"... and the Minnesota congresswoman faces the stiffest challenge of any member of the Squad.... Bankrolled by pro-Israel donors, Antone Melton-Meaux has spent more than twice as much as Omar on television ads, and outside groups have kicked in to increase his advantage.... Omar drew the ire of pro-Israel leaders this year when she made comments that many of them have deemed anti-Semitic. She tweeted once that Israel had 'hypnotized the world' and said that U.S. lawmakers supportive of Israel had a dual allegiance to that country and their own. Progressive groups, who spent big to help Tlaib in her primary last week, have not done much to back up Omar. The congresswoman’s internal polling from early July showed her with a big lead — but some operatives in the party fear this primary will be much closer than Tlaib’s...."
Politico reports.
Fill in the blank:
Ilhan Omar is to islam as pigs are to....
It's sad really, watching what this country does to Somali muslim immigrants and their principles. They come from thousands of miles away, land in Minnesota, and start cheating on their brother-husbands while their families hesitate to cut of the wife's head.
What's the world coming too! I for one would love to see a little more principle for once. Especially the head-chopping part.
Bad for USA? Who cares. Bad for Israel? OMG. Must be destroyed.
Minnesota has gone downhill since npr excommunicated Garrison Keillor or because he was there in the first place.
Deeply corrupt,dishonest, bigot, married her brother to cheat immigration rules. Meet America’s ruling class. Meet the new face of the Democrat Party.
"Bankrolled by pro-Israel donors...."
What are they trying to get at, here? It's too subtle for me. I think they will just have to come out and say it.
Like the people in Omar's district care about anti-Semitism. Or corruption. Gimmee a break.
IT reminds me of Corbyn. Nobody in the Labour party cared that Corbyn wanted to destroy the UK as it is with open borders mass immigration. Or hated his own country. Or praised the IRA terrorists who tried to kill Thatcher, and did kill British soldiers.
Instead, they were all worked up about "Antisemitism" in the Labour party. Nothing was more hilarious than seeing these Left-wing,lying smear merchants in the Labour party lie/smear each other as antisemites because they didn't support Israel enough. "You're an antisemite!" "No, I love Israel more than You!" "Balls, you're an antisemite". It was comedy gold.
I wonder why Politico is doing a "[partisans] pounce"-type story on Omar.
It's really tough to defeat a Democrat incumbent on a primary since the party blackballs any group that helps them.
This speaks volumes about the Neo-Democrats. Socialist, crass and stupid.
I don't think she's such a bad person. You see this kind of thing all the time in any Middle East forum: people from over there who imbibed hatred of Israel and its Jews with their mother's milk. Just taking that stuff for granted. Most of her earlier comments reflected that kind of background.
But bad person or not, we don't usually elect antisemitic haters of Israel to Congress. Till recently.
The black, woman Seattle Police Chief resigned after having her salary cut.
This is civil war.
Deemed anti-Semitic? The only way those comments could be any more anti-Semitic is if she grew a funny little mustache.
No comments on ALLLLLLL of Omar's scandals and lies and conflicts of interest?
You can take the girl out of the Mogadishu, but you can't take the Mogadishu out of the girl.
So they’re not denouncing her, just not fully supporting her?
How does that go again: you can’t be pro-Semite? You can only be anti-Semite or anti-anti-Semite?
Once again the Dems trip over their own rulebook.
The article makes a lot of noise about Israel, but the fact of the matter is, Omar has 5 problems:
1. Her fraud cover stories are fraying
2. Her district is home to a large percentage of progressive Jews, who have buyers remorse after their feel good vote in 2018
3. The Somali community hs had it with a woman who kept touting her faith tradition marriage and turns out to be an adulterer, who got married by Christians twice. Embarrassing
4. The district is majority black. The challenger is appealing
5. she seems more about pimping Omar than helping fix issues of concern to the voters
The fact that the Star Tribune, which has covered up most of Omar's
indiscretions," endorsed her rival was surprising. The Democrat party bosses in Minneapolis seem to be looking for a graceful way to part company.
