August 28, 2020

Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting Joe Biden's chances of getting elected?

That's a question I've been contemplating, and I think the answer is clearly no. Why would they care about helping Biden? I'm only a distant observer — though I am in Wisconsin — and I think they're irrational so it's particularly hard to work out what might be in their head, but I really don't see why helping Joe Biden would be on their agenda. I don't see how, believing in systemic racism and the deeply engrained evil of America, they can think Joe Biden will further their cause, and there's a big risk that his election would deflate the energy. But if Trump wins, what a wild infusion of new energy!

Meanwhile, a new Trafalgar poll has Trump up by 2 in Michigan. And the betting odds graph looks like this:


iowan2 said...

What occured in June to cause the big shift in preference? Hard to believe polls and such, is such large moves cannot be identified. It's the purpose of statistics. Identifying forces.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting Joe Biden's chances of getting elected?"

Better question:

Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting INNOCENT PEOPLE's LIVES, JOBS, BUSINESSES, and PROPERTY?

Nonapod said...

The Democrats are learning, much to their chagrin, that the problem with courting and covering for chaotic anarchists is that you can't really control them. They're a force of nature. It's great when a tornado destroys some of your enemies homes up until it starts coming your way.

Michael K said...

Cry Havoc and let loose the Dogs of War! Democrats 2020 strategy. I'm not sure the AOC and the Somali princess care that much about Biden. They want to over throw the government and let loose their paymasters. If you don't think these radicals are being paid to do this, I have a bridge to sell.

Wince said...

Even Biden's "base" doesn't care if he's elected.

Dude1394 said...

They are just rioting, looting, killing and assaulting for the fun and profit of it. And the democrat party is condoning and promoting it.

rehajm said...

I don't see how, believing in systemic racism and the deeply engrained evil of America, they can think Joe Biden will further their cause...

Are you sure you know what their cause is? If you immediately think racism, reconsider...

Hint: follow the money and NYT isn't going to help you...

chuck said...

Agree, I don't think they care. The Democrats made a big mistake allying themselves with a violent movement that doesn't care about Democrats. I could cite the Hitler and Franz von Papen accommodation, but prefer to avoid Godwin's Law :)

rehajm said...

Also: why are they getting away with committing crimes? What are the mechanics of how that happens? Who enables it?

Clues? said...

Hmm. To test the theory, maybe one of these “peaceful protests” should show up wearing a MAGA hat. I’ll get the popcorn.

Mark said...

All I know is that the rioters and smashers and in-your-facers aren't much for elections. Elections are part of system that is itself the problem.

To them who are engaging in all this violence, "This is what democracy looks like."

Narayanan said...

speaking of Libertarians - I am convinced Rothbard would be cheering the anarchists.

i have heard him celebratory on the "Tet Defeat of US forces"

Original Mike said...

"Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting Joe Biden's chances of getting elected?"

I don't think they even know. These people are just stupid. As Christopher pointed out in the Rand Paul thread:

Blogger Christopher said..."On-brand for 2020, the thug working herself up into a frenzy yelling about Breonna Taylor is chasing the man who introduced the Breonna Taylor Act, which would bar no-knock raids."

and D.D. Driver: Blogger D.D. Driver said..."How uneducated are these people? Rand Paul is one of the strongest advocates for police reform in either party."

These aren't protesters, they're anarchists, probably paid.

Anonymous said...

Why would BLM / Antifa think the D's will be any better? It was D leadership that created the two groups in the first place.

"As #BlackLivesMatter developed throughout 2013 and 2014..." cite:

This is the rough equivalent of the Tea Party being concerned that they might be helping the D's back in 2007-08 by so harshly criticizing GWB's spending.

Nick said...

They can't win the election. Then they'd be constrained by the system they seek to destroy. You can't speak "truth to Power", when you ARE the Power. Four more years is two more cycles to rally the Revolution.

Inga said...

The rioters don’t care about Biden winning, that’s pretty evident. Most of the Black and White people protesting that DO care are the peaceful protestors. The rioters, IMO, are acting out their anger against more than the police brutality against Black people the has been going on even before Trump, but there is a strong element of anger against Trump and Trumpism, one hears chants of “Fuck Trump” interspersed with the other chants. And YES they are being irrational by trying to force change by violence. Or maybe be they don’t care if Trump’s America continues for the next four years, it’ll keep their fires to speak. If Trump gets elected it most certainly wont stop what is already happening now under a Trump presidency, I see it getting much worse.

And no this doesn’t excite me. It frightens me and should frighten sane people.

Michael K said...

