July 1, 2020

Under the heading "Reset," British Vogue — Vogue! — has a landscape — a landscape! — on its cover.

Yes, it's David Hockney. That's sort of like getting an important actress for a normal cover, a cover about feminine beauty and fashion. They're "resetting" to a landscape — a wheat field — the very landscape that inspired Vincent Van Gogh to blow his brains out?

The British Vogue Editor-in-Chief Edward Enninful explains (in the Independent). He says it "highlights that at the core of everything is our planet." And — referring to the coronavirus — "As the world rushes to find its feet again, we all need to be more mindful of the toll our previous pace of living took on nature."

You mean we ought to wake up from the trance you've worked so hard to put us under that has made us believe we must be ever searching for new and different clothes and paying lots of money for them?

Is that "mindful" enough?


tcrosse said...

Will those amber waves of grain help move the schmattes?

Butkus51 said...

Ann, youre warming my heart.

That painting on first glance looks like an Adobe illustrator mock painting. All in the eyes of the beholder.

I like the detail of a Hieronymus Bosch or a Bruegel myself.

Landscapes...Bob Ross hands down.

Temujin said...

It's a great cover. But I thought he was going to remark that this is a time for us to remember what's important in life and what is at the core of our existence: Gluten!

chuck said...

I like the grain growing on the cliff side. Even Vincent van Gogh wasn't so daring.

johns said...

Vogue is behind the times. The climate crisis is over. Michael Schellenberger has apologized. They'll have to come up with a new story for how man is destroying the planet.


Unknown said...

Reset is the expansion of "global warming" commie plot

A reset requires more than just stopping warming or cooling, whatever that is

Everything has to change, and the globos are the ones to order it.

Nonapod said...

You mean we ought to wake up from the trance you've worked so hard to put us under that has made us believe we must be ever searching for new and different clothes and paying lots of money for them?

Is that "mindful" enough?

Obviously that's not how corporate virtue signaling works. They'd never actually accept any real responsibility for any supposed part they played with their particular form of money making. Oh, they'll mouth some platitudes about working to be better or working to make the world a better place or whatever other horseshit nonsense they can come up with. But ultimately they can't ever change since their whole product is an illusion. It's about appearance, not substance.

Joe Smith said...

“…we all need to be more mindful of the toll our previous pace of living took on nature."

This kind of comment seems to be an all-pervasive view of left-leaning environmentalists. What I never hear talked about is the idea that we ARE nature. We are animals, albeit smart ones. Just because humans have the ability to build larger infrastructure doesn’t mean we aren’t part of nature.

Beavers build dams and that’s OK…natural. Ants and termites build hills and tunnels…natural. We build the Hoover damn, skyscrapers and subway systems…a blight on ‘nature.’

While I don’t believe we should be building anything without thinking of the consequences to the rest of the planet, the truth is, whatever toll we (as humans) inflict upon Mother Earth is as natural as the toll inflicted by less intelligent animals.

Lewis said...

What is 'British' about it

jeremyabrams said...

Van Gogh shot himself in the stomach.

Lewis said...

The Street I.

Corners catching
A broken moon:
That and the tumble
Of drunken feet,
Splash of voices.

Thirst among the lamps pools,
Cry from the slashed mouth,
Flutter of lids and the street
Like the stamped pieces
Of a fractured vision.

Lewis said...

The street II.

Now and then a curtain flits and a stare
At second or third floor windows opposite,
Half inquisitive of hotel happenings,
Half irritated by mock grandeur,
Brute noise this particular Victorian,
Part empty site displays. It’s the habit
Of some drawn up to face, across the nightly peace
Of no mans land, the street, dull combatants
On each side: Perhaps poverty separates you
From the pub downstairs, a certain angst
About the pull of popular haunts,
Getting more than your fair share of inarticulate friends.
A chance modern law decides
Dividing speech and the neighbourhood,
Forming false battles, situating
Between you and it a televisual screen,
Your thought on some Heaven
Where face to face we met,
Your eyes on some dark glass of a window.
You’re seen, the curtains drawn.

It’s something to be remarked upon,
Odd how every night it is done
Not only by you but repeated
Down the street, each side a sentinel,
If not throwing sticks in a fire, then
Looking out to see who’s watching who,
Catching the nightly skirmishes that,
With not uncommon frequency, continue
To punctuate a phoney war. Now and then
That irregular exchange of cigarettes
Or your side strikes the light, mine offers the fag.
Usually, though, askers are causalities
Rejected by us both, mostly ignored,
Often sleeping somewhere out of sight,
Under a bridge or whatever bomb shelter
Accident has devised, they roll in slumber
Tight into a plastic bag or the damp,
Soggy cardboard once used to wrap our guns,
Tanks, communications, surveillance units.

