"If Jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes, the violence and the destruction, he would be very unpleased. So, I really asking and encouraging everyone in Wisconsin and abroad to take a moment and examine your hearts. Citizens, police officers, fireman, clergy, politicians, do Jacob justice on this level and examine your hearts. We need healing. As I pray for my son’s healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, I also have been praying even before this for the healing of our country. God has placed each and every one of us in this country because he wanted us to be here. Clearly, you can see by now that I have beautiful brown skin, but take a look at your hand and whatever shade it is, it is beautiful as well. How dare we hate what we are? We are humans. God did not make one type of tree or flower or fish or horse or grass or rock. How dare you ask him to make one type of human that looks just like you? I’m not talking to just Caucasian people, I am talking to everyone. White, black, Japanese, Chinese, red, brown, no one is superior to the other. No one is superior to the other. The only supreme being is God himself. Please let’s begin to pray for healing for our nation. We are the United States. Have we been united? Do you understand what’s going to happen when we fall? Because a house that is against each other can not stand. To all of the police officers, I’m praying for you and your families. To all of the citizens, my black and brown sisters and brothers, I’m praying for you. I believe that you are an intelligent being just like the rest of us. Everybody, let’s use our hearts, our love, and our intelligence to work together, to show the rest of the world how humans are supposed to treat each other. America is great when we behave greatly."
Said Julia Jackson, the mother of Jacob Blake.
ADDED: "Jacob Blake's mother tells Don Lemon she has 'the utmost respect' for Trump" (Washington Examiner)("I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country").
What Grace!! Will young white advocates for justice listen?
Two people were killed last night apparently during the looting.
I think Andy Ngo's Twitter has video of one of the people who was shot during the fiasco that the local government let happen. The man who was shot in that video probably was surprised that it wasn't corrupt police who shot him, but his fellow citizens defending something.
I think that should be a wake up call, but I'm afraid the wrong lesson is going to be taken away here.
Wise words fringe someone who is hurting, trying to rise above the madness, the anger. I hope her son heals and is restored to health.
That is really beautiful.
I keep getting news alerts that is family are long-time activists from Evanston, IL. So it's nice to hear her voice.
That is beautiful.
Best words spoken on the subject in many years. Get her on TV before the Dems kill her.
The people of Wisconsin should replace their Governor with this fine Christian woman.
Class!! She speaks the truth. The little Antifa crowd looks for any reason to loot and burn down cities. The sad thing is, this is their neighborhood. Now it's a shithole.
Lovely. She quotes Jesus because she knows He is the only hope and salvation for any people, in any time and in any place.
I have no idea what her politics are otherwise, and I'm an atheist, but could we get her on the presidential ballot? That's a great statement driven by great sentiment.
Every body, let’s use our hearts, our love, and our intelligence to work together, to show the rest of the world how humans are supposed to treat each other.
Here are a bunch of kids and women using their hearts, love, and intelligence to treat each other.
She spoke without notes. From the heart.
I'm not crying, you're crying.
And incidentally, when Lincoln used that line he was actually stealing from a speech that Sam Houston gave. Lincoln was a junior Senator at the time and Sam Houston gave a speech in Congress on the same issue that was so powerful that it was printed up and every member got a copy. And of course Sam Houston was quoting Jesus
What a great statement. It captures what so many of us are thinking but can't really say outloud.
Julia Jackson: "Everybody, let’s use our hearts, our love, and our intelligence to work together."
Rioters: "F**k you, b*tch! BURN IT DOWN!!!"
>>America is great when we behave greatly."
She sounds like Trump...must be a racist.
She is my answered prayer.
Watched another video of the attempted arrest of Jacob Blake. His speech sounded like he was drunk, and he admitted to drinking. The cop gave him a breathalizer test and it looked like he failed the test because the cop tried to handcuff him, but instead, Jacob Blake started to fight.
So, Gov Evers, you limp wristed son of a bitch, what should cops do in that situation? Let him run?
Can I do that, motherfucker?
Lovely sentiments.
No one is going to listen. She is wasting her breath. The Antifa and rioting criminals, just don't care.
At least he can't assault cops, commit domestic violence, or rape 14 year olds anymore.
Silver lining.
May God bless her and her family and give them the strength to endure this week. Her words are divinely inspired, beautiful, very American. What strength she has to say these powerful healing words with a freshly broken heart! What beauty in her compassion for her community. Please let those around her hear her words and understand them and act in accordance with her wishes. Blessed are the peacemakers and how much more so when such passion flows from the human breast in pain! Every person who has ever read this blog should be able to see and share this mother’s vision.
She's a beautiful woman. Brave, beautiful, with a brain AND a heart. A rarity these days. I wish people would hear her. But they won't.
"Jacob Blake's mom says violence doesn't reflect her son"
That's why he had an arrest warrant for committing violent crimes again.
"Blake's father described the shooting as a 'senseless attempted murder.'...
Blake suffered multiple injuries...said Patrick Salvi Jr., another family attorney...saying the family will file a civil lawsuit against the police department over the shooting".
I wonder which family attorney - don't we all have several? - wrote the mom's homily?
