August 31, 2020

"Details with the exact time and location of where Mr. Biden will appear were not immediately disclosed in the campaign’s press release Sunday."

From "Biden to make surprise stop in southwestern Pa. on Monday" (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette).

If you're around the area and would like to attend, where do you go? They're not saying. It's a surprise.

The Trump tweet snarking on this is quoted at the link: "Joe Biden is coming out of the basement earlier than his hoped for ten days because his people told him he has no choice, his poll numbers are PLUNGING! Going to Pittsburgh, where I have helped industry to a record last year, & then back to his basement for an extended period... His problem is interesting. He must always be weak on CRIME because of the Bernie Sanders Radical Left voter. If he loses them, like Crooked Hillary did, he is 'toast', and many will vote for me because of TRADE (Bernie was good on trade). Joe MUST always be weak on crime!"


Bill Crawford said...

If he sees his shadow, does he go back to the basement for six weeks?

Jon Burack said...

The Trump comment is actually fairly substantive and rhetoric free compared with his usual past performances. I see this as a good sign. He's into the race seriously now, which he has not been until the RNC. I hope he does not revert to past form. But with Trump, you never know.

WK said...

Pop up campaign event in empty retail space....

Rory said...

If he doesn't think that he has the City of Pittsburgh wrapped up, he's having some problems.

Rory said...

Oh, local reporting is he's coming to a technology center near Carnegie-Mellon U.

Jamie said...

A surprise stop in an undisclosed location - is this like when a famous band will sometimes pick a tiny club to appear in and play a set? Because usually that means the band is so big that they're mobbed (if you'll excuse the expression) everywhere they go and they want to get back to the pure joy of the music (or at least so they say), and the small and surprised audience helps them experience that joy. How does that work for a political candidate making the case for his own election?

I look forward to the video of this surprise appearance, wherever it is. In its entirety, preferably.

Wince said...

If you're around the area and would like to attend, where do you go? They're not saying. It's a surprise.

Even if they only want private-list, die-hard supporter to show, the question is who do they want to avoid?

Trump supporters or the left?

Big Mike said...

At a certain point Trump will need to dial it back or be seen to be piling on. That point isn’t all that far away.

Anonymous said...

Queue up the groundhog jokes, I suppose.

WisRich said...

So he has to leave the basement, which is unsafe, to look Presidential but he can't travel too far because that's unsafe to. And he can't have supporters and really can't have reporters asking questions.

Mary Beth said...

By not releasing his schedule, are they trying to imply that Trump voters are dangerous and might try to harm him? Or is it so they'll have an excuse when no Biden voters show up? Whatever the excuse, there's probably a reason that a hide-and-seek campaign hasn't been tried before.

Bob Boyd said...

"Make a surprise stop" makes it sound like Biden's traveling around campaigning and decided to add an extra event to his busy schedule. Apparently that is not the case. Apparently he has decided to do one brief appearance at an undisclosed location.

If Biden did a planned rally, five people would show up. If he suddenly jumps out of a car on crowded sidewalk, he can be filmed shaking hands with a couple dozen. Biden is at the point where he has ambush Pennsylvanians to get any pictures with them.

wendybar said...

What a joke. Enjoy this video!! These are the REAL democrats...

Kay said...

Bernie was good on trade.

Swede said...

I'm Joe Biden's wife and I'm running for Senator know, that thing....

DanTheMan said...

Joe Biden has the luck of the devil. The Covid scare allows him to stay hidden for weeks at a time, whereas if he had to be out campaigning every day he'd be spending most of every day explaining whatever demented nonsense he said the day before.

I doubt very seriously he has the stamina for a traditional presidential campaign, but this year he doesn't have to run one!

Sadly, he will be our next president, winning the most fraudulent election in our history.
And shortly thereafter, it's President Harris.

Dave Begley said...

It will be a controlled event with only party loyalists attending. No questions. Brief remarks that he will still screw up.