It is to be remarked upon how little
I see of you, how quickly you disappear,
How suspicious of you and I this neutral,
Unneutral status makes us: Together
Manufactured means of war – now we test them out.

But I’m bored of killing, it’s become such a
Common exercise – I wish you’d sign a truce.

TrespassersW said...

jeremyabrams said...
Van Gogh shot himself in the stomach.

Some have argued that he did not shoot himself. For example: https://www.newsweek.com/vincent-van-gogh-death-suicide-1104366

Howard said...

Love Hockney. Pearblossom Highway still my favorite. Vogue staff realizing consumer culture is destructive to the planet is a bit like AI becoming self aware. van Gogh was also suspected of being colour blind, hence the overuse of high intensity chroma

Andrew said...

I often like Hockney, but he phoned this one in.

If you look closely at the green shrubs at the front, you can see Obama sitting in a chair. Maybe that's what "Reset" means.

Fernandinande said...

They're "resetting" to a landscape — a wheat field — the very landscape that inspired Vincent Van Gogh to blow his brains out?

Nope, Van Gogh's wheat field was not in Kilham, East Yorkshire, and his brains were not in his chest.

Tina Trent said...

The corporate opiate of consumption is telling us to buy only the mansions and jewelry and vacations we really need. Not the ones we just want.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I thought farming was part of that "toll". Interesting that they chose a cultivated landscape. Though, if you work for Vogue, farmlands are probably as exotic as the deepest Himalayas.

Michael K said...

I normally don't like Hockney's stuff but that is not bad.

Jim Gust said...

Van Gogh died of a chest wound, after lingering for some time. There is some controversy over whether it was self-inflicted or an accidental shot from a youth that Van Gogh refused to name.

He did not blow his brains out.

I recommend Loving Vincent. Remarkable film achievement.

Openidname said...

"jeremyabrams said...

"Van Gogh shot himself in the stomach."

Yes, and there's some reason to believe somebody else shot him.

Just as a paranoiac can have enemies, a depressive can be murdered.

Lucid-Ideas said...


"Now that we've worked overtime politically and culturally to make cities increasingly unlivable, we bring you a vision of the next place we intend to fuck up beyond all recognition."

Nonapod said...

Off topic - I hear that the Seattle police are finally bringing the hammer down on CHOP/CHAZ after the protestors threatened to occupy mayor Jenny's 7 million dollar house.

BarrySanders20 said...

That may look like a wheat field, but it's really a . . . giant beaver!

walter said...


Narr said...

What a beautiful Hockney.

The text is a great example of the cluelessness and self-absorption of the chattering classes.

Introspection much?

Jamie said...

The most Woke among my family and friends are a couple about ten years younger than we are, both in the boutique fashion industry. They try to live in ways consistent with their beliefs. But there's no escaping the fact that their life's work is convincing people to spend lots of money, season after season, on a luxury good. They justify it as "the prices are high because it's organic cotton (or whatever fabric) and sustainable farms and fairly paid labor and, by the way, socially aware patterns like sea turtles and raised fists (or whatever)" - but they still want to sell a whole new batch of items to the very same people three months from now.

They decry capitalism pretty frequently, but they've made no Plan B for themselves.

rehajm said...

whatever toll we (as humans) inflict upon Mother Earth is as natural as the toll inflicted by less intelligent animals.

There's supposed to be a tens of thousands of hectares of mopane forest in northeast Botswana. The elephants make it look like tribes of men with buzz saws live there...

Biff said...

I'm so tired. I think I need a vacation.

le Douanier said...

How’s this for reset mindful stuff:


One-off is usually means paying a lot more dough.

h said...

From time to time comments here turn to the question of "what is art?" I just want to say that the Hockney is beautiful (and art) (and something I could never do, except with maybe decades of concentrated practice, and not even then if I'm honest). Althouse's dawn photos are beautiful and something maybe I could do with the right equipment and timing. So are those photos art? Is it enough for Althouse to have the idea "dawn photos are beautiful"?

I don't want this to sound in any way that I'm denigrating the Althouse dawn photos. They are beautiful. But I've struggled with the question of how important technique is in defining art.

mikee said...