The Girondin ministry is an example of the Biden campaign for anyone who knows the history of the French Revolution. I doubt any Democrat knows about it but it is not a good idea to ally yourself with people like Robespierre.

rhhardin said...

It's about beating up grownups, always a nice fantasy for kids. It's rational in a way.

Who's tapping into it for what reason gets into rationality, but they're not necessarily in control any longer. The media are in control, and they go for clicks and revenue, and are certainly acting rationally. Just not responsibly, but when have they ever.

YoungHegelian said...

That's a question I've been contemplating, and I think the answer is clearly no. Why would they care about helping Biden?

Of course, they don't. The far Left hates the moderate Left, and always has. It's just that the moderate Left is often too blinded by its hatred of the Right to realize it.

When one deals with the Far Left, you have to remember that the guiding principle is ideology. Imagine the Far Left as analogous to the Catholic Church. You can't discuss the history of the Catholic Church without paying attention to doctrine. It is an organization that pays close attention to its own history, and sees itself defined as carrying that history forward.

So it is with the Far Left. Its history, from its own point of view, is the history of carrying forward an ideology, an ideology that the membership thinks they "keep faith with".

Here is an oft-posted link from the 1933 Comintern on the nature & danger of Fascism. Look at the last sentence, and who it blames:

The possibility of averting {Fascism] depends on the forces of the fighting proletariat, which are paralyzed by the corrupting [disintegrating] influence of social-democracy more than by anything else.

That's right! The commies blamed the socialists for the rise of Fascism! That's why until the Soviet Union needed every ally it could get when Hitler invaded in 1941, the Commies referred to social democrats by the charming sobriquet "Social Fascists".

"Liberals get the bullet, too" goes back a long way.

Joe Smith said...


These are not deep thinkers. These are sub-IQ morons (of all colors) on the wrong side of the bell curve.

They think with their hormones, weed, and the few dollars that Soros throws their way.

rhhardin said...

Goose the dogs of war.

Joe Smith said...

@ Mr Wibble 10:31


Not Sure said...

These fine people have made it quite clear that they're not in favor of democracy, let alone a republic. Elections are irrelevant to a mob that has asserted "street veto" power.

rehajm said...

Can people see what is happening here? Who is paying these people? The rioters have ear pieces, military grade radios and repeaters on heir vehicles - who are they communicating with? Who is their command and control?

The Crack Emcee said...


The idea of protestors waiting for support is pretty funny.

Sebastian said...

"I think they're irrational"

Why? They want to destroy American society and they are doing it. They want to immobilize the defenders of the status quo and they are doing it. They want to exploit concerns about racial injustice to promote a larger rebellion and they are doing it. They want to terrorize the population and to a large extent they are doing it.

They may miscalculate the chances of success or the strength of eventual pushback, but that does not make them "irrational." From the point of view of antifa ideologues, they have already achieved a lot in any case.

Jess said...

Protesters are few and far between. The riots are caused by thugs, with criminal records, anarchists, and all are being supported by Communists trying to destroy the United States. It's war, typical politics are not their goal, and until they're destroyed, they'll continue their attacks on cities.

rehajm said...

Who is stacking the bricks for destruction? This young man is not falling for this - his words. Bad people exploiting him and others genuinely enraged by George Floyd’s murder.

PM said...

Surprised NYT hasn't traced protest funding to David Koch.

Ken B said...

The rioters do not care. But many Democrats do support the rioters and the rest of the party doesn’t dare alienate that faction. The result is that a Biden is far more accommodating to the rioters than they are to him.

Watch the video from June of Harris smiling and supporting riots. Her defenders tell you things have changed. Indeed. Back in June some moral courage and leadership could have had a good effect. Instead she smirked and applauded.

Original Mike said...

"And no this doesn’t excite me. It frightens me and should frighten sane people."

Most of us are afraid of you guys, yes.

buwaya said...

"Hint: follow the money and NYT isn't going to help you..."

Exactly so, but remarkably difficult to do.

The June breakout of betting was almost certainly due to the saturation coverage of the Floyd incident and all the unrest that was created, largely through this publicity and "organized forces". The betting markets are mainly in London and the punters are foreigners, and they get CNN as their main American media source. The relentless pushing of the BLM thing to the exclusion of everything else was effective that way at least. It was so intense that it caused a massive sympathetic reaction in the UK, with their own rather absurd "BLM".

Mike Sylwester said...

The rioters can be classified as lumpenproletariat.