"Omar drew the ire of pro-Israel leaders this year when she made comments that many of them have deemed anti-Semitic. She tweeted once that Israel had 'hypnotized the world' and said that U.S. lawmakers supportive of Israel had a dual allegiance to that country and their own. "
It's amazing how Politico switches back and forth between "this is racist" (by someone they don't like) to "some say this is racist" when it's someone they do like.
Ah, the utter dishonesty of the Left
David Steinberg dropped more evidence yesterday that Ilhan's father was Nur Said Elmi Mohamed (not a member of the Omar family as claimed on their immigration documents).
That would also mean her original name was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi and her first legal husband Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is almost certainly her biological brother, but the day before the election is probably too late to be getting that out.
Omar is certainly more of an accomplished grifter than the other squadtards. Immigration fraud, marrying one's brother, then stealing another woman's husband, then funneling a million or so in campaign funds to the new husband would likely embarrass a Mogadishu warlord, but apparently not the Democrats. Still, Minnesota deserves her.
Omar is stunningly corrupt. People are too afraid to look anti Muslim to really hit it hard. Plus, she's pretty and a good soundbite.
So it’s only Israel that thinks her remarks are anti-Semitic. Thanks Politico.
but some operatives in the party fear this primary will be much closer than Tlaib’s....
Shorter Article: Party operatives fear Omar could be replaced by another leftist who doesn't hate Jews.
Some people did something. I'll remember that phrase when I think of Ilhan Omar. And frankly I hope some people do something to her political career and return her to civilian life.
Plus, Powerline blog has linked to the definitive proof that Ilhan Omar Nur has been lying all along, and did marry her brother to defraud the student loan system. There's also all of the other fraudulent forms she signed over the years. But hey, we just need to understand that in some cultures it's okay to marry your gay brother if you need the money.
Whoops, left out the link:
Flashback to 2018:
Keillor: Liberals elected Omar to 'feel better about themselves' (Minnesota Public Radio News)
Unless attitudes have changed in her district, the status quo will prevail.
Rancida Tilapia... no!
She’s the most corrupt and ungrateful of that bunch.
Why isn't the Somalian 'see you next Tuesday' in jail on bigamy and immigration fraud charges at the very least?
Our 'justice' system is broken...burn it all down.
Summary: 2 out of 3 of LLR-lefty Chuck's favorite marxist democrat congresspersons have won their party primary and now the LLR's are going to work overtime to get the 3rd over the line.
We will see if the Ilhan Omar, she of the Somali warlord family and who married her brother for the purposes of committing immigration fraud, can pull it off.
The difference is now Omar's district looks like Mogadishu, and her constituents have to live in it while she lives in Luxury in D.C. making herself a millionaire off campaign donations.
Make Minneapolis Mogadishu Again!
Just to be clear, she is BOTH Anti-Israel (a legitimate foreign policy preference - one I disagree with, but it shouldn't be beyond the pale, so to speak), AND Anti-Semitic (which is usually considered to be pretty loathsome, unless you are a Black Democrat like Louis Farrakhan or Reverend Jeremiah Wright).
They are not the same thing, and shouldn't be conflated. But of course the MSM does it so as to muddy the waters and protect Dems.
Those people represent their districts quite well.
Their districts are shithole districts.
They are also bad for the country.
Their policies lead to civil war or serfdom.
Choose wisely.
MadTownGuy, was that GARRISON Keillor who said that thing about "liberals" electing Omar to "feel better about themselves"? If so, glad to hear "the Old Scout" has developed some common sense about some things since being forced into retirement.
Nancy Pelosi, as well as many Democratic leaders, endorsed Omar in this primary. Think about that. The Speaker of the House wants an unapologetic anti-Semite to continue to serve in Congress. This isn't even a matter of keeping the seat in Democratic hands, as it is a primary, not a general election.
Politico wants to make it seem that opposition to Omar is based on her views about Israel. However, what Politico and Pelosi are really saying is that Omar's anti-Semitism is not a big deal because she makes no distinction between Jews and Israel.
