August 25, 2020

A fascistic taste for coercion.


TJM said...

Life in America if the Demtards, party of Antifa and BLM, regain power!

Jupiter said...

I hope some people flipped them off.

Gusty Winds said...

Thanks Madison! You taught everyone well! Congratulations.

Drago said...

Howard and LLR-lefty Chuck see their Maoists mau-mauing everyone and they smile.........

Jupiter said...

Don't you wish you had some of those living near you? Too bad you have to choose between Black trash and good schools. If only you could have both!

Joe Smith said...

If we only knew then the trouble we'd be having now, our great-great grandparents would have picked the damn cotton themselves.*

*I stole this from Howard Stern, so blame the New York Jew.

Freeman Hunt said...

Screaming in men's faces = female privilege.

wendybar said...

I would have raised my middle finger. What a bunch of bullying assholes. Stand up for yourself...Have some dignity.

rehajm said...

Hey! Hey! Hey! This is restaurant!

gilbar said...

raise your hand, or we'll turn you into soap
seems like, we've seen this show before

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

This is when a mild mannered Episcopalian homemaker and mother of six glances at them and says "How about you go fuck yourself and all your little friends too?" and goes back to her meal.

But I will not be in that position because no one tries this bullshit in Texas.

TomHynes said...

This is a Trump campaign ad.

mockturtle said...

The diners should get a refund on their meals which they were unable to enjoy. While I'd like to have seen someone get up and slam this woman to the floor and pour drinks in her face, we know who'd be 'guilty' then. The only solution to this crap is armed guards/bouncers at every establishment.

Fernandinande said...

Congrats to the guy in that first video who just put on his mask to avoid catching cooties from the crazy racist bitch, then calmly folded his hands on the table.

Student-Led Task Force Calls for Black Housing on Campus

Sounds like a good idea.

MadisonMan said...

I applaud the young man's self-control.

I wonder if their meal was comped.

MountainMan said...

Coming soon to a neighborhood restaurant near you.

And some of the BLM rioters in Kenosha were armed with semi-auto weapons.

Leland said...

Reminds me of this photo of real white supremacists.

gerry said...

Chuck and Howard's and Inga's dreams have come true!

James L. Salmon said...

I observed suburban moms and their daughters in Washington Park in Cincinnati and the husbands / father of those moms and daughters LITERALLY bending the knee while BLM and Antifa harangued them. A black woman - who sounded a lot like the woman in the video - led those who bent the knee in a "Pledge of Allegiance" to black lives matter. Meanwhile the cowardly husbands / fathers washed the feet of black "leaders" and begged forgiveness for their white sins. Absolutely disgusting. BLM / Antifa and their enablers in the DNC / Democrat Party are bullies and the will not stop until we stop them. They will insist you bend the knee. Ann and others on the left who think, as Robespierre did, that their fellow travelers will never come for them will, in the end, be as mistaken as Robespierre was. The crocodile may eat you last, but eat you he will.

Fernandinande said...

Scroll down and T. Sowell says

"The beauty of doing nothing is that you can do it perfectly. Only when you do something is it almost impossible to do it without mistakes. Therefore people who are contributing nothing to society, except their constant criticisms, can feel both intellectually and morally superior."

Jake said...

Where's her mask? I was told all the protesters wear masks which was why they haven't caused a spike.

WisRich said...

Yep, that'll win hearts and minds. \sarc off

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fuck the left.

gerry said...

It reminded me of a scene from Cabaret, though the bullying in Weimar was much more subtle. Still, conformity was strongly suggested, or else, eh?

Temujin said...

I'm all for equality. That woman should have been hit square in the face. Then her friends. Someone comes up to me like that, I'm throwing things.

I suspect much of America is right at that point. You will start to see the push back. And remember this: When the push back comes, everyone pushing back will be called white supremacists, racists, reactionaries. Because you're supposed to submit. You're supposed to kneel, not stand up.

Kit Carson said...

all in one day (yesterday): twitter censors the president; cnn and other MSM refuse to broadcast trump's monday speech saying it contained misinformation; pelosi called trump and congressional republicans "enemies of the state"; hillary said biden on election night and thereafter should not concede under ANY circumstances.

couple this with john podesto's war games 2 weeks ago where the outcome was "biden"(the person playing his role) directed democratic governors to send alternate slates to the electoral college and several democrat controlled states seceded.

i don't think all this was coincidence. a great plan seems to be being implemented. it does not bode well for the rest of us.

Nichevo said...

"A fascistic taste for coercion."

Is that your own opinion, Althouse, or are you quoting? Because if, I mean when, you vote to empower those with the fascistic taste for coercion, it won't surprise us.

Don't worry, if you plan to do the right thing and your political autism is a ruse to enable you to "eat lunch in this town again," this abuse will only serve to reinforce your cover.

But if you, and others like you, could muster the courage to fight back, to resist the "Resistance," it might be for the best. I wonder what you would have done in that restaurant, and why.

traditionalguy said...

The Second Amendment surely applies to open carry of Bullhorns with extra battery magazines. The loudest shouter wins. Or just replay Guilfoyle’s speech on a loop.

Anonymous said...

The privileged BLM Mob being a Mob

Wilbur said...

I cannot imagine just sitting there and allowing this walking piece of Leftist scum to scream in my face. And if her courage-providing backup wants to go, I'm down with that too.


Ann Althouse said...