The Wikipedia article includes the following passages:

The lumpenproletariat, an essentially parasitical group, was largely the remains of older, obsolete stages of social development, and could not normally play a progressive role in history. Indeed, because it acted only out of socially ignorant self-interest, the lumpenproletariat ... could not play a positive role in society. Instead, it exploited society for its own ends, and was in turn exploited as a tool of destruction and reaction. ...

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia defined lumpenproletariat as a declassed strata in an antagonistic society (including vagrants, beggars, and criminal elements) which has become particularly widespread under capitalism. It is recruited from various classes and is incapable of organized political struggle. It constitutes ... the social basis of anarchism.

Sociologist Daniel Patrick Moynihan stated, following the riots of 1967, that the lumpenproletariat is essentially anarchistic rather than revolutionary.

By the early 1970s some radicals deviated from the orthodox Marxist viewpoint that the lumpenproletariat lacks significant revolutionary potential. Herbert Marcuse, an American philosopher and sociologist, believed that the working class in the US "having been bought up by the consumer society, has lost all class consciousness" and lay the hopes for revolution on the lumpenproletariat -— the social outcasts —- led by intellectuals. Marcuse, along with Afro-Caribbean philosopher Frantz Fanon and other radical intellectuals, proposed that elements of the lumpenproletariat are potentially leading forces in a revolutionary movement.

Fanon revived the term, long having been disappeared from left-wing discourse, in this book The Wretched of the Earth (1961). He defined the lumpenproletariat as the peasantry in colonial societies of the Third World not involved in industrial production, who are therefore, "ready, capable and willing to revolt .... He described them as "one of the most spontaneous and the most radically revolutionary forces." He was not uncritical of the lumpenproletariat due to their supposed unpredictability due to "their ignorance and incomprehension." ...

The 1979 report of the Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education warned that the US is in danger of creating "a permanent underclass, a self‐perpetuating culture of poverty, a substantial lumpenproletariat."

Eleanor Holmes Norton wrote in 1985: "An American version of a lumpenproletariat (the so-called underclass), without work and without hope, existing at the margins of society, could bring down the great cities, sap resources and strength from the entire society and, lacking the usual means to survive, prey upon those who possess them."

Anonymous said...

Michael K said...
If you don't think these radicals are being paid to do this, I have a bridge to sell.

That raises the question about what the pay masters like Soros want?

Do they think that a Harris presidency is a positive step toward the revolution or a set-back?

How fast would turning off the money flow put out the fires? I suspect that most flaming cities have fires and grievances that are self sustaining at this point.

No new money would likely save Atlanta and Houston however.

Michael K said...

Most of the Black and White people protesting that DO care are the LOOTERS.

FIFY again. Try lot to do such stupid lies. We can see the videos.

MadisonMan said...

I have some amount of sympathy for the protesters; Democrats in WI have been playing minorities for years as people who will vote for them that they then can freely ignore 'til the next election. That would make anyone angry, to be taken for granted like that. But the protesters have been overrun by rioters. It will be hard for all the Democratic Elected officials to tack back to normal in their cities I think because everyone that elected them will notice how they've acquired power -- on the backs of a constituency that they ignore. And that is what has caused the problem in these cities run by Democrats.
I hope during Trump's 2nd term that he can address the Race Issue in America with the dexterity he has shown in Israel. I don't think this could happen at all in Biden's first term.

Rusty said...

Own it Inga. This is what you wanted. This all yours. Every burnt out looted store. Every smashed face and dead body is yours. Yours, and Gadflys, and Howards and ARMs. It's too late to condemn. So sit back and enjoy the works you have created. And by these works you are known.

Tacitus said...

My theory is that in late 2019 the D's saw some internal polling data that showed a small but significant increase in support for Trump among black voters...and a larger one among Hispanics. This is the sort of information that means not a lost election but the destruction of the Democratic Party in its current form. The discussions that followed must have been something...

So, stirring racial animus while keeping the economy damped down was their only option. Remember that six months ago black labor force participation was at an all time high. Of course this ran the risk of letting lunatics appear to be the true voice of the party. They took this risk. Perhaps they had no better options.


“When compared with the suppression of anarchy every other question sinks into insignificance. The anarchist is the enemy of humanity, the enemy of all mankind, and his is a deeper degree of criminality than any other." Theodore Roosevelt

gilbar said...

serious question (actually, a repeatedly repeated serious question)

Can anyone tell me the last time polling showed the republican up over the democrat in the Summer?

I guess in 2004 it was flip flopping 51%-49%, 49%-51% all summer; so i guess Then, but GWB was never above the margin of error until after the conventions (as i recall)

Original Mike said...