How any person who believes that prejudice is bad can vote Democratic in 2020 is beyond me.
I live in Minnesota. Melton-Meaux would be a reliable rubber stamp Democrat for the next 20-25 years and would keep a low profile. The professional Democrats had to officially oppose his candidacy, but they are secretly hoping he wins today. Omar is too much of a loose cannon for the professional Democrats, but it's not clear the professional Democrats have any real control of the party any more.
to my thinking
black lives matter : all lives matter :: antiSemeitic : antiAmerican
It was cute when these three were freshmen. They'll be part of the furniture now. The part that starts to get their way...
Once upon a time, Minnesota was notable for its low level of corruption. Then came identity politics.
Bad for USA? Who cares. Bad for Israel? OMG. Must be destroyed.
Looks that way in the media, but speaking only for myself, the fact that she’s bad for the US is far worse (and a far better reason for hoping she loses) than the fact that she’s bad for Israel.
She is a third world type in a third world party devoted to brining the third world to America.
"she made comments that many of them have deemed anti-Semitic"
Omar (D-Minn.), one of the group’s four liberal women of color who were first elected in 2018
How is Rashida Tlaib a woman of color? Middle Easterners are white. In researching this I see now that under pressure, the census has decided to include "Middle Eastern or North African descent," as an option under "race." So I guess that means Jews (especially Sephardic Jews) are also "people of color" now?
Tlaib won her primary easily. 2 to 1. 66% to 33%. It was surprisingly easy, since her primary opponent was a credible challenger; Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones, who held the Congressional seat herself briefly in the last weeks of John Conyers’ term following his resignation.
Kevin said...
but some operatives in the party fear this primary will be much closer than Tlaib’s....
Shorter Article: Party operatives fear Omar could be replaced by another leftist who doesn't hate Jews.
8/11/20, 10:43 AM
Even shorter article: DNC: Need to print more votes...
OMG! Omar's antisemitic statements have been deemed antisemitic. How unfair.
And how the hell did that air-head AOC clear her primary? She is just about the dumbest SOB on the hill right now and THAT is saying something! Every time she opens her pie-hole she demonstrates what a crappy higher-ed system we have in this country. How in the hell did she earn a major in econ? Did she have something on her Profs? I have had conversations with 6 year olds that understood more about economics than she does. Every time she opens her mouth she demonstrates that the American dream is alive and well, that someone so incredibly inept and stupid can raise so high gives hopes to millions but why o why does the entire country have to suffer for this?
Although it is usual, I would like to argue that Omar does not represent Minnesota. Not even close. The vast majority of Minnesotans remain the polite, stalwart, hard working people they have always been. Omar represent a small district in Minneapolis which houses a large number of apparently unassimilated immigrants and a large number of irrational liberals.
So Alexandra Octavio-Cortez is now a "survivor"?
>>Middle Eastern or North African descent," as an option under "race."
So, those of us with Sicilian blood can start claiming we are "North African descent", as many Sicilian families have ancestors from Libya.
"She tweeted once that Israel had 'hypnotized the world' and said that U.S. lawmakers supportive of Israel had a dual allegiance to that country and their own."
US Aid to Israel - 3.1 billion Population - 9.2 million
US aid to Somalia - 740 million Population - 15.9 million
Huh. I wonder who voted for that.
Ilhan Omar, otherwise known as Bro-Fo.
“Almost certainly, Rep. Omar fraudulently married her brother, a British citizen, in the service of immigration fraud, education fraud, and federal student loan fraud.”
AOC has a problem with politicking and endangering children and Americans at the border. Omar is an overt, unrepentant diversitist.
MayBee said...
Omar is stunningly corrupt.
Democrats and left wingers don't think of stealing from government as corruption or fraud. They think restrictions on benefits are illegitimate and thus any corruption is in fact using the program as it should have been designed to begin with. It's very similar to today's mantra that looting is reparations. As long as the right people (i.e, Dem constituencies) end up with the money the process can't be wrong.
I think she's lost the Somali vote - it is a religious, conservative community, after all, and they're rather appalled at her carryings-on - but then that was never the bulk of her support.
