified.
"If not, what are you gonna do about it?"
It appears some some are keen on the idea of reparations.
“Kenosha County Board of Supervisors member Zach Rodriguez said the board would hold an emergency meeting on Tuesday on seeking federal help, such as U.S. Marshals Service officers,” …so Kenosha is going straight for the Feds. Says a lot about their confidence in Tony Evers and the State governance coming out of Madison.
Temujin said...
"I wonder how Wisconsin is going to vote this November. It'll be interesting. By the way, do they allow ballot harvesting in Wisconsin?"
There are 50 ways to leave your lover and six ways from Sunday to cheat at elections, like the last-minute magic votes for Evers and Kaul in the last gubernatorial election.
Sure, burn all the black businesses to the ground. That will show the racists what is what.
hombre said...
I watched the video. Unless Blake, the victim, had a firearm visible to the officer
your ROE is that a police officer shouldn't shoot until fired upon?
that if a suspect refuses instructions, and goes to his car, and opens the door, and reaches for something; that the police man shouldn't shot, until fired upon?
i'd think we'd be needing to dramatically Increase police funding; don't think we'd fill job openings that way
Serious Question (which, i've asked before)
If YOU were a police officer.... Would YOU wait until fired upon before firing back?
I've got a boatload of relatives in Marinette, Peshtigo, and Green Bay, and those who weren't Trump fans before George Floyd and ensuing events are slowly coming around.
Whatever happened to, "Stop or I'll shoot!"?
hombre said...
I watched the video. Unless Blake, the victim, had a firearm visible to the officer and within reach in his vehicle, there is no way this was a righteous shooting. He posed no threat to anyone and he had three children in his car.
Good grief ! Is this Crack posting under your ID ?
I watched the video, too.
Gusty Winds: “Kenosha County Board of Supervisors member Zach Rodriguez said the board would hold an emergency meeting on Tuesday on seeking federal help, such as U.S. Marshals Service officers,” …so Kenosha is going straight for the Feds. Says a lot about their confidence in Tony Evers and the State governance coming out of Madison."
On the contrary, this is another attempt to create a Kent State incident that can be blamed on Trump. And if they can get their Kent State on Wednesday night before Trump's speech on Thursday even better from their perspective.
The riots in WI can easily be handled by local and state resources. Trump should simply sit back and ask WI residents if they like what the dems/marxists/LLR-lefties are doing.
Ironically, a domestic disturbance forced by a response to a domestic disturbance.
It's Democrat Mayors ordering the police to stand down, and Democrat D.A.s dismissing the charges.
Political choice. Prosecutorial discretion. Social divergence. Now, they know.
In the Reuter’s story
- no mention that Blake had a warrant for arrest
-no mention that Blake had a previous arrest for assulting police
- no mention that Blake fought with police
- no mention that Blake resisted arrest
- no mention that Blake was repeatedly told to “drop the knife” by the officers
- and no mention that Blake reached into the car before the officer shot him.
But other than that it was informative.
Kenosha, I fear, is getting what it voted for -- and unless the rioters are destroying federal buildings or facilities (which I suspect is not the case) as I understand it, the governor has to ask for federal assistance. So, the cavalry is probably not going to be rolling in any time soon, making this Evers' and Kenosha's problem. Good luck to them.
Unless Blake, the victim, had a firearm visible to the officer and within reach in his vehicle, there is no way this was a righteous shooting. He posed no threat to anyone and he had three children in his car.
Riiiight. When a man with a long rap sheet, wanted on an arrest warrant for a violent felony, fights his way free from two cops (as seen on the other released video of the incident), the police should just sit back and allow him to do whatever he's trying to do by getting in a vehicle that contains three potential child hostages.
unless the rioters are destroying federal buildings or facilities (which I suspect is not the case) as I understand it, the governor has to ask for federal assistance.
Not at all.
10 U.S. Code § 251 requires the state to make a request, yes.
10 U.S. Code § 252 requires that ordinary enforcement of Federal laws be hindered.
But § 253 requires merely that the state be "unable, fail, or refuse to" protect the rights of US citizens. In which case, "The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress" that "domestic violence".
The other two bits of the "Insurrection Act" title go back to pre-14th Amendment days, but that third bit is from section 3 of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. The whole point is to allow Federal intervention when mobs are wreaking havoc with the connivance of state authorities who refuse to stop it.
STOP THEM FROM RIOTING. Defensive violence is not a fault in a civilized society, especially when deployed to stop criminal violence against innocents.
hombre. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are stating your honest opinion. I would wager you have no law enforcement officials in your immediate family.
You are wrong, terribly wrong.
Thing is, if Trump wins BLM and antifa will just ramp it up.
A friend of mine asked the other night what happens if Biden wins. I said, "Nothing. But if Trump wins? War."
Prepare accordingly.