"The far Left hates the moderate Left, and always has. It's just that the moderate Left is often too blinded by its hatred of the Right to realize it. "

Democrat mayors and governors thought they could use the riots to their advantage. I'm still not sure that they aren't correct.

eric said...

They're paid by Democrats.

Not directly. Remember back to 2016. Project Veritas revealed the agitators at the Trump rallies were organized and paid for by the Democrats. It was AstroTurf

Remember again the Bernie Sanders workers who told project veritas the streets were going to burn.

This whole thing is a Democrat plan. It's why they're trying to tie it to Trump and say it's Trump's America that is burning.

This is actually an election strategy. The useful idiots don't know they're useful idiots.

And while many Dems might realize it's backfiring on them, the monster has grown too large now for them to control.

h said...

Suppose that you truly believe that there is a problem with "systemic racism". You don't break the system with Biden/Harris. You probably don't break the system with Trump/Pence. But with Trump there is at least a small probability that he will do something so universally abhorrent, that a revolutionary change would break the system.

Kevin said...

"Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting Joe Biden's chances of getting elected?"

Anarchists by definition don't care who's elected.

mandrewa said...

If Trump wins we get four more years of America -- the anomalous libertarian state, where ordinary people have an amazing list of rights and powers that have been largely absent from the rest of human history, and where people, or at least many people, just spontaneously do good things.

But then after that, quite possibly, things will fall apart.

If Biden wins, then things will fall apart almost immediately thereafter. Just how things will fall apart I'm not entirely clear. Except of course it will be more of the that which we have seen recently. To start off with, genocide will becoming more of a genuine possibility. Corruption will become more common and widespread. Getting a job will become even more of a function of who you know and the color of your skin. Being politically incorrect will become a literal crime. Many kinds of speech will be compelled. And on and on, if I could just think it all through.

Part of understanding what is coming is to realize how much the far left hates us. They want to destroy every achievement. They resent every good thing.

It's a dismal future. But of course I will vote for Trump -- hoping that something turns up in the next four years of his marginal power to change our direction.

gilbar said...

someone said..
These protests are a ritual now, a religious movement for the participants.

These protests are totally fun now, a recreational movement for the participants.

what do we want?
.....The enjoyment of destroying things!!!!!
when do we want it?
.....whenever and whereever we can get it without going to jail (or, being shot)

Joe Smith said...

@ Inga

"And no this doesn’t excite me. It frightens me and should frighten sane people."

But these are your people, Inga. To a person they will vote for Biden or write-in for Bernie. Assuming they are not too stoned on election day...

Rory said...

"Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting Joe Biden's chances of getting elected?"

The sensible answer is "some do, some don't.". If you leave out the random looter who just wants stuff, I think they do care. Pushing Trump out is the immediate goal of the enablers and supporters of the professional rioters. What good are the rioters if they can't deliver that?

Oso Negro said...

One 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, alone and on the run, took out three of your fucking shock troops, Inga. What do you think might be accomplished with ten Kyle Rittenhouses? Or 100? They are out there, and I worry that soon enough you may see. Black Lives Matter? Yeah, the black people are smart enough to get the fuck out of the way when the shooting starts. Young black men attack when the advantage is theirs on the street. I don't see them holding up to armed, pissed off white people who have had quite enough. Do you feel me, Crack? Coexistence is a pretty goddamn acceptable state of affairs, wouldn't you say?

rehajm said...

Yes, George Soros Sent Money to Fund the Riots—and So Did Taxpayers

JAORE said...

he theme of the day is Trump is responsible for the riots andviolence.

Too late,me thinks.

The D's tried to ride changing narrative out: peaceful protests - - mostly peaceful protests - - a few violent people tainting the mostly peaceful protests - we don't like riots! But, it's Trump's fault.

Sorry too many holes in the MSM filter. Too many people directly effected. Too many videos available on line. I don't think (e.g.) the Portland Mayor can get away with Trump bad when she sat out the gathering storm for two months.

AllenS said...

The antifa rioters care deeply about having Democrat politicians installed in the cities. They know that they won't fight back, and that has been pretty evident. Don't be blind people.

rcocean said...

Show us the betting line from 2016 or 2012! Graph just reflects what people think, not reality. R's are better run like they're 20 points behind, and not sit back and think "Oh, everyone will vote for us because of Riots". Sorry, but you're giving DUMB yellow-dog Caucasian Democrats too much credit. Plus, impact on black vote is unknown. Will all this rioting, BLM marching, etc. drive up black turnout? That's why they're doing it.

Why aren't Harris and Biden supporting law and order? Because they think riots are GAINING them votes.

rcocean said...

Thank God Inga shows up so the Lonely Heart conservatives have someone to argue with.


