I notice that she is just video taping a lot, so I am like Kate can you check on your friend like whats going on? Turns out.. she thought that the UK flag we have hanging in our living room was a confederate flag. And she was getting "Evidence against us." When she found out that it wasn't everyone just acted like it was a huge joke....Typos in the original.
August 29, 2020
"AITA for kicking this girl out of my house after she mistook my UK flag for a confedrate flag? And was planning to get us fired from our jobs?"
A discussion at r/AmItheAsshole.
The Red Guards in China in the 1970's were high school and college students. By force of law, they entered people's homes and took careful note of their possessions, e.g., books, expensive porcelains, evidence of unauthorized visitors to report to the Committee. Unacceptable possessions would result in being dragged before the People's Committee for verbal and physical beatings. Unless the victim was publicly repentant of his/her 'counterrevolutionary' behavior, he/she was imprisoned. This nightmare is just getting started here but be assured it does have a foothold.
No. You are not the asshole. You are only an asshole if you ever had sex with her.
The party of science. The educated party. Right?
With friends that are malicious informant collaborators, who needs friends?
The question the other day was -- was it deliberate?
Yeah, this was intentional. This informant was not cowed into doing this out of personal fear. She is an active agent of authoritarian thuggery.
No, you are not the asshole in this situation. The ignorant bitch who was trying to get you fired because of something on your wall at home is the asshole. It doesn't matter that she was ignorant enough to think your UK flag was a Confederate flag. She would have been the asshole even if it was the Confederate flag. Now you seem to think it matters if the flag was the Confederate one or not, which would make you an asshole too.
Sorry, bud. First check the hot-crazy matrix. Then, add your own right-left matrix. Remember: left = trouble. The personal is political: believe it.
Ignorant and a fascist. Priceless.
Welcome to the club. A Michigan B&B flying the Norwegian flag was almost cancelled for the same thing. Knowledge in inverse proportion to sense of self-righteousness.
"Then in flies a guy who's all dressed up just like a Union Jack
And says, 'I've won five pounds if I have his kind of detergent pack'"
Maybe it was the detergent.
When I'm invited into someone's home; I always look for a reason to destroy their lives, doesn't everyone? If you don't, you may be the asshole.
No, lady, you are the bloody hero. Maybe you can't put two in Pavel Morozov's head, but you can show him (or her) the door.
The left are all losing their RACIST minds. They can't get the word and the actions out of their TDS heads.
This nightmare is just getting started here but be assured it does have a foothold.
I'm not sure. Wait until they get to conservative neighborhoods.
Speaking of ignorance and irrational exuberance colliding, did you notice slow Joe put out a Plan to Beat COVID? It is printed in super tiny font a very small bottle so no one can actually read the plan. But the really interesting part is Joe selling it as protection against the virus, but the contents are an anti-bacterial, not an anti-viral agent. IT WON’T STOP the virus just Joe won’t.
So, having a confederate flag is now Verboten? Why, is the Confederacy making a comeback? BTW, in East Germany and the USSR a certain of woman reveled in power of denouncing their friends, co-workers, acquiescence to the Secret Police. One woman during the Stalinist terror was responsible for over 100 people being sent off to the Gulags or shot, before the NKVD decided she was slightly "unbalanced".
Here’s a google link to the image of a bottle of Joe’s anti-bacterial “virus” killer ha ha ha.
The Confederate flag has been carried into battle in WW 1, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Iraq war. Southerners were carrying it when they landed on Omaha Beach and it was raised over Shuri Castle. Maybe all those "racists" should have stayed home during WW 2, and left Europe to the Nazis.
When even the NYTs has reported the kid with the rifle may have had a self defense claim....
There will be escalations until a bunch of BLM/Antifa guys get shot. A couple of months ago I'd have said until the left sees this is counter productive. No more. The tiger is loose and won't return to the cage.
And, it is to laugh, that the left is trying to promote the concept that the riots are Trump's fault. Yeah, sure, just like Portland will become peaceful when Trump pulls the Federal cops....
here's a fun thought experiment!
replace confederate flag, with Soviet* flag... Still okay to destroy the person for flying it?
replace Soviet* flag, with a Red China** flag... Still okay to destroy the person for flying it?
Seriously; i'm So Old, i can remember back when the left 'claimed' to be about
free speech
peace love and understanding
Soviet* Joe Stalin killed and/or enslaved more people than Jeff Davis ever did
Red China** killed and/or enslaved more people than Joe Stalin and Jeff Davis put together
There's a market for informants; here in Minnesota, our governor and attorney general want people to report restaurateurs outside the metro who don't enforce mask mandates with sufficient zeal. And there's always blue-check glory for those who behave as this woman did. Given the incentives, plenty of people are eager to get their East German on.