I was once in a situation where I experienced coerced speech. It was an Earth Day concert in an auditorium that turned into a call for the audience to stand and recite some sort of Earth Day pledge (the text of which I cannot remember). Because I was in the front of the auditorium, refusing to participate would have been conspicuous and would have detracted from the event that earnest, nice people had worked hard to present. I had to make a decision and I went along with it.

But I have ever since then felt bad about succumbing to coerced speech. Even if the text is innocuous! If you have to assert a belief — a pledge or creed — it's very bad not to have the chance to look at it in advance and think about whether you actually do believe it and have an option to decline.

If the government were to coerce speech, it would violate the First Amendment. As Justice Jackson famously wrote in the case that recognized the right of schoolchildren not to recite the Pledge of Allegiance: "If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein."

The same principle of freedom of conscience applies when private citizens get into the nasty business of coercing speech.

Look at all the people in that restaurant who just did what they were told. So submissive. They left all the pressure to fall on that one man who maintained his personal integrity.

J. Farmer said...

@Joe Smith:

If we only knew then the trouble we'd be having now, our great-great grandparents would have picked the damn cotton themselves.*

*I stole this from Howard Stern, so blame the New York Jew.

Exactly right. That's why I have some sympathy for the 1619 Project, just not in the manner they think. Importing huge numbers of sub-Saharan Africans into the Americas was an historical blunder of colossal proportions. It's been a major source of tension and conflict in the USA from the founding all the way up through today. Our racial problems are unavoidable and inescapable.

Rt41Rebel said...

It's all fun and games until one of these confrontations results in a mass shooting. I'm amazed it hasn't happened yet.

Mary Beth said...

I hope some people flipped them off.

They did! Watch the very end.

Yancey Ward said...

"I was once in a situation where I experienced coerced speech. It was an Earth Day concert in an auditorium that turned into a call for the audience to stand and recite some sort of Earth Day pledge (the text of which I cannot remember). Because I was in the front of the auditorium, refusing to participate would have been conspicuous and would have detracted from the event that earnest, nice people had worked hard to present. I had to make a decision and I went along with it."

A curious construction that requires a bit more explanation. Was it the "earnest, nice people who worked hard to present" the event the ones who started the calls for the audience to stand and recite the Earth Day pledge?

iowan2 said...

Sounds exactly like the position of Joe Biden and the Democrats

Lucid-Ideas said...

Keep watching every day and ask yourself in the context of who these people are, does this get better or does this get worse?

Yancey Ward said...

He should have tossed the water in her face.

I realize the lady was trying to induce a violent reaction, but at some point you have to give such people exactly what they are asking for.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Look at all the people in that restaurant who just did what they were told. So submissive. They left all the pressure to fall on that one man who maintained his personal integrity."

The Left is all about coercion (note to self - tough word to spell!). They don't debate ideas, they impose ideas on you.

Can you imagine if a buncha dudes in red #MAGA hats came to restaurants to disrupting nice folks's dinners with this garbage? And the sheep in the restaurant just casually follow along!

For political purposes, the Democrats embrace this type of intimidation and coercion.

What a buncha fuckwads.

iowan2 said...

If the government were to coerce speech, it would violate the First Amendment. As Justice Jackson famously wrote

Wearing a face covering is force speech. It is a government forced message.

Automatic_Wing said...

Is there actually a difference between "activism" and "bullying"?

Todd said...

F*ck that sh*t!

Mary Beth said...

I can't tell if the middle fingers were directed at the screaming woman or the man sitting there. Now that I've rewatched, I'm thinking it's the latter.

Why did the restaurant permit this?

Kevin said...

I'm sure there are videos of ISIS doing the same thing in Syria.

No wonder the Dems are so upset Trump killed those people.

Kevin said...

In other news, no one needs an AR-15...

Kevin said...

1960's Radicals: Down with Authority!

2020's Radicals: I'm the Authority!

Pianoman said...

Reminds me of that scene from Avengers, where Loki is forcing that huge crowd to bow to him ... and the one old German man refuses.

Loki: It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.
Old German: Not to men like you.
Loki: There are no men like me.
Old German: There are ALWAYS men like you.

Kyzer SoSay said...

This is why non-lethal self-defense training is important. It takes courage to resist this kind of coercion, and without having the confidence of knowing you can defend yourself with your hands alone (until someone ELSE brings out a weapon), it's hard to bring yourself to resist. On the other hand, knowing full well that you could physically drop every last potential assailant without breaking a sweat should the need arise will give you the courage to stand against their fascist demands.

Quite frankly, if that had been me, I'd probably be booked for assault - but everyone else would finish their meal in peace and a whole bunch of brats would require urgent medical care. All I'd need is some Neosporin and knuckle-shaped band-aids.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

This is DC. So it's a safe bet that most of those diners are Dems. Like Hoff Sommers, they'll grumble - and vote for Biden in November.

Openidname said...

"Ann Althouse said...

"If the government were to coerce speech, it would violate the First Amendment. . . . The same principle of freedom of conscience applies when private citizens get into the nasty business of coercing speech."

Surely you know the rote CTRL-Left response: The First Amendment only applies to the government, we can penalize speech all we want, we're just holding you accountable.

Little did we know that it wasn't the First Amendment, it was the tradition of private respect for the principle of freedom of speech that was preserving our liberty.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The New New Left: nobody is permitted to have fun until we take over. And then, you still won't have any fun!

Todd said...

Mary Beth said...

Why did the restaurant permit this?

8/25/20, 11:28 AM

Nice restaurant you have here, would be a shame if something were to happen to it...

Robt C said...