I'm still thinking he will withdraw and let Kamala go to the top of the ticket. Probably after the first debate. Health issues. Mental health issues.

As an aside, I ran into a law school buddy on Twitter. We were on Law Review together. Smart guy. We called him Mr. Law. Turns out he is a Dem and Biden supporter all per the idea that Catholics can *only* be Democrats and you are not practicing your faith if you don't vote Dem. This is a wrong and terrible idea. I lost a lot of respect for my classmate upon seeing that.

Amadeus 48 said...

Some incisive political analysis from Trump. Joe is being treated even more gingerly by his team than I imagined. Prediction: Joe will not go to Pennsylvania, but will appear some where with someone in a virtual “trip to Pittsburgh”.

MayBee said...

Obviously the Biden people want to keep control over who does show up.

Big Mike said...

But I don’t get the secrecy. Is Biden (or are his handlers) afraid of protesters?

buwaya said...

I think looking at your current conflict in terms of parties is very obsolete.
All these institutions are ramshackle leftovers trying to manipulate other systems and institutions that are also on the brink of collapse.

Every day now you have some bit of venerable custom crumbling.

bagoh20 said...

They aren't giving the location, because they don't want anybody to show up. It might just be another basement somewhere in Pittsburgh. It's like he's in the witness protection program, but still running for President. Putin, the Chinese, and the Iranians are just licking their chops at the prospect of a Biden Presidency. They will have a weak, compliant adversary who I suspect they have a great deal of blackmail material on. Who really thinks our enemies are more intimidated by Biden? He's like an injured baby bird.

Eleanor said...

Is Pennsylvania as far as Biden's retractable leash goes?

Jersey Fled said...

Trump's analysis is right on the money.

Biden is not disclosing where his appearance will be because he only wants invited guests. Not the people, but his people. He doesn't want any embarrassing incidents, like Plumber Joe or mostly peaceful demonstrations.

Also, SW PA is a strange choice since this is Trump territory

buwaya said...

It used to be that a person like Biden could not have been nominated.
His age alone would have filtered him out. The party leaders would have permitted the nomination only of a vigorous campaigner with at least the minimum ration of political skills. This person was actually the leader of his faction with at least a degree of personal control of the system he led.

Now it seems they plan to drag a near-corpse through the battle, and who "they" are, the people in charge...well, who are they? Your other major political party is led by some sort of secret committee.

Kevin said...

Surprise, unpublished stop = don’t judge us on our crowd size.

clint said...

A surprise stop is going to be notable for the tiny turnout.

I expect we'll see President Trump tweeting tomorrow about the comparative turnout, after he tours Kenosha.

MadisonMan said...

Who is running his campaign. What a joke.

M Jordan said...

Classic Trump tweet, one of his best. The “Crooked Hillary” line made me laugh anew.

buwaya said...

Who is in charge over there?
If Biden is actually elected, who will be running things?
With whom are foreigners supposed to be talking or negotiating?

This was already a problem with Obama, because most of the time he seemed to serve only as a figurehead. Its somewhat different with Trump, but there is the big problem that he leads a government structure that is not under his control. He is a rider hated by his horse.

And now you are to be led by a corpse and obey a committee of necromancers?

M Jordan said...

I should add, re my prior comment, yesterday’s “Tone down the language” tweet was also one of Trump’s Top Ten. Anyone who misses Trump’s comic voice is a sad soul.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I still cannot get over that they're moving forward with Biden. I was very certain that they had enough intelligence and foresight - and that's assuming a lot - to figure out a way to allow him to bow out with dignity for some other dark-horse candidate.

It's totally wild. I've been giving them far too much credit, over-estimating the dems if you will, all this time.

Fernandinande said...

A hornets' nest with illuminated eyes would be a good place for Biden to appear, and also for him to hide in.

John Borell said...

They would tell us where Uncle Joe is appearing if they were not afraid he's going to look like Uncle Joe.

danoso said...