I understand that the Black business district was nearly destroyed. This isn't, and really never was, about Black lives mattering.
The other two bits of the "Insurrection Act" title go back to pre-14th Amendment days, but that third bit is from section 3 of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. The whole point is to allow Federal intervention when mobs are wreaking havoc with the connivance of state authorities who refuse to stop it.
Thanks, I did not know that. Of course, Trump will do nothing without a request to avoid the Kent State trap the Democrats have set but that ends the day after the election. I assume the charges will be federal, similar to those Clinton used to give the LAPD cops double jeopardy in 1992. That will avoid the Soros DAs.
I listened to David Clarke (ex Milwaukee Co. sheriff) in a radio interview this A.M. He eviscerated Gov. Evers for requesting only 100 National Guardsmen yesterday. Clarke said 1,000 troops minimum would be required to handle this type of situation. Per the article, Evers is only upping the number of Guardsmen to 250 for tonight's peaceful demonstrations.
I never knew much about this Wisconsin gov., but I now think he's giving Whitmer a run for one of the most incompetent and partisan governors in the country.
hombre, 12:57:
"Unless Blake, the victim, had a firearm visible to the officer and within reach in his vehicle, there is no way this was a righteous shooting."
You're getting a lot of pushback here, but let me assume you're the Reasonable Man the law speaks of. Put yourself in the cop's shoes. For whatever reason you have already drawn and pointed your weapon at a man. He is walking away as you follow. He reaches into a car. He is standing between you and whatever he's going into the car for, so you can't see what it is, or if there is an "it."
For perspective, you might look up "Officer Quincy Smith SC". His sunglasses-cam recorded this encounter: He was walking after a suspect who was walking away from him. He asks him firmly to stop. Then he asks him loudly and angrily to stop. He threatens to taze him if he doesn't stop. Take your hand out of your pocket! All the while the man's slowly walking away, no hurry, talking on his phone, looking back over his shoulder with a mildly annoyed expression.
And if you slow down to 0.25x speed after Smith points his taser, I bet you'll still be surprised how fast that gun comes out, and the suspect fires seven shots (four hits) from right there in front of the camera.
I don't like that video from Kenosha. I wonder whether it could have gone another way. But if I put myself in Blake's shoes and think, If I turn my back on a cop with a drawn weapon, walk away, and open my car door, what do I think he'll do? the answer is, He is most certainly going to shoot me.
Jacob Blake Shooting: What Happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin?
Who is Jacob Blake?
Jacob Blake is a 29-year old Black man who lives in Kenosha, a small city of about 100,000 that sits on Lake Michigan in the southeastern corner of the state. According to the Chicago Tribune, Mr. Blake grew up in Evanston, Ill. and is the grandson of an Evanston civil rights activist and preacher.
Court records show Mr. Blake was arrested for driving without a license in 2018. There was also a warrant for his arrest filed in Wisconsin Circuit Court in July on charges of criminal trespass, domestic abuse and third-degree sexual assault [in Kanosha, according to the Chicago Trib report]. Mr. Crump, the attorney, didn’t respond to a request for comment on his record.
So, this seems again to be a case of "half the people you meet are below average intelligence".
Blake for resisting arrest and getting shot for his effort and the cop who used deadly force by shooting him in the back. (Possibly without justification, but we currently don't know that for sure yet.)
The video from Minneapolis last night showing "Black" Lives Matter protestors, all but one white, attacking a woman who was video recording them, shows how much this is a white leftist thing. That video clearly shows and assault and battery.
Beating an animal to death... cheering as they film it’s death throes.
Disgusting people.
A friend of mine asked the other night what happens if Biden wins. I said, "Nothing. But if Trump wins? War."
Jim, you are underestimating us. If Biden wins it will only be a result of fraud. The media are preparing us for this by the proliferation of 'polls' showing Biden in the lead. As others have noted, look at the Trump signs in people's yards then look a the Biden signs--if you can find one. Don't think we're going to take a fraudulent Biden victory sitting down. If nothing else, we'll dish out the same irritating pushback Trump and his supporters have endured for four years. The difference is that we won't have the media on our side.
Joe Smith said...
At some point, citizens (you know, taxpayers) will get fed up and frustrated, and that's when the shooting will start.
8/25/20, 11:42 AM
Thankfully, the cops now know exactly how much the left hates them. And there are surprisingly few prosecutors, politicians, and BLM financiers. Torture them, then hang the remains high. Then you'll see an abrupt end to the BLM terror.
If a protest and subsequent riot are spontaneous consequences of an incident, it would make sense for them to happen on the first night rather than the second night. So, why the lag? Because it takes time to organize a riot and get the people into the city. BLM and Antifa didn't have enough people in Kenosha for night one, thus, the rampant destruction on night two.
Probably equal amount or more destruction tonight before the "peaceful" protesters go home and wait for their next call to action.