@ misplaced pants --
Actually it DID happen in Texas. The first or second weekend of "protests" in downtown Austin featured a BLM guy haranguing patio diners in their faces, with a bullhorn no less. Lots of F-bombs too. The diners just sat there. Pussies.

James L. Salmon said...

If you flip off the obnoxious wench leading the haranguing the thugs in reserve will BEAT YOU DOWN. A co-worker in Cincinnati had a thug smash his window with a traffic cone after he exchanged words with one of these tools. Again, they are bullies and they will insist normal Americans bend the knee. And while it is dangerous - as my co-worker discovered - to resist, resist we must. But you must choose the time and place carefully.

Sydney said...

Maybe I had too much coffee this morning, but that really made me angry. I think I would have lost my temper in a bat shit crazy way if I were in that situation. Like a blind psychotic rage. Hope I never have to be put to the test.
I mean, honestly, it's not like she's some crazy homeless person that you would feel sorry for and cut some slack.

Fernandinande said...

They left all the pressure to fall on that one man who maintained his personal integrity.

And the woman he was with, who also had the racist bitch in her face - how'd you miss that?

n.n said...

Invading people's neighborhoods, businesses. Marching, burning flags in intimidation. Demanding oaths of solidarity. Proclaiming that the Jews... White people have too much. Exercising liberal license to indulge diversity dogma. They are either neo-Fascists, neo-KKK, neo-Nazis, and/or neo-Marxists. #HateLovesAbortion

Wilbur said...

Again the absence of our Leftist commentators is conspicuous.

Automatic_Wing said...

Mary Beth said...
I can't tell if the middle fingers were directed at the screaming woman or the man sitting there. Now that I've rewatched, I'm thinking it's the latter.

Why did the restaurant permit this?

What is the restaurant manager going to do? These BLM mobs are quasi-state actors. They have the full backing of local government.

MadisonMan said...

Why did the restaurant permit this?
I'm guessing to preserve the integrity of their windows?

Joe Smith said...

"I cannot imagine just sitting there and allowing this walking piece of Leftist scum to scream in my face."

A couple of problems here. While I agree with you, it appears that she had young males as backup. Some of us aren't as young as we used to be.

Thirty years ago I would have told her to fuck off, damn the consequences. Bring it on. But even then, if I'm sitting there with my wife and young kids? I can't put them in danger.

Trust me, I've been in this situation where a man insulted my wife. There were special circumstances, otherwise I would have broken every bone in his body, and maybe even killed him.

I've heard of people that exist whose job it is to protect peaceful people just going about their business...I think they have badges and wear's on the tip of my tongue.

Sebastian said...

"bullying posing as activism"


Prog "activism" has taken the form of "bullying," plus killing, since 1789.

YoungHegelian said...

One thing for any protestor doing this to remember is that at any given time, an audience in DC will likely have a smattering of present & ex-military who won't take kindly to this sort of thing. The bullies had surprise on their side this time, but now this will get around. If this happens again, I would expect violence.

Ann Althouse said...

"A curious construction that requires a bit more explanation. Was it the "earnest, nice people who worked hard to present" the event the ones who started the calls for the audience to stand and recite the Earth Day pledge?"

Yeah, it was part of the show.

It was a respected piece of music — some modern composer had done an Earth Day piece that we were interested in for aesthetic reasons. We did not see ourselves as going to a political rally, but the performance turned into a political rally at the end and we were not warned, just used as captive participants.

Joe Smith said...


"I was once in a situation where I experienced coerced speech."

Not coerced speech, but similar, i.e. captive audience.

We have had season tickets to the local (in a big city) musical theater. We like to go to the 'big city,' have a nice dinner and make a night of it. It's usually fun.

But for years now, right after the curtain call and before people can leave, the star of the show quiets everyone down and makes a speech. It's almost always a shakedown to donate to some sort of fund for actors' AIDS relief.

Seriously? It's bad enough that every play in the past four years tweaks the script to get in some cheap shots at Trump. And now I'm supposed to give money to help performers who have damaged their lives with their off-stage behavior?

I don't give a damn, I just walk the hell out. They get paid (by me) to perform. For those two hours I am their goddamned employer. I'm paying the piper and I am calling the tune. Just sing and dance and keep your opinions to yourself.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Nice counterpoint to the McClosky post. When it gets to the "You will be made to obey" then there's only thing to do:

When Liberty Valance rode to town
The womenfolk would hide, they'd hide
When Liberty Valance walked around
The men would step aside
'Cause the point of a gun was the only law
That Liberty understood
When it came to shooting straight and fast
He was mighty good.

Even Liberty Valance got push back in the end.

whitney said...

that guy was pretty brave. He really should not have fought back because those are feral black people. blacks killing whites with impunity is pretty happening on a daily basis now. Welcome to the Multicultural Paradise! like Lebanon

Michael K said...

This scene reminds me so much of the incident at Dartmouth's Baker Library a couple of years ago.

This was right before final exams. Notice who was studying and who wasn't?

And the college, of course, did nothing so here we are. That was two years ago.

Joe Smith said...

"Because I was in the front of the auditorium, refusing to participate would have been conspicuous and would have detracted from the event that earnest, nice people had worked hard to present. I had to make a decision and I went along with it."

I would have been the guy in the front row scratching both of my temples simultaneously with only my middle fingers : )

Normally I would just flip the double bird but my wife would get mad.

P.S. It was an Earth Day concert, what did you think was going to happen?

Michael K said...

It was a respected piece of music

Was any of it about Ira Einhorn's girlfriend ?

Jupiter said...

Blogger MadisonMan said...
"I applaud the young man's self-control."