Our yoots are soooo stupid. I'm afraid for this country after I'm gone. I'm afraid for my grandkids because the actual history of this country is already lost. The reason we were the goal of millions of people from all over the world, people of all colors, genders, religions is at the core of our founding. It is not that all humans here were perfect in their beliefs or actions. It is that here, you had the chance to do it right, to be great, or to just be you. Life is still hard, but here you had the chance to make your own way.
Now we have a generation all to ready and proud to turn in their neighbor, their friend, their family for 'wrongthing'. Mao and Stalin would be proud.
Seriously; i'm So Old, i can remember back when the left 'claimed' to be about
free speech
peace love and understanding
'Claimed' is the operative term here. They have never, ever been about any of the above.
I surmise she thought it was the Battle Flag of the Army of the Potomac, and not the actual flag of the Confederacy, which looks like this.
For some reason, the Confederacy had 3 different flags over 5 years.
What's depressing are the answers to that AITA thread. I read a few dozen. Not ONE of them focused on the fact that the party-guest was preparing to take a flame-thrower to the lives of the three people who lived in that house. Seriously, with that SJW mindset, why wouldn't the guest feel completely entitled to set the flag, and their house, on fire? That would actually be less damaging to the three renters than her plan to contact their employers and "out" them as "racists" on social media. You can come back from a severe financial loss but you can never recover from being branded a racist on social media.
I agree with mockturtle.
The Union Jack will soon go the way of the Confederate Flag. Nowadays the proper way to show respect for our national anthem is by taking a knee. You venerate the American flag more by burning it than waving it.....I'm glad she recorded this man. At a future date, he can be held accountable.
The root cause of course is our generally shitty national educational system. Confusing the flags of our 1776 and 1812 opponents, now our greatest ally with that of our great national insurrection is sadly unsurprising. I wonder what percentage of US hs grads can reliably point to the US on an unlabeled map.
I heard Jonathon Haidt on Joe Rogan. He talked about cancel culture being an unhealthy prestige economy.
An example of a healthy prestige economy would be where you study and work hard and you get into a really good college. You paid the price and you gained the prestige conferred by being associated with that school.
Haidt compared cancel culture to a tribe of headhunters where prestige within the group is gained by taking a head. It's unhealthy because somebody else pays the price for your prestige.
rcocean said,
BTW, in East Germany and the USSR a certain of woman reveled in power of denouncing their friends, co-workers, acquiescence to the Secret Police.
Do the Germans have a word for "Karen"?
Temujin: "wrongthing."
Sometimes a typo is le mot juste, since we are literally talking about reporting a thing, the presumed "confederate" flag, that didn't need to correlate to any particular thought in order to cancel the person.
Thank you, Ann. Some comments at the link made me laugh out loud
If you invite a headhunter to your parties, sooner or later she'll take a head. If it's not yours it will be one of your friends.
Kick her out. Don't ever bring her back.
leftist grrrls are dumb.
Meanwhile in the UK -
"Man called racist because he’s got a Union Flag doormat"
"He supports the Remain-backing Green Party, he voted to stay in the European Union and he has an Italian boyfriend"
I guess The Man Called Racist can't be a racist what with the environ-mentalism and homostuff.
Heh. The U of Kentucky flag looks NOTHING like "the" Confederate flag.
But seriously. The state university library I retired from has been getting emails and calls from someone out of state, demanding that it remove books by a particular person (who I will stipulate is a racist)--or face consequences.
No, the racist isn't Hitler, or Jeff Davis, whose books we also have
Similarly a bed and breakfast in the northern US (Michigan?) recently took down a Norwegian flag because the wokesters thought it was a confederate flag.
The underlying problem is these people believe the universe of knowledge is limited to why everything they oppose is racist. The combination of ignorance, certainty, and self-righteousness results in their blindly stumbling through life unable to understand their environment.
The party of science. The educated party. Right?
Twilight Fringe, Pro-Choice quasi-religion ("ethics"), liberal ideology, politically congruent constructs, and progress (i.e. monotonic [unqualified] change): one step forward, two steps backward. #PrinciplesMatter
Big Mike said...
No. You are not the asshole. You are only an asshole if you ever had sex with her.
Not an asshole.
Just stupid.
She is guaranteed to charge you with rape at some point.
That is how leftist women get ahead now.
