August 8, 2020

At the Saturday Night Café...


... you can write about anything.


Inga said...

So, who is more physically fit, 74 year old Trump who has trouble descending a ramp, or 77 year old Biden who can ride a bike, even with a mask on?

Inga said...

I like this one far better than the other two posted today, the dark water in the foreground and the dark clouds overhead, much more interesting.

Kay said...

I re-read Daniel Clowes’ “David Boring” and parts of it really resonated with our current situation. But I remember feeling something similar when I read it for the first time in 2001, probably a few months after 9/11.

Joe Smith said...

Just got off a weekly group chat with a few couples from my wife's alma mater...we've known them all for thirty-plus years.

One of the wives (who I know least well) was talking about her son who lives in Taiwan, and how he had great health care there and why would he ever return to the U.S., especially now. After all, she said, he would need to wait for a 'regime change' so we could all have single payer health care.

I don't talk politics on these chats because most of the people are highly intelligent but hard left.

But it got me to thinking, and I have a solution. Choice. Liberals always talk about how much they love choice and how tolerant they are. How about they prove it?

Along with abortion, let's give parents a choice of where to send their kids to school. Vouchers for conservatives only. Liberals must keep their kids in public schools.

I love our health insurance and want to keep it. How about conservatives can have private insurance but liberals must enroll in single payer.

It sounds perfectly sensible to me. They want choice, but at the same time mandate what people are allowed to do, and how they are allowed to live their lives.

Liberals are asshole...

Joe Smith said...

"So, who is more physically fit, 74 year old Trump who has trouble descending a ramp, or 77 year old Biden who can ride a bike, even with a mask on?"

Geez, @Inga, you are truly not very bright. Your liberal god Roosevelt couldn't walk. I'm not looking for Jack Lalanne to be president (look him up), I want someone who is sentient.

I don't care how liberal you are, you are disingenuous, foolish, and certainly a brain-washed apparatchik if you think Biden has any business being president.

And if it's a test of physical prowess you want, I'd wager heavily on a fat Trump if it came to a fist fight...isn't that what Biden is always bragging about...

C'mon man...give me a break.

Mark said...

After Alias, started watching The Boys, about these people with super powers and their nemeses.

I gotta tell you -- that Captain Douche, a/k/a Homelander, is a real douche. And that is when he is out doing public relations stuff.

ga6 said...

Inga..but can ol Joe walk and chew gum at the same time??

Mark said...

Like I was saying --

Susan Rice's aversion to US intervention against 1994 Rwandan genocide draws fresh scrutiny

. . . Rice has since denied questioning about whether to label the Hutu-led bloodshed in Rwanda as a "genocide." She has given contradictory statements on whether she harbors guilt over the indiscriminate slaying of the Rwandan Tutsis. . . .

But two years later, Rice brushed aside the notion that she feels responsible. In an interview with the New Republic, she said, “To suggest that I’m repenting for [Rwanda] or that I’m haunted by that or that I don’t sleep at night because of that or that every policy I’ve implemented subsequently is driven by that is garbage." . . .

wildswan said...

Picture just beautiful. They seem to be getting better and I always thought they were great.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Inga, I don't know what you find so special about Joe Biden riding a bike, "even with a mask on" or why you think that compares to President Trump walking down a slippery ramp with leather-soled shoes. What most people are comparing is Joe Biden's obvious mental decline as compared to President Trump's ability to speak for long periods of time without a teleprompter and to answer hostile reporter questions for extended periods of time. But, be that as it may, what has Joe Biden proposed that really makes you excited about voting for him?

iowan2 said...

Giving the left exactly what they want.

We are on a little covid vacation. Just to get out of the house. Doing close touristy stuff, we never take the time for. (having a relaxing blast doing it,btw)
Anyway we wanted a couple of things and stopped at wallyworld. Found the three items and then looked to check out. 30 customers in line, for 8 self checkers, no live checkout registers open. We placed our items on the floor and walked out. One other customer just walked away from their cart.

That $15 minimum wage is working just like the leftists wanted. Looks like it all bet eliminated cashiers.

Gahrie said...

So, who is more physically fit,

Who the fuck cares? Taft was morbidly obese and FDR was in a wheelchair. I wouldn't care if Trump was in an iron lung. (By the way, the whole physically capable thing will be dropped like a rock when Hillary replaces Slow Joe)

Forget mentally fit, Biden isn't even mentally competent. If he was charged with a crime instead of running for president, he'd get off. This is seriously elder abuse.

DavidUW said...

My 102 year old grandma could climb stairs unassisted until a few days before she died.

I wouldn't recommend her as POTUS in those years.

