August 14, 2020

"Adolph Reed and his ilk believe that if we talk about race too much we will alienate too many, and that will keep us from building a movement."

"We don’t want that — we want to win white people to an understanding of how their racism has fundamentally distorted the lives of Black people," said Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, a Princeton professor of African-American studies and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, quoted in "A Black Marxist Scholar Wanted to Talk About Race. It Ignited a Fury/The cancellation of a speech reflects an intense debate on the left: Is racism the primary problem in America today, or the outgrowth of a system that oppresses all poor people?" (NYT).

Also quoted, Cornel West, the Harvard professor of philosophy, who is a Socialist: “God have mercy, Adolph is the greatest democratic theorist of his generation. He has taken some very unpopular stands on identity politics, but he has a track record of a half-century. If you give up discussion, your movement moves toward narrowness."

From Reed himself: "An obsession with disparities of race has colonized the thinking of left and liberal types. There’s this insistence that race and racism are fundamental determinants of all Black people’s existence."

Buried in the article is Reed's opinion of Joe Biden: his “tender mercies have been reserved for the banking and credit card industries.” I'd like to hear more of that — skepticism about Biden's racial politics.


n.n said...

Diversity normalizes adversity.

gilbar said...

isn't it Interesting, that all these African-American Studies Professors; just Happen to be Marxists?
Tell me More about this Movement that they want to build? Does it involve The Means of Production?

Michael said...

So, Marxists vs. race hustlers.

On, wife! On, bear!

Francisco D said...

By definition are not all poor people oppressed in some internal or external manner?

We should consider the degree of oppression experienced by poor people today relative to 300 years ago when almost everyone was wretchedly poor and dismally oppressed. From that perspective, we live in as near a Utopia as any philosopher ever devised.

Race is a mere demographic variable in this calculation, but people make their careers exploiting race for their own financial and/or ideological (usually Marxist) benefit.

effinayright said...

That "system that oppresses poor people" has paid them trillions of dollars in welfare, just since Johnson's "War on Poverty".

It's bullshit , bullshit all the way down.

YoungHegelian said...

The Left has always taken its doctrinal disputes to lengths that make religious doctrinal disputes look paltry by comparison, with many millions more corpses to show for their efforts. You wanna tell me the difference between Stalinists & Trotskyites? "Revolution in one country" vs "Revolution in Many". That sounds like a perfect justification for the deaths of tens of thousands, which is what it was in the USSR! Seriously, I read this shit all the time & I can barely enunciate a difference.

But this, this is the clash between the classical Marxists & the Post-( and postmodern) Marxists. The questions are absolutely fundamental. What forms consciousness? Class? Race? Gender? Is the engine of history class struggle or racial struggle? How can a post-Marxist ideology sustain a critique of capitalism without the Marxist Labor Theory of Value? How can the formation of consciousness be explained without the Dialectic of Lordship & Bondage, and if so, what sort of consciousness-forming "labor" is it to be black, female, or queer?

I could seriously go about this for hours & hours, and bore you all to tears. I do seriously believe, however, that this is one of the most important ideological clashes of our time, as important as the clash between Classical Liberalism & the Post-Marxists Cultural Left. Trust me. In not too many years, somewhere in the world, the Lefties will be killing each other over these issues.

You heard it here first. Remember my words!

Gordy said...

Let me summarize this discussion. Who's the biggest jackoff -- one who uses their own hand or one that uses some sort device to masturbate?

Michael K said...

Blacks are still 13% of the population and this stuff is a dead end for them. The white crazy left is using them for its own ends.

Drago said...

"From Reed himself: "An obsession with disparities of race has colonized the thinking of left and liberal types. There’s this insistence that race and racism are fundamental determinants of all Black people’s existence."'

Its like he looked into the very shallow "depths" of Inga's soul......

readering said...

So much blogging here about race.

Achilles said...

We must have a national discussion about race.

But only one viewpoint may be discussed.