Please let it be Punxsutawney.

Bob Boyd said...

Some Penn radio station should have a contest. First caller to get through to the DJ and say, "Kxyz plays all the hits. I saw Joe Biden!" wins a valuable prize.

Temujin said...

I have been told by my betters for years that the Democrats and Liberals in general were more intelligent, smarter, more savvy, sophisticated, nicer, and really, should be running everything.

After looking at their work over the past 10 years, I think we can dispense with that nonsense. They need help. If this is their strategy, it's looking very similar to Hillary's in 2016, though even worse. And given the additional issues of locking people down, closing businesses down, then destroying and burning others out- all with Democrat approval (and by Democrat I include the entire media complex), a trip to southwestern PA is like going to stop a tidal wave by holding up a bath towel at the shore.

Cassandra said...

This needs to be a poll.

If Biden sees his shadow, we get 6 more weeks of: (choose one)

a. COVID 19 lockdowns
b. Mostly peaceful protests
c. The press blaming looting and violence on white nationalists/white supremacists
d. Democrats/media (but I repeat myself) obsessing about the "danger" posed by QAnon whilst ignoring antifa/BLM

ga6 said...

The Shadow Knows...hahahhahhah They're going to take me away ah....aho...

The Shadow can only be heard, but never seen...Orson Welles

Clark said...

"If he sees his shadow, does he go back to the basement for six weeks?"

That's it! He's going to show up in Punxsutawney. That way, by appearing only once he can appear every day. Consistency, stamina, stick-with-it-ness.

Narayanan said...

would people even recognize Biden if he were sitting on park bench watching little girls - except to call the cops? who may (not) show up - joe is smart that way.

tastid212 said...

I love teaser campaigns.
But what's the pay-off at the end? Winner gets choice of being called names by Biden or having Joe sniff your hair?

TrespassersW said...

Someone remind me: Why did they nominate Biden?

MadTownGuy said...

They must love Joe in Waynesburg PA. That's about as southwest as you can be in the SW part of the state.

Static Ping said...

Considering that (a) his crowds have been pathetically small even when announced in advance, (b) he will refuse to answer any questions, and (c) if someone actually manages to challenge him there is a non-zero chance he will suggest a fist fight, this is probably for the best.

CWJ said...

Oh I'm certain a select group of attendies and press have been told when and where. Surprise = by invitation only.

alan markus said...

Gov. Tony Evers asks Trump to 'reconsider' planned trip to Kenosha on Tuesday

Master Troll Alert.

CWJ said...

Can't risk having any lying dog faced pony soldiers showing up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

why would a crook like Biden be weak on crime?

Crook for the crooks! vote Biden Hillary. if you don't - we'll take care of it on the mailbox for you.

Anonymous said...

"Hi Folks, I'm speaking to you from a basement in Pennsylvania. C'mon man, this is NOT my basement in Delaware, and that's no malarkey!"

Joe Biden's Double Secret Basement Tour 2020.

Paul said...

Biden's people will sanitize the location with Lysol and keep everyone 100 yards from him as he 'appears' in his so-called public place wearing a mask and gloves. After reading the teleprompter to convey his message he will take no questions and then crawl back into his hole.

Ray said...

"If he sees his shadow, does he go back to the basement for six weeks?"

Maybe. More likely, if he sees his shadow, there will be rioting for six more weeks.

Joe Smith said...

Sounds like malarkey to me.

Seriously, this is a bad way to run a campaign. Unless they bus a lot of people to the site ahead of time, there will be very few people there...a bad look.

But they have a compromised candidate, so I guess they have to work with what they've got.

rehajm said...

Seems as if CBS/YouGov has decided not to update their battleground tracker this week (last few weeks it was done at 10:30am)

Maybe Joe went to go look for it, so they don't know where he'll end up?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Not saying where it is means that people who want to be there won't have the opportunity to go. It also means people who don't want to be there won't have the opportunity to leave.