Inga said...

“And no this doesn’t excite me. It frightens me and should frighten sane people."

“Most of us are afraid of you guys, yes.”

You’re afraid of me? A 68 year old grandma? Is that rational? Hmmm, when was the last time I rioted... I’ll have to go and dig out the old photo album. I don’t actually recall rioting or being supportive of rioters. I spent the majority of my adult years earning a living and keeping a roof over the heads of my four children. I didn’t become interested in politics until I was well into my 40’s. So your fear of me and women like me is ridiculously whimpy. Boo!

Inga said...

“But these are your people, Inga.”

As much as white supremacists are your people?

doctrev said...

Inga said...
If Trump gets elected it most certainly wont stop what is already happening now under a Trump presidency, I see it getting much worse.

And no this doesn’t excite me. It frightens me and should frighten sane people.

8/28/20, 10:51 AM

My kindness is legendary, so allow me to offer some cause for short-term optimism. In the next couple of weeks, the message will go forth from Soros HQ that these riots are destroying the Dems, and they must end. Their enablers, such as yourself, will pretend they were always denouncing the violence in Democrat-run cities. The organizers will lay low for a while. So you may get some weeks of peace.

Buuuuuut, Donald Trump is going to go after the organizers anyways. Partly to make sure the next cycle of violence starts at a disadvantage, but partly to drive Antifa back on to the streets as he rolls up the networks- which will offer him some political advantage. You're going to see masked federales breaking into houses and dragging Rosenbaums out, when they don't simply execute the little bastards on the spot. That might be enough to spark a new wave of Antifa riots and give the President an excuse for a real crackdown. Or he might leave it until just after the election. Either way: you're screwed.

hstad said...

"Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting Joe Biden's chances of getting elected?" [No that's not their purpose.]

That's not the questions to ask?

The real question what do the protesters want?

Who are the violent groups which have taken over (used as a shield) these protests.

The MSM has shielded these groups (Antifa-BLM) by trying to initially say only "White Supremacists" where among the peaceful protesters and are causing the violence. That's a lie and misdirection. The MSM published these narratives to further a complete different meme. Both ANTIFA and BLM has exhibited major organizational strengths throughout the protests to where today they are a fairly well oiled machine designed to create violence for the purpose of major societal change or collapse. The problem with this strategy - nowhere throughout history has the overthrow of a society succeeded without the help of the Security Forces in power. Today the actual attacking of the Police via "Defund Police" plus physical violence is counter to their goals. Which tells me that the Leaders of these groups have their strategy backwards. But they may well be similar to the 'SDS' riots of the '60s and the 'Red Brigade' in Italy plus the 'Red Army Faction' (Bader Mainhoff) movements of the '70s. All failed because their movements did not have the support of the Security Forces in control.

The support these Antifa/BLM groups had from the MSM initially has backfired because such memes masked these groups true intent which gave these groups time to organize 'The Protests'. Biden and the Democrats just happened to have been on the wrong side. It also shows what kind of politician he is since he has learned nothing from history. Hell he was around during the '70s a saw a decade of violence by similar groups.

Inga said...

“Thank God Inga shows up so the Lonely Heart conservatives have someone to argue with.


True. I keep the comments on an active roll, don’t I? On the days I choose to not comment at all, the comments seem to stagnate. But now I’m rired of all the over excited Trumpists again and feel the need to go for a walk, then I may make a nice peach cobbler. Peaches have been excellent this summer!

Inga said...


Original Mike said...

I'm afraid of your fellow travelers, Inga. Still moving to Madison? I may have a nice little home to sell you.

JaimeRoberto said...

Take a look at the mug shots and rap sheets for those arrested. Rioting is an outlet for a lot of mentally unstable people who have been cooped up for months.

rehajm said...

If you don't like that one...

WARNING SIGNS: Democrats Continue to Hemorrhage Latino and Black Voters in Nevada Primary

This is fairly well documented long term voting trend- Democrats losing urban, black voters while gaining voters in the white suburbs. Thao Nguyen used to have more stats in her feed but she closed down her feed over the summer, only to reopen with some Trump retweets.

If you go looking for the data the Googles SnapFaces are going to try and stop you...

Original Mike said...

Inga has moved on from Russians to "white supremacists".

Drago said...

Inga the Russian Collusion Dead Ender: "As much as white supremacists are your people?"

"As Team Biden Celebrates GOP Defectors, Richard Spencer Endorses Democrats"

Your. People.

hstad said...