To me the Confederate flag was one of the great things about America: That, after the costliest struggle in American history, we could come together as one people.
The Confederate flag represented redemption and reconciliation to me. I loved seeing black folk displaying the flag for all the same reasons. It made me proud to see them forgiving the sins of the past and embracing a new, common future together.
I believe that many people shared the same view.
That changed as the Gramscian march through academia took hold and started poisoning the well of forgiveness that was so uniquely American.
Oh, one other thing... every time I see that flag I am also reminded that their side lost. That's not a bad thing.
No, I am not a southerner.
It’s a funny story, but it doesn’t sound believable. Not that I don’t think something like this is possible. I just don’t buy this account.
The girl is telling her side on another thread called r/AmItheDumbCunt
back in '92, a (Somali) friend came over to my house to drink beer and get high (yes, he was 'Moslem' ). While passing the bong, he looked at my desk; and said:
"I can't believe you'd have that flag, i didn't think you were the sort"
which confused me, as the flag he was pointing to, was a Norwegian flag.
when i figured out that He thought it was a confederate battle flag, i
a) laughed at him,
and proudly told him that "my folk" fought in the Army of The Tennessee*, NOT The army of tennessee
b) cut him some slack, 'cause, as a foreign student from Somalia; he didn't know flags
PROTIP: if a flag don't have stars, it's Not a confederate flag
the Army of The Tennessee* three of my great great grandfathers FOUGHT for civil rights
That was a serious breach of hospitality by the guest. Is it OK to say the girl made a dick move--not in the right way?
Averell Harriman showed Sally Quinn, at the time Ben Bradlee's mistress, the door when she refused to leave the room with his wife when the ladies separated after dinner. Bradlee let her walk home alone, according to her. I wonder if she stuck pins in a doll over either act.
Welcome to the new world. EVERYTHING is now political.
Sports? Political.
Food? Political.
Medicine: Political
Hurricanes: Political
Your job: Political
Riots: Political
Trump once said PC is killing our country. The riots are proof he is correct.
'Claimed' is the operative term here.
'Claimed' is the wrong tense. They still claim to be the party of free speech and tolerance. It's just that 'hate speech' isn't covered under free speech and racists don't deserve tolerance.
The Norwegian flag was mistaken for something evil in Seattle - TWO years ago:
This happens so often I am surprised Norway hasn't come out with a PSA specifically aimed at US citizens.
What I noticed from the comments over at AITA are a good number of folks decrying American ignorance at mistaking the British Flag from the Confederate Flag.
I decry their ignorance. The issue is not which flag was on the wall, but that a person should be fired from their job for having any flag displayed withing their home. The second issue is with the prejudice of what I assume were non-American commenters. Yes, let's judge the US school system and Americans in general based on the single data point of a very stupid woman.
Our cosmopolitan betters at their best.
"I threw a party where I had baked two beautiful pecan pies. A friend of a guest started rummaging through the trash. I later saw him rummaging through the garbage can outside. Being a good host, I said nothing at the time, but later asked the friend what was up with the dumpster diving. The friend said that her date thought I had purchased the pies from a professional bakery and was going out me at the party, but couldn't find any evidence and just sulked the entire ride home. I told the friend to never bring this guy to my home again. I have now lost the friend. I have also started receiving e-mails on a regular basis from the pseudo-homeless dumpster diver that contains hundreds of pictures of commercially prepared pecan pies."
However, now in the UK, the Union Jack is considered racist by some, because it consists of overlayed Crosses of St George, St Andrew, and St Patrick.
Known Unknown said: I surmise she thought it was the Battle Flag of the Army of the Potomac, and not the actual flag of the Confederacy, which looks like this.
The Army of the Potomac was the Union Army, of course.
Imagine if nobody was wise to her and she went ahead and tried to get them canceled or fired with that "evidence".
Ignorant and an asshole.
The stupid just seem to glom onto everything and gum up all the works.
We need a big fucking war to thin their goddamn ranks out.
That changed as the Gramscian march through academia took hold and started poisoning the well of forgiveness that was so uniquely American.
Right. The left is so enlightened they're seeking revenge for a war 150 years past because people at the time weren't retributive enough for their taste.
We mock Muslims who still bitch about the crusades approaching a thousand years later, it's no wonder the left allies with those numbnuts.
Yes, let's judge the US school system and Americans in general based on the single data point of a very stupid woman.
As a matter of fact, we should and we do (if by “Americans” you mean American Millennials and Gen-Z).