On the whole, not announcing the location will increase turnout.

Birkel said...

The more people saw Hillary, the less they liked Hillary.

The more people see Biden, the more people will know he suffers cognitive decline.

Democratics are on pace to lose the House.
The Senate is an afterthought; will Republican control broaden?
I hope so because it will diminish Mitt Romney further.

Life is good.

Gunner said...

No one cares about Biden. Even his own side will dump on him mercilessly if he loses. He is just the only way they get President Kamala.

rehajm said...

FWIW, I went back to 2016 to see when the major media outlets released their post-conv. polls. CBS & CNN released their's the Monday after DNC 2016 (which came after RNC 2016). Keep this list and these dates in mind:

CBS - 4 days after
ABC - 10 days after
NBC - 7 days after
FOX - 6 days after
CNN - 4 days after

wendybar said...

Even when they tell Joe where, he will be clueless.

Anonymous said...


Fernandinande said...

Unless they bus a lot of people to the site ahead of time, there will be very few people there...a bad look.

They can use the "surprise" as an excuse for that.

jrohio said...

Are yinz safe in Trump's America?

Michael K said...

Turns out he is a Dem and Biden supporter all per the idea that Catholics can *only* be Democrats and you are not practicing your faith if you don't vote Dem.

So, after all this, abortion really is a sacrament?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

did you know that a whole bunch of states never held a primary and that Biden's spot as the nominee is a farce?

The puppet masters hard at work. Hilarious that the whole deal is Putin-onian.

Professional lady said...

Has Evers shown his face in Kenosha?

Michael K said...

Gunner said...
No one cares about Biden. Even his own side will dump on him mercilessly if he loses. He is just the only way they get President Kamala.

I think this could be it. The secret committee of billionaires' functionaries that runs the DNC decided early on her. The fact that she could not appeal to voters is irrelevant. She has been chosen. Biden is just von Hindenburg.

tim maguire said...

They're announcing a surprise visit? Reminds me of an old church joke about the mass program that included a 10-minute break for spontaneous singing.

todd galle said...

I'm outside of Harrisburg, PA, why not visit here? I'm generally curious. We've a Democratic Governor, a beautiful Capital Building (which Teddy R. dedicated in 1905 or so), and a recent remembrance of the 'old 8th Ward', a traditionally immigrant and African American neighborhood, which was razed for the expansion of the Capital Complex. Going to SW Pa doesn't seem to make sense to me. Philly and Pittsburgh both have a media presence in Harrisburg, criminy even Erie and Scranton media are here, a visit would get statewide blanket coverage. If it is Punxsutawney, he'll be constantly compared to the resident rodent popping up out of his basement den once a year or so.

Kassaar said...

I'm still thinking he will withdraw and let Kamala go to the top of the ticket.

The candidacy doesn’t fall to her just for being his VP pick, does it? Isn’t Sanders the next in line?

Bob Boyd said...

Who knows where he'll pop out of the ground

traditionalguy said...

Amazingly, the best news reports now come to the world from the Twitter account of a magnificent communicator with access to all of the inner secrets. It’s that Q+ Poster also called Donald Trump. Biden probably checks him out every morning to learn what is really going on in politics. None of the News media are allowed to tell the truth, even Fox News. Their owners want a new world Government that they can create. But old man Trump, he keeps fighting them and refuses to surrender.

Paco Wové said...

"And now you are to be led by a corpse and obey a committee of necromancers?"

I'll have to remember that one.

Sam L. said...

Heh, heh, heh...

Kevin said...

Surprise, unpublished stop = only the approved media will know where to go.

chuck said...

they plan to drag a near-corpse through the battle

It has been fascinating to watch and wonder if "they" can pull it off. It is a huge gamble, I've only read of similar attempts in fantasy novels.

Leland said...

When he comes out of his basement and sees his shadow; does that mean 6 more weeks of covid lockdowns, blm riots, or russian hoaxes? Asking for a country.