Blogger Inga said...
“But these are your people, Inga.” As much as white supremacists are your people? 8/28/20, 11:36 AM

Now your being 'Disingenuous' or lashing out like a 'Troll'. I could go back and point out your many posts agreeing with the protests and BLM/Antifa. In fact, if I recollect, blaming it on 'White Supremacists'using a classic 'word pivot'. Just like your kissing cousins the MSM.

Inga, it's OK to admit you where wrong. Such groups throughout history have arisen to take advantage of 'Societies' ills and have fooled far better people than you or I. The BLM/Antifa are amateurs compared to other groups who normally take advantage of 'Peaceful Protesters' throughout history.

pacwest said...

I don’t actually recall rioting or being supportive of rioters.

That's some first class rationalization there. Sorry Inga, you support the political party the supports rioters = you support rioters. 2+2=4

Francisco D said...

The Drill SGT said...

Do they think that a Harris presidency is a positive step toward the revolution or a set-back?

Harris will not be POTUS if Biden is elected. Joe has dementia, but seems physically healthy. His cognitive disorder will not physically disable until it is severe enough to shut down autonomic functions.

The DNC will run the country. The Clinton and Obama forces will be in charge. Pelosi and Schumer will be their generals.

Harris will fade into obscurity asa many VPs do or should do.

Jupiter said...

"Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting Joe Biden's chances of getting elected?"

Some might. Why do you ask?

narciso said...

well remember who wrote the playbook, a confessed maoist revolutionary terrorist, who got seed money, from soros and the kellogg foundation, to start up her extortion scheme, it's fronted by three african american lesbian marxists, who did a pilgrimage to chavez, before he went on to 'the choir invisible'

the beta test was sanford, where along with the community resource department of justice, they engineered the removal of the police chief, with crump being the organizer, then came ferguson where they had half the city burned before the narrative collapsed, then baltimore,

so which stage are we in, according to bezmenov, demoralization, destabilization or crisis, your guess is as good as mine,

Drago said...

This just in: Democrats suddenly condemning the riots that Inga claimed did not exist...except for the Steve Bannon and hawaiian shirt riots...which actually do not exist.


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

PM said...

Surprised NYT hasn't traced protest funding to David Koch.

Rest assured it's not from a lack of trying.

Michael said...

They probably want Trump to win, to the extent they care. They want an enemy, not an ineffective friend. As the old reds said: "The worse, the better."

Known Unknown said...

"Buuuuuut, Donald Trump is going to go after the organizers anyways."

They have already started. In Kenosha, they've stopped and rounded up out-of-staters filling gas cans at a gas station. Oregon plates, I believe.

Also, there's some noise on Reddit? about someone in domestic intelligence who is warning Antifa/BLM leadership that they know who and where they are and can get to them at any time.

We'll see.

Joe Smith said...

"Hmmm, when was the last time I rioted..."

I've had enough of this bullshit, Inga. So passive-aggressive...the worst trait for anyone to have, especially women.

You can't just wash your hands of this like a modern-day Pilate. You enable these people with propaganda and tacit solidarity.

Were the people eating peacefully and being bullied into raising their fists rioting?

How about the people asleep at 1am when the anarchists rousted them from their beds with horns, lights, lasers, and shouting?

You may not be rioting Inga, but others weren't either. And yet your brownshirts still found them.

You have nothing to complain about if the rioters come to you, whichever side of the political spectrum they might be on.

You have declared yourself fair game. I won't be coming for you, but others may.

You've made your bed...

rehajm said...

How did the riots go last night?

It looks like there was no late-night violent protest or riot in Portland for the first time in 93 days. Something is off. Antifa wouldn't just stop

-Andy Ngo

Antifa wouldn't just stop! Or would they IF the polling was bad?....

Michael K said...

he Drill SGT said...
Michael K said...
If you don't think these radicals are being paid to do this, I have a bridge to sell.

That raises the question about what the pay masters like Soros want?

I've wondered, too. Soros made his first billion by crashing the British Pound.

Short version.

Spotting the writing on the wall, Britain upped its interest rates to the teens in an effort to attract more people to the pound. Unfortunately, speculators such as George Soros began to heavily short the currency. Consequently, the British government gave in and withdrew from the ERM, once it became clear that it was losing billions of pounds, in its attempt to artificially buoy its currency to higher levels.5

Although this was a difficult situation, the pound came back stronger because excess interest and high inflation were subsequently forced out of the British economy.6 Soros pocketed $1 billion on the deal and cemented his reputation as the premier currency speculator in the world.5

 (For more on Soros' feat against the British pound, check out The Greatest Currency Trades Ever Made.)

Could he make money destroying the US? Maybe, if he is invested in China.