When you are a young, affluent white guy living in DC, you realize very quickly that unless you are willing to take a certain amount of abuse from Black guys, you are going to have to fight for your life every day of your life. Those vermin know they are going to spend much of their 20's and 30's in prison. They are resigned to it, to the extent they are even capable of envisioning the future. But you have a job, a girlfriend, prospects. Places to go, people to meet. So the shit stinks. Why get it on you?

mockturtle said...

She was screaming at close range in this guy's face. She was not wearing a mask. Why is this not reckless endangerment? How does he know [or even she know] she isn't COVID positive? Unfortunately, my comment involving fighting back didn't make the moderation cut but she should not have gotten away with what is a form of assault.

Sebastian said...

"succumbing to coerced speech"

Making people succumb to coerced x has been the essence of leftism since 1789--and by making them submit, humiliating them into meek obedience. They want us to be Havel's greengrocer.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Thirty years ago I would have told her to fuck off, damn the consequences. Bring it on. But even then, if I'm sitting there with my wife and young kids? I can't put them in danger."

Sigh. Sad by true. Even in my early 50's, I'm generally unafraid of any ONE man. But against a multiple youths? Who may or not have weapons? With a wife and kids?

As we get older, we learn that discretion is the better part of valor.

If the mobs tries to enter my home, though, different story.

The Democrats support violence and intimidation. Their enablers are moral cowards.

Joe Smith said...

"We did not see ourselves as going to a political rally,..."

Rookie mistake.

These types of event are nothing if not political rallies and religious services rolled into one.

EVERYTHING the left does is political. No exceptions. You're old enough to know better.

Real American said...

eventually, they'll try to intimidate the wrong person and they'll pay a price for it. Honestly, I hope it happens soon and it gets recorded cuz America would love to see it. These commies need to be put in their place, and the sooner, the better.

MacMacConnell said...

This is Biden's America. I watched the DNC convention. It was total horse shit, but on a positive side it was different, seldom do we get to see Democrats on the news without the American flags burning.

I would have done what I always do in that situation. Softly smile and softly ask that Black chick in my face to suck my dick. She'll go ballistic like a belligerent drunk or a Joe Biden Catholic school boy, then you cold cock them in defense. I kneel for no one.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

@ misplaced pants --
Actually it DID happen in Texas. The first or second weekend of "protests" in downtown Austin featured a BLM guy haranguing patio diners in their faces, with a bullhorn no less. Lots of F-bombs too. The diners just sat there. Pussies.

Austin ain't Texas, but I take your point :)

Freeman Hunt said...

Are the people submissive or have they watched the endless videos of people being attacked by these mobs? When there's no law and order and the police stand down, the price for speech skyrockets. People will have to decide whether to stand together or be picked off one by one.

Kudos to the one guy who refused to submit. That was exceptional.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Fascists suck but phagocytosis is a great counter-tactic. Wise diner owners train their staff (especially nowadays) to immediately swarm (“Everybody on the floor!”) when invaded by protesters or loony people. The staff quickly form a blob that surrounds the offenders on three sides and herds them toward the door. You are responsible for maintaining order for your customers’ safety. This amoeba-like swarm is very effective because herds remove the disrupters’ advantage giving asymmetric power to the good guys. No one has the right to protest on private property. It’s illegal and rude. Know how to deal with it if you want to stay in business.

Narayanan said...

iowan2 said...
If the government were to coerce speech, it would violate the First Amendment. As Justice Jackson famously wrote

Wearing a face covering is force speech. It is a government forced message.
@AA - now do the other side - If the government were to coerce silence ...

effinayright said...

Inga, ARM and Freder keep telling us that this is our future---and we deserve it.

Lovely people, all of them.

tim maguire said...

In their continued refusal to denounce this behaviour, it is getting harder and harder to give the Democrats a fair shake. I'm trying to be open minded about Kamala Harris (the real presidential nominee), but stuff like this...the Democratic Party is a train wreck of vicious dysfunction and it's hard to avoid the conclusion that they should not be trusted with anything. Anything at all.

Unknown said...

Hmm. BLM are following Obama's advice.

Sep 18, 2008 - Barack Obama sharpened his attacks on John McCain and mocked the ... I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said.

Also see 'punch back twice as hard' and 'when they bring a knife you bring a gun'.

robother said...

Fascists are mostly peaceful, until they meet someone who thinks they have right to their own view (or property). Then violence erupts. Clearly the fault of the white man who wouldn't raise his fist. Didn't he realize that these BLM folks are, in Obama's formulation, on the Right Side of History?

NYC JournoList said...

Hillary TL/DR: Never give up! Never surrender!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Final tip: train the staff phrases in Spanish for the “everybody on the floor” and “to the door” and “get out” as well as your “done!” call. This will confuse most mobs, it’s fun for the gueros to learn and it ensures the back of the house hears the call.

Ice Nine said...

You ignore her. It takes great self-discipline but just go on about your business, eating and conversing. If she lays a hand on you, you forcefully remove it and call the police and report a physical assault at the Mezcal restaurant. If she hits you, you deck her - you defend yourself. Of course, she's got a couple of bucks in the crowd who will come after you and that's when you take up your chair...and take your licks, I guess. Perhaps there are some other *men* on the patio. That would be nice.

Not all situations are good situations; you do what you can with what you've got and it probably will still not be all that good.

rhhardin said...

I was once in a situation where I experienced coerced speech.

The pledge of allegiance. The star spangled banner. America the beautiful. The lord's prayer. Traditional at the opening of a school day.