D.D. Driver said...

Who says you can't teach and old dog new malarkey? We've gone from Weekend at Bernie's to Where In the World in Carmen San Diego? That's progress.

This is also the first political campaign that I have ever seen modeled after the prevent defense.

LA_Bob said...

"Someone remind me: Why did they nominate Biden?"

He won the South Carolina primary, and that was that.

D.D. Driver said...


And if Joe see's his shadow he takes a nap for six more weeks?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Joe's Trip to PA

D.D. Driver said...

"Biden is not disclosing where his appearance will be because he only wants invited guests. Not the people, but his people. He doesn't want any embarrassing incidents, like Plumber Joe or mostly peaceful demonstrations."

He only wants people he can beat in a push-up contest. Just in case....

madAsHell said...

"Weekend at Biden's"

tcrosse said...

One thing that moderation shows is that many commenters can come up with the same aperçu.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Biden said we need more Intercourse,

...and that there's a town in PA where we can get it

Louie the Looper said...

Biden should make a whistle-stop tour on the Underground Railroad.

Rob said...

“Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is re-elected?” Mr. Biden is expected to say, according to an excerpt from prepared remarks. — NYT

Sounds like a threat.

todd galle said...

Never forget that Blue Ball is near Intercourse, PA. Bird-in-Hand too. Lancaster County is just a hoot for names, though that basically applies to Central PA as a whole.

William Jamieson said...

Dave Begley said: "Turns out he is a Dem and Biden supporter all per the idea that Catholics can *only* be Democrats and you are not practicing your faith if you don't vote Dem. This is a wrong and terrible idea."

I could not agree more. It sounds as if, like most Catholics I know, your friend has fallen into the "love is love", "My God wouldn't do that...", or "who am I to judge?" rationale, and so turns the real faith on its head, so he can claim he's practicing his faith, distorted though his version is.

Your friend, I believe, has it backward. You cannot vote Democrat and remain faithful to the teaching and traditions of the Catholic faith.

Note the qualifying statement: "being faithful to the teaching and traditions." It is important that we distinguish between the practicing, faithful Catholic and the cultural, nominal Catholic.

Sadly, many who identify as Catholics do not believe the teachings on social issues; nor do they adhere to them. They attend the Catholic church because they grew up in it; their adherence is selective.

Nowhere is that more evident, I think, than in their views on abortion and birth control, both of which our doctrines oppose. Studies indicate a majority of Catholics do not agree with those doctrines; rather, they ignore them, and go on living their lives. (You can look up the stats.)

These people are often called "cafeteria" Catholics, by the way. They go down the doctrine cafeteria line, picking the doctrines they like and will follow, passing on those they will not.

So, if you are a practicing Catholic, faithful to the teachings, I don't know how you can justify voting for anyone in the D Party, the party in which abortion is their religion, and the hill upon which they will take the ultimate stand.

Believe me, I've heard plenty of tortuous logic for voting D from the cultural, "cafeteria" Catholics, so they can vote D and still feel like a "good" Catholic. But these people just kid themselves; with their flawed logic, they close their eyes, vote D, and believe they've made the good, moral choice.

Again, for the practicing, faithful Catholic, I don't know how you can logically adhere to the teachings and traditions AND vote D. The two are mutually exclusive to the practicing, faithful Catholic. Pick one or the other, but you can't be both.

I am a practicing Catholic, faithful to the Magisterium, the teaching and traditions of the church. I say this as reference only. I do not seek to debate any religious doctrine or social issues. I of course welcome corrections about my comments, should I be in error, and in conflict with the teachings and traditions. I do not want to lead anyone astray.

Thank You


M Jordan said...

True story: I have a friend from Pa. I asked her where? She said, “Intercourse.” My witty response: “Well, we’re all from intercourse.”

It seemed funny at the time but juvenile. Now it just seems juvenile. But still a little bit funny.

Lucien said...

Narayanan: was that an Aqualung allusion in there?