NAZI's were marxists and felt the same way about national discussions.

n.n said...

all these African-American Studies Professors; just Happen to be Marxists

Diversity dogma, not limited to racism, sexism, establishes systems, processes, and beliefs to socially justify affirmative discrimination, central capital and control, and other class-based quasi-religious (e.g. "ethical"), political, economic, and social constructs that deny individual dignity, deny individual conscience, indulge color blocs, color quotas, and avoid reconciliation.

Rob said...

How can you not love the Stalinist rhetoric? Having Reed speak is "reactionary, class reductionist and at best, tone deaf," according to the Afrosocialists and Socialists of Color Caucus. Now they can declare him an enemy of the people and send him to the gulag.

mikee said...

I, for one, think 90% or more of actual racism - disparate treatment based on skin tone - could be eliminated in the US if government and academia could be prevented from interacting with people on the basis of their skin tone.

dreams said...

They should shut up about race, we are sick and tired of being called racist when we're blameless. It was LBJ's Great Society that destroyed the black family. Black families had made great strides in moving into the middle class. Read Amity Shlades' Great Society, A New History. Sargent Shriver spent lots of taxpayer money which ultimately wreak havoc on black neighborhoods and that is mostly the cause of so much black crime and black deaths today.

chuck said...

The left has failed the black people, it has left them uneducated, stuck in the ghetto, and with no productive way forward. A move to left was the worst thing that ever happened to black people. Slavery was a continuation of conditions in Africa, where it was commonplace. Leftism took away their agency and ability to compete.

Michael K said...

eadering said...
So much blogging here about race.

Whereas, your team is buring down cities about race. Or at least pretending it's about race.

Daniel5000 said...

Prof. Althouse seems to miss the entire point of the article and her own blog post when she characterizes Reed’s comment that Biden’s“tender mercies have been reserved for the banking and credit card industries” as skepticism about “Biden’s racial politics.” It is clearly skepticism about Biden’s economic politics, not his racial politics. Creating a 1:1 identity between economic and racial politics is precisely what Reed does not do.

Fernandinande said...

isn't it Interesting, that all these African-American Studies Professors; just Happen to be Marxists?

Capitalism is probably the main form of systemic racism.

Democratic Socialists...Marxist Scholar[sic]

"Always Do Opposite of What Socialist/Marxist Says"

Gahrie said...

I'd like to hear more of that — skepticism about Biden's racial politics.

Well then you're going to have to break down and read something besides the NYT or Washington Post.

Perhaps {gasp} Breitbart?

Jupiter said...

"... we want to win white people to an understanding of how their racism has fundamentally distorted the lives of Black people," said Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, a Princeton professor of African-American studies and member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

It is hard to see how this subhuman thug managed to end up as a Professor at Princeton. Something sure as Hell distorted his life.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"We don’t want that — we want to win white people to an understanding of how their racism has fundamentally distorted the lives of Black people . . ."
Lol, like Hitler wanting the Jews to understand how their Jewishness has fundamentally distorted the lives of Germans.
The important difference between Left & Right totalitarianism is that the fascists were champions of only a group of people. They didn't believe that they were acting as agents of mankind's history, they believed they were acting as agents of the history of their people. It was natural & proper that the enemies of the Nazis should oppose them, just as it natural & proper that enemy soldiers oppose one another on the battlefield.
When you opposed the commies, however, you were casting your lot in a losing war against History itself & the destiny that awaited all mankind. Your actions are unnatural and improper, if you oppose the revolution, all men are your enemy.

5M - Eckstine said...

The only way to help a victim of past traumatic stress is therapy and medication(if needed) The stimulating event is long gone. Everyone is a victim of African created slavery but the good examples have found a way to move on. Whiteness has zero impact on the ability of a black person to heal their self into a person.

There are professionals who will listen to these ivy tower scholars and help them heal themselves.

stevew said...

Am I allowed to take & treat people as I find them and as they are without regard to their skin color and race?