The purpose is actually to get people to shut up and pay attention for the start of something else.

One side-effect is associating the pledge and the flag with patriotism, which, as every dem politician backdrop of flags will tell you, it is not. Scott Adams says it brainwashing, not necessarily a bad sort.

If you're in the band you get immune to this crap. You don't sing the songs, you just play the trombone part and wait for the following speeches to be over. Being in the band is the start of thinking for yourself, against the mob.

Yancey Ward said...

"Yeah, it was part of the show."

Then you were right to be ashamed.

rhhardin said...

One bad effect of no longer having bible readings at the start of the school day is that nobody young is able to inflect old-timey verbs correctly. As a kid back then you just picked it up like you did the rest of language.

Yancey Ward said...

"We did not see ourselves as going to a political rally, but the performance turned into a political rally at the end and we were not warned, just used as captive participants."

Ah, I remember what it was like to be young and naïve.

Brian said...

Thirty years ago I would have told her to fuck off, damn the consequences. Bring it on. But even then, if I'm sitting there with my wife and young kids? I can't put them in danger.

I'd have laughed. This only works because people get scared and give the protesters deference. They are clowns performing a dance. Might as well treat them as the Jester's they are.

After 5 minutes I'd leave. Repetitive show's get boring.

YoungHegelian said...

Also, in watching the video I recognize the place. I've eaten there once with a friend. It's at 14th & Otis NW, I believe, which is exactly the sort of neighborhood where some sort of shit like this would go down.

But, now that I know where the place is, my thought isn't that there might be violence from ex-military. Now my thoughts are that the protestors are now marked men. This is Latino gang territory. The blacks don't rule the streets in that part of the city. The Latinos do, and they mostly let the white yuppies be. My guess is that the blacks who tried to shake down a Latino owned business are now in for a world of hurt.

Serves 'em right.

MadTownGuy said...

Bay Area Guy said...

"Can you imagine if a buncha dudes in red #MAGA hats sat in a restaurant and stood up to this garbage?

Followed up by "Let's roll."

DanTheMan said...

Peggy Noonan's observation that we were being 'patronized by our inferiors' is now writ large.
'Patronized' is now 'assaulted and screamed at' by immature adults having a temper tantrum when they don't get their way. And yet, somehow, they are convinced they are morally superior because they are so angry!

This public harassment, like the riots, will not stop until somebody makes it stop. We used to assume our government would protect us from mobs. That seems a quaint, old fashioned notion these days.

Original Mike said...

"A fascistic taste for coercion."

Oh, no. They're anti-fascists. It says so right in their name.

n.n said...

I hope some people flipped them off.

Mind over [Some, Select Black Lives Matter]

Mick demonstrates the technique starting at 1 minute 30 seconds.

MadTownGuy said...

Ann Althouse said...
""A curious construction that requires a bit more explanation. Was it the "earnest, nice people who worked hard to present" the event the ones who started the calls for the audience to stand and recite the Earth Day pledge?"

"Yeah, it was part of the show.

It was a respected piece of music — some modern composer had done an Earth Day piece that we were interested in for aesthetic reasons. We did not see ourselves as going to a political rally, but the performance turned into a political rally at the end and we were not warned, just used as captive participants.

Reminds me of my high school Band days. We were part of thg he welcoming committee for Nixon when he came to SoCal. All we were supposed to do was play 'Hail to the Chief.' Minutes before his arrival, we were given sheet music for his campaign, 'Nixon Now.' One of our number then put a McGovern sticker across the bell of his Baritone horn and refused to play. He was kicked out of the bleachers and later, out of the band.

He sued the school district and won. At the time it was an unpopular decision and he was not well liked by most of the band members - and least of all by the director - but in retrospect I've come around to his point of view, at least as regards coerced speech.

PackerBronco said...

Let's compromise. I won't raise my fist to you but I will raise one finger.

Original Mike said...

"Again the absence of our Leftist commentators is conspicuous."

They support this shit.

TickTock said...

Stand up, give them a finger with one hand and grab a knife with the other and say come and get me motherfuckers.

I'm old enough that I could probably get away with it; but but then I'm also old enough to think that this would be a good way to go, rather than dying of prostate cancer.

Got to draw a line somewhere. Don't like sharing my anger publicly, but this has to stop or the nation will disintegrate.

Inga said...

Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote. Terrible idea.

cacimbo said...

This is DC - odds are the restaurant owners are Democrats.They may not like their patrons dining experience being ruined like this, but I would bet they hate Trump way more. Also, in reality if this did become a physical confrontation and the non-conformist won - he would be facing years of lawsuits. The left has lots of lawyers and law students who would represent the BLM antagonist for free while the diner would be bankrupted trying to defend himself in the courts.

mezzrow said...

Winning more hearts and minds. 35 - 40 states.

Then the wars.

mockturtle said...

There was a brief discussion on Fox Business News this morning about school curricula being changed to be more 'in tune' with BLM agenda. This is a perfect time for parents to opt out of public 'education' for their children. It has become nothing but an indoctrination tool for the Left. You worry about shootings in schools? This is far more terrifying and most certainly more pervasive. And we shall see the effects for many years to come. Perhaps permanently.

mockturtle said...

I'm old enough that I could probably get away with it; but but then I'm also old enough to think that this would be a good way to go, rather than dying of prostate cancer.

I feel the same way, TickTock! Gray power! What have we got to lose?

gilbar said...

As Justice Jackson famously wrote in the case that recognized the right of schoolchildren not to recite the Pledge of Allegiance: "If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein."

in the immortal words, of SE Hinton: That Was THEN, This Is NOW
now, silence is violence; and we are All Required to kneel and submit

Drago said...