M Jordan said...

I just found out the Intercourse, Pa. high school mascot is the Trojans.

Is that funny? It seems kind of boomer funny.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


the pathetic state of our press and our corporate institutions: In one tweet:

Anna James Zeigler
"Might we think for a moment about the message we're sending victims of sexual assault when they call the police for help upon their attackers return & within a week the attacker's name is emblazoned on football helmets?"

Drew Breez - so sad buddy. Wake up.

M Jordan said...

I hear they’re putting an In ‘n’ Out Burger in Intercourse.

(Comedy rule of three. I’ll stop here.)

Skeptical Voter said...

Well I'm surprised he's able to climb out of his basement bunker. It's gonna be Snarkadoodle time for much of the campaign.

Yancey Ward said...

Punxsutawney is close enough to southwest Pennsylvania.

effinayright said...

I'll be waiting to hear Joe's answer to questions about ending fracking in that part of the state, which is utterly reliant on it.

It used to be a big coal mining area, until the mines played out and it turned into a little Appalachia. Half the downtown of Burgettstown, where my mother came from, was boarded up the last time I was there.

Fracking has helped some to bring the area back. So go ahead, Joe: go ahead and tell those people you're going to outlaw the one industry that has given them some hope.

wildswan said...

2016 Perfect Campaign Run by Nastiest Candidate in American History
2020 Mr. Nice Guy Runs Worst Campaign in American History.

Both times the Dems were sure they had a winning strategy, which illustrates Donald Trump's strange power over the Democratic Party,

For bonus points, which one said:
"There'll be no baseball till you say you're sorry America was ever thought of."

Yancey Ward said...

Bob Boyd wrote:

"Biden is at the point where he has ambush Pennsylvanians to get any pictures with them."

Unless Laslo shows up, we have the thread winner!

Bob Smith said...

His handlers are keeping Joe’s itinerary secret because they don’t want Trump supporters showing up to ask embarrassing questions.

Known Unknown said...

Maybe the trolley will take him to the land of make-believe.

TJM said...

Hidin Biden! You literally have to be braindead to vote for this old grifter, China's best friend.

TJM said...

Is Inga in PA with hidin Biden?

Gusty Winds said...

I would think the only Biden friendly area in SW Penn is Pittsburgh.

Gusty Winds said...

Biden takes a secret trip to PA, and Trump is going to Kenosha tomorrow. I’m sure cuck Governor Tony Evers would have welcomed Biden, while telling Trump to stay home. Is there any way we can just keep Evers in Madison for the next two years? He is now neutered and worthless.

Rory said...

A guy named Marx is the Dem congressional candidate in the SW corner of the state, so some lawns have consecutive signs saying BIDEN MARX.

n.n said...

Biden is at risk of contracting charisma.

todd galle said...

Depends entirely on the neighborhood, Pennsylvania is notorious for being insular. Many don't look beyond their neighborhood. Most Philadelphians will avow they are from Fishtown, Burholme, Manyunk, etc. rather than the city as a whole. Recall it was the South Philly Italians standing with baseball bats in defense of the Columbus Statue.

rhhardin said...

The Virgin Mary will appear with Biden as another wall stain.

Narayanan said...

Are Trump supporters savvy enough to flash mob at a drop of dentures?

MayBee said...

Biden is speaking from Pittsburgh, but I don't see or hear any evidence there's an audience.

MayBee said...

He's reading the speech. He's dead in the eyes as he reads, and there's a weird cadence and slurring together of some words. Like he's never read the speech before.

No questions from whoever it is that's there. So he moved out of Delaware why?

MayBee said...

That was really really weird.

bagoh20 said...

Wendybar's link at 8:18 is a perfect Trump add needing no editing or addition. 100% Democrats and their media calling for the very thing tearing apart the country today. None of them have any right to criticize anyone for violence or threats after what they have been saying for four years. It puts the blame right where it belongs with their own unambiguous words. I forgot how bad they had been for so long with the violent rhetoric.

bagoh20 said...