And she had it together more than Biden.

hawkeyedjb said...

Inga said...
So, who is more physically fit...

That's just super important to me, Inga.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

" Trump signs executive orders to extend unemployment benefits, provide a payroll tax holiday, defer student loan payments and extend the federal moratorium on evictions, after talks in Congress collapsed; Democrats vow to sue the President" - CNBC

“Middle class families can’t wait for ̶r̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶a̶n̶ Democrats in Congress to do stuff. So, sue me.”
Prez Sez "So Sue Me!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

'conspiracy theorists'
got Hasbro to pull their 'Touch Me Inappropriately' dolls.

see-- this is why we cant have nice things.

William said...

I had enough trouble walking by a bakery without suffering withdrawal cramps, but the situation has gotten much worse. The part of Manhattan where I live has turned into one big open air restaurant. I had to walk about twenty blocks through some of the best looking food and most exquisitely tempting smells on planet earth.....I can't claim many virtues, but I'm not fat. This takes some doing. I've never been offered a bribe or been invited to Orgy Island, but great food is all around all the time. It can drive you crazy.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

C'mon, Man-- that's malarkey !

...Bikin' Bilkin' Biden has Gretchen wHitler on da short list, yo!

we were promised this individual would be:
a) cervix-iferous
b) a person of enhanced melanin origins

...but The Gretch be WHITE!
Hell-- you cant even SPELL "Whitmer" without w h i t e !

Who's the lying dog-faced pony soldier now, eh, Cellar Dweller??

Like things that come from Creative Destruction?
NCSC Must Be Really Worried About Our Reporting On Biden Corruption In Ukraine…Russia! Russia! Russia!

...and where's Humper?? He owes 450K back taxes!
...and where were all the Biden supporters* this weekend?
all downstairs, organizing massive "Basement Parades" ??

* there is no such thing as a Biden supporter

walter said...

Keep focusing on the important distinctions, like bicycling acumen.
We're counting on you.

walter said...

Joe Smith,
1) Would they be ok eschewing medical advancements created within US system?
2) Re education: My children, my choice.

Marc said...

Please diagram this sentence from JB

"My Statement on President Trump’s Executive Orders to Sow More Chaos and Confusion"

madAsHell said...

Holy Fuck!! Biden is considering Michigan Governor Whitmer?

Wit less, Whitmer?

Hillary, and Obama broke the democrats. It's like a chicken without a head!!

Ken B said...

The issue is mentally fit. But Trump has shown considerable physical stamina on many occasions.

Crazy World said...

My God Inga, Joe can wear a mask and ride a bicycle YAY qualified for President.
My President was spectacular today.

Ken B said...

I say Biden should pick Tara Reade. Bury those rumours

gadfly said...

Yesterday,Trump reality tv featured Donnie pretending to be the hero when in fact he was a comedian riding in to protect the economic well-being of America's unfortunate out-of-work souls. But he cannot act and the script stinks, so fuck Trump and the horse he rode in on.

President Donald Trump on Saturday bypassed the nation’s lawmakers as he claimed the authority to defer payroll taxes and replace an expired unemployment benefit with a lower amount after negotiations with Congress on a new corona virus rescue package collapsed.

For purposes of this Trump game, he demanded that the GOP Senate majority led by former fiscal conservatives Rand Paul and Ted Cruz did what might be called a negotiation filibuster until the Senate left town.

Donnie steps in with some executive orders that likely won't pass court muster but the hero pretense could last until the election. Meanwhile temporary covid economic relief gets cut in half at best but could result in zero benefits going forward

Jason said...

People who've spent the last four years bitching that Trump plays too much golf now complaining that he's not active enough = lulz.

Howard said...

The water is expressively and viscerally wet. I am haunted by waters. - Norman Maclean

exhelodrvr1 said...

Isn't it Susan Rice whose son is President of the College Republicans at Stanford? Why hasn't she been asked about that?

jaydub said...

"So, who is more physically fit, 74 year old Trump who has trouble descending a ramp, or 77 year old Biden who can ride a bike, even with a mask on?"

Surprise, Surprise! Inga lies again! I pointed that out to her before. At the West Point graduation ceremony where Trump supposedly had trouble walking down that ramp, he:
1. Walked across the parade ground and climbed the ramp.
2. Stood while he gave a 25 minute speech to the cadets.
3. Stood for another 57 minutes while he saluted every graduating cadet.
4. Walked back across the parade ground, stopping to shake cadet hands and talk to various attendees.
Here's the video proof. His participation starts at around minute 53:45 and runs for the next 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Could Biden have even stayed awake for two and a half hours? Assuming he was allowed out of the basement?

MayBee said...