Humanism put man at the center of the universe. Putting the planet there is to mistake the observer with the perspective.

Lewis said...

Nobility means honouring your past - slavery means not having one.

Lewis said...

I knew, Anne, in the womb, what was coming - the awfulness of nihilism, and, after the 'wall' came down I knew we only had a 30 year window - 'Authority' knows what it's doing, even if it's individual actors don't know - but for what reason? Not for Utopia, by definition? Yet again, saying 'God' is oxymoronic but I still say it? Utopia, where we will all learn how miserable we are.

Lewis said...

What is Art? A shining, a being, what you feel is secondary - it is

Lewis said...

Art is indifference, distain

Lewis said...

Fleur du mal

Lewis said...

No meanining in my chanting, as Horace (or, perhaps, Swinburne?) would say.

Static Ping said...

The trees definitely had some work done, but the wheat field is definitely real and magnificent!

Bunkypotatohead said...

Shut up and model.

Lewis said...

Jamie, I feel for you - our children are stupid but this was a long time coming - we made them!

Lewis said...

We are responsible - own it.

Lewis said...

'h' said:What is beauty? The ancient question, far older than 'What is truth'? And, even then, the Greeks couldn't avoid the formula 'Truth=beauty' or, worse, 'beauty=truth'. Stupid, stupid, stupid. A Socratic answer to a Socratic question. Irf the question is right then the answer is right. What if you can't ask the question? Then there is no answer.

Lewis said...


I think your beautiful. I don't mean to flatter you. Just feel that.

Lewis said...

How old does one have to become before one sees reason - perhaps that the point - kill off reason - I always mean men- lets call them boys - were always immature where as women, gaslight as you wish, were to mature - so I thought men shouldn’t be allowed to vote untill there 35 - women, 27 - using the Aristotlean calculus - half my age plus 7 - that makes me 35 - wow!

Lewis said...

rthe frightening visages that frighten thtough the years - Who, who hasn't read Sophacles - well, everyone - your just the punk who spouts words from Plato when your teeth are Knocked out

Lewis said...

Of course, I'm talking to myself, Anne, and this situation has made it worse - far worse than I could imagine - I thought I could cope because I've always been alone - but, what, I knew the 'opportunity' was out there - I could defer it but I knew - always. That freedom to chose. Gone. Hence, panic.

Lewis said...


Lewis said...

Nihilism is a disease we all know - men most especially - it's violence against the self but, if not, then against the 'world' - whatever that means - to be honest - I've tried all my life 'to be good'- a 'nice' boy - but I can't keep this grenade from exploding - towards what?

Lewis said...

I know - sorry

Lewis said...


Lewis said...


Lewis said...


Lewis said...

I know, nothing but stupidity - but which one would you chose, drown in - not, assuredly the gov?

Lewis said...

I was in love with her - so much it destroyed me


Lewis said...

Why did she believe that she had to be young? No one. The insult to herself - for she must be old? Bowie didn't have that problem. Why can't she be like bowie?

Lewis said...

She looks exactly like her - and it's my house!

Lewis said...


Lewis said...


Lewis said...

You Know I'm No Good
Amy Winehouse
Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard
Your rolled up sleeves and your skull t-shirt
You say, "Why did you do it with him today?"
And sniff me out like I was Tanqueray
'Cause you're my fella, my guy
Hand me your Stella and fly
By the time I'm out the door
You tear me down like Roger Moore
I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told ya I was troubled
You know that I'm no good
Upstairs in bed with my ex-boy
He's in the place, but I can't get joy
Thinking of you in the final throes
This is when my buzzer goes
Run out to meet your chips and pitter
You say when we're married 'cause you're not bitter
There'll be none of him no more
I cried for you on the kitchen floor
I cheated myself
Like I knew I would
I told ya I was troubled
You know that I'm no good

Lewis said...

I just wqant to be a woman


Lewis said...

My hands are shaking like the hands of a murderer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZsoQbfOIGY

Lewis said...

We're good, we're good - I mean very drunk - but good - I know it.

Lewis said...


Lewis said...

It's been so long, that I can't confess


Lewis said...

My heart is going to give up - we know that - it's stupid to even think about it - and, yet, I 'persist' - like an idiot - as if miracles could happen? You are ignored, God doesn’t care for you and the thumping at the heart is just your 'psychosis''

Lewis said...

You know what is going to be like, is - the sweats, the paranoia, the psychosis - have a party, fuck the world! No, I'd rather die.

Lewis said...


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