If a Biden speaks in the city and nobody hears it, does it make any sense?

Rob said...

Biden traveled to Pittsburgh to speak to an empty room.

Take me now, Jesus, I've seen it all.

hstad said...

Blogger Jon Burack said...I hope he does not revert to past form..." 8/31/20, 7:57 AM

Interesting opinion, especially "...revert to past form...?" You do know that his base loves his form don't you? Secondarily, that "...past form..." won him the election in 2016 and appears to have grown on the electorate. Mr. Trump appears to be moving toward him, even before the "pandemic" - just look at his "enthusiasm strength" with voters. I understand you seem to want Mr. Trump to appear like a 'genteel gentlemen'. My friend that got Romney a defeat when he did not confront Obama. Voters admire a candidate who displays a modicum of irreverence for the status quo. Why - what has worked in government and actions by elected politicians the last 3 decades. Do not underestimate Mr. Trump's intelligence and strategy. His successful life experiences in 3 different endeavors (jobs) has produced a fighter and smart strategist.

John henry said...

I think it was Olympia Press, notable for pretty hard core porn novels like Story of O that put out an "art" magazine in the 60s.might the name have been "Avant Garde"?

Post office put the publisher on trial for sending obscene materials by mail. Their defense was that it was "art".

One of the prosecution 's counters was tha they sent it from The Intercourse, Blueball and a third po with a racy name.

I remember the magazine. There were lots of art lovers on my ship.

John Henry

Tommy Duncan said...

CBS in Pittsburg:

Joe Biden Blames President Trump For Nationwide Violence In Pittsburgh Speech

During a rare public appearance Monday afternoon in Pittsburgh, Biden plans to say America is facing "multiple crises" that will "keep multiplying" under President Trump.

tcrosse said...

Poof! He appears! Shazam! He disappears! But who is waving the Magic Wand?

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Boyd said...

No audience. Didn't see any sign of reporters present either. Biden spoke for a fuzz over 20 minutes. I wonder if he did it in one take?
A different backdrop than his basement, but what kind of campaign appearance was that? Wow.

He seemed to be in a robotics lab at Carnegie Mellon. Which begs the question, was that really Joe or something they cooked up in the lab and are testing?

wendybar said...

bagoh20 said...
Wendybar's link at 8:18 is a perfect Trump add needing no editing or addition. 100% Democrats and their media calling for the very thing tearing apart the country today. None of them have any right to criticize anyone for violence or threats after what they have been saying for four years. It puts the blame right where it belongs with their own unambiguous words. I forgot how bad they had been for so long with the violent rhetoric.

8/31/20, 1:15 PM

Thank you for taking the time to watch. It's an eye opening look at what liars the Democrats and their media really are!!

Bay Area Guy said...

Question by Reporter:

Mr. Vice-President, do you denounce the violence committed by Antifa and BLM over the past 3 months?


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Biden is a liar.

Inga said...

“He must always be weak on CRIME because of the Bernie Sanders Radical Left voter. If he loses them, like Crooked Hillary did, he is 'toast', and many will vote for me because of TRADE (Bernie was good on trade). Joe MUST always be weak on crime!"

Trump's Attacks on Free Trade Have Actually Made It More Popular With Voters. Thanks to a paradoxical Trump bump, nearly 90 percent of both Democrats and Republicans now say they support international trade.

MayBee said...

Here's a video excerpt of the speech today:

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Blogger n.n said...
Biden is at risk of contracting charisma.

Trump's the one with charisma

...Biden's got Burisma

Todd said...

tastid212 said...

I love teaser campaigns.
But what's the pay-off at the end? Winner gets choice of being called names by Biden or having Joe sniff your hair?

8/31/20, 9:06 AM

Better! Winner gets to rub his wet, hairy legs! Twice!

Todd said...

Gunner said...