Inga: "Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote."

You are an idiot.

For maoists, bullying IS the message.

gilbar said...

Everywhere i went in ames iowa (and in cooke city montana), you'd see Black Lives Matter signs out in front of people's houses; signs Screaming KILL ME LAST!

The idea of free speech is as dead as a doornail.
We have successfully moved from the gilded age, to the reign of terror

LilyBart said...

This is about control. Raising your fist in a random restaurant during lunch is a meaningless gesture. But the left appears to revel in meaningless gestures.

hawkeyedjb said...

Inga said...
"Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote. Terrible idea."

I know. For years we've been labeling Trump voters Deplorables, calling them racist, reminding them how stupid they are. I mean, nothing works with those people. Maybe let's try something different.

Narr said...

"Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote. Terrible idea."

Note that bullying is not condemned per se, but only because it's counterproductive.

Speaks volumes, that does

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

That woman deserves a knuckle sandwich.

Fernandinande said...

The pledge of allegiance.

I refused to perform that coerced speech in ... 1st or 2nd grade, mid 1950s, because I thought it was inappropriate to pledge allegiance to a flag. I got in some sort of trouble...

you just play the trombone part

I wanted to play the trombone but "they" said my arms were too short; I've always had the feeling that was my mom's doing.
I eventually ended up on bass clarinet.

n.n said...

Some, Select Black Lives Matter follows in the footsteps of leftist activists who have targeted and harassed people for more than 16 trimesters. Then there is the Wisconsin Fair wildings, #KnockoutGame, denying civil rights (e.g. assembly, speech), etc.

Gk1 said...

"This public harassment, like the riots, will not stop until somebody makes it stop."

We still have a peaceful off ramp before snipers come out of the woodwork to start picking off a few rioters or a few shop owners decide to go all 'Korean Roof top' and start putting down the riots that way.

Just have the Slow Joe Biden and the other democratic leaders full throatedly come out against the riots, Antifa and to guide their BLM supporting followers to de escalate and stop harassing people in the streets. They won't do that for whatever reason so Trump will be exploiting that until November. Why won't they do this?

Fernandinande said...

Mick demonstrates the technique starting at 1 minute 30 seconds.

But the buffalo is still in the middle of the road, it's just lying down, probably taking up more room. If he'd run at it screaming it'd probably take off.

Inga Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote.

"Give us your money and your stuff!" Did I miss anything?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Freeman Hunt said...

Are the people submissive or have they watched the endless videos of people being attacked by these mobs?

They are submissive. It's what they've been trained to be from years and years in the hands of Edumacation specialist Dr. Jill Biden, PhD!

Mea Sententia said...

I was struck by how defenseless that man she berates really is. There is nothing he can do except do nothing. Nothing is the only safe response. It reminded me of old film footage I've seen of blacks being berated or threatened by whites, and the response of the black persons is the same, not to respond.

The one and only BLM event I've been too featured lots of chanting 'black lives matter' with a guy going around with a bullhorn making sure everyone was saying the words. I was way in the back, and he didn't make it to where I was. Which is good because I wasn't saying the words.

I see lots of white people embracing BLM, out of guilt or fear or a self-righteous sense of what they think social justice demands. My response is neutrality. There is no way I can endorse this movement.

hstad said...

Somehow, I can't get excited about this person saying on Twitter "...Ordered them to raise their fists in protest. Anyone who disobeyed was viciously denounced for supporting “white supremacy.” Distressing video of bullying posing as activism....?" And her conclusion was precious "activism". She's an idiot if she believes these people are activists - she must be related to Mayor Durkan's "Summer of Love Scenario". Look, this 'mob's' purpose is to get more coverage. This is the same playbook used throughout history by Robespierre during the French Revolution, Stalin during his take-over in Russia, Mao's Red Guards, Hitler's Brown Shirts, Pol Pots Little Red Book, and so on. It is a classic turn toward 'the characteristics of a leader of a sect'. We are just awaiting a Leader of the 'Sect' to reveal themselves and that is yet to happen.

Gk1 said...

This reminds me of the bicycling "Critical Mass" assholes that tied up the streets in San Francisco & Portland with their bike parades at rush hour. Wow, that's really a great way to bring supporters over to your side.

Why do I think the lily white BLM supporters that pick the places to picket only go to toney brunch places and avoid the biker bars, Hooters and Taverns in the what is left of the working class neighborhoods? Something tells me they only pick places where they wont get push back or the chance of escalation is minimal.

Rick Blaine: "There are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to invade"

Whiskeybum said...

Here's a tactic in this situation if you want to avoid a potential violent confrontation with the thugs: excuse yourself towards the restroom, and find the nearest fire alarm and pull it. The enabling restaurant owners and staff loose all of their income for that night, the thugs are required to vacate along with the customers (even if they stay, there is no one left to yell at), and authorities are immediately called. WWW

Original Mike said...

Blogger Inga said..."Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote. Terrible idea."

They are delivering the exact message they intend. You will kneel to us or we will beat the crap out of you.

Birkel said...

The appropriate response is the Bronx Cheer.

Fernandinande said...

In these situations, the question to ask yourself is: "What would Travis Bickle do?"

Original Mike said...

"Just have the Slow Joe Biden and the other democratic leaders full throatedly come out against the riots, Antifa and to guide their BLM supporting followers to de escalate and stop harassing people in the streets. They won't do that for whatever reason so Trump will be exploiting that until November. Why won't they do this?"