Nice sentiments, but mama should have taught her son to obey the law and follow police orders. He has a record and an outstanding felony warrant.
What a beautiful statement she made. She restored a bit of my faith in America. If she were the face and the voice of the BLM movement, this white person would sign up right away.
Just release teh cheese and be done with it...
Sam Houston was a Scots Irish leader. He spoke for his culture, now called being an American.
I'd be interested to learn how a mother like that ends up with a son like that.
"What Grace!! Will young white advocates for justice listen?"
No. Because they're not advocates for justice, they're political opportunists (and just plain old opportunists) who are using this environment as an excuse to loot, destroy, and attack the "bad people" they imagine everyone else to be.
It will be interesting to see how far the left is willing to go to tear the country apart.
Nothing will change
BLM/Antifa aims to topple the status quo through chaos
@whitney said...
Lovely. She quotes Jesus because she knows He is the only hope and salvation for any people, in any time and in any place.
@RMc said...
Julia Jackson: "Everybody, let’s use our hearts, our love, and our intelligence to work together."
Rioters: "F**k you, b*tch! BURN IT DOWN!!!"
BLM were shouting "FUCK JESUS!!" as they marched thru the streets
The way, the truth, and the life.
>>young white advocates for justice
That wins the prize for the most ridiculous description of looters and vandals. They are having fun, not protesting anything.
“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - Orwell
A beautiful testimony to the power of forgiveness in Christ. For, in Christ, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28. This woman is an inspiration. God bless her!!!
I agree with almost everything she says.
Unfortunately, however, it appears the violence and destruction does "reflect" Jacob Blake, Once again, a criminal with a long rap sheet resisted arrest and is now being held up as a black martyr. Blake apparently listened to his father, who is victimization politics, rather than the wise words of his mother.
The Left won't listen to her either. C'mon, nobody should hate their own skin color or hate anybody else for their skin color? That's BLM's whole reason for being.
I'd be interested to learn how a mother like that ends up with a son like that.
You need only look as far as the father.
Jacob should have listened to his mom, not the race hustlers.
True, exiled, but John was a voice crying in the wilderness and was heard by those who would hear.
"Two people were killed last night apparently during the looting."
This shit will stop when business owners and homeowners start (legally) shooting people dead.
A deep, cold winter can't come soon enough.
She does PR better than her husband.
Or should I have said better than Blake's father? I don't know if he is her husband.
She's a beautiful person.
She thinks it's about her son. It isn't, any more than it's about George Floyd.
Reading that brought tears to my eyes. In particular, the impassioned plea "take a look at your hand and whatever shade it is, it is beautiful as well. How dare we hate what we are?" cuts right to the heart of the present craziness on the streets, so much of which is based on self-loathing by unemployable White, liberal arts graduates.
Dare I say that she has articulated, in a more poetic form, the slogan "All Lives Matter"?
Heart wrenching and courageous. Yet the requests to abandon hate, to embrace love, and to accept our fellow man (figuratively speaking) are ignored by a loud and violent few. I'm not much of a Christian so wonder how long can the peace seeking among us turn the other cheek?
C'mon folks! This is page one of the Ben Crump playbook.
An extraordinary person. Cogent argument, well delivered, at time of extraordinary stress.
(Performs well under pressure; a rare and admirable quality. Would make a fine Mayor for Kenosha - but, no, politics is a sewer, might well be her ruination.)
What eloquent and deeply moving comments from a grieving mom. Her son was human, he mattered to her and all those who loved him and to his community and to people who recognize that Black lives matter too. It’s unfortunate that the armed “militia member” that killed two protestors and wounded another didn’t listen to her heartfelt calls to end the violence. It’s also unfortunate that that those with revenge as their top priority decided that they would ignore her appeals and continue the rioting.
Christianity is an impediment to the Left's MO and agenda
...so it must be eradicated
I denounce myself in advance for noticing and for mentioning it, but Jacob Blake is considerably lighter-skinned than both his mother, and the man identified as his father. Though there is a resemblance to Blake senior, one wishes for a good look at the mailman.
Too little, too late.
Dust in the wind
Inga- your copy and paste of leftwing media talking points is so typical of you.
People have a right to protect their property from asshole leftwing antifa terrorist Nazis who burn down homes and businesses.
Keep playing the boogaloo card, Inga. It's working really well for the Dems!
If I recall, George Floyd's family ALSO denounced the violence associated with him. If the people who know these two men best are saying knock it off, maybe, maybe the rioters should consider that perhaps they don't speak for these men?
No way lady. We gotta burn it all down because Crack feels like an outsider.
Do you know what transpired around the shooting?
Do you think the rioters should be left alone? That's what leads to citizens taking things into their own hands.
Kenosha initially asked for 750 Nat Guard. Evers sent 250. Kenosha now has asked for 1500 Nat Guard.
Evers is swinging in a hammock sawing logs.
The activists behind the "movement" likely dismiss her comments as the result of "false consciousness," so she can be ignored. Forward!
"Everybody, let’s use our hearts, our love, and our intelligence to work together."