Uuuuuurggh. I saw they flew her to Delaware just last week. No wonder she spent this week declaring racism a public health crisis, or whatever tf she said. weird we live in a time that Biden won't even come to Michigan. If it's unsafe to campaign in Michigan, tell that to the boaters who keep having huge outdoor parties.

alan markus said...

Yep, use Biden's mad biking skills (with no helmet) as proof of what?

It is the unconscious memory that helps us understand how stuff works. Once one learns how to ride a bike, they can never forget it because it gets stored within the procedural memory. Procedural memory consists of using objects (including musical instruments), as well as movements of the body (such as typing).

Jersey Fled said...

But has anyone ever seen Biden walk down a ramp?

Or Inga, for that matter?

narciso said...

Well then

I'm Full of Soup said...


Homelander Anthony Starr was the lead in a great Cinemax tv series called Banshee. I don't know if it's available anywhere but I highly recommend it as a good sheriff change of pace show. It had 3 seasons.

Michael K said...

Inga is a bot. I am more and more convinced. Has anyone seen an intelligent comment that was not a DNC email?

Kai Akker said...

---Meanwhile temporary covid economic relief gets cut in half at best but could result in zero benefits going forward. [Gadfly]

It may look heroic to throw money at everything (as you first complained) but what's wrong with what Trump did is not its legality, about which I have no expertise, but its foolishness. We abandoned the idea of keeping a cushion for troubles so the extent of the helicopter money is a powerful push closer to federal bankruptcy.

There is probably no easy fix once the spanner hits the works. But the extent of our fiscal follies is going to become visible somewhere down the road and it is ugly. The adjustment is going to take years, years that will not offer much fun. The Augean stables.

Nichevo said...

walter said...
Keep focusing on the important distinctions, like bicycling acumen.
We're counting on

Bicycling acumen would seem more of a qualification to be president of China, don't you think? Inga, we're concerned about American Presidents here. That's one reason we like Trump, because he's American and proud of it.

madAsHell said...
Holy Fuck!! Biden is considering Michigan Governor Whitmer?

Wit less, Whitmer?

Hillary, and Obama broke the democrats. It's like a chicken without a head!!

Purely logical.

As former vice president for eight years, Biden is well aware of the function of a vice president. Namely, to be the President's pincushion.

Accordingly, being straight (unlike Obama; I'll give him that), his VP should be the hottest piece of ass he can get. Since we know he doesn't like Negroes, Whitmer is probably closest to his She-Wolf of the SS ideal.

It's good for him. Every time he thinks about bending her over the Resolute Desk, his brain function picks up a little. Just a little, but every little bit helps.

Jersey Fled said...

Maybe Sweden was right after all.

Gahrie said...

Isn't it Susan Rice whose son is President of the College Republicans at Stanford? Why hasn't she been asked about that?

She has. She says she loves him, and he loves her, despite their political differences. It is the only thing she has ever said or done that I approve of.

Inga said...

“ Your liberal god Roosevelt couldn't walk. I'm not looking for Jack Lalanne to be president (look him up), I want someone who is sentient.”

Gee Joe, I guess you forgot all the attacks on Hillary Clinton by Trump and his minions regarding her ability to physically handle being President. Hypocrite.

narciso said...

well you flatline the economy on the advise of wizard fauci, and this is where we find ourselves,

Bruce Hayden said...

“Inga is a bot. I am more and more convinced. Has anyone seen an intelligent comment that was not a DNC email?”

In her defense, as a human, she is the one troll that we had during the 2016 election, who stuck around. Moreover, she has a propensity for making it personal, at times (esp, I think, when she loses arguments). She went after me for my photo, after I made jokes about her kitten photo, and she has gone after you personally on a number of cases.

One of the reasons that I am fairly confident about the Presidential contest this year is that the Clinton campaign was far, far, more aggressive on line. Throughout the summer of 2016, we had DNC and Clinton funded trolls working this blog site in shifts, around the clock. You saw them elsewhere too - wherever moderates to conservatives would hang out. Just not really happening this year. Their silence is deafening. Last time, Trump and Kushner essentially won the election by narrow casting over the Internet. If the Dems really had their shit together, I would expect that they would be hitting this media hard. But so far, all I hear is crickets.

Joe Smith said...

"So, who is more physically fit, 74 year old Trump who has trouble descending a ramp, or 77 year old Biden who can ride a bike, even with a mask on?"

Good boy Joey...what a big boy you are...keep peddling...that's right. Such a special boy...mommy is so proud of you...tickle-tickle.

Joe Smith said...

Widdle joey forgot his helmet on his bike wide...

What's the worst that could happen...a concussion? Would it matter?