They won't do it because this is their base.

Tommy Duncan said...

Had I been there I'd have stood, said "Jawohl" and snapped out a sharp Nazi salute.

Birkel said...

Imagine being so devoted to the Leftist Collectivists' side that you think you can distinguish between the pursuit of raw power in political spheres from the pursuit of raw power in other areas of life.

Royal ass Inga can do nothing but ride the tiger.

And I can do nothing but hope she gets a healthy dose of mostly peaceful protests in her neighborhood.

RigelDog said...

Inga said: "Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote. Terrible idea."

What was their message?

Jim at said...

Keep pushing it, leftist thugs.
Keep it up.

Equipment Maintenance said...

A conscience is quickly becoming an unaffordable luxury.

Jim at said...

Again the absence of our Leftist commentators is conspicuous.

Not really. They support this. This is who they are.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I'd raise my fist, and one finger

mockturtle said...

Do these leftist mayors know that pandering isn't the same as respect? All it does is empower the bullies and piss off everyone else.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Leon said...

August Landmesser

Inga said...

“Note that bullying is not condemned per se, but only because it's counterproductive.”

If you need me to tell you that bullying is wrong, then it’s YOU who has the problem. You’re trying to do to me what this young woman did to the two people who didn’t raise their fists. You are trying to coerce me into saying bullying is wrong. Most decent humans know it’s wrong without having to be told so.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I like the Fire Alarm idea

And, reluctantly, I like the idea of not throwing water in her face and starting the riot.

Because this video is goign to end up in a Trump campaign ad, and it will get a lot of votes for Trump.

But I do believe it's the job of every decent person to be ready to jump in if a fight starts. At that point, you do your best to put every single one of those thugs, including the screamer, in the hospital, or the morgue.

Quaestor said...

One of the projects of the Sturmabteilung was popularizing the German greeting.

mikee said...

Loki: In the end, you will always kneel.

Old Man, standing: Not to men like you.

Loki: There are no men like me.

Old Man: There are always men like you.

As Hulk says, "Puny God."

mikee said...

There used to be a doctrine in law called "fighting words." Seems to me the protesters bullying the diners were seeking to find those words, and use them on the diners, to instigate violence. As Wesley Crusher said, "Do you want this to become violent? "

Jupiter said...

"At that point, you do your best to put every single one of those thugs, including the screamer, in the hospital, or the morgue."

Hmmmm... I dunno. Hit a woman?

Maybe if she hit me first. And it hurt.

Original Mike said...

Inga said: "Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote. Terrible idea."

Two possibilities here. Either these people are stupid, or Inga is incorrect in assuming their motive. I'm pretty sure it's the latter, Inga. What say you?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

and would have detracted from the event that earnest, nice people had worked hard to present.

Althouse will never get it. People who coerce others, or allow it to happen, are not nice people.

gilbar said...

Inga said...
You’re trying to do to me what this young woman did to the two people who didn’t raise their fists. You are trying to coerce me into saying bullying is wrong.

Igna ADMITS that she thinks bullying is TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE!
Silence is BULLYING!!!!

Unknown said...

"Most decent humans know it’s wrong without having to be told so"

Indeed - just like racism.

Michael K said...

Most decent humans know it’s wrong without having to be told so.

So, blacks are not decent humans ? Got it.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

This scene reminds me so much of

The black lunch counter sit-ins. Democrats gonna Democrat.

Yancey Ward said...

LOL, Inga. You are so fucking dense it is unbelievable sometimes. Intimidation was the entire point the mob was trying to make- literally nothing else was on their minds. You might wish they were trying to make some other point, but they weren't.

NCMoss said...

Trolls tread carefully, "bullying is a bad idea". It's like Joe Biden but without the wit and insight.

Matt Sablan said...

As an America, I show respect to all, but bow to none.

Matt Sablan said...

By the way, I've already seen on Reddit people claiming this is Russian disinformation or Trump-plants.

The Internet really is a crazy place.

Narr said...

Yeah-huh, Inga.

I'm not trying to coerce anything, just observing the spin you put on the incident.

A lot of people nowadays are cruisin' for a bruisin.'

And they will get it

Inga said...

“LOL, Inga. You are so fucking dense it is unbelievable sometimes.”

Says the idiot who said there would be only 7,500 total deaths from Covid in the US. Anything you say is colored by your incredibly poor judgment and powers of discernment.

Inga said...

“So, blacks are not decent humans ? Got it.”

Blacks are not a monolithic group, Some are decent some aren’t, the same as any other ethnic group or race. That deserves a duh.

rcocean said...

Some of the comments are ridiculous. Yes they're passive, but guess what? they didn't got to the restaurant for a rumble, they went to relax and eat a nice meal. This is no different then some crazy homeless person coming off the sidewalk and and ranting about martians. You don't get upset and fight, you smile and keep a blank face while someone gets the manager.

Did anyone get the manager? Its the restaurants job to keep crazy people out of the dining area. Having written this, 10-1 these people are all well-to-do liberals who hate trump and his supporters, so fuck them.

rcocean said...

It'll be interesting to see if all this burning, looting, harassing, etc by antifa and BLM will have on the election. Are the all important "suburban women" going to be turned off by this, or will they just carry on regardless, because its not them?

I think its crazy that Biden and the D's are supporting Antifa and rioting with their silence, and attacks on the police, but who knows if it will matter.

Original Mike said...

Ken B said: They beat a racoon to death. Graphic.

Hey, Inga. What's their message here?

pacwest said...

Most decent humans know it’s wrong without having to be told so.