No one cares about Biden. Even his own side will dump on him mercilessly if he loses. He is just the only way they get President Kamala.

8/31/20, 9:50 AM

They will dump him mercilessly if he wins! This is a election for VP. Kamala's secret-service code-name will be "knee-pads"!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

it was Erectile Dysfunction, PA, not Intercourse.

Please note the correction's the cheering throng in PA

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

just as a side note:

Imagine being the signer-for-the-deaf dealing with SloJo's incoherent word salads.

When you see them shrug and throw their hands up,

...that's not 'signing'-- that's everyday universal "WTF"

The signer should then just make quick, nonsensical gestures--
the hearing-impaired would be rolling on the floor laughing,
and no one would be the wiser.

n.n said...

Trump's the one with charisma

...Biden's got Burisma


Biotrekker said...

I was told that if Joe Biden saw his shadow today, when he came out of his burrow, there would be six more weeks of riots. So did he?

Rusty said...

They make it sound like Bidens appearance is some kind of magic trick.

Goetz von Berlichingen said...

Squirrels watch out, Igna can have rabies!

Your panic is palpable.

People like international trade? Wow! Any updates on how we feel about puppies or free beer?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Senile dementia... or liar??

Biden: "I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again, I am not banning fracking, no matter how many times, Donald Trump lies about me."

Supercut mash-up of Joe's anti-fracking video:
Joe's anti fracking video

Gunner said...

The Left has been peeing their diapers mad because “100% Antifa” has been trending all day.

D.D. Driver said...

"'s the cheering throng in PA"

That crowd seems both socially and emotionally distant.

Doug said...

Sadly, many who identify as Catholics do not believe the teachings on social issues; nor do they adhere to them. They attend the Catholic church because they grew up in it; their adherence is selective.

What we call 'cafeteria Catholics'.

Inga said...

“Question by Reporter:

Mr. Vice-President, do you denounce the violence committed by Antifa and BLM over the past 3 months?


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”

“Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, beginning to venture out on the campaign trail, went to Pittsburgh on Monday to deliver a searing rebuke to President Trump. “This president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He can’t stop the violence — because for years he has fomented it,” Biden declared. “You know, he may believe mouthing the words ‘law and order’ makes him strong, but his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows you how weak he is.”
The former vice president began with an explicit, extensive and emphatic condemnation of all violence, something Trump has not done. His tone was pugnacious as he ticked off the calamities — covid-19, unemployment, racial unrest — and made clear these horrors are in “Donald Trump’s America.” He asked after listing each calamity whether we would really would feel safe under Trump. He also blasted Trump for inciting violence and using “LAW & ORDER!” to distract from the pandemic disaster. “He failed to protect America so he is trying to scare America.”“


Michael K said...

I assume Inga was the only audience for Biden's speech. They know she is harmless.

Original Mike said...

". “This president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He can’t stop the violence — because for years he has fomented it,” Biden declared."

Bull Fucking Shit. Please elaborate. How has he fomented violence? For years, no less.

Paul said...

Paul said...

"Biden's people will sanitize the location with Lysol and keep everyone 100 yards from him as he 'appears' in his so-called public place wearing a mask and gloves. After reading the teleprompter to convey his message he will take no questions and then crawl back into his hole."

And DAMN if I was not RIGHT! That is what he did today!!!

Original Mike said...

Biden: "I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again, I am not banning fracking, no matter how many times, Donald Trump lies about me."

Fine. This was followed with a full-throated support of fracking. Right? Right?

Paul said...

No it's....

Trump's the one with charisma

...Biden's the one with diarrhea

Gahrie said...

So he moved out of Delaware why?

So his campaign could brag that he moved out of Delaware.

Drago said...

Inga has officially decided that she will no longer advance the cause of her marxist/antifa/BLM pals who have burned down cities....because the New Talking Points arrived!!


donald said...

Rachel Maddow who is one pissed of dude is ranting about Trump going to the doctor.

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