Kai Akker said...

Great article, Narciso.

"Well then"

The biggest risk to Trump is assassination. I saw that peculiar quote from him and listened to the clip (could it have been given on this site? don't recall) but I took it as at least halfway joking and he was saying it in the context of pharmaceutical distribution reform, and making enemies of some greedy middlemen in that business.

This article takes it more seriously and puts its meaning elsewhere. It is good to track down international criminals, even all the way to Wilmington, DE. But I'm going to give a financial point. The amounts we may be collecting in this quest, even at several billions, are so small compared to the trillion-dollar annual deficits we are running again, BEFORE including the emergency spending. How many years' of tax revenues have we consumed in our own credit binge? Perhaps someone will begin to consider that criminal. That is the argument that young people are funding Boomer affluence. It's simplistic but does have a kernel of truth.

The answer is: our stated federal debt is over 12 times our annual income taxes paid by individuals. Add the unfunded liabilities, including Social Security and Medicare, and it's over 70 years' worth of our income taxes. Those taxes are the single biggest source of funds for the federal government, about half our annual receipts. (They are merely one-third of the amount of money we spend.) That's three generations' worth of future income taxes we have taken, either spent already or committed to spending -- as though not one more penny were to be needed to fund defense and other social spending all through those decades.

Michael K said...

Gee Joe, I guess you forgot all the attacks on Hillary Clinton by Trump and his minions regarding her ability to physically handle being President. Hypocrite.

You mean passing out and having to be thrown into a van like a sack of potatoes?

No, I didn't forget that or her seizure over loud noises.

Francisco D said...

Michael K said...
Inga is a bot. I am more and more convinced. Has anyone seen an intelligent comment that was not a DNC email?

I doubt that. Her cognitive programming is too fucked up with emotion and moral vanity to be a bot.

She is a typical Democrat voter.

Humperdink said...

Just like FDR's wheelchair was kept from public viewing, so were Slo Joe's training wheels.

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

Inga, Trump thought Hillary appeared to have an illness.

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Conspiracy Truther Inga: "Gee Joe, I guess you forgot all the attacks on Hillary Clinton by Trump and his minions regarding her ability to physically handle being President."


Inga and her pals spent days and days telling us Hillary didn't need "help" getting in the SUV at all and it was all a conspiracy theory.

Then Inga and her pals spent days and days telling us Hillary only stumbled a little and got a little help into the SUV and that anything more was a conspiracy theory.

Then Inga and her pals spent days and days telling us that Hillary was only dehydrated and that anything more was a conspiracy theory.

Then Inga and her pals finally admitted that "coughing fit"-Hillary actually was under the weather and that's why she needed "help" and that anything more was a conspiracy theory.

Then Inga and her pals ignored the many many Hillary multiple day-length absences from the campaign trail and pretended those absences never happened at all and that any discussion of it was a conspiracy theory!

I think everyone can discern the pattern here.

Joe Smith said...

"Gee Joe, I guess you forgot all the attacks on Hillary Clinton by Trump and his minions regarding her ability to physically handle being President. Hypocrite."

Hillary's problems were twofold..she had some physical issues, but she was also an evil bitch from hell. I would have voted for satan before pulling the lever for Her.

Check out Twitter...a lot of folks ripping on Biden for the bike riding video, many of them showing monkeys doing just as good a job.

walter said...

Booger-Loos on the loose in Toe-Saw!:

According to a news release from Wauwatosa police:
The group of protesters began to vandalize his home around 8:05 p.m. Saturday.
Wauwatosa Police Officer Joseph Mensah
Wauwatosa Police Officer Joseph Mensah (Photo: Submitted)
"Officer Mensah attempted to establish a dialog with the group but was ultimately physically assaulted outside of his home."
"As Officer Mensah retreated into his home, armed protesters approached the rear door and a single shotgun round was discharged by a member of the group into Officer Mensah’s backdoor."
Several other departments were called to help disburse the crowd.
Investigators were still at the scene of the incident at 2:30 a.m. Sunday.

Michael K said...

Blogger Francisco D said...
Michael K said...
Inga is a bot. I am more and more convinced. Has anyone seen an intelligent comment that was not a DNC email?

I doubt that. Her cognitive programming is too fucked up with emotion and moral vanity to be a bot.

She is a typical Democrat voter.

Good point. I guess we would have to posit a defective bot.

walter said...

Did the prior Motley Crew training session suggest the ole Biden Shotgun approach?
"Attorney Kimberley Motley speaks during an event hosted by Indivisible Tosa and the Milwaukee chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America Aug. 6 in Hart Park in Wauwatosa. The purpose of the event was to educate protesters on their rights."

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