Lewis Wetzel said...

I am watching HBO's "Perry Mason." It's kind of sad the way they handle race, or that they handle it at all. It is a perversion of art, which should be for art's sake. Marxists, not normal human beings, believe that art is politics.
So you get the impression that white guys used to love to go around making sure that black people "knew their place." Most white folks, during the 30s, thought about blacks as little as possible. So you get the wicked white "everyman" types oppressing black people with direct action, while saintly black people stifle their rage and do no wrong.
In today's acceptable narrative, no black man has ever raped a white woman, and white guys are always framing innocent black guys for raping white girls, and then lynching them.
The world ain't that simple, boys and girls.

Joe Smith said...

Cornel West? Jesus, that man is the poster child for affirmative action hires. What a race-baiting moron.

It's race, race, race with these Marxist, socialist pricks 24/7/365. I'm bored with these intellectual lightweights.

Drago said...

readering: "So much blogging here about race."

A leftist wrote that. Just now. Without irony....or even the slightest smidge of self-awareness.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hmmm Ann, wish in one hand...

Ken B said...

“skepticism about Biden's racial politics.”

Mmm, mmm, good.

“ I'd like to hear more of that”

Dream on.

Michael K said...

It is just hilarious to watch the Democratic Socialists (communists) argue about race with blacks. Those are exactly the wrong people to give blacks advice about poverty.

Sebastian said...

"There’s this insistence that race and racism are fundamental determinants of all Black people’s existence"

Reed is right there.

But the Reed path is also a dead end of blacks. True left economic policies will hurt them just as much as the whole country, and even in an egalitarian paradise blacks will soon be at a disadvantage.

But we should do our best to encourage the incipient left-on-left cage match, already described by YoungHegelian.

boatbuilder said...

"Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens." Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 527, 559, [...] (1896) (Harlan, J., dissenting). It has been nearly 140 years since Frederick Douglass asked the intellectual ancestors of the Law School to "[d]o nothing with us!" and the Nation adopted the Fourteenth Amendment. Now we must wait another 25 years to see this principle of equality vindicated. I therefore respectfully dissent from the remainder of the Court's opinion and the judgment."
Thomas, J. joined by Scalia, J., dissenting. Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)

I am in agreement with, and have the utmost respect and admiration for Clarence Thomas, Frederick Douglass, and (apparently) Adolph Reed.

Which apparently makes me a racist.

Known Unknown said...

"An obsession with disparities of race has colonized the thinking of left and liberal types."

Hence booing at an MLS game. And of course, MLS called it appalling. If BLM becomes pervasive to every facet of life, many will simply tune it out or reject it outright.

Martin said...

"We don’t want that — we want to win white people to an understanding of how their racism has fundamentally distorted the lives of Black people," said Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, a Princeton professor of African-American studies and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, ...

Ah, collective guilt plus corruption of blood, visited across generations--how very Nazi of her, how Rosenberg, how Streicher. Princeton should be ashamed, but I am sure they are very proud of themselves.

Adolph Reed, OTOH, is very good.

Ambrose said...

I would have thought that if your name was Adolph, that would be instantly disqualifying to be a race expert, but what do I know.

Ann Althouse said...

“ Prof. Althouse seems to miss the entire point of the article and her own blog post when she characterizes Reed’s comment that Biden’s“tender mercies have been reserved for the banking and credit card industries” as skepticism about “Biden’s racial politics.” It is clearly skepticism about Biden’s economic politics, not his racial politics. Creating a 1:1 identity between economic and racial politics is precisely what Reed does not do.”

You’re missing my inferences. I’d have to write some extra sentences if my point is escaping you but I can’t do it now.

eddie willers said...

It is just hilarious to watch the Democratic Socialists (communists) argue about race with blacks.

A gazillion years ago I went downtown where the hippie section abuted the more sleazy section that played "dirty movies" (before XXX) to see Russ Meyer's softcore masterpiece, "Vixen".