Paul said...

Mobs are fickle... you can organize one but once it's let go to do it's thing it can go anywhere... kill anything... even the one who organized it.

Hurt Biden? Oh yea but mobs don't care, mobs by definition are a bit insane.

Lots of luck Democrats... you opened Pandora's box. Reap what you sow.

YoungHegelian said...


t looks like there was no late-night violent protest or riot in Portland for the first time in 93 days. Something is off. Antifa wouldn't just stop

What looks worse -- that the rioters are in the pocket of the Democrats or that they aren't? Either way, the Trumpies get to make hay while the sun shines with it.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL. Inga spent 2 months smearing shit all over herself thinking it was perfume. Now tries to wipe it all off and hope no one remembers.

Yes, the meme has definitely gone out to try, somehow, to blame Trump for the rioting and the

MartyH said...

Re: protestors vs rioters:

There were two demonstrations in Sacramento last night. The first was at 5:30. The second one was at 8 (dark) and the request was to wear black and a mask. Anyone who showed up to the second event was a rioter, whether or not they graffitied, broke windows or set things on fire.

Joe Smith said...

"As much as white supremacists are your people?"

The only modern-day white supremacist I know of is Richard Spencer, and he is supporting Joe Biden...

How did you make it to your age being so stupid? I guess God really does take care of fools.

Original Mike said...

"It looks like there was no late-night violent protest or riot in Portland for the first time in 93 days. Something is off. Antifa wouldn't just stop"

They were in Kenosha.

rehajm said...

What looks worse -- that the rioters are in the pocket of the Democrats or that they aren't?]

Worse for Democrats? Based on how hard their tech allies make it to follow the money I'd reckon the former.

Worse for the rioters? The felons/sex offenders prolly don't care much about their image as long as they get paid. The teachers and lawyers are in it for the politics, and mostly encouraged by their employers...

Amadeus 48 said...

They would favor Biden because he is weak.

Hey Skipper said...

The rioters care that Biden *loses*.

They think Trump’s winning will force a contradiction that will lead to widespread violent revolution, with them at the vanguard.

Delusional, yes. You’ve seen pictures of these people, right?

And they forget Clausewitz: defense is to offense as three is to one. (e.g., Rooftop Koreans)

Mary Beth said...

I keep the comments on an active roll, don’t I?

A high comment count isn't necessarily a sign of a good conversation. Quality if preferable over quantity. Your recycled talking points aren't quality.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

The leftist threat to continue or escalate violence unless Biden is elected makes it seem like we’re being asked to pay the Mafia protection money. I don’t think it’s going to win the hearts and minds of many voters but I hope they continue to run with it.

doctrev said...

Known Unknown said...

They have already started. In Kenosha, they've stopped and rounded up out-of-staters filling gas cans at a gas station. Oregon plates, I believe.

Also, there's some noise on Reddit? about someone in domestic intelligence who is warning Antifa/BLM leadership that they know who and where they are and can get to them at any time.

We'll see.

8/28/20, 12:05 PM

Some of it may be trolling, but that's the thing. It's a Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of every Antifa manlet. You don't attack them while they're safe in the crowd, you get them in their homes.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

MadisonMan said...
I have some amount of sympathy for the protesters; Democrats in WI have been playing minorities for years as people who will vote for them that they then can freely ignore 'til the next election. That would make anyone angry, to be taken for granted like that.

I have zero sympathy for people who keep on voting for people who take them for granted.

"Systemic racism" is "minority" voters voting for Democrats, getting screwed, and continuing to vote for Democrats.

The point of these riots that are destroying minority neighborhoods and minority businesses is to make those people afraid to vote Republican.

If they fall for it, they get what they deserve

Leland said...

I can't think of a rational reason for them to support Biden. Biden hasn't offered them anything. Neither does Kamala. Then again, I agree about the irrationality. IF BLM was rational, the NBA players would want to be seen on TV right now, rather than walking off the court.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gee, it wasn't that long ago Inga was telling us how beautiful the leftist propaganda painted on boarded up businesses in Madison was. She was enchanted by it; it gave Madison that authentic Third World vibe that lefties love.

But, hey, the Party is signaling that maybe the "mostly peaceful protests" have gone just a bit too far and so Inga, like the obedient sheep she is, now pretends she was against the violence all along.

Unfortunately for Inga, we have better memories than Joe Biden.

Jim at said...

Again - we see it every day - the left doesn't condemn their domestic terrorism because it's wrong. They don't like it because it helps Trump.