This is pretty funny considering the source. Not gonna go into the Dem antics for the past four years because - what's the use with someone who's mind is in an ooda loop. I truly pity folks like that. Especially the 'decent' ones.

Sorry lefties, you willingly bit the hook, the line, and the sinker. YOU are culpable for your parties actions which made the present situation possible.

Drago said...

Inga: "Anything you say is colored by your incredibly poor judgment and powers of discernment."

Carter Page, russian spy or no?

Balfegor said...

I think calling it "fascistic" misses the point. I'm sure fascists did this sort of thing in the 30s (at least the demands for public support on pain of having their bully boys come by and break your windows). But the Nazis weren't the only ones doing that in the 1930s. The Communists had their own corps of brutish streetfighters doing the same thing. And then the little Communist Red Guards in China did the same thing except even crazier during the Cultural Revolution. The real analogue here isn't fascism, but the tactics used to promote communism (and I say "tactics" because it's unclear to me how "communist" modern Antifa really is, given that racial categories have almost completely supplanted economic classes in modern popular Leftist discourse). Using "fascist" in this context is just piggybacking on the lazy equation of "fascist = everything bad" that has stripped away all actual meaning from the term "fascist."

Rick said...

Identify these people, follow them home.

Rick said...

Leland said...
Reminds me of this photo of real white supremacists.

It reminds me of whites during Jim Crow humiliating blacks in public in front of their families. Those blacks knew if they reacted the sheriff would beat them, perhaps worse, and perhaps others. Similarly whites know any reaction will first be misrepresented and then used to get them both fired and prosecuted.

It's revealing to see those who pretend to oppose racism adopt KKK tactics.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Original Mike said...
Inga said: "Bullying people only serves to detract from the message you wish to promote. Terrible idea."

Inga the Dullard tries to make us buy the crock of shit that these assholes are trying to "promote" their message.

For someone who was supposedly a psych nurse, she displays no understanding or insight into mob mentality at all. They don't give a shit about persuading anybody. They want to bully and humiliate and force people to submit.

That's what leftists do. That's what totalitarians do. Apparently Inga slept during history classes.

Rick said...

Leland said...
Reminds me of this photo of real white supremacists.

It reminds me of whites during Jim Crow humiliating blacks in public in front of their families. Those blacks knew if they reacted the sheriff would beat them, perhaps worse, and perhaps others. Similarly whites know any reaction will first be misrepresented and then used to get them both fired and prosecuted.

It's revealing to see those who pretend to oppose racism adopt KKK tactics.

Original Mike said...

I guess the raccoon was a conservative, eh Inga? Had it coming to him.

Michael K said...

What struck me was that DC should be 98% Trump haters. I would expect them all to be giving that closed fist Nazi salute. That a few seemed to resist is interesting. The Democrats might be making a massive miscalculation.

Jupiter said...

Someone should ask that proud black woman how she gets her hair to look so nice. Hey, can I touch it? Why don't you look like a bottlebrush, like the other sisters? Is it a special shampoo?

Greg The Class Traitor said...

Jupiter said...
Hmmmm... I dunno. Hit a woman?

I believe in equality between the sexes

Narr said...

Fascism is an ideology of action and not persuasion.

Arguing whether the Nazis were right-wing or left-wing misses the bigger truth: Fascism comes in Red and Brown. And now, Black.

Pick your poison

Original Mike said...

"The Democrats might be making a massive miscalculation."

This is not going to win them voters. But the thing is, so few people will see this. The media won't report it.

Balfegor said...

Re: Michael K:

What struck me was that DC should be 98% Trump haters. I would expect them all to be giving that closed fist Nazi salute. That a few seemed to resist is interesting. The Democrats might be making a massive miscalculation.

They're 98% Trump-haters, sure, but being a Trump-hater doesn't necessarily mean you're a totalitarian tool like these activists. I'm . . well, I'm a little surprised that a liberal seems to have had the guts to stand up to this mob. In all honesty, I kind of doubt I would have had the courage if it were me getting accosted at lunch by a baying pack of loonies like this. But it shouldn't be surprising that not everyone will bow to their intimidation tactics.

Rick said...

Inga said...
You’re trying to do to me what this young woman did to the two people who didn’t raise their fists.

Inga is always the victim. Just ask Inga.

Openidname said...

To everyone sharing what they'd do in this situation:

You don't know what you'd do in this situation. You won't know unless and until it happens to you.

Birkel said...

I call them Leftist Collectivists because it captures the fascists and the communists.
They're all Marx-inspired cunts.

They can all go die in a fire before I will submit.

The Crack Emcee said...

It worked for gay marriage.

RichAndSceptical said...

How many of us would have had the guts to GIVE THEM THE FINGER?

Rory said...

"being a Trump-hater doesn't necessarily mean you're a totalitarian tool like these activists"

At this point, it kind of does. Everybody's seen now that the "resistance" is totalitarian at its heart. On one hand you have all the violence, on the other the absolute refusal by either the Democrats or the never Trumpers to put forth a serious candidate to contest an election. The resistance is down to two things now: people who are out for themselves and people who are too vain to admit they purposely normalized lawlessness.

mikee said...

Again, it must be pointed out that if the protesting kids really believed that there were white supremacists around who would violently resist this intimidation, the kids sure as hell would not be going about their cosplay revolution in such a carefree manner, so sure that there are no white supremacists who will oppose them.

Here's hoping the kids don't run into a table full of Aryan gang members freshly released from prison, who don't like their latte break interrupted. It would be a painful lesson.

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