Per Dan the Man @ 12:36, you are so right. No topic is safe in 'mixed' company. It used to be that my leftist sister and I could converse on such previously benign topics as sports and the weather but no more.
The Norwegian flag will become the next Pepe the Frog or Hawaiian shirt. Some moron will claim that white supremacists are flying it instead of the Confederate flag as a dog whistle.
Yancey: Yikes.
Oh, no! Not pecan pies again!!!!
As for rummaging through the trash, if an eclair is on the top of the trash in the bin, especially if still on the paper, it is OK to eat.
Everything I know about life I learned from Seinfeld.
John Henry
This was my favorite reply:
B_L_E_E_P Partassipant [2]29 points · 22 hours ago
I for one, as an American, would be FURIOUS if I found out one of my friends was a dirty loyalist!
Small point, the Army of the Potomac was the federal army and carried the U.S. What is commonly known as the Rebel Flag is from the Army of Northern Virginia, the bad guys.
Now I'm going to take down the Lion Rampant flag and hoist the Union Jack.
The friend said that her date thought I had purchased the pies from a professional bakery
Some people think you need to be a professionally-trained chef to boil water.
Meanwhile, in my experience, the professional bakery pies -- including the elite trendy places -- taste no better, and in some cases not as good, as someone's homemade.
Back when people had grandmothers, they uniformly taught people how to make such things.
Uh oh--Confederates and Nazis brazenly brazenly flying their flags together
(Maybe the link will work now)
There was a story recently about some B&B up in Michigan or someplace up north that had Norwegian flags, and took them down because idiots were confusing them for Confederate flags. Honest to God.
Lotsa confusion here.
Known Unk-- the Army of the Potomac was the Union force; you meant the A of Northern Virginia. (ACWABAWS rule of thumb: USA--armies named for rivers; CSA--armies named for regions.)
Goetz-- I am a lifelong white Southerner and have never seen Black people proudly flying CS flags (except publicity-hound fools that are easily found online). Where and when did your heartwarming experiences take place? Certainly, CS symbology was everywhere around here until about the late 70s, but not in the minority 'hoods.
It's just a fact that the reconciliation of North and South was a White Thang, and that Black Americans were not consulted on what it meant for them. Nina Silber's The Romance of Reunion is good on this--the reconciliation came at the very time Jim Crow was being deployed in full force.
Vexilla can be vexing
We mock Muslims who still bitch about the crusades approaching a thousand years later,
The Crusades were defensive wars, fought to prevent/slow the Muslim conquest of once Christian lands. That, and the fact that Islam is still fighting the war that caused the Crusades, 1,400 years later is why I mock the Muslims who bitch about the Crusades.
Yancey: That's quality stuff right there.
Chuckles, do you have anything to say for yourself?
I decry their ignorance. The issue is not which flag was on the wall, but that a person should be fired from their job for having any flag displayed withing their home.
Fair point, but it's still funny when people freak out about the Union Jack because they think it's a Confederate banner. I've seen that happen, and it's good comedy.
Right on Gahrie. That the Crusades were essentially defensive wars to protect Christian co-religionists is truly one of the littlest known facts of the last 2,000 years.
"However, now in the UK, the Union Jack is considered racist by some, because it consists of overlayed Crosses of St George, St Andrew, and St Patrick."
Right, those crosses represent the English, Scottish, and Irish people. The X shaped cross on the Confederate Naval Jack was patterned on the Cross of St Andrew and the Saltire of St Patrick on the Union Jack. They were hoping to convince the British to recognize the South as an independent nation.
BTW, the naval jack is what most people think of as the Confederate flag. It was rectangular. The battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia was square.
It is a shame that it is now taboo. It is a very beautiful banner.
Earlier this mont a B&B in Michigan called "The Nordic Pineapple" had to remove the Norwegian flag flown to celebrate the owner's Norwegian heritage because similar Liberal idiots mistook it for the Confederate battle flag. One is never surprised by Left-wing stupidity, only their determination to broadcast it.
In the age of smart phones there is not even the excuse of ignorance for this. Before you accuse anybody of what you believe to be evil, get your basic facts straight. Who does this? (Maybe it really is just a fake story-one can hope.)
Fly the Choctaw Regiment flag. It'll baffle the hell out of them.
Blogger Pillage Idiot said...
rcocean said,
BTW, in East Germany and the USSR a certain of woman reveled in power of denouncing their friends, co-workers, acquiescence to the Secret Police.
Do the Germans have a word for "Karen"?”
And I don't even have a garage, you can call home and ask my wife!
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