Her support came from the woke white liberal women who have taken over politics in the Twin Cities.
Yeah, some, select Black Lives Matter.
I think she's lost the Somali vote
Then there is cause to be optimistic.
Her support came from the woke white liberal women
A diversity trifecta of woke, drowsy, and divergent. Women or feminists?
And how the hell did that air-head AOC clear her primary? She is just about the dumbest SOB on the hill right now and THAT is saying something! Every time she opens her pie-hole she demonstrates what a crappy higher-ed system we have in this country. How in the hell did she earn a major in econ? Did she have something on her Profs? I have had conversations with 6 year olds that understood more about economics than she does. Every time she opens her mouth she demonstrates that the American dream is alive and well, that someone so incredibly inept and stupid can raise so high gives hopes to millions but why o why does the entire country have to suffer for this?
Her mouth. She had her mouth on her perfessers
Will Roy be Right?
Australian ABC says it's Kamala Harris. Breaking news, right after 4 mysterious covid cases in New Zealand after it had been eliminated for 102 days.
Since discovering that I am 1% black, I'm going to push my POC status to its limits. ;-) Instead of checking 'white' or 'caucasian', I will always check 'mixed' or its equivalent. If I answer polls [which I never do but might do now] I'll give my race as mixed. Hell, I might even say 'black'. After all, what is the cutoff percentage, anyway? There was a golfer in the PGA Championship that was as white as I am but they went to great lengths to explain that he is 'African-American'. Let's all place the race card, shall we? Maybe by doing so we'll show just how silly the whole race distinction thing is.
mockturtle said...
Since discovering that I am 1% black,
go with the "one drop rule"
Liz Warren parleyed that into the Senate
Bilwick said...
"MadTownGuy, was that GARRISON Keillor who said that thing about "liberals" electing Omar to "feel better about themselves"? If so, glad to hear "the Old Scout" has developed some common sense about some things since being forced into retirement."
Yes, it was, back when she was first elected to the House. I don't lay it to common sense, though; more like stopped-clock sense.
Bilwick said...
"MadTownGuy, was that GARRISON Keillor who said that thing about "liberals" electing Omar to "feel better about themselves"? If so, glad to hear "the Old Scout" has developed some common sense about some things since being forced into retirement."
Yes, it was, back when she was first elected to the House. I don't lay it to common sense, though; more like stopped-clock sense.
MadTownGuy said...
Flashback to 2018:
Keillor: Liberals elected Omar to 'feel better about themselves' (Minnesota Public Radio News)
who do you think Keillor voted for?
If comments here are moderated, why so many double-posts?
mockturtle said...
Since discovering that I am 1% black, I'm going to push my POC status to its limits. ;-) Instead of checking 'white' or 'caucasian', I will always check 'mixed' or its equivalent. If I answer polls [which I never do but might do now] I'll give my race as mixed. Hell, I might even say 'black
my ancestors ALL came from Africa.
i was born in Iowa, as were my parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents and greatgreatgrandparents
their parents came from new york, germany, norway, and scotland
those peoples parents came from germany, norway, and scotland
those peoples parents came from germany, norway, and scotland
those peoples parents came from germany, norway, and scotland
those peoples parents came from germany, norway, and scotland
those peoples parents came from germany, norway, and scotland
but When you go back Far enough; they came through asia minor, FROM Africa
if you go back a ways (about 1 million years, or so)
EVERY SINGLE ONE of my Ancestors were living in Africa
bobby said...
Her support came from the woke white liberal women who have taken over politics in the Twin Cities.
the woke white liberal women who have taken over politics EVERYWHERE
Gilbar, it is true that we all share a common female ancestor, via mitochondrial DNA.
This is not about politics.
It is not about winning and losing a contest.
These idiots represent a threat to the Republic.
And that is bad for everybody who doesn't want a hot shooting war.
Sadly, the evil bitch won
Internal polls get it right. Cruises to nomination.
Apparently she made it handily. Nice work, MN-5.
Democrats are scum. No exceptions.
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