I want a divorce from these assholes.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Known Unknown said...
"Buuuuuut, Donald Trump is going to go after the organizers anyways."
They have already started. In Kenosha, they've stopped and rounded up out-of-staters filling gas cans at a gas station. Oregon plates, I believe.

That was the local cops, I believe.

Can you imagine that the police would be suspicious of a group that calls themselves "RiotKitchen"?

How could they possibly believe that people calling themselves RiotKitchen aren't there to just peacefully protest?!?


Jim at said...

Most of us are afraid of you guys, yes.

Speak for yourself. I'm not afraid of them. I despise them. Hate. Loathe.

Birkel said...

The polling was always lies.
It was designed to shape opinion, not to reflect opinion.

Let's start there.

Jim at said...

As much as white supremacists are your people?

Are those imaginary white supremacists burning down cities?

Nichevo said...

a blog by Ann Althouse

August 28, 2020
Do the protesters/rioters care about whether they're hurting Joe Biden's chances of getting elected?
That's a question I've been contemplating, and I think the answer is clearly no. Why would they care about helping Biden? I'm only a distant observer — though I am in Wisconsin — and I think they're irrational so it's particularly hard to work out what might be in their head, but I really don't see why helping Joe Biden would be on their agenda. I don't see how, believing in systemic racism and the deeply engrained evil of America, they can think Joe Biden will further their cause, and there's a big risk that his election would deflate the energy. But if Trump wins, what a wild infusion of new energy!


So THIS is your "How Trump Lost Me!"

FullMoon said...

I followed a link to Althouse during the Scott Walker protests. Anne and Meade went out in person to check things out. Peaceful Protesters were surrounding them, shouting them down and blowing those annoying soccer fan noisemaker things in their faces.

Extremely impressive of Anne and Meade to stand their ground.

Now, too dangerous to attend the party. Bricks, arson, firearms, skateboards, and much more media generated hate.

FullMoon said...

Hah! Googled "annoying soccer fan noisemakers" The vuvuzela

Jim at said...

I keep the comments on an active roll, don’t I?

Inga runs around holding up a shit-filled diaper yelling, "Mommy! Mommy! Look what I did!"

mikee said...

Althouse says: " I think they're irrational..."
No, Althouse, the BLM and Antifa mobs are following well known Marxist urban insurgency tactics used since at least the 1950s in Algieria, Kenya, the Congo, and since then around the world. These techniques led to socialist/communist totalitarian governments in several Central and South American nations, from Cuba in the late 1950s to the present day Venezuela. Along the way, marxist revolutions in Chile, Argentina, Mexico, El Salvador, Equador, and several other countries were foiled. And we won't discuss Africa from the Mau Maus to the Algerians to the present day South Africans.

What is amazing are the number of useful idiots available for the street agitprop actions. I'd think that playing enough video games would teach most young males that there are consequences to bad tactics following an insane ideology.

rehajm said...

The polling was always lies.

They don't have to lie if they don't let the public see them. In 106 we had a barrage of post convention polling to see the 'bounce'. Now- crickets.

Nate gets to claim 'there's no evidence for a shift in momentum to Trump'. Nate is asshole...

Anyone seen Florida lately? Anyone?

gbarto said...

They are literally in charge of their city to the point where they can seize or burn property at will and no one will do anything. If Biden is re-elected, all the whites urging on their movement will decide that it's time to rally 'round the author of the 1994 Crime Bill and the press will stop reporting when the police crack heads in Democrat cities. Honestly, if the rioters like their newfound muscle, they ought to support Trump (quietly) because he makes urban liberals so crazed they celebrate their own cities being pillaged, torn apart and burned down by roving gangs.

Banjo said...

Look, Ann telegraphed her vote when she bought a gun. The rest of the suspense is meant to keep the audience in their seats. As for the violence worsening if Trump is elected, I refer you to the calm that descended for two terms after Nixon was elected. Then Jimmah Ca'ta in the next contested election won because Ross Perot bled away enough votes from the dullard George Herbert Walker ("Read my lips...") to put the ole Horn Dog in the White House photocopying room.

rehajm said...

National Match-Up Polling: The Naked and the Dead

Q: It's 5pm on August 28th. Where are the Post-DNC & now Post-RNC Biden-Trump Match-Up polls from -

Fox News
USA Today/Suffolk

It's over a week since the DNC now -


Kirk Parker said...

O'Mike @ 11:19am,

Without a doubt some D's will make good use of the mobs at the moment.

Just as doubtlessly, some will get burned in the effort or the aftermath.

GingerBeer said...

If Trump should win the riots and violence will escalate to send Amerikkka a message. Should Biden win the riots and violence will escalate to send Biden a message.

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