Believe or not, I remember two things from the movie. (and not just "those")

1. Vixen did her brother in the shower and...

2. The subplot was about a revolutionary black man who was being led by a Russian communist. And, at the end, the commie gets frustrated with him and calls him the N-word. He get so mad at the hypocrisy that he turns coat, shoots the commie and becomes the American citizen that saves the day! (and gets the girl, we assume)

Nichevo said...

Blogger Martin said...
"We don’t want that — we want to win white people to an understanding of how their racism has fundamentally distorted the lives of Black people," said Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, a Princeton professor of African-American studies and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, ...

Ah, collective guilt plus corruption of blood, visited across generations--how very Nazi of her, how Rosenberg, how Streicher. Princeton should be ashamed, but I am sure they are very proud of themselves.

Dats RAYCISS! Can't you name any black demagogues and mass murderers? Al Sharpton? Idi Amin? Where ith your cultural thenthitivity?

PhilD said...

"Trust me. In not too many years, somewhere in the world, the Lefties will be killing each other over these issues."

Perhaps, one can but hope. The thing is that they will kill even more 'non-marxist' people, like illustrated by the 1930's purges by Stalin which killed perhaps a few thousand, tens-of-thousand, communists but at the same time murdered hundred of thousands non-communists.

Paco Wové said...

"Marxists vs. race hustlers."

I'd say they're all Marxist race hustlers, just some with more emphasis on the "Marx" and some with more emphasis on the "race".

JustOneMinute said...

I am not a Marxist but I am very sympathetic to the view expressed by Prof. Reed.

To take the NY Times as an easy example, they routinely describe as a race issue (framed as "Blacks/Hispanics hardest hit") problems that are obviously economic class issues.

Eg, job losses as of May - The NY Times looked at if by gender, age, and race. Other outlets noted educational attainment was important too - some blue collar types had essential jobs but most college-educated professionals could work remotely.

Or, hit hard by COVID as of July. Per the Times, key factors included obvious "class" factors such as inability to work remotely, mass transit usage and crowded living quarters. Their takeaway - ethnics hardest hit.

Its interesting to think about why the Democrats (I'm Boldly Assuming the Times leans left) prefer this framing. My *guess* - for the same reasons working class whites have been drifting right since the Vietnam War when union guys slugged it out with hippies. College educated whites, the other key part of the Dem coalition, see working class whites as racist, bible-thumping, gun-waving Walmart shoppers.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

For the left the only sin of the West that gets a pass is the creation of Marxism.

Racism, colonialism, blah blah blah; the West is guilty of it. By West they now mean white people. But the ideology that has killed and destroyed more lives - including blacks - then any other ideology? That gets a total pass. And so does its creator. Because, y'know, real Marxism has never really been tried.

daskol said...

The DSA convention cracks up over ideological battle between universalist class-based traditional marxists and newfangled identitarian racial grievance mongers, who are ascendant with the youth. Somewhere, Stephen Hicks smiles. Me, I’ll take an Adolph Reed style unreconstructed class obsessed Marxist over these racist identitarians any day. But that must be a sign I’m getting old.

ccscientist said...

Oppressing blacks? Oppressing poor people? How does that work? In the old days in England there was a class system that had grown out of their feudal system. You could tell what class someone belonged to from their speech and manners. In the US? Not so much. Upward (and downward) mobility are much higher than in Europe. Poor people move to the middle class or higher daily. Marxists believe in a "poor class" that is fixed. They will never admit that poor people move up. ruins the narrative of oppression.

Banjo said...

That "system that oppresses poor people" has paid them trillions of dollars in welfare, just since Johnson's "War on Poverty".

$22 Trillion the last time I saw a number. That was a couple of years ago.

George Putnam said...

That is an interesting NYT article, but neither the article nor anyone in the comments connects this to the 1619 Project. I think this connection is even more interesting. I blogged about it here:

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