Never vote for a Zack or Wendy
"The riots in WI can easily be handled by local and state resources. Trump should simply sit back and ask WI residents if they like what the dems/marxists/LLR-lefties are doing."
Mock the turtle — so only trump can legitimately win. If Biden “wins” by definition it’s illegitimate. It’s been a long hot summer and maybe a little AC will clear your mind.
teve uhr said...
Mock the turtle — so only trump can legitimately win. If Biden “wins” by definition it’s illegitimate. It’s been a long hot summer and maybe a little AC will clear your mind.
I see you are still living in your mind. The mail in voter conspiracy theory is the sign that your side is planning to steal the election. Why else flood the country with junk mail ballots? There is a long history of Democrats and election fraud. You try to pretend voter suppression when the black vote turnout ion Georgia was the highest on record. Illegal alien district in OC had 114% turnout in 2018. Old story.
Jim at said...
Thing is, if Trump wins BLM and antifa will just ramp it up.
A friend of mine asked the other night what happens if Biden wins. I said, "Nothing. But if Trump wins? War."
Prepare accordingly.
8/25/20, 3:55 PM
If Trump wins, it'll be a short war.
Because if he gets a "law and order" mandate from the electorate, the gloves will come off. Now he's letting the Dem mayors and governors befoul their own nests.
Some thoughts from yesterday after watching the video (have not reviewed it since then):
..IIRC a police officer had been shot the previous evening, so so police likely highly keyed.
..Do not know what went on before, but I think things could have worked out differently if the officers had been better positioned at the start of the video. At least one officer had his firearm drawn and pointed. If this were a training exercise, there is a lot of better ways it could have been handled from the "starting position" of the video.
..I believe I saw Mr. Blake, as he passed the left front corner of the vehicle with the officer trailing him gun drawn and pointed, sweep his right hand from his side to his front, about belt level.
..Mr. Blake then opened the door to the vehicle and entered it, hands first and out of view to the officer still behind him with firearm drawn and pointed.
..Seven shots is about twice too many.
As to County Supervisor Rodriguez: chill out. Your city was *not* burned to the ground. A very small number of buildings only.
"then look at the Biden signs--if you can find one."
None in my neighborhood. It's unprecedented. Several BLM signs though.
Have you seen the second video ? He was fighting with the police on the other side of the car and had a large knife in his hand as he rounded the front of the car.
Cops are learning that they need to avoid blacks. In a city like Chicago, that is impossible and they are leaving. Kenosha is about 10% black, I read, and I suspect not many domestic violence calls will be answered quickly in the future. They are the worst of all calls. Very dangerous to the cops responding.
It's Democracy, and you're getting it good and hard.
The Lefty protests used to have a chant "This is what democracy looks like!"
I propose: "This is what Democrat cities look like." To be recited in front of the burned out shops and car dealership.
Michael K, I just watched to "second angle" video, which I didn't know about until I saw your comment. It shakes so much it's almost useless. But it explains why Blake couldn't just check on his kids by opening the passenger side door.
"Retail Lawyer said...
"I just read the WSJ print edition report on this situation. No mention of any property damage."
From the WSJ:
Wisconsin’s Governor Declares State of Emergency Amid Protests
Police shooting of Black man in Kenosha sparks violence, looting across city
See also:
And remember, we have always been at war with Eurasia.
Fortunately, Evers and The Lesser Mandela are exceeding all expectations in calling for calm. Maybe Evers will do book reads like he did when Covid was in full swing.
I just remembered when at the burned down Car Source lot, a bit of smoldering in a mound of lawn bark over by the next door church. A local woman, clearly near tears walked up and dutifully pushed bark over the spot till it stopped smoking.
There was at least something she could do.
The charge for sexual assault for this guy was related to raping a 14 year old girl. Not the martyr from Central Casting, even though he was the “grandson of a preacher and civil rights leader.” Sounds better than “raper of teens.”
Burn it all down, because no one will ever listen, ever care, ever decide saving face isn't worth it; they will never stop thinking they're psychic and know what we think, while ignoring what we say - because they know better.
Burn it all down. If I have to live my whole life in my own country feeling like a harassed outsider, fuck it, burn the whole thing down and never look back.
It was never ours to begin with.
They wanted us as slaves.
Get off my continent, The Crack Emcee.
Poor Crack would rather the entire country crumble down to his level for fear of letting go of his victim status long enough to better himself.
Rock n roll rebel has way too much invested in his pity play to ever change.
DLM is DESTRUCTIVE????? Who woulda guessed?
The Crack Emcee said...
Burn it all down, because no one will ever listen, ever care, ever decide saving face isn't worth it; they will never stop thinking they're psychic and know what we think, while ignoring what we say - because they know better.
What you're saying is, "Kill me!"
You need a mental evaluation, or if you've already had one, you need to take your meds.
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