A white guy walked into a black prayer group, shot nine black people, and they forgave him, and we STILL have to listen to this shit and put up with whites excuses.
That's infuriating enough to riot.
As Greta Thumberg said, "HOW DARE YOU."
Y'all's the least forgiving, easiest-condemning group of assholes to walk the planet. That's why America exists:
Nobody in England could stand you.
"Everybody, let’s use our hearts, our love, and our intelligence to work together, to show the rest of the world how humans are supposed to treat each other. America is great when we behave greatly."
Nicely sums up the anti-prog credo. Which is nice but also slightly beside the point: progs despise talk of love, do not intend to work together, are showing how the Other ought to be treated with violence and contempt, and deny that America was ever great.
That statement was simply beautiful. We could use more people this fine.
I want the protestors to visit Royal ass Inga's neighborhood so she can quit equivocating on the mostly peaceful Democratics who she pretends not to support.
This is what she supports.
The Democratics promise more of the same.
And I want them to have it.
A beautiful and true statement. I hope her point catches on and we back away from the precipice. But I'll keep my shotgun handy.
good for her; unfortunately the people who make it impossible to intelligently collaborate these days are white religious fanatics.
i don't think her son (a grown man who statutory-raped 14 year old per felony conviction, misc other domestic abuse/disorderly convictions) needed to die. it's sad that he did.
he did effectively kill himself but i don't think he would have without the religious-revival climate created by insane anti-cop feeling
Maybe we wouldn't be in this mess if she did a better job of raising her kid.
Her son should have followed the advice of Chris Rock.
Comments are moderated. Always. Too bad, but that's the way it goes. You'll have to wait to see your comments published. There's no viewpoint moderation. We just need to exclude a few trolls.
Thank you.
Crack Emcee: "A white guy walked into a black prayer group, shot nine black people, and they forgave him, and we STILL have to listen to this shit and put up with whites excuses.
That's infuriating enough to riot."
Well, where are you then?
Why aren't you participating?
Oh, that's right. Doing stuff ain't your thing.
Carry on.
Crack Emcee: "As Greta Thumberg said, "HOW DARE YOU."'
Crack finally finds his intellectual equal.
Here's a video of a Crack Emcee-like fella in action:
“ 8/26/20, 10:07 AM
Blogger Inga said...
It’s unfortunate that the armed ‘militia member’ that killed two protestors and wounded another didn’t listen to her heartfelt calls to end the violence.“
It’s unfortunate that the armed ‘violent rioters’ that were killed and wounded didn’t listen to her heartfelt calls to end the violence.
Do you think the rioters really wish cops didn't shoot any more Black men? What would they do with their time if it stopped? I think some of them they actually enjoy finding out it happened again.
It will not stop happening, cannot stop happening unless Black men stop resisting armed men charged with maintaining the peace and enforcing the law. Nobody that responds to police correctly and peacefully gets shot. That goes for armed citizens as well, as in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Don't assault armed men, or anyone for that matter. You can't expect them to just let you do that without protecting themselves, just like you would if they attacked or threatened you. These shootings are not a result of racism or police brutality, it's simple stupidity, sometimes drug induced, but always stupidity.
These rioters need to learn that just because you bring the violence doesn't mean you control the violence. It has a mind of it's own, and it doesn't care who is right or who is wrong.
"Blogger Inga said...
It’s unfortunate that the armed ‘militia member’ that killed two protestors and wounded another didn’t listen to her heartfelt calls to end the violence.“
It unfortunate that you and those like you didn't have the wisdom, intelligence, or even just compassion to realize where this was headed right from the beginning when you thought it was all cool and righteous.
"A white guy walked into a black prayer group, shot nine black people,"
And since then thousands of Blacks have been shot overwhelmingly by Black men. Maybe you forgive a little too much based on skin color alone.
"Nobody in England could stand you."
Actually I've never been to England. Have you been to Africa where Africans sold your ancestors into slavery? Africans weren't too fond of you either. We're all just deplorable castoffs stuck together, so don't get too high and mighty with yourself. We know your roots too.
Dylan Root originally planned to shoot up a nearby college in Charleston but changed his mind when he learned they had armed security guards. The church was his second choice target, not because they were black, but because they had no armed protection. Yes, although he had black drinking buddies, he had racist ideas, but he would have been just as pleased to kill white people.
Please stop trying to make this political and to score points for your "side". In your own little way, you're doing what led to this mother's son being shot.
You know who you are.
Y'all's the least forgiving, easiest-condemning group of assholes to walk the planet. That's why America exists:
Nobody in England could stand you.
That's why blacks in America exist:
Nobody in Africa could stand you.
If y'all's ancestors hadn't been LUCKY enough to be bought by outsiders who, however wrongly, thought you might be worth something, you'd have been killed and eaten.
But you would've been killed and eaten at home, so you think you have beef.
Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog TWEET:
"Jacob Blake was going for a weapon in the floorboard of his car, DOJ confirms. We're done here. Completely justified shooting. The man had a death wish and is lucky to be alive today. If you're turning this man into a martyr, youre a moron and a liar and beneath contempt. Period."
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